HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-11, Page 7'Tl:•TTJRSDA Y, JULY 11TII, 1929 fi WIIiQIIAM ADVANCE-'ZMMMES 01 I� E A:: F L S I U .: • .�sses Haacket1from Detroit spy en t *lie week end with their uncle, Mr. James Hackett, Sherwood Messrs. Charlie and Earl .S1 etwoo d motored over .front Detroit and spent ,the week end with their parents, Mr, .and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood. Mr, and Mrs, Griffin £mite Detroit .spent the holiday with their parents :Mr. and Mrs. john Johnston. Mr.and Mrs. Alien Alton, Jing. and Marian motored tip from Toronto and Spent the week end with their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs; John Mullin. .Miss Mary .Phillips, of Toronto; •spent the week end with tier sister, Mrs.: Thomas .Ferguson. Mrs, .Ferguson returned home,from ':Toronto on Saturday night; Mr, and Mrs, George Lane attend- -ad the funeral of Mr. Lane's cousin Flesherton, on Sunday. The Misses Winnie and Hilda Lane are spending:. a few days with their aunt Mrs. Jiro, Reaburn near River. view: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Durnin and fam- h• of St. - Helens spent Sunday with the former's •sister, Mrs. John Camp- bell. ) Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beaton and dau-, :ghter, Miss Nell Beaton of London, •spent the holidays with Mr, and Mrs.. Robert Nelson, and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Farrish, Mr. and Mrs. Smellie and Mr. George Topp and• Mr. Fred Topp of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. •Charlie McDonaghe and Mr. and Mrs. James Cook. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and fam- ily leave this week for their new home in Thorndale. Mr. Will Baldwin spent Monday in London. playin an the dhrums baitan, an the c ua •nan the flags andban- ners 1 a It , 8' wavin in the braizes, An that trtoinds tele that theer will be, lrilni y av other flags besoide the Union Jack but annybody 'who sez au Orange- man isn't loyal to the ould flag, is a loktr an has another tisk corrin', $.o to' shpake. An that brings ine to the subjickt T tisk 1 niinshunneed wance befoor, whoy can't we hev a big maple lafe SCHOOL REPORT Report of Bluevale school for the .spring,' term and promotion examine .tions. Classes are arranged as they. will be for the autumn term. Those promoted are marked (p); 75 t per cent .is honors; 60 per cent is satis- factory. Where marks are.not giv- en pupils were absent from exarrina tions. Number enrolled 38. Sr. IV—Robert Master; Kenneth :Mowbray. Jr. IV -Alma Bosman 57; Alba .Mowbray 77 (p); Russel Barnard 76 (p); Ross Abraham 60 (p).; Dorothy Greenaway 53, (p on recommenda- tion); Olive Shiell. Sr. III—Isabel McKinnon 80 (p); June Walden 79' (p); Alice Thornton. •'65 (p); Mabel Bosman 59 (p on rec.); Jack Nicholson 58 (p on rec.) ; Hazel Master. Jr. III—Lorena Hamilton and John Kerr (equal) 71 (p); Willie Hall 68 - Eunice Thornton' 66 (p), Sr. II -Ernest Falconer 57; Lila :Stewart 52; John Bos.tnan. 44. Jr. II—Promoted at Easter—Mar- ' ,jorie Hall 70; Evelyn Master 68; Elizabeth Mathers 66; Gordon Bos- man 60. first ::Promoted at Easter—Mary 'Coombs to; Joe Nicholson 62; Jack Lillow 60. 'Primer A.—Ward Cameron . 63; . 'Maxine Elliott 62; Luther Kerr 60. Primer' B.—Alba Shiell 64, • A, Aitken, teacher. S. S. No. 6, Turnbetry Promotions Sr. IV—John Sproal, honors; Fred Porter; Harold McCortiiick, Jr. IV -Elizabeth Porter, honors; Louise Kelly, honors. Sr. 1II-George Tervit, honors. Jr. III—Marie Kelly, honors; Alex. Sproal. ' Sr. II.—Jean Tervit; Loyd Wilson. Vera M. Sellers, teacher: TIM WOULD HAVE A CANADIAN FLAG on the Union Jack to reprisint Cath Ada? The Grits are afraid to shtart. the ball rowlin fer fear we -wild raise. the "cave well enough alone" shlogan, loike wein .npinteeti elivin over 1 did , { t licked the raysipxocity eltcl shu i, a ai to a shtandstill. Ye kin het that thim inivir dare to Grits will v change the Quid flag, fer even the Globe is agin it, an it is only about half Grit at the prisint tonne. No sir, ye wud be safe in bettin all yer 'B'idrood •an Wroight Har. graves s moiiin shtoela, that the Grits- ay will niyir come across wid anny P roveniints `av that koind, at laist not. till the nixt elickshun is over, but that is no rayson whoy us Tories shuclden't do it, all all,• at all, We are we what we loike soidyalthatkin w tt taike an thus Grits fail in bine loike a lot. av ould cows eoinin home at tnilkin torose. Shrue, whin ould Sir John wus ask- ed if the National Polishy wud not en�' an er British connection he ans- wered much i e "So c1t the wurse fez'- i3rt- th tt s connection," An whin Sir Robert Bordon insist- ed, that nsist-ed,.that Canada shud take her place in the Laig av Nations as a separate counthry,viviryTory in' all Canada shtood wid hits, but tisk what a row we wud hev raised if a Grit had pro- posed such a ting. The tlirubble wid thine Grits is that they heven't the confidence av the ,payple, barrio, hev to Quebec, :a ` they;know '� Gc, it, an walk sar uns iekti to' be usin; an. a ouW i? y, av the wurruds av me (rind, Sandy Banks. The k me • us Tories at ,' the skarne i"er: nixt eliekshun is to adopt the shlog- an.:av "A bigger and bettber Canada,' all over the counthry, an, to talk pro- tickshun in the big eities, wave the ould flag; in rooral Ontario, an put maple laives on it in Quebec; praw- seise bigger money grants to a �?rawvinces down. be the say, an lones i railway in the Wesht. avy W �'. Let them Grits kape roight wid titter • British Prifferimie Polishy. Y.`, fer, share, as Tories don't want to be the 'are tli eer ould clothes,fer. either n e , faith, they wud be tooslinlall fer ellen loike us. Yours fer a bigger and betther Canada, e Timothy Hay; ' ; To 'the Editor av all thins Wing_ ;lam ,paypers, Deer. Stir: - I suppose ,mebby, afther ye hey a ead what is in me rnoind, that . ye will "tisk I: am an ould grouch, fer it sanies 1 am iverlastingly grousin a bout sonieting, as me bye who wus •oversays wud say. I don't mane that the young shpalpan-e wud say it about me, at laist to me face, fer, shttre, I wtis afther taichin 'him ..betther man ners'whin he was young. Me thrubble,this wake is that liar= rudly attnybody hung out flags on the' fursht av July, an we purtind to be 'loyal Canadians, an proud av our .cottnthry. Whoy didn't - the niittibers av the Canadian Club git busy, art' the byes who wore the .maple lafe tta tdeath are glory oversays? Come 1'roiday av this wake ye 'will tee' the whole town dickorated froin the cloud capped summit atf Archie Patterson's hill, clair over to:'the ttclam beds : 'av Tolle Mel -cans . big' ditch; an wid good rayson, fer, sliure; cis i't it the day av the sillybraysli$ av the glorious twilftb hi Witigfiatt'i) wid Jarge - Shi7otton slipakin `heer is no other ptoceshion toil the,. twilith, 'av July wale, wid bail Ali �i,;xWlSb4ai kd-vance o... initis BUY- AT = 110ME COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE ' represented below are co-operating. in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues Merchants and Business men rept esented P b towns or cities lila be procured ill local Stores. A. Series of educational Buy -at -Hoene editoriatS Will be reproduced weekly along with nes equal 1.o any of the larger y an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the cominunity. Read the editorials and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CAL., HOME. Campai HEADQUARTERS FOR 12th JULY RIBBONS Rest Room, Toilet, Wash Room Accommodation on the Second! Floor. You are privileged to use them ' Attend Our JULY BIG SALE EVENT We Save You Money. WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thompson Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. — Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H. J. JOBB - Phone 46 TABLE LINEN All pure linen table, bleached, Rose pattern, 64 inches wide, Special price 69c yard F. CARTER Ideal Bakery -- Telephone 132 ---- WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlours. -- Phone 77---- STRAWBERR.IES FOR PRESERVING The Last Calle W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing. OIL BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. Ha pn,a & Co. Ltd. Exohtsive Men's Furnishings Made -to -Measure Suite With ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han- ita's Special $25.50 The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This. " Buy - At Home " Campaign SUPPORT ' THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW M. BURK, Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Boots and Shoes. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies' Rachine Silk Dresses for • $2.95 Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. -- Phone 58 --- "New Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens." • ABELL'S MUSK STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, ,regular at 75c, this week ,.49c Bargains in Used Pianos. Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE — Telephone 62 Tires, Tubes and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. ' Fresh and Cured Meats. --- Phone 22 — SPECIAL THIS WEEK Cottage ,Rolls. .... 32c ib. Cash SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Children's Patent Leather one strap Slippers, sizes 5 to 7 and 8 to 101. For $1.00 Per Pair. WILLIS' Shoe Store Phone 129 Wingham Loyal Service Station Now is the time to change your 011 to a heavier grade for Sunirner Driving, Cars Greased thoroughly from the rear , en,d to front wheels. JOB PRINTING The Advance -Times can and does Job Printing not excelled for neatness' and appearance by any city tn, 'tow.n office, and at moderate Charges. Would be ,pleased to consult yott regard- atty printing. The Western Foundry FRY & BLACKHALL Co., Limited Limited The Gunn, -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Have Confidence In Your Town Why do you live in Wingham? Perhaps it is because your parents lived here before you and you never thought to move. More likely it is because you saw a chance to invest to good advantage here, or earn a good living, or establish yourself at a moderate expense where your family and yourself, could have all the advantages of a 'live community. You found desirable churches, Schools and business interests, You realized that Wingham was a progressive community and a desirable place in which to live. Certainly you 'would not live here if you thought that you and your family would be much better off somewhere else. If you did you would be foolish, for your first duty is towards your family. 1Vinghan has progressed in the past because the merchants of the town and other civic enterprises have received the support of the residents. On the continuance of this patronage depend the future success of the community. If the merchants are no: supported they will retire from business and your money whicl. should, go to building up the town will go to other cities to place them in front of Wingham. However, this is impossible if local residents buy their goods at horse. You 'have confidence in your town, else you would not be living here. Yott believe that the town will advance. Do your bit by buying in Wingham. Keep your dollars at home, They minimize your taxes and increase the value of your personal investments, Buy in Wingham. H. E. ISARD & CO. FUGI DRESSES in Best Models, and Colors, Now .....-..... :... $3.95 Printed Voile Dresses, Now $1.95 House ,Dresses, Bargain $1.29 See Our New Silk Bloomers at 98c Silk Hose up to $1.25; Sale 89e • STEWART LEATHER AND GLOVE WORKS ' Located on Victoria .St., successors to the Wingham Tannery, hold a good position in the manufacturing industries of the town. Mr, W. Stewart; the proprietor, is a practical pian with many years experience in the glove -making business, and -consequently, competent to turn out an article that is meeting with a constantly increasing demand. Just recently, additional help was taken on, an evidence of .returning prosperity with inanufacturers, ..,i WESTERN FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED Can safely be stated, the original manufacturing plant in Wingbam, developing from the Brass Works, established some 40 years ago. Mr. H. C. MacLean took over the management of the Western Foundry, some, twelve years ago, specializing in Huron Red Hot Furnaces, and a line of cook stoves. For the last few years, a staff of about 100 are working steadily, which find it difficult to keep up with 'the increasing business. The firth has a splendid retail connection over all Canada, their products growing more and more in favor because they give the maximum of service. A, J. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. LAWN SEATS • VERANDAH CHAIRS KING. BROS. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF SUMMER DRESSES Prepare now for July 12th $4.75, $7.50, $9.75 to $20.00. Gibson's Bakery Quality Bread and Better Bak- ed Pastry. -- Phone 145 — For Health—Hovis Bread and Whole Wheat Bran Muffins. LOOK NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham [RUNS COM. Phone 156. U.)altecl Farmers Co -Operative Co. Limited Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. Four Cars of all kinds of Fruit arriving this week. Bananas, Oranges, Tomatoes, No. 1 New Potatoes, Horne grown Beans. Special Prices on Friday and Saturday. McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store, --- Phone 18 --- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton jeweler , i ptiaian SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A selection of new designs hi IVfen's Orange Lodge Rings and Emblems for the 12th of July. See these, The Advance .Tithes The home paper which has a special concern for the town's progress, and which, gives the news worth while. $7,00 per year. $2.50 to the United. States, GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SPECIAL Women's Sport Shoe, Fawn and Brown Leather, Crepe Rubber Sole, Regular price $4.00. SPECIAL SALE $2u✓9 The Radio Shop Phone 158. See and hear the new "Screen GRID" Atwater Kent radio us- ing dynamic speaker, our sum- mer prices are lower. E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Large cans Tomatoes 15c Small size 12c R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre A Safe Place for Entertain- ment and Pleasure. Open Every Evening. G. Mason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties .are always acceptable as gifts, .._ Olv-er & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire System, — Phone 126 --- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL. John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries, --y-- Phone 83 ---�. MEN'S FANCY SOCMMS 2 pairs for 25c o.