HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-11, Page 4est
By McK.
aw! yoUlQE'- At wFt.4,
TIGHTWAD `at$ ^w <Mt
du5-r Wash!' "TIL 1 GE t"''
f 1 $h1APSIAOTS FRoeht
Tel RE -1 r, n
Netoua,nh You
take MO1
,SputtlT AT.
Our Printing and Developing Department does reliable work.
Complete stock of Kodaks, Films and Supplies.
Bathing Caps, latest styles I9c to $1.U0 each.
The .' Rexall Store:`
Wingham, Ontario
..�,.-.moo..».... ,� ...h�... .�.... .,.""'"'" "s"'�.,... ,—
9,.lNNN,OYbI tll,q, 11„111,gq,g01,,,,,,,b„NH,111,,tttttitt11t1Nt11i1114N1u1N„/111N4NYW11.... p"1,1, n,",h, NO/tt1NNa N1N1
E ri cents a word .per insertion. with a rninimum charge of zsc.
s - _
/ugpnH,”,UINUpN1elU141N,1,1Nu,Idllh,fl4,N,cN,tlltig11111q,NNu,tllrlN411WI „1,l,til"pItMNNIMMI f, ,K
WAN 1'1:'1) --••Maid for general :house-
work, No heavy working. One who
can go home night, preferred, Ap-
ply :Mrs, Barr, John' St.
GIRL WANT."ED—For Brunswick
Hotel.Hotel.Applypply to Box. 245, Wingham
or Brunswick Hotel,
Sa%• splendid endues. Apply T.
Sale of property and household ef-
fects of :Estate of Florence :Fleury,
.will be held on Saturday next, 13th t
inst., at 1.30 o'clock, T. Fells, Suet.
Notice is hereby given, m
pursuant to
Section fib Chap. e.ha,. l,�x
Statutes of Ontario, that all persons.
having claims against the Estate of
Mary Florence J+`leuty Iate of the Pips► Toads.
Town of \\Vinghorn in the County of Pipa toads, which
Huron, Spin: ter, deceased, who died P p on ch have recently So South
on or about the fourth day of June, reed tiia London Zoo from South
America, are so thin that one can see
A. D. 1929, are required to send by through them. The eggs, numbering'
post, prepaid, or to deliver to R, 'gran- up to 100, are taken by the male and.
stone, Wiunhanf, Ontario, Solicitor deposited in cavities in the mother's
for the Administratrix on or before
l'HIII,II'S—Inn Wingliainn, on July
5th, Jane Emslie, infant daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Phillips.
MACQUAIG--At Lucke ow, Ont.;
July 6th, Isabel' R. MacQiaig, be-
loved daughter of the late Angus
'and Effie MacQuaig..
PHILLIPS—In Wingham, on July
5th, to Mr. and Airs. Fred Phillips,
a daughter, Jane Emslie.
DRA. E -7n Wingham Hospital, on
July 5th, to, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Drake (Marie Thurlow) of Detroit,
a son, Thomas Albert
DOW—In East. Wawanosh, on July
9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Dow, ason.
the fifteenth day of Ju13' A. D. 1929
heir names and addresses, with full HAY FORSALE—About 15 acres of,
particulars in writing of their claims, :good mixed hay, by the acre. ,Apply
and the nature of the securities (ff G, H. Edgar, 61Sr21.
any) field by them duly verified by a
statutory declaration. FOR SALE—Hay by the acre. Ap-
And take notice further that after
the said fifteenth day of:July; 1929, , ply to Mrs. Jennie Currie.
to distribute the assets of the said es -'FOR SALE—Six acres of red clover
FOR RENT—House, Garage. Unfur-
nished Munis, Central location.
Appiy- at Advance -Times.
,a,A i AN T RD --Auto mechanic, • compe-
tent on all makes of cars. Refer-
ences.: Box 96, hayfield, Ont.
FOR SALE -2 Mahogany Wash
stands and one English Toilet Set,
in good eondition, MrsR, Beattie.
School Section number eleven,
Tan nberry Township, wants teacher
having .at least permanent second
class certificate. Good diciplinariann,
Experienced male teacher preferred.
Preference given personal applica-
tioee. Duties to commence Septem-
ber third,. 1929. Apply to
John Kerr, R. R. '2, \Vinghann. '
To the Ri
es dents and Land Own
of Turnberry Twp.
Under the Provisions of the \Veed
Control Act every occupant of land c
and every owner of unoccupied land
is required to destroy noxious. weeds s
before their seeds ripen; h
Please ;goeern yourself accordingly.:
(Signed) T. 1 . Powell,
\\`eed Inspector."
To Farmers the Fmr
e s and Residents e of the
Township of East Wawanosh. m
1, the undersigned. duly appointed ° \
Weed Control •.Inspector for the.
T®wnshipa of East Wawanosh, do
the said Adxuinstratrix will proceed
tate annaxxg the parties entitled there -1 and timothy, first cut, and 10 acres
to, having regard only to the clahns i of timothy, Will be sold by the
of which she she then have had: Notice acre. Woods Bros., 8th concession.
and the said administratrix shall note'
be liable for the said assets or any IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF
part thereof to any person of whoeel THE COUNTY OF. SIMCOE
claim she shall not then have receiv-
ed notice. 1 In the Estate of James Alexander
Dated at Wingham, this twenty -1 day of Juine, A. D. 192.r9: McMaster, Deceased.
R. \r ANSTO \tE, I Tuesday, the :2nd day of jute-, 1929.
Wingham P. 0. { 3, y,
Solicitor for the Adrniniet and i
,r :�, { 'Whereas Janney Alexander ilfu\:Las
DR. GORDON WEBB tine CountyTof\Six cove, died"nn dor in
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON : bout the 13th„ day of May, 1929, in -
Gold. Medalist Surgeon testate leaving Matilda Smith, Coll-
a ingwood, Ontario, sister; Florence
London, (Eng:) !Bunting, Collingwood, Ontario, sis-
[L R, C. S. (Eng.); L. R. C. P. (Load.) ter; Lavrna McMaster. Collingwood,
Surgical Operations a speciality. Ontario, mother; Marshall :McMaster,
Toronto, Ontario brother, and Lue-
Maternity and Children a Specialty.' inda McMaster. wife, forerly of the
OFFICE.—Old. Davis House onel Town of Collingwood, who has been
ouse from Anglican Church, Centre absent from the said Town over sev-:
Street. Phone -15, Wingleam. fen years and. has not been heard of'.
{ during that length of time and whose
I present whereabouts is unknown.
LICENSED AUC. ' And whereas Matilda Smith of the
AUCTIONEER ;Town of Collingwood in the County
of .nmcoe married woman,.�
r 1 red . sister of
Sales .ate, of Farm Stock and Innple-ithe said, deceased is one of the Par-
ents, Real Estate, etc., conducted. sons entitled in distribution of the
vith satisfaction and at moderate'' estate of the said James Alexander
charges, _3f cAMaster.
hereby notify all property owners and
parties tee:copying property in the :
Township of East \\ awanoah t hat
the Weed Control Act which requires
that all saidpersons
se to
it that
all weeds on their premises are cut in
due time .and prevent their ripening;,
is now in force and I take this op-
portunity of seeking to enlist your
co-operation in an honest effort to {
lessen the weed tiva, ante.
1, therefore suggest that the second
week of Jul}, 1920, be. set apart., tits_
Weed Control week , during whirls
you make e- a spociel effort to cut al
noxious weeds on your- premises an
by your co-twperatimi and tussis tanc
we will have lane general clean-up
thronehettu the "l'0\\ nebila,
An mee rtion tat all property- in
the Town hip* will be 'made b\" tit,.
enders eed duringthe see,:iayd or
ihirtt weak of ;felly and it is oar• leepe
that with your layers Ca, etp m ni,,:1
and elfin Silty vita: our cure eetiu*ai
hat I will he ;able to report to etre
Council that the work has all be.tn
prra'mpl'ly and properly doe
Your foru cleaner end better beaus.
Joseph Chameey:^.
J. D:;
R To the
Blue Boys
In t!'in halt Arena
Jitney Dancing
ON JULY 12th
Denting in the afternoon and
bsolu;i[ ety O
Summer eksthtn i, title year, if
you'll start :aking BA.1iLAII
C,APstILE'S beftereyyear attach is
tine« Relief' gins;raintoed Vern one
t1 hoar or money, back, No envoi es,.
.eaprsye mitt or sexeme, No harm-
fill or habit-forming deugs. RAS g1
AtAil Inas stopped They Fever �$
where people! had it :20 slew's,.
I TN1 n��ii t
Plane B,,, Opt. D., R. O.
hone 118 Harriston, Ort.
"Theest Equipped ed Ol
cal D
in this part of
rope, pulleys, cars and
,T. Duff, Rluertele.
tG1Ih 1.;ALE•4-yetar-old mare, about
1400 lbs,,. broken. Address Box A,
Advance -Times.
And whereas the said Lucinda Mc-.
Master was formerly Lucinda Grier -
es, widow, of the Town of Wingham
t ne County of Huron.
L It is ordered that the said Lu-
cinda McMaster do within ten days
after the second publication of a co .y
erf '
this Order i:� erina.local a newspaper
at Winhatn, enter an appearance in
the Office of the Registrar of this
• Court at the Town of �Barrie in the
County of Sinne:oe and accept or re -1
fuse letters of Administration rf 'he 1
estate of the said James Alexander
Melia, ter, deceased. or show cause
w•by Letters of Administration should i
not be granted to the said Matilda
2. And it is ordered that in default
of the said L winda McMaster s o a p-
peering and accepting or extractieu.
said Letters eSf Administration within.;
the time above mentioned, the ,and .i.
Matilda Smith may proceed to obtain
Letters of Administration of the said
(Std.) Donald Roes,
J.S,C.c S
if any: otto should barye inforinatioe
:as to where Mrs J A. ('Lucinda) Mc-
Master, formerly Lucinda Grieves caf
\\'inghann,the wife of the said deceac-
ard, c'nn be located, Please conntnuni- n
tate with G. W. Morley, Barrister,.
olliingwood, Ontario.
1.iis, Walls
of Toronto is the guest.
of hex• nieeo, Mrs, Yule,
Miss Bell' Alliston of : London, is
visiting wlttlt friends in the. village,
Mrs, J. Arnisirong of London spent
the week end with. friends.inand a-
rc.nnd the villas e,
Mr. John Stewart spent'Sunday
with his brother, Tori in Guelph;
Iupart Bird of Toronto, visited
with Miss Sarah and Ruth Cole for
a couple of days.'
IvTrs. Scandrett is visiting friends,
in Centrialia,.
Mies Wade of < F ordwich, visi red
with her brother last week.
A very interesting meeting of the
W. M. S. of the United church was
held at the home of Mrs. A. Pr.,cior
rxu July 4tln,..
'The nx,eeting was opened with a
chorrs; "It nnalcesno difference," by
the C G. 1. T. girls, Mrs. Andeisen
then read the Scripture lesson, 1 Cor.,
16th chapter. The topic, "Giving with -
cut method," was in charge of Airs.
Jae. Michie. This was followed by
prayer by Mrs. Wilkinson. Hymn 94
was then sung. It was mowed and ad-
opted that 'a baby band and mission
Land be organized,, Mrs. Jas. Wight -
n an to have charge of the baby band
a ;rd' :Mrs. Gari Proctor as siiperinten-
dent Of nxission beack,An instrumen-
al by Miss Velma Wheeler was en-
joyed, followed by a vocal duet by
Misses- Breen. k[rs. AVellwood, of
\n,'inglram gave an.. excellent report
of the Presbyterial held at Chatham,
after which Mrs,. Burke,, of Toronto,
favored us with a vocal solo.
As this was the fourth anniversary
of the Missionary: Society since union
Mrs. Scobie gave a concise but en-
c uraging report of the work under-
taken in the past and hoped .for
greater achievement in the future.
Interest was then centered on Mrs.
D. Geddes a past member and now
of Wingham, when :Mrs. J. Wheeler
read an pdd.ress and Mrs. C.
.on, on behalf of the ladies,presented_
Aire, s. with Geddes i^i t
w a Life e nr ennberslrip
and Mies Mildred Scobie representing
the C. G. I. T. girls read an address
axed Miss B. Breen presented her
with e Life Membership pin. \`rs.
Geddes who was taken very much by
surprise, thanked the ladies and
girls -for this fine token of their res-
sect and expressed her appreciation
for their kindness. Hymn, "Oh Mas-
ter, let me walk with Thee,- was then
rendered, Mrs, Scobie: closing the
meeting with prayer_
A social time, was then enjeFeil.
The hostess serving refreshments and
birthday cake in honor .of the event..
The reg rlar 'Meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Norman Walsh, assis-
tants, l;frs. M. Grasbi-, and 'Mrs, G.
Walsh. Roll call, "Don't forthe
kitchen," Topic, "Kitchen equipment
in dollars and cents by Mrs. Jas.
Michie. Miss Celia Coupes convenor
for music. The ladies are requested
to bring recipes for puddings and
sauces, tarts, breads and biscuits:
'Mr. and Mrs. Jog Smith andbaby
of Morris spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. James Kerney.
Mr, and Mrs. L. Elliott and s•ui
Stewart, were visitors on Sunday' at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart
Cowan in town.
Mr. and Mrs.
Harold I-oiiires, of
Detroit, spent the week end at tee
home of :Nth
Mrs; Andrew re
Arr.. and Airs. Iughohnsto
-T n, of
Roissevain, Man., are at present vis-.
itzng with relatives around here.
F. Black shipped a car of hogs a -ad
cattle to Toronto on Saturday.
and Mrs. Jos. Snaith spent
On Monday, July 8th, the Johnston
families held .a re -union and spent a
very pleasant day at Kincardine. The
followingwere present:' lir. and Mrs.
Silas Johnston ancl'three sons c.f
\Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peacock
and two sons; Ars and Mrs. Ed...
Ed. Johnston,, two sons and two.
daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Math
ers, Mr- and Mrs. Earl itathers and
ciauehter• Mr, and firs. Wilber
li:athers and two daughter. of
Guelph;; Air. and .Airs. Cooper Neth -
ere of Belgrave; ;1'Ir. and Mrs.. Hugh
Johnston of R:oissetain, Man.; Mr.
Mrd Mrs, Richard Johnston, son and
Mr, Thos. Stevens of Toronto,
spendinghis location with 31t'. end
Mies Margaret Curtis read the add-
ress`and Miss Muriel Thornton rade
the presentation, The hostess served
a dainty Ideation of strawberries and
The Ladies' Aid and W. Al, S. held
their regular July meeting at the
home of Mrs. Walter Smillie on.
Thursday afternocin, July' 4th. The
Ladies' Aad are making arrangements
for a Bazaar to be held in the fall,
The W. M, S, was presided over by,
the Vice Fres,, Mrs, Walter Smillie,
who conducted the devotional exer-
cises. Mrs. Cloine Higgins read the
Scripture passage,, Ps, 23, Mrs, C.
Adams and Miss Olive Scott gave
reports of the W. Id, S. Presbyterial,
The meeting closed by singing "Jes-
us Saves" and prayer.
add to Whitechurch.
Miss Eninia Davidson left on`Tues-
day for a three -months visit in the
West, going as far as Victoria. She
will visit at the home of her sister,.
Miss Lottie. Davidson where she will.
be joined by Mrs.. Andrew Wilson,.
who was called there a month ago,
owing to the 'serious illness of her
brother. We wish them a pleasant
journey and safe return,
Miss Amelia Leaver of London, is
spending her two weeks holiday at
the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Peter Leaver,
\Vingham Bowling Club Annual
Rink Tournament is to be.held on
Wednesday neat, July 17th, when a
good representation from outside
rinks is expected. Committees have
made a fine selection of prizes, which
will prove an additional incentive for
keen playing.
Mayor Fells has ta`leen an option
On the old Bell Factory, and while a
proper amount of secrecy is observed,
enou .
iintimated c, is t sated that the property
� be in operation before many
weeks pass by. When certain forinali-
ties have been completed with, fuller
information will be given.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Newman, Mr, and
Mrs. C. J. Newman and Miss Gert-
rude Newman spent Sunday In Tor-
The Misses Margaret and Marion
Jamieson of Galt, are visiting with
their aunt, Airs. W. J. Henderson,
hilueva:le Road.
Representing Campbell MacIver and
P d
Company, Ltd., Toronto
We recommend the purchase of
Northern Ontario China Clay
Corporation . Stock
Long Distance :Telephone Service.
Inquiries Solicited.
The 'minutes of - Council meeting
held in Bluevale, 24th of June, 1929.
Members alI present, Minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by McEwen and Baird
That we place an order with the Ped -
ler People, Oshawa, for Galvanized
culverts for the Thompson-Lamont-
Deyell drain to be shipped upon re-
quest and 2 ten -foot pipes for Fish-
er Gregory drain, Carried_
Moved by McEwen and 1tacTav-
ish=That we ask for tenders for the
lifting tin x .a and 'tying a�in
] g Al the tile and re-
pair open portion of the Jermyn drain.
Tenders to be in hands of clerk 26th
of July, 1929. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted. Carried,
been removed when drain. contracts
an the Elliott Underwood drain. Car-
Moved by Baird and Wilton—That
we instruct J. T. Wylie, drain inspec-
tor to clear out earth that should have
Moved by MacTavish and Wilton--
That we amend by-law No. 2, 1929,
Fisher Gregory drain,. West branch,
making it an open' drain as requested
by the nrajoriyt of ratepayers on that
- branch, and an account of the increas-
ed area and poor outlet. Carried.
t' The following accounts were paid;
W. C. Diary, 1962.00, Thompson La-
mont Deyell drain; Thos. Gilmor
24.00,' equalization schools; L. Lin-
coln, ;22,50, Abraham drain:; \V R.
Cruichshank 43.00, Express Thomp-
son Lamont Deyell drain; W. Wilson
r• 7,50, sanitary inspector; Wm, Breck-
enridge 272.41, :patrolman; W. J.
Campbell 184.61, patrolman; J. H.
Wy-lie; '255.65, patrolman; A. Fargie,
291.61, patrolman; G. O. Walker 139.-
9a patrolman; A. Aloffatt,71.05,patroi-
man; F. Hogg 111.95. patrolman; J.
McKinnon 121.65, patrolman,: 1. T.
Wylie 25.95, shpt. 24.75, accts, 1.20;
Canada' Ingot iron 26.26, acct. pipes;
5, T. Wylie, 2.50 inspecting drain; L.
H. Bosnian, 43.35, acct, tile.
Moved by Wilton and McFw•en—
That we hold meeting, on 8th July,
1929,.to read report of Engineer F. A.
Edgar on the Thompson Lemont
Deyell drain. Carried,
Moved by htac 1°avislt and 'Baird -,
"Shat we adjourn to :meet on 1tfonday;
13luevae, July 2.—On account of
the rani on Friday, the barn' eais-
ng for Mrs. Robe. Hamilton was
aostponed until Sa,turda.y. The
weather was fine on Saturday and
everything went.along well. '1 here
wa ere ovr 100 men present, and it
is e.cpcted to have it ready for the,
hay crop. sir. Serinngoeur of Blyth,
has the work well in hand.
aleasant evenizrgWSS -pent
at the home of,1tr. and Mrs. Jo.
Curtis. on Tuesday evening, when
t e girls of Mn.s(Rey.) '1,`4'atdereS
4tass reel; together and presented her
w+ith a beti ifnil eeut .;glass'sherbert set:.'
Watches iamionds
First Class \ateh and Jewelry
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Opposite Qtteens Hotel
Ottt Glass. Gifts
.al;ifu• p. • : aii".
II At ..tt: It ttlitt
Men's Wear Specials!
Men's and. Young Men's models in
new light tweeds for summer wear,
sizes 36 to 40, Two specials at 11.95
and $14.95:
Men's Sailor Hats in plain and fan-
cy weaves, regular values to $2,50, all'
sizes, special ;95c.'
Fine quality Broadcloth Shirts in
white only, attached collars, sizes VI
to 16, reg. $2.25, special $1,79.
Men's fine', Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers, sizes 34 to 44, regular 85c
value, special 69c.
Gold Tock Buttonless Combination
made from fine quality Nainsook, siz-
es 36 to 42, special $1.00. •
New Ties 59c
Fine Shirts 0.39
Work Shirts ' $1:39
OddPants ,....:.,.,. ......,..... $3.19
Boys' Bloomers $1.19
Fine Sox 59c
Phone 46 Fresh Groceries.
Buyers of
Cream and Eggs
Our trucks will gladly give you service, or if you. ■
prefer to deliver we payPromot cash.g
■ ,
• •
Wingham, - - Ontario.
Phone 271
29th July, 1929, 1 p.m., at Bluevale.
W. R. Cruickshank, I. J. Wright,
Clerk Reeve
Huron County Board to administer
the Old Age Pensions, composed of
W. 'J. Henderson, of Morris, George
Hubbard of Howick, P. Kennedy of
Tuckersmith, P. .Biggins of Hensel,
and Craigie of Goderich, expect to
hold their initial meeting within a
week. They will then be in a position
to officially review and report on any
applications. Rather strict provisions
surround the granting of old age
pensions, and if,the spirit of the law
a r
is observed, there may not be so
many beneficiaries as was expected
at one ttnne. One of the provisions
deals with the ability of the .family
of an applicant to make provision for
his upkeep. Apparantiy the.law is not
to let callous indifferent child-
ren neglect a bounden duty of looking
after. their parents, if able to do so.
Once the
board is
operating, ng., applica-
tions may be made and the case de-
termined. In some quarters an in
pression has grown that there.'. is a
time -limit witin which to make appli-
cations. There is nothing to this. Ap-
plications may be made any time, but
as the Act is not in operation till
about November, none may worry
over this point. Relief will only be
granted from the date the Act comes
into farce.
The second annual re -union of the
Showers family gathered over 100
members at Springbanl. Park, Lon-
don, on Thursday last, when a thor-
hl enjoyable 3oyable time was spent.
Those present came from Detroit,
Flint, Michigan; Melbourne, Both-
well, Woodstock, Brantford, Tiverton,
-Toronto and Wingham, Next annual
picnic is planned for. July 1st, at
Particularly if youhave
a modern Connor E1ec--
trmc Washer in your
home. No tearing of
clothes, no back -break-
ing' work. Just fill the
tub with hot water, drop
in the clothes, turn a
Math and the work is
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Elock. Phone 156.