HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-04, Page 4egieteviee en re D °�"YO prwu4M�o+Al�a?I!t,MaA .000.......x• a«.aaar acprr ot.a.a+rq!povapawn.q.a,00.0 we `I:NGHAMM FOLKS LoPKK AT OMA J'1 VAC1,A„1M 13oTrLE 1 .C,OT oNT KI BBONS DWG STORE FOR OUR PICNIC T-MORROW- Oev you iyu1"T To esen )-r_ RA �.R � S d� yl � 43 C.A4i tet}>?'q`aF vve \T ieleT t yi oi+RAS 4'""1" �, tw a r By Ma( SAatl,1"RQ1 1, LETS tlAva reEetl<feN T t`IOW 50 W worit '1r1� l7 V't,€?2a lItst[a•f r`( A . 4 HOLIDAY SEASON IS HERE Vacuum Bottles 59c. Bathing Caps 19c. to $1.00. Summer Toilet Goods sale this week -Many articles you need to make your holiday pleasant, at bargain prices. c Nr�.,4`• � KU STORE The Rexall Store. .a.u..00.awa uom.u,.0 w®: - oai.oasro,n.w.rava�•c.,ascams,asoamo....umaa®aaaamo.rs•a.w. asaawaasaoa.oLoaro�.1111M oa„ McK. Whgbant, Ontario PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE AN UNUSUAL ANL INTERESTING EVENT auty Expert to Visit ur Stor One Week Only, July 8th to 15th HAVE YOUR SKIN ANALYZED FREE BY THIS A'LURE DERMATOLOGIST You are invited to avail yourself of the ser- vices of this trained A'Lure Beautician free of char- ge or obligation, She will make a complete analysis of your skin, recommend the most suitable treat- ment and give you a free facial to show the super- iority of A'Lure Analysis Method of Beauty Cul= ture and A'Lure Toiletries. Appointments Now. A Private Booth Phone for yours. will be provided. C. H. McAVOY, WINGHAM .Q21,1111111 l I llllllllllllll H,It.114gIr4Y4,p,r 011,r 4m44.44,rP4urU41113141pn,a rd cents a word pet insertion. with n minimum charge of 5C. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE -Ap- ply- to George Baird, Wingham Town PIot.. FOR HAY FORK EQUIPMENT, including rope, pulleys, cars and hangers. W. J. Duff, liluevale, FOR SALE -White Leghorn spring pullets.' Mrs. T. Ritchie. FOR SALE -Hay by the acre. Ap- ply to Mrs. Jennie Currie. FOR SALE -Six acres of red clover and timothy, first cut, and 10 acres of timothy. Will be sold by the acre. Woods Bros., 8th concession. • WANTED AT ONCE -Young girl. ` wanted for general housework. Ap- ply to Mrs. Frances Griffin. FOR SALE-- Small •frame building, f suitable for, summer kitchen or gar- ; Apply to Chas. F. Smith,. 1 Francis- street. FARM FOR SALE We offer this week one of the fin- est farms in Huron County, and it pays to buy the best. Good /and, good buildings, close to school and znarket. Possession giv- en: in the fall, Particulars as to price etc., given on request tointending purchasers. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate, Wingham; Ontario. CARD OF THANKS WINO/TAM A 1VANCR»MES THTJRSDAY, JULY' 4th, 1929, A HOUSE I-AMIIST Wingham is just now suffering from a hawse famine, --that is there are not enough hooses to supply the demand, a, situation that has become acute during the last few weeks. And according to the statement of aurn t n a ufacturers this situation is likely to become more in the near future Gun-Son••Ola, Company Lim- ited added 20 or more hands in the last month, and the manager states if housing accommodation can be provided additional workmen will be taken on. Growing pains states if housing accommodation can very best indications that all is go- ing well locally, but they demand the most seriphs consideration from the business' igen, and from . those in a position to provide the necessary remedy. With the present prosperity at- tracting out manufacturing industr- ies, and every evidence of perman- ance for the "future is bright, it looks as if the Chamber of .' Com - melte, Town Council, and Business Men's` Association, have a concrete question on which they might well deliberate with a view of solving. Wingham has not had a house building expansion for along. time, and: the present Situation is a natural one. A very large proposi- tion of the home are 'owned by the occupants and the balance are al- ready leased. In addition practically every available flat is taken. The big question arises, how best to pro- vide necessary house accommodation? Can some plan be advised to pro- vide housing for a dozen additional families this year? It can hardly be expected that the manufacturing firms be held solely responsible for this addition to the town's . wealth. Rather should men of means come forward and assist, and thus secure an additional guarantee for their stake in the community. Every new family brought t"o town is a big asset, and if a dozen or more could be provided for this year, it would be of great advantage to the business men. There is the joint stock proposition, which /oaks . the most natural, 'but this can be better determined. later. One business man suggests building an apartment house, which would be assured of permanent accupancy, un - dee all conditions. An apartment house in a town of 2300 is some - What ,f a nr ..1_ 'ia ;I,c project has many attractive inducements and is As ;\Ir. Isaac Walker and family one worth 'every consideration, wish stated before, a very pleasing expert - to express their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbours for the sion in our manufacturing industries kindness and sympathy shown during has createde a house famine; which the long illness and bereavement of their dear mother, CARD OF THANKS 1 Mrs. John Goy and family wish to 'thank their many friends and neigh-. ,bourn for the kindness shown then, in their recent sad bereavement, .also the beautful 'floral tributes, and es- pecially to Mrs..Weyburn. Smith who nursed Mr. Goy through his illness. ' CARD OF THANKS ' Mr. John Waiter and family wish to express their sincere appreciation of the lcindness and sympathy shown to theist by their friends and neigh- :atumarnb,4uv11rrnrnnuurrrnt ttttt nt4n4agnlnmm4u4,4ei, Mtnee,u4,rmtt tHIPMnn,u,un4w4unmu,4nl,unu., hours, also for the beautiful floral FORo SALE Per acre Timothy and STRAWBERRIES FOR 'SALE - suit buyer, Terms <Yiven. Apply to George Baird, Wingham toA n Apply To,._ - Plot .I\I M. Purdue, phone tone 37 A FOR SALE--4-year-old mare, about i 1400 lbs., broken. Address Box A, Advance -Times. Alfalfa i. afa Hay will sell uant' • q sties to tributes, during their recent sad' be- 1r e- f r � eat etnent. HURON SPECIALTY FARMS D4rii g _tkce arloath. of: June we can supply you with baby chicks at $10 per .hundred. These are S. C. White Legi'torns, that . world famous Barron strain. Big hens that lay large eggs and plenty of them, The Walter Rose Poultry Farah, Brussels, Ontario. We can supply you with Baby Chicks from, blood tested stock, Bar- ron strain, at $12 per 100, June de- livery. For all orders received three weeks before the chicks are wanted These are big, strong, healthy chicks. we will give a discount of 5 per cent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, ;pursuant to Section un 50, Chap. 1 2 1 rof the. tcviSlStatuete of Ontario, aIle s that 1 persons at al •�u a r. ,t• 1 having claims against the Estate of Mary Florence Flcuty late of the Town of Wingham in the County cif :Huron, Spitt.ster, deceased, who died ori orabout a ', t the fourth day of June, A. 17. 1929, are required to' send by pest, prepaid, tn• to deliver to.R. Van - stone, Wirwhant, Ontario, Solicitor for the :ldminiatratrix on or before the fifteenth day of. 'July, A. It. 1920, lhEar•; a arty eti and addresses, with full particulars ticulars in writing. of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration, And take notice further that, after the said fiftcnth day, of July, 19.29, the said Adininstratrix will proceed to distribute the ayst.:ts of the ,said r', - tato among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only - to the claims of which she she then have had iotice and the said adnttiistratrix shall not be liable for the said assets or' - .any part thereoftoany person ;.,,f whose claire she shall not then have receiv- ed uotrce.e Dated at 'Wingham, tine ° twent S aeceind day of Jane, A, Fe. 1029. R. VANSTONE, • \Vinghettrt P. r). Solicitor for the Admitgi^itra l.ri- . AUCTION SALE -Of the household effects of the late Miss Meaty will be held at' her late home, Josephine 1. street, Wingham, on Saturday, July 6th: AGE QUANTITIES of Second.! Hand Brick and Lumber for sale. Apply on premises next ,Bell Furn- iture Co. factory, or ,to the .under-. signed. R. Vanstone, Wingham, r BABY CHICKS --Barred Rocks front • Johnston strain, Meaford, Ont, who for eight years has been winner in 1 Laying Contest, Ottawa. June chicks now on hand 121e. J. Har- c'ey .Bryon, Brussels, Phone 12-8. , TENDERS will be received by' the andersigned for shingling School House No. 9, Turnberry, Powell school, for ` work only. Tenders �r s I close July 3rd. For fudther infor- mation apply to Thos. Wheeler. Secretary -Treasurer. j BABY CT-IFCKS- �re Only tvdo m ore hatches, June 28th, Barred Rocks 1:5c; S. C. W. Legorns 1.3c each. 'fitly 5th hatch, _ Rocks 13e, Leg - horns lie each. This is your last chance for this seasont o secure t ts e • u ., •r chicks' fr~mt our. choice breeding pens. C. G. Campbell, R. R. No, 2, Auburn, Ont., Phone Blyth 10-24. 'l ENDERS --Tenders will be receiv- ed for• lifting and laying; tile and for the repairing open portion on the Jermyn Drain. Tenders to be in hands of Clerk not later than 2Siti July, 1.929,' Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and profile ean. be seen in Clerk's office. L J. Wright, Reeve, W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED --Tenders will be received by the undersign;d a� the school House, of S. 5, No. 6, Turnberry, at 7 o'clock on Thurs- day, July :[1th, for giving two coats of paint to Holmes school, and for building a chimney. No tender ne- trgsaril•y accepted. Roy Porter, Secretary, DA'' CE To the Bine Water Boys Every THURSDAY EVENING In Wingham Arena Jitney Dancing ON JULY 12th Dancing in the 'afternoon and evening, owstiosowase Th8 years enu,rito,uu .nc-rze raiser its British Columbia is Annie Turner, twelve -year-old daughter of James Turner, Cadbore Bay stock breeder, Her 14 -month-old short hornto s er sired by BrafdhIMil ar- s 4ui and wei hip g g around 1,100 lbs., won the grand championship of all breeds at the Tamloops bull sale and fat stock show. t � Eaeh set of euintent oftbe a e p Trans -Canada Limited and Moun- taineer, and there are eighteen of them, is worth upwards of a. mil - Hon dollars this year, the new rolling stook having added consid- erably to the value as well as to the attraction of the famous flyer. 'The C. P, T. Angus Shops at Mont - teal were busy tall winter bnildinn special sleeping,,dining, and sola- rium lounge ears for this special de Luise service' hetwer r: :Montreal and Vancouver and Chicago and Vancouver. The Indian ofn? i rnulil wield a wicked tarttahawlt out to -day rte eau handle a ;Trach brassie rite. Isola -forte is thr•pntenerl or the •rott links by Indian rtol!ers and it is likely that at Turn' t A'tm ria, the redskins will dtavelotr hath crrn"r. prowess. Indian raririinc ft his beets deereed, 4t`4' to h . mni' i era r`ta eiebtt=ro hole golf rrsmr,.;a famous inonn'i t risint' strneeat;' rr 5n.,...,.,. lyw v, t' 7tt „Ip to 1 :. ,ll'ap 'tl ,14 Golf fans.' promises to become more acute in the near future. Wingham has in the past shown every liberal consid- eration onsideration;to them, knowing the future of the plan, is locked up with their success. The present situation is just as vital to them aspast occasions, and deserves 'a practical and ready assistance, BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. Norman Stonehouse of London, spent the week -end with their, parents Robt, Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Proctor and son of London were week -end visi- tors with Mr, and Mrs. Brandon, Miss Patience Scott visited with her uncle, Mr. David Scott over Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie and daugh- ter .Louise motored to Windsor on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. S. Wray of Beeton and Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong of Tor- onto called at J. A. Brandon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell of Kingsville called on friends in the vil- lage on Dominion day. lVIr. and kirs. A, Brooks Centralia,. were holiday visitors with Mrs. Scan- drett. Mrs. Fox' of Whitechurch visited with Mrs. Leslie. hI ts.os ' ,� .Littre of 'Winthrop spent a few days with her parents, iVfr, and, Mrs. W. Geddes, The members of Belgrave L. O. L. and L. I3 held their anrtt talcitl t rch service on Sunday evening, June 80, and there was a good .turnout of mem- bers and also a large number of vis - ting members, .Cite members gath- ered at the hall and marched to the United church, Rev. Jas. Scobie,'pas- or of the 'church, gave a verya.ppro- riate address which was followed with close attention by those present, he male choir of the church sang wei well selected anthems which were nest appreciated, Mier the service, he members returned to the hall 'hero a hearty vote of thanks was endered Rev. Mr, Scobic, -the organ- st, and chair, also officials of the hurch for their services. 'Mr. Scobie eplied to the thanks in a short peach. • MeEWENT tICI+ NSBD AUCTIONEER Sales of Farm Stock and Imple- monts, Real Estate, etc:ry, conducted with satisfaction and at moderate charges. THE GOVERNMENT'S INTENTION The Minister of Trade and Com- merce made a sensible and reassur- ing speech on Fariday at Tara. :Bruce County, when M. A. Mewhinney AL - LA., received a unanimous nomina- tion. Mr,112alcolm's office is an ex- cellent' ' observation post, and he him- self has, a keen and practiced eye for the facts and realiites of the trade situation. His judgement is that the value of Canada's exports to the United States, which is about $500,- 000,000 yearly, will not shrink mat- erially, no matter, what the ta riff fix- ers at Washington may do. Mr. Malcolm described with humor Mr. Bennett's proposal of an Empire trade conference as an attempt .to climb on the Liberal wagon. This claim be illustrated by soine inspir- ing,. statistics, Since the present Government took office Canadian trade with "the United Kingdom, has grown from $41'7,000,000 to $625,000, 000; with the sister Dominion of Australia from $11,000,000 to $223,- 000,000; with British South Africa $4,000,000 to $12,500,000; with British. East India from $7,000,000 to $22,- 000,000; with British West Indies from $28,000,000 to $41,000,000; with New Zealand from $6,000,000 to $3,- 000,000; . and with the whole 13ritish. Empire from $500,000,000 to $800,- 000,0000. 800;000,0000. Imports from British coun- tries have increased from $347,000,- 000 to $539;000,000. Although the in- crease in exports is double that in imports, -the leader of the Opposition complains of the extent of our pur- chases, ignoring the truth that if we are to sell we must also buy. Two significant passages in Mr. Malcolm's speech should find general assent. In any opinion there are many ar- ticles of British manufacture which,. if known to the Canadian public, could be purchased by Canadian con- sumers to- better advantage than the commodities which are now bought from the 'United States, Canada has made, and will tuakc, her own tariff structure to suit her own economic necds,and 'I hesitate not one moment to say that if the changes i nose American tariff which may take place in November are found to be determined to the inter- ests of Canada the changes necessary , in our tariff structure to correct the imade. "the time, Inewever, to discuss the Government's action is when the budget is brought down, and not before. • This will satisfy reasonable Cana- dians. 'Those who are making faces at the United States and shaking their, fists are taking a futile and ridiculous attitude. If measures must be taken to repair any injury done at Washing-. ton, Mr. Malcohn has indicated the proper method. If Canada is to find compensation within the British Empire for any loss inflicted by United States legislation the Govern- inlcm, ent" is qualified to, solve the prob- MORRIS COUNCIL The Council met in the Township Hall on Monday, June 17th, 1929 with all members present. The minutes of the last meeting and special meeting were read and r• pproved The monthly report of the School 'Truant Officer was received and ac- cepted. ccepted. At the resumed Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, the assess- menton lot 28, con. 3, was reduced $400; as. 'eV. C. Laidlaw had killed his dog, it was struck off; part lot S 1, con. 5, formerly owned by. Alex, McDonald, was assessed to William. Dunbar; .a dog was struck off for VlTtn. Kellington, The. Court of Ree vision was then closed. A petition was received from Jos, Yuill and others asking for a muni- cipal drain. The petition was adopt- ed. At a special meeting, the "contract of furnishing power' for the crusher leas given to John Rintoul at 45 Cts. a yard for gravel delivered in thebins, e The contractor eta furnishes oil fuel, teams and : men to crush the ` graveI, and after the first settings moves and sets the crusher. . i The following accounts were paid: Russel Riclimoncl, for work on the Well's Drain $52,50; Wallace Agar, balance' contract on survey -Agar drain, $2.00; T, McLean, work on the Blackball Drain, $2,00; James Pea- cock, equalizing' School sections No, 8, 3, 17, 11, 4, 12,) $24.00; Earl An- derson, painting bridge and material, $7,25, lamb killed by dogs $13; Tho Miller, making tile, $11;. Ingot Iron Co., culvert $174,41; W. Somers, a scraper $1:0; Sam Wilton, iron sheets, 750; W. Smith,' painting signs $2,00; Patrolmen - Lewis. Jewitt, $124.23; James Noble, $68,75; R. D. Golley, $252,80; Geo, Xelly $12; W, 0, Hen- derson, $18.25; Frank Beirnes $22,48; Wm. Craig, $37.25; James Anderson, $10,,00; Chas, Workman, $270,9.1. Conned will greet at the Hail on Monday,, Jttly 15th, 1929, A. Macl3wen, Clerk, 1 Men"s sear Specials ! SUITS Men's and Young Men's models in new light tweeds for summer wear, sizes 36 to 40. ' Two specials at 11.95 and $14,95. - STRAW HATS 95c Men's Sailor Vats in plain and fan- cy weaves, regular values to $2,50, all sizes, special 95c. BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $1,79 Fine quality Broadcloth Shirts in . white only, attached collars, sizes 14 to lbj•, reg. $2.25, special $1.79. BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 69c Men's fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44, regular 85c value, special 69c. UNDERWEAR COMB. 0,00 Gold Tock Buttoniess Combination made from fine quality Nainsook, siz- es 36 to 42, special $1.00. New Ties 59c Fine Shirts $1.39 Work Shirts ... ' $1.39 Odd Pants $3.19 Boys' ;Bloomers $1,19 59c Fine Sok e 4€ a• J f:17 ,r,tt..rotwriNtxto Fresh Groceries. 4' .:.5157 elBer a ira 11! ®Q���itslt:tl�iS4 ®f:��Irt<�'Ett !�®NE®®®N�®I MAITLAND CREAMERY flyers f Our trucks will gladly give you service, or if you prefer to deliver we pay prompt cash. 4 4 8 T , E UNITED FARRIERS' CO-OPERATIVE, COMPANY, LIMITED. ■ NO EC 5121"12 133 111 211 NEUIREQUIN 12 ■ 4 lir Wingham, Ontario. Phone 271 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Wingham and the Corliorate Seal of the said Town of Wingham bearing date the 25th day of March, A,D. 1929, to the directed, commanding me to levy upon the several parcels of land hereinafter mentioned and described as being in the Town of Wingham for the arrears respectively due ,there- upon together with costs, I do hereby give notice that unless the said ar- rears and costs be sooner 'paid I shall, on Saturday, the 6th day. of July, A.D. 1929, at the hour of 10o'clock in the forenoon of 'that day, in the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, sell by Public Auc- tion so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes and all charges incurred in and about the said sale and the collection of the same. , Naar Description Years in Arrears Taxes Costs Total Name of Patented Arrears �� Party t or un y pat_. assessed ' ented 1. Lots 12, 13 & 14 1928-26-27-28 $109.32 $14,25. $123.57 Marion Peed. McIntosh Street Johnston South Lots 4; 5 & 6 1925-26-27-28 $ 78.49 $ 13.47 $ 91.96 C. I\I. Pat'd 3, P r 1 Walker a t ..ot 13, 12''e, 1926-27-28 $. 20.18 $ 12.01 $ 32.19 le ax Rhum Pat. Dated at Wingham this 27th day of March, A. D. 1929, W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. 2 A Renewal , his week will Hwy+.t t�'• .a;: as is Easy \\ ow rytj't',Ffi+ • Particularly if you have a modern Connorl eC- . tric Washer inotr � 1 Bogle, No tearing of clothes, to back -break- ing work. just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, tura a switch and the work is done. n ill h�ai�R . i.�lit• a a on Crawf Mock. Phone • 156. t!.