HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-27, Page 7• Thursday, *June 27th, 1929 WIHOTIAM ADVANCE -TIMES flints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown Are you planning to have holidays? There is nothing more necessary for your well -bene, Have a complete change from what you are doing ev- ery day. If at all possible the busy mother should try to have at least a few days away from her family, •One mother claims that she saves the price of a cottage at the lake in the lessen- ing of her children's doctor's bills. It certainly is good for them to have sun and sand and water. Sometimes mothers seem to think that they have as much if not more work at their ,cottage than they do at home. How- ever it is a change of work and en- vironment which after all is the main -thing. There are two sisters who run tea-rooms in different cities. It i,s very difficult for them to get any time off for . holidays, so every once in a while they change tea-rooms go- ing by the old adage that a change is as good as a rest. If it is not pos- sible to get , away from home then lave as many days off as you can, Strawberry Ripe. Most of us agree heartily with the -man who said "doubtless the good Lord could have made a better fruit than the strawberry but He did not •do it." I. always feel sorry for those -poor unfortunate people whose sys- tems are poisoned by strawberries. Their season is so short and there ;are so many delightful ways of serv- ing them besides just strawberries and cream, that it behooves us to have them for as many meals as possible. Strwaberry Shortcake. First comes the ever popular straw - `berry shortcake. Frequently this is 'made with cake but personally I pre- p( fer the old-fashioned kind which is really nothing but rich hot biscuits •split and buttered and spread with •crushed and sweetened berries, both in between and on top of the biscuits. 'This may be served with either whip- ped or plain cream. If whipped cream is used reserve a few of the must lus- -cious looking berries for a garnish. If you prefer a large shortcake to in- .dividual ones divide your dough into two equal parts and pat or roll to fit you pan. Spread with butter and then put the other half on top. Baked 'by this methocl the cakewill split a- part readily after it is cooked. section -hand. There they continued to reside until 1917, when, Mr. Thotn secured the formanship of the Ford- wich section an4 they took up their residence here. For many years Mrs. Thom had been a sufferer from various ailments, and for over a year had been afflicted with chronic diabetes, having been bedfast since September of last year, On Thursday, May 30th, she was stricken with paralysis and passed Strawberry Pie. Strawberries have a delightful af- finity to pastry. A closed -in pie just requires a top andbottom of pastry, :a box of berries, a cup of sugar and, there you are. If you mix a level teaspoon of sago with your cup of sugar it will soak up some of the sup- erfluous juice and your pie is not so .apt to boil over. For variety a delic- ious pie may be made with uncooked berries. Crush the berries and add sufficient sugar fo sweeten. Heat a previously cooked pie -shell to freshen it. Fill with the crushed berries, top with whipped cream and serve im- mediately. This makes a good San - .day dessert as it may be prepared the ,day before. Crushed Strawberries Strawberries served in sherbet glasses make one of the prettiest des- serts for a party or for home con- sumption -for that matter. Crush suf- ficient berries, sweeten them ad chill thoroughly. Fill the sherbet glasses -with the mixture and put a generous spoonful of whipped cream , on top. The contrait of the red and white seen through the sherbet glasses adds to itS attractiveness. Strawberry Sauce Strawberry sauce for chocolate or vanilla ice cream for cottage pudding or in fact any light pudding is made by boiling gently 24 cup of white sugar and cu P 'boiling water for 10 minutes. Cool this an add one cup of mashed berries. A potato masher seenis to be My best weapon for ,crushing strawberries. For breakfast serve your berries natural, Select perfect specimens and • lcave•the hulls on. Put a little mound of fruit sugar on a plate and arrange the berries. around it. To make your Voich tea a bit different serve your • 'berries in this way with little cakes .and your favorite cobl drink, If the ,clayi Warm your guests Will rise and call you blessed: OBITUARY ,Mrs. John Thon-i, away about 6 o'clock in the evening of the following day. Besides her sorrowing- husband, she is .survived by two sisters—Mrs. D. D. Green, of Grandview, Man., and Mrs. John Mitchell, of Wingham: also one brother, W. H. Conn, of Whitechureh. After a private service at the hornA here on Monday, June 3rd, the v.: mains were conveyed to ,Wingham Cemetery for interment. Rev, John Pritchard, of Molesworth, conducted the service at :ite home and Rev, Dr, Perrie, of Wingham, officiated at the grave. The pallbearers were: Thom- as, Joshua and James Conn, of • S. Marys, cousins' of the deceased; Dav- id Johnston, of Jamestown; John Sangster and W111,. •Goggin of Ford- wieh. Among the relatives and friends from a distance who attended the fun- eral were: Mr. ancl Mrs. Ed, Richard- son, of Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs, ‘wwsemmommiqwwwwWiamw.wWW......WhownwW.M. ,iimosommossomnr McCashui4 irwr, Stratford, and son, jaines,o ,Sudbury; Ur, and Mrs, Thos. Conn, MessrS• JQs1144, and James. Cenn,, of St, Marys',, Mr• and MrL R. W. Conn,: of Detroit; Mr. and' Mrs, Wm, .Thom' and son, Wfl- ri4 of Auburn'; Mrs. Frank Raithby, of Auburn., Mr, and Mrs. Janes Pur - don l and family, of Dungannon; Mr, Ed, Thom, Mrs. Leech, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Cook, Mr, John Gillies, of I,,ucknow. HURON" COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATE, 1920. Hensall—Sent. 11th. Zurich—Sept, 1.2th, Grand Bend—Sent. 13th, Colborne Tp.—Sept 1Mth.. Ashfield Tp,—Sept. 1,7th. St. Helens—sent 18th. Wroxeter—Sept, 19th. Howiek Tp,—Sept, 20th. Ethel—Sept. 2?rd, lielgiave—Sept• 24th. Goderich Tp. --,Sept. 25th, BlYth—Sept, 27th, Crediton—Sept, 30th. VSborne Tp.—Oct. lst. Clinton Town -0t. 8rd. •Clinton Rural—Oct. 4th, B, Cement, Superintendant of Clinton Public t7tiltities, and promin- ent spirited citizen, died last week, aged 71 years, (Fordwich Record) The subject of this sketch, whose maiden tame was Irena Howard Cohn, was born near Beeton, Sitncoe county, later moving with her family -to the township of East Wawartosh, Huron County. n March 7th, 1893, she Was married to John Thom, then 'a tartrier of West Wawanosh. In 1.898, she and her husband moved to 'Teeswater, where in 1900 Mr. Thoni ,entered the ofiiploy, a the C,P.R, as COMMUNITY BUYING, DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. • The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the creneral advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. SHOP TO ADVANTAGE — At -- WALKER STORES LIMITED WE SAVE YOU MONEY This Week's RAY ON SILK HOSE 25c' (Seconds) in 50c quality. Big Specials Girls! Cot. Bloomers 25 ' Sizes 16 to 34. (Firsts) Try us for Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Silks, Dress Goods, Staples, Ready -to -Wear, Men's Furnishings. , Rae &Thompson Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. Phone 27 -- MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H. J. JOBB -- Phone 46 — 20 Misses' and Girls' Dresses, Crepes and Rayons, neat fig, ured patterns, size 14 to 20, reg- ular to $6.00., ... Special Week - End Sale $2.95 F. CARTER Ideal Bakery --- Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. le1101•111.1111111111••••••Mr0.1114•Mi • McKAY'S Confectionery and Ioe Cream Parlours. — Phone 77 --- STRAWBERRIES FOR PRESERVING The Last Call. W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing, OIL BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS 'Telephone 141j. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men't Furnishings Made-to-IVIeasure Suits with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han- tta's Special $25.50 The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This Buy - At - Home " Campaign • SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS • AND. HELP OUR TOWN GROW The Western Foundry FRY & BLACKHALL Co., Limited Limited M. BURK Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Boots and Shoes. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies' Rachine Silk Dresses for $2.95 Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. • — Phone 58 — "New Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens." ABELL'S MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, this week 49c Bargains in Used Pianos Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE --- Telephone 62 --- Tires, Tubes and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. -- Phone 22 — SPECIAL THIS .WEEK Cottage Rolls 32c lb, Cash 101•11111k WE INVITE YOU To compare prices with this one from any catalogue or Mail or- der or advertisement. / Misses' all white 'Slippers, with full fitting broad toe, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2 for 75e pair Childrens sizes at same price. WILLIS' Shoe Store Royal Service Station Gasoline and Oils. High Pressure Alemite Service, Goodrich Tires. AccessOries, Upholstery Vacuum Cleaned. JOS PRINTING • The Advatite-Titnes can and ,cloes Job Printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by arty city or town office, and at moderate charges. Would be pleased to consult you regard- hig any printing. • The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited .Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Your Duty- Buy at Home This is the first of a series of twenty-six editorials which will appear in the Advance -Times on Community Buying. These arti- cles are designed to impress upon the residents of Wingham the obligation, which. they owe to the community to purchase their needs from local merchants, a duty which they owe, not only to themselves, but also to every organization in the town. The Advance -Times is an advocate of community buying be- cause it believes that in the theory of buying at home and sup- porting home industries depends the success and advancement of this town. The merchant is responsible for the position which we hold in the province today. Through his efforts our schools, churches, and public institutions have been established as well as all civic rights which we enjoy. He has shown his confidence 11 the town and in you by establishing himself in business here, as- suming the greater burden of taxation and community respon- sibilities. The Advance -Times seeks to point the way to a greater and better interest. This series of editorials is designed to benefit the merchant by securing for him your confidence and support, and by so doing enable him to render you a more efficient service. If this task is accomplished, much will have been done to place Wingham well up in the list of prosperous Ontario towns. H. E. ISARD & CO. We are showing a very smart range of Dresses in Celanese, Ihigi and Printed Crepes, cut prices are $2.95., $4.50, $5.95, $7.50, $9.50. • ,Silk Hose at ... . .... ....... 89c, 98c, $1.19, $1.50 GUNN-SON-OLA, during the past few years have so in- creased their businesS as to employ more men, and to use the whole of the big factory. Radio manufacturers have shown a decided preference for cabinets made by this firm, which with the phonograph cabinets and bath -room wood -fittings, keeps the staff busy. About 60 men are employed in this concern which IS one of the town's oldest established, and has a very bright prospect for the future. FRY & BLACKHALL, Limited, is one of the established manufacturing industries in town, which in the last ten years of its existence, have made wonderful progress. Outgrowing the old premises, a year ago they acquired the Union Factory, which gave them the required space to take care of their expanding business. Their Chesterfield Suites, Upholstered chairs and Chester -beds are deservedly popular, not only for their artistic design, richness of materials but for the excellence of workmanship. A Chester -bed has .many points of excellence and utility that gives the house- holder added sleeping facilities, together with an attractive piece of furniture, at a most reasonable price.... The firtn employs some 50 hands, and is no small factor in the towns stability. KING BROS. Offer something very special this week in Men's Straw Hats. The Store of Excellence. Gibson's Bakery Quality Bread and Better Bak- ed Pastry. --- Phone 145 — For Health --Hovis Bread and Whole Wheat Bran Muffins. LOOK! NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham Utilities Corn. Phone 156. OFINIAIROMPU..111110111•MINIM. 4eibwmwiw,eieaelaw'wwaiwk•wwg.ifwiwioWWwwwiwlrieaw•wrwsoawwi•iiiw,ewwi.www .WALKER, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. LAWN SEATS • we 'we VERANDAH CHAIRS „,,,,• o;'' , • United Farmers Co -Operative Co. Limited Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. BONDI. The only store for Fresh Fruits at Real Low Prices. STRAWBERRIES BANANAS - ORANGES McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. --- Phone 18 ---- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50e W. R. Hamilton Jeweler - Optician SPECIAL FOR THIS ' WEEK A selection of new designs in Men's Orange Lodge Rings and Emblems for the 12th of July. See these. GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15 pairs Women's White Can- vas and Patent Leather Slipp- ers, values up to $4.00, for $1.99 The Advance -Times The home paper which has a special conceri•r for the town's progress, and WhiCh gives the news worth while, $2.00 per year. $2,50 to the United States. The Radio Shop Phone 158. Atwater Kent Radio, new 7 tube ele9tric push pull power stage with dynamic speaker. Special ... $200.00 E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions -- Phone 237 -- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Large cans Tomatoes 15c Small size 12c FR.urnitA.ure DCea,URer ndRFulE., Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE 41011•12•MMINMSNOCIO 11.1101•••••IMMIM Lyceum Theatre A Safe Place for Entertain- ment and Pleasure. Open Every Evening. G. Mason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. Olver & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire System. -- Phone 126 -- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL. John Galbraith Dry Goods' and Groceries. Phone 83 -- MEN% FANCY SOCIcS 2 pairs or .... 250