HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-27, Page 4WINGHAM FOLKS GO PARTNERS BWV( •AMP meow OR06415-r5 -r5 o ANC:i 1.,VA.R.P4 SOW A FIRST CLASS DIZUGGis-r RA/t49 SHOP/ By AUK, '4 4*I4II 01-11a* ADVA 1‘4,‹ N-rousZe 0,4 welu_ GO OVER TO. cK16130ns ogu0 STORE AND 6tvE araie OhatCe OVER/ You'll say that this store is run in a first class manner - for your pleasure and profit as virell as ours. In every clepartraent our stock is fresh. Standard remedies. Pure Drugs. Mc IBBON'S DRUG STORE The Rexall Store. Wingham Ontario STATIC BOTHERS TIM TQ, the Edit= av all than 1 Winghara Paypera. nier Sur:- alent-e„ but wmt aline imoireiy we was Tursday in dhe ea, a • er Binnitt WEIS here? It moinds "ast t•-• 11tne as: the could tokne marine we a"a ' used to. be houldin, away back in the I• BOLIV AND PARAGUAY FACTS ABOUT TRIBE iiegant COMMIES. hassin . Is Etaglit Time the Size a Paraguay a- Both Countries Are Landlocted-Displuted Territoa is Wilderness ot swaimpg lama. The followinn brief facts regarding BoBeia. asd Paraguay may be a same - interest to readers, writes Henry Kit- tridg.e Niirtna in the New York Times: Paraguay, without the Gran Chace. is the smallest gate ba South Amara ica. Its area. is about 60.„Onia square" miles.. It has nearly a ratillion people, the majority of whom are uativeEn diafis; the remainder ere mestizaz. with a amen rrdnarity of artitaed. Paragalay Ts ainaest sarrit•-analeti by Argeattana. and Br-asla the remainder - of the boundary being the part eon disspute with Beitaitt. Aterstate the sea. T.s hymanna- of the Parana m oa t• whin eisid Sir jaWit A. nein, The Grite didn't laey 1 - in, so to etipake, in tithe day's, barrin the time whin Miehter Lucien aieth Hunt ton shtirred tines un • about the Pacific ShcandaL and de - us. "Sind me am:miter tin taus- - • !and," was the tygrarn that dial the !1.thrick, fer einare„ that looked Rake rot av money in thine days, but faith, it vandden't pay fer diggin the • pot hoies, to put a fir.ce err:Arad .• :Ilia -liter Vincent llaseey's residince in Washington in these days an- Grit '• extravagance. Nivir Inoincl, he won% -aidd the jawb long, fel- we'indind to ifate Mini Grits at the nixt eliek- 1 sha an thin we will hey Tories. McK. PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1 houldin all thin fat awfices, an the -3,- a enneneee_eeee.eanee. J. ; will be contlaributin liareralati to the river, Age_enen„ the Lta 1,000 miles from me Attanate• wag r. the point where the Plleentrano r. the northern tounsiary cf Azgersena, joins tae Parsee, from Me wag- Para - alma' allaildr, th ttLdaan dela eicen. ea part. of the ceizatette„ waclly ;to ....9••••/...0107fili1,0•044/1.1......0111.5401104.11.4.4/600.0004.100101.4,111.0.101111440111ol.0.0.M.0.31..1.114.11...M100.1=0,....110•644•01..0.0.11111.01101.42.11110i 'campaign funds,an we won't aey the east at, the paraza., 'deniedrn thim brewers an diehtilleas Stretertrea await tc 'th.e- nerthweg tgflNjhldflflhIlflJSIUfl 07 711104000777 11141UPIIIMer ntittaar Di ra,47n Imannurrsuuseummumnas*' taiNTJAL PIC -NIC op ats a in5eton. ith a charge of "Taarv.ftuastannsnumminsrantossenintmasenssmens4arens gwrianen rsoral =lawns mon mar an 111•••••••L' "i 'MUTUAL FME CO - • - anriv mare, at all, at all, so we won't, between. the Pitemenyt wad tile o Ilea the Caran (nare ca .wilder- , aana bby we will come out- rams Lea. / ness of swamp and grassland when. , the ,gaiden aTa--nee ni'proiribishurt parthy, wid Jaren -hien may have cousideratee value • To ceIebretescree 1 Ifton as the leader_ • day, bat 'which derives as chief at-- E E' the organizatialln ot the la• est Waalnek Yis as T said befr,or %was a fcine at preset beet -ease nee 111- - bidy 'MOWS rc•bean-darn, Vans ▪ Mattral Fire Insurance Conine -ay tano-an, we had, but ye can.ballet be. somewhere whea. sts east wee_ 'he diaarraarsa afficiais- and PalicYhaad- Et5 plaize ivirybody, so ye e-ari b d mateea ectreea. araguay era a ha--" caan3r talan, with their familia- et onld frind Sandy Beaks the paraanay claims teratrose ia sine field a picnic ar. Kincardine Beachl'nixt day, an asked him v. -hat he tottele retrioro varteusly estimated_ 11. t 'ie. Wedeesday, when a very enjoyable.1,av it. He een• rd that Ea ce ; a had ahtayed , 5S,000. to 100,40-e senara miles- - ' baaes ita eleiat ugon the fait tan.: rats 1 s. time was apent. .L.ii.ere was an iricer- -• . bone t h-- -chard area.; an - - a ee ; as. - an an la "" e - - t arch was durine-. Starlet. t'''..-t--r-C-: Pragram al" sda,ss, CQIISL5ung ' wud hey had more sinse. . • erned seam newaciee sad es ther,efare A Summer Goods At Special Prices Tay, Jun a7t 1929 Gin.gharn, 32 inch wide, clucks and plaids Ranalt. dainty patterns, 83 inch wide., reg. 5oc,, 29e Geed's, stripes and Checks. atil intaa 89c V•taa-a- eanneen new patterns for sitaxananser weer eaastsats. eta hew tight Shad- es 69c Feint% Set -eats .1a-ea.adatty„ values eth"alfra.m.;A 3';'a hank 'English 'Gingham% Ctn.-Tana ageterinta Nasearessettes and Scrims, tenure= vnines tto tian SeteLial per standel ' Scarfs, in Crepe-de-chene and , Georgette, new designs in light shades for summer wear Broadcloth Slips, fine quality, reg. $1.50 for .79c Hemstitched Sheets, large bed size, special ..a. 0, .$1.29 Silk Hose, for every day wear, Brown, Navy, Black, reg. values to $1.50, special 39c pair Children's Sox, Silk and Rayon. sizes 4 to 8 . .. 39c and 49c Turkish Towels, colored stripes, made in England, specials 18"x4.0" for . .. ..A9c pair 20rae42" for .. ..---..59c pair Phone 46. JOBB Fresh Groceries. 1 races., rccr5e5hoe Pitching and sD oft- ;. "Ar. den% ye tink,'" sez I, "Thet letegrai part of Paraguay -an ravel- ' The Kirmarcline Pipe Ba.ncl was pre- spaieh,.;--, made a Line torn. The Paraganyera have built a tochto- afaloney t, member of fterae in the Chaco, Fort : Olasspo„ the oldest, haa-ing been_ cote- aent and payed az intervaa aurtne the / Nee doot, sez he, it vale a braw peed by Paraguayan troops since r' r- i talk from 3. -our point av view,- but a792. The present Paraguayan oecti- aVattran, president 0 at 't there was ewer muckle atatick in it, patiori extends as far sonta an Puerta TRUCKING AND AUTO I.IVF-RY FOR S.ALE---anyear see abee,„ I aamPanY -dna- Year, pe rifled the dat- Fan v canderet tae n -e ' • b Jr . Pacheo. Prom this Ilse of settIgnenta G. T. Robertson. 1400 taae areecen. Address Ben A. 'tree of etre:ratan in a capable manner. Advance -Times tafr. Warsen outlined tae history or STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE - Apply to George Baird, Wingham FOR SALE -Per acre Tim•atate and Town Plot, Aifatfa Hay, wili sell quantities te, suit buyer a Terms „einem Apply te A. M. Parch:ea phone 350. WANTED, -A mart to work on tam. Appiy to William -Field, Wine -barn. h 160 - HURON SPECLaeLTY FARM'S HONEY FOR SALE -Fresh extrac- the teeeea.ev a he c "- d dress'. which was followed by the ad- detes of wetcame by the mayor, W. -J., Mori -leen. .Addresses wereGeorge along the Parana river Para -early has "chatter, but he used ae word that been worklaia steadily westavard into a 1" the Gran Chaco. A number of lacer pleased me weel.' and foreign. interess have ebtatned • 'An what wus that, maig.ht 1 be so 1 concesaion in the C aco for get:On-a- t bouid as to ask," :-.7ez I. eh o luinbering end for cattle referee.. , eve, ye may that: sez he. aa i a , "-e : The quebracho forests are the ' said that every Tory naember in the sorarce of an important tareente ma- Hoese. svue an abject follower Uf nanurmaaLerauThs rescaeds,inatner.sstesveralhaeLetriroti 1-7pnttorr. ghant; 'Malcolm • ilaisiner B ennett.raiiway from the "interior of the east - 'UK the ..reaerith o: Jane we car. 11cLear M Narth Saetratc etvara ; - "t it -led dandelion honey at 8c ner a - vai_aer. a ern part of the Cha..ca to the banks of at the apiary ,ef Ce.semare. 3"-‘-'11 77-11:CL' 5ab'ir 1±---tcke at 'L°' AleXander Ncg'-'redia sez I. alairhat iise sve sind the Parana river. Went cif the: foreste per hundrecL These are tr. C. Whhe " - - editor af - 'a- - and the ranches are tie nratta_ry cat-- Pirc,ne brace; J. J. Hneter, e a .e athirn acnart theer. tor. I ran. CLERK T,1,-ANTED___c a shle ine strain. iata, hens that lair 'testae eggs Riamrdirla Reni'--ela---Reaorter, and the ft no ::n ' rex- ' ti defends p a ta- eaning . . ;ars' a - or: ar"hich L'P----are.eatzajr nee a rrs, word ble g' -Yant-ci f -e •lt, aral er:" .11 "e" Here James MaIctalne ataren sea ...e. ••• • : her clearer attainst Prly miexpected tae adranors in the aeitiada ealne„ Non-; ',means 'worthless, mean, despicable, Paraguars contention is that iti • Betassers. Ontario. . - WANTED AT ONCE-Capabie err We can acanry ec, with Baby the Kircardine team, the score being LOW in estimation, 'without hope or re- tile nrIginal distriedng of the 001111 - by letter only to M. Burl- ' ate,.. The 'Waite.: Rose Pe-altry aarm,, 1 - -- k- e-aart. tat s wen. (acne,: --- - i find that abject assault from Bolivia. far hatteeivark- in haute setath three i• Chicks free:. bleed teaes.a titerna, Bar_ 15-n. B -attne, and dancing in the ;gard.- try of Paraguayan territoy, that her adults Greed wagea. A plq7.,- at 7-.1.1z roa strain, at $12 eer :Mt Jane de- pas -item csrepleted the day's program.; •-.1 don't belave ye Scotty," sez I legal title has been preserved intact Advance -Tina For siker-de:a _received three The areltin-es of the company re- always- call idnit Scotty whin eit from the beginning to the present day the Gran Chaco is an integral Dart d and that she has followed up this HoteE To RENT r .weeas ••e-aar.,e Pat- 'al:lads are -t'an'-ed veal se interegina hiator3.- On Dec. iaccdted), Tae.ae are ten string Szealtha- chirae-- . trig Isar oun - tttie by the oecapatinn and the NIMINNN N.NENZER, 11/111141111/01112EIREMEraissamit • • 111 • • • • • • • • • IVIAITLAND CREAMERY uyers of Cream and Eg Our trucks will gladly give you service, or if you prefer to deliver we pay prompt cash. FARMERS' CO-OPERA_TIVE • • • • • • • • E matommasinimand THE UNITED COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, - Ontario. Phone 271 convenieaces, ceatraily lt5cated. Ap- on- gieve diseca7e of 5 p- er cent_ ada-42.,dr 30 a Mte.ting'' Was. hel4 trut in a lox, but 'dirk it mushr. be a • de'velonment of the Ciraco itseff TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND 13, Letter to R••••• A, advance - in Lae IN eat Neawanosa council hall Grit diekshonary ye heir at home, Bolivia, like Paraguay, is van v a Tandinek- Tirries INFCITTCP TO CRED/TORS r tSIZ tl- d i-ergamz- 'Whin I raci out to the mild farrum I ed. Instead of being a gaall state, AL-CTION SALE -Of the household er s e f - the South American continent. Her n ase an - 2Ern lt av the wurrad. v cooree an ris - total area is -15 00a isall wo ev „ raaas inaa snail a C'5'MPallY- -wra aek me deli -ter -in-law the mainin effeet.s c,f• the late Ifiss Feuer wilt :Ceder: hereby giVen, coi Tea Beel"' ci G I • h he held at her late home, „rozenhirat Seezian 56. Chan 121 ef tate Rea -lead a „ square cr , that :man is allowed to slipake till he is more than eight times the area of street, Winalostra an Saturday. ail; Sten/tee :,..F Ontari,',/,, that -all perseee waa carried haF a VGte °i 70-12, 6th. aaviee clairra a-aair:at the Estate af e. fire insurance company be organ- 'emdherstaod, but T drala beiave Dr. Paraguan. Her Population is more POR SALE-nlerria Piana. co:union- 'Teen: ef Win:ahem in tlie Comity of Tae- is/Hawing 'committee was aP- i say he did.' Instead of beitig a iow-Iying agr-L- atively rLea. ge-e-A. canditiere alai' Hurw,-4, Spineter„ deceased, who, died euitural country IMe Paraguay, the . light truck. Apply to Mrs. Theta. an or abnat the faurth day of annea Painted with p•;3'wer to add to its num- i I had a lot to .say to Sandy, but he rens: importz.r,t part of Bolivia's - Gibeare al:reenter, adarairdatratrie .1t. D. 1229, are required to, seed by ben, ta take eribecriptions frairi tip -a- ttonght he had got the shtart as me wealth -sues as she bee -comes ' late J. R. Gibeen estate.. pest prepaid,or te, deliver to R, Var.- ex.,: ef proeerty as to the amounts for l'fer seance in his Wife, an avudikn't , chicfir from her m1 -flee" her chief ex- % n ma nte a S .,li ". a - . e . , T . I i.. port being tin, of which her mines . 'Mary -.Florence Pleaty late of the ized tmam the mutual Principal- Mae -army e army such break as ye 3, • - LARGE Qt-ANTITIES Second :duce( . , winch they waled znr.tte_ T tar tie retnietratrix on or oetare aames John-shtay an Leok artre anger. pan r nee. asal Ft,rra- their naraes and addreasea with fall Edward Smith Mcl-eart, Rebert actalch Grits are the wurat av the arnile the Beivia whet. ccitnats N ip-articti ,_,s writtrie t eir c arena rair arid arcaibald Ander-on Late-- - furnish nearly half the world's Hand F.rick and Lumber far sain tan fifteen -h dee -f Jule A. D. 199a. star, John Beane, Charles Duman, Thim Grits are all, sheabh rn but elven% FOR TAXES TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant under the hand of tlae Mayor of the town of Wingham and the Corporate Seal of the said Town of Wingham bearing date the 25th day of March, A.D. 1929, to me directed, commanding inc to ievy upon the several parcels of land hereinafter mentioned and described as being in the Town of Winglaam for the arrears respectively due there- . apon together with costs, I do hereby give notice that unless the said ar- rears and costs be sooner paid I shall, on Saturday, the 6th day of June A.D. 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in the Town Han in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, sell by Public Auc- ;nen so much of the said lands as tin,y be sufficient to discharge the taxes and ail charges incurred in and about the said sale and the collection of the Na. Description Years in Arrears Taxes Cogs Total Name of Patented Arrears Party or unpat- A e a - iture Co. factary, or to the under- It r,- - • - • - U a.a.oride the ancse, nearly two-enirds a- ,te to saving. men were added to the. F 'Yours fer a bigger an bather oeas.f her territory in the plain ta the and. the nature of Elle aneuritie- (if h signed. R. Vaneteene„ aa"ingiraira an '-at heid, be- them dul - verifiad bv- a at of ;he mountains.. This area has BABY CH/CKS'--Barred Racks feint -1" - - committee: Jahn Glen,. Rchert Har -11' Canada. . a fair agricultural production, but so jebn.atan strain, adeafard,atatnterad declaration'''. difficult is the mountain barrier be - for eight yeare hae beer; wiener in ...dald take notice farther that after rison and Charles; Ghien, Sr and ex. Timothy Hay. ottawe Jane the ead fiftdeath day of July. 102-a„ :February lith tiae caminittee reported tween it and the rest of the cramtry 2. „., . d le, a j H.. the said Acurtinstratrix will proceed haveaa received eenacritationa to the d M-- F d ch tea that the cost a transportaelon prac- tfl131 14)3vey Bry,ae. nrinieee. ph-oee 12_8. to distribute the asset,: the said lei"- f 1 0 - . tate arnang the parties entitled aasne. ,ararY-mr c•-' S5- 7° ENDERS will be received ne- thej to, ha.rine regard rally to the claim undersioned far ehinaiine School of which -she she then have had rotice -e X. 9 Turriberry Pawed and the said adrninistratrix shall not a-, an es. ,r4,C an _r. ar ticaUy prallibits the shipment af agra a. Fax mi Athena. Incite are ansitnig„ at cultural' products to the metes on the -me of their sant, Dr. j. A. Fox. pla.eau. So divided are the two sec - DEATHS tions of the country by the hard facts Mrs. Isaac Wadkee ,....chrean for warn ante, Teeders he liable for the said a-stsets or any ' 'tare practically two separate states. Secretary-Tieasiter. Tdanna -At 917 St. Clir Anue. it ef ee ave • - r her- home here an LeoprJld street of ' country faced west or east -whether i of geography that economically they ciese July 3rd. For:. frrititer bale- part thereof to easperon ewho , It was long a classic question matien applo to Thos. 'Wheeler claim aloe shall acit then hasa eeceiv.' West. Tea -entre ore June 26th Mary t The death accurred on Mantlay amonz Bolivians as to whether the cd neaten Dated at Wing/tans, this twont- etCafld day of jorae„ A. D. 1929. R. VANSTO.NE, BABY CHICKS - Only two marc hatcliea. hate 28th. Barred Rees; C. W. 'Ler:horns 13c each. isly 5'th hatch, Racks 13c, Leg- harml. 11c each. TES is 71,./nr 121 chance for this seasen to -ecbre chick- free': ear cheice breedinal pens. C. G. Campbel' l R. R. No. 2.3 Auburn, Ont., Phone Myth 10-2,4. Wingharn Soliciter fer the Adminietraerin AUCTION SALE Of Househola Furniture The undersigned has been ins:tract, sa. ton rtanna, Robert A. Allen (-If Wingitara, aged Hanna C. Lever, wife of Isaac Walk- it was a Pacific country or an AtIaa- 58 years. Funeral frorrx her late er in her 1st year. .allShehadbee;Latic country. Each had its advocates. . The Atlantic schoo/ of thought ar- - residence, Jasehine street Wing-tresident af this lecaiityher guedthe.development a the agricul- •Ig Mrs Walker had been in aoror health tural plain and the building of a rain ham, an Friday 28th inst. a J. D. NicEWEN , far several. Vears and for the past six ; road to the Atlantic coast ta obtain the markete of Europe and months she had been confin ed 10 her ' tahmeasEsastotern United States. The Pa, LICENSED' AUCTIONEER ' °edul'. Stu-`_-ne-ing are hrinlY.bra,nda. 1 -..r.-teta clac school inaisted that the mineral • da ehtera. and ane son, M ;75- .31. , wealth of the country- was most im- ' Inutchlin airs. H. Saunders and Rus- portant aud that this must necessar- TENDERS---drandera will be meal.- i d by MRS. H. BONE, Betgrave, ta Sales of Farm Stock a-nd In -Tie, i ' -.en S, ea 5 , -a at home. , ily be shipped tlarough Pacific ports. / tal far liftine and raying tile and sell by public auctian at 2 eatiock. an ir t la 1 E tate etc cohducted sell of Toranto„ and Alberta Out in that borderland wilderness far the repairing /open portion an t pRapAy, jaaNt 28th, 1929 wiht,h Eatisfaction and at moderate!, Funeral eervices were conducted a o arges. are Bolivian officials and Bolivian the jermyrt Drain. Tenders to be (the following:- Burley, Winter St : her late reaidence at 2 cdcack on military outposts.. While tbe Para - g in lien& at Clerk -tat Tater than Greening Piano; 5 -piece parlour suite,. Wedneguayan occupation has been alonthe sday afternaan. 2501 Jeiy, 1929. l. -wet or ate 'solid mahogany upholstered in teeth- Parana and eastward, the Bolivian comayo to the south. Balivia has oc- ON MONDAY cupied this terrines,' as far as Fort - Esteros„ hardly 150 miles from Asian - win render' cion. Norhavard from there Bonnie. Stratfi rd C. al. R. band Pragramme of hand music in Wing- , line Paraguay, has eatable -Med Par eut- alnyl-t'sT..,nfrpf.a)mrk3t.''.3%Itliirin6dao:aaloftaelte-"Trjhure' i It. would be beyond liereee, tooter - posts and built its diteinetive taloa. Julpublic is. cardially invited to attend. dander these eircumstancoe tc ate-ratt. ' thaa local officials at.d.arine ean eas ISPEND DIDMINI°N DAY AT =it tnootin-manetkreateellsjilalufla. rtmlIzot ti.'riTtla GODERICH the disputed area. Tie. se ;,ffr. ata were bound to prodace a (area. oz(-, 7 Goderich has an all -day program last Deeember a patrol re: sena- eine eady for its Dominion Day visitors Peraguaaan ttoopa came atrene a ou Monday next. Tire big feature is number of Bolivinns engaa-al in con- e baseball doubleheader between the structieg a 31037 fort o ivelea they Easter Brands of Buffalo, internat- heti given the waren Vanguardia. The 111 ARCH . bridal rose pattern; carpet and lin- ), ionol serni-pro charripions-the team vaah board; holler: ironing board; YES, THE DR. SAID irides champion colored tearn. Firat ter:der nr'a nacee,arils- accepted. er: Gunn -Sen -0/a phanrearaph; 2, A .- Pirtr.s rard prr,flie can :seers in reinster rugs; tapestry raig; 4 entail Clerka efface. I j. Ree.ve. tables; 2 rocking chairs; arm. chair; W. R. Crtiii:sharria Clerk. sideboard; dining raorn er:terasian tet - e - ble; 6 dining ream chairs; sewing ENDERS aVAXTEDLTenders twill machine, New be 'received by the undersiersd chen clock; 3 bedroarri suites, with aa.r- st•Lara isause S.. S. Na. ma.ttresses and springs; warden bed- Ternberrsa at 7 ,-/clock on Thurs- tstead; 24 quilts, new or nearly Lew; 'day„ -ay Ilth. far gear:, le) coats 3 tenet sits; pillews; 3 verandah ryf naint Relme's -eche ,lattilding chirrine.y. Na te. .cesearily ted. Ray Secretary. "naIR arid fr:4r boxes, set out with dark red geran- ne- ham; 2 pairs snowshoes; 2 hainaina rter, basken. fur lawn, set out with red flowers; a quantity (A oflOWEIrS in pats; 2 pairs skates; bay's bicycle; shotgun; RENT-ddiaright 22 rifle; catil. all heater; Quebec Dalrenly Pietro, price retie -amble, stove, burns coal or wood, altnrset Apply. te Advarate-Times Office. new; lavan mower; washing machine; 2 cream cans; set of Auatrian china DANCE 1•211.I111 To the Blue Water Boys very THURSDAY In Winghara Arena Jitney Batwing bN juLY 12th g in the afternoon arid eveoirtg. STRATFORD C. N. R. BAND penetration has been along the P11-- the w d r, e good old days, itnd hi .o mind by the op n tamp of T-Inron Re dea fr July 2nd t number o its are sire ed, and other h' it T cum; fruit seaters; 2 wash tubs; that •beat the Osiers in 1928 -and De - Munk board; stove pipes; a hens; game at 2 p.m. Afternoon program males horse; dishes; pictures; gar -1 "dis ludes /bra -mile road race and tut,- en tarns; kitchen operate, itchen utensils too num- us, re of -war competi iton for 1-luron Old . • owi to mention. ,easea, said No, d , Boys' cup and prizes. Morning -- TERMS -All sums of $1.0 and lin- `Spahr's Tonsilitis plied. Tort- grand parade, athletic events, child- . der cash; ol,rer that amount 6 months sits healed, oPerati celled Tr, rerrs games, horseenoe thiripention re'dit, or 2% Off for cash.' Every, a. it's# tffliBend concert in evening. Good a'c- t thing be sold without reeerve. "" guaranteed.guaranteed."g"am '41.46a. me grounds, tourist camp, bathing JAS. TAYLOR, Auctioneer,' gists; 3. R. Allen, Vronter. lbeach. Faraguajans ordered them to de.siat awl 'maw aut of Baraguayan" terri- tory. The Bolivians refused. Some- body fired and when the fray was oVer a• scare of Bolivians. had been ' ed. Shark tkather Strong. The tensile strength �f leather ftem the toe:aeon prime shark is six bo too times the attength ot oxhide. assessed ented Lots 12, 13 &14 1925-26-27-28 $109.3a $14,25 $123.57 JohnstonnlaionPat'd. 'McIntosh Street Lots 4,5 &6 - 1925-26-27-28 $ 78.49 $ 13.47 $ 9L96 C. M. Pat'd Walker Part Lot B, 12- 1926-27-28.- $ 20.18 $ 12.01 $ 82.19 Max Rhurn Pat. Dated at Wingham this 27th day of March, A. D. 1929. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Winghture A Renewal this week will be Welcome Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in your home. No tearing' of clothes, no back -break- ing work. just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn a switch and the work is done Wingham Utiiith Crawford Bloat. $