HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-27, Page 3Golden Text,— I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therfore"with lov- ing kindness, have, I drawn thee.— Jet-. 31:3, A TIME -STICK REVIEW• For this review you may get a car- penter to make for you a number of. rulers, one for each pupil. They 'should be about two inches wide and fourteen inches long, and: you will call, them "tine sticks" because they are to represent the history of Judah from the death of Uzziah to the fail: of Jerusalem, a period of 169 years. Paste on one side of each a strip of white paper, and .mark it off into seven spaces of :two inches each, these spaces for the events of the various quarter -centuries. In mak- ing out, the list of events you will use the chronological table in the front of this book. Give the pupils pencils, and haye them fill out their "time sticks," copying from a list which you will place before them on a blackboard or a large sheet of pap- er; it will be best to give them the list a line at a time, asking questions about one event before you pass on to the next. Thus you will have a real review, with the "time stick" to serve as the element of novelty, and to aid in fixing the history firmly in Mind, TEST -QUESTIONS REVIEW. Use for this review the series of "test questions" given at the close of each lesson. Copy them out on separate slips of paper, changing any question that may need to be expand- ed to render it clear when used by. it- self. Place these questionslips in a box, cover, face down. Appoint two leaders and have them "choose sides." Each side will sit together, and the sides will take turns drawing a slip, reading it aloud, and answering the question after consulting in whispers.• if the answer is wrong, the other side has a chance. Each side retains the slips s that it answers, and the q > side that has the most'at,the end of the recitation is the victor in the lit- tle contest. TWO -PROPHETS REVIEW. Divide the class, in advance, into two . sections, one called "the ]sai- ahs" and the other "the Jeremiahs." Explain the plan to them, and have them meet on two different evenings to `study for the contest. Theteach- er may meet with them, to give, t.''eni points. Each side will prepare a list of questions to ask the other side, and at the sante time will prepare to answer the questions asked by the: other side. The Isaiaiis will ask ques- tions concerning Isaiah, his proph- ecies, his times, the events ,of the lessons concerning him (the first five lessons of the quarter). The Jeremiahs will ask questions relat- ing to Jeremiah, his time, and his prophecies, covering lessons 6-11 in- clusive, The sides will, take turns ask- ing questions, and the teacher will score one for every question answer- ed 'correctly and for every question on which the other side fails; only, no question soon unanswered t•e will score for d the side asking it unless that side can itself give the correct answer, PEN PORTRAITS REVIEW. The principal characters whom we have studied this quarter are Isaiah, Ahaz, Hezekiali, Hilkiah, Josiah, BELMORE The Commtmity Hall was well fill- ed Sabbath afternoon to listen to Dr. McLeod of Formosa, 'returned mis- sionary, who gave a splendid address: Mr: and Mrs. Metcalf and family at tended a family re -union at Bayfield Wednesday: The Mission Circle presented thei play>at the. Garden Party at at Lanes Corner Tuesday evening,doing thein selves justice. Visitors at the hone of Mr: Wm Mundell Friday were: Mr. and Mrs John Mundell, Bluevale; Katherine Foster, Rev. Wm. Taylor and family and Minnie Jeffrey. The re -opening of the Unite Churchwill take place July 7th. In duction of new Pastor July 5th. Mrs. Harkness, of Huntingfieid visited with Mrs, Roy Rutherford las w eek. Mrs..Peternian visited with Mrs Perkins, Teeswater. TORY CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark and fam- ily, of Gorrie, spent Sunday after- noon at S. Finlay's. Quite a number from these parts attended the Orange Memorial ser- vice in Wingham Cemetery on Sun- day. Mr. Everett Spalding called .on friends in the burg on Saturday. Mr• Jno. Wylie sold a horse to Mr. Roberts, of Fordwich, last week. We are sorry to report that Mr.• Hugh Douglas is at present in a Lon- don Hospital for treatment for his eyes and also had his tonsils remov- ed: We hope soon to hear of his recovery. Shapan, Huldah, Jeremiah .Pasteur, Zedekiah, Irijah, Ebed-melech, Rech- abites, Nebuchadnezzar. These four- teen characters may be divided among the members of the class by the tea- cher or by lot, the members draw- ing slips for them; Each is to write. a two -minute "pen -portrait" of the characters assigned to him, and these little papers arc to be read before he class, If there is not time for ail have the remaining papers refid at the next recitation or the next class soc- ial. If you have the papers written on uniform sheets and then bound to- gether, they will snake an interestnl., addition *to the class' records and a good exhibit if the school makes a showing' of its work, IMPRISONED PICTURES REVIEW This review, which is for the yotulgee classes, will Ilse, thebawd- fill series of Lesson Pictures publish- ed by the publishers .of this volume. Foe ,each lesson you will write a ser- ies. of simple questions, putting each question on a long narrow strip of paper. The questions for each les- son will be fastened across the pic- ture for that lesson, being pasted Tightly 'at the ends, and separated from each other so that the picture can be glimpsed between thein sui- Fretting about HAY FEVER? Ox ' Summer Asthma? Stop fret - oke v r. T the Hay ee fret- ting. F g Stop RAZ -MAH CAPSULES before the attack is due. We know people who had Hay Fever 20 years who stopped it with RAZ -MAH. You either get relief from one $1 box or your money back. No sprays, snuff, smokes or serums. No ',tertius or habit-forming drugs. ,-VER F3 8d 1 LETR THAT HAY FEVER s USE START y4 ,,. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick an Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lathers an family spent Sunday Bat the home o Mr.' and. Mrs. Colin Eadie. Miss Jean Inglis spent Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfre Murchison. Mr. and Mrs., Oliver Stokes an Mr, and Mrs." Thomas- Metcalfe mo ore& to Lion's Head and spent week -end. A fine baby boy has come to gla den the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harol Gilkinson. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Willits a fancily spent one evening recently the home of Mrs. W. H. Marshall Mrs. Harris and son, •Edmund, Maple, spent last week' visiting eei. the former's sister, Mrs. Oniar Stok Intended for last 'week) Mr• and Mrs. Carson, of Pricevill are renewing acquaintances with t Margie]] families. "Hiss Edythe Metcalfe, with h friend, Mr. Rae Little, are enjoyi the holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Jo Metcalfe's. • Mrs. Muir is visiting` with frien in Toronto. 0 Mr. Mrs.Herron, andJ George Rutledge, of Brampton, visited w their neice, Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Miss Nellie Gilkinson, of Palm ston, spent the week -end et her ho here. Mr. and Mrs. McCallum, and 1/ Agnes, also Mr. and Ivfrs. Neill baby,, of Woodbridge, were wed: - visitors at the home of David tune, and other friends, Mr. Robert 1,Itiir•, of Toronto home for the holidays. Borrie Vidette an• roxeter r avou. e st it SALADA �� �as the finest in the world and it costs only ane -quarter of a cent a cup. LAS Thursday, Tune 27th, .1929 TEAi `Fresh from the "gardens' 683 IITHEIUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE TOWN DOCTOR (The. Doctor of Towns) Says WHAT GOOD IS A FIRST OF JULY CELEBRATION? A man recently asked lite; "What good is a First of July Cele- bration to a town?" And he expressed a question that undoubtedly is .in the minds of many, especially those past the age of getting a kick out of any kind of celebration., It is true that much of the original intent and purpose of First of July celebrations has been lost or at least overlooked in modern ways of celebrating. Have you ever stopped to consider how many of those that shoot firecrackers, never stop to consider why they are doing it? I have often wondered at the percentage of'. people who make hurrah on the First of July that really pause in commemoration of the deed representative of the day: Leaving un- said the honor due the day, a First of July celebration has a material value to every community, whether that community holds a festival or the inhabitants go elsewhere to spend the day. If your town is going to put on a celebration, pitch in and do • everything—go to the organization coniniittee or whoever is spon- soring it, and offer to do something. Get busy and invite your friends to join you and yours for the day. Make it an invitation worth while. If you haven't any friends you can induce to join in the festivities, help somebody else to en- tertain their guests or appoint yourself a committee of one to do your utmost t0 help entertain the casual stranger in your midst. Start now on brightening the corner where you are. Make your yard, your house, your store, your entire town look clean, bright and attractive; put on your best behavior and your most winning smile, and when the company comes, show them around, introduce thein to the place where you live, and "sell 'em" on your town. ' If. the First of July isn't worth anything else to a community, it is worth the opportunity it gives you to sell somebody that comes to your town on what a real place it is and that the people in it are real people. If there is no celebration to be held in your own home town, and if you attend a celebration elsewhere, you still have an oppoi•ttin- ity to serve well the place where you live. Business goes where it is invited;' and stays and conies back to the place where it is well treated and served best—you can not sell people on your town if you do not tell then about your town. Therefore, if you are a guest of those who dwell; in some other city, invite them., to visit and do business with your town, tell them about your town, "tell 'cm till you sell 'em" that your town is a good town in which to live, work, play prosper. and oser. r But whatever you do, celebrate at home, if home is celebrating. a in • h`bited 1 prohibited Colyr+igltted, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproductionp w r part. This Town Doctor Arcticle is published by the Advance -Times in co-operation with the Lions Club. -°° ficientiy to identify it. Tell the class and the pictures are in prison,aid each is to be released by ala+,wring the qustions above it. As each (pies - tion is answered the slip will he re- moved, till the entire picture is "out of prison" . A WIDE -VIEW REVIEW, The adult classes'. will make the best use of this form of review, which, consists of a number of carefully pre- pared papers on subjects extending over the -entire quarter. 'These sub- jects will be assigned well in advance, 1 and each writer will be strictly lim- ited lin ited in time so that all can get into the recitation period. Here are some topics that may be used, in whole or in part: "The Work of the Hebrew Pro- phets." "Present -Day Workers Correspond- ing to the Hebrew Prophets." "Causes of the Downfall of Judah." •"F,orces at Work in our Nation, Which, if Not Checked, Will Lead to Its Downfall:" Literary' Etcellencis of. the He- brew Prophecies.' "What I's Heroism? Ilustrations from Our Quarter's' Lesson's." ``Messianic Foregleams in Our Quarter's Lessons:" "Inspiration, as Shown in the Les- sons of This Quarter." LESSON XIII,-JUUNE 30 Review --Prophets and Kings of Jttd- ah's Decline Ifni 11111111111111111111111 1,1111111111111111111 1/1/1t1111111111111111111111111tl lt111 11111111111111111111111111111.• SALEM, Miss Eve McMichael, who has been teaching school on. Manitoulin Is- land is home for the holidays.. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dane, of Gor- rie, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy. Miss Olive Willits, of Fordwich, visited a Couple of days recently with her sister, Mrs, Percy Copeland There will be n.o church or S. S here next Sunday awing to the Pat- riotic service in Wroxeter, n i t hasdecided o hold their The S.S. pic-nic on July lst in Mr. Melvin Willits' grove. The Wroxeter S. S. has been invited to attend. Corrie and enjoy a good time. 10th CON. HOWICK (Too late for last week':) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denierling, of Harriston spent. Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLeod visited relatives in Clifford Sunday. Mrs. Frank Graham and 'Kate, of Palmerston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Graham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller and fam- ily, ` also Verde Strong, of Listowel, were Sunday : visitors at Thomas Strong's. • IVIr, and Mrs. Wm. "Craig and. Mr. and Mrs. Haugh. McLeod attended a funeral at Elora last Thursday. SUPREME BUILDING `Gt ADVANTAGES NIVHEN building a new home or mak- ing over an old one, use this greatest of all wallboards. You will get these four. supreme building advantages : Full %"thickness—giving greater struc- tural strength and ,rigidity. Easier Application—Goes up quickly, without muss --saving ; time,labor and snoney. Fire-l'roo Noix-Wfar fiiizg Gyproc walls are fire barriers. Cannot crack, warp or shrink. Takes any Decoration --•-Including Ala- bastine, wallpaper, part and panels. 219 Fireproof WaIlbo Sale By For 5a Rate & Thompson Buchanandwe. Company, R. J. Huestoti Winghatn,. W inghamt, !Gorrie, Ont. Ont. Ont. wP. Sumner Wear For Men New and attractive lines in Straw Hats, Bow Ties, Fancy Sthirts, Fancy Sox, Balbriggan Underwear and B. V. D's., in- visible suspenders in 2 and 4 point; Arm Bands and Cuff Links. Made to measure Suits by Canada's leading tailors. These are a few of the lines we carry for well dressed men. We have the best lines for the working marl in Sox, Overalls, Smocks, Work. Shirts & Pants. Our Boots and Shoes are from the best makers and bought to sell at reasonable prices. Fleet- Foot Canvas Shoes in all sizes this is the season. for, these. If you have not been buying your Groceries, Pruit, etc, from us it will pay you to do so.' Our. special prices Save you niosiey. Sugar at present prices is the cheapest for years. We pay you the highest prices for your eggS, DAVEY'S STORE WROXETER. YES, THE DR. SAID You r au must operate, tonsils are easetl. We said No, and Mrs. Sy Spahr's Tonsilitis was applied. r. sils healed, operation cancelled. it, it's guaranteed. Wingham 17 gists; 5, R. Allen, Wroxeter. GORRIE Mrs. T. Howard, of Orangehill, of the oldest pioneers of the dis passed away at the home of her ghter in Port' Credit,' on Stinrlay ternoon: A funeral service will held in Gorrie United Church Tuesday afternoon, The. late Howard was well and favor How'ick, where she had it hos friends. A Wolffian of high quali 000 who always had the best inter of the community at heart, the ceased will be remembered for quiet consistent and helpful reli,; life. The late Mrs. 'Howard ry her 88th year, 'rev, W. l': Maines, of 'Walton preached two excellent: sermons at the United Church last Sunday. At the morning service a choir of twen- i ty-fiver juniors ted ,the service ''of Lucky Children Indeed, If Their Mothers Know and Serve D r e d at the d- t eS' it a erd trict Clods. ,•• , •A With all the bran of the whole wheat Children don't have, to be' coaxed to crisp, crunchy shreds of baked whole chew it --and that means sound teeth and Paper inserts in each package offer a surprise �� upsµ".tae eat wheat. good lHEAT itSHthREDDED ey They have digestion. for the chiklren. the to 1. t` I d f d r(1. t - d ,d at 1 li e, he er ng ig in d !in,.5'-' l i me d des-cilia1--- • (711e lau' af- be, on 1,Irs, ably t of ties (sta de her s in M , just SPECIAL One Good. A. MUNRO, G S .. ale Two Days reatMunr�'S� . Left Prices. JUNE 29th with every $5.00 - Phone 56 Everything . at Bargain - FOR SATURDAY; , 5 String Broom FREE purchase. WROXETER, se Corrie to the Strawberry Lawn Soc- pal under the auspices of the Progres- sive Mission Circle to be held on the Gorrie United, Church lawn next Tuesday, July 2nd. Tea served from 6-8 p.m, followed by a spicy program Regular Soft Ball Game.betiveen Brie grave and Gorrie young ladies at t park. Admission 35c, children 25c. ' Hear the Indian Quartette at the regular church service,in Gorrie, Un - ited Church next Sunday morning at 11 a.m. This quartette will sing it Dr. Savage's church, Pontiac, in the near future. Mr. Jas. Shera and Max Abram vis ited in MooHield last Sunday. Rev. C. F. Chandler will conduc service in Gorrie United Church a 11 a.m. each Sunday in July. Darin€ August Rev. Craik will preachit Fordwich church at 11 a.m.. each Sala bath. praise. This was the annual Sunday School anniversary. Mr.. A. Hamilton and daughter, Alexandravisited with D. and Mrs. ,Hamilton, in Brussels • last Sunday. Mrs, M. Abram visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Krauder, near Ethel on Monday. Mrs. Krauder has been seriously ill for some weeks. The Decoration Service for the Orange Lodges will be head Howick O in Gorrie Cemetery an Sunday, Aug- ust 4th, at 2.30. The committee have arranged to have the names of de- ceased members printed on the pro- grout so that the Honor Roll will not be called this year. There are over 200 deceased members in this district and an appropriate memorial service has been planned by the district com- mittce. An opportunity will be given friends to place floral offerings on the mound during. the service, � -y ' i l• .�, ` r �ir.. 1r�� iMON "r i� 'syb 1.. .; , 1,��l i 0. /Y •.i `. .... w� f�,, O �� � f �: � f 1. •. NAP4 it 7 w' x� .,,c''''.09. 40 oe�oy 11� � O �4lr,�:1 *11111:1111'' :cc:ay 1%11110: * DoesTry `111 �j�' 1 Ili ( j;'.': tires `t '1�Par uy ; .w� l' ' � It does not iso ata. they go' to —It's dangerous. A blowout may. easily —It's false econotn . You can't trduble and the° inconvenience not worth the worry. You if you know a blowout is due any It will pay you to let us pull off put on'. a set of brand new Dominion Royal Masters. They will free you Cords will costyou less in the long tire in their class—Royal al Masters are selves. Ti E rel;, s o' w G d 4 4 �b 4 G 6 o° ov o w>3 6• 4 044s. ✓' 41 `ie \f till crash. the bring. and or Royal other them - � OUT?. pay to run titers pices-because-=-' lead to a afford the time, that blowouts can't ride in comfort Minute. those old tires Royal Cords from worry, run than any in a class by DEPOT WINGIlAMVI. lllllll.. . .. . Wm. InOtani 87CICItAVE............•,... ..,...,. J. A. Young (iORR1II............. -..... ..,..:.. R. ]l•I. Carson, anid Son,