The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-20, Page 5Thursday, ay, June 20th, 1929 WINGHAMVM. ADVANCE -TIMES riday- Saturday Bargain Days at ISARDS STORES READ THE LIST 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar . .. , . . ... 59c Silk Hose at $1.00 and $1.25, now 89c 10 pieces Broadcloth reduced to . ,., . . , 25c Printed Voiles and Rayons, now ........ ,...... 39c . Table Linen, reg. $1.25, sale ... .95c Jelly special Powder 3.for .17c Peanut Butter, u ter, per 11). .. .. • :23c Silk Gloves, reduced to ..... . .89c 5 pieces Check Gingham, now.. ... .15c Frilled Curtains, reg. $1.25 for ...............98c Silk Bloomers and Vests, bargain . .98c Kotex, per package:. Up r: S e silk I -lose r`L$1.50,for o ....$1,19 p , b, Black DuchessSilk, S lk, y and wide .. $1.39 • Corsettes, special at ... Bargain in House Dresses at � ..i........$1.29 Smocks, now only1 2 •$ 5 Clothes Pins, dozen s, 2 for ...........5c Special in 'rea at ....59c Special Tweed Coating, reg. $1.75, for... ...$1.25 Bargain in Silk and Lisle Hose . . ... ..69c Slippers at cut prices, special at ....... .$3.50 Printed Voile Dresses, bargain. 1.95 5 'bars Laundry Soap for 20c Extra Special in Dresses, now . ........... $6.50 Silk and Wool Pullover Sweaters ......... .$2.95 $ .95 Ladies'. Knitted Wool Suits, goat ......... $7.50 Linen Towelling, colored• border, now . , .. 19c Baby Rubber Pants, 2 pair for "" 25c Rubber Aprons, special .... . 50c Baking Powder, 1 ib. can for .20c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisin for. .......23c 6 qt. Kettle and 10 Bars Comfort Soap • .. .$1.23 4 cakes Palm Olive Soap for . .. 29c Large. Turkisli Towels, reg. 75c, for . ... 59c Special in Boys' Ribbed Hose 19c Men's Wool Socks, 5 pairs for .•$1.00 Men's '''V`ork Shirts, bargain .t • .98c And many more we haven't room to quote here. 1111111111SI11111111111111111111111191111®I111FI1®1119[1I I®I II®III®111®11 I®I I I®II ISI I I®I I I®I I I®I liml Sa1e• ofg ran Coats s - Women's, Plisses' and Childyen's Spring Coats, new materials and latest models, all 7 on sale at 20 per cent. discount. AI VIII111111111I 1111111 111IA11111111111111111AI11111111111111111e111111II1111111111111w1I Io11111111 611 SALE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUI.TS Best makes and latest styles. Buy now and save 10 per cent on our close prices.. E. ISARD & CO. Lel. Delco -Light do ' • our work EPABATING, churning, pumping, washing -these are just a fewof the things you can do electrically with. Delco -Light, the dependable, individual electric plant. And, in addition, you can have 'bright electric lights wherever you wain them in the home or outbuildings; Let me 'demonsitrate DelcoaLight for you. H. JOHANIT, Glettannan:' j. J. FI2'YFOGLE, Wirrgham J. A. YOUNG, Belgrave BIRTHS I city --In Winghani. General ,F.-Iosp`r- tial, on. Saturday, Pine 15th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wrn.'Kelly, a son, :1LalhAJ�ltnL'`�,olAii$ DEATHS oy.... 'Tit Wingham, on Jane 18th, John Goy, in his 70th year, HURON OLD BOYS' ►S- SOCIA.TION, TORONTO The Annual Picnic: of the. Huron Old 3a s' Association of Toronto., Y , was held in Area No. 1, Exhibition Park, on Saturday last, and was the most successful in the history of the Association. The weather was all that could be desired, with bright•senshine and balmy air, and a most :unique location for operations, The attendance ran away up in the hundreds, and the well filled baskets of good Huron "eats" were in great abundan ce, The attractive feature in the early part of the programme, was the dili- gent search by the ladies, of the "My- sterious Mr, PIuron" who was early reported to be on the grounds, and enjoying himself. He turned out to be none other than Al, Grigg, the well known Clinton jeweller, who has been a citizen of 'Toronto, during the last three months. He was discover- ed by Miss Margaret Barry Burgess, who located him as he quietly walked along the sward, talking poiltics whit Lack Kennedy. The 'games were all well contested, with unusally large entries for each event. The time made by some cf the ladies would have made some o£ the professional runners sit up and talce particular notice. In the baseball matches some high class playing was . developed, several home runs being made by Bert Mc- Creath and Frani' McCaughey, and the pitching was of high order. The broom ball match between the married and single ladies,brought a number of the professionals into the game, and the real .spirit of the game (not the brooms) was manifested, making it exceedingly interesting t the spectators. The shades of dark were falling when the proceedings ,came to a close and everybody . -went home satisfied with the day's enjoyment. , The following is the list of the games and winners: Boys, -5 years and under, 1, K. O'Halloran; 2, Eric Robertson; Girls, 5 years and under, 1, Joyce Cu more; 2, D. Robertson; Boys, 7 years and under, 1, M. Hare: 2, J.1 Johnston; Girls, 7 years and un- der,1, Ruth Pridharn; 2, Mary Gramp- son; Girls, 10 years and under, 1, Jean Bushlen; 2, Marjorie Riley; Boys, 10 years and under; 1, R. McCreath; 2, Cecil Williams; Girls, ' 13 and under, 1, Margaret Elliott; 2, ,Pearl Price; Boys, 13 and under; 1, Jack Moon; 2, A. Anderson; Girls, under 16, 1, J',,• Robertson; 2, Jean Ferguson; Boys, under 16, 1, H. McArthur;. 2, Roy. Tufford; Young Ladies' Race; 1, Grace ,Stirling; .2, Margaret Burgess; Boot Race, 1, A.. Bennett; 2, D. Wil- son; 100 yard race, 1, Earl Stark; 2, D. Wilson; Married ladies' under 30. 1, Mrs, Stark; 2, Mrs. ` O'Halloran; Married ladies, over 30, 1, Mrs, Hart; 2, Mrs. `Henry; Married ladies, spec- ial, 1, Mrs, Henry, 2, Mrs. O'Hallor- an, 3, Mrs. Quigley; Married men, over 35; 1, B. H. McCreath, 2, Clar- ence Rhynas; Peanut race, 1, Isabella, Griffin, 2, Ruth Stark; Broom foot- ball, Married ladies vs. Single ladies, 12 on each side. Married ladies won, 2 to 0. Ladies. Baseball, South Iiur on vs, North Huron. North Huron; wins. Men's Baseball, North Huron. vs. South Huron, South T uron wins 6 to 4. The following .are the names of some of those present:- Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Forbes, Mr. J. A. McLar-, en, Mr. and Naas. B. H. McCreath, Mr, and Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Floody, Mr. and Mrs. H.: B, Stowe, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Lack Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, D.. D,' Wilson, Mr. anad Mrs. D. Thompson, Mr. and Airs. G, C. Young, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Ferguson, and Miss Ferguson,' Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Moon, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, I\4r, and Mrs. D. M. Johnston, Mr. Roht. Holmes, Rev, J. Hanna, Mr. and, Mrs.. L, S. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc - Hardy, Mr. and Mrs, H. Martin, hir. and Mrs, D. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tut- ton, Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Cook, Mr and Mrs.- R. J. '.Ferguson, Mr, and. Mrs. W. Todd, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Thompson (Iamilton), MP, and Mrs. H, Hamilton,' Mr. and Ml's. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rhytras, Mr, and Mrs, E, C, McIntosh, Mrs, H. C. Bur- gess, Mrs, L. H. . Brophy, Mrs, E. Pridham, Mrs. C. Gray, Mrs. Jos Beck, Mrs. J. E, Swarts, Mrs. C. Tn- giis (Dundas), Mrs. M. Derniody, Mrs. Henry, Miss E. Barry, Miss 1,. Knox, . Miss Lily Paterson, Miss F, Knox,, Miss Fannie Paterson, M•ss' Gritce Stirling,Miss L. Beck, Miss A, Crittenden, Mr, W. Waghorn (Sud- bury), Mr, Adam Dyer (New Toron- to), Mr. J. It Clymont, . Mr. G. K. Powell, Mr, W. Powell, Mr. 3,. R, Lyon, Mr. S. B. McCall, Mr, A. 3, Grigg, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, and marts others whose names could not be ob- tained, Notes. The T. J. Lipton. Co. donated one: litrndr•ed packages of theircelebrated Tea for the occasion, while our good. old standby, J, A. McLaren donated six . pairs of shoes and five pounds of coffee, Robt, E. Gauley, Clinton Old Bo; visited the picnic, being his initial r' vR rt to any of the events of the : s- soeiation, and he says he will not miss anything in the future. Mr. Harry. Stowe, Chairman of tie Sport's Committee, along with' Mr., Stowe, e band e the 1 d tl e tirogratnme to the Ring's taste, and there was never a, hitch, Bert ,1McCreath,' Honorary Presi- dent, gave Chairman very valuable assistance in refining off the games, while Mrs. Stowe handed .alit the prizes in quick rotation. Much real genuine sympathy was expressed for Mrs, R. C. King, woh is confined to her home with a very serious illness. Mrs; J. A. McClaren was confined to her home from the effects of a fractured ankle, and she was very much missed. Mr. W. Waghbrn came all the .way from Sudbury to ' attend the pion and he enjoyed it very much. Mrs. D. Thompson had charge of the refreshments, and sufficeit to say that everybody appreciated her services, because the "eats" were P. No. 1. A large number of membership tic- kets were sold on the grounds and Secretary Floody states that the pre- sent paid alp membership is the high- est inh t e history of the association. Ex -School Inspector Powell, for- merly of Wingliam, was on hand, and now that he has lots of time on his hands, promised to give more atten- tion to the association in the future. Rev. J. Hanna, a native of Morris Township, was a'very much interest- ed visitor. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOW TOURIST FARES To See the Wonderful West This Summer. You can take that longed -for trans- continental trip this summer -even now special low faies are in effect. Combine comfort and economy. All the wonders' of Jasper Nations' Park, the Pacific Coast and Alaska - including Vancouver, Victoria and the famous Triangle Tour -can be in- cluded in one low-cost tour. Amer- ing experiences await you. Beautiful sights abound. See them all this sum- mer. Going or returning stop off a few days at Minaki Lodge -a modern forest resort 112 miles east of Win- nipeg. A well illustrated folder has been prepared giving you, by story and photograph, the countless special features provided for the comfort and convenience of a vacation trip tc the Pacific Coast. Any Agent of Canad- ian National Railways will supply yc•i with a copy upon request. PIC-NIC.AT LONG BEACH As a compliment 'to Mrs. Thos. Gregory, of Wingham, Ontario, Can- ada, and her daughter, Mrs. Win. Campbell, of Winnipeg, who are spending a short time in Riverside,. Calif,, as guests of Mrs. Gregory's daughter, Mrs. Ernest Button, a very enjoyable pie-nic was held in Bixby Park in Long Beach, California, and it was attended by many former Wingham people. Those present Were:--- Mrs. Dr, Towler, Miss Louise Lloyd; Long ' Beach; Mrs: Duncan Stewart, Miss Annie Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Green and family, of. Los An- geles; Mr.' and Mrs. Herbert Hall, Mr. and Mrs. • Walter Hall, and Miss Margaret (of Wingharn Advance), Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Dillard, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coiling and Miss Edith, of Pasadena, Cal., Mr. and ,Mrs. Pear- en and three daughters, of Pasadena, 'Mrs. J. 13. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Beech Janes and daughter, Gwendo- lyn; Mr. and Mrs. Robb, Miss Laura Mulvey, Miss Emma Mulvey, Dr. and Mrs. 'Montgomery and family, of Long Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse But- ton, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Button and Son, Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Button and fancily, also Mrs. Mont- gomery, formerly Miss Debbie 11•- win, of Wingham, Onl.,'of Riverside, ivlr., ail .Mrs, gestic, whose father Was the first minister in Presbyterian church iii, Winham, of Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs.' Alcombrack, of :Nap`, anne, 'Ont., Mrs, ..Lane of Ontario, Canada, SALEM Mrs, Ed. Higgins, from near Brus- sels, spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. J. Willits, and, other friends. Mr, arid,. Mrs, Wm. King spent a couple of days with friends at Wiar- totr. ' Mr. Albert Gallaher•v had the ani,- fortune to lose a cow last week. Salem and B3leevale boys played a friendly gani.e of baseball here last. Friday evening, The score was. +2. 10 in favor of Salem. Wroxeter Corttinuation Lower • School Repo Form 1 Brown George -Hist, r• r rc- ' g; I �t. 60, Geog..r Art 59, Zoo, 76, Comp. 59, Lit, 47, Alg. 49, Latin 62, French 72. Gallagher, Iva ---Mists", Geo. 53, Art 55, Zoo. 62, Comp, 52, Lit. 48, Alg, 56, Latin 42, French 59, Hall, Florence -Hist, 52; Geog, 56, Art 58, Zoo. 66, Comp, 56, Lit. 64, Alg. 58, Latin 61, French 76• Hall, Norman -Hist. 76, Geog. 70, Art 51, Zoo, 73, Comp. 60, Lit: 73, Alg, 61, Latin 82, French. 87. Jacques, Mary- Hist*, Geog. 54, Art 52, Zoo. 61, Comp, 58, Lit. 46, Alg.*, Latin 64, French 78, McLennan, Ruth -Hist, 78, Gcog, 79, Art 75, Zpo. 78, Comp. 67, Lit. J1, Alg. 64, Lat, 73, French 78. Milligan, Maud -Hist.*, Geog. 50; Zoo., 64, Comp, 62., Lit, "61,,Aig, 67, Lat. 76, French 86. Ivlusgrove, Doris -Hist, 64, Geog. 58, Art 68, Zoo. 76, Comp; 59, Lit. '63, Alg. 60, Lat. 66, French 72. Newton, Hilton -Hist, 65, Geog. 73 Art 56, Zoo. 72, Comp. 60, Lit, 58, Alg, 50, Lat. 60, French 73. Waller, Marjorie -Hist. 67, Geog 67, Art 62, Zoo. 68, Comp. 59, Lit. 68, Alg. 72, Lat. 91, French 90. Form 2 Bennett, Robert -Gram. 54, Phy's., 68, Arith. 63, Zoo, 67, Geom. 59, Lit. 67. Brown, Marjorie -Grana.' 73, Phys. 78, Zoo. 78, Geom. 76, Comp. 67, Lit. 75, Latin 77, French 80. Davey, Isabel -Gram. 55, Physiog. 71, Arith. 50, Zoo. 75, Alg, 69, Comp, 63, Lit, 78, Lat. 74, French 78, Fralick, Mary -Gram. 56, Physiog. 69, Arith. 62, Zoo. 78, Geom. 66, Coin. 64, Lir. 64, Lat. 64, French 68, Fitch, Lyle-Physiog. §9, Arith. 59, Art 60, Zoo, 72, Comp. 55, Lir. 71, tat. 65, 'trench 59. Milligan, Jean -Gram. 50, Physi a ;. 61, Arith.*, Greom. 58, Comp. 64, 't 't. 50, Lat. 72, French 72. Stocks, Elva -Gram. 59, Physing. 72, Arith.*, Zoo. 78, Geom. 56, Comp. 69, Lit. 75, Lat. 73,'French '74. Weir, Blanche -Gram. 67, Physiog. 69, Arith. 67, Zoo. 73, Geom. 76, Corn, 61, Lit. 79, :Lat. 57, French 63. * Failure. • Jessie V. Johnston, Principal • Lorna M. Raymer, Asst., 7, WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Noel' Dickson, ' of Toronto, motored up Saturday an business. Mr. S. Rpbinson, of New York while in Toronto on business for hie firm, came up Wednesday and called on his sister, Mrs. J. R. Wendt, and other friends. The Wroxeter L. O. L. will att said Divine Service in the United Church on Sunday, July 7th, at 11 a.m., when Rev. Bro. P olingbroke will address then. Brethren to meet at lodge room at 10.45 a.m. Visiting brethren welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Patterson, of Niagara Falls, spent Sunday visiting friends; Mrs. H. Patterson returned with them for a few weeks' vacation. The monthly- meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the United Church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Thomas Gibson was in •the chair and opened the meeting with the hymn "Stand up, stand up for Jesus," The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Stocks, followed by silent prayer after which an audible prayer was offered by Mrs. Bolingbroke. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and approved. The roll call. Was re- sponded to by verses containing the word Prayer, Miss Bessie Lovell, a missionary, now on her way to Africa was selected for special prayer each day by the society. It was also .de- cided to follow the recorinlieedation of the board to have a temperance secretary, Mrs. W. S. McKercher be- ing appointed to the position, The Devotional leaflet "Is Tithing Pract-, icat?" was read by Mrs. Mary Edgar, in which it showed -soiree of the re sults were one-tenth contributed: We would be able to meet the ,challenge of the unevan,gelized areas and tlic needs of Mir home problems. We' would do away with all tawdry ways of raising money and feel honest Ind upright in our church finances, We would enter into a realization of faith and service while stewardship of life and partnership with God would. be the guiding aiid ennobling prinei- pies in lives dedicated. to the Master. �.. The hymn "We give Thee but 'Thine own" was then sung, after Which. Mrs._ Stocks took up the. study of the'men- ace of alcohol, stating that the 'VV. M. S. can make no g reate ' contribution. to the national life of Canada than to' carry'!,.. out the resolution that its members' will discourage. tiro drinking custom among their friends and o'ltely .set their' faces- in the tlrr.r': tion of eliminating the beverage fisc of alcohol in Canada. Mrs. Tho Gibson and Mrs. Bolingbroke then. gave most interesting reports of the recent conference bt Chatham, The W. M. S.. hymn '0 Master let :tie walla with Thee" was sung and the d14 pecial Sell*ng Friday and Saturday Of Women's Patent and 2�95 Blonde Shoes at 28 Pairs Values up ttr $7.00. The assortment comprises sizes 3 to 8. - Shoes with low, Military, Cuban and Spike Heels. Present day styles in brok- en sized lines, Straps, Ties and Pumps. Come Early 'Friday and Saturday and secure your ;lf these Bargains. W. J. GREER meeting closed with a prayer by the President followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, The program was in charge of Mrs. Stocks. JUDGING COMPETITIONS The third annual Huron County Live Stock , and Household Scien r Judging Competitions will be held at. Clinton, Friday, June 21st, comment: ing at 9.00. a.m. • The attendance at the two pre r- ious competitions has been very'good and it is expected that this year's competitions will be equally well at tended. The Judging Teams represent. Huron County in the Inter -County competitions last year made an excel- lent showing. The Live Stock Ju Ig ing team standing fourth at Toronto and ninth at Guelph.' The standing of the Girls' team at Toroato was equal- ly good, being seventh with forty- three other teams competing. The success of our judging teams is large- ly dependent upon well patronized competitions and it is hoped that ev- ery one eligible will take advantage of this and be present Friday, June 21st. ' Tire' June meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on the 25th fest. at the hone of Mrs. Smythe. Themeeting will be addressed by the government speaker, Miss \icDerntitr whose subject will be "Things Mon- ey Cannot Buy", A hemstitching co test will be a feature of the program. Tea will be served. Ladies of the community are invited to attend. Amy ir°11c* a API) H0LIDAY TRIP with Comfort and Safety .. the toughest, longest -wearing tires on earth -and know that wher- ever you go, your tires will carry you through with greater safety and econ- omy than any others you can buy. The extra Firestone process of Gum- Dipping which saturates every fibre of every cord with rubber, el ninating internal friction, combined with the rugged Firestone safety tread, gives you not only long mileage, but long unin errupted mileage by reducing tire trouble to the vanishing point,. See your nearest Firestone Dealer.. ]FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO,„ OF CANADA, LTD. Hamilton - Ontario \ei MOST MILES PER DOL Bath tiro fail 01010k00001m /0 iniittet WETHERALL & G.EE NWO0D R. C. M 1f1EAD, WI GHAIVI, NTA R. 1 o,