HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-13, Page 8r. BIG Six -cylinder engine, of the latest GMR high -compression type. BIG Six Power, Speed, Acceleration, Smoothness and Handling Ease. BIG roomy Bodies by Fisher of dashing, orig- inal riginal style, with wide, restful seats, richly up- holstered; complete • luxury appointments;. Ternstedt fittings of custom quality; foot -con- trolled, tilt -beam headlights; effortless steering. Four-wheel brakes of real BIG car quality, internal -expanding and fully protected from dirt and weather. Strong, flexible, semi -ellip- tic springs with spring covers and Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers. When you pay the price of Pontiac, you're entitled to a BIG Six. Make sure you get it. W. J. BROWN, Dealer Wingham, Ont. • .;PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, ° LI1V F ED FOOT TROUBLES ARE ALMOST INVARIABLY CAUSED BY SHOES THAT DO NOT FIT We wish to emphasize the above statement, seeing that foot troubles would appear.to be on the increase, such as corns, bun- ions, etc. Foot troubles as a rule begin in childhood, for the child is so prone to say that, the slide fits if he or she likes it, and if said shoe is too short or too narrow, foot trouble will almost surely develop, the short shoe produces "the bunion" and the shoe that is too narrow produces the corns. The only sure way to prevent "foot trouble" is to have the foot properly and carefully measured by one who knows how, and while there are many things pertaining to the things of this life that we do not know, "there is one thing we do know" and that is "How to measure the foot." Prevention is the best cure and as "Foot Troubles" are . very serious and vexious handicap through life it is surely worth while to "Take care of the feet" and we will guarantee a perfect. fit if you will do your part by "Giving us the privilege." Let us prove this to you. Willis Shoe Store P129e ' Wingham .I LYCEUM THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 13th, 14th, 15th —SPECIAL— Madge Bellamy & Louise Dresser In "Mother Knows Best" Two shows each night, starting at 8 p.m. Admission Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday and Tuesday, June 17th. and 18th Laura LaPlante ----- in "Thanks for the Buggy Ride" Wednesday and Thursday, June 19th and 20th Belle Bennett 'The Sporting Age' medy CIHARLIE CHAPLIN xn "THE .FLOORWALKER" WING AM ADVANCE" -TIMES Thursday,, June 13th, $29 $LYTH Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, of Tor- onto, spent Sunday with friends itr this vicinity. Blyth Band attended divine service at St, Andrew's United Church Sun- day evening. Rev Mr. Weir, Fres)- dent of the Band, delivered the. set - mon, a a r, After parading to the Menvir•-. lel Hall the baud rendered a sacred concert under the able leadership of Mr. E. C. Otterman, of Milverton, Especially fine numbers were two quartettes also duetts by Messrs. Baird and Otterruan, of Milverton, G. D. Leith and Dr. C. Toll, two cornets, baritone and trombone, were much appreciated) On Friday evening a district lodge. and banquet was held for North Hur- on Masonic District in Memorial Hall, Blyth. Over two hundred members were` present to greet Rt. Wor. Bro, Dargavel, deputy Grand Master; and Rt. Wor. Bro. Logan, Grand Sec'y, who were guests of the meeting. A sumptuous banquet was served by the Woinen's Institute. This was follow- ed by addresses and toasts by mein- bers from the district. The guests of the evening were honored with ad- dresses of welcome by Rt. Wor. Uro. Tierney and introduced'"by Rt, Wor. Bro. Fowler. Rt. Wor. Bro. Dargavel outlined the Masonic ainis and val- ues, and how we can strive .to reach them. Rt. Wor. Bro: Logan review- ed' Past Grand Masters of Onta showing what they have done for fhe order and how they have upheld its d gnity. DONNYBROOK Rev. Mr. Whitfield, of St. Helens, preached on this cirucit, on Sunday last, Mr. Alp taking anniversary ser- vices at Whitechurch. The Women's Institute met last 'Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ge,., Naylor. Miss Margaret Cunnington sp • last week visiting' Crewe friends. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finni ,i and children visited on Sunday wr:h Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Chamney, Arnold Craig and Jas. Murphy, of the G. C. L were home over the week- end. A large number of Donnybrook people attended the funeral on Tor day afternoon, of the late Mrs. Wm. McAllister. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bowles, of London, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Alec. Hackett spent Monday in London. Messrs: Tom Twamley, 'Will Irwin, Norman Shackleton, and. Mrs. Satin, ders, and Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mullin attended the funeral of the late Miss Mary Florence Fleuty, cif Wingham, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Torn Hackett spent a few days 'n London last week. The remains of the late Mr. Thom- is Gauley, of Goderich, were laid to -est on Sunday afternoon in Kintail Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ferguson, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with the Ira- mer's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mc- Donald, of Kintail. Miss Emma McDonagh, of Lon - ton spent the week -end with her• par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDon- agh, 12th con. Mr: and Mrs. Abe Vint, of Strat- ord, and Mr. and Tylrs. Wnl. Love, of Marnoch, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. VITm. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs, Will Pepper, of De- troit, spent last week -end with his metes, J. D. and Kenneth Farrish. Mrs. Roy Alton spent the week -end with her sister, Miss Winnie Cunning - ram, of Toronto. Mrs, Thomas Blake and daughter, Miss Grace, near Mafeking, spent the week -end in Toronto.. Mr. bless Alton and little son, of London, are spending a few days .tvith relatives here and near Goderich. Miss Annie Grant of Detroit is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Grant, 12th con. WHITECHURCI The Anniversary Services held in the United Church here on Sunday were very successful, as large congre- gations gathered both morning at d evening when Rev. W. R. Alp, of Auburn, gave two splendid discourses and the choir rendered splendid mus- ical numbers, Many anniversary vi.- itor's were noted, among whom were: Mr, and Mrs. John Rititoul and family with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; Mrs. Cuyler, of St. Helens, with Mrs. Frank Henry and Miss Sarah Gar- butt; Miss Thompson, Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Wesley Lott, of Atwood, with M. and Mrs, WalterLott; Mr. and Mr's, Ab, Cameron and Jean, of Ashfield, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon; Miss T3radf ord, of Orange- ville, with her sister, Mrs. Calvert Falconer; Mr. and Mrs, Loren John- ston, of Cedar Valley and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. ;Phillipa, Gode.rieh, With Mr, and Mrs, W, R, Farrier; Miss. Potter and Mr. Morley Jones, of Clinton, with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan; Mr. and Mrs, Sam Reid and faintly, of Ashfield, with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Farrier, her father Mr, Jarvis, returned to Ash- field with then) for the sutirmer; A,Q and M rs, Gea.'Walker and family, f Ashfield, Mr, ' and Mr;;, McKenzie; Webb, and Mrs. A. Anderson, of St. Helens, with Mr; and Mrs. Robt. Pur- don. MORRIS Mr, John MacEwen, of Ailsa Craig spent 'a few days at Mr. Alex, Mac- Ewen's, Mr. and Mrs, John Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard, of Kincardine, were visitors • at Mr. R.obt. Golley's, on Sunday. Mrs. Leonard Elliott, Marine and Stuart were visitors at Mr. Will Ab• raliam's last week. The Misses Dorothy MacEwen and Agnes Smitli, of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. Alex. MacEwen's, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Schnock, of Lis- towel also Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Abraham and son, Vern, of Gorr•ie, were visitors at Mrs. T. Abraham's on Sunday. WROXETER The May meeting, which was also the annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wendt. The president, Miss Pape, Presided. Important items of business were discussed after which the secretary gave an interesting and encouraging report of the work of the past year. The election of offi- cers for the coming years is as fol- lows; president, Miss Pape; ist Vicat :President, Mrs. Wendt; 2nd Vice - President, Mrs. Stocks; Secretary: Treasurer, Mrs, Sellers; District Dir- ector, Miss K Hazelwood; Branch Directors, Mrs, Lovell, Miss McEw- en, Mrs. Walker; Pianists, Mrs. Bol- ingb.roke, Mrs. Wendt; Press See'y Mrs, MaeNaughton. BELGRAVE The girls meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday afternoon, June 18th at the home of Miss Cela Coultes. Miss Martha Armstrong is in charge of the program of musical numbers and readings which will, be given, and will also give a paper entitled, "Our Flag", All of the ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. 1 1 GRAND LIBERAL DEMONSTRATION and Picnic at GRAND BEND, HURON COUNTY, ONT. on Wednesday, June 19th for all the Liberals and Citizens generally of Huron, Middlesex, Perth, Oxford, Lambton, and the City of London. The Federal Members from all Southwestern Ontario and also the Ontario Federal Cabinet Ministers will be present. The picnic will be honoured with the presence of Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice who, with Hon. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of National Revenue Hon. Jas. Malcolm, Minister of Trade & Commerce Senator Rankin, Wellington Hay, M.P., Ross Gray, NI.P., and Miss Gertrude Rankin, President of the Ontario Liberal Women's Association. WILL BE THE PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS The Public 1Vleeting will be opened ai 2 p.m. by Mr. Thomas Mc- Millan, M.P., of South Huron, and Mr. F. G. Sanderson, the Liberal Whip for the Province. Come with your baskets and bring your families and spend a pleas- ant day in the interests: of- Liberalism in Canada. ZURICH BAND IN ATTENDANCE GOD SAVE THE KING . SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES You can't buy an Elgin Watch for a dollar nor a Lincoln for 'the price of a Ford And when you cash a $10 check, you don't expect $11—nor will you accept $9. Money is merely exchange—a measure of value. So is merchandise. The one must be worth the other. For 50 years We here at Hanna's have been giving dollar - for •- dollar value in men's clothing and accessories, whether the customer spent one dollar or a hund- red. Quality for quality, our values are not excelled by any store! And equalled by few. Regardless of what 'price you pay at :Hanna's, you are assured of the most that yoin- money can buy anywhere on the Coast. Hanna L,' . 1. 0.., til. EXCLUSIVE MEN'S STORE goiciorniNuomouswiammismainonammat ■ ■ JUNlE•: i i Clearance -Sale of• ■ ■ ■ ■ aEIGHT FULL DAYS OF SELLING •• x ■ ■ ■ Sumner Coats ■ June 14th to 22nd ■ ■ Inclusive •,k ■ ■• ' a., ■ • ■ ■ •• Every' Coat in the store must move • • • ' at some price... - ■ • /4 .1/ TO 1/Z OFF •• •• • ■ ■ ■ • Dress Coats, Travel Coats, ,Ensembles and Tweedy • Models, all on the Bargain Counter. II • • FOR 8' FULL DAYS ■ ■ Be sure to read the, copy of our June Buying Budget • sent you. .It tells of scores of other remark- • able values throughout the store. ■■ • • • INShipmentof New Summer Dresses are ■ ■ • coming' to hand daily.' ■ ■ 111■ ■ • EXTRA! EXTRA!. • ■ ■ ■ 20 Wo•men's Suits of the finest French Trico • ■ ■ tine or Garbicord. All are three quarter Coats • ■ with skirts to snatch, and will make the smartest ■ •• Ensemble. Prices are cut to the bone. Regular N ■ $30.00 to $45.00 'values ■ ■ NI • Your Choice, Each $10.75 •• •■ •■ NiNI NI • Make this your Buying Centre for all summer NI II ■ requirements. ■ • • e• ■ • III■III■IIIJIIISIIISIIIPIIIs1l 111M1tlUjlIull1 1111■III®IIIIII111111®IIlllllluiUlllUlil11lll lll■IIIIIIIuln WALL.PAPERS • 1 _ We have the largest stock of Wall Papers ever ! shown in Wingham. i Priced 5c to $1.00 per roll i e Paints, Varnishes, Window Blinds, Etc. 1� The Wall japer' Shop N • Elmer Wilkinson ,' - Decorator. • (Ilvllluelllslllilllrlllilil®IIIPInin011l■IIIIIIIImIIIAlilelllmmlllllllmlllrlmililunlwml J 0 N M 0 N T H 0 s A L s J u N E M 0 N T H 0 F s A L E s r/ �+�MOM�ppM�N `NI 101s�\ / •'OPS�ES t V DOMINION STORES MANAGERS The 3rd .gig Week Hundreds, of thousands of Ontario and Quebec House- wives have taken advantage of these splendid offerings. Make sure you have your share. The special items shown aro for the 2 days stated ONLY.:. 286 r. WiI TCH "ova WINDOWS DAILY I • J U N E 0 N' H 0 F s A L E s LOBSTER Paste 2 1110250 PARIS Tin Pate 140 CLARE'S ' Tin Veal Loan 210 IMPORTED In Sams Herrings , 250 Kippered ' 230 Ingersoll or MseEsren's Cream or Pimento Pkg. Cheese 150. MUSTS . TIn MeatSrleh 15e ROASTED Lb. Peanuts 11e LIBBY's PREPARED 9.0L34r 1►lutotard... 120 & D. • PICKLEBRANS• Jar Chutney 25e "TASTY!' 2 -or. SKr • 11Mayonnalse250 DOMINO *RANO mem. 2 pktlt 25e M*n.I: LEAF s Pkts Matches 250 SHIRttnerS Girt PACKAGE 10.02, JAR 9URsD0sa GRANGE MARMALADE AND ONE PACKAGE 111, LUSHUs JELLY POWDER SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY HORNE'SLEMON (Only) JAND ORANatr• °11118088L ea PS ROSEDALE SLICER- - Yiee 2So PEACHES TI Rr4 j �,se KROVAM HEALTH AND $ISCUIMS Salts 180 SOCIETY JAMAXCA FRAY DENTOS No.1 Tin MIXED AND GINGER - CornedBeel25e ESSEX MARSH• SNAPS MALLOW 30,: i,'d ,ib.19e lb' 100 Lobster 250 3P!CIAL Halres $Bc MONDAY and TUESDAY CHOICE COHOE Lb. Tin (Only) . Salmon 350 P. A G. WHO1=C NAPTHA NORWEGIAN 2 This 10 Bari39. snacks 43. A YSIDE CALIFORNIA AND CHAIRS MUM; leolf S.M. Tin CLEANS EVERYTHING Salad $ for 21. 2 Pkat, '150 CLARK'S POTTED 3. Tins SPECIAL - kind* er l 250 Wednesday and Thursday KELLOGG'S RICE z rids (Only) lt#rlstlles ` ,250 FOR DELICIOUS ruMI'KtN pit• CANNED - wCLUB amiss •tl.s,. pluaaap illx.Tlns19e OIIves whin 330 AND WHITE SATIN PASTRY...' CHoXCF: FLOUR info' 29a . Olive Oil 290 DoMIMDN STORES OWN YAAMou8. 'BLEND Richinello Cottee i • 330 tilt 59. • itOtiZLESS _ j OINLET/Y'r:+` CANDY SPRGIAL• CNIkkkel� >zARGt AssGRTl sj it on • ox. xIN C IQ�CI1>tll1►T1 MRS 15LADES 5q0 iii rets 250 5 >�ikts. $Y DOMINION,STORES IITE lSUlt Ab6REs Y5 rSL�taYrYriEltir,'+ u N E 0 N H 0 F 5 L E s M