HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-13, Page 5fiff Thursday, .lune 13th, 1929 f I.T It1�it11!. "V9'1:N011A..14 A17VANt. i :TIMES Friday — Saturday Bargain Days at ISARD'S STORES. :READ THE LIST. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar °. 59c Silk Hose at $1.00 and $1.25, now . , .. 89c 10. pieces Broadcloth reduced .to .... ...25c Printed Voiles and Rayons, now . , .. , 39c" Table Linn, reg. $1.25, sale Jelly Powder, special 3 for :. 17c Peanut Butter, per lb. .. ... . , Silk Gloves, 'reduced to . .. . 5 pieces Check ,Gingham, now.. Frilled Curtains, reg. $1.25 for . , . ..: , Silk Bloomers and Vests, bargain Kotex, per package ..... Stpersilk. Hose, reg. $1.50, for ..... ..$1.19 Black Duchess Silk, yard wide $1.39 orsettes, special at ... ..... .....,98c • Bargain in Ilouse Dresses at .... . t $1.29 Smocks,now only . , . $1.25 Clothes Pins, 2 dozen for .. , .5•c Special in Tea at , .. .. . ..59c� Tweed Coating, reg. $1.75, for ..... $1.25' Bargain in Silk and Lisle Hose' . .... . 69c Slippers at cut prices, special •at'.: . $3.50; Printed Voile Dresses, bargain $1.95 5 bars I. aundry Soap for ' 20c Extra Special in Dresses, now $6.50 Silk and Wool Pullover Sweaters $2.95. Ladies' Knitted Wool Suits, go at $7.50 Linen Towelling, colored border, now .........19c Baby Rubber Pants, 2 pair .for ..25c Rubber Aprons, special ....... . Baking Powder, 1, ib. can for .20c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisin for , ........... .23c 6• qt. Kettle and 10 Bars Comfort Soap..... . $1.23 4 cakes Palm Olive, Soap fon 29c 'Large Turkish 'rowels, reg. 75c for.. . 59c Special in Boys' Ribbed Hose . . , 19c Men's Wool Socks, 5 pairs fpr $1.00 Men's Work Shirts, bargain :. ...... ... 98c .23c .89c. .15c .98c .98c And many more we haven't room to quote here. Ie111e111e111®111®111 III®I I Ie1I Ie1111••11®111611118111®I11e1I Ie111e111®111®I I Ie111e1I1e111n. idl Women's, .Misses' and Children's 'Spring Coats, new materials and latest models, a.•11 fi- ll on sale at 20 per cent. discount. eulemowin®nleilieimmaimmaimeulenlenimmunlelus111■melllralpianiew Sale o€wSpring Coats • SALE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS •Best makes and latest styles. Buy now and save 10 per cent on our close prices. H. E. ISARD & CO. WHITECHURCH Little Betty Straughan, of Auburn. visiting her, aunt, ivlrs. Jas. Laid- law. Mrs, Mcllrien is at her daugh+ :'s home in Clinton, as Mrs. Lovattis in Clinton Hospital, +4. r; and 1\ttrs. Gavin Middleton, f Hamilton and Mr. Wm. Hawthorn.. df :Brantford, spent last week 'with their sisters, Mrs, Kerr and Mrs, Joe Holmes. ' Mrs. Robt, Laidlaw and Clifford returned with theist. ivIr. and Mrs, Lester Falconer and and Mrs, Wm. Faleoner and son, Ernest, spent Sunday with relatives at London and Tliamesford. Mr. aiid Mrs: Kennedy, of Sarnia, visited over the week -end with her • mother, Mrs. Currie, and they and Mt. and•'Mrs. Lance Grain and Or- ton, visited on Sunday with their sis- t:cr, Mrs, J. T3tfrehill, of Turnberry. Mr,, and Mrs. Harry `McGee, and Gordon, spent Sunday v4itlr Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Campbell and other rola- tives in Belgrave. Messes. Gordon Naylor and Vict+7r i tnerson are shingling Ur. B. S. Nay- lor's barn, Ir. Chas, Leaver is building the. cement foundation for a stied. Mr. Dan Qtiinrt and Shirley and Ruth, of Thaniesford, spent Sunday at'. the homes of Mr, Geo. Falconer, of Culross and with his sister, Mrs. John. Falconer, • Mr. John Beecroft is in the hospi- tal at Grand Rapids, .Midi;, this week, Miss Martha Casemore, of Buffalo, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Jack Johnston. Mrs, Alec,' Reed spent last wee:: with het daughter, Mrs, (Dr:)' Ba1- four,. of L ucknow, who has return, 1 kr'om:Landon Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, of Liman are holidaying in 'Sas1atchc an a1 at Victor•.ia and. Vancouver. Mr, - atul Mrs. Ray Edington and ,son,' ofDetroit, and her sister, Mrs. Harold Currie band babe, who, had beenvisiting in Detroit, and' Miss Rachel Currie, motored up to Wing - ham for the week -end. ' Mr. acid Mrs. Roy McGee, of Pros- peiity, motored to Southampton on Sunday to visit hen, untie, Mr. r11ec Naylor. Mt. and Mrs: Jack Miller, of St, Helens, visited on Sunday • with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Gaunt. - D.r. Stephenson, of Guelph held a demonstration of internal par - ashes in sheen and Swine, at Mr, Marviaa laowell's, in E. Wawanosh, ort Tuesday, June lith? at 8.30 a.m, • Mr. John Pardon is cutting wood at Mr, Robt. Stewart's, in Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin return, ed last week -end from their wedding trip. • Messrs. Thos. and Arthur Moore called at Nile on Sitaday afternoon where a relative, Mr. Charles Stewart; is dead, On Sunday, June 16th, Rev, Mr, Brenner, of Brucefield, will preach in the United Church here, while Rev, H. Whitfield takes anniversary ser- vices for him. BLUEVALE Mrs: Charles Enright and daughter and Mr. M, Walker; of Toronto, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Holmes. Mi.' and Mrs, Newton Black, of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home of the former's sister, .Mr. and Mrs. John South. Misses Cora Jewitt and Ella Bar- nard were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerney spent Sunclay at the home of the tatter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, in Morris. Mr. arid Mrs. A. H. Coombs were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Falconer.. Mrs. -Jim. Scott and son, . Mac, re- turned home Saturday to West Lorne; she was accompanied home by her parents, M. and •Mrs. Charles Gar- nies. Mrs. John Robb, Miss Nina Robb of, Seaforth. and Mrs. Broatfood, of Walton, were Sunday visitors with. Mrs, Aitken and Miss Dorothy. . • t, Mr. M. H. Elliott, of Toronto is at present visiting at the homes of Mr. Will Duff and Miss Polly Duff., The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Associatidn of the Un- ited Church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Jewitt, with 22 members present. The meet- ing opened with. the President in the chair and singing hymn 231, and pray- er by the president, who then read part of the 10th chapter Romans. Af- ter the business part of the meeting the garden party which is to be held on ' the 5th July, was arranged for. The meeting closed and the hostess- es, Mrs. Jewitt, and Mrs. Stewart, served lunch arad a social half hour was spent. On the night of the gar- den party the Wroxeter girls and boys soft ball- teams come over to play ball. Come and enjoy the ball games and a good supper and pro- gram afterwards. Mr. and Mrs, John Amsbury, of Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Williams of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the 1•torne• of Mrs. Arnsbury's' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott. Me are pleased to learn that Mrs. john 'Snaith is improving again after ber recent illness. Johnston & Black ,shipped three cars of cattle and one car hogs to Tor- onto Saturday, Mr. David Hall, and daughter, Til- ly, of Hamilton, spent the week -end. with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Kerney and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke spent Suri - day with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith, in Morris. Mr. A. Holmes spent Sunday at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultess, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Snell. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thornton spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton. Mr. F. Black spent the week -end at Toronto. There will be a ben at the cemet- ery at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 15th, to. clean up and improve the property. All those interested will kindly come along and bring necessary tools. Mr, and Mrs. William Gibson leave the latter part of next week for Vic- toria, B.C., ic-toria,,B.C., by motor. Mr. Gibson has been on the high schoolstaff for the past year and is going to Victoria to take a similar position. J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Sales of Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at, moderate charges. Wingham Utilities Commission, H. Campbell, Manager; DANCE To the Blue Water Boys Every THURSDAY EVENING In Wingham Arena Jitney Dancing III9llleln112 nsono 11IDuleuleu.lelnelll9ul9IneuIelueiue111euleln9In9Insnl9ulcin lm 1Iglu • i Pt".! 1 FINAL CLOSE OUT EVERYTHING GOES ONLY TEN DAYS MORE 3. H. Stephenson Son SELLING OUT SALE Is a selling event that is uprooting all precedents. Values without parallel: Your last chance to buy High grade Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Tea Sets, Clocks, China Dinner Sets, Rogers and Corgi•• munity Silver Plate, Cut Glass, Novelties, Etc. The whole county knows that merchandise of unquestion- able quality is carried by this store, and this sale means a down- right and genuine saving event. So don't miss it as Huron County largest Jewelry stock will soon pass into the hands of the people. 9 8 i 9 9 AUCTION SALES TWO DAYS ONLY SATURDAY, JUNE 15 SATURDAY, JUNE ,22 Afternoon and Evening. Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, NOW FOR A SUDDEN SWEEPING DECISIVE CLEAN UP. Everything goes. Come early before the stock is all gone., 20% off Community and 1847 Rogers Silver Plate during this sale. J. H. Stephenson & Son Jewelry Store, Winghattu to 9 a 8 All accounts must be paid on or before the 22nd', of June or extra costs will be added to same. G® 1111#111111 110111e111®111111111111®inen1a1111111111e111•111•IIt1111111111111II1•1IIe1118B111l1IIIel11B91111s1116lIIIhii1 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Wingham and the Corporate Seal of the said Town of Winghain bearing date the 25t1i day of March,`A.D."1929, to ime directed, commanding me to levy upon the several parcels ofland hereinafter mentioned and described as being in the Town of Wingham for the arrears respectively due there- upon together with costs, I do hereby give notice that unless the said ar- rears and costs be sooner paid I shall, on Saturday, the 6th day of July, A.D,1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in the Town 1Ia l in the Town of Winghain in the County of Huron, sell by Public Auc- tion so 'much of . the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes and all'`charges incurred in and about the said sale and the collection' of the same. No. Description Years in Arrears Taxes Costs Total Name of Patented Arrears Party or unpat- assessed ented 1, Lots 12, 18 & 14 1926-26-27-28 $109.82 $14,25 $123:57 .:Marion Pat'd, 2, 3, McIntosh Street South Lots 4, 5 & .6 ,....... 1925-26-27-28 :$ 78.40" $ 18,47 $ 91,96 C, M, f'or'd Walker Part Lot 'B, 1.2.,.... 1926-27-28 $ 20:18 $ 12.01 $ 32.19 Max F.h= Pat, Dated at Whighal!n this 27th day of March, A. D. 1929. W; A. GAL EAIT1, Treasttrer, Town of Winglrat s. ;j'ohnston LOCAL AND PERSONAL Morris Christie, who is taking a course in Queen's University, extra- murally, paused fourth in a class of 120. Large quantities of second -band brick and lumber far sale, Apply on premises next Bell. Furniture Co, fac- tory or to ttlie undersigned. R. Van - stone, "Wingham, Walkerton's nightwatchrnan haft littleopportunity for taking a' sly snooze or hiding from the chilly winds. When business -Hien set fire to rubbish in the back yards, and the smouldering heaps break out into fairly good fires, the nightwatchman certainly earns his pay, by putting them out, Mr. Jacob Steinmiiler, the once famous miller of Otter Creek, south. of Walkerton, and who won prizes for his flour at the World's Fair in Chicago, the Paris' Exposition and the Glascow Exhibition, died. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Lernbke in Kitchener, on Friday last. The deceased who was over 80 years of age, lost his wife by death several years ago. Forcier-Bone Palms and ferns decorated the Church of ,the Messiah, Detroit, For the marriage there on May 31st, of Laura Alexandria, daughter of "Mrs.. J. W. Bone and the late Mr. Bone, of Belgrave, Ontario, to Robert W. Forcier, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Forcier, of. Youngstown, Ohio. Rev. W. M. Gordon officiated. At 3.30 the bridal party entered the church. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin and veil of lace and tulle. She carried a shower bouquet of 'cream roses and lily of the valley, and wore the groom's gift, a 'rectangular - shaped platinum pin set with dia- monds. Hher only attendant was her sister, Catherine May, whose. gow.i was Nile point d'esprit with picture hat and shoes to match. She carried a• bouquet' of pink roses and orchid sweet peas. Mr. Robert Hamilt .n, of Youngstown was best man. Later the happy couple left by boat for Iv, ontreal, Quebec and New York, the bride travelling in a navy and white ensemble with white fox fur. On their return they will reside at their home in: Youngstown, Ohio, Between four and five thousand bags of Garnet wheat am being shipped. from Fort William to be. tested by millers in Great Britain. Reports of the reception given these samples will be available be- fore this year's crop is ripe, gov- ernment officials expect. If these prove favourable the futureof this early ripening variety should be assured. Beef grading In Canada will be established shortly under regula- tions framed by the Dominion Gov- ernment, R. S. Hamer, chief of the cattle division of the Department of Agriculture, announced at the an- nual meeting of the Ontario Cattle Breeder's Association in Toronto the other day. The proposed sys- tem will be a voluntary one and will be confined to municipalities with facilities( for inspection and grading at the time of the slan,g4b.- ter, The aim in view is the stabil- izing of the market and the breed- ing of better cattle. Business men appreciate the competent service with which business accounts are handled by The Dominion Bank. THE DOMINION BANK A. M. Bishop, Branch Mgr., Wingham 229 What Well YOUR, Retiiinq I Incorne Be? RECORDS of the last generation show that ,out of an average group of 100 men of 25 years of age, only '8% at 65 years of age had accumulated sufficient to retire. In this generation, through the means of the Pension Policy of the Mutual Life of Canada, you can assure your independence, when the age of retirement is reached, by a regular income. The insurance feature of the Mutual Life's Pension Policy protects your dependents, and its benefits' may be paid in the form of income to a stated beneficiary if so desired. Any of our recognized representatives will gladly explain the details of this policy, or, if you . prefer, write direct to this office. • IlteMUTUAL LI „„ F OF C ' i` ntar®o W. T. Booth, District Agent, Wingham, Ont. Wm, Webster, Agent, R, 2, Lucknowi R. H. Martin, Agent, Ripley 503 Choice f /J at rti extra L.� •'i • 441. See our special . 'splay iii newest motor car �w At no extra cost --a. Choice of Colors on any model,from, a variety wide `you have almost so individual distinction. Come to our special color show and sce for yourself the great number of color combinations from which you may choose, s 8 4 0 And, remember, this is only an additional feature to the great array of values With which AND yr Essex the Challenger has swept the field. All prices f. o. Pr. Whinier. taxes extra `S 'our present car will probabh covet the cis Litt firstpn'titent. The t H. M. c. k"urchase Plan ,ffets the lowest terine ettailabLt en the b,lanas. rFRYFO Tot U 11 L N E Dealer WI'' ;y i AM 1