HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-13, Page 2UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 3RD TO AUG. 13'T, SPECIAL COURSES 4n (1) Public Health and Bacteriology. (2) Nature Study. (3) Mental Hygiene Courses offered aIso in„ Astronomy, Chemistry, English, French, Ger- man., • Greek,, History, Latin, Mathematics and Zoology. Ssx .delightful Weeks 'of study and recreation. For information write the Director, Dr. Kingston, or the Regis- trar, Dr.K.P.It.Nevitie, London, Ontario. GEO. SPOTTON SPEAKS ON THE GC FR.ICH , HARBOUR Mr. Chairman, in these dying hours of the session I hesitate to take up very much of the time of the house, especially in view of the extreme heat which many of ;the thin men in the house feel so greatly, But I have not unduly trespassed an the time of this house duringthe present session, consequently I feel that it is my' duty. on behalf of my constituents in the town of Goderich, to place upon re- cord the great national' importance of Goderich harbour, and to try to show that it is a ,national necessity 1 that the Work there should be pro-• deeded Within•a more energetic man,- Icer. 1 i 1 haye" 'not risen to criticize .the Minister of .Public Works with -regard to tine am nnt placed in the estimates this year for harbour improvements at` Goderich, namely $205,000, which, IMien he viewed Canada ,from coast to coast, was perhaps the amount be thought we were justly entitled 'to. I ant not atthemoment complaining of the, amount of tate vote, What I dam asked ,by his own political friends Ito do is to stress the .fact ,that -the i work should be proceeded with ener- i getic:allyand that the amount placed in:the estimates -1),e spent. Last year there was placed in the main estina- ares $75,000 for this purpose, anal the people of Goderich and western :Ott- terio were delighted when the' 'ntiti- ister 'brought Clown in the suplale-' n entary estinfates'an additional $100- 000.. But they were not so delighted when they tondo at the end of'the year that ' out of this $100,000 which be brought down In the supp)emen= buy estimates he had spent only $10, 000. The minister may meet with difficulties which1 do not understand,: but what we would like 'to have done M'r•. Elliott Fust a moment,' s,o that there shay be mo misunderstanding. Is my' lion. fi'ierta under tate intpres- stun that only $10,000 was spent on the harbour of Goderich last year? Mr. Spotton: No, 1 did not say that. I said that $75,000 was brought down in the main estimates.. Then the pet), Ole' of the town of Goderich and Western Ontario rejoiced to know that the minister had brought down an 'additional,. $100,000 in the suuple- ntentary estimates; rut of this ad: ditional '$100,000 they 'were chagrined to Learn that only $10,000 'Was spent. —In' other' words, of the' $75,000 in the main: estimates and the $100,000 iM . the supplementary estifnates $175,000 in all—the department ex- pended only $85,000; $90,000 was re- turned to the .treasury 'and is handed. back to us againthis year. This is the point that I alai trying to" -stress; we are satisfied with the $205;000 which the Minister has plac WINGIIAN,L AIDVM OE TI V[EP ed m the estimates, provided it is spent, hitt when the governilment; and the,department sent out the lnni fora,' tion -that tpr the purposes .01 a cet-- Iain public work, $175,000 is to be aplrropi•iated, thus getting the adver- tiling effect of that announcement, and then spendonly $85,0.00, holding bade $90,000 and handing it to us a- gain the next year, we';thinie they are very inuclt in the position of an old gentleman 'Up 'in 'my natil,e toivnshili ". who used to give itis. -son: a penny. to go to bed without his Supper, and when the poor litt1e fellow was sleep- ing tite old Mian' stole the penny and gave it to him again the next night. Now, I, admit. that this' administra- tion is an excellent advertising insti intion, and I want them. to get full credit for everything they do, But, 1 ish'to state this: that every school child in the town of Goderich',knows' that this government took the -adver- tising effect of $175,000 .last year • but spent' 'only $85,000. In. fact, .Mr, Chairman; if you take, the revotes of the last four years it almost 'equals. the $205,000 which we are Vetting this year. The Minister explained to tite deputation that he. had his troub- les, that as 'the estimates were late in going through. it necessitated . some 'illela} in getting the work sttrtecl.-. It should thinlc that With unfinished eon- tracts, and with . a government who'. have a:: large, subni:ssive majority at their back„ there should be :no' cliffs- etilty in, the'administration carrying Mi,ijr,1:ri_. rirl-IE greatest safety feature on any auto` 'mobile -the braking system—has bee1A developed on the Ford car to a degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding brakes on all four wheels are free from any clanger of impaired performance from mud, sand, road .dirt,, grease or other foreign =natter entering the mechanism. or between .the bands and drum.. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one ora each rear wheel, is distinct' and separate,operated by a har=d lever. This added security is na.de possible through the unique : design. of the Ford steel spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to accommodate two sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. The smooth, even braking :of the Ford car yields snore'advantages than maximum safety at all times, since it makes tixes last longer and adds imreasurably to riding ease and driving comfort Drive it Yourself -- there is no "Better Test Ford Car Features Choice of colours. $5 to 65 miles an hour 40 -horse power engine Pull, balloon tires Fully enclosed six -t t'ahe system d Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers so to so miles per gallon of gasoline Sliatterpreof grass iiwindshieid Theft.,yroof ignition tock Retiabiiitti and, low' upkeep Arrange for your demonstration' ride with the nearest 'Ford dealer 01.,....______ ,� m tee- _ o 0 WEATHER FOR ' Thursday, Jwra,e 13th, 1929 GESTIONS THE FAMOUS °GORDON" SHIRT OF 'QUALITY Fine Quality. Broadcloth; -Plain Striped Effects. or ar SOCKS OF QUALITY c rti er a,,' eae ANOTHER "GORDON" LINE PRICED RIGHT Made from Fine Naincheck with or without Buttons, HATCH No 13'n t than NAINCHECK CREAM BALBRIGGAN Underwear WHITE BALBRIGGAN .$1.25' .. $1.50 .$2.00 TRii F'OR MEN'S AND OYS' FURNISHING NEEbS ad' er St�resLiiedWingham I-�-os•1® , oszaa ao=s® oao----t*a=o oxo out anywork they wished to under taltie. Any contractor should know that., - ',tle donation.. Through, the activities of thus harbour the Canadian Nat- ional Railways, our own system, tak- es in Duel= $1,000,000 of revenue in freight annually while the Canadian. Pacific Railway—takes in over three- quarters of a million. We had =float Now I wish to place a few things. on Hansard, I' do not propose to be taking this matter up every year if I am longer in the house, but I do; wish to make a brief review of God- erich harbour as presented to me by friends of this government, and which they wish to have presented to the Minister of Public Works/ In' 1896 Mr, Cameron, who : hadrepresented.: since confederation tate constituency in which the town of Goderich• is,16-' sated, made the statement that in 1870 at his request SirtiJohn A. Macdonald had b'appointed a'comnussion to. take evidettee and to • view the situation right along the coast line from Sar- nia to Toberntory. That °annuls- sion reported that Goderich was the only harbour of refuge' along ' that stretch of 150 or 200 miles, and Sir John Macdonald's administration, '-at the request of a Liberal member re- presenting that riding, took action in the "=natter: Sir john"showed him ev- ery cotirtesy; without striving to make Mr, Cameron believe that because he was of a differentpolitical pei•stta-. sign he should conte hat in 'hand and on bended =nee before the throne.of the 'Minister of Public Works. yet the other Olay, when L rose in the house to ask that another town in my constituency be given a public- build- ing, the answer, of the 1Sfti'1'iistel. of Public 'Works was itt effect that I had a nerve to ask for anything else in my constituency inview of the ex- penditures that bad ,beeti made on this great national port, which was found- ed by the party to which -1 belong. and which had been Mai'rdained 'liy every government 'up to the present moment, despite the fact that in• near- ly every instance the sitting member has, been politically opposed to the administration of the day. The Dion :fairies Sutlterlartti, Mitt ister of Ptibliee Works in 1903; stat- ed that up to that time Canada,- had spent $718,841,43 on the itarbotw; Be- fore I proceed' I wish to point out to lion. members of this house that this is no ordinary harbour seeking- a lit - 4 4xv...va. in the harbor last year 22 vessels carrying five and three-quarter mil - ion bushels of wheat. Last year twenty inillion bushels of wheat were handled at this port. Th cargo deliv- eries to Canadian ports Goderich (Continued on Page 3) DINNERS R` 6' Meals iiiiiiiiiiiiiii AI.WAYS time! Most menfolk get cross if meats- aren't-served emsaren'tserved on time. But you can 4LlVVr4'YS hers. mems right on the dot if'you do your cook- ing on 4 Perfection Oil Range!' Jost touch a match to the -burin- er=-there:'s your heatr—fast as gas', faster than electricity,. -far faster than' coal oc' wood: '.And so Rel eatax No, soot toy dirty', up your pots . and' pans. No wood fotr the.meu• to Chap auu11 eaery in at all hours!, F E iBurning lq•u.L nLaWIe.1111i1,.n r. 1'MYw 1h'1!xYw'w MM.r Y1�.A M w„+F wn ilrla+dnhirli Dept, 402 a606,4 Sterol watt i,td.y •' ahtoi ttto 016...6 Mend Rhe t1tlsls 116etaiube to PerfiQttein ttevgee,.s (sb *owo stases where 1 ern aero setae t hiff1 e 4 s NM4 r • f ( ✓ » Y»» M n+4s 'e4 W W •N w• weaw.. A.rklzcas...... ..,... 444..,.....1•41,446.11144.... PIN.114. ... ».,1.1.1•I•;44 R»��ii71,44.we«rew .il.e0+e.6/ .4!0.4 4.r4/.*e.4e en � .�, r R a u*a.Rlsv� RgitMRdm140 iiiu,id�gn!1!r nrcJ Seta• the were 1929' ` l tYetwe4cafie a000,ep? lfY �thite, pig,'. 0