HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-13, Page 1r With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. $ingle topieg, Shre Cents. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE lth, 1929 uloaeriptions $2.00 per year. OB • .Mrs. ,(Dr, There passe p May 23, 1929; - Jamieson, •after ,almbst five m was a native County, where D. Henderson, man for many , ago she was Jamieson, who .years, She wa St. United Chu permitted, was perm -lents of t David MacLea mourn the los fun'eral w Tesidence, 105 afternoon of tribute paid b J. Black, testa and optimistic who came in ' J. S. Shortt a There were m fering's. anter rie Union •Cei distance who were her brot and wife, froni and Misses Miss Janiieson Fred Jamieson and Mr. and NE •onto; and Mrs neice, Thelma Examiner. . Mrs, Mary Anne England in 18 ents sailed for only fifteen inc in a sail boat, of six weeks, ton., Later the where she ma 1875 and settle among the ear trict: There sl ago, then con she lived ever Mrs. East children of Nvh 'namely, Norm Frank, in Sas furly, Alta.; Tl Wm. J. Brow Wm. J. and Fergus. The died in SWUM and Marshall had 29 grandc grandchild. T and siic sisters long member Grand Valley. Mrs. East' r • and bright dis to do a good t though she ha a •great suffe - she was very s ing. Shes was The funeral *dence of her - Simpson, wh e for over six attended. Ttli • by Rev. R. S. Church, who s to the sorrow Interment was Cemetery, --Fe Geor Belgrave w the sudden d strong of the itoon. He is and five sons, the west; and ry, in Morris. have not been strong was in been a reside years. Mr There passe the township ley, in her 851 tive of Irelan 'with her pareti ing to this 1 here all her li of the late Isa ed her about t ber of years tl until the deatl she went to • Mrs. Geo. near Winghar sons mid titre George, RObert Day Winghatri, Mortis; also Giles, rand eral took plae l'esidence of Day. interm Winghain Cer 1TUARY . , LOCAL AND :PERSONAL L BERAL-CONSERV-• , . . THE NEW MODERATOR • HURON COUNTY FREE CLINIC FOR CHII..DREN WEDDINGS --- Strangway-Ashton A quiet but pretty wedding Was ',461eitinized. at the iume of mr. i,raj. Airs: Robert Ashton, Gorrie, at high. , W en noon on Tuesday June 7th. ' when , their daughter, Margaret Evelyn, was united in the holy bonds of Mathis _ mony to Mr, 'William Strangway, of Sarnia. The bride looked particularly . . . ch,arming in a gown of white georg- d 1 ' dwith ' 1 ette and lace ace trimme pear s. She wore white shoes to match, while an exquisite bandau of pearls was won- er u y set o ., y t e ri e s -Jet d f 11 ff b h b 'd ' " black hair. The bride carried a show- ., er bouquet of -Ophelia roses. Miss Beryl Ashton as,sisted the bride, gowned in sunburst Celenese and carried a Shosver - baguet of yellow • 7,in. s, 1Ahensen, of Tar- roses. Mt Onto, supported the groom. Mendel - , : • ssohn s wedding march was beautt- - .. ,, . fully rendered by the blide s sister, . . . Miss Pauline. After the ceremony th e•ue ts sat cl to a sum tuous . • repast which ,was daintily served by , . . , . , . friends of the bride, Miss Able Seip and Miss Jean ' Smith, of Seaforth. Th- -•„. e weacung t wag quiet, enterta n. - ed the following guests: Mrs. Porter, mother of the groom and Miss Ruth ' ' . . St rangway, of Co rti nna ; Mr. William . Shensen, of Toronto ; Mabel Ross, Rev. and Mrs. Craik of Gorrie• Mrs. . ' ' C. P. Sills, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Radford Walton The ceremony was performed by Rev Craik of Golie r - . . - .: . ' while durmg the signing of the rep - s el Mrs a or several t • M R' df drendered 1 piano selections. , The bride's going away gown was a figured blue o'eorY- ette and a coat of silver grey moire, hat shoes and purse o ma c h t - t h , s . The many and valuable gifts testi- fied to the bride's popularity, both in Gorrie and Seaforth, -where she had spent about five years as Assistant Postmaster, After the wedding km - ridal party left for a cheon, the b ' week's honeymoon trip to Toronto,. Niagara Falls, Buffalo and *Detroit The best wishes of their many friends go •wita the bride and groom to their '1 home'. in Sarnia. —7--7--- ' ATIVES TO MEET ---,— . .. COUNCIL MEETS ' ' CRIPPLED David .j'arnieson Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart and het mos The choice of Rev. Dr. D. Perrie, . •• i away in Barrie on flier are visiting friends in Detroit. IN. WINGHAM by the General Assembly of the Pres- . , Inglis in ddressin the Stratford Rotary club last year • • Mrs. jean Henderson ,p. lingering illness ,of nth Mrs. JarniesOo Mt John Nichol is -viSiting rela- tives and -frienda in Durham this ' . isseh. ,.„2, Bennett, Federal Leader, R B ' l'`` ' ' ' June 20th and Others to Speak on :bine 20th. • byterian Church in Canada as Moder; odor for Ehe coming year brought this . . . ,, . s • rrom coinparative ouscurity Warden a , g cpuncilf at the opening session on Tuesday, referred to County finances, the the darn- f raised a fund o about $7,000; to be , sPent, on crippled. children in an en- ', aeavot to reduce their disability and f Whitechurch, Bruce her father, the late :a, her was a leading,businesa rears. About 23 years narried to Dr. David , predeceased her seven ; a member of Collier rch, and while health Miss Reifa Jenkins spent the week- end 'with her couin Mrs Robert Powell. ` ' • Mrs. Foster Marshal spent a , day , • last week with her friend, Mrs. Rob- • ert Powell. , "Mother Knows Best," at Lyceum Theatre, Thursday, Sat- "••"--- . . 1 coon romi es . Following his pre -e e n - ' George Snotton M P for North Hu- - - ' ' '' - ' - ion, has arranged for a big political meeting in the Wingham Arena, on Thursday aftemoon of . next, week,' June 20t1a, at two o clock on. R., ' PI B., Bennett, Liberal Conservative lead- HonB. to the chie foffice of the Church. It may be 'taken as a recognition of • • consistent service faithfully rendered in the sphere to which he had been 11 d D P ''. I d ca. e . r. erne las serve • the Church for more than forty years. • irty-five of these have been spent the condition of roads, age done by the spring . flooc1S, par- TO . tiCilliTlY the destruction of the W x • • t the eter bridge, and the injury P roads by heavy traffic especially ,in ' the early spring Satisfactory ar --," rangements had been made, he •said, ,. with respect to payment ot the coun- thusmakelife more pleasant In making P. survey of Perth County the Rotarians found it possible to extend their good. influences to a -wider area • • ' and so have included I -Limn -Counts' in e scope of their ene lc enee. ' the • • .1-• • b f' A free clinic is arranged for in Strat- , ford on June 28th, to be presided ov- 1ty'sshare active in various de- lie church, One son, ,Jamieson, is left to ; of a loving mother. is. held front .her 'a c Worsley St., on , the lay 25.. The wortliv r her pastor, Rev. J. ied to her useful life ipirit, so helpful 'to all :ouch with her. 'Rev. ;sited at the *service. ny beautiful floral of- lent-was.made in &IT- etery. Those from a attended- the funeral ler, Thos. 'Henderson . White-eburch;. W. J. :enderson, TeeSwater; , . . an 1:,. , Miss Ella Jamieson Friday' and urday of' this week. Miss Bernice Wright , has taken a position with the -Robe •and Clothing .Spotton Co., of Kitchener. , ' .Mrs, Percy Hill, of Saskatoon, - Sask., who attended the *recent gen- eral council of the. W.M.S. of the . Presbyterian Church, held in -Ottawa, is spending a few days -in town. y,ender Lorne• Miss.. Mabel Mr. Kramer, iss.. Mahe st d ms • araman an I tss Bernice Wrighf, of kite . — . - .., , hener, ana ivir. Leslie n;rtages, of Acton, spent the week -end at the h ' f m d I/ John - home o • r. an Mrs .r.,. Wright, ViCtoria street. --/...- -a.m. . . ,,, . a Mrs Robert Dickson of Winghain, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ruby Harold Moffat eldest Jean, to john , er for Canada; ..E. P.yckman, K.C., M.P., Senator Donnelly' and 4 Duncan Sinclair, M.p, will assist Mr. on this occasion. Arrange- ruents lia-ve been made to broadcasi . . the meeting over Station 10 13.P., and amplifiers will be placed in the Arena may hear perfectly. Seat- so that all m ing accommodations will also be pro- wided for all,• -Wingharn 'Band will a programme during the if - , • ' ternoon A public reception Is to be ' held On Mr. Spotton's lawn from 1.00 tO 2.00 ,p.m. . Mr. Bennett occupiesa prominent place among the public speakers in Canada, and is one of the best -inform- • , IT 1 t' = A ea men on poi Ica ques.ions. s leader , of one of the great. political parties in Canada, his visit to Wing- . • ham is somewhat of a.n honour which . li ..., ., fi' Iiii 4 of the expenthture on vincial highways. Warden deplored the unnec- The . essary speeding on the roads, which not only damaged the' roads, but was a great source of danger to life uid property. Great injury was done to the roads, also, by too heavy and too early traffic in the spring, and he thought some serious action should be taken to check such practices. As usual the question of roads is ' • ' taking a. good d.eal , of the time and attention' of the council. At the op- ening session the clerk gave a state- • xnent of the cotinty's indebtedness on t account of its s are oi the cost of • 4 ' Provincial highways within the epun- ty. The county owes $144,000 on this account. Of this $32,000. is be- ing carried by the Bank, the remain& er by one of the ioreinost, surgeons in• -Toronto and to which every child, , ' in any way afflicted with eye, ear, , . . .. . nose or limb disability is welcome, and where best advice Will be offered for future treatment without any cost . whatever Glasses and appliances win • be provided free of any charge for . same If •it is fourid the Child re- • - quires hospital or surgical treatment . , and the parents are unable to pro- vide this the Rotary Club assumes . , 1, all financial. responsibility, and wi i arrange, for the necessary treatment . • a.nd appliances. at 'Hospital fox Sick Children at Toronto. Any person de - ' ' to take advanta e of this gen- string g - erous offer, kindly leave 'your name and 'address at McKibbon's Drug Store Winoliam e 'June , , b fore 21st. Here is the finest rs. John Dougall, 7.'or- Jean 'Armstrong atil of London—Barrie • son of Mr, and Mrs. j. J. egoffat; the take place the latter a.rt marriage to ta , p . of June: a., There is not a weekly newspaper l' pub ish.ed that does not honestly try rna y well be -recogniZed by the. • 1...1 town putting on holiday appear- 'ance, with -appropriate decorations. This matter received unanimous sup-, port at the last meeting of the Coun- ,. .. ... Rev D Perrie D.D. • ' ' • in his present charge in the Townof Wingham, ministering to his congre- er by the Government; and the Gov ernment asks that $49,000 of this be -paid by December of this year and $63,000 by October 31 1930. The • Government is charging five per cent. one of • examples . of service ever given in this pad of , Ontario, by any kindred organiza- tion, To relieve suffering,• to make the lame to walk, to ,xnake the blind Wm.'G. East Gulley . was born in '3.' She, ,witli•her par- Canada when she was ;nths oldcoming-over to get all the news, but it is 1111- , possible to, do this with . a small staff. The community spirit and co opera- tion will spell success, not only for, the newspaper, but for, the citizens cil, when the Mayor brought up the matter. It is understood .1 -lis Wor- ship, the Mayor, will tender the dis- tinguished visitor an address of wel- comewith on behalf of the corporation, gation ther% The new Moderator is Scottish born, corning to Canada when fourteen years of age, and set- fling in Grey . Township, and 're- ceiving a , part • of his education interest. . Mrs. R M. Graham, inspector un- der. the Mothers' Allowance Act ad- dressed the council on Tuesday after- noon and gave some interesting in- see or the deaf, hear, are accomplish- 11 worth ' ments we wor while, and are a practical demonstration of the vir- tues set forth some two thousand years ago.. and the neighborhood • in. the DOminion. ' He entered the formation with regard to her work. making a record time settling near Bramp- . It takes a fast train an average •of ss- ss ss- , ' West iriuron Women s •. Church •of iiis adoption on his grad- ' nation from college, and remained There were at Present•forty-nine ben- eficiaries in this county, she said and SOFT BALL NEWS y moved to Garafraxa. ried Wm. a ,East, in seven seconds to pass a railway cross- A 1 . ing. That is not long, but hundreds institute District Meeting , • 1. • 1 "rt, ,'-'1 Wit, 1 t wa.en --ur,-1. Union cleavage Dr.' she believed the work done under the . On Wednesday nigh last the Foun- :d in Amaranth, being ly settlers .of that di s- ie lived up to 15 years ing to Fergus where since. . ' . ras the mother of 12 am 10 ase .still living, in, John, George ana.. catOon; Fred in Ran- os., in Ainaranth;'Mrs.' ri, in Wingliarn; MTS. El's. T. J. Simpson, in eldest son, 'Milford, rland, 13. C., in 1910, died in infancy. She, of motorists that were killed last .yeat inight be living to-day.had they wait- ed seven seconds to let the train paSs. Valuable as it is, time isn't worth that much. ' • Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue- vale, holds its anniversary services on Sunday,..,,, june.16th, when Rev. a. M. Dunn Cif Toronto, will preach at , , 11. a.iii. and 7.30 p.m. On following Monday evening a Garden Party will , be held on the church grounds, sup- „ . per being served from 5 to 8 o'clo-lc Admission 50 cents and 25 cents. \kBen. RiCh's dray team took a sud- The District Annual meeting o f the West Huron I,Vomen's Institute will be held in Loadesboro Comm-. unity Hall, on Tuesday, June 25th; 1929 'Morning session opens at 10 ' • . . a.m. Both District and Branch re- ports will be given. Afternoon ses- Sion opens at 1.30. Business left morning session will over from the mo . be continued with, after which a good n Ogramme will be given including -1 ..' a.n{address from Mrs. Warcilaw of , .„, •,,t tel.,. vdm is our F ecleration Repre- sentatwe . rent it in twain. Although - er- • ' rie has been little in the limelight of ecclesiastical affairs; he is one of the stalwarts of Presbyterianism in the :Dominion. He is a man mueb. belov- ..1,. e • y the congicoa ion •of St An u. b 11 - ',.• t'' drew's Church, Wiegliam, and in- throughout the deed, throughout the entire district. He has outstanding qualities of head • and hea.rt, and a zeal in Christian ser- vice that overflows denominational bounds. The . Church has called him . , • • • • to the highest office 10 her power to • • bestow, and rn the how:It-thus bestow- .ed on this worthy servant' the Pres- herself.— Act for the assistance of mothers In rearing their families, was well worth while. The Clerk submitted corresponderi- ce, 'which was referred to committee , otherwisedisposedf This ins or o . eluded: , Return by Magistrate Reid of the number and disposal of cases corning • before him during the past year. Communication from the Depart- ment of Education, Toronto:living • notice of the ratification of the ap- pointmcnt of Elmer Cluff 13eacom as inspector of schools in West Huron. . ,, from Departinent dry defeated f.loyds, score 31 to 12 It as very one-sided and a number of costly errors and poor fielding ac- counted for the large score. Batter- • .1'1 r d A H A • les ,.... oyds, Coutts an . ammon-, Foundry, J. Seli and A. Rintottl. ' On Friday the Fry-Gurms-d.efeatect the Stars to the tune of 14 to 12. The Stars had the game well in hand but By poor playing threw their chance of .winning away. Batteries: PrY- Gunns, W. VanWyck and H. Wild• , Stars, A. Sturdy, W. McKibbon and .r. j McRibbone. on Monday night the Foundry in . "THE PATH ACROSS THE HILL" \Vill be presented at a Garden Party at Ebenezer church (Brown- J 14t1 Cold ton n), onFriday, June 1. t ) meat supper from 6 o'clock Booth on grounds. Good musical program. Everybody come Admission 50c and - • 25c. Rev. A. V, Walden, pastor. hildren and one great here are four brothers den start from the station on Tues- . • . • . - .. aay evening, and dashing down jose CELEBRATE GLORIOUS , _ byterian Church honors Globe. Statement the ot Education of grants and equi:mient. , , , , to the of Huion e',,uno.t. , . -, trina tne i.....raite hurch by 1 —9, d C 5 etiqly errors. played an important part i ,. LOCAL AND PERSONAL , living. She was a life- ohine Street, attached to the 'dray, " TWELFTH IN PAL1VIEteSTON , • CHURCH ANNIVERSARY etc., schools To public schools, $2029.76; to separ- in the church being on the short end e Foundry, if the 'Disciple church, . swerved to the i siae near the post side neat _ ,an C d schools, $91.17—total $2120:93 (an ot tie score. Batteries: J. 11 Walkerton's tax. rate is 54 Mills. Rev. F. 'W. Sehaffter will be prea, ching at Lucknow next Sunday even - inn the occasion being the fiftieth -' - s' anniversary of , the Anglican church t there. Mr. Perry of Dungannon will. accupy the pulpit of St. Paul's church. About 200 members of the Elliott • . family of Scarborough township held . . . a family re -union at the home ea John Elliott, on Thursday.. John is one of a family ot ten of James and Janet - Elliott, who were pioneer settlers of Scarborough, James Elliott was born in Scotland in 1775. He came to Canada. by the way of Jamestown and settled in "Muddy York" in 1795. Having moved to Scarborough he married Janet Thompson (born at Detroit in 1785), a daughter of Al ehie Thompson, of U,E,L. stock. This wedding, which was performed in ' Scarboro was the first recorded in ' the township. Mr, James Elliott, of Bluevale, now in his 90th - vear is A - ' son of the original settler of Scar, born. •as always of a loving msition, always willing urn for others, and al- 1 been for Triany ;years ., 7er from rheumatism, eldom heard complain- office and straddled a'or lainps run' t a'. , ' ly warped from . • , . and will take a fairly - Fortunately to replace, . . d ' the was injure in 1 - a sedan. The nfenders werebad- d - the sudden contact respectable sum • • no per:son I h e cave ry c arge. / Ts 0 "North Perth range ounty visiting Lodges are holding a Mon- • . - . ster Celebration in Palmerston, on July 12th. Speakers that are leaders . • . .. - 111 the Orange Order will. be pi esent and other entertainments will be pro- vided for all. ALL ROADS LEAD 11 be held in Annwersary services will Brick United church, East Wawanosh on Sabbath, Jun.e 16th. Services will d 7 30 be held at 11 drii. an , p,m., con- ducted by• Rev. C N. McKenzie, of Ripley. Belgrave will supply music ate equivalent of which must be go in by - g the county). Notice of the return of two more ' 'f0 •'• h ' • 1 t inmates o the ntai to ospita a L,oncion to the county house of re- fuge at Clinton. 1. U - ..i..i. . Lediet anc . intou , ti S•1' W L d' 1 A 12. • tied Church, R. Copeland, J. Tiffin and 11. Fox. ., v tught the l•rv- On Wednesda ' - ' ' Gunn:: and Lloyds play. The Lloyds cam are ou o -aim is game. t • t t ' th' - On Friday the Stars and X -Rayed in her 77th year. ' Gilbert Forgie TO PALMERS'TON on the Glorious Twelfth 1929. at the evening service. Letter from W. Brydone; barrister, of Clinton, enelosing cheque for $200 . meet for the first tune this season d both to was held from the resi- , . ., .• , There pas5ed away on liriday Gil- which was the bequest of the late an are out win. Wingham Citi- daughter, 1 Mrs. W. J. e she tad been living rears; largely • , heft :Forgie, in his 81st year, who has been a resident of Winglyim for a • - ' ORANGE DECORATION AND 'CHURCH SERVICE TRUSTEES- AND RATEPAYERS • ATTENTION • - John Hoare, of East Wawanosh, to the county for use of the Children's At this game the zens, Band Will be. in attendance, svettther conditions being favorable. and was • number of years, Al one tinie lie:vvas — Rally be held Sh el ter. They will march up from the Band ,SLervite was conducted, arge, of the United mke very Comfortingly ng family and friend$. at'Grand'Valley Union- s rgus News-ReCord.,.. . a farmerGin this locality,. hitt of lat e years 'has been crippled, ma.king it very bad to get around. He will be missed by .a. 111.1111iber of the business men on Main street, who kept him employed to clear the sidewalk .of L. a L. No, 794, Wingliam, heads it rittal Decoration Service on Sun- s an . L'e day, June 22nd, at 2 pan., When 1 laces of deplrting hi•ethren resting 1) , will be suitably remembered with a .•- t ' 1plant Whie•ham Band will be An Educational will in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, On , ,. June t , , , co nmencm6 Friday J 14 h 1929 1 ' at 1.30 p.m, for the townships of shfte . o orne an;Issas A ' ld C lb d West W • ' I•H lk Snell of nosi, when Rev, . . , • . Strstford Mrs, W. M. Morris, of 3 - . . )0 •, • _ Statement of the I lo•vincial 1. i. al t ment of Highways of the Government grant to the county on the exepndi- , tare of 1928 on county roads: Total amount of statement, $183,646.94; a- rnount disallowed, $962,99; total a- Hall, in the MacDonald 131 1 ioc..4. at 7 o'clock. Come out and give them a right royal reception. You will be well repaid They will play a num- bet of selections after the game. - - un Monday night the Stars and — se Armstrong hear •:f snow,. The fnneral took place, Satin -Government • ' " • ' day from the undertaking' parlors ot pot•cc , . in attendance. . , , and Toronto, President , and Secretary, Trustees and grant, $91,001 - mount of -. 47. , . United e lure i meet and a. right loyal d 1 I ' A '• ' - battle is expected as both teams are shocked to aath George Arm; A. Carrie to Billevale Cemetery. — Annual church ‘s.ervice will be held' respectively,' of the d f.• ' Ratepayers epartment o. the Ont ittio Report of the county auditors, As A Porterfield of Belgrave , out to win. villageSunday after- survived' by his widow Herbert, and 'P'red in Edwin; Alvin and Hen- Funeral George Cruikshank ' A well-known and respected. reid- dent of this county passed away, •af- ter -a lingering. illness,' .at his resi, in the United Church on Sunday, July 7th, at 7. p.m., when Bro. Rev. Sidney Davison', will be the special speaker. Edticational Association will be ores- . t le ga 'ming on rye ent to address 1 tl .' • 1' questams of the day of interest to all educationists. Other speakers will Parliament rs --e,ss • • , and A. E. Irwin„ of Bayfield, includ- ing some recommendations, one that there should be at least two audits a , l" year in place of tlie one annua audit, Standing of Teams Wbn Lc, Foundry 4 1 Fry-Gunns Lloyds ' 2 2 arrangements made yet, Mr. Arm- his 75th year and had , (fence in Turnberry township, on Tuesday moreing la.st in the person • WIL16., PIC NIC AT KINCARDINE • bc the local members of and Mr. Elmet4..C. Beacon, I.P,S, for West Huron. A cordial invitation is and snother that the treasurer should ' ' be supplied with a filing system to Stars 2 United Church 1 ' . I tjill ,, ..---- it of Morris.'for many of George Ci•uikshank. Deceased ,vss the late Mt. and Mrs. Wrri. , lo tomeminorate the 50th Anni- ' , extended to. all, both ladies and gent- i take care of the numerous records in his office, ., X -Rayed 0 3 , c Isaac Cole " 1 away On Satureay, in ' )1 Morris, Jane Twain- . h year.. She was a na- 1 to Canada a son of Crnikshank, who came to this count an settled i v n tow, s p - the deceased was born, afterwaids they moved to Blainville, near Co- bourg. Forty-four years ago the de, , , , versary or the 'incorporation of tne , West Wawanosh Mutual Fire InSur- ante Company, the officials have ar- ranged a basket pie,tic at Kincdrdine b el on Wedaesd. J 19t1 f ea 1 ., ay, line 1, or lemen, to attenu...„ , Mrs, R. Davidson, Seel:teas. of the Ashfield Tp. and Turon Co. Assn,- .of Trustees 1 T' t • • i a tIC N.a ep,tycts. , The auditor's summary of the re- ceipts and expenditures of the county. fel' 1928 was as follows; RECEIPTS . in I3ank lst 1928 10,089.93 ---- . On Thursday night last the Blue - vale Church team played the Wing- . , ham United Church This game wt.:, • full of excitement from start to finish. " Bluevale have a heavy hitting team ,O.it lIl ' : 4* and came t8 when 'a• child. Com- cality she lad reSid,i '.e. :She was the widow- • cl in • his Pirm near Wing- cease oV,ed to ' - ham. He was married to Cathei•ine Rogers, by whom he is sttrvived. 'He which a splendid programme of sporto, 's arranged. Hot tea and coffee free 0' , , . •,..... n -grounds throtign courtesy of .i...in- d' Business Men's Association. , NORTH 1-ITIRON - UNITED FAR1VIERS i Cash Jan County rateS, 1927, Morris mid Goderich Town 1.7,583.80 County Rates, 1928 150,674,20 `and they certainly made the locals step good and livel3r all the time. Wingham won, the scora being 18-12. — -7.-,--- .. ... ./ -, UNITED CHURCH WINGHAM • ie tole, whOpredeceas- iree'years. For ratittro.- is also survived by one daughter, 01- , ive, of Guelph, and 2 sons, Robert and i car, it e, . , . ,. Citizen s Pipe Band in aftenda,nce. The United Farmers of North Hut- in Criminal justice 2,968,48 Fines 426.10 On Thtit•sda.y night the United Church team play in BelgraVe. A ,ey"had resided in toivi, i of her Intsband, wletu George, of Wingham; and 2 brother, ThornAsof Teterboroand Albert f , , • "THE COLONEL'S IVIAID" on -will hold their annual meeting the Town Hall, Winghairt on Friday afternoon, June 14th at 2 pun. Elec- . , Schools 53,552.36 County Home 2,505,45 real snappy game is expected and the Wingliam team will have to play fast Rev , -Sidney 'Davison, Pastor Tel.—Chureh 140, Parsonage 188 .s - . inc with her daughter, Morris township, • CobourgThe funeral service lAitt8 On , 'Thursday afternoon, Dine 6th, 1,,,, , . , ----. . e and etooy a 3011y evening Coin , tion of officers and other important. . Registrar 715„83 ball to win there., lay, n. Surviving are tivo , Wingham Cemetery. ' . with "The Colonel's 1VIaid", a play 10 8 acts ' presented by the Dramatic , , business to be disucssed. A large at- tendatice is requested. • loans 90,000,00 'Division Court 59.23 , CAME Too LASE School at 10 Sunday Sehool Anniversary and Plower service 11 din. arid 1 11 P•rtl• . I oPeetal Pi eaelter•-'• Ren. . C. W. DelViille, Strats , ford. CoMisined ehoit will rens der special •trittsie. 1 daughters, Fratik,, Got. 'wo Creeks, Sask.; Mts, MrsJasGibson, it . , ‘NEVVS IS SP • READING — , . Club, of Knox United Church, in the Foresters) HallY 13elgrave, on fun: - • „ Rod Young, • R. J. Currie, President ' „Seey. 'Provincial Treasurer, re o Corn Borer Act 3-90•00 1,21/.00 ---Sunday E'ast Wasva,nosh' Comicil minutes, and , ., 1 Mrs, -George. DaY, Of one sister, Mrs, -Wm, , *)e . ,-, From coast to C.OLSt that Mr Sy billa Spahr's Tonsilitis is the most.4 . , 14t11 at 8 p ni, Musicallselections be- ' ' ,„ , ,„ :, ,,,.. emission 00O AMU -LOC; tween acts. A . . L.—. —.-- • I ' .1 and Mrs Dona d, only soi of 1VIr, a , formerly Licenses Hospital Refunds , • •• 111-00 Land Tax, 9aio some local matter, and St Helens, Gorrie, Wroxeter and Ilelgrave tor- respondence are held over till next . Forks, N.1). The filer on Monday from the sueeessftil teinedy to treat Cough, Broitchitia, Whooping Cough, Colds, just convince yourself that "Mo- ' William Milian, of London, line 'Morris 'died last week of Oth , , Children's Shelter 80.00 — week, Correspondence budgets did Wednes- e rer son-i11.21aw, 'George in the Catarrh, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills, J. R. Allen, thee Knovv,s I3est" by seeing the screen picture at the Lyceum Thurs- after a few days illness from spina' meningitis, The remains -yve.re Total $ 881,164.17 . not reach the office. until day morning, after the forma were eat was triade Istsse'. Absolutely guaranteed. Wi.ef V61.1,1.! Winzliain DriMaists dnY, rriclaY and Saturday, , brought to Myth` for Interment, (Continued on Page 4) made up.