HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-06, Page 5101
Thursday, June ° 6th, 1929
BI IIri 111111 111if111IIi11II1III111411Ir111M1IIiNlIIIiIIIiIIII/IIIs11hI11r111r111li11■111*111111111IiU1*111*111
' I�
lard's Store
Sz '
Forkt, en
Many Values in this store
will Save You Money
ill '0
Boys' Cotton Jerseys ...39c
IA Socks in fancy colors, 2 pail- for
Men's Heavy Work Shirts , 98c
IMen's Striped Denim. 'Smocks ...........$1.59
Fancy Shirts for men, value 2.00; sale $1.59,
or 2 for .. $3.04
Men's ,Shoes, clearing line at .:. $2.95
See them at
$14.75, $18.50, $22.50, $25.00
Boys' Wool Jersey Suits for :$1.00
Men's Straw Hats, new shapes .....$1.50 to $2:50
Men's. Silk and Wool Socks, now , .....' 1..:.. 69c.
Men's Caps in fancy tweed,'sale . ...$1.19
Special in All Wool Socks, 5 pair for ..$1.00
Boys' Navy Blue Reefers now .. .... ...$2.95
ijo - Bargain in BoysFancy Tweed 3 piece Suits,
cut prices are $11.50, $12.50, $13.50
Boys' Suits with bloomer
pants for $5.00
A• ,
Men's Striped Flannel
Blazers at $5.00
The regular meeting of the, Bei -
grave Branch of the Women's Instil.
ute was held on Tuesday' afternoon,
at the home of Mrs, Jas, Grigg, The
president, Mrs. F. McCallum, had
charge of the meeting which was op-
ened by all singing the Institute. Ode,
repeating • the Lord's Prayer. Sev-
ciai items of business were dealt
with, Mrs. VanCamp had charge of
the topic :"Character Building" and
gave a splendid paper on this, very
important subject which was much
enjoyed and appreciated. Roll Call
was answered by payment"—of fees.
A summary of last year's activities
was given by 1Vfiss Cela Coultes, Del-
egates were appointed .to attend the
District Annual Meeting which will
be held in Londesboro in June. As
this was the annual meeting of the
Institute the election of officers was
held. Mrs. J. VanCamp had charge
of this part of the meeting, tlie fol-
lowing officers being elected;—Hon.
Presidents; Mrs. M. A, Wheeler, Mrs.
John VanCamp, Mrs. F, McCallum;
President, Mks. Carl Procter; lst
vice Pres., Mrs. C. R. Coultes, 2nd
vice Pres., Mrs. Jas. 'Taylor, Sec'y.,
Miss'Edith Procter, Treas., Mrs. J.
1b 1,: Coultes, Pianist, Miss Cela Coul-
• tes; Asst. Pianist, Miss Sarah Col
Branch Directors Mrs Jas 'Michi
* Mrs. Geo. Procter, UT's. s. M, A. Wheel-
er, Mrs. J. T. , Bell, District Director,
Ili Mrs. F. McCallurn; Press Reporter,
Mrs. C. R. Coultes; Flower Con -unit
tee, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, Mrs. J. Wheel-
er,' Mrs, J. Rinto'ul; program Com.,
_id Mrs. N. Walsh, Mrs. W. VanCamp;
re Mrs, J, Clegg, Mrs. B: Bradburn, Mrs.
F. ]McCallum, Miss Nora VanCamp;.
Outlook .Com., Mrs. H. Wheeler; Mrs.
R. McCrae, Mrs. R. Yule; Auditors,
Men's Tweed Pants
Special in Men's Tweed
Pants at . $2.95
D.-& co.a
IllsilmlllillllmIlIOi11 uI1i8111m111®111®Imamma11immil IiumN1smaimIE811iI■1llttillle
Frigidaire Has New
Dessert Making
Ae e
and Still Geater Beauty
With Frigidaire you are offered , a new and. far-reaching
development in automatic refrigeration which regulates the speed
of freezing ice cubes and desserts -The New COLD CONTROL.
This New Cold Control gives greater convenience with the
utmost si
licity and freezing compartment.
ou o regulate, at will, the temper-
ature in the
Sparkling cubes of ice are frozen, unusually quick, from
pure drinking water, by just setting the control lever at "COLD-
ER". The temperature drops! Cubesjust the right size for
tinkling glasses of refreshing drinks are frozen with greater speed.
In'the freezing of desserts, various ingredients require 'dif-
ferent temperatures for best results.. • The Frigidaire Cold Control
enables you to set the temperatures of the freezing compartment
;hist right for the particular dessert you are freezing,
When your have Frigidaire, entertaining becomes a pleasure.
Many delightful, delicate desserts, countless dainty surprises, arid
novel and delicious salads—are so easily and quickly prepared in
its freezing trays. Choice dishes may be prepared early in the.
day, chilled and preserved in Frigidaire until you need them. . All
of your time can be devoted to the pleasure of your guests.
Every appointment of Frigidaire is carefully selected to
conform and harmonize with the beauty of the cabinet design.
The door locks and hinges in particular, are modeled to be sturdy,
yet possessed with distinctive and graceful proportions,
These handsome fittings, dull, satin finished and beautifully
etched lend, to Frigidaire a final touch of grace and charm, They
are an integral part of the cabinet; softening its beauty and har-
monizing with its colour, design, and contour,
Inside as well as out, Frigidaire cabinets are things of un-
usual beatuy. The food compartment linings are of white seam-
less porcelain enamel on ;steel and the tray fronts are of highly
polished, chrome plated ,petal. Softly rounded corners through-
out, enhance the beauty. of the cabinets and make the interiors
easy to clean and to keep clean..
Otto joi **n, DiStribUtor
Wroxeter, Onta;rim,
tiaz, a,:ti:,a
Mrs. W. VanCamp, Mrs. C. R. Coul-
tes. Some plans were discussed for
the work of the coming year: Mrs.
W. 'VanCamp pleased the meeting
with an instrumental number on the
piano, The next meeting will be in
charge of the girls and will be held
at the home of Miss Cela Coultes,
in June. The meeting closed iwth
sieg•ing the National Anthem, after
which Munch was ' served by Mrs.
Grigg, assisted aby Mrs. H. Wheeler-
and a social time was enjoyed.
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Brandon were re-
e t visitors it
v h
Mr; and Mrs, It s,
Marshal, of Glenannan.
Mrs, M. Robertson spent a couple
of days with friends in the village.
Ir. and Mrs. Harold Btffett .and
daughter, Barbara Jeans
were visitors
with Mr, and Mrs, C. R. Coultes and
Friends of Mrs. Bert Vincentare
pleased to know she is doing nicely
after a serious operation in Toronto.
Miss Thynne of Palmerston spent
a few days last week with Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne and Mrs.
Clarke and; daughter and Mr. Thomp-
son, of London, spent Victoria Lay
with Mr. and Mrs. Yule.
`Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stonehouse
of London were .week -end visitors
with Mr. acid Mrs. R. Stonehouse,
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Geddes visited
on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.
Joe Little, neat- Seaforth. -
Joe Ruddy visited with friends i car
Goderich. recently.
Mr. ,and ,.Mrs. Yule visited with
friends in Seafoi'th on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Lake, of Fergus,
were week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Brandon.
Miss Laura Bone, R.N„ of Detroit,
visited with her mother over the
`week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, ivir. and Mrs,
Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kelton,
of Centralia, visited with Mr's. Scand-
rett on Sunday.
Mrs. Irwin and two daughters, of
Orangeville, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brat don.
Miss M. Wise and Mr. Thomp-
son, of London, were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Yule:
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordon, of Clin-
ton visited with J;.heir son; Mr, . G.
Jordon, on Sunday,
John Stewart, of Detroit, agent" a
few days with his father last week,
Mrs. Bone attended the wedding of
her daughter, Laura, R.N., of. Detroit,
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and Mr. and
Mrs. B. Brandon,' of Drayton, were
week -end visitors with Mrs and Mrs,
Joe Brandon,
Mrs, Joc Miller visited with friends
in Toronto last week.
Me. A. G. Smith, or Toronto, call-
ed on old friends in the village .last
w eek.
To the
Blue Water .Boys
In Wingham Arena
Jitney Dancing
.A meeting was held in the Union'
church Monday evening to consider
the painting of the church, the con-
tract being let to Mr. Elmer Wilkin-
son, Wingham.
The plait "Cranberry Corners" ,will
he put on in the Cornmanity Hall on,
Friday ,evening by,Bellnore and Mc-'
Intosh Mission Circle, 'rhe W.M.S, held their meeting on
Wednesday afternoon at Miss Hack-
ney's, A sewing bee took place after
the meeting. -a number of garments.
being made for the bale. Luncheon
,and lemonade brought a very•pleas-
ant afternoon to a,: close.
Billy, little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Abram, fell out pf the wagon
one day last week and broke his arm.
Mr, arid Mrs. James Nichol and -
children, motored up from Hamilton
Saturdayto visit friends, -
Rev. Wm. Taylor, Mrs, Taylor nand
Richard Jeffrey attended Conference -
in Guelph last -week.
Mrs. -John Darling is on the sick
list at'present, '
Mrs. (Rev.) Jones and children are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Miss Katherine .Foster spent Sun-
day at her home at Newbridge.
One of our young .men, in the act
of changing his seat in a car Sunday,
to a desirable position, had the good
luck to go through the windshield;
now he thinks it wise to Ieave; well
enough alone.
Father, mother, the young man and
sister, how often do they all get away
together on a vacation, and even if
they do what sort of a vacation is it
for mother? A cottage in thecourt-
by mean for her only another place
where cooking and domestic work-
those two villains of the household
play—still pursue her. Yet, there is
a clear solution of the great vacation
problem, all :ready to hand.
Those who take the Dean Laird
"Across Canada and back tour this
summer will spend three weeks in
•what amounts to a perfectly appoint
ed hotel, which moves from place to
place continually revealing Pew beau-
ties es and interests and when t the tick-
ets have been bought from the near -
,est Canadian Pacific Railway Agent,
you can forget everything save antici-
pation of one of the brightest ana
most enjoyable vacations you will ev-
er have hast—all worries about accom-
odation, transfers, baggage, etc., are:
The trip will be the sixth annual
tour conducted, by Dean Laird, . of
Macdonald College, this - fact alone
testifies to the smoothness with
which all . obstacles have teen over -
tome. ,Starting from Toronto July •22
it will go through to Victoria and
beck, visiting major cities of the west
enroute and passing through • the
beauty spets of the Canadian, Rock-
ies, with hundred -mile . motor trips
through the mountain and sailings on
Gulf of Georgia, and Great Lakes
ships. -
For illustrated booklet of this mar
venous trip apply to G. I-, Baker,
Can, Pac. Railway Agent, Wingham,
Ontario, or to Prof. ' Sinclair Laird,
Box 225;,Macdonald College, P. Q.
Sales of Farni Stock and Imple-
ments, .Real Estate, etc„ conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
Wingham. Utilities Commission,
Id. Campbell, Manager.
Mr, and Mrs. Halliday Caird; 'form-
erly of Minneapolis, have returned to
his old home on the 15th con.
Mrs Higgins, of Dungannon, is
spending ,some" time with her Sister,
Mrs. Wilson Irwin, who, we are son-
ry to say, fell and hart herself.
Miss Aviary Phillips of Toronto, r e
turned 'home Monday morning, after
spending a week with her ,sister; Mrs,
Thomas Ferguson.
Miss Myrtle Sproule, of D,ung'a»non
spent Sunday with her 'cousin, Miss
Ella Sproule,. of Lanes.
lir.. and Mrs. Howard Sproule ,and
babe,off Detrbitn called at the home
of Mr,:. and Alts, \Vin 1' ddwin ,m
Friday afternoon,
:1Ir. and alt's, Linfield Ancicron
tucl child, of Detroit, and Mrs, Robert
Curran, spent Friday with Mr.• and
Mrs. Wm; Baldwin:
Mr.. and Mrs. Jini Sherwood, of
Crewe and Mr, and Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt near St. Helens,- spent t Srtn-
cl tty afternoon with their parents, Mr:
and Mrs. Sana Sherwood.
Mr, Lloycl. Campbell is making an.
improvement to his house by ,erect—
ing a new veranda, •
Mrs. R. •Hamilton, near Lochalsh,
is :spending a week or two with her
brother, Mt, Jas. Cook:'
Mr, Jas, Cook motored to 'Toronto
last week returning 'home on Satur-
Mr.:, Littyd Zinte of lanes store,
THE heavy volume of spring deliveries of the Out-
standing Chevrolet has left us with more than our
normal stock of Good Used Cars, And we want to
keep them moving. So we've priced all these Used
Cars for quick clearance. We've checked them over
closely to make sure they are in good condition. Now
we want : you to check therm over to assure yourself of
their amazing value. Come in early. You may not
get such cars at such prices for anany a long day.
Am M. Crawford, Wingharn, Ont.
spent Sunday at his home near B I
The Town Doctor,
who editorials
have been running in the Advance-
Tirnes for several' weeks, was once
asked the direct question, `Who is
the Town Doctor and just what does
be do?' His answer was:—
"The Town Doctor is a physician,
surgeon and diagnosticion to 'Sick
Cities, Tired Towns and Vanishing
Villages, administering inoculations,
vaccinations and injections of preven-
tives against community diseases of
thought, deed,. attitude and activities;
prescribing antidotes, ,tonics,, diets
and exercises thatwill lI regitalize; in-
vigorate, wake up and put pep into
any community suffering from Civic
Pride Paralysis, Low Citizen Pres-
sure; "Contemptuous Familiarity"
Civic Dizziness,
t ems, Chronic Knocker -
itis", and Myopia (short sightedness).,
"Mr. A. D. Stone, The Town Doc-
tor, is a man who has spent his. life.
in studying and analyzing towns, cit-
ies and connatunities. He has trav-
eled over 400,000 miles of United
States highways and byways, seeking
causes and, working out effects of ev-
ery phase of community ways ,of do-
ing things, during which time he has
compiled what is considered to be the
most complete, bona fide, usable ter-
ritorial analysis system ever devised.
He has served towns, communities,
various associations, many of which
were international in scope, both ac-
tively and in advisory capacity, to an
extent that there are few; if any; men
in the country better able or more
cl'nalified to write and speak on the
subjects covered in Town Doctor Ar-
".Mr. Stone is the head of Dyckston
Inc.; Chicago, who are specialists in
Community Survey Work and Busi-
ness Analysis.
"These editorials come to us spon-
sored by the Wingham Lions Club,
furnished to them by the Internation-
al Association of Lions Clubs, of
which the local club is one of some
1800 Clubs"
�•1 .,`.0 ..v ` ,. ...
O:droot 1iketi»sbocomin things
of the pest: Fireproof, permanent, Rib Itoll
roofs ;Henn lower inaunt:ceatos banish
upkeep trouble and viva Your building an
attractive, spic-and-span appearance.
A:"close-up" of Rib -kion end the. Preston
Note thetight tfittuiY,
in wrat�ir- rtl4iJoint, it invisible trnseven, a short distance ewes,. Illustration show
the neat pattern which baa been widely but -
unsuccessfully copl:ti
°DERN tYI :D£NG--for permanence,
�� low+upkeep and appearance—sounds.
the death -knell of wooden roofs. The
dangers of :ire to the building itself, to other
buildings and to ham an life is rapidly being
banished by metal roofs of high Quality.
The appearance of this roo:hng alone has sold
thousands. Whenever a roof of this material
is laid in any district, it immediately secures
a preference, and others who are roofing any
kind of building, whether it be
barn, house, garage, shed or
warehouse insist
* on 'Rib Roll,
It is made to famous Council
Standard" specifications.
The cosi of laying Rib Roll is lower than that
of neas,;y all other types of i:oari g,. Any man
who is handy with a hammer can put it on;
Its handsome appearance adds many dollars
to the value of your properly.
Send ridge and rafter measurements of roof
or' roofs in question, for flee estimate of cost.
The new nail with the lend on the head. No xiror'a; "theeeding"..
Can ba handled even with mitts en. The lead on tine head positively
sealx the ttsil'hol;:-.-enAlcet it weather proof, weter.tight. Only lac
. pert:). Peer movies On requtst,
•w nn.w".a
,CAV, 00,1 .