HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-06-06, Page 4WINGhIi M ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, Jane 6th, 2929: WINWIAM FOLK —ry 1 3 or»a,'aaW,P ''ciu • OL3 -r r TO BE A3HA 4 , '(OU BIG B.A B' ;, t(C PING U )(1.t n! I .EG• ,e,,WAY FROM: Tar'! ' C(Uz PREf4 'f ''fo9.?E E Jus -r mewl To 6E1' AT 'EM Yrarr3RSE.I. "' rr 1 ( PO:t-L AA 5ERi~ i OF COPMC IPS/ fA 1.5 5 ONE OF 1Efr f You'll get a laugh out of these "funnies" we're going to publish every week,. A laugh and a lot of information about how to be healthier and happier.., Don't miss one of them! READ OUR FUNNIES AND. WIN To the three persons submitting the best complete set of 26 of these "funnies", suitably mounted, we will award prizes of: FIRST-- A $6.00 Wahl Fountain Pen SECOND -A $3.75 Brownie Camera THIRD --A $2.00 Box of Candy These prizes will be awarded on the basis of ,neatness, completeness, and originality of treat- ment. There are no other conditions attached to this generous offer, made to acquaint every resident of Wingham and vicinity with our, stores and our advertising. cKIB T 1 exalt Store. ON9S DRUG STORE • 8: 1 Wingham Advauavo.Tunes. Published at WINGII.AM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan. Craig, Publisher Subscription rates, — One year $2.04, Six months $r,00, in advance. To TJ, S, A, $2,s 0per year. Advertising rates on app! nation. Spending Too Much Money To the Editur av all thirty Wingham Paypers Deer Sur:— Thim Grits hild'a Convinshun lasht Toosday that wus a wake, an I sup- • pose ye attinded it, fer, shure, edi- tors, an doctors, an nurses kin go !rorty near wheer they plaize, an no- body tinks annyting about it, but ter GOOD NEWS FOR THRIFTY HOUSEWIVES IN WROX. > 'TER AND VICINITY This wilt announce nsy affiliation with the Superior Stores, an Organi- zation of Independant Grocery Mer- chants with its own Wholesale fu economically and efficiently, buying in •tremendous quantities and distributing at a minimum cost, thus enabling your onvn local Merchant to match or excel any fair competition where quality is not sacrificed for price, After an extensive, successful b ness experience in Wroxeter and rounding country, during which t I have enjoyed the explicit confide of all who have dealt withme, h ing in niind your best interests 1 b carefully considered this advan method of Merchandising and n take considerable pride in brio 1Yy € ' mesilf-the otrider I git the more care- to you the many advantages of 1 0' Ig fol 1 hev' to be about. the company I stupendous Organization. I 'u 1 kape. I don't 'rink I mished much, There are over three hundred sto 17 1 fer, be what 1 kin hear, it was the throughout Ontario, with one 1 . ould shtory ay ton much money bein more in over ninety Cities, Toz f1 sb 'int. Shur and Villages. In. lc p e, us Tories down at gevery store t Ottawa shpin the Janie yarn, but it Manager is the owner, offering.p isn't' a rnatther av shpindin money, sonal service and attention. but av what ye git ler it, that counts, We cordially invite you to visit.0 Av coorse ntoshtls ivirybody is store and inspect the speciaily pric shpindin too much money these days. articles from week to week. It i be to your personal advantage. lour nearest Superior. Store, A. Munro, Wroxeter, Ontar Phone 56.. AUCTION SALE usi- Sur- irate rice av- ave ced ow ging this res or lens he er- ur ed ',tilt io, i8 I - ! /The. childer shpind .too much fer can - it-, j dy an oke creme cones; the wimmin shpind too much fer ':dhresses, consid- herin all they hev to show fer it• the 1 young fellahs shpind too much in the hoof rooms an dance halls; the City a3 Toronto is ehpindni too flinch on skoi schrapers an big hotels, tat - Of 100 -acne farm, Farm Stock, Cron 1 prnsai*e churches; the g onng girruxs ar°d quipment, including Household shpind too much dickoratin the oast- I nrnitui-e, as a going concern, fr. Robert Wirier has instructed the un snide..- of theer heads; an the vv rote dersigned to sell by public auction countiiry is shpindin two atauel fer he premises, lot 32, concession i o tty raiobeels an .gas pumps. 1 'in • East \Vawonsli, at 2. o'clock sharp o, 1 k TUESDAY, JUNE 18th i webby money comes too aisy in ,.hese ' The farm 100 acres. Frame house i cteginerare days, grid a lot av paypie, "'With sum -tier katchen, woodshed, MO 6x' 1 1 Wingham, Ontario McK, PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE at i 1 an vTit tousands av other paypie- in cellars• Good modern barn, 56x3 the ivurruld do be'.h:2r�in acv a our 78x28, steel roof; cement stablin - -- 1 cement floors, cement silts, 30x12%, Ito ate. In the ouid days, whin I vs -us r cement water tank, 10x7. Team of la bye away back in the lasht ceniury warm hcvrses; harness, buggy.; w a Due, itangs was diffrunt, an ye cud git a tray rale nnotnrn mat hint plow; De Ibiager an betther dinner'ter aguar- Laval al crea i separator churn; seed n d -a 1z binder; ser tat sei� I hS-; disc l ar- ARCHGRIP Shoes keep yoiir feet ° youth fashioned" with comfort and firm support. Wear ARCHGRIP Shoes and enjoy glorious foot comfort. l �latti II ..� Uli %1. t WASSI(i `�lf.�X�lht1�* .. !y//SVA 5 1 twinitltn,lt /I t,ttnnntnrntlnn)len/tt, fill/nlf,llnlnlll CrR,fllli,Ytil.tillttfllt[[if[Iitltnik,tTltrinnlYillntl'lilknA{i1{iilln9ttltt!` t tents a word per stsil u tit n insertion, with Minimum charge of etc. Tri/Inti{ntlknttn.ktatitlnittrlrlatttttttttt(Il t"rt,//ltl It '',land /re et... Yrtrlt$)r),n BABY CHICKS HURON SPECIALTY FARMS During the month of June we can supply 'you with baby . chicks at $1O per hundred. These are 5. C White' Legborns, that world famous Barron ,strain. Big hens that lay Large eggs lt titer at anny hotel, than ye kin gir tows; drams harrows; potato dig;;er; new.: fer snvranty r=ive t'int's, ? 'hirn ,• spray machine; set of 2000 lb. ^wars the happy da_, -c, €" fas; ansdcuftflaeg aniadyaftorskrt 1putteleo ls-" 'ut 1 do be vcan"erin 'reds Tar forns: c:c chains, cte_r eocid - a ;~ subpickt av the tarn t, envi - „3 be breeding ewes; brood sow and linter; rnyson av a habit that is .z., tt: on household furniture, including dining r ne as 1, git slander. rte, bed, It .,t,. i t uflt, e,, t Another ting x am `� zi:gid that ,;n::-. ` " 3 `i` 1:.:e -tube Frrs it- Cry found aa31. r * i is _ ) r'e sarin i5 wet si uated;'is in an_ Fer_ ;3rds _.rtr-.,. �- .x rhe atlat.,.lr_ cxcceptiatra y good neighborhood• av the prawvince 1 d en n krat.,•s, much •;.e15 within o xiiki. There is a- r' -+re =t acre- os s,_`i, riiig era;;, , about the school al.:t?,iittr m..sila,.n+o=_ p ria• bat- .iraa e rrrad�es and pastime, excepting a Navin lead ruurh experience. par art eve ,�,a grand bans bei n a tlrrttstzy' in our srlc nit fer Everything rilll be. 'included and it `is an ".., z,tr�,;,-S�nn ry- seldo£a offered,. to tin years air naU e, an 3ra•t•iaa a gr-si) )T. w ho used to taich school! fer a daAr- ba a _orad fanny arad' essui�tarte-i,L ;ith 1 su-ir2 gtR ork praca ca]lc a I d4rae, as ter -tri -las , but is 1a, Y -n. kn:s• , ,Wit, 47°-7—:e-::,- -:er cerru. if Ttiishter Feign crag says _ o, 1:i .c.3•dea -3'P'RMS..—Tera vie cent at tisane ; . mush( be all rei tat fer ,hate - ._balance in thirty da.s; Any- ii _ says goes, n -id us Trlrie,. add*K=sed tea the op- etcvr r Thir crtoneers +;isd be ipr�°eaniptls-, re -Thin, I uidherehta-ro that his h .r rtt Sinclair, and '_tlishter Re inti .. 1- INTER; .Pro r ossa,. R. R. 1. 'criticized _4l zhter Iaer...0 n rl 7 �;< z ,t e_ iiid respickt to the ould aa.t r. J D ' a Sa")'k. but sari neer; skanie, an, shore, , that's whets t Gritsgot into wather tot, dupe IN thini. I tirik it trus a ?,a rte ;Adria toierly to charge up tv it d pt elm av the cosht to the municipalities, an git thirty to do: all the vti ur_-nl:. •,v coorse; Mishter Ferguson cod her and plenty oa them. paid the whole shot out av the EM0RL3M r n 4 o- u ati �'t dear e t a h Jesus i } e in ernte, 1925, -- , is •T Antey Czar = r t,..s- tai ,-r y h 2 CC *t e ,1 err aTM 1 rlr`rc . A. Finley. ibotasehr.;:ld gone ,„ rs 7 and T a 1 T1re Walter Rose Poultry Farm, vinshul ,Treasury, an appinted a ' el -. Brussels, Ontario. av us ouid Tories at good : salaries Baby to look afther t' f him, a rl v We can supply you with B y ant; fer tri =n n3etr Chicks from blood tested stock, Bar- ,.by it wud her been betther so, fer, ' r} ron strain, at. $12 per 100; June de shire a lot av us nade the ria ane:, n livery. For all orders received three weeks before the chicks are wanted f. we will give a discount of 5 per cent. These are big, strong, healthy chicks. WANTED—An Invalid Chair. Ap-' TENDERS WANTED ply to :Box A., Advance rimes, 1'`TOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 ! Sealed tenders marked "Tenders. FOR SALE—Young1'il s: C. l.o r- j NOTICEt ' for Dirt Haulage" and addressed to IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- , H. Campbell, Manager Winghani tit- an, phone 621r4. yuan' to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the i irides Commissi;: LOST—From hot 21 con. c< n• Culrt,sc, persons , advrng; claims a;atnt tits r.- ' rtrxtmate3 one thousand . an Saturday, May ' 18th, year-old l tate of Alexander W. Webster, pp y s d hereford steer, color, red. Ann a late; of filling will be is uircd knrt�itt� whereabouts kindly -one j of the Town of Vi�'dnglatn in the , The Fe uirttaaents9for the di y inform canuty of Huron, Tailor, deceased, qspo5e Miles Moir. phone 604r6. e -d, tion of the dirt may be had from tlae , who died on or about the. thirteenth '! Manager of the Wingharn Utilities day of January, A.D. 1929, are requir-; Commission Tenders LONDON i;1'SINE SSSS Fr•r Sale— e t � send7 deliver ar ers wiII state price Ice -Cream Parlors, Sot Drinks, u, by pn�t, png a nz tar ntioper yard. to R. Vanstonc, VVringhaur, Ontario, and Tobacco, Corner Grocery, iii It + Stalicitor for the ► and Chips. Restaurant, Fhnne ev- t u .3dministrator, on rrr, ]:OR SALE—Brantford Windmill— and the twenty-fnurtht day of June, ' cbeaap 30 ft. tower, a bargain. ecings_t Sydney Smythe, 1-tarket ; eel 1929 their namesand addresses, + Apply tri Albert Foxtoni Bluevale rd. the London. , l their claims, and the nature -.f the' i CARPENTER AND BUILDER—W. HOUSE TO RE G'r--M1 tav,d<rri, l Deyell. 1'l d conrcrticar�cc�. Cc;ptttal'=y- ratcd t A t) TAKE NOTICE I• eRT i t R i FOR S ALE—Hand Washing '!rash iY,l, UC received Revised Statutes"of Ontario, that l3 ; till 12 noon, Saturday,' Juste 8th, 1929. 3 , . i with full ,particulars in writinu t securities (if any) held by slam duly, y: Plans an specifications verified by a statutory dechtrati'an, if required• phone 801'r. Apple ."�dvanrc 'l utiee Rt.� 1 " nYf No .11.'7Z1'- r-12, H. s'e'nd', that after the said twenty-fourth they inc and wringer. Cheap; apply to leave crrcirr t) e c to 1I lrruceccl to distribute thr s: at , ueerr. Hntc:l, c rr€ the a t ` ; T,(?NI)l7-\ iil'Si_\ ESSES For esiat atnnng isle i:trt,cs , piano tuner, s in t, June, 1929, the said radtnieistrattrr Advance Tames. town. l ltaSC � OR SALE -12 yoursg ,lei 2.3sfi2n Gh ' ., R. . t.#1. pitoaat entitled thereto, having regard t,niv ` ice-Crearn f iirlors, ;Soft Drinks, to the claims of whkh he #ta11 then ' and Chips; RestauranE. ?hone tv have had'utttice, .and the said edrnrn-i eings, Sydney Smythe, Market Ristrator shall not be table for the said Lantz, hortdorr. .•' TENDERS 'RCE1V Eft up till Jtint I51It to clean and redecorate school assns or any n,,,, thereof to any ptee house S. S. No. 8, Wi>pghani junc- tion, Inftp 'uatirin, apply to bred Hogg Or \ en: t,-, J. Henderson. AUCTIOI4 SALE of llottsvhold tffects of the te kobrrt Iriacic, \'mister, 031 the prpaat#sts,at 2 p.m. SATURDAY, Jt Tie 3tb, 1929 Tl RMS;---C'sli. If Ouse and Proper- ty i ti 1 rotpe.r.. ty to he Sold subject to rese:r.vc bid, (`;EO WALKER, •iuctia,neer sop of whose claim he seal! not tint,, j The �tsab3` Chick season Will soc t 1 d be a int rain this naafi is too ate, li ay 30th hatch, Barred 3 brit that wussen't accordin t , a )' moray av tinkira, an the intind to tht zy `e° "t ''t void him. .gin �st�x a kr mid" But wvussen't it list Ioike thins Grit;: kill to foind fault because too ranch mon- ey oon ey 'inns bein shpint, an thin turn'ar- round an criticoize us Tories whin BI "`,' `; we troi to kape down ixpiztst s be pas- i s sitz the buck'to the municipalities? Lo vii s Irv: Y XKst- ^�� „W` S1S. sL- •evvier' * r' w, and ltrrt:., (That lasht ixprission is'''sari me bye'j r : 5ta.n. 3r r1m1;'rs e ; sit wVV ,f.4'.'ib` 1, Tarried i� Itin he wus overlays). 1, > Annyway it inns thing Grits at Ot- Scet",'. l" c91...; t;; ' .. ,;+ t'r,r,R%r• '' tawa who shtarted the wholethrubblt Tarte. r1, 2'94 l,,' fry ar„a 30.51T44-.. about thing otild age pinshuns 1 J. Scrim, st About the only ting thin'.'Grits did- fi;et1' t7"-7'' Mi- atl'A :> . , :a ,,.;- 111 n't foind fault tt�id wus Iiisht:er Fer- I eryt `'f 1:3 -r t,, v::! "Mt; fh guson's liquor conthrol act. Ain't i the V/1' u� beraa rte` n1 Ifr;... lass a ,auglrt.r. they the quare ould birruds. i "��' r . offatt—In �try'ro can<r, ',J: May 22.tf;,, ^ 1929, Amin t . to �� ��/ y ySr• ;�„ l ;ax�re.�ISn�Ii)�It�®—�IER fats, a scan, 1111uofsiorecouirlnllllrarilawaciiiht14 ,miimIllalalla1aintimilraI s 11 irg- ii C lir R I( S TIE'S ili• ' iit: 11 Health Food Centre' �iw There is almost an endless variety of Battle Cjreek. Health Foods which are not only delicious to the taste, but also have remarkable blood and tissue .building qualities On our shelves you will fincl amongmany other lines. • FIG & BRAN Laxative Bran to which ire the figs impart a wonderful fit flavor. Also Fig & Bran ci Flakes. - BRAN BISCUITS Tasty! Crisp! Sweet! Lax- ativel The real thing for children. m VITA WHEAT If you Like a smooth crew: For soups, gravies, ,broths. tray hot cereal, you'll like As much food iron, lime and it lit ;1111:Z.E othersalts in a cu fulp as• ltiE DieteAdvice ,' a Iib. of meat. it By skilled dietitians. Ask : SEE for the special information Ads. in'Saturday Evening 1.1 blank. Post, Physical Culture, iii 11▪ 1t11111r11121i18N1rr1312Ifr111frlilrl1111rinr111611 Iiii sail all1 111!1111M111111iIii111II111(liilllillllllllllllRII110111spE COOKED BRAN For Bread or Muffins, and a sure enemy of constipa- tion. Gro The vitamin Breakfast Food, Rich in blood, bone. and tissue building elements. SAVITA Specials for Thursday, Friday an Saturday Dresses DRESSES $3.95 Rayons and Silk and Cotton Crepe Drees - es for Juniors, Misses and Women. Smart styles for spring and summer wear in the lat- est shades and pattern effects, sizes 14 to 20. One price while they last,$3.95_ MISSES' PRINT DRESSES $L95,..: New styIees in Misses' sizes, made from fast colored prints, neatly made, sizes 14 to 16 Special at $.195. HOUSE DRESSES A complete stock of . Porch and House Dresses in Ginghanis and Prints, new spring styles, special: at 89c, $1.19, $1.39. WOMEN'S PRINT DRESSES $L79 Neatly made from fast color prints, con- trasting tie and binding of white Broadcloth, sizes 36 to 44, Special $L79. SILK SCARFS $1=59, Crepe-de-chene and Georgette Crepe Scarfs, new designs and patterns in those lovely spring shades, reg. $2.25, Special $1.59. Full fashioned Hose; all silk from toe to hem, new shades $2.19 Silk Vests ,.-. .. 79c and $1.39 Silk Bloomers Corsettes .. . ... 65c and $1.95, $129 and $2.39 ' He J. JOBB Phone 4 . Fresh Gr +' ceraes. i witeanwil 11rn1 1�F1 t`sl�IINZEIN ENIN ILIIiBIiI Pl1®i ll1N Ere s?,7 ter mi no or ni CM KM NW■ 1 IC 7 7 7 9p ■ i z 17 ti I7 i7 7 Yours fer a bigger an betth Canada, • Timothy Play. Pool Eggs _ � take a LOW price on Eggs. when. we will store Ir'�: them for you till price gets higher. 'br THE UNITED FARMERS'CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY LIMITED. � TE>�. Ontario. WIrigrhain, Phone DEATHS ilson—At Ryerson, Sask„ en 31 fay 22nc1, John Wilson, aged 83 -years, brother of Murray Wilson, and Belle' Wilson, Turnberry. Died 17 days after his brother, "Geo, Wilson, Turnberr . y bre proud r. �1. ,e have recei e -notice. i cover, Better get yours before it :IWtenrtyv- In Winghana on Tuesday, 171TFT) t Ari 1 1 to Jarat 4th, , 1929, Mary, Florerice, dav of Inns_ 1.I),, 1929. e . Rocks are. 17c, S•C.W Lcghorns 1Sc. data thter of the late adzes and 1 Ann" ANr'rl)tiI•., VV#ugliarn 1p.. C3,; lifter June 5th, !;added Ricks are. 15c: ,Plenty.' Solicitor for the Ad ninistratt tin. j , SC.W. Leghr�rns iSc, tarred Rocks ' f'tai e: t r re pure O. V,C, strain; Cockerels (iv- c 1 Georg n Turnlicrr) • , June 4t ect from O. A., College'are mated to• 1929, George 'Cruick'shank, 'ria li selected breeders. All Leghorn chicks are from yearling and :two - TENDERS WANiE The Municipal Council' of the Twp. year-old hens. Hatching Eggs 5c, of Morris, are asking for lenders for ,irk to see our line of Roya# feeder � power 'r � 83rd year. well—In Chicago, on May 1329, ' Rebecca Sophia Robinsot wife of the Rev. Geo. Elwell an, to d ive the crusher, avant or s d gasoline. State power, rendery'tvitl and water founts: C. G. Campbell, only sister of the late VW.:ii, °17ob be Olde'', Saturday June 8tTt tit 8 .iyt, R R No. 2, Auburn, Ontario: Phone inson, : of aJr, , p �v ox,eter„ in her ' 85th A. ilt 1. „ •ac tvt n, Clerk Blyth I0 24 year. ■ li 11 ill mum <+• ®�Frpli�Clt1IIWA4 RA r TREASURER'S SALEy .. - OF LAND O �lR'TAXES TO WITS r By virtue of a warrant under ' It VYin h the hand of the Mayor of the Town, f E am and the Corporate Seal of the said Townbearing 'date the '26th day. of March,A.D. , Wingharn A _ 1929 to me directed, levy upon the several parcels tent commanding tyre to of"land hereinafter mentioned "i - - o ted , a, ben r r and described n 1 the Town ow n f a Wingham ban. 1 am there - smelt together with � g a for the arrears respectively due .there- costs, I do hereby give notice that unless the said at, and costs he sooner paid I shall, bit A.D. 1929, at the hour, of 10 o'clock in Saturday, thatthe 6thy day of July, alt in the Town Winghamthe forenoon of day, in the Town of. in the County 'of ,Hurn t on sir much of the said lands as. may be sufficienttoe Public a es .barges incurred in and about: the said saand hcollection discharge the fates ,id the co#tecton of the satire. Descriptiora Years in Arrears Ateea rs lc tt• ?ado eke&ado odziee 4 *were ro ti Misr Litutiee ".xetteee Taxes Costs Total Name of Patented Party or• unpat- assessed ented 2, 13 & 14 1925-26-27.28 $109,82 :$14.25 $128.5'l' Marion Pat'd. ash Street • outlr Johnston ots 4e5 & 5 ... 1925-26-27-28 t Lot B, 12.,,.., 1.926-27-28.,. 7.)ated at Wingham this 27th W. $ 78x49 $'14,47 $ 91,96 C, M. '„.Pat'd Walker'• $ 20,18 $ 12.01 $ 32,19 Max Rienzi Pa. day of March, Ant/49a A. GA ,B AIT14,` Treasurer, Towe of Winghsni,'