HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-25, Page 874e
Ls the
'---•�.�..-`'.��s3nn tai i �, :k` :ir..
HE unprecedented popularity of the
JL McLaughlin -Buick unquestionably
x923IVicI, b �uestionably
establishes it as the new order of motor -car
The new Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher are
revolutionary, it is true. Revolutionary in.
the majestic beauty of their appearance.
Revolutionary in the richness of their con-
tours and colours. Revolutionary in the
spaciousness and sheer luxury of their in-
Revolutionary, in fact, in ALL the character-
istics which make twice as many people
choose McLaughlin -Buick as any other carr
at or above its price. A -20-4-29C
Wingham, Ont.
When Better Automobiles Are Built — McLaughlin -Buick Will Build Them
3 Splendid Values In Men's Work Boots
No. 1—A Men's Brown split boot with Panco soles—light
and comfortable for Summer work—all sizes for Men' at per
pair $2.95
No. 2—A Men's Urus Kip boot—fairly heavy but soft stock
with Panco soles and full rubber heels—this boot is known as
our "Jumbo" seeing that it is wide fitting—in all sizes for Hien at
per pair $3.75
No. 3—A really excellent boot made of genuine kip stock
in both black or brown, either with Panco or leather soles. This
boot is just like the "Home -Made Shoes" we used to make years
ago=they will wear just as well as the Home -Made and Will keep
soft and turn the moisture. All sizes for nen at per pair -..,_. $4.65.
The above illustrate just three kinds of ,our assortment
which consists .of some %fifteen kinds and qualities.
Willis Shoe Store P' ge Wingham
=mum asemussmeatantem ammo.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 25, 26 and 27
--- In
A story of the Russian Revolution.
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Monday and. Tuesday, April 29th and 30th
Polly Moran & J. Farrell McDonald
"Bringing Up Father"
Diggs, Maggie and Dinty Moore.
Wednesday ,and Thursday, May' lst and 2nd
Neil Hamilton and Ralph Lewis
he Shield ofHonour"
Mr. Harry Baker, of Toronto; spent
Sunday at his home here. ,
Aformer resident ofthis vicinity
died at Goderich on Friday, in the
pet -siert . of Mrs. 3, Jenkins. Her hus-
band, two daughters and one son sur-
vive. The remains were interred in
Union Cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Norman Garrett has purchased
a Ford car from our local dealer, Mr.
R. 111,' McKay
Miss Carr is visiting at her home
The Women's Institute have .pur-
chased from Mr. G M. Chambers the
lot south of Memorial Hall,
Blyth will have her first half -holi-
day Wednesday, May lst,
Mr. and Mrs. Geddes, of London,
were calling on friends in town on
The funeral of the late Mr, Henry
Toll took place from the home of his
brother, Mr. Fred Toll, on Thursday.
Dr. Barnaby had charge of the ser-
vices. Interment took place in Union
Cemetery. •
Mrs. Mary Graham, one of the old-
est residents of town, aged 82 years,
passed away at the home of her bro-
ther, Mr. John Tynington Auburn,
on Tuesday.' Services were held in
United Church on Thursday. The
remains were interred in 'Balls Cem-
etery, Hullett.
Mr. Robt. McMillan and children,
of. Listowel, visited . at Mr. R. Mc-
Grath's, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson were ;n
London Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. John McLeod, of Walton, was
in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gamble and child-
ren of Waldemar, 'spent Sunday with
Mrs. Gamble's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. O. Johnston.
Mrs. Pratt 'and Miss Alma Shier,
of Teeswater, spent a few days last
week with her sister, Mrs. Queriu.
Miss Lyla Guerin, who was operated
on a couple of ~reeks^ago, is improv-
ing nicely, we are glad to report.
Miss Cora King is spending some
time with friends in Toronto.
Shell Gas and Oils are Super Qual-
ity. \Vhen in Bluevale fill up' at
Master Stewart Elliott is at present
visiting at the home of his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Pocock,
near Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pocock and.
son, Harold, of Belgrave, the latter's:
sister, Mrs. l3ruyer, and family, •rf
Waubashene, were visitors on Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Elliott.
Ivir. and Mrs. Wallace Curwaine,. of
Stratford, were visitors on Sunday,
at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mundell spent
Sunday at thee home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Patton.
Mrs. Reuben Garniss has been un-
der the doctor's care. Her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Thursday,' April 25th, 199
Mr. and Mrs. Wellings and daugh-
ter Lenore, visited friends in Dun-
Mnnr zincl'112rs, Eli Jacques, of Whit -
church, spent a day last week with
Mr, .and 1VIrs. NV, J. Currie.
Mn Geo. Taylor of the 'Bank of
Commerce, is visiting friends in Tor-
IViz and Mrs, W. Aibucl.le spent
Sunday at the home of Mr's, John El-
`Seeding is the order of the day a-
round here.
Mr. Geo. T. Currie who has been
under the doctor's care, has gone out
West for ,a change of climate.
Miss Olive Barker is visiting her
friend, Mrs. T. K. Bibb, of Detroit.
Mr, Bert Currie has purchased the
old Burchill place.
Mr. Edward Day, of Bluevale, spent
the week -end with Mr. Harold Cur-
A social evening was' held at the
hone of ivir. and Mrs. Geo. Coultes.
on. Tuesday .and all reported a good
time, dancing and cards till the wee
srna' hours. • '
Mrs. •W, Wellings spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. 3. Kerr, who has been
on the sick'list. ,
Mrs. Alex Mowbray and her moth-
er, Mrs. Morrison, of Bluevale, : spent
Sciatica? Rheumatism?
T R -G's awe wonderful for Neuritis.
Mr. W. IL Davis of Grand Bend, Ont.,
had this so badly that his wife had to
dress him T -R -C's made him. well.
He says, "My wife also used them for
Arthritis. She wbuldn t be alive 'but for
them." T -R -O s are equally good for
Rheumatism Neuralgia, Sciatica and
Lumbago... Quick. Safe. No harmful
drugs. Mc and $1.00 at your druggitst's.
a day last week with her sister, Mrs.
Thomas Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Sanderson, of.
Stratford, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, W. Sanderson,
Mrs. Barbour, of Whitechurch,
called on Mrs, William Wellings one
day last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew stein, of
Lucknow, were visitors at Mr, John
Haines', last week.
Mr. Will Casernore, of Wroxeter,
spent Sunday at Mr. W. Abraham's.
Mr. and Mrs, John Casemore and
Mrs. Milo Casemore and baby, spent
Sunday at Mr. Wm, Ore's.
Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Haines spent
Sunday with friends in Ripley,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Burke were visi,
tors in Wingham ori Sunday.
Mrs. Westeli, of Kincardine, is vis-
iting at Mr. John .Case%nore's.
Mr. Will Robertson and son, Lloyd,
of Belgrave, visited at Mr. John Ab,
raharn's on Sunday.
Notice To
Corn Growers
All Corn Stubble and . Stalks
must either be ploughed under
or picked up and burned before
the 20th day of May next.
Oswald Ginn,
Goderich, Ontario,
The 'Belgrave Women's Institute
held an especially interesting and en-
joyable meeting at the home of Mrs.
Charles. Coultes, on Tuesday, April
16th, When the District President,
Mrs. R. Tr Phillips, of 'Goderich, vis-
ited the branch. The president,' Mrs.
Finley McCallum, ' conducted the
meeting,which opened with the sing-
ing of the Institute Ode, followed by
prayer, The roll call was responded
to with recipesfor pastry andfilling
for pies. The copper contest held be-
tween the Marchand April meetings
was a very :successful way of adding
to the treasury, as over sixteen dol-
lars was realized, A paper by Mrs,
J. M. Coultes on 'The Value of
Cheerfulness' proved a very interest-
ing and inspiring topic. Mrs, Joseph
Clegg sang a solo entitleGd "Sznilin'
Through," and Mrs. Thomas Forbes
gave a reading, which were bo,th en-
joyed. After the regular meeting was
over Mrs. Phillips gave a delightful
talk on "Making'. the Commonplace
Life Interesting." The meeting clos-
ed with the singing of the National
Antheni, after which lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. Coultes anct. Mrs.- Carl.
Mrs. Iiruyer and family, of Wau-
bashene returned home this week of
ter spending a couple of weeks at
the bonne of her sister, Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elliott of
lluevale were visitors one day last
week at the home of the latter's cou-
sin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pocock.
Mrs. W. J. Currie spent Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Geo, Taylor,
Lower Town,
Mr, Jim Currie spent Sindayr with
his cousins, Mr, ita,rold Currie,
. KING'S ...
Spring Shirt Sale
�p ••nl?��II�IIiII��hi
Spectacular Selling of 200
Fine Shirts
Custom made ;styles from the best makers —
Forrsyth, Stewart arid Arrow brands. All are fresh
perfect stock just out of the boxes in sizes to suit
everyone, 14.4 to 18. Fine quality English Broad-
cloths, Madras and Percales in separate collar and
' collar attached styles that are always sold at $2.25
and $2.50..
KING ' BROS., - in harp
Ri ■i� iX 1'�1l�l�II*UIU®Ii Ii*Ui *l■iuii.iUli l*
our Ladies'
Show Room
Presents the
Types of
■ ' the Spring
l� g
a Mode
■ .
Garr tints that have achieved
clis-tinction• in. the ` large style
▪ centre&
■ •
In Building Your Home it Costs
No More to Stop Fire
By specifying Gyproc Wallboard you assure
walls and ceilings that are efficient fire barriers
yet the cost is no mote, and often less than with
,materials that give no fire protection whatever.
Fireproof • Tbo F
11orr Sale By
Rae & 'Thompson
Buchanan. Hdwe. Cornpariy,
1.W. d. Huteston.
wX.c.wXi ..
Wiiigharn, Ont,
Wingham, Ont.
Corrie, Ont.
® ed at
■ $18.00, $27.50 to $45.00.'
i■I Children's Coats
® A fine showing in sizes 3 to 14 years.
• ■
French Gloves - Bows - Lace Trimmings
Fancy .Cuffs - Jabots - Frihs - Ties
• Fox Scarfs
KayserIlo'siery - Nemo -Flea Corsets
Tweed, Twill, Camel Hair.
$15.00.,, $2.4.50.'to $39.O0.
New York styles that have been duplicated by
Canada's foremost producers. All moderately piic-
■ •,
A call will be most satisfactory to you •
N.B.—Please Note — Next Wednesday, May
lst will be the first half holiday of the season and 11
our store will close at 12 o'clock noon, on=this day. ■
ros., Wi; ; ghamisms w 1
Plenty of Water on the Farm
.Is an absolute necessity, and just as
iniportanfis a proper pump to deliver
it with ease. A. Beatty Bros. "pump.
one to suit every style of 'well—will
give proper service, and when we in-
stall it you are assured of ;thorough
We repair Windmills and all kinds of Pumps,
Machan Bros.
We have openings for
In our Spinning Mill and Sweater Finishing De-
partment, Thoroughly modern, bright cheerful
Mills, pleasant, working . conditions. Steady work
assured. ' Plenty of opportunity for advancement
for willing workers. We are ready to accept .be
ginners, Apply by letter to
illl/altoslnollinilrll1rll o 111111matailIII Iimoulituo ICUIancIniIImmiumin 1i1ilim
r _
- We have the largest stock of Wall Papers ever
• shown in Wingham,
Priced 5c to $ I.00 'tier roll
New Designs. - - Modern Colorings.
The Wall Paper Shop
- Elmer Wilkinson -,„„- Decorator.
TommI afflonl linMllmmthw( ammiltmu(oINI IIUou mmilmlulmm1NlumlIiIIM91tmIrll 1n111uIismom
iA1,YWwXAt+VI%NAa...;..Y�L�]e..ail,l:ulw:w x..YLYIX?Il'..iA.: