HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-25, Page 4ttcrr�tn NW -4"M '1/4.1140-41.0.,..ISMOTAMINNOP.41/411).11,1,111„0,1422.41114101,11,SW41.11244.1.04,0,14_441%, THANK YOU! We beg to thank you for the tangible way you showed your a >reciation of the Rexall One Cent Sale our store last Week and beg to apologize if >�.. d atQ week,. Z >=ai owing to the rush you did not receive our usual prompt attention, l 1 I`C r i� Mc ! BBONy F S DRUG STORE 1• _t. WINGFIAM %%n: Snare PHONE 53. romni fTn mmn nn VY; n rnrnnrl Al n.tn n t stn stn ntrnrtn r BRING RESULTS r4 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. TO RENT OR LEASE -Good house, stable, 11 acres good land. Will lease or rent for one or two years at a time. Apply to Frank Mooney, Wingliarn, FOR SALE -One Cement Mixer, Forms'and Bolts, one set of Team Harness, One set of Harrows, one plow, one set of Single Harness, 1 work mare. Apply to G. PI. Orvis, Lower Winghain. FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching, from choice Jersey Black Giants, 75c per setting of 13 or .$5.00 per 100. Ar- rangements can be made by phone to leave •eggs at Wingham or Whitechurch. Apply to W. R. Far- rier, R. 1, Lucinow, phone 628r21. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres of land, all cleared and tile drained, best of soil, fair buildings orchard and shade trees, 30 acres seeded down, school opposite farm. For further particulars apply to own- er, l'9. E. Campbell, West a Lot 6, Con. 6, Morris township, or by. mail, R. R. 4, Brussels. MAY HATCHED CHICKS Barred Rocks;' 18c, Single Comb White Leghorns 17c each. Hatching BOARDERS WANTED -Apply to Mrs. Milds Cameron, phone 378. AUTO LIVERY and Truck Service, New cars. G. T. Robertson, phone 57. • FOR SALE-lr'oung Shorthorn Bull, dark roan. Oliver Campbell, R. R. 4, Winghain, phone Brussels 30-13. FOR SALE=One iron bedstead, coat- tress and springs, dresser• and wash- stand, cheap. Apply Mrs. T. Fells. FOR. SALE -Yellow sweet clover for $5:00 abushel. Apply to ,Joseph Chamney, T3elgrave, phone 616e14, FOR SALE -Bull, Pure=bred Sho a- Itorn Bull, Dam has R.O.P. record and his grandsire is Planet Mar- quis imported. R. W. Simpson, R., R. 2, 'Teeswater. FOR SAI.:- Canned fruit, berries and Cherries, 3 quarts for $1.00. Harry IHitchings, Wing hani, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TENDERS FOR DRAIN- AGE WORK Tenders will be received by the u n- drrsi ted up tillSaturdaY, April27th , or by the Council of Kinloss at Holy - rood up till 2 o'clock afternoon on Monday, ,April 29th, 1929. For trenching, laying and covering the in Lott .Drain near Whitechurch, approximately $00 rods. At the :same time andplace for the excavating the Sterling Open Drain, estimate 1739 cubic yards, on the Fir- st Ranges North and South of the Durham Road in .the Township of Kinloss and Kincardine, dine car Plans and specifications for both drains in the hands of the Clerk, and for the Lott Drain in the hands of Walter Lott. Contractor to make a deposit of 5 per cent. of the amount of the Contractas a guarantee for the Proper completion of the work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. G. Moffatt, Clerk Kinloss, R. R. No. 3, Teeswater. Tenders For Drainage Work TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed tender will be received at the Clerk's Office up to 6 o'clock p,m. on Wednesday, May 15th next, for the open and the tile portion of the Main Drain and tile portion of Branch C on the Fisher -Gregory Drain in the Township of Turnberry. Plans and profiles may be seen at Clerk's Office. No tender necessar- ily accepted. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, I. J. Wright, Reeve. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons' having claims against the estate of Helen Geddes, late of the Town of Winghain in the County' of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of 'March, A. D. 1929, are reuired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanscone, Solicitor for the Execu- tors, on or before the third day of May, A. D. 1929, their names and ad- dresses, with full particulars in writ- ing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by then duly verified by a statutory declara- tion. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said third day of May, 1929, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which, they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors shall not be liable. for the said assets or any part there- of to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Winghain this ninth day of April, A. D..1929. R. Vt1NSTON E, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. WANTED- Moulders-stbve plate, rcultural machinery; nice. town to live in, •steady work. Write Box A, Advance -Times. Eggs from. April to July 5c each. A - 'hove prices are for customers comingFOR SALE -Cook Stove, three -bur - t virfarm for theirpurchase. Chicks oer Coal Oil Stove; Washing Ma- o chine with wringer, small chicken aresold in regulation boxes but cus- tomers must furnish containers for. eggs- p If you are in need of a new Brooder stove, founts, feed hoppers, etc., let me quote prices on Royal equipment. C. G. Campllell, Auburn, Ont., phone Blyth 10-24 EGGS. AND CHICKENS FOR SALE-'lwo iots on Bristol. Terrace, . Winghain, at $60 each. Will accept monthly payments .of on each. C. J. Marshall, West- ! boro, Ontario. 11 \RGAIN-For Sale ---A comfort - able brick house, six rooms, every B;AI3Y CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pure bred to lay Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghores for sale: Pedigreed and R. O. P. males head these pens. Large birds, big. eggs and Tots of them, '.Also have inetibators, brooders and poultry sup-'. plies. Will sell you' chicks one, two three or four weeks old at right prig- r es. Write or phone for what yeti re quire. I 'can save you money, Sat -1 isfactiott guaranteed. Custom hatch- ing• done. Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone Winghain 611.42.: FARM FOR SALE We offer this week a farm of 150 acres, close to a prosperous village with stores, churches, Post Ofifce GARBAGE COLLECTION entenceto s ,splendid ctannr[ron. This must be sold to close an e, - tate. Apply T. Fells.:. NEPTUN{ITE VARNISH' is the best to use on your' Linoleum; does not discolor white pattern, dries quick- ly, with ,rich gloss. Buchanan.Hard- ware. • FOR' SALE -One eighteen month Dual Purpose Shorthorn 13u11, good stock -getter. Herd accredited and free from all contagious disease. James Dow, R. R. 2, 'Lucknow, phone 615r25. NOTICE etc. Good buildings. Terms right. Might rent to a good man ifnot sold in a short time. Abner C.osens, Insurance & Real Estate, Wingham, Ont. ,3. D. McEWE N LICENSED AUCTIONEER :;alta of > Farm Stock and Imple- ments Real Estate, etc., conducted with. satisfaction and at moderate A weekly garbage collection. ser vice will be offered to the citizens of Wingham ,during the coating Sumtn er,. It is proposed to continence the service on May lst, and continue same until about October 1st. • Persons wishing to take advantage rif this service must sign a requisi- tion at the Clerks Office, Town. Hall, hrfrre May let. In the case of rate- 1 .payers, the charge may be added to the tea roll. In the ,cast, r,f tenants, charges. the charge must be paid in advance at the ('lark "s Office. DR, GORDON WEBS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Gold Medalist. Surgeon Landon, (Eng.) M. R. C. $, (Eng.); L. R. C. P. (Land.) Surgical Operations a Speciality, Maternity and Children a. Specialty. OFFICE. -Old Travis House, one house from Anglican Church, Centre Street. Phone1.5, Winghain. 11 11116Ci1110e111ilig Ino nisi C lm1111",IfI IIs' 1�1 Sar It Wilgth WR1 wears"' Orders for Weddings, Funerals i or other occasions taken by pal MRS. WM. SNEATH tilItsne 142,, Winghain fat Prompt Service,'rthail or 'express] 1 111.111111t11111l1.11I1111111IIIi1S111I1110111111111111,1 The charge for this year will be $2,75. Arty further infortnatinn• desired may ire obtained frciui tltc undersign - \V. A. Gxalbraitli,' i'li:rk. Ira Memoriam \V'1:T 1.S-Iti sad and Hiving mem- ory rrf Frances Irene, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Honer \Veils, who died one year aiwr, to -day, April 21st 1.928. lci;rs Wo drop on our darling's head, Street little heart good-bye, we said, '1"hen unafraid though the way were dint, God's little flower went back to Him. She eves too bright a flower to last, "Twits only to us given To cheer us for a little while, Now gone to bloom in heaven, Grandmother. Mrs. s iurnes Martin, of Teeswater, whose late 'husband: was a ntanufc'tet- tit er of fern). implements there 30 years ago, died last week in her 80th year.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to Section 56, chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all ;persons having claims against the Es- tate .of Thomas Davidson, late of the ,Township .of :East Wawanosh in the County . of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased; Who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of February, A.D. 1929, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the tenth day of May, A.D. 1929, their names and addresses, with fell particulars in writ- ing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declara- tion. , AND TAKE'NOTICE'F.URTHER that .after the said tenth day of May, 1029, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties . entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then. have received notice, and the said Execu- tors shall .not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. DATED at Winghain this fifteenth day of April, A.D. 1929. R. VANSTONE, Winghain, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims agaieelg the Estate of Ann Burchill; late of the Township of Turnberry in the Coen- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of October, A. D. 1928, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for. the Administratrix, on. or before the third day of May. A. D. 1929, their names and addresses with full partic- ularn in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by. them duly verified by a stat- utory declaration, AND TAKE NOTics FUR'I'.HER that after the said third day of May, 1929 the said Administratrix. will pro- ceed to distribute the said estate a- ntong the parties ._entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and the said Adtninistratrdx shall, not be .liable for the said assets Or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Wingham this ninth day. of April, A. D, 1929. R. VANSTONE, Wirigliam, Ontario Solicitor for the Administratrix N OTICE All parties having accottnts 'with hicks & Fuller, Massey -Harris Ag- ents, 'Winghain, if not settled on or before May 1st next will be Placed,‘ in other hands- for collection, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES HAS GUIDED NEWS- PAPERS SIXTY YEARS C. 'Cliffe, -.editor and a shareholder in the News, was of late given to be- lieve he was the dean of journalism in Canada, and perhaps, as years gra, tite oldest lean in editorial work in the country as well, says an article in the Sault Ste, Marie (Ont.) News. He is now well on in his eighty- seventh year, and has been 60 year, a journalist, as he bottght' his first newspaper, the Kincardine (County cunt of Bruce) Review, which a few .years ago passed Out of existence, being swallowed 'up• by its competitor, the Reporter, on April 10, 1869, while a school teacher in the Town of Luck now, of Bruce County. The Globe, however, has :him .sur- passed in age, and possibly in j:.ur- realistic work as . well by J. E. Mc Cr-eady of .the Charlottetown (l.'.E.I.) Guardian,; he being 90 years old. Mr. Cliffe may be, however, the dean of theeditors of Ontario, and if •so he Will have to content himself -with that for 20 or 25 years until he catches up, with the •Charlottetown veteran. There is one thing, however, we be- lieve Mr: Cliffe can blow about, and that is that he has either started or purchased purchased more papers in the ]'i, v- ince than any other man' in the busi- ness. In his time, he bought the fol- lowing list of papers: The Kincardine Review; the West I.)urham. News, Bowmariviile; the Brandon (Manitoba) Mail, and. the Pioneer of this city. He founded the Wingham Advance, the Prescott I'laindealer, the. Windsor Review, tee Std Catharines Daily and Weekly Re view, the Portage la Prairie (Man.) Review, the Sandon (B,C.) Mining Review and the News of this city. Some of thes.e papers are still running and others of them have gone the way of the 'dust. THIS IS YOUR LUCK i If yod treat Sore Throats, Bron chitis, Croup, Bronchial Asthma,: Head Colds, Catarrh and Tonsil ills with Mrs.• Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis. Good ,results or money-bele. Wing- ham Druggists; 3..R. Allen, Wroxeter.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, j pursuant to Section 56, Chap, 121 f the Revised Stat"` ; of Omerie. that all persons hevi: 'ain15 estate o; '`eor a V. .ate: of the Town. Plot of \, ilegham in the Coun- ty of Huron, Labourer, deceased, who died on or about the ninth day of March.A.D. 1929, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executor,' on or before the third day of May, .A. D. • 1929, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration.. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said third day of May,1 1929, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and the said .Executor shall net be liable for , the said assets or any part thereof to �+ any person of- whose claim he shall not then have received notice. reil Dated at 'Wingham this ninth day ofApril, A. D. 1929.: R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor BIRTHS Hopper --•In Seafarth, on : Monday, April 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. W. 1), Hopper, a daughter,. McGee -In Wingham, :on April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McGee, of Blyth, a daughter. MARRIAGES' .FryfogleeColvin-In London, on April 20th, by the Rev. Hibbartr Clayton W., eldest son. of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3, Fryfogle, Winghain, to Shirley Winnifred, eldest daughter of 'Mrs, 3, M. and the late Mr. Colvin, Tees- water. V', Nicholson is re -opening his lime kiln at Teeswater, which has been closed for about 10 years. 'T lvarsdhy, April* 26th, 1.929' THE PILOT Automobile and Accident Insutance Co. Ltd. Office, a Mead f e, W te rloo, Ont. Toronto Office, Exce>,siar Life BuLllTing PRIVATE ,PASSENGER CARS W.E. PROTECT' YOUR. $27 Per Car, Cars listed up to 0000 (A) InLjuregal Liability th to one $30 Per Car, Cars not exceeding $1500 . or more persons or dam - $38 Per Car, Cars tot exceeding $2500 age to Property of; others $43 Per. Car, Cars not exceeding $3500 -UP to $10,000. 5 ' (B) Damage. or Loss to $ 7 Per Car, Cars,,not exceeding 0500 $82 Per Car, Cars notexceeftlg $5500 50 0 Yout Car. Up•to its full value at time Essex, Pontiae, Dodge (4), Included ,with Lowest Group. Preferred Rates for Careful Drivers of loss -From (1) Fire, (2) Theft, Legal Liability Limits $20,000 $2.00 'Extra who carry their own collision $50,000 $8.00 Extra Sold by W. CRUICKSHANK, Winghani, Ont. H®mmemningsmaansamn®minem ; dine®is 1iasommonsin ;assn ®®® isynass. ch■ ange of u iness ■ ■ 4 ■ ■ 4 4 �s9 WOMAN EATS ONLY BABY FOOD 3 YEARS "For 3 years I' ate only baby food, everything else formed gas. Now, thanks to Adlerika, I eat everything and enjoy•life."Mrs. M. Genn. Even' the FIRST spoonful of Adler- ika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts' of old u=ante matter,er, from the system.' flakes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No natter what you have tried for your •stomach and bowels, .'Adlerika will surprise you. McKibbon's Drug Store. A Feast of Bargains at Money Saving Values. All Lines of Dry Goods On Sale at 20 to 40 Per Cent. Off. 4 8 ■ ■ ■ 4 CREPES, PRINTS GINGHAMS Crums heavy Punts, light. and dark patterns ..... .19c; Cottage Prints, new spring patterns, sale price :......19c 32 in. Ginghams and Cham - brays, neat patterns 22c 32 in. Ginghams, English make, a few patterns left 15c Crepes, Voiles, Gingham and Braadcloths, sale price 19c. Dress Crepe. new spring pat- terns, reg. to $1.75, sale95c COTTON E.EDUC'D`, 36 in.. heavy Factory Cottons firm quality, sale 19c 40 in. heavy Factory4Cotton, extra fine qual. reg. 33n 24c 36 in. Bleached Cotton, 'two specials 16c and 19c Pillow Cottons, Wabasso make, 40 and 42 in. 37c Heavy Bleached Sheeting Wabasso make Wabasso. extra e qu ' sl:.ec :ng 81 iri. evade 79c CURTAIN MATER- IALS, DRAPERIES Scrims and Marquisettes, plain and colored, sale 19c Nets, Marquisettes, Scrims; sale..... .:........... .....-:24c, 29; 39c Silk Rayons, colored stripes. and floral designs, reg. to $1.25 59c and 89c 36 in. Chintzs and Cretonnes new patterns, sale 19c 36 1n. Cretonnes and Sateen, fine qualities 21c, 29c, 39c MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Men's Overcoats, out they go at $3.95, $6.95, $10.95 Men's Suits, reg. to $28.50, 36 to 46, sale $14.95 Men's Suits, reg. to $32.00. sale price $17.95. Men's Suits, odd lines and sizes, sale ...._..$5.95 and $9.95. Men's Suits. sizes : 36 to 42, reg. to $25.00, sale ,, ...-$11.95 Boys' Suits and Overcoats, sale $3.95 and $5.95 It is a source of great sait- i'esfaction to find thata large number of those who attend- ed this sale 'during the open- ing days have come back a- gain for additional specials. We thank you for your great confidence and will do our utmost tomerit tmo. erit such confi- dence, Satisfied Customers our motto. LOOK AT THESE PRICES Heavy A.C.A. Ticking, 42c 12/4 Ibexi Flette Blankets, sale prices per pair ...:....-.$2.19 Big B Flette Blankets, large size, sale price, pair .......$1.95 Table Oilcloths, white and colored 1i at 39c, 12 at ,46c Window Shades, green.' and cream, special ..-...-:.79e Yarns, Factory and Scotch Fingering, black, grey 79c Pillow Cases, hemstitched 40 and 42 in, sale, each 19c Sheets hemstitched, fine qua- lity, large size, each ....._..$1,29 Corsets, Goddess, Practical Front, D. & A. to 4.00.:.-.95c Corsets, D. & A. makes, ape - sial sale price ,..-29c and 4, �9c GOING OUT OF SHOES Every pair must be sok}. further reductions in all lines Ladies' Patent and Kid Slip- pers and : Oxfords $1.49, 2,95 Children's and Misses Shoes and Slippers' 50c to $1.95 Boys' Fine and Heavy Shoes sale prices 95c to $2.59 Men's Fine and Heavy Shoes sale prices .........$1.19 to $2.89 GROCERIES Fresh Dates 1.0c lb. Seedless Raisins 10c lb. Peas...... ,.. ....r,... 2 cans, 25c 40 oz. Jar Marmalade 37c Toilet Paper, 7 rolls ....-.,25c 75c Black & Japan Tea .,58c Easifirst Shortening, 3 1b. pail for 53c Ivory. Soap Flakes . ..-.....11c Princess Soap Flakes: .19c Telephone . 46. Everything 011111 Sale. MSS FLOOR COVERING Oilcloths in 1,'' 1I and 2 yard widths, sale 42c Linoleuins, 2 yd, width...$1.49 4 yard width $2.95 Linoleum Rugs 7'}x9 ::$7.65, 9x9, $8.75; 9x101 $9.95 9x12 $11.95 Tapestry Rugs ...$7.95, $19.75 Tapestry Mats 27x54....$1.79 STAPLES Towellings, all pure linen, stripes, checks, plain 19c 27c Turkish Towelling, heavy n' quality, reg. 30c, sale 19c 54 in. Table iLnen, reg. 75c value, . sale 49c 63 in. Table Linen, heavy quality, sale price 69c 36 in. White Flettes, 2 spec- ials, sale 91c and 24c Light and Dark Flette, 36 in. wide, sale 19c to 24c Black and Blue striped Shirt ings, sale price 27c SILKS and CREPES 'Pure silk Flat Crepes, new ,shades 40 in,. reg. 2.95 $1.95 Canton Crepes, all pure Silk; fine quality, 40 in, reg. $2.65. on sale at $1.69 36 in. heavy Black. Duchess Satin, guaranteed, sale.,$2.49 Fugi Silks, 'neer spring shad- es, sale 59c MEN'S WEAR Men's Fine Shirts, sues 14 to 18, sale 59c to $1.95 Men's Work Shirts, bargain prices at 59c to $1.39 Men's Caps, reg to $2.50...95c Men's and Boys' Caps, reg. to $1.50, sale 39c to 59c Men's Work Sox, two spec- ials at 23c and 29c Fine Sox in cotton, lisle, silk silk and wool 15c to 69c Men's Ties at half price, pick 'em out ,...19c to 59c Men's Overalls, Bull Dog, black only, sale- ..$1,49 Successor to J. A. Mills. OMMI 11 MMI® t•. INC ■ 9i A� t ■ ®�ituali®i®,ti�lii+®g1Yonamas 5l E T IS of '`? , for ever purpose for every surface ' l000stifontro Book 100% PURE �!•• PAINT Iorcx>rorior. ' ar miteriet MAI BLE' $ E ler hardwood floors forSalehy Rae & Thompson, NELL-TONE fhe t I wash- able pain, VARNOLEUM for 0/00 /4 &linoleum WOOD -LAC skin &Rloofs and &awe Wingham Mt PM NT VA ft NIS.H •..