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The Suffering Servant of Jehovah
Isaiah 52: 13-53: 12.
Goldent Tetet.—With his stripes 'we
Our Sample Made -to -Measure
Spring Suitings are now ' in.
They are the values for
bes t
the money we have had. ...Suits
from $22.50 upto $r,5oo, miade:'
up with best of trimming and
tailored to your satisf,ction.
We have a number of winter
Overcoats left which Ave. will
sell at greatly reduced prices.
It will pay you to invest before
they all go.
_._We are giving xo% reduction
in price on Underwear, 'Sweat-
ers;.... Wind -breakers, ...Rubbers
and Over Shoes,
Buy your Sugar now.
The eama and
t leaves •T Tuesday y
Fridays with cream for the Co -
Operative Company.
�r ..,�',•„ .^, is 'tri„c'7::,'.;aS7•..
Thursday, April 25th, 1929
are healed.--Isa. 53: 5. land acquainted with' grief."--= "Not !which neither shame, nor torture,
Gime.—The conservative view. is
that this, chapter was written by
Isaiah nc.itr the close of his life, about
11. C. 385. The radical . view is that
it was written from 150 to 200 years
'I'lacc.---Oe the , first supposition,
Jerusalem; on the second, Babylonia,
amid the exiles,,
"Who hath .believed our message?”
—The .prophet's message concerning
the lowly -exalted .Servant is so glor-
ious, so unexpected, that no one has
believed it. "And to whom hath.. t]te
arrai of .Jehovah. been revealed'" -The
ailn of :Jehovah—is His . Almighty
power; thatarrn of God had `macic
bare in the eyes of ail the nations"
(Isa. 52;10), but they had not'real-
ized the: wondrous workings of His
"For he (Christ) grew up `before
him (Jehovah) as atender plant"—
As a sapling, a. fresh sprout from the
stump of a fallen tree, the house of
David. That is just what the Mess-
iah was. "And> as a root out of a dry
ground."—All of the circumstances
surrounding .Christ were unfavorable;
the poverty and lowly station of His
family, the obscurity of Nazareth, the
servitude of His nation to the Ro-
roan conquerors. "He hathno form
nor comeliness; and when we see hila;
there is no beauty that we should de-
sire hint.;, —A sapling growing up a-
mid such unfavorable surroundings
would not be likely to have a ,grace-
ful forst or reach an imposing height
or present a lovely aspect.
`He was despised, and rejected of
hien,'—"Rejected." has in the :margin:
"forsaken." This was true of Ghri`,
for at His arrest even His twelve
disciples forsook Him and fled
(Matt. 26: 56). "_A manof sorrows,
a3i swty`kil� §",yy.
L L roads seem equally as good
in any -weather When you ride
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For safety and economy
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XSuitcts the Only
e4? aptifoino, Et) Tillage
onlyunattractive was He,but re u.
sive, 'a Man' ofpains and familiar with l
sickness`. (not grief'), smitten, as it
'were, with loatltesome leprosy (verse
4), and therefore by others `despised,
forsaken,' shunned," °And as one
front wham. men hide their faces he
was despised; and we esteemed him
not."--L-Men hid their face from Hint_
because He is so painful to look up-
"S.urely he hath borne our -griefs,
and carried our sorrows."—The Serv-
ant is despised, but for -our shame';
he is weighed down, but With our
sorrow, '"grief' and 'sorrow,' as tree
fore, imply `disease' and 'pain'," "Yet
we did esteem him stricken."—"Stride
en" isOf leprosy, term'us d r
t p asy, whrch
was called a "stroke." "Smitten of
God, and afflicted." -The world look
ed upon the Servant's sufferings as a
punishment from God for His sins;..
as 'Job's friends supposed that the
patriarch's woes . were penalties fcr
some unknown wrongdoing of his.
"Blit he was wounded for our
transgressions." -The figure passes
from that of leprosy to that of soiree.
fierce attack. We cannot fail to re-
member our Saviour's pierced . hands.
feet .and side. "He was bruised .f ,r
our iniquities."—Recall the creel
scourging received by Christ during'
His trial. "The chastisement of 'our
peace -was upon' him."—His punish-
anent makes forour eternal peace
—And with his stripes we are
healed." This is one of the most
beautiful sentences in the English
language• Peter- makes a wonderful
use of it in this message to Christian
slaves, wlio, when they are beaten by
cruel masters, are to reinember their
Lord also was shamefully beaten (1
Pet, 2:24.)
"All we like sheep have gone
astray.":.-- 13y "we" Isaiah may have
meant his nation and race, or all
Mankind; either would have been
true, for "all have sinned, and fall
short of the glory of God" (Roin.
3:23). "We have turned every one
io his own way, :and aside from God's
way."— Christ carne "to seek' and to
'save that which was lost" (Luke 19:
10). "And jehovah,hath laid on hint
the iniquity of ars all.''—God the Fath-
er orders all things, including the
atonement. God the Son gladly . ac--
cepts the weigh.P' of man's sin laid
upon Hiru by the Father.. The Fath-
er and the Son work in glorious co-
operation for man's redemption,
"He was oppressed, yet when he
was' afflicted he opened not his
Mouth."—When the ordinary man is
wrongly accused, he is vehement -in
protest, and this is especially true.
of Orientals; but Christ s silence un-
der •false accusations at His trial
caused his judge to marvel (Matt. 27
14), "As a lamb that: is led to the
slaughter, and as a sheep that be-
fore its shearers is dumb, so he open-
ed not his mouth,"— John the Bap-
tist called our• Lorca "the Lamb of
God, that taketh array the sin of tate
'world" (Johne1:29). He was the In-
finite Sacrifice to 'which the paschal
lamb through all theccnturies had
lmutely pointed. .
"1.1y oppression and judgment he
was taken away." -13y .oppressive
j.ttdgnien:t Christ was condcriined to'
the cross, by injustice' cloaking. itself'
Under the forms of a judical proceed -
tire. "And as for leis generation, who
aniong then considered that he was
cutoff out of the land of the living
fel. the transgression of niy people
to whom the stroke was due?"—This.
difficult verse: admits of various
translations, but through thein all
we discern the .sacrificial character
of Christ's death, and the heedless-
ticss Of the Jews with regard to it.'.
His generation,,'with a few honorable
exceptions, took no thought for the
sufferer on Calvary.
"And they made his grave with the
wicked."—Thu reference is to the two
robbers who were crucified '90 cither
stela of Christ, and wlto, if Jo, pli rrf
\rithathaca had not iiitcreencd,
would have been buried with our
T.ord in the common burial -puce for
e> ccnted criminals. "i\nd with a rich
titan in his death." --"Phis sttran ..
prophecy, so inexplicable berm e the
e.'etit, was perfectly and surprising-
ly fulfilled by the burial of Christ.'
br.cly in 'the new tomb of a .rich '01t ,
m'emberi of the Sanhedrin* Joseph
of Ariinathaea. "Although he had
done no violence, neither was any tic
reit' in his lnoutiw'—The Messiah had
done nothing to warrant :His creat-
tion, and His, jttdges were. Without It
shadow of excuse, Peter quotes this.
verse and its companion verse i11 his
ntag'nific.,nt, passage, 1 Pet. 2:• 21.25.
:'What gentleness, what calmness,,
What silence, what infinite depths of
diviner love withiin Elim A. heart
nor insult, could stir from its god-
like resolutions, Consider Him, and
then consider: ourselves, ruffled :and.
ptit out of temper by: the slightest
cross - ace dent, the slighteist harsh
ward;"' too I often by ,the slightest
pain -not to mention insults, for we
pride ourselves in not bearing them."
— Charles Kingsley.
"Yet it pleased Jehovah to •bruise.
him; he hath put hire to grief," -Mar-
gin, "he bath made .Hiro sick," 'I30
hind the; Servant's fate is the divine
will—no accident or caprice, but the
Pleasure or purpose of Jehovah.'-
Bible for Heine and School. "When
aunt shalt. male his soul an offering
for sin."—"Soul" means "life," and
the clause is a prediction that the.
Servant's life IS to be ;yielded up as a
trespass: offering for the sins of His
people, "He: shall see his seed, he
spoil prolong his days."—A clear, pre-
diction of the IVfessiah't return to.
life after His death' as a trespass of-
fering. Christ's "'seed" is His church
Springing up in • every land, with im-
mense numbers of believers. "And:
the pleasure of Jehovah shall pros-
per in
rosper.iu his hand:"—God's pleasure, i.e.,
His purpose, is the establishment on
earth:.of the kingdom of heaven
through the salvation of men frontE
sin mild their' obedience to 1 -lis will.
This is what the Servant will bring
"He shall see the travail of his
Sim], and shall be satisfied." -"The
travail. of His soul" is (Kay) ' "the
fruit that conies forth from His toil
arra agony." It will be Large enough
to satisfy even :the Servant's splen;
did hopes for His people., 'That is
one of the 'most inspiring and far-
reaching promises in Holy. Writ. "by
the knowledge of himself, shall, my
righteous servant justify many." --
This sentence may be translated 'in
two ways, -meaning that the Servant
will justify -many through His own
kro*ledge of Jehovah, or through
men's knowledge of Him; Both
thoughts are true. "And he shall
bear their iniquities," -including of.
course the penalty for their sins. He,
the sinless One, is made sin for us.
This is the centre and substance of
the divine mystery of the atonement.
Therefore will I divide hint a por•
titin with the great, and he shall di-
vide the spoil With the strong."—
"The language used here is figura-
tive and perhaps proverbial (com-
pare Prov. 16;19), and is borrowed
from the practice of a victorious king
who distributes among his deserving
warriors a share of the spoils of the
campaign. The Servant who was on-
ce counted among malefactors is c'i
be placed on a level with' conquerors
(compare Isa. 52:15)," — Westmin-
ster Commentary. "Because he pour-
ed out his soul unto death, and was
numbered with the. transgressors"—
Soul" again, is life -blood. Our Lard
quoted this prophecy at the last Sup-
per (Luke 22:37) in foretelling His
crucifixion, and the prediction was
literally fulfilled (i.ulce ]>3:33). "Yet
are bare, the sin of many, and made
intercession for the transgressors."—
The Saviour fulfilled this me:dictlo1
by His prayer on the cross for those
who were killing: •Hini (j.uke 23:34);
and now `9 -le ever fivcth to make
intercession for those "that draw
rtearr unto 'God through Hint" (Heb.
7:25). Thus this wonderful prophecy
closes with the highest note of all,
the atonement.
With regard to scab on potatoes,
J. Flaherty. Erini'Wellington Conn
ty, applied lime on his potato cxnp
1n 1928, He has 00 Scab where the
lime was applied; without. lime he had
.°n, teeiNtATION
p tE 'tON ONT.
1Vlotttret Toeonttr
Mr, James Edgar and Mr. .and Mrs.
.Alvin Edgar, of London, visited at
Arnold Edrar's, on; Sunday, 1.
:Alkin Rano, of Toronto, visited his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Rann ov-
er Sunday.
Mr, '1', W, Henry, Mrs. 1 -leery, Jack
and Dorothy spent Sunday at T. G.
Hemphill's and.. other friends. Mr.
Henry is manager of the Bank of
Commerce at Dundalk.
The Huron County Road and
Bridge committee and County Engin-
eer, 1'attelrson, were here Friday in'
regards tt repalcing the bridge' on
main street,; which went down with
the recent flood, A tenlperary bridge
or roadway will likely be built in the
mean iine.
Mr; and Mrs. Alkin Hastings' and
Master Norman spent', Sunday With
Mr: and Mrs. R.. J, Rann.
Messrs. Jack and Murdie Edgar and
H. Allan of 13russels spent Sunday at
their respective homes. '
Messrs. Gordon Gibson and H. F.
Sinith are not abe to he out owing
to ae atta.ele of mumps.
Aldrid Wearring is back 'on duty
Nelson Mitchel and family of
Molesworth Were intown on Sunday.
Mr, and :Mrs. John Moffatt �r
Wingh.ent, spent Sunday With Mrs,
R. Earls, south of town. •
Miss Anne Munro of St. Cathar•
ides spent the week -end at her home
W. J. Finlay of Listowel was in
town on business one day last week.
Andy Inglis of the Bank Staff,
spent Sunday with Reeve and Mrs.
Inglis of Howick. .
Rev. ilr. Taylor of ' Behnore and
Rev. Mr. Bolingbroke exchanged pul
pits on Sunday,
W. G. Rae of Bayfield, spent Sat-
urday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
D. M. Rae.
Miss E. R. Hazlewood is still tin-
der the doctor's care.
Miss Vera Sellers spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Sellers.
John Davidson'and Hiss Mae are
spending a few days with the fcrrin-
er's son, Walter, of brussels.
Wroxeter Senior Room.
Sr. IV. I'IonorS 750; Pass 600.
Lily Waller 885, Vera a Durst 855.
Robert Paulin 791, John McLeod 790,
Alfred Hooper 718, Arthur Gibson
717, Stewart Higgins 690, I.oreeu
Chamberlain 619*.
Jr. IV. Pass 570. Doris Elliott
756, Isabel Milligan 714, Helen Milli-
gan 693, lfargardt Edgar 681, lack
McLean 675, Marjory Paulin 658,
Harold Kaake 642, Velma Higgins.
548, Rae ',outfit 484*.
Sr. III, Pass 610. Ila Sharpin 593,
Margaret Gillies 550.
Jr. III. Pass 510. Jessie Paulin
624, Mable Patterson 538, Everett
\Vri;ght 580, Allister Green 519'x, Pera
Wright 498', Edythe Martin 483,
Mary Smyth 478 (this pupil just pro-
moted in Feb.).
`—.Bissett school through illness.
;lean E. Earls, Teacher.
NNeglected Cemeteries
Some of the most hideous blots on
aur landscape are the neglected cem-
eteries that clot our land, two of
which are to he found in Milverton.
With the yawning pits from which
remains long interred pave been dug
and the tunable down and broken
head stones lying amidst.a tangle of
weeds and brush they are awful in
their ghastliness, Below the mould
lie the bones of the early settlers who '
Plunged into the forest to carve a I
horse from uncultivated nature and!
won by the stoutness of their heart
and the sweat of their brows, tate bles-
sings their children have only to cher-
isil and enjoy. They laid the founds
lion for the presort material prospe.., 'l
ity F thus great provin -e . and had
they 001 sacrificed their own comfort
denied themselves in order that they
might educate their children, w'r
eVotticl oat .c, al fabric that
We have in Ontario today. 1)rie cats,
have their tonihs look ont upon the
rural loveliness ----the fruitfulness 11101
peace by which he is surreu pled and
then reflect 'what a debt of gratitude
we owe those 110)111llc pioneers and
requite so poorly, Our spirits should
11t awskenecl by' the re ollcctian of
their 'lint'+;, our thoughts enoblcid by
the remembrance, of their 'trials, :aed
r lir holiest and best resolves stren-
gthened l'tri01
tren-gthened'rvillt a portion of their stren-
gth. It is gratifying to know that
in some parts of ()Mario plans arc
being carried .out for the i estorati.;n
of these Plots that shopld he regard-
ed as. .sanctified groutld,---Stip.
, A ur ow"'', 4."lase of
taste willnvinee you.
'Fresh frog the ga dens' .
Vit,. _.,; �, u -,�* ne
Thereductions in long distance tele-
. phone rates made effective in Feb-
ruary are eeccom anied b some im-
portant coldveniences for subscribers.
.5Z o' at
7 se414
Evening ' rates on station-to-statio:-
calls now begin at 7.00 p.m. with.
about 25% off the day rate. Night
rates on station -to -station calls now
apply from 8.30 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. with
about 50% off the day rate.
(The minimum reduced evening
rate is 35 cents and the rr_inimum.
night rate is 25 cents).
ou can
reverse char ,
As an additional convenience you can
now reverse charges on station -to -
station calls where the rate is 25 cents
or more. .
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