HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-25, Page 2Wly: HAMADVANCE-TIMES
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AltP a• ... .404r'V".° 1 et. 4.k', r,ut e4h�v5A.'
Mr. George Spotton (North Hur-
on): I was not in the house when the
hon, member for South Wellington
(Mr: Guthrie) made his address this
afternoon, but after listening to the,
Postinaster General (Iver: Veniot) I
have-sent.for the amendment, and I
think the Postmaster General has not
stuck to the test. The amendment
"In the opinion of this house the
present system of awarding contracts
for the delivery of rural mail by tend-
er has proved unfair, burdensome and
unsatisfactory, and that suchrural
mail carriers should be appointed by
the Civil Service Commission upon a
permanent basis with. a definite rate
of pay, based upon mileage and the
physical conditions of the territory
involved, having regard to the amount
paid to the other servants of the gov
ernment for :similar employment."
•Now, I can scarcely be accused (.f
being a recentconvert to this pro-
posed change, because the first time
that 1 addressed this house 1 did wi:•at
I could to bring , to the attention of
bon. members the unfair condition
under which the rural mail car;'iers
were working and the inadequate re-
muneration they were receiving. 1
think the Postmaster General is evad-
ing the question in asking why did not
the previous government lake care of
this matter between 1911 and 1921.
The Postmaster . General was no
doubt in this country during that
time, and he anust not forget that the
war was followed by a very trying
period of reorganization and relaabili-
tation I do not think any turfair tad
vantage was taken of him, because he
had been having interviews from time
to time with the Rural. Mail Carriers'
Association And, Mr. Speaker, I see
no reason why the rural Mail carrier
of this country should not be free to
band together in an association as
well as any other class of people in
this Dominion. 1 know not Why the
l'eo tmaster General, spoke so unlcind-
ly of this a;;suciation last SL_,sioil, It
is a real a.sueiation; it is not like
the Consumers 'League in which the.
Word "constiiner's" should be spelled
with possistivc singular. Supply be-
catise the piceeecling governinent did
not remedy this unsatisfactory condi-
tion of affairs is nu reason why we pr,
this side of the house should not ad-
vocate remedial action on the part of
the sovurzuuent, L'lie preceeding
giivcrnnient was tried by the elector
ate and in their opinion, found wear.[•
ing, and discarded. In the very. near
future this government is going to be
tried by the etectorathe, and already
we can hear a "sound ofgoing" it the
tops of the'Mulberry trees, I Suppe ,t
the Postmaster General might have
his chauffeur ,drive hinl out into tiny
country in his $S,000 Stutz car to
meet the'.mall carriers and tell them
they are prosperous.
I yi+as very much impressed by -the
remarks of the hon, member for Duf-
ferin-Siincoe (Mr Rowe). I -am a
little hard, of hearing, but as I drive
about the country I can always di,.-
tingulsh;the rattle of the mail carrier's
buggy. 1 see no reason why the rur-
al iaiail' carriers should be the only
men in the service of the Post' Office
department to be stood up ,and- shot
at every four years. I believe the.
Deputy Postmaster General has bad
laissalary-raised by two thousand dol-
lars during the past year, and . yet
when we. ask for a 'Modest increase
and a permanency of employment
With a few holidays for these men
who go over the country roads 'n
all weathers the Postmaster -General
turns a deaf ear to our request. But
I am glad to see he is in a little more
conciliatory mood this year than last.
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Perhaps he has been advised that the
time. is coining when the Priine Min-
i5ter will be'again reforming the sen-,
ate trod lowering • the cost of living
and the price of farm implemeits, and
on that occasion no doubt the Post-
master Genual Will be holding out to
these mail carriers the •bait of fair
I should like the Postmaster Gena-
oral to make this clear. 1 understood
him. to say that at the' expiration of:
their contract letters are sent to 011
rural mail carriers asking if they are
prepared to carry un for another four
years' at the same rate. if that is not
correct will he kindly state with what
particular'oncs- docs he communicate?
An bon' member:',rho favoured few.
AIr.Spotton: Are letters written,
ail of thein or only Yea certain ones?
Mi, Veniot: We generally like to
renew the contracts of those against
whore there are no complaints and
Whose official records show they are
giving :;laud! service..
112. Bennett; !Political considera-
tions govern,
Mr. Veniot: No, If political can
siderations g overuecl 'I would have
had Jo deal with Conservatives,: ,bc-
cause .until the last four or five years
nearly every mail contractor was a
li:r. Bennett: 1. haat was before 1941,
Mr. Spbtton:.I am not yet clear as
to the number and type of rural ,mail
carriers to whom the Postmaster
General writes asking if they are pre-
pared to carry on.
Iblr, Veniot: I cannot help you
Mr. Spotton: I accept the Post-
master General's word for the mo-
ment that only those against whom
there has been no complaint as to
their service—not their politics—are
asked if they wish to carry on. I can
name high a mail, carrier in my riding
with fifteen years' service, . against
whom there was not a breath of com-
plaint, but who was' put up,his route
advertised, and when the old and
faithful servant and a new mantend-
ered at the same figure, the Post-
master General wrote the defeated
Liberal Candidate asking who should
get this contract, the old faithful ser-
vant or the new man. I think the
Postmaster General has in mind the.
route in. question.
Mr. Veniot: Yes, I know the cir-
cumstances and will deal with the
case when the .time comes.
Mr. Spotton: Now, Mr. Speaker, I
do not want to labour this question,
having dealt with it rather fully last
session. I feel that the rural mail
carrier is entitled to a fair wage, to
some guarantee of permanency of po-
sition, to holidays like any other civil
servant, and to be treated as a human.
being: It seems to me that 'this is
the only branch of his department
where the Postmaster General -an
take a good fling at political patron-
age and 'declare "to the victor belongs
the spoils." It has become air obses-
sion with him, a.' -plaything, and it
would be unkind td deny hint the ht
le pleasure that this activity affords
As a basis of comparison let ins
take the letter carriers of the city of
Toronto—andthey are not overpaid
They get $1,440, or thereabouts, .t,
year delivering mail from house to
house; their position is permanent;
they arecared for if they lose their
health in the service, and presumably
they are entitled to a retiring allow-
ance, At any rate, these men, with
no -u ore intelligence, .no' more capab-
ility ,and no better type of citizens
than the rural mail- carriers, get $1,
440 a year to walk for a few hours
twice a day over their routes, and
then they are free to go back twine;
whereas the poor rural mail carrier
has to cover up tci 32 miles over the
snow banks in,the winter and through
the mud roads in the spring and fall,
keep up two horses—all for $590 a
year on an average. Taking the
Posttrtaster General's own figitTes,'
the average is even lower—"only $500
a year.
I fail to understand why be should
attemptto draw a red herring across
the track by talking about bus and
stage coach service. This amend-
ment has to do definitely and clearly
with the rural :mail carrier. It may
be, as the Postmaster General would
say if he were speaking in another
province, that this is another of"those
fanatics from Ontario" who object to
"G.R." being taken off 'the mail wa-
gons. It is most unfair to say that
the rural mail carrier makes any mon-
ey carrying passengers. In my con-
stituency I do not think there is a
single rural mail carrier who makes
$5 a year in this way. The average
rural mail carrier goes down the con-
cession and back,'' and he will give any
rt;an a free ride, even though this
government hashim working at a
starvation wage. 'Let me give the
Postmaster General an instance, And.
remember '1` have a great deal of ap-
preciation for the Postmaster Gener-
al in many respects. He has shown
a board sympathy and ha tlan kind-
iless itt many little matters in my
constituency which 1 have brought
to his notice, _But I think he can
Thursday, April 2,5t'h, 1929
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hardly be cognizant of this: In the
village of Auburn . the post office
was' moved down :the street 39
rcds, which shortened the ' mail:
carrier's route by, twice 39 rods, and
the Postmaster General sent down i
high paid inspector, getting perhaps
$10 a 'day with ::travelling expense,
to measure the distance of 39 rods
and he docked that rural mail car-
rier $10.48 per annum for the rest if
his term:. That surely is proving that.
he is a friend of theworking man in
this country.
To give consideration to this ques-
tion at this .date is not offering, much
consolation to those men who are do-
ing the hardest'work:1n the' POs..
master General's department and get
ting the least pay. The Postmaster
General will say "Why, it is let by
contract." Well, you 'know, a man
getssettled down in one walk of life
and be is afraid to get ottt of that
groove lest lie inay nnot make a st'cc
ess of anything else; and if the Post-
znaster General's position were adver
tised to -night he would take fete
thousands less in order to retain it,
Mr. Veniot; I think it is worth a
great, deal more when I have to lis-
ten to such criticism as that.
Mr. Spotton: a Perhaps the truth
hurts. 13ut 10 mo tell the Postmaster
General that he will eontinue to hear
about it until this wrong is righted.
So long as the •poorest paid Hien do
the hardest' work in his department;
receiving the least consideration, lee
is going to hear about the matter
and We are going to try to have kith,
place the situation fairly before the'
house and not sidestep it by quoting
bits line and stage coaches When Ire'
should be sticking to the plain rural
Mail carriers. The itstrriaster Gen-
crai leas ,.not said that he would not
accept his position at a few thous-
ands less, Now a man has a rural
trail contract and he is growing old,
iTe gave tip his farm—and there are
very few farmers in my constituency,
not one ot;t of ten, who carry mail,
These rural mail` carrier$ work stead-
ily day by day. There is little else
they can turn their hands to. And
when their four years are up they
may not be the ones to whom, a le.-
tcr is written -they may be of the
wrong political stripe—asking ,theme
it they will carry on. 'rhe complaint
has been . registered that they vott.d
LIR O. in the last election and there-
fore they are put up at auction. The.
mail carrier is afraid he will lose his
job. He hase his horses and his ri
and therefore he says, "I will render
a little less," if he is still able to
exist, when the next four years'ex-
pire he will tender again a little less
So that, as the hon. member for:
Kingston (Mr. Ross) said last year,
the Postmaster General will soon be
getting this work done for practically
I would a,k the Postinaster Gener-
al to give one sane reason why these
Hien in his' service should' be the otily
men who are made political toys of:.
Is there any reason? Is have heard
the Postmaster General say that Can-
ada has not lost one dollar through.
rural mail carriers, that they are hon-
est, that they are efficient. And it
is the only branch of his department
of which he tan so speak.' Yet this
is the way he proposes to award, hon-
sety and efficiency. I know he has a
particular grudge against a gentle-
man who went about striving to or-
ganize the rural mail carriers, a gen-
t letnan
en-tletnan named McKinnon. The Post-
master General did not like it. He
apparently thinks that the 'rural mail
carriers did not know th,ity were work-
ing too cheaply'until Mr. McKinnon
got a soap box and started a riot.
I wish once more to appeal to the
Postmaster General to consider sane:
legislation in this matter, and to have
the thoughts he has in mind crystal-
lized into legislation at least by next
(Continued on Page 7)
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