HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-18, Page 5Thursday,. April 18fti, 11020
1Y1luhI11110190111rI11111110NIi n10111w11IMIIintoMulctli11111iwi1i11111111■Ii11511))101.1®.1111!11101llllliiw l
--- For —
it Springy Coats
.1d Drsses
Newest Materials
and Latest Models
choose from.
=® Spexcfl this
week in all Wool Knitted Suits in N
ses' a ` d Women's sizes, Bargain ..$7.95
iD 1!11%
• See them at
Hundreds on the Racks, to
$8.75, $9.75, $11.50, $15.09
Misses' Pleated Skirts and Fancy Silk and Wool
▪ Pullovers, Bargain in skirts at . :..... , .$3.95
SPRING COATS in fancy tweed effects, Tricotine,
Broadcloth; Poiret Twills, Real values at
$15.00, $18.00, $22.59 and $25.09
Girls' Fancy Tweed Coats on sale .at . , , .... ...
.. $7.00, $8.00, $9.50, $10.00
The season's•Prettiest Frocks :Eor girls in daintiest
ofP rinted fabrics; sizes, ages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, won-
derful value at .. . : • $1.00
Women's Printed Dresses, colors are tub fast and
it patterns the most up-to-date, Extra quality and
value at $1.29
rrlI�III�I{1�9111169111i3111�I11�II IlAillll
17110Komanalma.lmanseaan1®® ..... . .
We extend congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs, Charlie, Thompson on the
arrival of a baby girt last Tuesday,.
April 9th,
Mr. Torn ;Hartley, of T'eeswater,
®t si?e.nt a coriple of .weeks with Mr.
iii Win. Gollans, here. '
▪ , The remains of the' late Mr.N it
Murdock, of Lticknow, were laid to
ri rest in South Kinloss cemetery last
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Mary Millian spent a few days
recently with Mr. and Mlrs, George
Adams, near Port Albert.
Mrs. Sarn Sherwood spent Friday
with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt, West Wawanosh,
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Cameron spent
Friday with relatives near White-
Mrs, G. Vint and daughter, MarY,
spent Wednesday afternoon at the
home of :Mr, and Mrs: Thomas Tay -
ler•, . West Wawanosh,
Mrs. Fred Tapp, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with her sister,. Mrs.
James Cook, and brother, Mr, Charlie
McDonagh, coming up to her cous-
in's' funeral, the late Mis. Wm. Stoth-.
11113111111111111111E11111111111911111111113111111181111ill 11I5@Iit®11111111101111®III''
a M U I Il" Sj Ill Iil��l� ��l'�����������������I��i��i�:��o m ileo �agto.:1
�.:.g t• t f a t• i'ua its ��.
is�ni�� tri�� ��a`l,
Made in Situ
7 to 711, end
8 to WA"'
8,,C, 6 Widths
2Yrto 7'
0, D and E
F1''- fl, els
for Baby
Sitr,.2 to 6
Better Things
-Better Materials —Better Wear
—Better Construction —Better Comfort
—Better Appenranco -Better Valve
1ST i• �: 1U far .30.0.7
TRAMH eo� Ito
Sold and Recommended by
W. J Greer, Win haua
sed ru'am .ois?„.axna' °tsvconilcxmmlmeensmmermmonea
We are very sorry to report two
deaths of old residents of Ashfield,
in the passing away of Mr, Neil
Murdockof Lucicnow, m his 71st
year. He was raised and lived on
the farm now owned by Patric). Gil-
More. He leaves one son, John, and
his wife, to Mourn his loss, On Tues-
day night Mrs, Henry Horton re-
ceived the sad news of het mother'
death, Mrs. Stothers, who was. with
her son Steven, in Essex county, near
Chatham, -.i he late Mrs.:Stothers was
borm on the 12th con. and lived all
her life in Ashfield. : She was'a faith-
ful ntembei• of• Blake's Church. She
was a daughter of the late Mr, and
John Andrew, before her Marr-
iage to the late Wm. Stothers, who
Predeceased her some 24 years ago.
She leaves to mourn her loss two
daughters, Mrs, Henry Horton, 9th
con. (Rae); Mfrs. Crispin (Jessie), of
Ogema Sask., and five sons, Steven,
of '.Essex; Cannon, Pubic School in-
spector of London; Isaac, of Wilkie,
Sisk,, Bailie, of -'Walkerton; and Car-
man, Public School Inspector of
Prince Edward 'County; and one bro-
ther, Isaac Andrew, 12th. We extend
our sympathy to: the bereaved 'fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Wellings and daught-
er, from .near Wingham, spent Suiidey
with Mr, and Mrs. Gillis Haines, Dun-
Sorry to report the serious illness.
of Mr. Berl Drennan, who took ser-
tously ill with pnelumona Siutday.
Mr. I:ennant Drennan, of Goderich
spent a:few days with'his sisters; Mrs.
John Little and Mrs, Albeit Helm;
and brothers; Messrs. George and
Will Drennan.
The April meeting of the Women's
Ifistitute will he held at the hone of
Mrs. H. Waller on Thursday after-
noon, April 25th, at.3 o'cloe,k, A Pap-
er on "Cookery, Ancient and Mod-
ern," will he given by Mrs. Waller
and the Roll Call will be answered
by an "Old Custom." A ten cent
tea will be served followed by a sale
of work. Ag invitation -is extended
to all the women of- the community
to come with enjoy a social hour and
see the variety• of dainty articles that
can be made front; flour :sacks.
S. S. No: 6, Turnberry, Easter Tests.
Sr. IV—Cecil Armstrong 52%,
Jr. IV -John Sproal 72%, Joh
Campbell 68%, Fred Porter 54%,
Harold McCormick 53%.
Si, III—Elizabeth Porter 73%;
Louise Kelly 65%.
Jr; III -George .Tervit 64%, Zora
Cameron 58%, Jean Moir 41%.
Sr. II -Marie Kelly 78%, Alex
Sproat 68%.
I (promoted to fr. II)—Lloyd Wil-
son 75%, Jean Tervit 71%.
V. M. Sellers, Teacher.
Ernest—In Wingham., on April 15th,.
to Mr. and Mrs: John Ernest, a son.
Canadian National
London—T-eave 7.55 a.m.; 3.05 p.m.
Arrive 12.45 p.m.; 7.45 p,m.
Toronto—Leave 6.40 a.m.; 2.45 p.m.
Arrive 1.00 pan,; 932 p,m.
pursuant to Section 56, Chap- 121 of.
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons having claims against the
estate of George W. Ross, late of the
Town Plot of Wingham in the Conn
ty of Huron, Labourer, deceased, who
died on or about the ninth 'day of
March A.D. 1929, are required to send
by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R.
Vanstone, Solicitor for the, Executor,
on or before the third day of May, A.
D. 1929, their names and addresses,
with full particulars in writing of their
claims', and the nature of the securi-
ties (if any) held by them duly veri-
fied by a statutory declaration.
that after the said third day of May,
1929, the said Executor will proceed
to distribute the said estate among
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims' of which he
shallthen have had notice, and the
said Executor shall not be liable for
the said assets or any part thereof to
:any person of whose claim he shall
not then have received notice.
Dated at Winghant this ninth day
of Anvil, A. D. 1929.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executor
r xaxmrzsoaotto r [{,';,fit 'tri:IhK'FI^' 3F, 1 is
,xar.1,,ito tz 1
Having taken over the J. A. Milts Store, the entire
stock is offered at an $ pen ag Sale starting
Friday) April 18th and ending Saturday, May 11th
Canadian Pacific
Fors Teeswater-1,00 p.m.; 10.30 pan.
For Toronto -6,45 a,rn.; 3.00 p.m.
Stockyards Manager
W. E. Watson, for some years
past an official of the Departments
of Colonization and Agriculture of
the Canadian National Railways
and one of the best known live-
stock men in Western Canada has
been appointed manager of the
Montreal Stock., Yards at Point
St. Charles, succeeding Mr. D. J.
Tansey, who has resigned.
Mr, Watson is a native of Grey
County, Ontario, but has spent
many :years in Western Canada
where his most recent position was
that of Superintendent' of Farm
Employment for the Canadian
National Railways at Winnipeg.
Mr. E. Henderson left for Do roit
on Monday.
Mr. Neil Car•r,o£ the Bank -of Com-
merce staff, has been tratnsferred to
A. little energy and money spent in
fixing up your grounds at this time
of year, adds to the attractiveness and
also to the value of your property.
You are helping to improve your
street and your good example. will
have its effect upon the .neighbors:
Tit the long run it is a read 'cotrtribn-
tion towards the,,beautifying -cif, the
town in which yon live.
The loss of life in the Great. War
was .appalling, But 137,000 persons
lost their' lives in, motor' crashes in
United States cattring 1928; three times
as many as that country lost in the
War. The to of life in Canada dtic
to motor mishaps is mounting all ,clew.
rapidly "War: is hell," ti ud Sheri-
dan, and the revised vcsi;ion Would
gold ---so is reckless <het lit;,. - 1 armrr'i;
1111111111[ In 111t11111111111a11111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r.,111111111111,1111111111111/111i111n)11
1111181111,111,11/011111011/) . 11 . ) . t1,1111111P11,111111.11n11111811411
Why Do We Claim Economical, Operation for
the New Ford Model 1► •
Ford Service. Is Available In Every
Part of Canada
Ford parts and ;Ford oi-d labor are, proportionately as low in.
price as the original cost of the car, A gallon of gasoline takes you
20 to 30 miles. Oilconsumption is economical: Tire mileage is
lengthened by smooth, even braking. Wear is lessened through
the use of twenty-five ball and roller bearings: Moderate initial
cost means low depreciation year after year.
Do your remember in our previous advertisements we talked about the
(a) Worm andyp g,
Sector Type Steering, Three Quarter Floating Axle, Hou-
'daille Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, Steel Spoke:. Wheels, Gravity Flow Fuel
• Supply, and now Economical. Operation
du"i ,Il Yaun1111111 11n11I11un,.lr"1111uununuti 1111 t nnnunununeu,1,1,,,,,,,1 nunnnmplulu„1„,,,,1llll 11111.1111111111.1111111n111111nuun n lllllunt l 11111 lllllllllrin"...
taken front Matt. 28. Hymn 85 was
then sung followed by a dialogue en-
titled "Japan and America” Freida
Jordan representing Japan and Jean -
et Scobie, America. Thank -offering
was taken by Ruth Wheeler and Mit-
chell Scobie after which Mrs. Michie
was appointed delegate to the preby
tery meeting at Exeter: The C. G, 1,
T. girls gave a tableau entitled "Ea
sten” in visions representing the Re-
strrection of our Lord. A hearty
vote of thanks was extended to the
girls and their leader;. Mrs. Scobie.
The Doxology was then rendered 'and
Mrs. Scobie closed the meeting with
The regula,r meeting and Baster
I'h ant. -Offering of the W. M. 5. and
C. 0. I, T. of the United. Church was
held April 4th in the school room of
the chtrrclt Thp meeting was open -
al by singing an Easter hymn "Christ
the. Lord is Risen'. to -day" after which
Mrs. :No. Coultas Sr,, led in prayer.
The devotional leaflet "Money talks,
what docs it say to yott" was given
by Mrs, Carl Proctor followed by all
rc peating the Lord's Prayer, yI his
was followed by responsive reading;
taken from the Easter program leaf-
let. Mrs, Anderson then rave an ad-'
dress on "The first Easter Morn",
Mr. and Mrs. Merry Wilkinson, of
Ripley are visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Wilkinson.
Mr, and Mrs. R.. McCrae visited
with friends in the village on Sun-
Mrs. Ketcheba and sons were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.: David
Scott. ,
Mrs. John McGee has returned to
his home afterspending the winter
with her daughter in London.
ord-`Mr. and Mrs. Wade visited in Ford-
wich on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Jordon visited with
friends in Clinton on Sunday.
Miss Goodall returned to her home
in "Toronto after spending a. week
Mr. and, Mrs: Ausburn of London
called on Mr. and Mrs, Yule On Sun
Mrs. J. A. Geddes visited last week
with friends in 1 1 ievale.
Mrs. J. Robinson, Bluevale, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Geddes,
The A. Y. P. A. of Anglican Church
had a social CV ening in the Hall, on
Monday evening. A very pleasant
evening was spent in music and
games after which lunch was served.
1;,gYT:i1.77,WOORVO�ii E!ECLTTT: '="'ntnCIAC-t arrsl6.sc0000t:[8 tovase^laomm mmmmamml� corcura affiatT•®Il
MAYBE "Tire Trouble" comes in the shape
of a bottle, or it may be a stone bruise.
Here's a quirk and complete cure—let us do
your tire repairs.
Our kind of repairs---Caodyear Repair 1 tateriy
als and Goodyear Factory Methods -74=1w ,,;a
real. 100% jolt.
And you'll be surprised and pleased how much
money you can save.
Viingharl '.dire audYale •llzzi g Depot
iDghaw, Ont.
Goodyear Tube Repair Kits take
moire of etnergeney repairs on the
road. One nifty save yon the price
of a new easing raid lot o#' thee
4osul tremble. Game se three sizes
-tit lowpriceso