HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-11, Page 7'Thursday, April i'fth, 1929.
1very 'tinyleaf is a,
storehouse of flavour
4Freshh from the gardens'
men with never a date to bless her-
self with because' she willl not neck
and pet and spend' her'evenings
n for Wn�nen � parked automobiles it i . notsurpris-
i ss s p
ing that she asks, Does it pay,a girl
to be. good?.
It isvery easy fortheyoung,
have not seen- thefinal auditing of so
When a girl who is pretty and many life accounts as we older ones
intelligent and gay and entertaining have, to , get confused in their moral
finds herself passed, over by young mathematics and be unable to .figure
ipt fun?
you said
.It will not
chip or crank
UN FLOOR VARNISH dries stone, hard with a
satiny beauty -that will not crack, chip or show
heel marks. It is wonderfully transparent, en-
hancing the beauty of the wood, and at the same
time providing exceptional protection and. wear.
It is waterproof and will not bleach with hot or
cold water.
SUN', VARNISH is specially made
exterior varnishing of woodwork
(except floors). 'It has incompar-
able lustre and durability with a
richness ;of finish absolutely un-
equalled. For exterior door fronts
and porch ceilings it is particular-
ly ,good because it withstands the
ravages of the weather.
for sale by
Einer Wilkinson
-Wingham, Ontario
for interior or
ir" nelmi lmlilrllbill'®IllimmuhlllslllleMot1101111omo111111a1iI imli1l ptillilsllinatinit
■ N
Have just received . anfirst-class
ether shipment of
��– Potatoes. We will deliver, to any i
part of the to3
ie1lgto Produce CIt..
W, 8. THOMPSON,: Branch 1VCanagc
out how there is any' profit in tread-
ing the straight and narrow path. To
them it seems that if virtue is its own
reward, as the proverb put it, it is
also its only reward and that all the
cakes .and ale, and good times and
the feasting and merry -making are
perquisites of vice,
But this is a mistake, It does pay
a girl .to be good. , Just as honesty is
the hest policy in business for a roan
so is virtue a woman's best means of
securing happiness. For a few years
the_ cheat,, the man who gives short
weights and `false measures and whe
misrepresents his ;goods, may make
money quickly, but in the end he loses
out and goes bankrupt because nb one
trusts hits. The man who builds up
a big business that continues to pros-
per is the honest man whose word is
as good as his bond.
Irl the sante way, for a little while
the girl who elects to take what we
euphoniously call the "easiest way"-
ay"may seers to have the best of things
the prettiest clothes and the most
attention from men, the laughter and
the dancing and' gay parties, but these
last, at the longest, only as long es
her youth and beauty last, an& when
these are gone no one is 'so forlorn
kitchen knives and one kitchen sci,ee-
ors are essential to convenient work.
First, three or four knives for'eut-
ting fruits and vegetables; One large
knife for Getting large items like cab-
bage, turnips, cauliflower, Small
knives are suitable for the fruits and
for the smaller vegetables, And a
little grape -fruit knife with its carv-
ed blade is a great help to the proper
preparation of grapefruit.
Of fancy cutters, there is, of course,
hardly no .end, You can get special
knives or scoops to make little potato
or carrot balls, cutters that slice and
make fancy shapes simultaneously, in-
deed for ahnost every kind of food
there now seems a lenife of'its own.
They areusually well made and al-
ways a temptation,. It's best, how-
ever, to buy these' gradually, and only
when one is sure to- use them. Too
many .tools clutter the place and the
only extravagance' is buying what one
doesn't use. '
Butter rubbed under th'e spout of
a pitcher will prevent the cream or
other liquid. from dripping.
All the melted chocolate may be
removed " from a dish by stirring a
teaspoon of granulated sugar''around
so hopeless, so helpless, so miserable in it.
as the poor butterfly whose wings are Cheese may be prevented from
hardening by spreading it with a thin
film of butter and"putting it:in a
cool place.
If fruits for salad, especially or-
anges, grapefruit and pineapple, are
diced and put in a"cheesecloth bag on
ice for a few hours before they ere
to be served, they will not draw wa-
ter after the mayonaisse is added.
To bake' one potato for the baby a
small oven may be used on lop of - the
stove by placing the potato on a fruit
jar 1idside a can..
Sandwiches will keep for hours if
placed in an earthen receptacle and
this receptacle covered and set in a
pan of cold water.
broken, whose gay coloring is dulled
and who is swept. out of the night
ofub into the gutter with the other
tarnished tinsel that has been trodden
under foot.
If ° y,ou want to keep your' health
and your beauty, be good.. No wo-
rnan's constitution can stand excesses
long and dissapation burns up her
good looks as a rose is seared in the
fire. It pays to be good, gins, if you
want to be happy though married.. It
is true that the girls who go the pace
often marry the rounders with whodi.
they\ have cloistered. Often they go
from a drunken party to the marriage
register and such marriages keep di-
vorce courts busy. For no marriage
cart last in which .neither the hus-'
band- nor wife have any respect for
.the other, nor any belief in the honor.
of the other.
There are very few men, however,
who have fallen so low themselves,
that they. do not demand virtue in
their wives and. the mother of their
children. So, generally the girl who
has made herself a plaything for meh
finds herself tossed aside like a bro-
ken toy, when the mann who has as-
sumed himself with her gets ready to
settle down to real business of matri-
'itiful enough ,the girl who has
thought it did not pay to be good
finally meets and falls in love with
some fine, clean, honorable man who
wants to marry her. Then, she pays
in anguish of soul for her folly, be-
cause if she tells him of her dishonor
he may refuse to marry her, and if
he does marry her he always holds,
her: in a certain contempt and never
trusts her. If she 'marries without
telling him she lives in continual
dread and terror of his finding out
her dark secret. No home can be a
happy home with that kind of a char-
ge of dynamite under the hearthstone.
nor can you think . of any bitterer
thing for a WOIllan than to have a
past that she is ashamed for her chil-
dren to know about.
Believe me, girls, there' is nothing.
so little• gay as the gay life, and no-
thing that pays a girl so poorly as
vice. Watch the next wild party you
see at a restaurant'. flow hard and
anxious theeyes of the 'women, how
straitied their faces under the paint,
Listeneto their high, shrill, laughter
=the crackling of thorns under a pot,
trot a note of merriment in it.. The
reason, they take to drink and drugs
is • to whip up their flagging spirits
and dull the dege of their misery. It
is only the women who have led good
lives whose faces are soft and pretty
and tender at 40; and who can still.
laugh at little things. It pays a girl
to be good, every time.
(Alice Lynn Barry)
Have you eaten rice ,in a. Chinese
restaurant? then you're probably con-
vinced that they know the art of cook-
ing it perfectly. Their bowls of rice
ate always the same—each grain sep-
arate, whole, tender, but dry, soft,
and not pasty. How do they do it?
Well, they've had a lot of exper-
ience because rice has been their prin-
cipal item of diet for some -thousand -
of years. 'lost people like rice. It
is an excellent variation on potatoes,
but the passion for dieting in this
country has put rice somewhat in dis-
favor. The fat and the slender both
regard it suspiciously—"to a starchy,"
which is not an .entirely accurate crit
icism. If you like rice it won't fatten
you unduly if you observe. two hints
-also suggestedby the diet habits of
the Chinese, who after al, ought t
be experts on the subject of rice.
For one thing,- in China they do
not eat the poished white rice which
up to a few years ago was the only
kind we knew here. They use the
natural brown rice which has not suf-
fered peeling and polishing, and this
you can now buy at almost any gro-
cers. Brown rice contains all the
nourishing elements of the natural
plant and when you eat it you con-
sume more roughage and also absorb
relatively less starch.
Secondly, our Chinese friends eat
a tremendous amount of green vege-
tables which counteract the effects. of
the starch. They eat much more
greens—celery, onions, sprouts, tote -
next plate of chop sttey or chowmien
you eat and you will find it is mostly
greens --celery ,onions, sprouts, tom-
atoes. No potatoes, precious little
Brotien rice and green ,vegetables
are taro nourishing dishes, an excell-
ent combination, ` whether you need
more vitamins or less fat
Chinese Boiled Rice
1 cup of rice 3 cups of water.
1 teaspoonful of salt,
Put the water in a large saucepan.
while it comes to a boil wash the rice
in cold water and pour through a
strainer. As ,soon as the water comes
to a boil in the saucepan, add the rice
a little,at a time, so that it does not
stop the boiling. Stir with a fork if
any grains stick to the bottom. Ne,v
er.stir boiling rice with a spoon, Do
not cover the saucepan but let boil
over a hot flaine for 2tl or 30 minutes;'
Test for, softness from time to time
and; when yott can .crash a grain be-
tween your fingers the rice is done.
'Add the salt and stir with a fork.
Then pour into a. strainer or a col-
ander, hold 'tinder the •faucet and let
cold water run through, stirring- well
with a fork. This washes off the ex-
cess starch leaving each grain free of
any pasty substance. When all. the
water has run off, pile the. rice in a
hot serving dish and place' in the oven
to heat through. The rice will be
hot, dry, tender, and each grain whole
and separate,
(By Eleanor Ross).
Sharp Edges Simplify Housework
Keeping the knives sharp used to
be as definitely man's -job at home as
tending the furnace or mowing ,the
lawn, ]During his occasional lapses of
forgetfulness, the housekeeper strug-
glea. with' dull edges and performed
the miracle which sten refuse to at-
tempt—Work with poor 'tools. A dull
krtife' is one of the three housekeep-
ing sins, but today there is no excuse
for it. Some excellent knife sharpen
ers are on the .market and can be
bought for very small sums. More-
over, they are so easy tb manage
that anyone Cate whet a sharp edge
in 'a few moments and they are gen-
erally cutproof,
Phone6�. 'INGHAAM BRANCH A little eatravaganee in the variety
of knives you buy will sage a lot of
+swMtillIIIMIIiIIiIIIAIIII�III1MIliMIiIIII11M1iIliNIiI1M111111M1111III�IIil�lll'11111�IlIlIi1KIIIlAllkli111111MIIIlIli�11 extra work' At 'cast half a doyen
$uttered Rice
Before putting the cd'oked rice into
the oven to heat before serving, jour
over the top four tablespoons of
melted butter`'and stir the rice gently
with'a fork so that ail the grains are
covered. .This is especially good as
an accompaniment tq ehicicen Or to
fish. ,
If you like the flavor of curry, add
one teaspoonful, of curry powder to
the melted butted before mixing with.
the rice,, then stir all together and
leave in the ,overs to get very hot,
WHOA), SNAKES AAE; )tett' 311f1).
Use 'Reptiles and Their k'dlrnsn, ro
• Scientliie Ptirp,t ;rs,
At Sao Paulo, Sundt itt
to ho found iron fain u., • .tort n
6et.akes4' owned by the In, i u i.
cutnther tpy, i,'nu ti „ tin , .4 .
_heir poisons foe e:total apt
"Hero e thte :anorai . :n..11 ' ,
sewn, with stables for th:.e; .: m
horses, mules acid oxen wheel et
t nq precious anti- oxin .tie i
to,in at..
b od look down upon the•
park of serpents, with its symtietii
cal array of cemented dens and a,
wide moat in which toadsand evil
reptiles glide through the s agean;
''The institute, . directed by the
famous ophidologist, Dr. Vital Brazil,
is the continent nation's clearing
house for poisonous snakes. 'Tine
'fa,zendelros,' or growers of coffee,
sugar, cocoa, and other produce, cap-
ture and consign snakes in the spe-
cial labelled
pe-cial.labelled eases which the institute
provides and which all Brazil's rail-
ways and river companies carry free
of charge. •
"In their thousands these`reptiiee
come, and are loosed in the garden
until the scientific staff are ready to
extract their venom. And in due time
the agricultural senders receive vials'
of the precious serum, together with
syringe -needles for instant injection
to any victim of snake -bite in their
service. . .
"The directortellsme of five
thousand deaths and twenty thousand
lesser cases every year."
Whales are Brainy.
' The largest brain in the world, ac-
cording to speakersat a Congress of
Natural Science,recently held in
England, is possessed by the whale.
• Prof. W. Weygandt argued against
a prevalent belief that the largest
brain claim is. shared . by whales, ele-
phants, and man. He stated that the
whale alone justified the, claim, the
largest whale ever caught having a
brain weighing 7,000 grains.
The human brain, he added, sel-
dom exceeds an average weight of
1,280 to 1,460 grams inthe .male and
1,140 to 1,340 in the female.
Hungary Adopts Autobuses.
The autobus as a means of swift
and convenient travel is winning.
widespread popularity in Hungary
The number of passengers carried
last year having been 7,868,680
against 1,311,8e0 the year before, ac-
cording to data printed in the Pester
Lloyd. The kingdom is served by
147 autobus lines, with a kilometrage
of 3,746.
Growth of ()oder Tree.
It requires more than a century for
a cedar tree to grow large enough to
yield a 30 foot telephone pole,
e chose
it for
its o'' c
STONISHING how many people
who formerlypaid high prices for
the privilege of big car ownership are
now turning to Pontiac. But it's not at,
all surprising when you consider Pon-
tiac as the Big Six it is ,' instead of
the low -price class in which its cost
places it.
It's a car you can refer to with a sense
of pride a car that will More`than
justify your confidence in its prowess.
Just' see it and drive it if you'd learn
why experienced and exacting motor-
ists choose Pontiac for the Big Six
prestige it provides. Pe -4-29c.
W. J. BROWN, - Dealer
Wingham, Ont.
"For g years I ate only baby food,
everything else formed ,gas. Now,
thanks to Adlerika, I eat everything
and enjoy life."—Mrs. M. Gunn.
Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler-
ika relieves gas on the stomach and
removes astonishing amounts • of ofd.
waste matter from the system..
Makes you enjoy your meals and
sleep better. No matter what you
haee tried for your stomach, ands
bowels, Adlerika will surprise you.
McKibbon's Drug . Store.
Old roofelike this are rapidly becoming things
of the past. Fireproof, permanent, Bib Roll
roofs mean lower. insurance rates banish
upkeep trouble and give.your building an,
attractive, spic•and-spanappearance.
As"cledo•U "-ot tib Roll, showing testae -114e �
when nd tlus.ioint It so tight that it ie
quite i+dvi,eibie froth Even a shout distant.
'Moltxation bltbws• the neat and t'
• pattet'n which is stamped into tit'
bn btig�dei ',Stabs' of ca i0 tont oit .'
of iubskitutoa. Thera is. oit]t frit
ODERN BUILDING --for permanence,
low -upkeep and appearance—sounds
the death -knell of wooden roofs. The
dangers of fire to the building itself, to other
buildings and to human life is rapidly being
banished by metal roofs of high quality,
The appearance of this roofing alone has sold
thousands. Whenevera roof of this material
is laid iii any district, it immediately secures
a preference, and others who are roofing any
kind of building, whether it be
barn, house, garage, shed or
warehouse insist on. Rib Roll.
It is made to famous "Council
Standard1' specifications.
The cost of laying Rib Roll is lower than that.
of nearly all other types of roofing. Any man
who is handy with a,hanamer can put it on.
Its handsome appearance adds many dollars
to the value of your property.
Send ride and rafter measurements of roof
or roofs m question, for free estimate of costo
A„K ANTS. ..
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