HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-11, Page 4ii
le seie1emet�-vtereestealatateRAJ:g4°.feSet:e!,eese±Sekeeeeesteeeeeeeteeet.ssese'esl'e..M
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
April 18, 19, 20
"The big buying event of the season"
(Phone or mail orders receive careful attention)
10 Scribblers, plain or ruled, 4 for .... , ....... 25c
Formaldehyde (Gov't standard) 39c Ib.
i�ie d! Srfav
,iYt,Weeeetic5'ril4rilbYel i i•BYidesse estfrelerestessieurreYH'7s e EYP/• seTscaseit ieUTnteeIBWitaii'hYA
cents a word per
insertion, with tt minimum charge of eec.
suant to Section 5e, Chap. 121, of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
s raving
claims againstaJns
t the es-
tate of Jane Pringle, late of the
Township of Turnberry in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who
died on or about the fourth day of
March, A.D. 1929, are required to
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the. Adnnnistrator, on
or before the twenty-fourth day of
April, A.D. 1929, their names and ad-
dresses, with full particulars in writ-
ing of their claims and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by thein
duly verified bya statutory declara-
that after the said twenty-fourth day
of April, 1929, the said Administrator
will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said estate among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which lie shall then
have had notice and the said Admin-
istrator shall not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any per-
son- of whose claim he shall not then
have notice.
DATED at Wingham this thirteenth
day of March, A.D:, 1929•
R. VANSTONE,Wingham,
Solicitor for the -Administrator.
FOR' SALE -1500. bushels ,choice POTATOES -20 Bags of Irish Cob -
seed oats for sale. Sheldon Brick- ler Potatoes, fit for seed. Apply
er, Fordwich. to Archie ',Patterson.
POTATOES 20 bags of Irish Cob- LOST—In Wingham, on Saturday,
ler Potatoes, fit for seed. Apply April 6th, a silverearring, set in
to Archie Patterson. rhinestones- Finder will please
leave at Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—Baby Chicks, Hatch-
ing Eggs and Brooder Stoves. .0.
A. C. ..Barred' Rocks 19c; Single
comb White Leghorns 18c each,
for March and April. Eggs $4.00
per 50; $7.00 per 100. A substan-1 FOR SALE—Hatchingeggs from
tial reduction on eggs and on orders our Single Comb White Leghorn
of 200 chicks and over, at the farm. Hens. Satisfaction guaranteed.,
Authorized agent for Royal Brood- John Kerr, R R. 2, Wingham.
er stoves, founts; feed hoppers, etc. ADIRTIES WANTING Cattle A number of used brooder stoves ed T apply : to Alex. Cloakey, phone
for sale, reasonable. Circulars .on
chicks and eggs, and prices on Brussels 157, Belgrave, P. 0.
brooders etc. C. G. Campbell, Au- HOUSE TO RENT—With stable and
burn, Ont. Phone, Blyth .10-s 4. an acre and a half of land, opposite,
BABY CHICKS—From heavy
laying g
Geo. Ihippen's, Lower Wingham.
strains of Barred Rocks and S. C., Apply at Advance -Times
W. Leghorns. Our aim each year!
is to improve our flocks and this 'FOR SALE -12 chunks pigs, also 6
year our chicks are the best yet. suckers,' ' Milo Casemore, phone
All aur flocks are culled for heavy 627r:3..
'Begg production,, and are headed with FOR SALE—Yellow sweet clover for
fist -class . cockerels. Ninety per $5.00 a bushel. Apply to Joseph
cent of our orders last year were Chamney, Belgrave, phone 616r11.
from old customers. "_A satisfied
customer is our best recommenda-
tion." Barred Rocks, April 17c,
May 16c; Leghorns, April 16c, May
15c. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, care
J. W. Fortune, Wingham, Ont.,
Wroxeter phone 612r8.
FOR SALE-0.A.C, No: 21 6 -rowed
barley, Apply to John R. Salter,
phone 618r11.
Of valuable farrn property in the
township of Hawick.
Pursuant to the powers of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which
will be. produced at the time of 'sale,.
there will. be offered for sale by pub-
lic ' auction by Joseph Beswithericic,
Auctioneer, at the' Fordwich Record
Office, in the village of Fordwich,
on Tuesday the 23rd day of April
A. D. 1929, at 3 o'clock -in the after-
noon, the follow*ing property, name-
ly: •
amelYAll and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises
situate, lying and being in the Town-
ship of Howick in the County of Hu-
ron and Province of Ontario being
composed of south half of farm lots
number twenty-one and twenty-two' in
the eleventh concession of the said
Township of •Ho�iick containing one
hundred acres more or less. god
There is on this property a g
frame dwelling house and a large
modern bank barn, both in good con-
dition. There are about 5 acres of
mixed bush, a creek runs through one
corner of the property. The soil is
good and most of the land is high
and well drained. There are 10 acres
in wheat... The farm is. `situate 2i
miles from Fordwich •
TERMS OF SALE: -Ten per emit,
of purchase money on the day of sale
and the balance within twenty clays
thereafter. , The property,will be "of
fered subject to a reserved price. Im-
mediate possession for spring work.
• l co
and is
Further • particulars
of sale may be had on application to
the undersigned.
DATED this 2nd day of April A.D.
J. H. SHANNON, Harriston, Ont.,
Vendor's Solicitor.
FOR SALE' QUICK - One good
brick house with lights and water
for $1000. Apply to John Hanna,
FOR SALE - Quantity . of spring
goose wheat, fellow blossom sweet
TARIO BREEDING STATION clover seed, and Timothy seed, pro-
`` perly priced, Apply to Henry Mc-
Underin •ham phone
Poultry De t. Gee, R. 'R. No. 3, \�V g
Under supervision of T'o y p
Mrs. John Miller, Sr., Mrs, E. J.
Thom, Messrs. Elliott and Wallace
Miller,. attended the funeral of the,
Mrs. oh
formers sister-in-law,- J
Wallace, at Forest, on Sunday.
-Mr, and Mrs, W. Blue and little
daughter, Helen,, of. Detroit, were vis-
itors for a few days last week with
Mrs. Blue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D, Anderson,
A Beef Ring Meeting Will be field
next' Monday night in the Hall, when
all those .who are interested are re-
quested to -attend.
Mr, and Mrs. George Walker and
sons, of East Wawanosh were recent
visitors with I�Mrs. Walker's parents,
Mr, end 'Mrs. W. J. Humphrey.
Mr• Andrew Gaunt and his bride,
£orMerly Miss Tillie Sherwood, of
Ashfield, whose marriage took -place
on ..Saturday, returned from their
honeymoon on Monday.
Messrs. Hugh Rutherford and W.
Western -
D. AMiller attermd5il the 18 e.,tern O;
tario Shorthorn Sale at London last
weel, where Hugh purchased a Grand
Champion calf.
.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas and lit-
tle daughter, Wanda, of Mitchell,
were :week -end visitors with Mme.
e Mr. Ewart McPherson. is spending
a few days in Detroit.
O, A. C., Guelph, - We specialize in 614r14.
Barred Rocks. Every bird on our,' rg hatching, from is culled, banded, and blood test- FOR SALE—Eggs for hatclug
n Inspector. We choice Jersey Black'Giants, 75c per
t trap by t Government 1 setting of 13 or 85.00 per 100. Ar_
nett under ,Retard of Perform-'
u ran, ements can be made by'phone
once supervision. Write for mating � <r
list and prices on day old chicks, and' to leave eggs at g Wingham or
three weeks old started chicks. 1 Whitechurch, Apply to W. R. Far-
Sunny Crest Farm. J. es. Scott, R. R.i rier, R: 1, I.ucknow, phone 628r21,;
No. 2, Seaforth, Ontario. IND CHICKENS
.-..-.. 50 acres of land,. all cleared
EGGS from pure bred to lay Barred
Rocks and S. C. White Leghorns for
sale. Pedigreed and R. 0, I?. males
head these pelts. Large birds, big,
eggs aecle lots of them. Also have
incnbators, brooders and poultry sup-
plies. Will sell you chicks one, two.
three or four weeks old ;at right pric-
es. Write or phone for what yon re -
(Mire. 1 cern save you money; Sat-
isfaction guaranteed, Custom hatch-
ing done. •
Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch;
tile drained, best of soil, fair buildings
orchard and' shade trees, 30 acres
seeded down, school opposite 'farm.
For further particulars apply to own-
er, D. E. Campbell, West a Lot 6,
Con. 6, Morris townbip, or by mail,
R. R. 4, Ilrustel•'
Court of Revision.
• and
Torrential rains on Thursday
Friday nights poured a big volume of
water into the rivers, which for the
second time assumed spring freshet
appearances, and went on a rampage.
The old wooden dam at F ordvrich
gave way 'against the flow of the wa •
ter on Saturday morning, entailing
quite a loss to the owner.
Wroxeter narrowly escaped a trag-
edy Saturday when the *bridge and
dant both went down. The river was
running four .or five feet above norm-
al, and .the terrific pressure proved
too much for the dant, which gave
way with a crashing roar and letting,
a 'huge body of water away. The
bridge' was known to be weakened,
and so Clarence''White decided to try
and get across with his car before
forced to take a lonely trip around'
i ge
He just nicely got onthe
when it gave way the top steel fram-
es buckling together and smashing
the car. Fortunately White was not
bit by the falling steel, and after be-
ing carried down stream in the car,
he nmanaged to get out, swim to a
stump, from which he was rescued by
jack Town.
Walkerton experienced the worst
flood in the history of the town, wa-
ter flowing deep through the business
Section. Henry Turner, an :18 -yea:.
old youth, was drowned when going
from his borne, to the, C. P. R. station.
At Paisley, Stark's dam has been
washed away and the sawmill below
had also been carried away. A cern
ent bridge down stream has also been
;quired to send by post, prepaid, or to Durham dam was also carried'awa._y..
deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for by the rampage of the S:augeen and.
the Adn.inistratrix, on or before the the district ie inundated, The dam
moil day 'of May, A. D. 1929, their it inn sig miles from there, is
names and addresses with full partic- at
Mildmay, y,
ulars in writing. of their claims, and 'also among those which broke Fri••
day morning, l
Washouts interrupted railway fiat-;
pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of
the Revised Statutes 0.1 Ontario, that
all persons having claims against' the
Estate of Ann.Burchill, late of the
•Township of Ttarnberry in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who
;died on or about the twenty-ninth.
day of October, A. D. 1928, are re -
suant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of ;Janes Fleming, late of the
Village of Behn.ore in the County 01
Bruce, Gentleman, deceased, -who died
on or about the twenty-ninth day of
December, A.D. 1928, are required to
send by post, prepaid; or to deliver
to R. Vanstone, Wingharn, Ontario,
,solicitor for the Ereoutors on or 'be -
the securities (if any) ,held by them,
Mr and m1lrs. Robert Hit gins, a been away from -1Vrt.gltans tom tw en -
fore file twenty -names day doApril,,duly verified by a statutory declare-tv-ane years, I consider: myself an
A D. 1929; tl.err names and addresrses, , Y. t daughter,'
the nature of the securities (if any)
held by then. duly verified by a stat
uto.ry declaration. fie •a little in this section' but very
thatafter the said third day of May,- seriously east of` Toronto, and around.;
1929;' the. said Administratrix will pro- Stratford. The 'C. P. R. had a,sntall
ceed to distribute, the said estate a -washout •in the town •quite. close to 1.
gong the parties entitled. thereto the pumping plant but the train cion `
and •only to the claims of
having regard
which she shall then have had notice, sed it safely.
and the said'Administratrix shall not i The rains on Friday night did con -
be .liable for the said assets or any siderable damage in Gorrie vicinity.
.part thereof to any person of whose Gorrie darn was swept away. It is
claim she shall not then have received
notice. understood the owner, Benjamiis iv�Ta-
Dated at Wingham this ninth day quire, intends. replacing' it with a cern-
:April, A. D. 1929. • ent one. Damage was ,also done in
ing. ,.
Solicitor for the Administratrix. Ratz had two piles of lumber swept
• away; John I-lynchman lost a quantity
NOTICE TO CREDITORS of wood which was stored in his tile
\V' ham Ontario ,Carson and Son's store house; H, E.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, oats. The roadway at Allan MacTav CRYA FROM AFAR
the R mit to Section 56, Chap. 121 of, •sh, residence was washed away by
Revised Statutes of Ontario,ins the r.FOR THE RE -UNION
tat • claims,against' the the water. There were also several; :-
:all persons having
estate'of Helen ' Geddes, late of the minor `washouts in the C.P.R. tracks.
ToCounty of
Town of Wingham in the' Cou y There were no trains until Saturday
Huron, Widow, deceased, who died
Thursday, April 11th, 1929.
in all
o ' uick
Pr HE motor-car,buyer .. the final judge of
automobile values .. has registered en-
thusiastic endorsement of. the revolutionary
advances made by the 1929 McLaughlin,
Buick !
.Duringthe past' month, McLaughlin -Buick
sales have been 25% greater than' March of
last year greater than any previous March,
in all McLaughlin -Buick history.
McLaughlin -Buick than any
More people buy g
other car at or above its price .. because the
1929 ;McLaughlin -Buick with its Masterpiece
Bodies by Fisber,has unquestionably establish-
ed a new standard of performance and a new
order of beauty.
Get behind the wheel and get the facts
M -i -4-29C
Winham, Ont.
When Better Automobiles Are. Built—McLaughlin-Buick. Will Build Them
building and also lost,. a quantity of --
on or about the eighteenth day of noon.
March, A. D. 1929, are reuired to, send
by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R.
Vans -cone, Solicitor for the
tors; on or before the third day .011
May, A. D. 1929, their names and ad-
dresses, with full particulars in ,writ-
ing of 'their claims, and the nature of
1235 1'elissier St., Windsor, Ont.
April 6th, 1929
The Wingham Advance -Times.
Dear 'Sieeee
I regret very much to have read in
LEE -In Wingham, on April 5th, to a recent issue of your paper that your
Mrs. Wee Lee, a ran.. proposed Old Boys' Re -Union was
Mr. and
-In'Morris on April 7th, to not going to materialize. Having
h fall particulars in writing; .of trot.. :. ntice-In Wingham, an Tuesday,
I. re g
their claims, and the. nature of thl' third day of
dulythat after the saidApril 9th, ;.to Mr,' and Mrs. Hugh
if any)held by thermwill roceecL
securities (1929, the saidE Executors p
i eclaration. Prentice, a :dauglitei:
verified by a statutory d. T to distribute the said estate among
the , mils en the claims , which
of April, A.D. 1929, the said execu_ ,they shall then have had notice, and
sets will proceed to distribute the as the said E:ecutors sha11•not be liable.
sets the said estate having
the par- for the' said assets or any part there -
only entitled
thereto,' hich t regard . an person of whose claim they
h claians of which they shall of to y p received notice. .
oney to the shall not then have
then have had notice, and the said Dated at Wingham this ninth•day
executors 'shall, not be liable :for ilii. mil A D. 1929•
s or an art thereof to any of r\p V:\NTS'CONE,
said asset y p R.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executors.
person of whose claimer they stall not
then have received notice.
DATED at Wingham this twenty-
fifth day of March, A,D. 1929.
R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors.
A Cattrt of Revlsiatt will be lad, TO CREDITORS
ht Bluevale on Monday, April 15th; •
Ont.. -Phone Wingham 61.1-42 1929 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, on
the Fisher, Gregory and Jermyn
l ARA/ FOR SALE Drain. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk.'
We offer this week a farm of 150. D. MCEVVEN
acres, chose to a'. prosperous village
with store&, churches, Post Ofilce ! LICENSED AUCTIONEER steam to the revised 'statutes of Oft -
etc, Good — •. that to >er On -
in a•short ttrnc,having claims against 4
Abner C:',stets gents, Real Estate, see., conducted
Elizabeth Meehan, who died on or
Insurance `. 'heal Estate, with satisfaction and at moderate about the fourth day of ibltmch, A.D.
Wingham, Ont.
charges. 1.929 at the •.Town of Wtngltain, arc
I, R. GORDON L; , ;
BETH MEAHAN, late of the Town
of \�Vingbain in the County of Huron,
Widow,. Deceased.
leans right.• ! tario in that megard,� l 1
Mit ht rent to a good roan if not sold ` •;ales +if la arttr Stock and Imple- lost th Estate of
NOTICE i reciur:ed to send by post, prepaid or
deliver to the undersigned, 00 or be.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 All parties; 'having accounts with `fore April :12th, A.D. 1929, then
i Hicks & Puller, MasseyHarris Ag. naives and addresses with full par -
Gold ndaMedn,,(list .Surgeon ` ents, \'trip >hamn, if not settled on or tuulat5 of their I ondon, (1 ng.} ' before M y( 1st next will he placed
Surgical. Operations a Speciality, in other bendy, for colli.cti -i i
Maternity and Children a Specialty. -- —
OFFICE.—Old Davis Hoare one
house from Anglican Church, Centre
Wingham. 1"Ite unclet.igtted Tuts beefs instruct -
td 1)3• >l'.RT vANSIC.I�,I,IE .to sell
SARI.� I! l'tilmIg1111mitI 111DRIP�1111Btllllg111 by tublie auction at 2 a'cfictcic on
�! 1�UI !illiill 1 pp 1
- 46 q" rt the fallowing ;»-- piano,. new dining
moot suit; ; 2 bedroom :outer; :S white
- „ �. and mattress; 1
y bed, springs and mattress;
• wig ve s we,�x,dcpttc,s siitr� c s at
Oveibec heater, cook stoic:, large lea -
t1rcr chair, refrigerator; writing desk;
- Orders for Weddings, Funerals M •pr eserviing galls, •odcl chairs; a tum-
or other occasions taketr by, lyer of� other books, picture 'frames
• MRS. • SN"en"Airu" and glass 2 lamp's; white ina,blc.
wasl. 1 cowl, 2 wash stands; set: Can -
',Shone id g �! adiatt eancatot•s; strips Of carpet, re-
tiVtti %tatrr
F' clung chatti.5; girls bicycle; upholsters
is Pron',pt Service, titan or, e,t press
111 ill Ifl i�it�ct:impale
etl chair; 2" rugs; kitc1i n• talk, 1�rail
i11M1litili(11111i1111111111101111M MM Mil 11111 1+11111111 Ir11N }"twrnis C .� Ncr reserve.
i claims mti writing,
verified by statutory declaration, and
the nature of., thr securities, if any,
held by them.
that after the said twelfth day of AP -
eft, A.D. 1929; the assets of the said
estate wi{ll be distributed by' the Er -
editor among the parties entitled
thereto, having, regard only to clainii
of r1
shall 'them
t have notice
vicli 'he ,.
1 for
not b
c liable and the estate will
any daims not filed at the time of
the said distribution.
f)A'CT`,l) at Wingham this twenty-
fif-th day.ofMarch, A. r). 1929.
J. W. IITSH14TBI,l), Wingham,
Ont tr io.
Executor for said Estate.
Barred. Rocks 18c, Single Comb
White Leghorns lie each. "Hatching,
,Eggs from April to July 5c each. A-
bove prices are for customers coasting
to the farm for their purchase. Chicks
are sold in regulation boxes but cus-
tomers must furnish containers for
If you arc it need of a new Brooder
stove, forints, feed hoppers, etc., let
me quote prices on Rdyai egt rpanent.
'0 RENT --Cheap, half 01 my gar- C. G. Campbell,. Auburn, Ont., phone
den; Miss R, Lewis, Edward St,. Blyth 10-24.
old boy and had been: looking for
ward with a pleasant •anticipation :to
the opportunity of meeting' n.any: of
my old friends again- both boys and
girls.' I would like to suggest to
some of my good old public-spirited
friends iii •Wingharn such as 13i11
Greer, Tom King, Hal MacLean, Jack
Hanna, C :h', Smith,'' Herb Jobb, Jim
McGillivray, and our real friend,"A.
Ht Musgrove, that, they pout their
shoulders to the wheel, take the mat-
ter with the : powers that be, and for.
the sake of the Old Boys see if the
et become .a reality,
piroject cannot Y
For a seconder to my motion I aro:
sure there would be a ready response
from any of the `following out of town
boys, Alvic Fleeting, Elliott Flemming,
Jack Aitcheson, Ted Eliacott, Bert
Wilford, Norman Brandon, Bob King,
Bill Jobb, Alex Smith, Detroit, or
any other of the numerous old boys
that could be mentioned. Hoping
that the "Old Home • Week" 'might
Yet be put over.
S am
Sincerely ours,
Chester Longman.
Dr. T. H Agnew, 'Vancouver, B.C.,
iu. remitting <renewal fat Advance -
Times says: "We still enjoy the Old
\Vingl.an paler. • vVhat about • the
Old 13oys' Reunion."
TO RENT-13tiilding,'located •central'
ly in the village of Auburn, Suit-
able "•for Garage, Blacksmith shop
and ;chopping nii11, Apply .to Wirt:
Bowes, :Blyth, Ontario,
Any person riding any bicycle on
sidewalks in 'VS/Ingham will be prose.,
•cutcd ;without farther notice,
/0 ,
„91 special duct- for every urp case- For every surface
100% PURE
(YY •ti'te,, • �t itco. moor rlerl dw
otic for Safely
i tvic ,„s1 ,
. ,,,,,„,
reep 9
the fiat wash.
able paint
for Oilcloth
G floors
stain for
and furniture
1 i
VA6t-NISHE &r„
e; LAcpusrl$