The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-04-04, Page 4VriNalikth AVit"ii6k-buEs
Thursday, April 4th, 1929.
ININ....It'ont.s...otamo...tmutt....V. ...mtmes..iRrepttott (s.Attstard...tosA4.1. -
Prevents Smut !
Full Strength 'Government Standard
.R.L....csepta5 Sfore
if cents a word pet
insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
FOR SALE -1500 bushels choice
seed oats for sale. Sheldon Brick -
ea, Fordwich.
FOR SALE--Sibt choice young pigs.
Apply to Richard Chaanney, R. R,
No. 1, Belgrave.
POTATOES -20 bags of Irish Cob -
ler Potatoes, fit for seed. Apply
to Archie Patterson.
FO.R. SALE—Marnmoth white Pekin
hatching duck eggs, extra large
breedsedrake, 11 lbs. • W. M. Henry,
phone 614r14, Belgrave,
FOR SALE -15 good farm horses.
.May be seen at Lot 15, Concession
C., Turnberry. Apply to Edwin
FOR SALE—Pandora Range, reser-
voir and high closet; Washing Ma-
chine and Wringer; also good used
stove for back: kitchen. Buchanan
Must be well qualified. State qual-
ifications, experience, age and sal-
ary expected. Apply by letter only
Box 477, Wingham, Ontario.
FOR , SALE—Quantity of spring
goose wheat, yellow grass clover
. . —. . . .
m tttttt omi t t ttt mtmt tttt tmc,
ship of Howick in the County of Hu -
CAR MARKERS 372 -700, --were lost ron and .Province of Ontario being
between Belmore and Lucknow via coMposed of south half of farm lots
Wingham on Saturday. Finder
Pease leave at Advance -Times Of -
suant to Section 66, Chap. 121, of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Jane Pringle, late of the
Township of Turnberry in the Coun-
ty of Hurons Spinster, deceased, who
died on or .bot the fourth day of
March, A.D. 1929, are required to
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
to R. Vanstone, Winghans, Ontario
Solicitor for the Administrator, on
or before the twenty-fourth day of
April* AD. 1929, their names and ad-
dresses, with full particulars M writ-
ing of their claims and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them
• duly verified by a statutory declara-
that after the said twenty-fourth day
lof April, .1929, the said Administrator
will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said estate among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which he shall then
have had notice and the said Admin-
• istrator shall not be liable for the said
• assets. ar any part thereof to any per-•
sun of whose claim he shall not then
have notice.
DATED at Wingham this thirteenth
day of March, A.D., 1929.
R. VANSTONE, Win gbarn,
Solicitor for the Administrator,
Of valuable farm property in the
!township of Howick.
Pursuant to the powers of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which
.will be produced at the tune of sale,
there vill be offered for sale by pub-
lic auction by Joseph Beswitherick,
Auctioneer, at the Fordwich Record
Office, in • the village of E'ordwich,
on Tuesday the 23rd. day of April
A. D. 1929, at 3 o'clock in the after-
noon, the following property, matte-
All and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises
Situate. lying and beingin the Town -
number twenty-one and twenty-two in
the eleventh concession of the said
Township of Howick containing one
• hundred acres more or less.
• SALESMAN FOR HURON COUN- frame dwelling
There! is on this property a good
ty for the Old Established Bond house and a large
House of G. A. Stimson Co. Ltd., modern bank barn, both in good con -
also permanent agent for Wingham dition. There are about 5 acres of
and district. Apply Branch office, mixed bush, a creek runs through one
949 Second St. E., Owen Sound. corner of the property. The soil is
good and most of the. land is high
and well drained. There are 10 acres
in wheat. The farm is situate 21
miles from Fordwich
TERMS OF SALE:—Ten per cent.
, of purchase money on the day of sale
and the balance within twenty days
thereafter, The property will be of-
fered subject to a reserved price. Ins -
We have a full line of Fleury
Plows, Plow Repair, Harness and
Harness parts. W. J. Duff, Bluevale.
We have all the varieties, Canad.
ian grown and the best grades. Also
full line of Dominion Tires and tubes
for the new cars as well as the old
and the wonderful "Alarvelubenmot
or oil. W. J. Duff.
mediate possession for spring work
, Further particulars and, conditin
of sale may be had on application te
• the undersigned.
DATED this 2nd day of April A.1)
J. El. SHANNON, Harriston, Ont.
Vendor's Solicitor.
SCCcI, an 1 miottty SeeU, properly EGGS from pure bred to lay Barred
priced. Apply to Henry McGee, Rocks and S. C. White Leghorns for
R. R. No. 3, Wingham. Phone— sale. Pedigreed and R. 0. P. niales
614r14. head these pens. Large birds, big
FOR SALE -1 man's or boy's bicy
cle, 1 oil -skin raincoat and hat, 1
phonograph and cabinet and 162 re
cords, 1 Quebec Heater, 1 Aladdin
Latnp (nearly new). Apply to Les
lie McDougall.
_ eggs and lots of them.. Also have
insubators, brooders and poultry sup-
- plies. Will sell you chicks one, two
• three or four weeks old at right Pric-
es. Write OT phone for what you re-
quire. 1 carrsave you money. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Custom hatch-
ing done. •
• Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch,
Ont. Phone Wingliarn 611-42,
FOR SALE --Baby Chicks, Hatch
frig Eggs and Brooder Stoves. 0
A. C. Barred Rocks 19c; Single
comb White Leghorns 18c each
for March and April. Eggs $4.00
per 50s $7.00 per 100, A saibstan
tial reduction on eggs and on orders
of 200 chicks and over, at the farm
Authorized agent fur Royarl3rood
tioppers, ete
A number a used brooder stoves
for sale, reasonable. Circulars on
chicks and eggs, and. prices on
• brooders etc. C. G. Campbell, Au-
burn, Ont. Phone, Blyth 10-24.
BABY CHICKS--Froni heavy laying
strains of llarred Rocks and S. C
VT Leghorns. Our aim each yeai
is to improve our flocks and this
year our chicks are the beet yet.
All our flocks are 'culled for heavy
egg produttion, and are headed with
first-class cockerels. Ninety per
cent of our orders last year were
from old customers. "A satisfied
oustouier is o
tion." Barred Rocks, April 17e,
May 16c;. Leghorns, April 16c, May
15 . Meeo tine, care
T. W, Fortune, Wingliain, Ont.,
Wroxeter phone 612r8,
Under supervision of Poultry Dep't.
0. A. C., Guelph. • We specialize in
Barred Rocks. Every bird on our
• An auto with driver for hire. Suit-
- able for weddings, funerals and pH-
! vate ca11. Prices reasonable. R.
Beattie, Phones 2, and 133.
Miles Cameron, Lot 26, Con, 2,
Turnberry, has instructed the under-
. signed to sell by public auction at 2
o'clock, on
1 aged mare supposed to be in foal,
1 driving mare supposed to be in foal,
1. driving colt, 1 caw due June 4th; 1
cow due June 7th; 1 2 -year-old heifer,
fresh; 2 calves; 50 white wyandotts,
1, Mellott (ream Separator, nearly
netv; 1 rthber-tired buggy; 1 cutter;
1 ectiffler, 1 set double harness 1 set
single harness 1 raege, quantity of
steel posts, chicken netting.
TERMS -410 and tender, cash, six
months with bank interest,
Milas Cameron, J. Ti. MeEwen,
! Pr aprietor. . Auctioneer.
farm is culled, banded, and blood test -
cd, by Government 'Inepeetor, We
trap nest under Record of Perform-
ance .supervision. Write for mating I
list and prices on day old chic:Ica, and
three weeks old 'started chicks.
Sonny Creet Varna sn. Scott, R. R.
N.o, 2, Senforth, Ontario.
• 50 acresam, altcleared and
tile drained, best of soil, fair buildings
orefistrd arid shade trees, 30 acres
seeded down, schfarm
.For opposite far.
For further particulars apply to ()we-
er, D, Campbell, West Lot
Core 6, Morris township, or by mail,
R. R. 4, Brussels.
We offer this week a Farm of 150 .11°ViNSHIP °F
suant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
pltrsons having claims against the es-
tate of James Fleming, late of the
Village of Belmore in the County of
Bruce, Gentleman, deceased, who died
on or about the twenty-ninth day uf
December, A.D. 1928, are required to
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Erecutors on or be-
fore the twenty-seconcl day of April
A.D, 1929, their names and addresses,
with full particulars in writing, of
their claims, and the nature of the
securities (if any) held by them duly
verified by. a statutory declaration.
that after the 'said twenty-second day
of April, A.D. 1929, the said execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the as-
sets of the said estate among the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which they shall
then have had notice, and the said
executors shall not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to any
person of whose claim they shall not
then have received notice.
DA -TED at Wingham this twenty-
fifth day of March, A.D. 1929.
R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont,
• Solicitor for the Executors,
8E1H MEAHAN, late of the Town
of Wingham in the Comity of Huron,
Widow, Deceased.
suant to the revised statutes of On-
tario in that regard; that all persons
having claims against the Estate of
Elizabeth Meehan, who died on or
about the fourth cla f M 1
1929, at the town of Wingham art
or EAST WAWA- required to send by post, prepaid or
NOSH• fore April 12th, A.D. 1929 their
!deliver to the undersigned, on or be -
Re Stone -Crusher.
Tenders win' be re-eeived by the un-
dersigned up to 2 o'clock on Thee-
, ine 1, supp ymg o sow-
er and operating Stone Crusher' in
the Twp. of East 'Weavatiosh, for the
coming season. At the same time
tenders are ale() asked for hauling
gravel from stone ernsher. Tenders
to state price either by day ar per
yard per mile.
The lowest. or any tender in either
ease not necessarily accepted.
Alex, Porterfield, Twp, Clerk, Bel,
names and addresses with full par -
ticulars of their claims in writing,
verified by statutory declaration, and
the nature of the securities, if any,
1 .1 b them
d y
that after the said twelfth day of
A.D, 1929, the assets of the said
estate will be distributed by the Ex
ecutor among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims 1111101111111111111111112111111111111111111111111111141131111111111111St
of which he shall then have notice
and the estate will not be liable for ."*" "Say. it With
any debris not filed at the time al'
Wit -wham Advance.Ti100$.
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
SubsCription rates — One year 12,00.
Six months $Loo, in advance.
To U. S, A. $2,.ao per year.
Advertising rates en applieatiOn,
To the Ectitur av all thins
Wingham Paypers.
Deer Sur:—
Frum the rumblins we hear in .the
air it wud seem that elickshun tonne
is comin purty close agin; mebby
this year, an inebby nixt, but anny-
way it is toime fer us Tories to be
tinkin about itaan gittin our amin-
unishun ready, so to shpake.
1 axn not worryinig army about the
Ontario elickshun, ter it looks to ine
loike purty near a clane shwape fer
the Ferguson Governmint nixt toime.
We hev the furriners moshtly wid
us, an the Germans an Frinchies an
all the breweries an dishtilleries, an
the wet Grits, an mosht av the droy
Tories, an iviry fellah iviryvisheer who
loikes a dhrop av the craythur. Shure;
'tis a grate combina.shun we hev, an
ye can't bate it.
Yis, the Ontario elickshun is safe
fer the Tories, but the quistion ibow
to bate thirst Grits and U.F.O.'s at
Ottawa. I am a grate belaiver in a
roight shlogan fer carryin an click -
shun. A,Vhin uuld Sur Jawn A. wus
defaited in 1873, be rayson av the
Pacific Scandal, it looked as, if us Tor-
ies wud be down ,an out fer a long
toime, but theer wus a lot av shniart
min in the parthy in third days, an
whin we got a chance at thim Grits,
on Septimber the sivinteenth 1878,
we woiped thim off the ma.p, so to
shpake. Our shlogan wus "Proteck-
ellune fer Native Indushtries," wid
soide croies av'"Rayciprocity av
Thracle arr Rayciprocity av Tariffs"
an "The Goderich Harbor Jawb" an
"The Shteel Rail Scandal." It does-
n't matther much what yer shlogan is
if ye only holler loud enough an often
enough.. Fer inshtance, the Grits niv-
ir got another chance at the Treas-
ury binches until 1896 whin they won
wid the shlogans av "Aqual Roights"
an "Laurier Mowat an Victory." A 7
coorse the Tory parthy wus badly
shplit afther Sur Jawn A. died, an
we troid a lot ass diffrunt min fer
laiders—'I'hompson, Abbott, Bowel],
Tupper an mebby other, fer thins wus
dark days wid the parthy an losht
interest in pollyticks to some ixtint,
an annywa.y me memory is not what
it used to be.
Afther that titian Grits hild awfice
until 1911, in shpoite av all we cud
do, fer we nit-ir bad a good shlogan,
whoile thins Grits had "Foive etars
inure av the full dinner pail," an
"Let Laurier finish his work" an
tings loike fer iviry elickshun
It is no use throyin to dishpute the
fact that from 1896 to 1911 there Wt,
purtY good tonnes in the dounthry,
not be rayson av the Grit Govern -
mint, but in shpoite av it, so tliat
whin the rayciprocity platforrn w s
shprunte on the counthry, we cudelent:
foind much fault wid what the Grits,
had done, so we invinted the shlogans
"Lave well enough alone," an "No
thruck arr thrade wid the Yankees,"
au chased the Grits nut av theer
frinches, as me bye who wus over.
says wud say. Av coarse whin vot'n
agin rayeiproeity, knew that, as a
farrumer, avtis wain agin me OW0
interests, but I didn't moind that if
only we cud bate thins Grits.
• ln nointeen an sitninteen .the.coun-
thry wus up in arrurnS agin the.Union
Govermniet, be raysori av Sur Reb-
ert Borden takin in a lot av Grits ir,
wid him, an it wus only the -shlogan,
"Hilp the byes at the front," that
f•aved our bacon, an since thin we hey
had' no good shiogan, an so hey losht
iviry toime.
It doesn't make much differ wh -th-
et a shlogan' is all bunk arr not, so
hen as ye kin fend is lot eV the Grits
-end it, ler ye kin denim] on the Tories
siatandin firrorn 00 :114Uher What is
I: am. busy tinkin up !wan far the
nixt elickshua, an mebby will 'tell
ye what it is -whin deCoide 00 it.
yOurs till nixt wake,
Tfituithy Hasa
the said distribution.
'DATED at Wingharn this twenty-fif-
g . •
acres, close to a prosperous village
th day iiiiifv.Mareli, A,D. 1920,
TURNBER Ontario. ki Orders fat Weddings, Punerals
j. BUST-TVIELD, Wingltatn,
with stores, churches Post ()fifce, Court 'of Revision;
etc. Good buildiriga. .Terme right.
Executor for saki Estate, or oth
er occult:its 'taketi by
Might tent to a good man if not sold A Cotirt of Reyieion will he 'held — Bhcsne 142, Whigham
• ia a short time. Bluevale on Monday, April 150, The Hospital wishes to gratefully is ------ -. • ,
• Abner Coeene, • 1929, at 8 *look in the aft:el-noon, on, -acknowledge the reee'..11st of it dona- prompt. sdrvite, thiaor expregs
I:neat-erten & Real Estete, the Pisher, kirctgory and 'reignyn lion• of a cheek for $20.00 from I`, .
Winghani, Got. • Drain, W. R, Creikehank, Mak,. Vieict & Co, ' lifiN11110111011M111101110111111141111111101111111111
Miss Mary Marais of London Nor-
mal School is spending tier holidays
with her parents, Mn acid Mrs. Dan
4,4 Martin,.
Miss Chriseie leglis Tort -into is
spending the week With her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis.
Chrissie is leaving next month to
train for a verse in a hospital in New
York. '
Mr. and Mrs, Sprang of Auburn,
spent Sunday with her sisten Mrs..
Clarence Cox.
Mr. Clayton Robinson motored
fi mei Detroit on Friday to his home
on the 9th.
Mrs. Andrew Fox is spending the
tweeksend with lset &lighter, Mrs. R.
Patton uf Lucan,
Miss Laura Robinson returne
from 'Walkerton -on Thursday last.
Miss Winnifred Farrier is spend-
ing this week with friends in Toronto
and is attending the "At Home" of
the Ex-Normalites in the Normal
School there.
Mrs. Joe Thompson and family.and
Ross Robinson of Mitchell, are spend-
ing the week with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Thos. Robinson,
Mr. Roy McGee held an exception-
ally good sale on Tuesday last. Elis
seed eats went at $1,04 a bushel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour and Mr,
and Mrs. Elwood Barbour and son,
Donald, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan .
Misses Doreen, Muriel and Marjor-
ie Purdon, are spending their boll-
' days with their grand parents, Mr.
Iand Mrs. .Sirchie Anderson, of St.
Miss Barbara 'Weir of Teeswater
and her cousin, Miss Mary Inglis, of
Clifford. are spending the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison.
Mr, Dan Mack-aya of Chatham, also
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mackay, of
Bluevale, spent the week -end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Mackay and other relatives here.
The L. T. L. under the W. C. T.
U., are holding a singing- and oratof-
feat contest from S. S. No. 10, Rio -
los, in the Institute Hall, on Friday
April ,5th, at 8 p.m. Everybody svel-
coMmers. and Mrs, Milton Bruce and son
are leaving on Wednesday for Al-
berta, where they will work for 8
months for Mr. Trench of Teeswater.
Rev. Mr. Poliock is driving a new
Chevrolet sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer en-
tertained a number of relatives on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Wm. Hawthorne of Brantford
is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Kerr and
Mrs. Joe :Holmes.
' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Brant-
ford are spending the holidays with
his mother, Mrs. Reid.
Miss Pauline Reed bad the misfor-
tune to have the thumb and first iia -
ger of her right hand badly crushed
in a machine in the Listowel Knitt-
ing factory on Thursday last. Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Reed and family m .-
ored. to Listowel on Friday. Miss
Dorothy Reed returned with them on
Friday for the week -end.
Born—Ort Wednesday, March 27,
to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson,.
Paramount, a son.• .
The Easter Service was observed
'in the United Church here on Sunday
by Rev. Mr. Whitfield and was foll-
owed by the Sacrament Service, The
choir rendered ' special Easter musi .
A beautiful Easter Lily plant with
many flowers was contributed by
Mrs. Jack Brigham of Blyth and a
large bouquet of spring tulips was
sent by Mr, Cottle, Miss Nettie Cot-
tle and Mt and Mrs. Tho. Kew, in
memory of their mother, Mrs. Geo.
Cottle, who passed away a year ago.
Many farmers have been plough=
ng in this community, a few have
been boiling sap.
The Mission Band of the United
C.hurch are holding a tea in the ebur -
2> basement on Tuesday ,afternoon.
On Wednesday 10c Socials are being
eld by the W. M. S. at the homes
f Mrs. Mac Ross, Mrs, A. Fax and
Nfrs. Robert Purdon.
• Mr, Roy McGee loft on Monday for
Mr, Robert Laidlaw had the
omit/a to have two fingers cut badly
n the sawing machine.
Mr, Eddie Stewart has hired with
r. Alfred Emerson for the spring,
14>-. E. Gaunt, of Welland, spent
le week -end with his father, Mr. Ed-
ard Gaunt. Mrs. Hodginson and
on were also home for a few days
efore leavitin for Winnipeg.
Robt. Purdon received. a card
n Saturday from Dr...Margaret Cald-
t, from 'Yokalionest, Japan.
, •
Gold MedaIist 'Surgeon
London, '(tri,)
Surgical Operations a•SpeCiality.
Maternity and Children a SpeGfry.
OFFICE. --Old' Davis House, one
house frosts Angiitart thatch; Ceotre
Street, Pliorte-15, Wirigham.
And its flavour is the
finest in the world.
EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Harold Currie visited his aunt,
• — .Mrs. D. Currie, one day last week. .
Miss Kathleen Kerr, R.N., of Lea-
mington, is attending her inother,
Mrs. 3. Kerr, who is very ill at pre-
Mrs. Bibbs, af Deteoit, is visiting
with her mother, AirsnJohn, F. Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver. spent
Sunday last_ at Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Perry Henderson spent .S.S.11-
day .at the ',home of ,Mr; and Mrs.
Harald Currie.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Montgonviy.
and little daughter, epent Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. John Elliott.
Wood -cutting seems to be the oaf-.
er of the day. '
;The annual Club meeting of S. S.
No. 9, was held on Tuesday evening.
last. A solo by Miss K. Kerr, read-
ing by Miss Whittaker, were given.
I Mr, J. 5. Kerr has installed a new
Crosley Radio in his home.
i Mr. Phil Dawson spent Sunday
with Mr. Wm. Anderson,
Do you know why
rides so
much more
comfortably than
other cars?
Here are three
important reasons
• • IV/ cantilever Springs—the most ex.
pensive type of springs employed on
any car in the world, coupled with the
famous McLaughlin -1311.42.k torquetube
drive—are designed solely for comfort,
not for transraission of power, and
provide dm maximum degree of riding
McLaughlin-Buick's Lovejoy hydrauft
lic shock absorbers . . front and rear
. absorb the jars and jolts of the
roughest roads, thus adging still fur-
ther to the buoyancy of McLaughlin.
Buick travel.
And McLaughlin-Buick's deep, soft
seat -cushions, together with the lcomg.
ing spaciousness of McLaughlin -Buick
interiors, provide unequalled ridir'
• luxury for every passenger.
• McLaughlin -Buick offers the 'highest
standard of motoring comfort ever at.
• tallied; and this is one vital reason why
more motorists drive McLaughlin.
Buick than any other fine car.
Win ghat -xi, Ont.
When Better Antolini:441es Are Built — McLaughlin -Buick Will Build Them
, • t• •1,:1I...1:0'44>.r.iII,'0'5I,14.." .
Is E isy
Particularly if you have
a modern' Connor Elec-
tric Washer in your
home. No tearing of
clothes, no back -break-
ing work, just fill the
tttb with hot water, drop
in the cldthes, turn a
switch and the work is
naS eatWor-oseen
Wingharn Utilities C • • •
Cfitwfortl Bleak, Phone 156,