HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-03-21, Page 5Thursday, Marc11 21st; 1929. 'W INGII M ADVANCE -TIMES 'aster are/ Smart Fashions for ZW , Spring Wear 1. See our display of Women's and Miss es' Coats and Dresses, all moderately pric- j ed. Special value in Women's Coats: Priced at $15.00, $18.50 and $25.00 Smart Youthful stypes in Girls Coats at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Pleated Skirts and Pullovers are going stro' • for spring. Real values in Skirts $3.50 and up. I'-ancy 'v'v ool Pullovers in the leading colors, see them at $2.90, $3.75 and $5,`00. Lingerie and Full Fashioned Hosiery of high quality, stylish design and col ors. at 98c$ Special Silk Blooiaers andVests to" 1.2 5, Silk Hosiery at .$1.29, :$1.50, $1.75 Extensive range of Scarfs, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Flowers, Dress 'Orna- ments, Hand Bags, Gloves, etc. H.EJsa o• ingham TORY CORNERS with their daughter Sunday last. Ivlr. and Mrs, E. Newton of the Mr. Charles Finlay of B. line has 12th cur, spent Sunday . afternoon installed the Delco lights, with their daughter. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Wylie visited Mr. and ;Mrs. R. A. Taylor spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. Finlay. 1ivir: and Mts. Thos: Nickel of Gor- fie spent Sunday with the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Galbraith. 1 I ■ ■fllllli ■11I� isi1M1111MMI11MIlll■onliII�IIIIiIII®1?Irlilllllp1111iIII�1 uni/Ill�lllwitl 11tllrllle111�111�11111111N111®IIhIII�IIII�ii�Sitlll{9111 VIII® II■IIIA it III ( � ii 1 1 11 a' 4-Iitafitrr OtOOMMMIMIIIIMON ittittrrU fliart4 prning We are making a Special Display of Hand -Made Hats, also a Special Display of Pattern Hats in r M 11 iffillIIi 111 11 III II1IIIMIIII1111 r Tauantoll Will be pleased to show you the New Spring Styles. ingljam 1 O 1 1 1 1 epi 1 1 a 9 Int 1 1 9 9 9 1 1 I t Aged R.esifdej t Pas'sess Away Tho community ..was . shocked on Sunday, Marcb, 4, when the.news was flashed. over the radio from Cf+'C)G and CJRM of the. death of one of t}ielr most liigll'ly= ('.SteCrtteSl.- residents, Alexander S)x4sscr; at Young Sask. He hark been ailing; for :some years, but of late had been feeling much bc.ttGt,, and 'had been to Saskatoon the Previous' week. On Sunday hewas out -at the baric giving some slight assistance with the chores, when, all at once he exclaimed, "I guess I'll qti}t." He walked away about 20 feet and fill to the floor, life departing al: most iriskantaneously, Mr. `I1+Icsset. was tofu in 1865 'at lilucvale, Huron 'County, Ontario., T -Ie was !Married in 1898 to Emily Ann' Curtis, also of •Iiluevaie. He "Was a carp• eiter' and Tarnier by trade and took a delight in doing a first class. job, ]n 1901 Mr. and Mrs.: 1\lCesser. moved to Harn:ilton, ,where Ivlr, Mese ser tools a position with therSaw}=er-• .Mlssey Co, in the ir?ctodivork depart- trent and -else a service man up to the yeyir 1910. when they decided to go west.' They took up land in the Coderre district,, thirty-five rifles from a. railway. Becoming tired of hauling ;;rain so far, in 1017 they sold their laird and, purchased their present. Home' which was known. as E. Leonard's homestead. He also bought a H. B. nuarter and has his Tarin in 1 Splendid state of cultiva- tion. .Tutt. AlCesse,• accepted theposi- tion of weed inspector for Div. 5, in 1927, which positign he filled to the entire satisfaction of the council.' He was 0 member in good standing in the Canadian Or<ter. Foresters, a Presbyterian in religion, a Liberal in rolitics, but 'better than all, a man'' whose word was as good.as ;;old. He was esteemed wherever he went and folds the respect of his many neigh- bors. and •friends. He, leaves to rtottrn his lass,. his wife, one daugh- ter,flits. ,Myhre, of Coderre, twoeons, Wm. of Loon Lake, and Lorne of Young, also two brothers, Archie. and John. 'Clic heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to them. The funeral was' held on 'Wednes- day afternoon frown the United Chur- ch, Rev. E. R. M.L'recken concLucfi- tng the service. Interment was made in the Young cemetery. The pall- bearers •were1\Iessrs. Geo. t\llingltant, "IAV. Storey, Jas. Cni•rie;, E. Dupin, D. McLean, H. Allison.When parting with a man like Mr. Messer, ave cannot do better than think of the words of the poet. "An honest man's the noblest Work of Gads" or the Chinese proverb quoted 13 Uy Dr, recken in his seriuon "The superior man always exceeds his words by his deeds." DONNY BROOK Owing to the bad roads the Don- nybrook' •Sunday School have post- poned their` concert, which was to .have been given last Friday evening. Miss Laura Johnston visited oilier the week -cad with Mrs. Pearl Thomp- son. Mr. Ted Bills was a`Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nor - titan Thompson. Mr. Vernon and Miss Vita Cham ney visited on Sunday With ,Mrs. Pearl Thompson. ilia Women's institute held a pro - ;gross ve I ochre and Social evening on Tuesday evening at the home of ?fr. Norniati Thompson. • Mrs. Geo. Naylor was the winner of the ladies' prize and Mr. Rus. Thompson, the gents', the ladies'. consolation went to Mrs. John Mason, and gents' consola- tion to Mr, fete Mcl)onaid. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Yen's Spring Shoes in new .and Comfortable models at Gr cer's,' Mrs. George.Oivcr, who underwent an Operation in '-t, Joseph's Hospital,: London, recently, returned honk last week, her condition being most en- couraging. 1\1rs, A. E. Manuel and Iter broth- er, Thos. Rumford, left On Wectes- day to attend the funeral of:tlicir bro- ther, Robert, of Orillia, who passed away in the hospital at Toronto: \l'ailleerton's Chief of Police step- ped into the dance hall the other night find stopped proceedings at 1.30, when festivities might have gone on until 2 o'clock, 1t scans the lights flickered off and on because of the blizzard, which also swayed the build- ing. NOW if the building. is so rickety e.s to ^'sway with dancing, , the actual. danger of collapse during„ the, blizzard fornislied justifiiation, ''i3ut should at building.of this nature be used at all? WHAT'S THE USE Buying c.iw;tia 'trtrdreinas, ,(,left Mrs,,. Svbilla t`frahr's '1 onsihitis for Field Colds; 'C.ttar'rh, Whooping Lough, Cough, Bronchitis, Enlarged and 1)is- cased Tonsils and all ;Throat "1'roxtb- e. leas, Absolutely guaranteed, \Ving- hart Druggists, and. J, 12, Allen, `r\!t•o- NIMMMl1 JIM ilNIII ilI MAI1MIiI11Al11l MMIIIMAIiiMIiMINI1111�r11 ete.r. I I INN 1 • NI1111MMIIIMIrIIli111M1I1 IIMIIIMIiIMM�irI�II IINIIiIMUII�II iMI1IIMriIIMI(Iu IMNInMMI ,1 ux�yxp°)NII - 111i,11,11,11111,11111,1111114,IMIIIISMI,111,11111„111111 ,111MI111,IIIIIA11111111,I,1llll11/1111, AII, 1.111 AAilAIIl A11,,11 1111111A1 1111111111tA111.11111 AAIA4Ii111.01A1 AAAIAl1 11,41.1W1111111113r1111,11A111{I l{III SALES TALK oaa __..- From — WETIFRALL GREENW What Design Axle Is Used on the New Ford Model "A" THREE QUARTER FLOATING The Three Quarter floating Axle is an other feature which brings out she high quality of design en)bodiecl, in the New -Model "A" Ford. This type of Axle is used. rather 'than a semi -floating • for the reason that the roller bearing rolls on the machined end of the axle housing, thereby carrying the load of the 'car on the housing and leaving the axle with nothing to do but turn the rear wheels. The semi -floating carries' the entire load on the axle shaft. ha,:.• A Iuv.• • 11,OO pllllll 1,111I11O, 11,111111„11111 5111111 C, 11111[„1,"I,lultuunu1u11 1uup1Tn1 union nlunlnu un uAu unuuum uunnAu1I11111e seassimesmemessemosavi POTATO SEED TREATMENT QUESTIONS ANSWERED (Experimental Farms Note) In preparing for the spring activ- ities in connection with treatment of seed potatoes, it is well to revciw some of the questions which were unanswered in the rush of affairs last year, leaving doubt and confusion as to the method used and its effective- ness- Authorities agree that seed treatment is beneficial and while this! operation is -occasionally- overlooked,1 the satisfactory experience of a few' in so. doing mdst not be accepted as 1 a guide to the majority. IT IS AD -1 VISAIILE, THEREFORE, TO TREAT YOUR SEED POTATOES. In treating seed potatoes we have any one of three chemicals from which to select for this purpose, namely; hot formalin, organic mer- cury compounds, and corrosive sub- limates, The first named gives ex ccllent satisfaction, when used at the rate of 1 pint of commercial forma- lin to 121gallons of water. The tub- ers are dipped in this solation for two minutes when the temperature is held at ,118-124 degrees F. This is a convenient method where large quantities of potatoes are to be treat- ed. 1i thermometer cel An accurate dairy is essential. It is often convenient to haul potatoes to a- nearby. cream- ery where steam is availbale to keep the temperature even. Organic mercury compounds have 3 P much to recommend them as seed potato di.sinfecl:aiits. They are being improved each year and it is expected that their use will render seed treat- ment less troublesome. BELGRAVE D I/{1'IIb1"41 I11111111111n 1.111u 1,IluPl111 I uG. Mrs. Fixter of: ll iii hint visited with Mrs. Yuill one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cox of Goderich spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandon, Mrs. James VanCanue of 131uevale visited with Mrs. J. VanCamp and Miss Nora, last week. • Mr. Joe Ruddy viisted with friends at Auburn. Mr. and 'Mrs.' Howard Wilkinson of \'Vinghani visited with the former's previous meeting and business dis- cussed, the ladies quilted. Then Mrs.:. Thornton and Mrs, .Breckenridge ser- ved lunch, and a social half Hour was - spent. ?Jrs. Vti11 Abram and Miss Bernic�e- Lockridge were visitors on Monday at the home of IV[rs. Leonard Elliott-. Frank Scott celebrated -his 82nd birthday on Thursday. He feels' just as well as he ever did, and enjoys ex- cellent health, and is at work every day. His many friends join in wish- ing hire many happy returns of the - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. dray. Oliver Fells of \+\Aing;1vun visited When driving alone, near the' bridge .i o 's. + eF l.)a� Cl �iC tt . t \Vcditesclly, William Speir's horse 11r. Cecil lllacic of Dungannon, took fright at an automobile and raga: spent the week -end with. friends. !away, breaking the harness, taut do- t ing little, damage to the cutter. Mr- 1�Eh.I`d1tGRE Speir was thrown out,.but came off with only a bad shaking up, The Following an operation for an ul- sectionnum caught the horse near thea eet• can the stomach, \r1. \\'111 l:'ctcr- depot, 'man pawed away at Fergus, \Vednes- 'the snow is gbing quike fast the day, March 6th. Mr. I'eterman was last couple of days, and the river is an old Belniore boy and many here getting quite high. were sorry to hear of his early de- Mrs. Cecil l ekmire spent the week- misc. eekmisc, Our sympathy goes out to his with her aunt, Mrs, Robert Hatnil- aged mother and other relatives. Mr. ton, t Eldon 1'eterinan Of Detroit, is a bro- ther of deceased. Mrs. 'font Abram entertained 20 members of the \Voane'i's institute at her home Wednesday afternoon, The meeting opened by singing the Maple Leaf, reading iif minutes by Sec-Treas. Irish Contest, Topic— The Importance cif being punctual," by Mrs. Arthur Fitch. Roll Call, cit- ies in Ireland. .\n appetizing lunch was prepared by Mrs. Sterling. Has- kins and Mrs. Clark Renick. Mr. Abram entertained the ;gentlemen friends. The next meeting ii -i1 he at the home of Mrs. Douglas• The Mission Circle of the Union Clutrch met at the Manse Friday tee - ening. itir. Gordon 'Inglis is nursing a black eye, the result of playing heel:- ey at '.l"teswatcr" Mot1~aa't. The U, F. C). 'head tht1r'. annual dance at the !untie -effltf'. •incl Mrs. Reuben 'Stukes,,a large number being present. .\ wood bee was held at \l r, Wm. Edwards' 'Monday. Of enurse ? 1 r - Edwards like so many, doesn't believe in dancing - as our yitiitg -people are all quite graceful in their movement:, tow. XII,. Walter Woods and Herb 11uf.. fy are going tO bight school in Wing- haat \ i11i-Ilam. The corrosive sublimate method consists in soaking the seed potatoes 1; hours in a solution composed of 4 ounces .of corrosive sublimate in 25 gallants of water. One-half an ounce of the chemical is added after each treatment of 1' hours._. 1nvestigatiuii extended over 0 period of four years at the Dominion laboratory of Plant Pathology, Charlottetown, have de- monstrated that the solution is 'in- effective after the third soak. The extra half: ounce added after this per- iod is wasted and would be profitably used in preparing a new solution. Eutherniore, it has been learned that ilte strength of tate solution weakens. raipidly in the presence of broken tub- ers and potato juice. Therefore; this source of trouble is to be avoided if 5111 e c ss iti expected. General :precan- tions include the following (1) Dis- solve tic st lietc in nott less than one gallon of,very lint Wa- ter, (2) Treat eat only tubers free from dirt, Throwing water on the pile will help to avoid this difficulty. (3) Use tw i 'clean texts alternately.. Plugs made of long sticks make it easy to drain the casks after each treatment, (4) Preoarc• new solution:, niter three treatments, (5) Do not treatin bags. (6) Use soft water if ,possible: Hard water ii e tkens the, solution. (7) Pitt treated seed in 0 clean place to dry quickly, no not !taw tltent in the basement. (8). If the -weather does not permit rapid tlr'ying throw sevrrvxi pails of water it d cr.. the treated tt I) B1)U-EV'ALE Mrs. Jas. Scutt Of \Vest 1.nrne is visiting th • home of her parents, i [� at c t 1 c Ali. and Mrs. Garniss.. itr. and firs, Gordon Sedel';iy spent the week -end at the h1.me of the fnr- ne s sister, lir, 011(1 Mrs., Robert Mowbray, at Whitechurch. Mr, Alex. Mowbray and son Tack spent a •few' days last creek at White- church. '.iiie regular monthly meeting' of the Women's Association of tlttc tin'. ted Church met Iuesdav'tfterilob at the hotnc of Mrs. (h,o, 'Thornton with o larg•rt attondanee. The meeting Op- ened by •singingl1 hymn 12, sand the President leading 'i0 prayer, ;'_Sc -Hp - tire 1.e9S61 waS read fi•orrt part of 53 • -chaplet,. x'iP.l`gtarati it. •` Aftca ittiritttr,� rrf +:.14t. 1 . 'I. WHITECHURCH Messrs. Robert incl Andrew Ferr- ic received word of the death of their nephew Willie Ferric, at Coronation,, .\ata., on February 22nd, of acute in , digestion, and who was buried in N. L'attleford. 'Many will remember him; as he lived here until he was sixteen: years of age, .lir. and Mrs. Cecil Faiconer enter- tained 0 number of friends and reIa-` tires 00 Friday evening. Mr. Gordon I\ eCartiury lc ft on Tnesclai for Poir usson. The water in the river rose so high' at the 10th and 0th eon. bridges that the road W'1Ls bnelly ii asht'l nut and'. the until matt haven't made their• te,tin;l trills S. r't',' \VL'dncsiIay last. \T r. 1a., Emerson, also Jr.lDavid'. Farrier, are under thedoctor's care. Mr, and Mrs, Deyel) told faurily are lenviitg this 'Thursday for tate west. Those Languid Eyes They quickly reflect your health andphysical condition --restless eyes, indicate the temperament of the stomach. Watch the eyes . , see that the whites rite clear with a healthy bluish tinge. The minute a yeI- low tinge appears it betrays con• stipatioai, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, you Beed a laxative. Bring back your Vigour, Vita., Vitality with ileerhsnt:t ills—the tole way' to tottstatit. jo)OUS, bouadiog health. Try a regtltae daily V” a'- tottrxc frit r+ nItett r� 7yd e1d#l�i� Defied. Vettrayeswil9 $ tett ilre atety.rot uct Read nbocrt Ch,irarier from efie Eyes ifz- ytt8th'e .Piracy;hltu 4dalerthemettts. Se:Ces Agettkar 1lartaid . ititdt1e tL 7toteatta Sti