HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-03-14, Page 87277, ,M11� wn�•»..nmq�yA�llentp fundamentai reasons for the tremendous public acceptance of tkC Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History /, Powered by a Sia Cylin- derValve-in-Head Motor. 20 Outstanding Appearance with New Fisher Bodies. 3, Outstanding Perform- ance with Amazing Smoothness. A. Four Years Development 1900 01000 miles of test- ing, eA Sia in the Price Range of the four. G•9=8.294 These are the reasons for the spectacra tar popularity of the Outstanding Chevrolet in Chevrolet History . . a Six in the price range of the four. genie in and see them for yourself, A. M. CRA FORD Winghaa , Ont. _ _.�• i ?R0OUC'T OP GEN &.L 'MOTORS. Or CANADA, LIMITED Just for This Weather High 1 . calories a+ d war aitng cash•®- r ydrates--bio fuss or bot wr_-Jnst warm in oven a „d serve with hot milk Made by The Canadian Shredded 'wheat Company, Ltd Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 14, 1.5 arid: 16 JACK HOLT "The Vanishing Pio 1, eel." By ZANE GREY. Monday and Tuesday, March l8th and 19th Malcolm McGregor & L . a DePutti In — rr Buck Privates " A Comedy of the raw recruit Collegians --• "KICKING THROiUGH" Wednesday and Thursday, March 20th and, ;Is.t Norma Shearer -^ Imo The Actress's "Should Married Men Go Ho CorirRe • WINQHAIMI ADVANCE-1'IM.EB Thursday ,: March 1th 1929 SALEM Mr, Thomas AfartinJr'., of Toronto, is spending a few days with friends around here; Mr, Roy Mel ersie has related the old homestead farm to Mr. Howes, who takes possession immediately. The severe wind -storm last Wed- nesday night did considerable damage to barn doors and roofs of different buildings, also blowing down wind- mills. The Ladies' Aid held their• regular monthly meeting on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week. There were 21 iadies present. After quilting two quilts and the business part of the meeting • was all over, all enjoyed a cup of tea and lunch prepared by four of the members. It was decided to hold a St. Patrick's Conundrum Soc- ial on March 18th, Programme will be at S o'clock. Refreshments served afterwards. Everybody welcome. Ad- mission 10c. A large number from here attended the funeral bf the late Mrs. Meehan, of Wingham, who for.nedly resided where Mr. Thomas Martin now lives. TORY CORNERS A great many are shut in at pre- sent with mumps and measles: Melvin 'Taylor spent Sunday after- noon on the 12th con, Messrs. Thos, .Nickel and Wilbert Gallaway made a business trip to our burg on Monday. The Maple Leaf Club spent a very enjoyable time at Mr. Jags, Linder - wood's on Friday of last week: We . are glad to report that W. Brown, T. Vittie, L, Reid and Joe Bennet arc all improving- from their.- sickness, Mr. Harry Gowdy of the B. Line, unloaded a car load of fertilizer last Friday. Mr. Elden Galbraith is at present helping Stewart Finlay to cut wod. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Taylor spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, F. Gtainger, below Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dane spent Wednesday with the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Trio. Bush, of Wroxeter, BELMORE Mr, • Shaw, of Bluevale, in the ab- sence of the pastor, occupied the pul- pit in the Union .:lurch Sabbath af- ttrnoon. Mr. George Doig and :Mrs. Eckett left for their: .western hones last week. :'frs. Peterman was called to Fer- gus, Wednesday, her son Win;, hav- ing undergone an operation , alt the. Hospital there. Visitors out of the village are. Mrs. Herd, at Lion's Head and Mrs. Mul- vey with Helen, at Wiarton, A carnival will be held in the rink Saturday evening. i\Ir. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalf spent an cveni g last week at Alex. Stew- art's. tew-art's. Miss Freda, Duffy and Mr. Colvin, of Teeswater,. were married in •Tor- onto Saturday, March 2nd. Rev. Wrn. Taylor preached in Guelph; Sunday March 10th. WH ITECH URCH Mr, .Roy Patton of .Lucan spent the week -end with her mother, :Mrs, A, Fox. Messrs..' Gordon McGee and 3, D. Bcccroft unloaded a car of Scottish Fertilizer' at \\rhitechurch. Station on Friday and Saturday,. 'Mr, Gordon McCartney of Pa -Was- son, and dais cousin, Mrs. Jas. Falcon- er and Charlie, visited with relatives at Auburn for a few days last week, Mrs. Fox of Brandon, Man., is t•isi ting her `sister, Mrs. John Purdon, :Mr. Chas. Campbell, of Marnoch, has sold his farm to Mr. Cook, of Westfield who takes possession on April 10th; Mr. ' Campbell purposes living itt `, I3elgrave, Owing to the cold Weather and bad roads there was pot as large. an at- tendance as usual at the regular nic,n- thly meeting 6f the Women's Instit- ute, which was held on'Fridaylast, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, A splendid program was: given. :'Tis. Mellrien who spent the past three months with her. on, Oliver, at Auburn, and her daughter, Mrs. Lovett, of Clinton, returned to her home here lash week. The Y. P. S. of� the United Church are holding a St. :Patrick's Social on Friday,, March 15th. :Everyone is weteonae. Last 'Wednesday night .and ".fhtrrs- day seernecl to 'be the worst wind and snow stoma in these parts feeyears. Barn doors Were blown off and the barns seemed to be full of snow, staW• ble doors Were blown itt and the tele- phone lines were generally twisted tip or broken, Makin y' a bttsy time for the line-ntcn. The sato* seemed to penetrate through every creek and crevice and the children lead a day off from school and the pitch -holes were pretty well filled.' :tp, Mr. and. •Mrs.:Russell. ^:Ritchie, who spent the ` past two months : in Ash- field, and their parents, Mr. and ifrs. Reuben Tiffin, of .Langside, left for their borne in Sask., last week, Mr. Gordon :Inglis, from; Sask is visiting his aunt, Mrs, Jno.;Cliibb, and his uncle, Mr, Thos. Inglis, The wind. storm blew Mr, C. H. Wightinan's porch down, at the store, on Wednesday night, Miss Isabel Fox ;;,,,.0 last week in Toronto. ('al e nte1, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Friday, March :8th, at the home of Airs. C. Gillespie, The president, Mrs. W. Leggatt, conducted thenieet- ing. The topic, "Woman's Respon, sibility to Herself;_ Her. Community and Her Honte," was taken by Mrs, H. Spariiag, Mrs. C. Cox read a very interesting account -of the work done by the travelling clinic in Alberta, and a paper on "The Progress of In- stitute Work During the ;fast Thirty Years" was read by Mrs. L. Grain. A mouth organ selection by May Wightnian and a solo 1 y Mrs. G. Gil- lespie were - much appreciated. At this meeting, it was decided to hold the annual business meeting of the Institute on Friday, April 12th, in the Institute Hall, rather than at the meeting in May. BLUEVALE Mr. James Munroe: of Saskatoon, Sask., a student at Knox College, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs; Boyde of Waterloo and Miss Belle Kirton of Turnberry spent Fri- da3' with Mrs; F.: 13. Scott. The young people,of the Presby- terian Church go to Wingham on Fri- day, Marchl5th, to present the play "Aunt Susan's Visit" under the aus- pices of St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid. Owing to stormy weather the Lad- ies' adies' Aid and \\r. M. S. of Knox Pres- byterian Church were unable to hold their regular meetings and instead they were held Monday, Marcli 11th, at the home of Mrs. Alex Mowbray. The vice-president, .Mrs, Walter Smil- lie, presidedOverthe W. M. S. rneet- ing and the la.ragritn1 fpr the World Day iaf . Prayer, was carried out. Mrs. .Teter S. :McEwen read a very fine paper on `Steivardsliip.. and Service.", 'Che April meeting will be held at. the hoarse of Mrs. Chas. H. Garniss. :.Irs. Eckmier and son 'billy, are visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter Smillie: Mrs, E. B. Jenkins of the Wing - hang ,Boundary, spent Monday with, her sister, kfrs. C. H. Garnish. BLUEVALE Hisses Alba Mowbray and Hazel Mundell spent the week -end with Miss Doris ,Aitchison. :Messrs. Geo. Greenaway.and Whit, Stewart "spent a few days \vita friends at Toronto. Mr. Robt. Shaw conducted ,church services at 13elmor•e on. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jewitt : spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs, Thos. Maxwell. Mr. David Rainsay was at Inner- kip on Saturday attending the ?taller - al of his brother, Samuel, and also visited his wife who is undergoing tl-catment at London. -: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Enright and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week- end with relatives here and •attended the funeral of the latter's, uncle, Jos. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers, of Guelph,spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathers. Mr. Everitt McGee has gone to Winghant where he has received at position in the :glove works. Black & Johnston shipped a car of cattle •to Toronto on Saturday and Mr. Black spent the week -end at Tor- onto. The funeral of the late Joseph Yeoo was held on Sunday afternoon from the home' of his brother, George Yeo, to the 131tsevale Cemetery, 'The ser- vices were conducted by Rev. Mr, Walden, the pall bearers were Messrs. W. R. Yeo; Geo, 'Yeo; Wm, Yeo; W. R. Gallaher; Jas. 1=looper and A. •7Io1- 117.5.. Mrs. Robert Forbes underwent an operation at the Wingham General Hospital on Thursday afternoon and is gettingalong nicely, Prize funeral of Ellis Draper three- year-old son of Mr: and Mrs. Charles ])raper, was held to the Brussels Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, the funeral service • being conducted by Rev, Mr. Lewin, pastor of the Bruss- els Anglican church. The pall bearers were; Thomas Elis, Charles South, Russel ..Bone and Gordon Enlbury. Much sympathy is extended to the parents in the loss of their only child. The funeral was attended by a large number of friends and neighbors, 1Vloved to Vliito , Mr. Wigg, manager of the Walker Stores, Limited, ,1,ucknow, has been transferred to the Milton Branch, leaving Cast week. His successor is Mr Robt. Duthie,, li 2 BELCRAVE Belgraver Women's Institute :told its next meeting at the home of Mrs M. A, Wheeler, oat Tuesday, March 19th. Topic -..Character Building ---by Mrs. Wm, Vancarnp; Roll Call—cakes fillings and icings,' Edgar Wightnlan met with an un- fortunate accident on Tuesday. When cutting wood in the hush his foot was cut quite badly. Medical t',ttenclancc was secured and several stitches were necessary, A very :enjoyable' time was spent on Tuesday, evening when the Bel - grave Farmers' Club held an oyster supper in the Foresters' Hall, The supper was fairly well attended and after all had done justice to oysters and other good things provided, a pro- • gram was enjoyed. A, Procter, presi- dent-obf the club, was chairman. The program .consisted of addresses by Rev, ,has, Scobie, A: Wilson, of - Wing.: haul. branch of the, Co-operative, and Mr. Amos from the, hear office; "musi- _ cal numbers were given by Mr, , and ■ Mrs. 3, M. Coultes, Misses Sarah and Ruth Cole and Mr. T. l3ryans; Miss ■ Nora VanCarnp and Mrs. W. Pocock ■ favored with vocal.. solos accompanied "■ by IVliss Sarah Cole at the piano. A • very pleasant evening was brought to ■ a Close by the singing of the National / Anthem. S MOIN IXIXISS10111XS111111111011!<N1SMI1AItr1 11111111111Ir1NS■ • ■New 1)ress 0 * s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . Kayser Slipper • eel o The New Price Is SPRING � HOSI ■ ■ Hole ..roof Full Fashioned ■ ■ 20 New Shades ..... ■ ■ ■▪ ' ■ ■ '$1.5O • $1.95 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ New -: Purses 1 ■ ,■ ■0 ■ ■ 'Other Good Stocking Values 1.00 per Pair, Up. Miss Cela Coultes spent a few days$ New. with her sister, Mrs. Mitchell,' at" Neckwear Rothsay. E Miss Loretta McBurney, of Strat-ii Normal 'School, was a week=end/ visitor at her home here. �■ Mrs. Alex. Stewart and family, of Londesboro visited over the week -end ■ with Mrs. John Stewart. ;■. Mrs. J. A. Brandon spent a few clays with friends in London last ■ week. ■ The, True Blues gave a Euchre and ■ Dance in Forester's Hall. last Friday MI evening. ■ The Women's Institute are having . a pie Social on Friday 'evening, the 15th. Messrs. Herson Irwin, William ;IX l3rydges and. Chas. Coultes are at- ■ tending Orange Grand Lodge at Ph \Tindsor this week, RHEUMATISM ?- Lumbago ? Neuritis ? Stop trying this or that medicine ' ouchoncefor Rheumatism. T -R -C's will make you well, advises Captain John Jackson, J.,eam"tgton Ont He 1319 ■ ■ ■ had Rheumatism all oven him, and says; le "I got relief rigb:t away. nothing else has helped me as much." TR -C's are equally good far Lumbago, Neuri tisk Neuralgia, Sciatica. Quick. Safe. No harmful drugs. 50e. and $1.00 at your druggist's. 126 9S RUSIHMAC��lf CAPSUL ■ ■ ■ Spring Parasols. Kayser " Trefausse Silk Gloves French Kid Gloves Maybelle and Watson's Silk Lingerie 98c' $1®50 to $2.50 KING B X REX OS., - Wingharn ■ ■ ■ au / ■ man Ilan • 1,1 119 mono examanaz 4.0 1 .No, 638 Stromberg. Carlson with built-in, dynamic speaker. lymploys 5 Uy -7,7 ZIPS - PIA and one 1:710 28E Rsdiottoti $ 4 Tubes. Price without tubes .. 495 Ist'o. 635 Strom6erl-Grkan,.Walnut Tress. tatpthe*. boexatesouAO.iubes. $ Price lead tubes suti **alter . 245 tos onal Standard/ LOVERS of music have learned that "Stromberg-Carlson Tone" is a reality in radio, no less tangible than the blue -white-, . ness of a perfect diamond. Not alone faultless reproduction. of the notes, but interpretation of the performer's very mood-- the ability to bring you cat of the artist's ' genius, has established Stromberg-Carlson tone as that by which other tone is judged. Every radio receiver which re- sembles a StrombergCairlson does not recreate like ai;'Strom- berg-CarlsonL.etus d+enaonstrate Stromberg-Carlson, tone to you. r� w W. CI UICI $ilAt , WINGHAM, ONT„ iLL