HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-03-14, Page 21 1 WIa HAM ADVANCE IMS Thursday, March 14th 1929 flVORJTE HYMNS HEIR, WRITERS Beneath the Gross of Jesus I fain would take my stand -•- The ' 'shadow of a mighty Rock, Within a weary land, A hoine_within the wilderness, A rest upon •flie way, Froin the burning of tae, noon -tide heat, And the burden of the _iiay: 9'. O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet, O trysting place where Heaven's love And Heaven's 'justice meet! As to the holy Patriarch.. That Wondrous dreamt was given, So stems my Saviour's Cross to ine, A ladder up to heaven. There lief; beneath its shadow, But on the farther side, The Darkness 'of an awful grave That gapes both deep and Wide; .And there between • .is stands the Cross, Like a watchman set to guard the way Front that eternal grave. Upon the Cross of Jesus, is Y Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tricrasher in your home:. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill : the tub with hot water, drop. inthe clothes, turn a switch and the work is done. I�i'd,rq.4..!'. ,lt �ft l.li_iVi'i7t..:iM:'`ti a"no, W gham Utilities Commissio:.. Crawford Block. Phone 156. 'e,eleteret4:tteete,,e.ee ,y0 i Mine eye at 1 ' The very dying Who suffered And from my tears, Twowonders The wonder of And my own + t n ,!,Lida,, tines can see form of one, there for rite, sxpitterl. heart, 1t*ith I confess— His glorious love worthlessness, • I take, 0 cross, thy shadow,,' For my abiding place; ask no other sunshine than The sunshine of His fare: Content to let the world go by, To know no rain nor loss— My sinful self, my only shame, My glory all the Cross, In the "Family Treasury," a widely. circulated �-eligiuus magazine, publish- ed in Edinburgh, Scotland, the editor, the Rev. W. Arnot, in 1872, printed a series .of hymns under, the Beading "Breathings of the Border." in in tr•oducinl themthe editor . wrote as fellows: "These lines express the experienc- e, the hopes and the longings of a young Christian lately released. Wri- tten on the very edge of this life, with the better, land fully in view of faith, they seem to us footsteps print- ed on the sands 'of Time, where these sands touch the ocean of Eternity. These footprints of one whom the Good Shepherd led through the Wild- erness into rest, may, with God's° blessing, contribute to comfort and direct succeeding:. pilgrims." The first of these ' "Breathings" was our hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus, which appeared on page 398 of the 1872 volume. The eighth and last of them, "There were ninety and nine that safely. lay," was .printed in the volume for 1874. Some readers of this article upon Hymns, which the same writer has been publishing in The Family'' Her- ald during the past eighteen and a half years, ma}- remember that. the singing evangelist Ira D. Sankey, en- countered the. "Ninety and Nine" hymn in a newspaper, while travell- ing on a railway train, with his col- league, D. ,L. Moody, and cut it out 'for possible use in the future. ! Suddenly called upon by Mr. Moody !to sing something about the Good • T0401 d: d :E. n.11/ Yr s+.•aem+ r m �, 5 rr A 14, �. __jr DURrifd"$0 SPECI,i9£, come —�'0161.^ • ked Seal Continental Motor Bendix Fottrwtr/heel Brakes Morse Silent Timing Chain Full Force Feed Lubrication Passenger Cars Pours and Sixes from 4675 to $2095' f .o. b., Leaside, Ont. Standard Factory Equipment Taxes Extra p22.9 Make our Coarisons HEN you go to see a new Durant "40", remember that ) it contains every feature that contributed to the phenomenal success of last year's models. Improvements --yes, quite a'number and all designed for more satisfaction to you. More power, more speed, easier steering; shock absorbers all around; .greater riding comfort. But YOU, alone, are to judge the Durant series (Fours and Sixes). For that purpose your.Iocal dealer will place any model in either series at your disposal, Do not ]buy until YOU are satisfied that Durant °Eters YOU the best value YOUR money can obtain! 8uwr BY DUJRAdT MOTORS of CANADA t iMl'r'ED TORONTO . CANADA nuc;BY 'r •1Cxs t: oh TON TO i t/4 TON CA1PAC1iTtS M1= B. J. BENINGEft, Wingham, ,, Ontario ROBT A. MCL U HLIN, Gorrie,.Ontario Lel 01. 11 alker Stores, Limited IA RI LAST THREE DAYS Thursday,„ Friday, Sat rday Upstairs Depts. 0 Stylish .House Dresses Sizes 34 to' 52 1095 Silk Crepe Dresses 995 Sizes 15 to 20, Corsets—Corsettes .. .89 c 25 to 30-30 to 36 Brassiers - Bandeaus 35c Sizes 30 to 42. HATS your choice for 75cI 1.00 ALL WOOL 1-10S1.4'„ Pair 79c 1.25 PURE SILK .HOSE, Pair 79c No SleeveMUnion Vests' (seconds) 39c Child's Vests or Drawers, each 25c Ladies' P1'ett Gowns, each $1.19 Child's Wool Toques, each 39c 1.25 GOLF HOSE, Pair 98c Sizes 6 to 9 Golf Hose, Pair 59c 1 T inch Suedilie Belts, each 33c 1 inch Suedine Belts, each 19c BABY WOOL JACKETS, each $1.19 Swede Fabric Gloves, Pair 47t ISH L • argain ase ent Granite Tea "Kettles ... 1 Heavy & Extra Large. Hot Galvanized, PAILS 35c Extra Value. 9 22x24 JUTE MATS AU good Colors, 89e 24x48 Tapestra Mats .1.49 Choice Patterns. 4 yard LINOLEUM.. 3.50 Brown Back. 2 yard INLAID LINO. 2 19 5 Good Patterns. WINDOW BLINDS .. 5.0c (Seconds) 1.4NEN TEA. TOWELS, Each 15c 'Linen Tea Towelling, Yard 24c 42 inch PILLOW CASES, Eacli .21c Damask Table Cloths, Each 98c English Flannelette, Yard 23c 36 inch WHITE COTTON, _Yard 15c HEAVY, KHAKI DRILL, Yard ,. 23c Colored NAINCHECK, Yard .12%c 36 inch CURTAIN SCRIM,`Yard lOc Lace Edge CURTAIN NET Yard.; 29c LACE NET PANELS, Each 45.c HEAVY I'uGI SILK, Yard 53c rancy Pattern CREPES, Yardl 95c To 2.95 Values, Plat Crepes, yard 1.69 ALUMINUM WARE.. ` 47c Choice of 7 Articles. Chopping HATCHETS 35c Very Handy Article, Walker's Beauty Soap . c Cups & Saucers, Dozen 1 25 Clover Leaf Pattern. Dinner Plates, Dozen. 1.00 Plain Whiter Salt & Pepper Shakers ea. 5c Large Size Glass. Lustre EGG CUPS 5c Limited Quantity. Stainless Knives, each . 2 c While They Last. Hosiery (seconds) 3 pr. 1 00 Come Early. LINOLEUM CONGOLEUM BRUSSELS AXMINSTER WILTON ALL REDUCED Men's Broadcloth SHIRTS, each 1;69 Men's SilkiLisle SOAKS, pair 43c Men's Flannel SHIRTS, each 1.19 Men's Wool WORK SOCKS, pr. 29c GET AN ANNIVERSARY 5 -String BROOM For . . , 29c !SWAM si IPLI4t, Jig Shepherd, and knowing that enthus- iastic Scotchfolk would never allow him to sing "The Lord's my Shep-'. ,herd," as a solo, ifr. Sankey took his newspaper clipping from his pocket, set it onhis little, platform organ,. and then and there composed and sang the tune which soon became popular, to which indeed it is always, sung. Afterservice a lady stepped up to Mr. Sankey, and _told him how affected - and delighted she was to have heard lura snake such splendid use of her dear sisters little hymn! It was then it becatne known that the writer of the eight hymns 'which had appeared in the Family Treasury, was the late Elizabeth Cecilia Clephahe, the third daughter of Andrew Cleph- ane, Sheriff of Fife, ':Chis talented lady was born at Ed- inburgh in 1830, and died at Bridg= end House, near Melrose, in 1869, af- ter sorne months of sickness. She had been accustomed to write little poems for a child's paper entitled by one of her sisters, and wrote her "Ninety and Nine" hymn on)'the hur- ried spur of the moment, for it. Ac- customed to express herself in verse she often tried to disclose her own personal feelings of devotion to her Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, in hymns, but was diffident aboit al- lowing them to see the light, having a very modest opinion of her liter- ary powers. If it remembered, that "Beneath. the Cross of Jesus," was written with. in the shadows of death by a talented and lovely lady, who knew wen that there was not the slightest hope` 'of recovery from her disease—which ryas the case in those flays ---arid whose study about, and devotion to her Saviour, the model of Christians, had taught her the hopelessness of obtaining eternal life or forgiveness, of, failure, by hutnan merit, the hum- ble personality and splendid faith ex- pressed in the hymn will. become mani.:fest. Probably only ,a sincere Christian, who knew. well the burn- ing fever of wasting disease, the bur- den+ of wearying days and' nights of increasing weakness, with an early grave not far away, could have writ- ten its well-chosen lines. It is not a gloomy melancholy'hy- mn; she would not have- that! There is the deep seated assurance Of per- fect safety, certain satisfaction, from Him who hung upon . the cross for our redemption, and now waits' to bless His 'faithful` servants with out- stretched welcoming arms, on the fur- ther side .of death. Miss Clephahe's sister, in answer to Mr. Sankey's iniluiry about 'her other writings, gave hien this hymn also, and for it he composed the time printed Herewith, which he often sang with fineeffect at Mr. Moody's and his own revival meetings. On a ra- ther higher levelof construction than some of his more popular tunes, 'Be- neath the Cross" has made its way into some of our most notable hymn- books, and it is believed by many, fits Miss Clephane's words better than any of the several tunes which have been contopsed for them, 4,a,.e ,It,IkA. 1 erg, on the 10th eon., was married on Wednesday, March 6th to Miss Annie Purvis, of West Wawanosh. ` We wel- come Mrs. Irwin to our community; The W. :NC S. and League of Hack- ett's church,' met• at the home of Mr. and Mrs; George Lane, for• a social time, on :Friday evening, community singing and games, a very pleasant time was spent, Mr, and Mrs, . John Carnpbell'spent a couple of days with their daughter, Mrs, George Phillips, near Fordyce, and Mr. Will Campbell, 12th con., Wawanosh, • There passed. away on March 2nd, at her home on the 10th con., Mrs George Drennan, in her. 38th year She leaves to mourn her loss, her be- reaved husband and fours sons, also two daughters, besides 'her brothers. and sisters., The funeral was held on. Monday to Lochalsh Cemetery. The sympathy of the community goes out to them. 1Vtessrs. 5, C. and S. B. Strothers, 9th''con,, 'will hold an auction sale of their farm. stock on March 21st, John Purvis Auctioneer, Mr. Will Bradwin spent the. week- end with Mrs. Baldwin, in Victoria Hospital, London, ASHF.IELD Miss P. Congram, teacher in 1;3e1 - fast school, resigned her position last week on accortnt of 111 health. We are very sorry, to lose Miss Congram, for 'she was a good teacher; Miss Dean Ivl:cDonald is supplying at pre- sent. Mr, Palrtrer Irwin, one of our most prosperous and popular young farin- Imemmummimmimmilmmunnommismammmimmummmill■ ■ ■ ■ a•■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • and Poultry ■ ■ ■ ■ i •■ ■ 1 THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ■ ■ ■ Cb11+tP,A�)iiY, LIMITED.■ ■ ■ Wtingllani, Ontario. a ■ M▪ INUMIIMOMM WIIMMINamsmaMmmilamMammOmill011101 ■ ■ ■ Buyer. of a CreamyLggS Maitland Creamery Phone 271