HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-03-07, Page 4•
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tationery Specials
White, ,Blue and Mauve; with
Deckled Tinted.[,,,"dge, :For
White, Deckle Silvered Edge, for
Also A 100 Sheet Kid Finish Writing Pad 39c
and 50 Envelopes, for
2;f. Aivir
AVWSMT.tt ANIVI, WM. WC% 3' • 1705rislifiliar-07•110•i1 • • VTAVitrilir' 11YA riimitaitailar3W31
i. cents a word pet insertion,
with a minimum charge of 25c.
tt I tttttttttt t111.11/4
• AUCTION SALE --Of Farm Stock
and Implements will be held at Lot
11, Con. 1, Carrick, at McIntosh., an
Tuesday, ,March 12th. The farm
'will also be offered for sale subject
to a reserve .bid, Mrs. Mary Duffy,
Proprietress, John Darroch, Auct.
No teserve.
and Implements by W. J. Deyell,
Lot 24,.Con. 13, Turnberry, on Mar.
1611, at one o'clock. Stuns of 410
and under, cash, on other amounts
6 months' credit on approved joint
Metes or 5% per annum off for cash
John Purvis, Auctioneer.
FOR. SALE -O. A. C. Barred Rock
Eggs for hatching, frock celled and
blood tested by the government.
March and April eggs $6.00 per 100,
May $5.00 (all extras). J. C. Pow-
ney, Beigrave, Ont., phone 62301
Will rent very Cheap to right party
or will trade on small farm, Apply
at Advance -Times.
FOR SALE -1 good work horse and
1 filly colt, rising 1 year. Apply to.
Joseph Kermatb, Belgrave,
FOR SALE -2 geese and one g'and- NOT THE SA E
er. apply to John Kelly, phone 632
Edgar -In Morris Township on Sun-
day, March 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs.
-Arthur Edgar, a son.
MacLean -In Sarnia General Hospi-
tal, on February 22nd, 1929, to Mr.
and Mrs. 'Charles E. MacLean, N.
Russell Street, a daughter, Phyllis
Pringle -In Turnberry, on Monday,
:March 4th, 1929, Jane Pringle, in
her 70th year,
Ross-ln Turnbcrry, on Saturday,
March 2nd, 1929, George W. Ross,
in his 76th year.
Meahan-In Wingham, on Monday,
March 4th, 1929, Elizabeth Bathers,
Widow of the late Anthony Mea -
t han, ,in her 60th
. , -
LOST -On Sunday evenir*ex last be-
tween United church arid North- ''Fruit-a-tives" Stopped
End Grocery, string of amber beads se . se. .1 s
Finder peace leave at Watson's r ane A errame
store, •
LOST -On Thursday, Feb: 28, purse •
containing sum of money.. Finder,
please enquire at Advance -Times
: office.
A POTATO DIGGER and a 2 -Row
sprayer, used only one season, for
sale. Cost $168,00 and will accept
•$140.00, Rribert Winter, R. R. No.;
1, Belgraye,, phone 10-26, myth.
100 acres within 3 miles of Wing -
ham, near a school', 'hold and building's
in good condition. Apply at Advan-
whi-ham GOD.IN
• • s, •
From strictly culled S. C. White
Leghorn hens, headed by males from
pedigreed sires lit 5f/c per dozen. Also
egg's froin i ported 'Barred Rock
hens at $1.00 per setting. A few ittl-
parted Barred Rock males, all from
290 van; sires, Jas, A. Scott, R. R. 1,
Belgraye, phone 681r1.8.
. '.DREssalA.K.ING-At moderate pric-
es. Wi 1 do either at home or
out. Mrs. M. D'oig, over Adyance-
' - Times Office.
It seems almost a miraele-the way
"Fruit-a-tives" benefits women Suffer-
ing at the ehange of life. "I was obliged
to go to bed 1)ecause of the terrible
dizzinoss, pain and wealraiess," writes
Mtne Oneenne Godin of Pequetville,
i N.13. "During this trying time
provad a godsend to
me, slid now 1 t111).i neileet
i Every WOrARX1 shouki f01.1.01V my ex-
' ample and take Llirtilt-a-tivex,' And
; they would 'surely get the Wonderful
relief that 1 did." Try it. Yarn' dealer
has this wonderful fruit inedieine-
1 25c. and 50c. a box.
FOR SA L R.---'1 I ab y Chicks, Tiatch- I
Me Eggs and ilrooder StoVes, O. Elltilllitalligtillit11/211911111131111111111111111111•11111i1111111111i
A.. C. Barred Rocks 19ct Single
comb \\Init... Leghorn:4 18c each, = • vi....t i•,;se,,,,
for.' March -iind April. Eggs $4.00 .6-, ,,,,.
. '
per 60; $7 () A
.00 per 10. substan-li
' tial reduetion on egt:,s.. anti on orders
of 200 (Mich.; and over, at the farm, E..! .--:lilin. ''''',* El•
• .. Authorize& agent for R(e.al Brood. fit .•
• seee
' 11.11
er stoves, ';ounts, heel hoppers, ete.4 •
A number ef used brooder stoves = '•: .., I
for sale, reasonable. Circulars on
chicks and eggs, and prices on
.. brooders ete, C. G.' Campbell, .\:ii- •.,,,,„--. \'
burn, On. •• Phone, l'ilyth' 10.-24:
, -
-- -
°Jr,- bit week a fitrill al 1550 IVIARCH 1,I44,
close te a prosperous vi11 ago
Willi stoves, chavelles,, Post °Mee
etc, Good buildings,. Terms right.
•' Might rent tis; a good manif not sold,
in ashort tim •
. . .
,Abiter (ost"es,'
Insurance gt Real Estate,
Winghain, Oet, •
J. 0, McEWEN
• LICE:14817;D AUC1IONEE1 '
S•4105 of: Peril) Skirls and Teeple-
- retetts, 1.',..nata>, etc., contlutted
case irtll 81 it 110 dtra lo
Will display a emnplete line of
ladies' and gent's
ii HAIR. G0013S
including Patent Structure
Advice on:'all Scalp Aittlientt
IR( and the use. of InectO Rapid. F..
:11I Phone 1.-/ote1 fed' Appointment,
ic• Limited 7.
120 Young Ste TormitO, Ont et
To dm. Editur Ay All tblot
wingliam Paypers,
Deer Stir
I worldlier if ye ivir lishtened to
wunarnan purtindin she wus goin to
boy a hat arr coat, Shure, 'tis as much'
fun as a hockey match, wid thesalese•
lody throyin to make a goal, so to
shpake, 4e -the shopper on the defince.
Wan hat is tee) plain, the nixt. is too
'showey, .an another is too much loike
wan her nayber is wearin, Wan is
too Young for her, an another makes
her look .too °tad, but above ivirY-
ting Use she mus -ht hey it. hat diffrunt
frum what annybody ilae has, avert.
if :she has to go to Tayswather arr
purigannon tp git it, Faith, 'tis
lucky ting thatmin. are all diffrunt,
err there wud bemore ould bachelors
in the worrtild thart there is at prisint.
Yis, whin a girrul picks out the fellab
she wants, she tinks he is the shmart-
est, an beslit lookin, an koicidest mart
in 'the wurruld, an she asks his ad -
voice about iviryting, but .'hefoor she
has been married to hini a month, she
dirks he doesn't know enough to
shtart the .furnace widout her hilp, an
she has to tell .him whin to Change
his collar. '
I want to tell ye girruls, that :gittin
married is `loike buyin a farrnm in
. . ,
the 'whithertoime, whin the shnow
is on the ground, unless ye hev Iived
besoide it an know,it putty well,
When. Shpring comes ye will niebby
foind ye hev got hould av a farrum
that has a lot av wallet oats .in it, an
nades a lot av improvemenis made
in it, befoar: it Will give ye a daYcint
Evil:,an 'tis the tame way wid min. ,
But, as I said befoor,.: no, two:min
are just aloike, so ye .hey plinty to
Pick frum, an ye den't.nade to be in
a hurry to make .up yer moinds, fer
no matther who ye pick out ler yer-
sill, be is likely to hey wakeriesSes.
tink mesilf tf PurtY good jidge av
harse, but 1 niyir owned wan in
me loife that 1 didn't know mare
about :him either 1 had him a wake,
than 1 did the clay: 1 got him, an
wud mebbyl hey to tbrade him aff,
but ye Can't do that wid min so aisy,
an even. if ye 'cud ye mnight git • a
Wurse wan, at sothetoimes happened
to me'in the harse thradin gar4 till
I shtruck the names av wan arr' two
fellahs 1 cud ininshue aft'rue thradin
lisht. • :•. •
Shurs, 'tis a big.,,,chance• intoirely
ye :are takin „girruls,- so go shlow, an,
moind the slitop soigns.
Your till nixt wake,.
Timothy . Hay.
• (Toronto Telegram)
Ottawa, March 4.7--Whethet the
Government will take any action this
session. of Parliament to prevent
iori of liquor to the U. .S. is a mat-
ter of milky- which will be Considered,
Hon. 'W. D. Euldr; Minister of Rey -
One, statedin the :House ,of Com-
mons this. afternoon. This was in
'answer to a'question by George Spot -
ton (Conservative, North Httroh),1
asking if the °overrun:mu contemplat-
ed any action at this •session as a- re-
sult ,of .the visit of the commission
from United States in connection With
the matter.
• .Go among a company. of the aver-
age x-atepayers where you will .atul
advocate , the abolition of • coality
councils and you will be Surprited at
the number,' of supporters you will
get, The highway question .bas beep
the one agency that has shaken the.
faith of many in the, county councils.
Men who Will agree that .all rnain
,roads should be in government hands,
and all roads leading to a system of
main roads should be Under the
township jurisdiction eXcittSiyely are
to be found everywhere. Administra-
tion of justice and matters ethical:ion-.
al over which the county has control
do not seem to" present any diffiO111-
tiO5 to advocates of county council
ab ol on, • Nohrin g will .bring the
question prominently before the peo-
ple like the unsatisfactory results,.
fibre moncY invested in roads. ' Roads
are the biggest item in county ex'-
penditure and will inytilive even more
money than • At present. The trend
of opinion seems to be that more
value for the .,Money spent itri roads
must be Obtained,-t(1neardine Re-
view -Reporter.
11.1r, and Mrs:,,,A. 1-1. 'Musgrove at-
tended 1110 fun oral 'i, of his rieph ew,
Jack 'Musgrove, in 'Niagara TPalls on
. Saturday.
IVir. told 7&Its, F. Wilkinson, Mrs.
'R..13-, Lloyd and Miss 13. 'Bennett
spent part of last' week with friends
in Toronto,
March came in like a lamb, anrs'o
tar there has not been a lion's roar,
'Cite bright son and temperate winds
have made' a jig dint in the snow
banks, while .ihe toming of early
birds ato tist IL hint filet spring is
not far distant, '
• At the annual Horticultural Con
veution held in Toronto on 'Feb, 14
and 15, an address. by Henry T.
Moore of Toronto, on Shrubbery
Planting is a Hone and 'roWn Beau-
tification was much enjoyed by the
delegates, Qui Society therefore
'Wishes to pass en to our members a
few of these remarks which We laoPe.
tfll ,benefit those interested in shrubs.
through the planting of hardy
shrubs, hoines and towns throughont
Canada are each year becoming Mare
permanently beautiful, Shrubs are
considered More enduring than most
perennials, are useful as borders or
massing together to bide unsightly
backgrounds or fences, They are al-
so mare effective. when planted in
pimps, than in straight • line's.
Hardiness of shrubs, when. planting
Should be considered.. Our climate
has severe winters; and there are
malty shrubs jhst: as beautiful as the
00-lettt:at will stand the Cold better:
than some: we • happen to choose.
Tall shrubs should be placed five
feet apart and medium or dwarf kinds
ite three .and a half 'feet,. • Real hardy
shrubs can be 'planted as successfully,
during Autumn as in Spring although
Spring Planting is usually- More fav-
oured. At the time of planting,
shrubs should be pruned to counter-
balance the 1.c.4 of roots or (lister -
bailee of'sarne. The ground should
be prepared in advance,„well watered,
well rotted manure dug in, but not
used to excess. Water newly planted
shrubs frequently daring dry Weather.
Some tall shrubsuggested are-
I)eutzia (snow flower, Pride of Ro-
chester, white); Forsythia (.golden
Yellow bells, flowers very early in
spring); Spiraea Van Heuttei (white
bridal wreath); also Syringa, Persian
Medium Shrubs: -Hydrangea Pani-
culato ,(white); Spirae Billardii (pink)
Weigelia (Eva Rathke, red); Hibis-
cus (Rose of Sharon) rose, mauve,
earf 'i
ShrubsDl:-japanese Barberry.
(coloured stems, with red berries in
fall); Anthony -Waterer Spirae (cer-
ise, pink).
The planting of bulbs for decora-
tive purposes, by E. F. Collins, Tor-
onto, was also quite interesting. He
urged that all flower lovers would
plant more bulbs so as to make On-
tario's Spring Bloom cause as much
comnient as blossom week does each
year. It was also sti•essed • not to
confine the planting of bulbs only as
a decoration for our homes but to
beautify our towns and highways with
Spring bulbs,
Bulbs for Spring bloom suggested
were: -Crocus, (all colors) planted
on lawns or at the base of shrubs,
are very effective; Chimps of mixed
Darwin, Tulips, early single Tulips,
Narcissus and Daffodils. These plan-
ted between shrubs or arbund same
are . -lovely, and a/so when large beds
of each kind are arranged when in
bloom, are a vision of .beauty.,
Lilies are beautiful , and in • blown
in early summer, but to in-
sure success should be planted in. ear-
ly Autumn. A few beautiful hardy
varieti'es suggested are:-Litium Bat-
emannii (Reddish Brown) blooths in
July or August; Regale, a new var-
iety from Western 'China (large ivory
white) sweet scented, and hardy if'
Planted • in a . faverable location;
Auras= and Canadeuse, two- beauti-
ful varieties.
Lilies shOuld be planted 8 inches
deep and resting on sharp sandy
ground, the ground abbve shoidd be
well cultivated. ,
,Now another word regardieg. bulbs;
sprinkle bone -meal freely on' top of
ground after planting in the Fall, al-
so do not break away foliage after
flowering until it• iS quite dry an'd
brown. When cutting leave as little
stem as possible on flower. This
prolongs the life of the bulbs and :you
will enjoy hetter blooms the' follow-
ing year. '
The Rev, ,"Mr. Tebbs of 'Burlington
will give a splendid illustrated lec-
ture in Wingham on April 86, 'which
the Public is cordially invited to at-
All those wishing to become mem-
bers of the •Horticultural Society this
Spring may do so any time by com-
municating. with Mrs. T. Fens, Mrs.
sere Spolton, Mis, Cr. H. Ross or
Mr. W. A. Galbraith. By joining this
Society .Y.00 001 only reecsre S1)1011(1.41
1,1'01141111S hilt • you greatly benefit
yam' CM 1117111 I Ile larger our
membership, the larger grent we re-
ceive from Jic g-overmuent, This
Grant in turn 55 used for the purpose
of donating bulbs and shrubs and add -
Thew Flower Beds each year to
those that al iTady help to m a Ice
Wingham a beautifullItowu,
Tosave: the Tonsil's, because Mrs.
SybiJla Spaires ton4ilitis. was :applied,
For Cough, Croupy WhooPing Cong,h,
Bronchitis, Catarrh and all •Sore
Throats it works. wonders, Good re-:
spits money, back Whigham
Droggista, ,j. R. Allen, Wtoxeter,
e •
• ••
Thursday, March 7t1i, 1926'
Natives Have Many clever Methods
of Soaring Wild Antmals,
The Sawaras or native iliunters of
Andia have many clever methods of
snaring wild animals,
• One remarkable method, wrLes H.
Oswald Pereira in the Times of In-
dia, is that of trapanning and takint4
'the eheetah alive which, unlike Ste
other cousins, can. be tamed oven
though it has atained Ina tire yoars
This animal, when. it comes across e
bed of leaves, -no matter whe'ther it
be dry or green -is seized With an
irresistible inclination to jump into
its midst and scatter the leaves about
With its hind legs, in the manner of
a fowl when scratching. •
The Sawaras are aware of thie
singular habit. Tbey accordingly
gather a number of leaves of the teal;
tree, on the surface of which they he.
smear it thick semi -Opaque, gummy
substance known to them as "jinta."
But before this they .aseertain the
haunts of the animal, and strc•w tin
leaves in it opot where'they think, the
animal is likely to pass, taking care
to so lay the leaves that the prepared '
sides are uppermost.
When "Mr. Spots" comes along, he
says to himself: "Here,is a fine leafy
bed in which to disport rifStself." So
thinking, he steps on it when his fate
is settled. He feels a leaf sficic on
to his paw and shakes it in order le
be rid of the nuisance; then finding
the plan, unsuccessful, he endeavors
to gain his object by rubbing, it
against his face, thereby dabbing ,he
gummy substance on his nose and
eyes, and gluing the eyelids together.
'By this time he has,probably trod-
den upon some more of the treaeh-
erous leaves. Bewildered and irritat-
ed he rolls himself upon the ground
aud rubs his face on the earth in
his efforts to .get free. By so doing,
Ise only adds more leaves to his 'head,
body and 'limbs, agglutnates his
sieek and shiny fur 113unsiglitly 'Writ
of green, and finishes by hood -wink-
ing himself so thoroughly with thd
leaves that he lies fiounderieg on the
ground, tearing up the earth with his
claws, uttering howls of dismay and
exhausted by the impotent struggles
in whieh he is so long engaged.
These cries are a signal to the
authors of his misery, who run up
to the spot arraed with sticks to one
end of which are tied ropes in the
form of a loop.
The cheetah being unable to see,
allows them to 2cpproach nealtehim.
They immediately slip the loos On
to his neck and twist them tighlt• His
struggles are to no purpose. They,
lead him away and impound him in
a hut.
And, there he will have to remain
abiding starvation and the stick, un-
til such time as he regards his cap-
tors,in the light of masters.
How Wilson MacDonald Stopped the
Lady Cackling.
To the poetic gifts which in recent
years have won him such widespread
recognition, Wilson MacDonald, auth-
or of "Out of the Wilderned's," adds
something unusual and rather un-
expected in any.peet-a rare raastery
of sleight of hand. Not merely is he
familiar with the old-time magician's
bag of trieks,, but he has invented
new stunts, priinarily to amuse chil-
dren, of whom he is very' fond. t
In recent years Mr. MacDonald has
visited almost every important com-
munity in Canada giving recitals and
addresses, in addition to his earlier
explorations in those vast Canadian
hinterlands where audiences are con-
spicuous 'by their absence. In the
Canadian west .he has always met
with exeeptional favor'. • '
• 'At one of his early reeleals in Cal-
gary, however, a wendeefully recep-
tive audience ineluded one woman
who, it speedily became evident, had
WM-a to scoff. She (=pied a front
seat, and so long as he was reciting
his humerous poetry, Mr. MacDon-
ald could still regard her as apprecia-
tive, though somewhat too raucously
so. But when he turned to pathos
the 'Was in the front seat not merely
went on, laugning, but laughed more
Loudly than ever.
A poem that brought tears to all
°thee eyes, merely rendered the, wei-
man yet More htlaricius.
Mr. MacDonald excused himself to
the audience, . descended from the
platform, and stood in trent of the
Interrupted. Swiftly, deftly, be pass-
ed his hand over her hair several
And, then he produced -an egg.
"Now that the cause of the cack-
ling has 'been removed," he said, "we
Will eroeeed,”
Whin he did -without any farth-
er cackling,
:inggests Uceeting Balconies Over
• Sidewalks.
'The • traffic problems of 'London,
;Ike those of all great cities, are prov,
lug mere perplexing ;;,:ear 'by year.
One of the 'suggestions now being
considered is that of balconies for
Pedestrians, attached to' i2.1e floor
lbove the VI.
The:ie Pale vensidered by a member
f 114 4:rya; Institute of British
Veltiteets to be the hest, if not the
11IY, fat solutien of the
:••'7f;:."31,20:t whi(-31 imk (,te iw,r-b(colne
1,111;1, lif'(,!;!`:' 17 In 1,,kludo0'9, :411.00'111re-
. •
('t "511113' along' Regeut
• ret ned
Thn baieeniva, 15ct-led:11 g to Mr.
1:e50rn'11 plam.„ wiiinkl be about 16
wiee and would be approached
r;i11;iM ;;Wia5',14‘ 111101TUIS.
'VON g`,., i r;00 h bridees aeroes
le eieeet interei ('5 (1111, and thug eon-
.sihnte materially towa.rd relievieg
meestion It such poi»ts. As for
objeetion that baleenies Wonld
arken :ground, floor windows, he, de-
e,res hat modern methods of ()lee -
'it. window. illumination render Suzh
ejection futile.
The Worlit'a Workshop.
Belittle has now beconie the
• ••Id'e eti)tetshop for aircraft, ships,
Try this flav ,ury blend
When next you ret• r teal
• 'Fresh from the gar ins'
• Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision will hold its
first sitting at Bluevale, Ontario, on Monday, the 11t1 day of March,
in the year 1929, fOr the hearing and .trial of complaints and appeals
'made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in the
manner provided for by the Municipal Drainage Act, a notice of
such complaint or appeal to be served, on the Clerk of the said
at 10 days before the first sitting of the said,
, And further notice is hereby giver: that anyone intending to appeat
to have the said By -Law or any part thereof quashed, must, not
• later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve notice in
writing upon the Reeve Or other head officer, and upon the Clerk
of the said Municipality of his intention to melee application for
• that purpose to the Drainage Referee, during' the six weeks next
ensuing the, final passing of this By -Law.
. Dated this 16fh. day of February, 1929, •
• W. R. Cruikshaa., Clerk.
Prote t r nate Children's
ealth with ANGIER'S
'FOR. BUILDING present health and laying a firm foundation for
future years -give the kiddies AN9IER'S EMULSION.
healing, soothing, tonic properties make it of utmost value in cases of puny,
delicate children with poor appetites and weak digestion. ,
AlsTGIERS is a palatable, creamy emulsion which regulates the bowels And
improves the digestion. It is taken willingly by children who refuse other
medicines. Doctors prescribe it and nurses and mothers are loud in its praise.
A Dritiah Doctor writes,. "1 hare been prescribing Angier's for the fast 15years
with the greatest success, especially for ill -nourished children." (Sgd)-111.D.
65c, and P.20 -at all druggist's
Head Office
, 1
'Waterloo, Ontario
• 1928
A Year of Substantial Progress
• 1. Surplus 1_,;ariungs .................. .$4,888,816
The earnings' surpassed those of the previous year by
$387,000 and amount to $49.84 per $1000 of assets.
• 2. New Busineis Paid -for i ii -$57,072,790
• The new paid -for business exceeded that the previous
year by $7,291,698.
3. Assurances in Force .............$422,795,453
Representing an increase for the year of $36,080,000,
4. Total Assets • ii i ........ .$98.089,366
Assets represent the book value of the Company's se-
curities and would appear substantially large if curevi
market values were used. • The increase for the yeril is
•, $8,850,000, • .
5. Dividends Paid Policyholders ...... ,$4,752,509
An increase of more than $1,100,000 over the previous year.
6. Surplus Funds and Special Iinvestnlent
• Reserves .... . . $11,853,824 _
Iosuring the continuance of liberal dividend distribution.
7.• Expense .atio ................ , .. .14.27% I.
Again elle expense ratio has been materially reduced.
8. Rate of Interest Earned ........ , ..... .6.36%
. New investments made during the year eXceeded,.
$12,000,000 and, notwithstanding steadily declining
interest rates, the average rate' of iuterest earned is
• well maintained.
Local Representative Wingham, Ontario
1•'''' 1011111,111111
Feriathrough to the finals losing to Mrs.
M't t of play for the 'Ittylor Trophy 'if„ Scott,
emblematic of the Doubles Champion-
ship in that resort. • 11 says:-
"Can an bowlers again dir 711 71 a fed •
itilitilleeleth NC v: ,18illeie(C)11117S1(111 e(t s1)1(4e1:1111:1,tia:ItcVitil'ITI :lit:: 11 \\IV1:1 f)gf, essiliAsji:cfs,)erstiee(31111.°11.1beeii:incai e • n thc 1,oc (1)1sclo:illiaatbevl8ey:
Crawford of Wingham, Ontario with held 10 13c1f-TriTve Poresfy,r8) a1•111.
W. 0, nr0Wile of Toronto, vire-skip; '
Frank I -I, Martin of Toronto, lead and;
Ed. Dougher of Reamsville, Ontario,
took a close triumph 50 ale finals for Mise pi.ed Davideen
the jack Taylor sw1).
wish to thank their friends arid neigh -
The winners, who have swept lbors for their kindness during their
through all opposition during •the trecent sad bereavement.
tournameet, met a Now jersey dela.
gation headed by john Allan of East 1
potion -,VV. A, Notman of Buffalo, .
Mrs, Crawford also reeeived. praise
for the 'play in Harrington singles
tonroarnent, in which there were 82
entries. Mrs. Crawford went right
Orange, with George Smith and E. 5,1 CARD Op HANK'S
S. Wiggins of West Adele Mai,, W
Voting, also of Rasa Orange an41,, iyrorrxso,tejr,:hwnis•i/hvit.aoyth:rtnicci • thfcaitruilltym:yi
it a Ain glee corimetitiOn Statin •
rreSS an& sympathy shown during the
the silos yesterday afternoon,. iiriends and neighbors for theit k.ind-
the nest• day Mr, Crawrord httd a (1"111 of 41' l'clvl"gs 1113815"trid