The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-28, Page 4r-' • WINGI AM ADVANCE -TIMES S Thursday, February 28th, 1929 !I t Y 77-7"'" VAPURE KILLS "ELT" GERMS AND PREVENTS COLDS. A REMEDY—A PREVENTATIVE, For 50c NEW COUGH REMEDIES THAT ARE PROVING EFFEC- TIVE IN 'THE "FLU" COUGH Rexillana Compound Rum, Cod Liver Oil and Honey 60c Gallagher's Cough Syrup :: 5Oc (One of the Gallagher Herbal Remedies) prmar .11.1..41.01.0331010=1.1.1. 'ic IBBO 'S DRUG STORE i WINGHANI PHONE 53. Z 111111111Y111t1t1111i11tllttl litthhttt 1 t11111111Y11111111 ,11t[(11/mot+ rlertY11.01411 r11111Y elf t tl,tt 0111111,M1lt1t11111ttt 111111, t tlttttt THESE WANT' ' t i•i cents a word pet insertion, with a .minimum charge of as c,. ^• tt•u•t11111111./1111 t11•tttt*hitt•ttitn•Iti*41t111111itlltl41101 ltttlilttt111ftlttttltlittit111111 1t1t,1' 111tt v ttttttt11tt4'lt"ttt ttttttt ttttYltt4. Notice to Creditors •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Es- tate of John J. Ferguson, late of the Town of Wingalim in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the fourteenth day t)f January, A.D. 1929, are required to send by post,.prepaid, or to deliv- er to R. Vanstone, W ingham, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the fourth day 1'f March, A.D. 1929, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims. and the : nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veri- fied by a ,statutory declaration, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICF i that after the said ' fourth day of March, 1929, the' said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of > DR ESS MAKING—At moderatepric- es. Will do either at home or go out. Mrs, M. Doig, over Advance- T'imes Office. FOR 'SALE— Oak finished:wash- stand, almost as good as 'new. Ap- ply at :Advence-Times. SALE—labs Chicks, Hatch- ing Eggs and. Brooder Stovee„ O. A. C. Barred Rocks 19c; Single comb White Leghorn 18c each, for March and April, Eggs $4.00 per 50; $1.00 per 100. A substan- tial reduction pn eggs and on orders of 200 chicks and over, at the farm. Authorized agent for Royal Brood- er stoves, founts, feed hoppers, etc A number of used brooder stoves for sale, reasonable. Circulars on chicks and eggs, and prices on brooders etc. C. G. Campbell, Au- burn, Ont. ?hone, Blyth 10-24, Sti61 lCF AND • Stinietnit to Japan Kenna? {.l•t'j ::li..>,1< t�'71^.ne`+` :t1a1n Gar. Ron relents to 111, emery. flee « Stephens, Can - da e : 1 t• t'': n albary: is with. Son - oils 1 v. It . r \f t sey', the tit 1?ail 1 e ..41i3t C raladla tt i : i.. , : s . t 'stat' lilisirialss intut what 'is r. ;dry and wilting to dt v-ote his. time t . 1>u'atle service, ..>;'s the h'oi t t.: Star \ ekey-, Mr y: t pbt no, perhaps, is best knowe as a Mom real business man who for several years u -as chairman of the, Montreal J';arboit Commission: This was his tirat public :envie{ and 1ne dtse'IiFlreed 1. with such ability that the Canadian G: vr'rnnient has never permitted him, since then, to return to St, James etreet. He is least known, perhaps, as a linguist and student. of foreign .affairs, Yet he speaks English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Buently---which is remarkable in a business man— and keens abreast of public opinion in all these countries. Perhaps it was this accomplishment, coupled with his reputation as a business admin- istrator, that eaused his selection for the difficult post of chairman of the Saar Commission, The Saar is a little valley :taken, temporarily at least, from Germany by the Allies. Its population is Ger- man and French: Stephens found that all his arts of conciliation vrere needed to hold the 'scales evenly be- tween tthem, for although technically he was only the chairman of the com- mission of three, yet, in fact, he was virtually in sole command.' Of the other commissioners, one was French and the other German and they sel- dom were known to agree upon any question affecting, the administration of the *alley. Five ears in the Saar greatly en- hanced Stephens' repu.ation and, by, :he same token, greatly- improved the economic position of the little valley he had aduiirtistered- Stephens re- turned home to Canada for a rest and perhaps a resump.ion of business. Premier King, however. had other plane for hien and now ler is to en- ter up;:n a eareer of diplomacy which raae• well iiivoi 'i great services to his country. He goes to Tokio as the first Can- adian :Minieter and he will not only be: given charge over the entire trade. of Canada with the Far Eas , includ- e:: China, the Malay Peninsula and .:cilia, but he will also heve to deal ;On a problem which has frequently :roatcned the, peace of the world -ad witfeh has a1 but dirtied the .ate-smanship of the Empire. H , g r•urt tz uk is to carry out the r•x iusion Relive- of this, Dom - e'en, , yy it h.tut offending. the national eritie of the Japanese, Chinese and he natives of Iniia, and thus so'w- t= the seeds of racial hatred and fu • • wars. It is a task which will quire all his taeen and ability, but :t is etlnfdentiy expected in Ottawa that he will meet with the same sue- 's that he has done in the past. the said estate among the, parties en- titled ntitled thereto, having regard only to FOR SALE -3 dog"Collie olios. 'En= NORSE NAMES IN SCXYJ.'LA:D,. the claims of which they ,shall then; quire at Advance -Times, have had notice, and the said execu- tors shall not he liable for the said assets or .any part thereof to any per son of 'whose claim they shall -not then have received notice. Dated at Winghan this fourth day of February, A. D. 1929, R. VANSTONE, WinC>hdni ,P, Solicitor for the Executors. FARM FOR SALE We offer this week a farm i,i 150 acres, close to a prosperous: village with stores, churches, Post Ofifce etc. Good buildings. Terms right. Might rent to a good ruin if nett sold in: a short time. Abner` (seens, Insurance .& Real Estate, \Vingharn, Ont. AUCTION SALE Farm stuck and implements at lot 22, 23, con. 4, Culross, on TUESDAY, MARCH 5th at 1.30 p.m., 6 horsee. 6 shorthorn cattle, 14 cows and heifers incalf, 10 Yorkshire sows anti all the farm e<Ittipmeet. Terme-7 months credit • with 3';'o discount for cash. No re- serve as owner has seed the farm. Jno, fiery is, .\tett,, •rl<rer, l )unean Keith, proprietor, GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN Ca11ruty----1n I1,,1.1n13:11111nt,ry +.t 1'.clna zabeth, dtauelift'r-et Mr. and Mr-. Wm. Chandler, who departed thi,•. life +)n February 27th. .1924. I')ear God, t1 alt ,lion a in; --- '1'o one wife wails s Why 3- oliden way. ,She dv our •rlt•n, l:+ur bcs't'beloved. \Vithout her till :art' ;shirty days, Whisper that our Marts aro aids 1t11`, In Thy RIM idem nt, ele,vo. Ten her Tliet e 7*lis, hi, alway And y r w ' 1.+; • li<rar t'r*0, 7,Zr i.1tr hat eta 1 Et-, y'ibe ht;tru Oval 741,r 1 we'rev'Y1nlilt... time tnlust .. °t.. tihile. Sadly n'i5r,t: t , ee 1;n ;4(. r seeilso ale , Father e1 rl jet, is :ADit.rXWEN 1L10E1``IS31,D AUCTIONEER ;Suit,. „f: e'•ii'ii meek .1'!,d iltlple•- nent;, Real hetet, , r. , rl,rrelucterl' w t•h iii"ra r1i+431• and Flt 7n+7<k?7•ilil• ehar;tt s. I'liat e 628 r 4, \\'ing1tatn. PARNI FOR SALE l'.ot :No. 4, o11[;. Line, I14au ick, 311. tlri'lt"- itertlt r,f 'WrOtt ter. 109 acres t)ti' lCIt' ultivatr^1, r() aeres bosh. the teet vesture, ()':owl 13.113 c!r ltntt <^, SI'. r 3001'. it:yr,�' ,11111 tic,lt y1 ttta°. 1 a11et. b;ert'1 sttrawtr Ahad ritttl i1nl>i3 rlre•at elle&: ,dkn73i yv Gliller, V `rau<ott'r 1 , 14. No.1, coos:<il le to Tell :Prom Which Paan FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re- finished. Enligarrtjon t'aatte. .. Same 'called'. for and de d Prof. Broger, of Oslo Lxnivcr: i.. livered. shop aboy-e R.:1luiriread's Garage, O. Ludwig. in a lecture at Edinburgh Lnivei '- en,tntl?nted an the striking :fact tont I th'e majority of the place-names i OR SALE—Used :�hr.I lands and rknev were With wringer, m good condition, al a c a O s < e character- A scrutiny of the as \IcClary Pandora Range ,good - Norse farm names.revealed cer- as. new, Ilnchanan Hardware. FOR SALE—Portable saw mill, 3 hunk carriage, 10 in. drive belt, 56 in. inserted tooth Saw, saw -dust carrier, A. Me Purdue, Wingham, • FOR SALE—At • Bluevale Creamery, liluevale, 6 H.F. Gasoline Engine, with Truck, clutch pulley-, suitable for cutting wood or silo -filling, Phone 609•3. LIMI'TEI:) QUANTI'e"Y of Northern Spy apples at $1.25 a hushes. --'o 1 T e a 1a1 , Ph+'nr 40. • I.3 /S'1'—A ring cif keti•ti. Finder please leave at Advance -Times. nibs types of names which had beet. meet used in the Shetlands, Orkne i•. 'el lines lrli(.1 the Hebrides. Na.• . in Norway were not only e'hi-onoloi.:- 'rel, but also indicative of the seciel position held by ,e families in Not -- y, Flirt hOr. tl,.t'ir gee feral. ,i'..' licit was sharply defined, and for. that reason it was possible to con - elude from which lnr'ts of Norway. the emigration was greatest. This proved to have been the southwes.ern emits of Norway (Ag- a der, Rogaland), and 'env northwest- ern (1*Im•u), In t`; ' .igder coast dis riots in 1 reeat years a number of farm sites which had been examiner, proved to have belonged to an older Iron Age, and seemed to have been deserted in the seventh or eighth cen- turies. .They were usually situated in districts which were no longer cul- tivated. In all probability a number of these remains were relies of the el.iigrauts. SATISFACTION -=_If you want this in ell e repairing, or repairing rub- ber:, and goloshes, come 10 our store. Shoes dyed to keep their color. J. A. Haugh. \V'AN rED— . dander. Anyone hay- . 'DRAW 'T./ADMEN. ine. one for ,tile call 'Wm. Elston, ,,hone 6133r5,, \\" \N I FD ---Housekeeper for farm home; widower and *me child. No objection to %V0111 u1 With one small child. .kpply at ,\dvanee-I nnt.. . \\' t\'1'EI)---'1'r, do plain "r<rt•,nte: 31ildren". e'auihes a specialty. Mod- erate price. .\pply at the Advance- Times. • FORCED TO SLEEP IN CHAIR --GAS SO BAD r.'Ni:;lit,, 1 .eat up in a clutir, 1 had such et3eracit gas, I Peek ..\dlexil a and poildne I eat hurts me now. I :,lee,, tinse-Mrs. (.ih nit Butler. Et:"Yt tile I IRS'I spoottiul of :Ad- l_ri' t ..1i4F las on the stoesa•rh silo 1ti1l0''tS 3 4tu11tw11i11;' amount," et old week. tete r fn 'm 'tare 34vs1.+ 1tl. \,3/11, 6... w a i' 1 j 1 1.0. , b Itr t No 11/11/tel:What y`':'4 1''t r'r' t1°,tell if .r ,r 4.11' 't!ittracll.' :{nu h+welt, Ata:* rik:t will *alrj,rl+ea 1v1tiilsbeil's T)rug Store. '•.D t ,11Yy" your' 1 r4 <t r1.. ar1t( m s N Rhe fi rl; Neural m . that dirty appearance fnliclwinl the Toronto Only City in British. Empire That Hite TWO Kilted Reginiertt;., There are probably ' only a very few people in Canada who know that To- ronto Ia,f'3: boast of a very unique die gtestton'in its military establishment, Although very often seen by the in- habitants 1. will be news to most people that it is the only city' in the British Empire that has two separate kilted regiments, writes Jas. Rhine - burgh in the Toronto Sar.. Not even in Seotland can such he seer, for although in that old land thet•eare instances of separate batta- lions of the same regiment in one city yet two separate regiments ai'e unknown in any ono city. Each regiment is affiliated with .s. home unit, the 48th Highlanders have g the Gordon 1ltglllanders anti tTte Toronto Scottish having the London Scottish as the, parent establishment, MANITOEA POLITICS �j► MUDDLED SCIATICA? e r' 0/1C4 gas. a,tn Manitl,ba polities ltayre Dore er usifit Sciatica, ,slits, '1 hranpsntr of ilih3ci llr'', Ont ywlr S nearly frantic with it. Then -1'-Ii C. s 'made her well "Before I -finished 1'131; first box," she 3Sritee, «r had tete grolitcst rt lx f and (Tuiekly got over my pain."' 'I Rt C 's are equally good fey Rheuma- tism, Neuralguit '`> euritiC, Lumbago, Giirrc lc #113f(', No harmful. drugs, 50e end $1.01) at your deuggist'9. 116 ](telt n IATIC cAOStrc.rs expn$l11•e cenneCted witli the to w t'at•lialn1nt 11 ndld,ii4,s,. 111 which '}fon, Robert Rodgers ;figured so promin- ently. '1'hut time it is .the Bracken Farmer 3t,>v4.rt111te11t that is in trouble, Two of his Cabinet Ministers have re- signed, following-cxl)o:mrc 111 connc:c- ttt>11 with the Severr,. Sisters power. rights given to the Winnipeg Electric i"rrrllpttrty. One of the Cabinet Mitt- s admitted belying 400 shares of 1'V Winnipeg ElectricPower -a day or two -before the Government closed the deal, Itt a Royal Commission inves- tigatio.n it developed that the Electric Company hacl contributed $3000 t:o the Farmer Government and the Con- servative party and $300 to the Lib- eral party for election purposes. In this connection . one of the Cabinet ,Ministers figurdd so the two resigna- tions resulted. In all probability the Bracken government will be defeated in the House, and the resulting elect tion promises almost any kind of complications, Elections are not won by prayers, It takes real. Moly, and lots of it to .carry on an election' campaign and this knowledge is admitted by all. Why the reason for all the secret solicitations and contributions that fail to stand the ' light of investiga- tion? Tetter far for the party coffers' to be filled by contributors in the light' of publicity than to have their gifts returned .or a party wrecked when . the search light of publicity shines through, BORN Banks -To Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, (nee Miss Florence Murch), of Stratford, .a daughter, Clara El- eanor. Culliton—In-Turnberry, February 22, to lir. and Mrs. D. Culliton,ra dau- ghter, Doris Eileen. THE MYSTERY MAN LOCATED '1'hcre's another bit, sensation In the air; it was broadcast thru the nation Everywhere When the unrelenting law Almost had its merciless pa On 'that, mystic Orval Shaw; "As it were."' The inhabitants :of Lindsay \Vh'en they heard. Were excited to a frenzy. So they sent the joyful" sound That the fugitive was found, - And the hunters all around Sought the bird. Near his shack he `Sas located As he fled, For bit quickly Vacated_ ,Home and bed; They pursued hint as he ran With the bluecoats in the 'tan But they shot another'man In his stead. Once again they're busy* bating All their traps, And the guards are all waiting At theg aps; They are sure their Iatest plan Will secure the mystery man;' For they'll catch him; if they .can:- Well,—perhaps, T. A. Calhoun. TIMOTHY WINS AT CHECKERS To the Editor av all thin Winghani paypers. Deer Sur:— Wan ,bight lasht .wake 'she 123 is sus wus Out callin on Some new Canadians the shtork had. been afther bringin to' 1.0\1 11, -so I shlipped. upshtairs to see what thim shpalpanes:av Hoigh school byes wus afther doitl, and found thin playin. checkers,' list as I ispic1 ted, I tould thim .they shod be at theer les sans, but they said they wanted to finish theer game fursht. This samed rayson-able, so I tought I wild watch tlrim fer a few nunnitti, an y: arse playin T tank I nivir alt Liven in idishter Habkirk's barber shot',. T: tink the game wus a dhi•aw, 'era if it wistrgc:n't it shud hev beep, fer aitch cyan av them lads played weds.- than the either, . Tleiti a>, 1 had looked over the Ad- vance 'l'oinles purty Weil, and :read Charley Riobertsen's ;spaicb in 'lex- onto on the Hydro.quistion, ata. ergo Shpottoll's in (}:ttayya on 101111riui1, I fought webby it wus 1ne docty to fetich. the Hoigli School byes a few tinge about checker playin, fer wed ye ht lav( it, nit: ther''wa13 av 4tltiru avid y , tree nein on the booed, cud carnet- the ; ether --hitt. he had two. Persist I bate young Banks tb..an. even shtart, an thin I tui. only 1113 mien to his twilve, an bate hint Wirt 11118 I rejuced lnesilf to noine tuin, Ian lilt both the byes put 'theer hefele tr1ti6-thet' an hely to shindy out sk:tnt- lie to d'riatt' alae, but, Shure, they wits- ( sen't • 111 the ,gatnc at all, at all, ne �111c>re than the felia1t was, .tither etc ft 11 eat av telt, aeremlane. Checker, i, a good game an tr rale 10/1111/ ilnprievie, an not bike aldol teal game', Which are so intcrc.titin. to Linin fellates Who are not thrubblccl Ivad el 1•iish av oideas to theer lcadti; I tank whirl a man sits to l)c too Codd to play flit ball;' err hockey, tiro has 11111thago so he t.alt'1 git dnwrt town, a1 r` has lotiht Itis ntt,ttey playin in the 11.ioirrin 1htocltti, i.rr the whale ntarkte lai> ',hurl lain to play checkers, ger, shore, titeer isn't a. more 1n11 ristil game i31 The welt rue<1 barren polls -ticks err 1.(tradin basses, ilia a 0133(3 01' wail uxuryy, Perform t11 1 Car Style,. �.tLow yr ce TT'S here! At our Showroom! The Pontiac • BIG Six .. the ear for people who want Ng - car luxury, lig-car style and big -ear performance • . at lo', price. Come in and see its impressive Bodies by'Fxstaer n . its:ttila:cv of appointments • its big, invitinginterior. Inspect its master-' ful big -sirs power -plant .. its accurately -balanced rotating parts .. its new, silent, internal -expand. ,ng ,four -'sheer psxa fires . > 'lis scores of quality features. —.And prices which come within reach , of almost every -one. Yon must see this Big Sr,. today. It's a car such as oniy General Motors -could build . a vcdars that only General Motors can offer. a-1298 letatIl Degiveaeed Prices Wingham, Ontario. Roadster $1121.00' Coupe _- $1090.010 2 -Door Sedan -_...._ $1111.00 4 -Door' Sedan w...$1228.00' Phaeton -...-...,,.. ::.-$1227.00. Convertible Cabriolet ,..$1218.00 Convertible Landau ' $1295.00 Chassis _ 880.00, :. including standard catalogue equipmentt freight, govcrnmen( toes front. bumper.' rear Etum. por.Eteg, spring covers,Lovejoy shod: aunorbers, spare ore, Tribe and cover and ftiiE task of WC JG B PRODUCT 0 HA OF;, GENERAL. ,MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED ayther fer that rnatther, • The missus is beginnin to git i:i Coit ed already, tinkin. av nixt. July, and the Ould Byes an Girruls re -union,. whin Katie an Nora are plannin to come home from Alberta brixigin theer childer wad thine. I fist legit how Manny grandchilder we hev out theer, fer me mitoory is not what ii: •wnace wus, but the misses kin tell the led wain av her byes Tiln,'an 'I shud- names and birthdays av iviry lasitt ;don't wondher if he shud be Premier yuan av thinurtindin she ka :es thine av the ProWvince yit, We hev the lP P Y M her moind,` whin I 1 now ehe has piel<ters av all the ch;ildei• ;an young . all thim tangs written down on a shlip •av paper, at kapes her mimorry re- frished be rayson av raiditi uli on 'tele Tim looks to me to be the shinartest av the lot, an a Hay in appearance, troo an troo. subjickt iviry day av, her loife. T •undhershtand that Katie has cal Timothy Ilay. Yours till nixt wake, Y31 12rg,anRaar' Old roofs like this are rapidlyybecaminet Ines of the past. yireeroof, permanent ,tib ,toil roofs mean ]owernsurante lathe banish upkeep trouble anti give your building as attractive, epic -and -span appearance., A"oloee•up" ofRibItoll,.showingthesineasp, When nailed. Ibis joint 1$ so titan that 11,15 quite, invisible from even a short distance away.. Illustratiatt shows tile neat and at. active . • which is stamped into the tela W p sheets pattern bn hue roves of 40.tor}a capanitY. BeWere of 'substitutes, There as only one ,:tib Roll. ODERN BUILDING—for permanence„ low -upkeep and appearance --sounds• the death -knell of wooden roofs. The clangers of fire to the'buiiding itself, to other• buihlings and to human life is rapidly being banished by metal roofs of high quality. RE -ROOF WITH RIB ROLL The appearance of this roofing alone has sold .. thousands, Whenever a roof of this material is laid in any district, it immediatelysecures a preference t , end others who are roofing any kind of building, whether it be barn, housegarsg , Shed or , warehouse insist on, Rib Roll. COMIL5TANUARf It is Made to famous "CouncilF 0 L �s1:Avvcah' Standard" . specifications. S. EASY TO LAY ON'NEW ROOFS OR OVER OLD ROOFS The cost of laying Rib Roll is lowerthan that of neariy all other types o4 roofing, kuy man Who is handy with a haziurner can put it on. Its handsome appearance adds pian dollars , to the value of your property. y Send ridge and rafter measurements of roof or roof's in question, for free estimate of cost, Its'n..A4V Get particulars about our SPICTAAL SPRUNG OFFER wnntrnw6uwa MO INTREAL STONfr O T 1 nevi• iY/f11ilfjl?' tt:,"mdi'. •