HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-21, Page 4VAPURE JLS "FLU" GERMS AND PREV;~;NTI COLDS.. A REMEDY -4 PREVENTATIVE. For. 50r NEW COUGH REMEDIES THAT ARE PROVING EFFEC- TIVE IN THE "FLU" COUGH -Refeillana Compound Rwu, Cod Liver Oil and Haney ,,,,,,,,- » ..w ...... .„-,.,...... ..60c Gallagher's • Cough Syrup ., • ..:,...-.,.-_.,., .... 50e (Cute of the Gallaher Herbal Remedies) c I W IN'GHA14l BON'S DRUG STORE ..r.wag Slower P 'HONE *I,* • a lhilli ' 1 'Noway*' \,ttrfi�1m 1n oa fit gift yl -•144 itz*OM14* 1, 46 r1,14t”1114}1V(1010,1itt„YYI,1 Y111Y1,..0 YYt11.1.111,1111t111Y7Y11 t 010tY, YttYYttmollt1Y 1t11t1111,.1111 .1111114414 ...... 1",ittYtI,tt YYt11Y1111t"144' cents a ord pet insertion, with * minimum charge of 25c. TIMOTHY ON EVOWSH N To the Editor av alt thus Winl;haiu 1'aypers. Meer Sur:— Ne 1 told ytt befoor, 'the aatissus won't let me git into any are:mints \old thim Haigh School byes we bev slatayin wid as, •fer fear' 1 may litter fere wid theer lessons, whin I know perficktly well that the young sheet. - panes: heet-panes do be up in Cheer rooitiplayin checkers,' 'whin they situd be dors Over home wurruk, .v course she tinks it is all roight fer thim to go t`o the Arena, feu she sex' they 'node the irei•celise, but ani; own oidea is that Cheer inoinds nade ixercoise irtcare than dicer bodies,, an, shore, 'tis' me- silf that kin give it to. thins. 'Tis only whin the rnisetis is out air an avilain to wan av titian lnay"tins site attitids: that 1 gin a chance to title- wid alewid thinslads, an rho* titins where they .hey been afflict gittin in wrong, so to shpeke, 'Tis quare tings iutoirely the young payple do be raydin these days, 3 as, an they tink it shnaart to •b e shprinele some av theer half baked .oideas on us oulcl fellates, ,es if we hadn't heered allabout thim befoor they ivir came into the wurrtild at all, at all, Wan no:ight thins lads av' Ours got tatkin eveltishun; an asked inc what 1 taught about it,• "An wud ye moind tellin me n'rw" sez 1, "just what ye mane be evulu-. sht?" They tuuld me 'tugs the theory that man discinded fruin inonlet ye, which av course, was only. party eoi- ght, fer 'tis i nesiif that had inanny ".tit.441t4fi41AngY4wttt4tU44nuutu4tlnlnluuut1111.uunu an"4uttt11U111111 41n turn II, lq"Ii.1.11..lo10.1.0..... lnaOmt a `g 1(1(1 S111apc O\', er ivIis ate r Darwin's ,..-Lip-., Notice to Creditors I FOR SALE -2 dog Collie pups, En- rI quire at dv-ancci Tintes. b L !\N 1'1{ le N REPAIRED ;1 \ D re- finished. Salme eaIlett for and de - 1 livered, Shop above. R. Malirhead"s. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suatz't to Section 56,.Chap, 1.21, of the Revised Statutes of .Ontario.. that al persons having claims against the Es- tate of john j. Ferguson„ late of the Town of \\"ingahnt in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who stied on or about the fourteenth day of January, A,1). 1929, are required to send by post, prepaid, Or to deliv- er to R. \'atnstone, \Vingleun, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Executors:, on or before the fourth day of March, r\,1). 1929, their names and addresses, with full particular's in writing of their elaims, and the nature of the seeuri- ties (if any) held by thein duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration, ANT... FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said fourth day of Mardi, 1929, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the: assets of the said estate tnxa`<n;t the Parties en- titled thereto, baying regard only to the -clitints of which they y shall then have had notice, and the said execu- tors shall not he liable for. the said assets or any pact thereof t<1.nny 11er> son of wltost; claim they shall :tot then have received atwtlee. Dated at \Vinghattn this fourth day sal February, A, D. 1929. f', VANS \. lfaa tat 1'. t),, Solicitor for the .Execnturs, Notice To Creditors. IN "t}1t l ti'1 \'i'F a lF ALBERT fiREGC)�t�v. taste ,'r tis, '.1'e+vn of \\ lnkttatatt, int titre t'v"Ik11( of jitirt�t.i, Deceased, NoTxc IS HERXItV GTV1 \, Mur- r .. t },, ,t:." „_..,,....1 .....,... Garage, 0, Ludwig,' FOR SALE.•-•I`cd Washing i Imachine with wringer, in'ood condition, .ton, til - all McClary' Pandora Range ,good g ' as new,' Buchanan Hardware. FOR SALE -Portable saw mill, 3 buck carriage, 10 in. drive belt, 56 in. inserted tooth saw, saw -dust carrier. A. M. Pardue, \\!iitt;haut. SATISFACTION—If you want this i in shoe rtpairin or repairing rub- bers and goloshes, conte to our store. Shies dyred to keep their colts', j. A, Haugh. FOR S 11,E—At Itluevale Creamery, lilnt 'ale, '6 H.P. Gasoline Rugine, with I ruck, clutch pulley, suitable for cutting wood or silo filling. Phone 600r3, 1.t)Si'.—It's Wingham ,.n Saturday, a tire chain for a Ford truck. Find- er please leave at A. I Walker's. 1 t )RSA LE—Quantity zntity of Amber holt- at 5c ptr lb, tc1 e,nstt,tner5 sup- 14iyktt p•ail,. A tint t• ats ttt d.ttit . Feed Slut e. Apply to Miler Casework, \\in::ttant. phone book years aro. "I)iscinded did ye say?' sez T, "Sure that avurrnd manes gout (dow'n, set, ac-. cordis to what ye say, the lituitmi race has gone back on the jawb, loik: Faifa's: pertaties, the year av the poor crop, whin he diidn't git back as , manny as hr phi ted. Ye. byes re- nittincl tate av an ould t ld stint 1 had, who belated ev'eryting she wus tould,..ttI2 .niatther how much differ there titoight be in the way the sante ehtory ticry WUS tould her. She wud always be taken up wid the lasht wan till she herd the nixt. 1 tink mesilf that webby the oidea that tune slltarted as a fish, uioi'ght be mitre ray i ysona bre to some ixtint, fer, share, there do be a lot av Boor fish among min yit.. "kis, an a lot av suckers,who steady v a. the whole hook, lin and sinker, if the bait is (wily timptin enough. 1 wance knew a fetlah who, ivirybody said, drank loike a fish, an I sitlip0c„ ye byes tint: ye her' a whale av e' tonne some - noights whin ye go t::4 the rink. Vis, this lays- of evolushun is a tinny fishy shtury, altot'etlter, w'1011 ye. conic tU tiny •: it. out, an a ;et t• p, ay be Ittt scalev wan at that, lie ould brother Matt. \ranee tonic t1:y'ir is - - rat' .81- a. gmare' craft tar ale sawin ;1 - niiia It was rallt'd' a platipus, an CARD OF THANKS ..had ri (lack's. bill, an twt'bbed late, an -tor' 1,41ttt' a5 a baiver,.an laid eggs. an 1'Ett:, :McKinnon :11it.h' wish t(1 ,u1/4 -1,-,1,:d its young. I suppose, ace'lti•- tate ')1'8iY Stets t*f kindness 's ' tfi'1 11' .111211 ey'oltishtinists (hie bait 7 Fuvvtt to thank their' +riend.s sand nt ighthurs itis • thein 'Curring the sickness and death : tn.t Jilt So' far 011 its i 'uvtltey Up ar' ;trice in that re.;.trd, that alt perauti h a\ in;;' claims tigninst the F.s,ate of. Albert Henry tetegot•y, tvl,o died on or about the first day of January, .k. 1.). 1929, at 't ht' Talwin of Wingitanl, are required to setd by post, prclnaid Or deliver t,' Har..11d F. Itu4 aanan. Esquire, vu\.irlghant, t)'nl.trii�, tlte' .1d- trtinisteatctr ek tthc said Estate, t:tr to the undersigned, 11 t e,r before the twenty-third day of February, .1.1). 1929, their names euId addresses with fail particulars 4+f theirclaitus, in writ- ing, verified by statutory dvela matron, and .the nature of the sc'euritfes; it' any, held lit- them. ,\NP FURTHER T\t:i: Nr,t'1'It'R that -after the said tw •tlty •sltird day Fehrottry \.E) 192i1 h :assets of the rain estate vtil? he tit trthni:,, 1 by the .said Vitt1illi,,Orat,.vr tt:e parties entitled thereto. having re- ard only to claims of which lae haft' then have notice, arra tht' estate will mit he liable tt1''• any claims not filed at the tinte If the said distribution, Dated at NVint,lnion. thes fourth Baty at 1"c'hrtctr., :"417 1929 „i„ 1.1c-SH174RI iii atoll stir Matt tis Solicitor 1" 111 (rF ti(•i. AND' IT IS i1 ..i 7t hti etel ineplements art tr?t ' .;•+', eon 4, C tilt 11cs.;' 011 TUESDA' l'X.�4 CI anti $til,' ;ti •tL.. hoirsaus?. 6 shoetifor'tt rant/e, 14 cows and heifers 'in taitf, ICC Yorkihit e sew, sinal nil the farm egnllotnetit, 'Verne.: •.•.' nloaths credit: yy it#t e'it4� tllst•tntint for Wst lt � r I . 4 W e” It . 1 , iv s +1 n ^l i h to c, ,rlt a Carta, e .a t, t the I'ni W,,s, \tie'tir'P,y,(, r, iltItt01t1i crtlr, 1'.tropeiet;ee. r, d(tvvn, an thin .Hauck Iitere not kiloty- t� in which way it was lhravellkrt. Shute Works Hard, Dances',- I don't belaiwc' in ver evolushun -..idt.•a. Gains 3 Lbs a, Week at all" at' "it, fer there Hasn't been iantty.hange in the ta,ecler board arr 1 1 tti•+.,t t haard, clan. t atxttl hay < 'aix2- r,. V:..a yv.17,, 5lute• tal.itln 1l. filly nerv'utt'ucss is alaitos't all, gone,' ----„Mrs. F. Lang. Vitiol ks a delicious cotitpuuud of cold liver peptone. iron, etc. Nerv- ous. easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vino/ gives new pep. t zz( :.Melt and! a 1)IG appetite. The eery first 'bottle often adds several :pinta d: w eit;lL( tv thin citildrraa air iadults, 'l'aastes 'deliclotas;—_ltcKib- till's t)ru; Stare. FARM FOR SALE l •t N.,. 4. on 11; Line, fiowiek 31-; mile;, north of \Vetmetc r. 100 .acres ;fere etticit':heti. 111 a.. e.r tat 't . tare rest 'pasta -Q. Good Vt0tter ftl,tx t, 9 1 tel;; hard and 5, -ft water, Flank bio" t, straw .lzt'(I and ?Tt'l, t1'IYitttt `s•he(1', \niece, 1liltt'r, \\ro',cler Y\: I. No.1. • (tic #nultipticasliaut table since they .1115 Eursht invinted, an a parse • slltill .a harse, fist the same as he wits ttn(Sands at- years ago. \v: co(lrse ye may hey balky harses rn , Itec'vey basses, an kickers, an cribbers, ,arr .Shetland pones,: arr Ctoidsdalcs, arr 1'zrcherons, butwiry wan av thktn a parse; list the same. "Lave Well ern:tight alone"' wits ood shit) tiatt wifl us 'Tixities in Ykn t - tten elivitt,'an 1 belaive'it is ,nature's .w'n motto. arr the \riuttnin wud be phtntin hugoatia bulbs in the shp'rin', ; apt ;growin gladio1ntzns frutn til im, J'i.st whin we gotthis far wid carr flt', c(tshu n 1 heerd the shtep: tar tlIse +ntssu5 on the verendctb, ,el r timid in such cases. less than fifty people e l turn tit, but when a etlnttnCrner WINCH, M ADVANCE„ tU ES Vt org'e :Spott( y' M P.1 V1lgW, orously Opposes titles i1fr. GIi ORGE SVOTTQN (,(Horth lliiron)1 ' 14tr, Speaker, if .1 eotild be sure that there would be a vote oh this reso- lution I would not even tale ten min- ttt'es of the time of the house, as 1 Propose to do,. However, I just wish it to be known to this Etotise and to. the cpatstitueney which I represent that 1 ata not in a position oven to flirt with this .natter, • This question was settled by my party in 1910, and I have heard no person in 'sty county; or in the pro- vince of Ontario express any desire to return to medieval titres. This. seems to be an innocent matter, when We are' asked simply, to refer, the, question to a committee for eon- sideration, but there nnay be leaders of parties who perhaps discern' the psychology of, the situation: In an old school book there was a verse which read like this: Vice is amonster- of so .frightful :mien, 'As to be hated, needs but to be Yet seen too oft, familiar with' her We first endure, then pity, then embrace. These advocates- may think that this session we will endure, next ses- sion pity and the third session em- brace, • If in niy 'remarks I leave the track, Your Honour will call me to order, but I renteinber.-',a News York taper. tvhkt h, before the .limited States went' into the war, was neutral -so neutral s -s -that :it did net care who licked Ger- many. If there are men' taking part in this discussion who are so neutral. that they do not care Who restores these title, 1 Yztust say once and for all that I ant supposed to any such restoration. 1 have been in this .house only a short trine, but I ha'r'e ate\Ter seen the 111e leader of 'the admini- stration seiZe with Such avidity upon any suggestion n 1 coming from this side of the house. 1 have seen et. the .Grime Minister, in my . own Ctinstituenev smile blandly and serenely on two Men speaking from the same platform at the saute meeting, one /baking a free trade speech^and the other plead- ing t a d inwg fan protection, As fax as 1 ant concerned I propose that my people p p shall know where I stand, and I will not be a party: to pulling the :cites - nuts out of the fire for this admini- stration. In 1919, when men were rendering the greatest 'service mien could' ren- der their cupntry and their empire, this house did away with titular dis- tinctions, presttnnably ,almost unani uwusty: In my constituency, 142r. Speaker, I have mothers who have' given one, two, three, four and five sons for the empire, and 1 will never vote that they shall bow the' knee anti call somt, outer woman "lady." The mothers, wives and the . laugh- ters.in my constituency are ail ladies,' and they never shall • be placed in a lever class than that of some other lady :who happens to be'..tarried. to a roan who; for reasons best *nowt' to himself and to those who confer these titles, has received stick a dis- tinction. My. Mother, my wife, my daughter; the mothers, the wives, the sisters and the daughters of 1113' Cori- stitueney 'shalt never say that .I cast my vote to place them in a , lower class than any other woman in this fair :t)emtiniott. It may seem 'to be an innocent ..otter to refer thisgttts- tion ne to 11 •f it 2 ' l d tit latticebut \' We have -t tttetttber of this house bringing for ward' another - innocent resehtti€in' to change the old Union ;tack, Do you think, Mr. Speaker,. I could vote for any. stall recotnnaendation aid still Play fair and be honest with the peo- pEe vr<•ln rlectett tine? In arty co'n- stitue'ncy they . dei not take stage fright even .whets. t'hre,e,' four, or five cabinet ministers attend a meeting; the byes that they half bttttlter hue- . ue- t\It ai. FARM FORS SALE e is theer room, an we w'tid tncb'by .comes along as few nights later he is 1'l e t t'i 1 iY -r, pt4tt .c, t l,.ir tY • wC .v ", e up the 'sttbjkkt ae,itt at some 1 I, >+rtrt,(,ft by 300, 400 tlr dt)tl people,. i' .tnyt'Y tit:'1tin - tere has been waste laboured otitis tilt i Sit wake. went about foreign kings and potion - Timothy I et tata'.� .. r't6ttl13L tithis to Canadians. 1 t think thatmatter w is t;titly (halt' tlti, t.;:e ;~~utttll tial,.,, 1 --i with in 1919, mid if the ti 111.tit „f. tie, til y, `.,t; t airy l at - 1 Ttri,key wishes ttli'.bestow any titIe. t: w...; tit#stir t1( talc: 1, •";f Lttt+t;.t' d.eorati(.n .in any tilt ntber if this }» n 1 1_ir •n' belh Et;7::tit 1.•al-• f tit 1st .: he c'tt {t t t, Ili-. sounding Z.“`,..`,$;.,' ' i,;'1.1,,U, #1 iI'r tt.t ant? i u' .11,til l:i tl,nf.i;ix Cc r t ,t p„ 1 r,' p ^en ,t.1�„ry t� 171t., 1 ,,t et Lill " s . tit. . '0 0 1:11V. :fi;.;tit' , .1 i':. ?r. rioll:e and L£chleit witht .a straw. . • tie ai 1 i1Y i,: tw\' tigll.,ni. so: tit the novi. r are to be tial i t1 ±s,e,y wish 10 tvtur their tit'CIt' hits( prCS,ritt e: lrt'i 1. . t1.<-• 1 t,ewels: ahl_#tat ihetYr tYC4'le,u I 11t:tF btlaw WFr ea.ned Int.+, i"li, lfati'a` Yt,y 4.bieet'It't, but in ?nit' t'11ft hit- tit•., C:?' i i1 fyin iiidt',d woesthe l't''- t 1.IIt"•y" lack is as 1ge,trtl 1I' tit 11,0-••' f, 11f 'IN! 'li \\I ngh:t+tm: ,. t'r'y'' : tt<ai' tile, clay rat pray,..r: service 111 F tItt,ll i; -<it r,tl,t: Ul, nri4re 'o thtl Mrs. 1,1, em , : the i.iaap(ist church:- on Friday tast. i time of this 11011.0. Thi,tlartrs- r 7 }. i_presided E 1s r , atli. >e L t" 1, �r Pt _ltrr Anderson and wv us #lean,¢? suecess.in. raising gliati, anti the display in her ,~stied rr it . �. upt4,44',.,tat, :.eti "rnag t IYr'.ta'we... 'W itt,t1ta'r t is in the ettf( vatillt of utast' rlcne.- t. . itr� Yr' "1t t t,+'iq,rit ltta,y:<n5 s.tYatYf!: rt:irlrt ,ta, ta'a: wi?Ir kite+arr tltts e1ln itnf: ,1,o;ts4'.1l !Us `rite, lass w«I,rt ,r,)0' tk tilb¢ 4r,a"silttilt t a' t'il t 1st' int• t i.tint retitii.=,1Yt. A ' will all toot.; i w ,ir kt rtttls.1llkt''I I B'Z Ica t't.4ttlts. assisted by 'Mrc, Atv, J, fle dt;i'su11, •\ 'rWillis; , IndInd., , .k... WI yc;Wt:raLt ladies t offer cal it'4vocatic)nt( for the betterment if rlcl tatted ll`r,r the coming of t ;dor op earth, Mrs, Kine• arr, the ccuriae, "Eie �t ti t S: t e)` Ct1Y 'l "�E'�r, � C L r "f "tactic;" a hymn ntwst stir otnIte ' b e "44 Iris :it prrate�.f art same cid to oat ectal trv4'i" $10,00. r t4nt1 1-it1 w,'{YTcar as :11.041: 0( of histor,/ aright speak 91r st1111,' (11111', but in `tttlaatta \ce tl<ave the title's of -Hon- Iratblc," and "Right It<tu iulattslc.°`• tiir.ter" and "Esquire," and, if the k t "Mister" is not good enough for IIY man he eau taae1 "Esquive atf'ter. his name, tit t,. 1sT, name the ' " Itte of the ncrtsl'e t n. ,Ind a xncn awl wv+;itttert 1rt: ttiy con,: stitL(Ct1(;y1 the deseetittt&tits -of the teal malters ofCattatclst the descendants of. those early pioneers who fought the great battle of the forest--- Those worthy sires who bore The day's first heat, their t:oils are o'er, Rude fathers' of a risiltg land, - Theirs was a mission truly grand, :Brave peasants;by the Father God Sent to reclaim the stubborn sod, Well they performed their work and won Altar and Berth for the woodman's Son— con only: say that until the. gov- ernnient of Canada raises 'Memorials to .those pioneers and to the men who fought' and bled in Flanders; and to the mothers who spent the sleepless vigils at home, 1 shall not be a party. to granting any titular distinctions or creating any caste system in this fair fominient Of Canada, Would pour Sessions of County Council unci1 Be An Improvement? Thee. Hu e County Council has three 'regular sessions "each year --in January, Jung and'Decen'tber. This means that in the long period from January to June, and again front June to December, the council is to a great extent out of touch with the affairs of the, county. At the January ses- sion new members tire just beginn- ing to get acquainted with council doings, ; and ;in December moth- of thein have no certain 'prospect of be- ing back for another terns; so :hat it is only during the few .clays of the June. session that the Council is real- ly in the saddle. The suggestion' is ivacle that the council should rit'.et nnnre'frequently, say four time a year, as in some other counties. • In the neighboring county of Wellington the council meets five times a year, The question Of cost is to be consid- ered : as county councillors receive an allowance for their attendance at meetings, but instead of having three session cif four days*each the council might be able to get along with four sessions of three days each, and at the same time maintain a better grip upon the county business_ The pet - icy of three sessions a year was es- tablished in the old days when people travelled by train and a trip to the county totitn froin spine of the more distant townships took considerable time; but now that automobiles are in general use a trip from the fa Thursday, February 21st thest cornier of the county to Ctticler-fit is ekpcctecl :to ich is not a very serious matte,. !work this year . To Be or Not To Be - That is ;The Question? Is Wingbair to have an Old Boys' and Girls' 'Re-Uoiori to coirmemor- ate the Jubilee Celebration of the in- corporation of the town, or is this important incident in the town's tory to go by d.e,fatilt?' After a lot' of talk an organization was found to carry out the project, .committees ap- pointedto perfect details, and then ATM as the work was nicely under way, the whole affair ' seemed to crash for reasons that cannot be readily ex- plained. lt looks tike lack of co-op- eration 011 tate part of some of the committee, at disinclination to give their time for this purpose, and a lack of team play may wreck the whole. affair. There is a very strong sentiment in favor of the proper ob srrvance of the town's 50th anniver- sary, and many are in sympathywitty a suggestion put 'forth a year or soy amoo, that the town council should sponsor the movement, or at least be ;behind it. if the present committee find, it impossible to function -with 1.it.ny degree of probable success, it is !not yet too late for the Mayor to 'take the initiative in calling for a pub - !tic meeting andput the movement, once more under way. THE LADIES SHOWED HOW Over one hundred attended a Pro- gressive Euchre in the 1. 0. 0. IF_ . Hall .on Friday evening- when .the 1929 proceed with the 3 ,5174XStt'Cii(:a ARTIST. Learned to Sketch as 11e 'Worked so, a Checker. Charles Comfort is the youngest member of the Ontario Society s' Artists, and Atte of the, youngest evert enrolled in its membership. He int successful Man at twenty -sewers,, ante is • considered one of the best om mercial artists izt Canada, At thirteen, two years after .eo to Canada. from Edinbure:h, he Stoat ed to work .as water -boy for ti road. paving gang in Winnipeg. Promoted - to checker, at a factory mantllacilns+-. ing'~road-ma1<iiig materials, he Snit drew artistic' interest by sketching St.' .Boniface cathedral as he worked. $s, could seethe cathedral through his window, and while he stamped checks with his left hand heheld a sketching pencil in itis right, ants be- tween e-tween ehe eking wagon -loads, exew- the cathedral. Comfort was the eldest of a large family, and it was a parental sacri- fice to utae iir•to`acrept tit. $2 -a -- week Job, when he bad been making. $3 a day, but ho took employtut:tit. with a' large lithc,graphie fiimt in To- ronto on the advice oi' the manager of that :tlrnt. Two years later, the. ex-waterboy .von third pz iz in a nn-- ttnna l art cotiiltl+titMu. \'1'' , t1 the. 1110110y he wet. ,u N art. Lint year, the N1011:_ .tit Cl _... y' at Ottawa 111100t d tlt:• F i —a lingo vatol, -tits 11 >y 111 "' and a ('011 111'illt, 'lJ•(' t. .. .. fort is a atiymber cif 1o1.an,, aza :Ilan ?ite1t'ty" . 111115. ('011t1)'•, tit r', a i, .i :I'd .11 wives of; the members entertained. r t And. all those Iitele feminine touches that go to make a really enjoyable evening were in evidence, front t'.e gracious reception at the entrance of' the hall, the ,complete arrangements for the entertainment of their guests, and for the elaborate luncheon at the close. Messrs, T. MoK. Smith and T. Hughes won the gentlemen's priz- es, and Mrs. A. M. Bishop and Miss Mary :Pattison were the fortunate winners for the ladies. IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED Wingham United Church officials: at a meeting- on Tuesday tentatively. adopted a plan to spend approximate- ly $16,000, in a new pipe organ, kit - then, ;Sunday: School room. and other Part f f r , Pia�..I She offers her healing herbs' to stop sufferir'zg When America was- wilderness, Ind and,i were using herbs successfully. From,; the oRetlmen, 50, -..,.rears ago, ,Tamest' Gallagher learned itc rllal S(reef,s and: con -nem -Wed Gallagher's,Herbal House -- held Remedies. His fiamout t<idney- lb teledy has helped many a: sufferer" from Rhetnictism. This fine, time -proved remedy, drawn:: frw+m the heart of. Nature, heals and cleenses kidneys. Quickly stops biwk a, dizziness and other nagging kidney and bladder ailments. Try lid .For sale by 31 McKibbon's Drug ;Stores` improvements. If the people coica• Harriston and Wi ng arn: +d.. the A Conipitf to and Authoritative Presentation of this sensational car, illustrating g b y motion pictures the features and qualitiesWhich snake it a BIG Ste, Presentation Pontiac ac llttcrested >it1 i it, be a eche by ory epreser .talire. autonobile progi eritl �^iAe'cita.l one should' WEDNESDAY, F . ,Y ify . 3.00 p.m. In PontiacSales, Main Street (Oy a1 . ns gq Mr i7. rr ROWN, dA d q�.li`tl llr .....