HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-14, Page 8No. 636, Price, less tubes and Speaker $300 Noteworthyin. adio Tonal Excellence—that fidelity of reproduc- tion which has always been the distinguishing mark of Stronaberg-Carlson Receivers. Selective --separates stations readily even Itu areas crowded with broadcasting. Sensitive—brings in distant programs, even from stations in the high wave channels, which are given extra power. Balanced. --through the use of the Hazeltine patents and total. shielding. Two -fold Entertainment—plays records elec- trically through the Receiver's audio system, with phonograph and magnetic piek.np. Handsorne—cabinet ow and graceful, follow- ing the modern treua Lome decoration. Arrange for E."2,y0LT ut, THE W. CRUICKSHANK, WINGHAM, ONT. Radio Station 10 B.F. SH • (T.t. 44,7 t. onsmioamr P WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1IN STEP WITH ST.• HELENS BEI„MORE 414,t For children's bronchial and chest ailments --no finer relief than Veno's Lightning Cough Syrup, --i Children love it. • v.lis CANADA'S PROGRESS ' . - ----- __ 1 The Y. 1,, 13, C. of the united , ',rile day of prayer will be observed STATEMENT OF THE DOMIN- C•Itureh are planning a St. Valentine's in the Union Church Friday after" ION BANK ESTABLISHES A I SOcigiI for Friday evening, February neon. The Mission Cirele will meet NEW EECtz)ED.....DEposyrs 15th. The special feature- of the at the manse Saturday afternoon. SI -IOW GREAT INCREASE ‘ meeting will be a Mock Trial- I Elders and their wives were enter- -CURRENT LOANS AT A Mr. F. G. Tedd attended the con- ;taiaed at the manse Wednesday after- I-IIGI-1 FIGURE — NET vcntion and banquet of the Aberdeen- noon. EARNINGS ALSO AT "Angus Breeders, Association at Tr'l Miss Katherine Foster has returned NEW PEAK I onto last wee.k. ' to her work at the general store,. , ta !her daughters at Fergus, Guelph and, cousin, Miss Irene Mundell. Mrs. R. 1, Woods is a visitor with IVIiss 'HazeMer l undell is visiting h The S tem e..n t of The Dominion Bank, as had been atitiCipated, records Galt.I . Minnie Jeffray visited Thursday at a year Of great growth and, advance -1 .„, : We extend congratulations and best Robt,'s at the. brick yard. meat. In every department progress iwishes to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Car, l' We don't agree with Timothy Hay has been made and neW Peaks have I ter( formerly 11/liss Lena Durnin) who at all, at all/ '['here may be a license, been attained, in total deposits, total retnrned from their honeynioon on l for selling booze„keeping , a dog, rim - Ig , assets and in net earnings. ,i'Saturday. but . rtina car aal getting married While the Bank's' statements. over Mrs. Geo. :McRoberts Iv visiting as for hunting deer, the majority of the last. few years have shown iro.,. this week with her brother, Mr. Edithe yOung men in our community are provement over preceding ones, that IHaines, who in not improving as fast hunting dear and it don't cost them for the calendar year 1928, now under las his friends would like.' la cent. review, shows very marked ad4ance. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson moved Total deposits are very much high- to Lucknow on Monday. Mr. Gibson I' er than ever before. They appear at intends going in with his brother in $115,340,000, an increase of $6,580,000 the implement business. during the past twelve months. The growth in the Current Loans , in Canada strongly reflects the grow- th in industry and the assistance giv- en it by the Bank. These loans‘ total $62,668,000 and have expanded by $3, 406,000 in the past twelve months. Reflecting' the increased activity in all lines of industry and commerce, the Bank's net earnings grew to $1, 408,000, the highest in its experielice, and over $So,000 in excess of'the earn- ings in the .previons year. After pay- ing the usual dividends and a bonus of one per cent. totalling $78o,000, provision was made for taxation a- mounting to $x76,000. A contribution was made to Officer's Pension Fund of $50,000, .$250,000 was written off Bank Premises Account and $152,000 added to Profit and Loss. The bal- ance carried forward was $272,000. Total Assets stand at $1524805,000, an. 'increase of $.11,000,000, over the previous statement, The Dan's re- sources are in an exceptionally liquid position. Cash Assets •at $32,260,000 is 24.24 per cent. of Public Liabilities, while immediately available Assets • are $77,470,000 or 58.21 per cent. of Liabilities to the Public. • BLUEVALE. The youth of the vicinity enjoyed themselves Friday evening at a par- ty given by the Doig young people, RAPID CITY The Orangemen. of Rapid City and Lucknow, were well represented at Mr. and Mrs.' Anson Thornton of Gorrie were visitors one day last week . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Thornton Mrs. Alex. Mowbray and son, Jack, were visitors last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mes- ser. Mrs. Charles. Bosman was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Messer. Alfred Ritchie and Harry Champ - Miss Irene Mundell, of Glennanan, ion of Lucknow spent Sunday with spent a few days last' Week at the the latter's sister, Mrs. Gardner, here, home of Mr, and Mrs. John Mundell. The Orange Dance last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington was well represented from. our burg and son, Carmen, were Sunday visi- and they report a full hall, fine night torsat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, 'and Steeper's Orchestra as supplying Johnston, xst Lint Morris. . lthe best dance music they have heard Don't forget "'the St. Valentine's ,in Lucknow for some time. Social in the school room of the Un- ' Miss Alice. Thompson spent Thurs- ited church, Thursday eVening, EV- day last with bet sister; Mrs. 'Win. ery one made welcome, Lunch ser- Golian, of Lucknow: ved. . • Miss Margaret Campbell of Rapid City spent last -Week with Lucknow Mr. Hall of Brussels was a guest over the week at the home of Mr. friends. the West Bruce County L. 0. L. held in Ripley I. 0. 0: F. Hall last Tues- day, bros. Jas. •Irwin, Geo. McKen- zie, John Miller, :Wm. Webster, Mark Gardner and Win. .Gollan attending the meeting. - Mr. Geo. Brick spent a few days last week with friends near Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cook visited with Mr. and. Mrs. 'Sam Avery of the 4th Con. Kinloss, last Thursday. and Mrs. William Duff. G -CA - . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elliott and STEOMBERRLSON IM GOT SIX MONTHS • • :family were guests on Sunday at the i PROVED LOUD SPEAKER . .• l home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. 1• • - Utili7in a new type of audio sy- John 'Wilson, jr., of Greenoch, manufactures a bit of home-brew Whiskey, and a few weeks ego .a 157 year-old boy died after drinking some of the product. The law stepped in and sent Wilson down for six mon- ths on a charge. of illegal sale. Wil- son ma. -y consider himsebf mighty for- tunate,: In Toronto, a couple of youths received 7 years in Kingston Penitentiary for attempted robbery and hold-up M a grocery store. In Western Ontario a Motorist got a pretty stiff sentence for knocking a downmao withfatal •eSults c ni- parison with these .cases Wilson g,ot land Mrs.. E. McDonald, at Wingham, - g stein and for the first time in three ' Miss Hazel Mtindell is spending a seasons building a loud speaker into few days visiting at the home of her a console model, thd new No. 638 re - cousin, Miss Irene Mundell, and oth- . er frierid.s.. I ceiver, which Stromberg-Carlson has I just announced is of more than ordin- Mr, Will Mundell left for TOrontol ary interest. on Monday, where he has Secured a - i , The new receiver employs three good position. , stages of tuned radio frequency am- , 'Mrs. Will Johnston left Tuesday plifiation, a detector and an audio afternoon for her home in GladstOne, system which uses two UX,..171. tubes Mao., after • socncling a Couple, of in multiple in a specially designed out „months at the home of her parents, Put stage tremendously increases roil Mr. and Mrs.. Tho. Stewart. - . distorted output. This great output, Church Service at the United Chur- coupled with the inherent ability of t, Thursday, February 14th, 192 • Thursday, Friday, SaturdaY, February 14, 15, 1 KEN MAYNARD — • "The Wagon "Show " Monday, Tuesday, VVednesday, February 18, 19, 20 • BELLE BENNETT In — ” The Devil's Skipper By Jack London. very low musical frequencies, produe- SCHOOL REPORT es, engineers declare, r a quality of re- production that has never before been attained. ICTOt at all„ the least rea- son for this tonal excellence, they say, is a distinctive and entirely new method' of baffling;the loudspeaket, which, does away with a great degree of ,the usual -disagreeable cavity res- onance for which dynamic speaker,re- productien has been noted, The receiver tunes with a single il- luminated selector and only two oth- er knobs are present .,on the panel, the "off and' 'on" power supply switch and7a volurne control. The volurnd control possesses a rather unique mechanism whereby an elec.-- troLinagnetie pick-up outfit is auto- matically connected into the circuit, when the volume 'control is turned counter -clockwise as far as it will go. When it is desired to change back to radio, the volume control is simp- ly turned to the right or clockwise, and the pick-up is connected and the volume control itself begins to func- tion. The cabinet is built entirely of wal- nut and both the operating panel and the 'dynamic speaker may be closed from view by means of walnut 'doors, The new receiver is made for. both A:, C. and D. C. 'areas. FOSHAY INTERESTS • PURCHASE CARGILL' POWER PLANT The Foshay interests of Minnea- polis, strengthened their position, in Bruce County this week by the pur- chase of the Cargill Electric Power plant and also acquired the water U. S. S. NO. 7, Turnberry. Following is the report for , the month of January. Those marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examination. Sr. IV—James Weir 7gVo. Jr IV—Chester Coultes 66% Or- ton Grain 64%. Jr. III—Flora Coulter 8o%, Janet Coulter* 73%, Normin Deyell* 65%, Kenneth Currie 60%, II ---Isabel Coulter 8o%, Dorothy Deyell * 73%. I—John Norman * 70%, S. S. No. 3, Culross. V—A. Si inp so n pick, John Norman 86%.. McKenzie Sr.IV---Tsooksanna King 72%, Jon Jr W. Caslick 88%, M. Simp- son 86%, G. King 85%, G. Moir 57%, M. Burdhill 47%. Jr. III—Josephine Moir 75%, W. Pickell 75%, Aleta Caslick 55%. II—G. Falconer 7o%, Joe King 67%; • jr. I—Patrick King 85%, * Mary Simpson 79%, Mabel Walters 78%, Bertram King 57%, Raphael Morris 37;,/or,. P,r.—Edia, Moir 72:910/001.0; Elda Cas_ lick 77%, Frank McKenzie 70%, eVr- onica Morris 59%. Jr. Pr.—Erma Caslick, Rita King-, Loretta King, Franklin Pickell, Hugh Simpson, John Walters, * Joe Fal- c9Nnetr: on roll -3L. • Evelyn :E.onise Gibbons, Teacher. system of the village. . It is under - Stood they will scrap the' plant and See the New Essex—The Challeng, link up Cargill with the other' towns er—with 76 improvements, now on display in J. Fryfogle's show, - room's. c.11 will be held at xo.3o a.m., not at the dynamic speaker, which tu and villages on their power lines.— off very easy. TO a.m., as announced last week. into the console, to reproduce the. Teeswatet News. 4.11.10. 111 111 111 111 111 111 311 to SOMMIUMS 1111 MEM 1711611BMIN 1151IMBN ESIEMB/11111111 • 1111111111 10, Genuine Bargains of Outstanding Values in Every Department. 1111 Women's Winter Coats a Lovely Coats of Broadcloth, Suedines, an,d Blin-Blin Fabrics, richly trimmed with Wolf, Sab- • le, Opossum and European • • Lainh 1/5 to V2 off. a to Misses' Coats, Clearing• 7 - ▪ Come early for these, each $5.00 ▪ 111111•MOMMI.1111140.111•MMINIOMORMSooduliSMONMSIONFo. 111 Silk and Cloth Dresses a Reduced ▪ Satins, Georgettes and. Plat • Crepes., Sale Prices a - t2-3,75 and • Jersey and Cloth Dresses, Pe. bruary Clearance Sg.S5 U • Beautiful Fin Coats • a A voonderittl selection of coats Persian ,Lamb, Hudson Seal, • 111 Muskrat and French Seal, rich. 14, ly trimmed with contrasting 111 Furs and beautifully lined, Peb. ruary clearance less 20 to A064. '4401/MiNing•IMONOlt. 0 , 111111ENUMMISIMMEIMMIIIIIIIIIRSERNMERINIIMMEINERNI dip e Continues to Ingham •I Come in and Share in this Bargain Festival. • Fine Shirks, $1.95 to $2,5o grad, • 1.1.1•1111011.010104 15 Women's Coats Regularly . priced to $35.00, your choice 5r5.00 • Misses Spott Knickers, per pair for , Light weight Silk and Wool Dress Materials sale ,,, . 4•111•10* Silk, Flat Crepe acid Satin Fac ed Crepe $3.5o quality for $2.89•IMMOMMINIIMMINN Highland Prints, fast colors 23c romiusromasismsseMaii' ,:1111114.1111 All Women's and Children's Underwear reduced, • $6 50, Cut Velvets ..... mormoilwrioseerteialliohoriolge....noemenewisiworiomel Gossard Corsets For small wotnert Regular $2.00 to $4,5o lines Pebrua.ry Clearance of Pink and White Satins Step -Ins 6oc 5 yds. colored Nainchecks. .... atic Frilled Curtains Plain or fancy trim frills, per 'pair - 79c and 890 Children's Dresses Regular to $S.00, February Clearance Extra Value in Parasols Assorted Colors. Regular $3.50 for ........... . . .......$2.49 Reg. $5.00 for - $3.49 Regular $7.5o for $4.95 • These are substandards with only slight imperfectionS:. Dress Flannels, $2.00 Quality, Sltle • gainbOW Crepe-de-Chene, 3,9 in. width,i 4 shades') sale -.41169 14 off.all Children's Fur Robes. GROCERY SPECIALS '3 tins King Oscar Sardines 490 2 lbs. Thompson's Seedless Raisins 240 2 lbs. Choice Dates 21c. 5 lb. Pails Corn Syrup to ib. Pails Corn Syrup 64c Bordeaux Walnuts (halves) 54c 2 tins Sliced Pineapple , 290 5 lb. pail Pure. Clover Hodey for , 59c 3 lbs. Blue Rose Rice • 25c 75c Green Corn Brooms .....-.390 9 bars Castile Soap . . .. ... 3 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, (MediUm) . . . . ..... .480 McDonald's Brier Tobacco a bars P. & G. or Pearl Nap- tha Soap • ` McDonald's Crown Tobacco toe 20 Bags Dominion Sugar, per bag at . .. .. •$5.89 See our Remnant counter. Substandard of $x.25 Hose, in Sands, Greys., Blacks, sizes 9, 91/2, to, sale ...- 77c Extra values in Scrim and Mar- quisette Curtaining, Cream, Be- nte and White, February Clear- ance ,per yard ......... ... 25C Madeira Linens all reduced ao% Wabasso Pillow COtton 40, 42 and 44 inches wide' at 36c and 44c aoo yd..Cotton Spools each....5c 35c Check Glass Towelling 24e 320 Anderson Gingliarns 250 Ibex Flannelette Blankets x2/4, White or Grey . . ... .. , .. Flannelette Bloomers, regular 85e, for , - 49c • Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs less ao%. Your choice of any pattern. xoo Rag Mats, size 24x28 3 North Star Batts, lb. size $x.00 'Men's Suits , Regular to $35.00, Special for this week at $x6.85 Tweeds and English. Wors- teds in the lot ' Extra Quality 'Braces 49c $5.50 tb $7.00 PUllovers Wind Breakers and Men's Tweed. aid Navy Overcoats • • Plain and Belted nicidels, reg- ular up to $35,co, February Clearance . . . es, sale U.55, 2 for $3.00 •NI Good Warm Work Sweaters, on 1 sale at $1.98 Odd- Trousers .... $2.69, $3.49 Lined One Finger Mitts ........49C 111 Navy Ovemoats Young Men's and Bilays' Navy ig Overcoats, belted models, great- • ly reduced $12.00 and $x7.5o •111•01E.....00111111010•0 OleNlIMI.11101.1111 Bargains in Work Shirts TurnbUllts Natural Underwear, NI all less eo% 1111 Llama and English Soeks Blue Label Shirts .atiti Drawers IN $2,19 x(x) 1VIen's Caps . ... . . •A tntrct of reguiar 'itge Vfroc>I Socks, 3 pairs.4x.00 1111 . , 1 'T • Hundred of Other Hartgains. laity New and Save hiloropy ,on Every IPtirehaise, • . wiN, "Lir m • .. SO 11 NMI u INIMIIILMONNIMUSSONOMMOMMMONISMSSOKISSIOVINIONIONSMICOMISSIHMINSISIESSIONIIISOSIONIIIIIIIMOMINIMOIMMOOMMINOMM