HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-14, Page 3Thursday; February x4th, 1909
dyes of Blue.
--true to you
Eyes of Gray
--love while away
hat'are YOUR eyes
saying to -clay:'
Your ,eyes have no voice, but
they speak - they show moods
and temper. They, do more, they
show your physical condition.
Are they clear, bright, sparkling with
health -,or dull, with a yellowish tinge
to the whites?` This yellowish tinge,is
the -signal of intestinal sluggishness-
autointoxication and liver trouble. Don't
neglect this warning of poor health to
Try rt regular daily
course for a short 4 Vegetable
period. Y:oureyeswill Pro e
tell the story.
Read about Character from the Eyes in
future Beechattt Advertisements.,
Sales Agents:Harold F. Ritchie et Co.,
Limited, Toronto. 824
Prayer -Matt. 6:5-13; Luke 18: 9-r4;
I John 5: 14, 15.
bee, The Jews usually had ,prayer
"`closets" in the upper part of their
houses, "What then,,' it may be said,.
"ought we not to pray in chuich?"
Indeed we ought by all means, but in
such a spirit as this." And having';
shut thy door, pray to thy Father
who is in secret, -The Jews of
Christ's day 'were in the habit of
praying aloud. And thy Father who
seetlt' in secret shall recompense thee
-"All that you need and more than
you are entitled to. Oni good deeds
do not deserve reward as a due from
God.,, "
And in prteyin;, use not vain repe-
titions, as the Gentiles (the heathen),
do: for they think that they shall be,
heard for their much speaking. -To
"use vain repetitions" is one vvot•d in
the Greek, probably all imitative word
formedfrom stammering.
Be not therefore; like unto them:
your Father knoweth what th 1 >a5
ye have need of, before ye ask him
-"Our Father knows out wants, still
we are bound to express them. Why?
because this is a proof of our faith
and dependence upon God, which are
the conditions of success, in. prayer."
After this manner therefore pray
ye. -What follows is an example of
the simple, direct, humble prayer the
Saviour had in mind, We are not
required touse these words, bat this,
Manner. Our Father who art in hea-
ven, -Christ. tried to convey the idea
that in the dearest and cloest appli-
cation of the term we are the child-
ren of God." Fatherhood implies
provision, protection, education, and
training. Hallowed be thy name,
God's name stances for Himself. "\Ve
should hallow iI'1is name by utter
humility in His presence, by noble
thoughts of Him, and by giving
thanks for the remembrance of His
Thy kinndou, come, -The Father's
"kingdom" was, and is, and is to be,
His rule: on earth in the hearts of
men. "It is the world itself brought.
into harmony with God's will; not
a dualism of two kingdoms, but one
kingdom only -God's world and ours
-controlled by the spirit of:Christ,"
'thy will be done, as in heaven, so n
on earth. -It is evident that, if God's e
GOLDEN TEXT. -If ye abide in
me, and my words abide in you, ask
whatsoever ye will, and it shall be
done unto you John 15: 7 1.
lime.- 'Thr. 'Lord', Player; a part
of the Sermon on the ;\Mount, was
spoken in the second year of Christ's
• 's � the miclstinrmer of A.D. 28,
The parable of the Pharisee and pub
lican was spoken near the close of
Christ's 'ministry, in March, A.D. 3o.
John's first Epistle was probably
written near the close of his life, be
tween A.D. 85 and A.D. 95.
].'lace: -The. Mount 65. the Serinon
'was probably the Horns of Hattin
southwest of Capernaurn. Christ was
in Peraca when He spike the para-
. ble of the• 'Pharisee and the ptibli-
can. John wrote his Epistle probably
in Ephesus. •
And when ye pray, ye shall not be
as the hypociri,tes-Out' ..Lord 'had the
Pharisees in mine. "These He. calls
hypocrites very fitly; for while they
are feigning to pray to -God, they'are
looking around after men," For they
love to stand ,(the usual Jewisl>, at-
titude in prayer) and pray in the syn-
agogues and in the corners of the
streets; that they may be seen of
;ren -It was the 'Jewish custom: to
Kay wherever they, happened to be
when the hour for prayer arrived]
but the Pharisees •tirade it a ,point to
be in some conspicuous place at that
time, so that their piety ,might re-
ceive public comment. Verily I say
unto you, They ,have received their
reward -All the reward such, prayer's
receive is here on earth, ist the ap-
plause ,of. unthinking ;nen,
But . thou (Christian); when thou
grayest, enter. into thine hater chant-
" uebee", says Sara Hamilton
Birchall, in "Country Life",
"goes masher mad"..It is so.,
Every year,. and this one more than
ever. Go to Quebec between Feb-
ruary2l.st and. 23rd. All you will
hear is dog, dogs, huskies, mush-
ers, St Goddard, Nolan, Chevrier,
Seppala] -a score of other names.
You will look at the big board. in
the Chateau lobby whereon,the
odds are shown, .and you will-won-
ill won-
der what it is all about. And
then, perhaps, an enthusiastic soul
will get you in a corner and'tell
you how on the third day of the
last derby, the man who was con-
sidered in the running only for
second place was held up by a
freight train so long that his dogs
shivered and began to stiffen, but
won the 120 mile three day grind
by a short. minute or so; and how
he was cheered and chaired, and
how - they ' conte, these mushers,
from all parts of the North Coun-
try. with their dogs and hounds.
and . huskies You will pick.your
dogs, Siberians, Alaskans, or just
plain dogs, and before the last.
entrant has started on the first
lap on the first day, the fever will
hare caught you. You will see
the first team drive panting home,
the next and the next; the heroes.
of Nome, ,the trail clogs from Le
Pas, fuzzy animals who know the
Quebec woods trails'and teams of
dogs bred, reared and trained for
this one great derby, dogs you
wouldn't want, worth' hundreds;
dogs you could love, but who only
know a trainer's hand, and will
give' allegiance but to him; dogs,
in fours and fives and sixes, strain-
ing• eager, panting dogs with forty
miles behind them and eighty be-
fore, (Then you too are musher
road, and the rough, shaggy in-
dividual in fur and wool, whose
nloccasined feet had not yet fitted
into your own ideas of things be-
coming, is invested in the aura of a
hero and a knight. You scream
his name as he noshes past. You
hold your breath as the. minutes
tick before the next arrival. A.
team of mastiffs, greyhounds ' or
mongrels, swings round a corner
into , sight. Their time is dose.
They have ono minute in which to
reach the goal, and win the, first
lap, You too, are musher mad.
You watch the bulletin boards with
excitement and wordily exchange
the gossip"of the racing 'stables.
Then, when the great exhibition of,
strength and endurance is over,
you can perhaps settle down to
enjoy Quebec: herself and.those
winter sports 'In which you are
permitted to take a personal if not
more strenuous part.
lent of men. -Its object is to corr- prayers are denied. AMr. John Stltttniers and family of
et, to cancel, t,o reverse htitnan judg- , And if we ]:now that he heal•eth
wt]l is rto be (lone on earth as it is menta',' •
in heaven; there is before; us a golden The Pharisee stood:. and prayed
age in which poverty, social injustice, ;thus with himself. -the Greek ha-
11,war, class hatred, and all the other plies: that the Pharisee stood apart,.
f,reat evils which hang like festering conspicuously; striking an attitude:
sores on the body, politic, will have
disappearedd. If we are in touch with
Christ's great heart of love for suf-
F 'ri 1 a i tl i etitio will be.
very dear to its.
Give us this day our daily bread.
-Margin: "Our bread for the coming
clay;' d.i, "our needful bread," "Daily
supply: for daily needs is all we are
warranted in asking for,"
And forgive us our debts, as we
also have 'forgiven out debtors. -"It
God's nature to forgive, What
thee ever prevents God's forgiveness
from taking effect in melt? The sun
is arrays shining;:but that it May be
effective in heat and light and life,
there must 11c atmosphere in which
its rays may kindle fire. That God's
fur;g;•ivenc5, •rnay 1 e rcaliaed in us,
we must have 'a certain quality of at-
mosphere in our lives to receive it,
The atmosphere is ibe' :forgiving
\ur bring' tis not into temptation,
but deliver us f.ron, the evil one.-
'4l'u crin, "front evil." "This is a
cl against ourselves,that wemay n t
go to dangerous places, err be will,
persons who do us harm; that we
may. not get that fcir Which we have a
false; taste, be it riches, ai;,•honor; or
humari love, or w!stloln.
The parable teaches perSe.'(1541ce
tit prayer; not a teasing of God for
sottiething :FIe will not give its be -
Our Sample Made-to-IVIeasuxe
Spring Suiting are now in.
They are the best values for
the money we have had. ,,.Suits
from $22.50 upto $55.00, made.
up with best'of trimming and
tailored to your satisfaction.
We have a number of winter
Overcoats` lett which we will
sell at greatly reduced prices.
It will pay you to invest before
they all go.
��' reduction
We ase giving to% redo
o: Underwear,`Sweat-,
in 'price >n
ers, .. Wind: -breakers, ...Rubbers
tic]. Over Shoes:
Buy your Sugar now.
The team leaves Tuesday
Fridays with ereatn for the Co -
Operative Company.
His prayer was audible, as was the
custom. God, I thank thee; that I
am not as the test of men extor-
tioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as
this publican. -"Our Lord does. not
condemn the Pharisee for •thanking
God; He is more likely to condemn
yeti and me for forgetting to do So,.
The Pharisee's religion, as it appeared
of his prayer, was a religion Center-
ing; not in Almighty God, bait in him-
self." Phe great trouble with the
pharisee was his lack of love for
other people."
I 'fast twice in the week -The
Phariecs had imposed on'themselves
the duly of fasting every Thursday
and every Monday, believing that
Moses on :those clays descended from
the sacred mount. I give tithes of,
all that I *et. -Here alga he exceed-
ed the law, which required tithes of
nothing but corn, reline, oil, and ,cat
tic. This is not praying;, it is brag-
ging. r\nclnot 0 word about his sins!
But the ,publican, standing afar off,
us whatsoever we ask, we know that
we Have the petitions which we have
asked of hint. -"All true prayer is
this communion of our will with God,
and in that is always answered."
Mr. and Mrs. George Spotton have
gone to Ottawa to attend -opening of
Parliament, and North Huron's voice
will be' heard on the Budget and on 1 church,
:other matters. 1-
Brussels spent Sunday at W. G. Pat-
' terrSoll s,
The Young .People of the United'
Church entertained the Young People
from Silent at their meeting on Mor1-
iday night. On Tuesday night tate
!Young People's Association of St.
James Church entertained the Gorrie
!Young People at_a skating party with
refreshemtns in basement of the
Christian influence be felt upon other seated unclear the tutspiccas of Gorrie
communities, At,all times We rel'nem- Orange Lodge and I,. ('). II, A. p.ro-
ber`.that the Sunday School is tl pow` anises to hr?;one of tin Bust play; ever'
er for good; for the Stlno:y School.. given 10 (nm'r•n. 11 til '1'hi� ..Play
scholars of to -day promise to be the very lrnnirnirotls, With tQticlic:s
pillars of. the church to -morrow, thus, love and, 1010.inee. "Young and;
lid alike trill -enjoy "1-1omit `Ties."
Cast of C�har,tctcr".. '.1-1. . Cooke, AL
Giaiitulr N. Dane, 1) Holt, NV Wade,
E. Dane, .(a,. White, A. Carlen J•
Musgrove, Dieter :the able direction
of Airs. H. V. Ergolines. The date is
Friday night, February 1:51l1, (1, pan,
The regular moritliiy meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society' was
held at the Parsonage Thursday af-
tt-rnoo0, February 7th, at 2.30 c>'clocl ,
Owing to the absence of the presi,-
dent, through illness, the vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Robt. Ashton, took the
chair, The. meeting opened . with the •
singing of the hymn "How sweet the
ntitne of Jesus goods," after wIiicll.,
while stanchng; the members repeat-
c rl the 23rd .Psalm in 'unison. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
then read and approved; The Her
alds reported: -Africa -:firs. Whits
field,, China -Mrs. Edgar, Japan-
Mrs. :hI. Ashton: firs, Robt. Dane
gave a devotional leaflet' "The Part-
nership." Airs. E. Galbraith ,led ill
resting comfortably; but r tare ]:now• prayf;r, `:the study leaflet "The Black -
that you intend to be in aur midst stnitb's FIammer was given in 'two
for the help and inspiration you may' parts, tat part taken by Mrs. Wylie,
be to as all. and part taken by •Mrs. Gregg. Mrs.
On behalf .of the Sunday School. W. Cookie rendered a solo "'Nearer
still Nearer." An excreisL' contrast
Services in the United Church next • in; African life with C•an.4ian life
Sunday at 11 a.m..and a pant, -Sub-; was conducted by Mr,. T. (). John-.
• •ct tate Morning • aervi ,-"'the sail: The roll call was answered with<
)r. at n: :g
o `"F• ith
Shunamtnit • \\"oman. -the •Yenerous a text including the as rte a
� n
soul. At the evening service the pas -;'There weal' twenty-two present. Cot -
tor will give an address' on Hymas suction :64.),25, Birthday offerinil
of heaven nd home, Special music. after the. singingof a hymn the uteet-
a t
liner, "I shall see Him face to face." • Ing closed with prayer:
" meeting will be held at the
Solo and Chorus -"As (Telling shad- March .ice ;,
ows fall." , Solo, ""\Vhen 1 go home." home of :gars. \'\'. Sirasrt: with Airs..
A service you will enjoy. , (jallxher, Mrs. .Robt. 1)anc and Mrs.
;The PIay ""Home 'Ties'' to be pre- Hamilton in charge of the prograiu.
'We realize _thatyou have beeuan-
1,11umental -in helt>int, to :shape the:
characters of many boys and girls in
this vicinity. The faithful yearn- of
activity in the ,school \Fitt bring their
own reward: We have observed' your
careful preparation in those interests
which lead to a successful school.
Your punctuality and regular atten-
dance to the many details of the work
have been a goodly example for, nor,
own lives; and we desire you' to know
that the n,enlbers of this . Sunday
School feel indebted to yui:t and ap-
preciate the faithfulness. you have
shown during so many years. As
you, lir. Gregg, retire as Stiperinten-
dant of our Sunday''Scl1'ool, yoti leave
the office with the satisfaction of
knowing your leadership has not been
in vain, -
We would ask you both, to receive
these chairs, whieli tviil serve to re -
Mind you of many' happy hours spent
in useful work. ..Thos(; chairs might
suggest to'yourminds the thought of
i\Ir-. O. Johann, the local dearer fur
Frigidaire, is leaving this week to at -
tench a large Frigidaire .dealer con-
vention being held in :Montreal, Feb. ,
Lath and 15th. • 'Phis convention, ]
which will' be held at the Windsor I
Hotel, will be the; largest Frigidaire
convention ever held. in Canada and
will be attended by the Frigidaire or-'
ganization from Nova Scotia to Mani
toba, Preparations have been in pro-
gress for several weeks to make it
an r>tltstanding success. The conven-
tion 'will celebrate the conclusion cat
the greatest year in Frigidaire's his-
tory and company executives, in their
addresses, will outline plana for the
-Perhaps at .a respectful distance 'making of tp21) an even bigger year,
'•i t
•rha )s f�the success of 1928
'�, )c. rr'n to s
from the 1 halt.c.o, i t In refe t g
the Holy Place, which he did ;lotand the outlook fcir; 1929 in • his offic-
dare 'approach cl0scly ii1 his ,Sin,, intconvention annoltncenlent, air. 1r.
\iVould not lift up so much as his G. I'i'iechler, president and general
eyes tinea hcavett;-r\ •Eery in prayer inanai,Cl of Frigidaire Coroprat1on.
Would. usually stance with 111s cye5;says in part: In yieaa' of the highly
turned to heaven, arid] his arms out- i favorable reggri , (aiming to nit. fi•ntn
stretched) with i.ialms upward, ;ready petll :pal•1, of the country, I predict
to, rcceiirc the desired gifts fro111 4 4)1111 confidence !that! Frigidaire sale,
bare, But smote his breast: -A coin- ; in 1929 will reach 1. 111 trl: never 'at -
Cause it wind harm use but tut ,arda mon way 'of 'expressing sorrow or' tained in the industry, One: of the
ent striving for anion With the; divine
wi11, a passioii,ftte longing for the
, our lives
coming of CJt)di, ].r�tlt,(lctnl !n �ct vc
and ii1 all the' world.
And he snake also this parable un-
to certain who trusted in themselves
that they -were righteous, and act all
others at ncittgkaaa"Ther Rabbis 'in-,
vented the most higliflown (.lesi;gtia-
tions for each other, such a, '1 11,141
if lst4ael," 'Uprooter• of Mountailns,',
`"Phe Glory of the Law', `I'lie Holy,-",
etc., but they described the vast mass.
of their :fellow -countrymen as_'accurs-
,1(1 ' fb • . not knowing the lair (John
at 49), and spoke of 'then; as `empty
cisterns,' 'people of the earth,' etc."
Two men ,vent 11p into the temple.
to pray; the one tt :Pharisee, and the
other it ptahlic:all.-"'laic Pharisees were
fierce' patriots, and 11dt;niay &Toted
to the ticr;cipt,ares. 1`lie. 'pu1)1101ns
were tak-co'llec:tors under the Ro-
m -arts, ,unpatriotic, greedy, extortion.
atci; tricky. The Jews tit 1 cr'tttll
, y •,
• class � incl dC )a,cd
honc>t dad 'ate first c a, s 1
the setondt; but til this ptartible "tine only when they ignorantly ask for
judgtn(lrtt of God ovrrrnics 111e` 511dgr y',hilt 18, 1101 in• their ;,rood 'that their
shame. Saying, God, be thou gleed- ;most significant developments of the
fol to 111, a sil1ner.--'lr•t1 'repentance 'past year; s'o. far a5the organ11ation
\}ill affect -4.1s in the ante way as it is (oacel•lted, was the sharp price. re-
did the; pt11)lican, 1 elections made possible by increased
T say n111o' you. This man - want (1(111and and the cionsetucnt larger-
driven: In his 11011Se jltstifiect rattler settle irrodnction,
than the other.---'•hc t1h11cancon- Ar, and Alts, ,\i
in Wray, of '"or-
,elo,, f his tlnrightl' ran,, lr("N5, •had re- into, spent • Sunday'1t1111 the 4)0111e1•'s
dewed of the righteousness(if '(ind;'Pathrr, 11 r. Jnln1 \\'1ay, w'11n is 111
the Pharisee, deeming tllttt he had very poor health.
(11.11 righteousness 1.111041 h to impart area; 15oo•aret W\reik(-r of 1x'(;1(101(11
to other•,; cert,.ti.rily asked and reet'iv` iv taking Alis RitVITI(l x:place ran the
eel na11c.from • Gnd, l'or ovary (,itc' Continuation School; staff. Miss j" t\
tli (xtltetlhimself shall 1)c hum- Mer is ecru lu'ratilg Iter honein
bled; but he that liumhletlt ltin1scif Stouf5vale,
shall be eyalteth,-;-="God 1111nlbies tis T1w hockey 11144.1ch between Ford -
whoa Ivo. are c14.11(dt 10.. our conceit 4'1011'atld Wroxeter played.1tere last
vv w �:.
just that He may e: alt• t11 avhen He Thursday night 1e,'tllte.d ill favor of
has !rambled 'us." Wroxeter, 3-t,
And this is 1110 boldness; which We Two rinks, of cinders attended], the
have . i o(11,tt`d. 11i1e1:-� -Toward the . tion 1",11115 rice in ri'r last weak; i1 rink,
l i (or
of God, jrtst mentioned -i11 the pre. skipped .by I. S. 1);11.1st took second
ceding verse, "Shat, if mre ask tiny- 1511 c,
thlnt„ according to his will; Ile hoar- • Miss Jo1(1151011, pritlelpti of the Con-
eth us. --His c,'tll is always ror iinuatio11 School, spent the week -end
children's good,and therefore it is lei h "Ross, Gorrie, and 1 Ats
llcrtha cniitlr def Lekcle,t at her !untie
\Ve are pleased to state that: Atr,.
Jas. Musgrove is recovering from her
recent illness.
kir. Richard McGrath •visited his
daughter, Airs. McQuillan, in Listow-
el, one clay last week. ,
Mrs. Jas. Barton and Mrs, Colin'
Gilles of Campbellfor.d, returned to:
their homes last week after spending
some time with their mother, Mrs.
Margaret Edwards, who is ill,
I We are sorry to report that Miss
Margaret Bennett is seriously ill.
Miss. Alba Carson and Mr, F. C,
Taylor attended the fumieral of a re-
lative in St. Marys. last Wednesday.
1 .gars. Geo. .Foster spent the week-
, C11d1 in Winglirtin.
Airs. Russell 'Williamsoli and son,
01 Fordwich, spent a few day, last
\reek at the benne of her father, 'Air.
E. Galbraith. •
• The main schoolroom of the United
Church was well. filled last Friday 1
evening when the annual "At Hotlle"
•\alas held. A prograin of recitation::,
choruses, solos, and dialogues, was
given by the members: of the school;
l'he concluding ileal of the evening
wit a presentation to Mr., incl Airs.
W. H. Gregg', who for ,over thirty
3'(ar•8 have been active in 1114.' Gorrie
Church. The fallowing address (vas
read by gates Nellie T)ana, after which
two fine wicker chairs were, present-
Gorrie, Ont,, ,Fell. 8th, 1020
,'1.'•0, Mr, and Mrs. W. II: Gregg,
. Ticar l+rici1(15 'i-
We have gatItered toget het this
1 :
cr>niig in this social av 11tt we
nay enjoy at hour of " riStian fel-
loav,hiia togetherrr in our chug(„1 1, Vi,"(.. i
are' not unmindful i of ' the fact that
both Sirs. Gregg and yunlst,lf have.,
fol• mese Than thirty years idantifictd
1 yan1'.41', s ;villi the Sunday Sellout ;
we)rld in Gorrika firK1 10 1111• Rfetluid-;
ist choreh, and More recently;inr -the
butted C"biirch of C11i:tda. Ill. the '
many year,s of! service i•etidert'd 1)13:-
3011 vve ]:now tllilt. many young Deo•!
1>le haft Passed tttlder your observa- "
and care. and: we are pleased. tion a
to know that so., many of the former
of the Sunday School have left
s1 •i es'of • la'
• for other
. t
i. <rirt o t p ,
this d st
Ipttplis l
boar when= they are now letting their
PeriectIy balance
with groper
F::d lrdi Elements
5 minutes
Quality Products
Lowest Prices
Courteous Sera'ice
Finest 16 -oz.
Macaroni z Pm.. 23,e
Best Quality Buck
Macaroni 3 lbs. 25
finest Golder Hallow:
hoise Cc hoe
4, -lb. Pkt.
3. 9e
Atiilliorzain'e and Crossed Fish
Saz'd.ilrtes 2 Tens 3 1 c
btrieh Suds
Vitipso Large Flo.'�," e
.iavirrA' .F'eCSSS555Pa4'! PaFABr'/a:Ale
Flom Pt. 18*
G: parr 1401),
. �o,
�"cil9btCt ,'� �lsllll 'Jt°tita ,,�ut
Special 5 -Ib. Tin 35c
��sk ,il'c,A
mtillarirpa .es+>rAntv6xrirxa
/no lb. Pae
Bayside California a-QZ.
Peaches 2 Tlni 23.
cletrnx i m.yeryeFxinify
cka#F8tn 35 Piste- Z5i14
Reindeer 1 rep a>'eed'
Co2'er,n Flits Z;,'c1
Ct nneee lverster Q4'170814'
"rr P Mep a
;;ilea• Bs't'tarf C2'3�eteri
IR:dde %11,1 2,11
: odfat o^nee,n'c Colt etv ,,Thr:cd '.
ii laVa°n:t7;r111ad,e Jai ; , ;e
ltd'®xa'rr SPx;'1iSds Weallen,e'
Litax 3aooae
Ly �dttre.ss ;coop
keg pkt. o
frr,' dart S Delight
Soap 4,t a
11iel6r1111eh 't
d t
$isettity' Poeki tge .*