HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-14, Page 111
Single Copies, Five Cents.
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter, News.
Satbaeriptions $2.0o per year,
.............„........ _
1879 -WHOOPEE -4929
'Fco res-
rom reairements rind by imp
The beautiful town of Wingharn
j ' Bonner -Haugh
tivons . formed by the readers of yciur
and its rural vicinity' t
forms , a grea
l'Aeiss ..
a Haugh, daughter. of Mr.
North Huron County Orange Lodge
Alex, Casemore, of Chatham, 34
offeriags. to Inc Merchents who
Kiitild'. welcome inore spontaneous
"wing,and, less hand selling; Our Pa-
per is the ideal medium to ,,start,new
kering impulses, introduce new trier-
Aandise and build up a' staang pres-
lige from. the th,ousands who browse
through its columns weekly .seeking
know what's going pp
, .
industrial sotial rind political coun-
Lry, (ask Geo. Spotton); each one de -•
penupon the other. I like to dent
preach the Gospel , of, Co-operatiort
between the town and country their
interests' are so- .closely allied: It
. . . •, • , •
midnight -enjoying -my pipe, an idea
has come to inn. Let the Tc""'ns'lli.P's.
also get -into this • 1929 Celebration.
There never will in our lives be
and mrs, James A, V. Haugh, of
Wingliam, Ontario and Raymond Ara,
thur Bonner, son of Mr. and the late
Mrs. Bohner, of 'Sherbrooke, Qttebec,
were 'Married on Saturday, February
9th, in Si.. Paul's Anglican Church,
Stratford.' Rev. H. W. Snell offici-
,atecla Mr: and Mrs. Bonner ' will re-
• s • • a., .---. • .,/ •
ide m vvindsor, untario. a
A meeting' of the :C•anadian Club i
Was held,on Tuesday/ evening, Feb-
ruary the .fiftli, in the schoolroom of
the ,-(Ji-iited Church. - For the benefit
of new Triembrs the - president Dr
.• ' • • 7 . •
Redmond, gave a brief talk on the
aims and object a 'of, the Canadian
C.lub„ to develop a national conscious-
ness and to broaden the 'outlook its
one to represent each ,province of
Canada, and. one for .the Yukon ter -
ritery. :
In conclusion, Mrs, Thorburn urged
the people of Wingham to Visit • this
. .
shrine of Canada. Those who so free..
ly gave their all did so in the hope..
that. they should h.elp to bring about
a lasting Let us not too quick-
Met in Winghain on Tuesday of last
ay. eekrIvith the largest attendance' in
its his•tory, and a docket that occu•-•
pied the brethren until late in the ttf-
ternoon. Following are the new of-'
.f• .
W.' M. ---Charles Coultes, Belgraye,
a IM. -J. V. Haines, Wingham.
ap.- -Rev . . alden, Blue-
Ch R A V W '
years of agc, eldest son, of Mr. an,a
Mrs. Jerry Caseinore of Turnberry
died in Winds,or Hospital on IluesdaY
afternoon, from injuries 'sustaitied
when his motor car was hit 480/ an
electric car about 12 miles, Mit of
:Windsor. Mrs.' Casemore •reached
his 'bedside in ti s-hort time and re -
mauled with, km) to the end, the ina
' 1 ' ' '
. , .
such another opportunity .to pat over
such a grand re union We, 'the ab-
..) „ae . ' Saunders -Walker .
members •by 'bringing them into• con-
tact with men and weinen of
ly forget them and the sacrifice they
made. Let us do all in our power to
vale.' •, .
Rec. Sec. -C. R. Copeland, Wing-
- '
jured man 'remaining conscious.
He is survived by his wife, Pearl
ring your ,corsetting problems .to
anr Corset Department,' February .22
and 23. An expert Corsetiern ':from
New York will be in attendance to
demonstrate. the ' newest' ...styles lin.
".,Nerno=Flex" Foundation Garments
and to aid you .in .choosing the :type,
Of garment correctly "suited to...yoUr
individual' requirements. Ring BroS.
sent ones, all boys and girls, yet-
scattered tho we may be our thoughts
and hearts are ever turning back 'to
the scenes o fehildhood's happy days.
Amxionsly-are we watching and 'wait-
ing In eager anticipation to see what
the old boys back home, yns and the
new -onee. also are doing. -Let every
man, 'woman, boy and gi.r1 feel that
they 'have a part in this, and 'enter
A• quiet but pretty wedding took
)1 e . S L -1 ' i a. 7 ,
a iliac ay evenin atd aim()
'lac]. on th
c oc a at e o‘tne 0 . r... an ra.
S E McLaughlin 65 Davisville Ave„
• ' ' • ,
Toronto when Nellie Doris second
. - ' . Isaac'
aauehter of .Mr and Mrs Wal-
.'. -.. '' ' '
er o ,
a f" Wingliam became the bride
'. ' . ,
of' Mr. I-Iarry E. Saunders of foronto
I •1 - Al d M S
son t: re tae ate .1, r. an rs. atma
• s.1.-
• greater
mental pciwers. •
Mrs, john McKay sang:very accep-.
tably the Iashiniri song. .In intro-
claming Mrs. 'Charles H. ,Thorburn$Of
Ottawa, the speaker . f the evening,
Dr. Redmond spoke 0 her many and
. .
varied activities, She is a member' of
• • - •10
the Executive Cominittee of the As
sociation of Canadian Clubs, she •,re-..
. 1.
presented the Canadian
• -
work •for world peace, so, that we the
people of Canada, may write "Finis"
at the end of the list of names in
Canada's Book of Remembrance. .
•• A 'hearty vote of thanks, moved by
Mr. A. L. Posliff and seconded by
Miss:kletherington, was tendered to
Mrs. TiTharburn and Mrs. McKay •
Mrs. Thorburn WaS the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W: L. Craig.
Treas.'-Cliarle•s Stewart, Londes-
boro. -"dia. • '
Fin. -Sec' -A V Pattison,'Bel.•
y . •tries
grave. '
C. Marshall -Joseph Tamara Myth.
'. Lai: Lect.--Thomas Wheeler, Win
haw. .'i
. .
' anal Lect.-H. Leishman, Dungan-
. . •
non. .,
of West Monkton; his pai-
ents, five brothers, Oscar of Luck-
now, Carl and Victor of Chatham,
an las er a ome, an two
E. • -t d CI . t • t h ' • d
sisters, Marion and Vera at home. A
brother, Roy, was killed: Overseas.
e. unera • wi i -e y place
'Th f 1 'II 111. 1take
day at Monkton. Mr. and Mrs:.
Caseinol-e left 'Wednesday morning:
for Chatham. The sad affair is deep -
by friends the
One in this thought -there is only
one Winghana and over such a
-• ., .
officiated The.
ev. 4 artridge .
ride was unattended and looked
at Wembleyin 1924andshe hs alo
, ' ..as,
been one of Canada's representatives
--- •
A meeting of the Canadian Club
A strong resolution was
and passed, and forwarded to Hon.
--' • •
ly regretted many of
family . ' •
A report .for November Eind Dec-
ember of the Penny Bank in the
Schools of Canada, shows that in .the
banks there is the com-
re -union that will make them all sit
up and take notice that :Wingliarn is
Wingliarn, its ' people are Wingham-
sites and it's Huron best
harming in.a graceful gown of white
c.. • . '. - .
sal: moire with 'bow of American
a , . ,
13 tuty Velvet, and wore silver shop-
e: SI - d r ' b ' A ' f
ers„ earrie an a. m ouque• o
at the' League of NationS.
.Airs. •Thorburn's subject was Can
atlas I3ook of Reinerribrance". She
described the -beautiful situation of
Was held in the Council' Chamber' on
.Friday evening, February theeighth.
The viCe-president, Mr. A. L. Posliff,
occupied the -chair: ' .• ' '
, pro eating against
G. H. Ferguson t
any change in division of school mon-
eys ' between'• bl" d - te
, pu te an sepaia
schools, .and more particularly in res-
359 aclZol . .. ..
tortable sum of .$1,09547406. This
Ophelia, roses which was ,afterwa.rds
sent to •the• bride's mother, who • is
Ottawa, the capital of our Dominion,
. .
the circumstances
• .
Dr. • W.. E. Matz, professor of
. , ,, . .
psychology, in am -onto' University,
pect to present conditions governing
a , , . . .
pioper ies. ,
school taxes 'on coin t'
in re urn may Com -
Results ' the T b -• -gamy
shoafs an increase of 24, schools con -
Lributing a.nd an increase of °Ver. $18o,
1.879 -BACK HOME ---1929
quite ill'and- unable to be present at
. . •
and recalled in con-
• .
nection with the devastating fire of
1916. ' • In speaking of the beautiful
addressed the meeting, his subject be-
in "The hild an its I ai ent
' C • d • '). - s "
- bl di uas'on tool- place
C onsi eta e . sc , i a.
in Perfecting 'details for the big cele-
bined F'eld Crop and Seed Grain
, me 1 .t t
CchriPetition were announced at a
over the preceding two months.
tkViingham school stands with a per
eentage of 71 in ratio of deposits a-
mounting to 511.,17.
There comeS ..a. time in the life of
the normal man when his Mind turns
toward the old hbrne. The call is
clear. -If his feet are loose, he
Following the' ceremony a ,dainty
• • • •
lhewas sAfter-
buffeunc. on S
a erved_ unaders • left
Wards Mr. , .
for their.home at 39 Alexander Blvd.,
• . - ' •
new buildings which: have .replaced
the ones that were destroyed, she
mentioned particularly the Peace To-
' ' • • ' •
wer, and the new clock, which is a
Professor Blatz expressed the opin-
ion that in the past, heredity hrtabeen
over emphasized. '.:Psycholoeists limn
- • - • • '
come to .believe -that environment has
bration in Wingham on July lath,
1 • h • ' • • 1. tt d
NV 11C pionnses a leant a en once.
Reports from. the ,primary lodges
, , A
snowed a steady and satisfactory in
meeting of the competition members
a ing lam on ues a3, e _ -a
t W- .1 T d ,. th.' xatl
by Mr; Overholt, of the Federal De -
' i
partment of Ag•ricutture.
Oats to be the used
if•not he anticipates the day, when he
can again return'. to - scenes familiar
. . , . .
where they will be at home to their
- -,
V h '
friendsafter arc 1st.
'- .o.
- , .
reproduction of Big Ben in old Lon,-
the greater influence 'ripen the char-
acter and habits of a child.
crease in membership, and an
ea financial position, '
continue crop
in this Work in Turnberry, arid with
field Ben-
, •
nie Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter-
jail Church. will hold a Valentine Tea
to him in his boyhood. Whether he
'minent, rich or succeSsful in.";
is e
, .
. t ,
It is M this Peace Tower that the
'Memorial Chamber is situated. This
A child may be guided along three
lines. First in the attitedes, of which
the , exception of one of
ner's, all the fields in the Conalaine,d
Competition grew the 0,A.c. 7.2 -var-
amid Sale of . Home. Made Baking in
mall way only, not matter.
room will be the shaine which holds
thre eare two, acceptance' or rejec-
iety .' • i
the Basement of the Church on Sae-
urday afternoon, .February 16th. As
there will be a great variety -of Good
Route Made 'Baking be sure and be
Otti hand early to get first choice. Sale
eommences at 3 o'clock sharp. Ev-
vaybody. Weleome. , Remember 'the.
date, Saturday, February r6th •at 3
Emotions count. In his rnind are •
pictured a list of things he wants to
s-ee 'agaire--simple things -Maybe • a
butternut tree on green prairie,' awil-
low hanging over the Maitland, the
old school school house, Gregory's
Mills. Have there been .many chan-
ges?-he wonders. An orcha,rd of fond'
recollections ,to 'a 'fellow whose Mind
has mellowed under the discipline'
• Mrs. John McKinnon ,
The Township of Turnberry lost an
old and highly eSteeined resident ori
Monday morning b3. the death of
Mary NennedY, widow .of John Mc-
Kinnon, in her 76th year. She Was
predeceased. by her husband .about. 27
c r ;
Years'. a,urvivang are tWO sons and
six daughters, , Alexander, John, and
Annie, :it home Mrs. Robert Sproule
Carrada,'s Book -of R.emembrance a
book' which contains the names of
sixty thotisand, six hrindred and sixty-
one Canadians who' fared gallanty
forth to the :fields of France, Fland-
ers and Gallipoli, never to returna
IVIrs. Thorburn was among. the dis-
ting,uished company present at the
dedictition • of the Memori;i1' Chamber
on August 192.7.. As the room is
tion.• Second, in its appetites, ahd.
thirdly, in its emotions.
It is important that parents sho.ula
set a standard which is not too high
for their child to attain, IDr.. Blatz
illustrated this point by telling of tlie
unfortunate experience of parents who
had made this mistake. Of course, it
is 'equally important that the sUindard
be ncit too lo'
. , .
The County of West Bruce L. O.
t 1 Id a verY enthusiastic' meeting
..--- -le - • .,
in Ripley.. Hall last Tuesday, Comtty
Alaster Ben Logan in the chair. Kin-
District showed an increase in
1c'ss 1 ..i a l', ' di r•
membership witl la ne rc 1 le st let
'lig atrong. Upon receipt of a te
gm ,
am ftom the County of North Iitar-
gr` • f Win.
on in session 'in the town o -
Teher were ten original' competit-
ors of whorn seven were eligilale for
, a ., ., , , • a .. A r'
cash piizea, tnesa inertia, in order or
the awarthr, A..'rind W. , MeKaa-ue,
_ ... .-) _ 1,. yv, \
('reeswater , Geo. Pococo • ni. Vet-
lings, David Fortune, Richard
on, Isa.ac ita an las. C ar i%
•Ele- W •" ht • d CI iL
Th C b' 1 d Sta diraa Field Crop
. e wil li,e . . u . -a .
and Seed Grain Competitions are con-,
, . • ,
" .
Y.cal.s. No orchard in the universe
could produce apples half so good...
and Airrs,, 9corge skinn, af•Turnber-
iv 'Mrs. 'John Lamb, Toronto; Mrs-
not large, only about seventy pc,ople
could le•tve that. p.rivile„i"2,-e.. The num-
The speaker laid great stress upon
•• - • • '
the absolute necessity ot sincerity in
ham• an invitation to. celebrate the
, . „ •
'coming 1 2th of July with.the breth-
. • . . ,
ducted by the Canadian Seed -
/1. iation f ir ar. inciting better
ers. ssoc t . , i. 1 ti
a d - ti • d
an for tha produc on of see
I'aris Patterns'for sale at. ISard's: .
Mrs. j. A. Haugh spent the week-
end in London.
Mr '' T Walker •was tri Toronto
' ' A"' -' ' .
last • week attending a copvention, of
the Funeral Directors of 'Ontario,their
There will be a s.i.le of home-made
_ .
baking .at the Parish Hall, on , Feb.
2.7,rd at 3 p,m. under the auspices of
Anglican Altar Guild
, ;
..,At times .b1c1 'Memories surge 'unbid-
den into ones mind it is then we
- , .i -
stand silent as if in prayer. Rack
liome-no place like it: ---in city, town
or. cross-roads. :Home once home al-
. . .
ways, arid. the wanderer will return if
but for a •day. W ' ' '
ere it not for our
my e foi• old times .. and old , places
Riley's "Si,yiniming Hole" . would not
yea], noi in . o-
have survived' a: • - Jol H
ward l'ayrie's imperishable song have
P. Kilgalan,. of St Marys; Mrs. 5.
Connor of Ashfield, and 'four step-
, • • , ,,,
children, Augus and Hugh of lurn-
berry; Mrs. 3... CroiVe, of BlainaLake,
Srisk., and Airs, Peustin of Ashfield.
-lire Funeral took place. from the Iate
• 1 • 1 C' -•
resicence, .,oi, 29, once.ssion 121,
Turnberry, on Wednesday, /-7ebruar3a
t3th, to Wingham R. C. Cemetery,
Vass heing sun, in Secred Heart
- . . a
Church' at TO a.m.
her included •;frlis Royal P.Tighness, the
P -ince of Wales Prince Geor-re the
1 , . . a ,
T-Ionourable Stanley Balchain and'Airs.
Baldwin, His ..F..xcellency the Go i-
nor -General ancl Lady NVillingdon,
Viscount llyng of Viniy, Camida's
P • 1\1' ' ' h 1 F I
rime 7 mister, t e inennel-a 0 t ie
Privy Council, the ,Papal Delegate,and
the repreSentatives of the various
Protestant churches, Mrs, Thorburn
Eq'tioted, in part, the s.peeclies which
dealing with children, "Do not •bluff
, _ .
them " he said "They are, always
' ''
i better poker players than you are and
they may be prepared to • call your
' Tri selecting children's toys, some
t imp, wit 1 which ttey may tii
1 ' • '11 b 'Id
things, -something • which a.ppeals. to
their imagination, should be chosen
in preference to the mechanical •toys
-which are on the market to -day. '
' •
Professor Dietz 10 closing, stated
f North 1-1tiron in town of
re'? , •
Winghain on July lath, 1 929; it was
.• - ' d. tna limoual that the County
1--alrle 1 ' ' y ' . •
of West 13ruce 'celebrate in Wingliam
• . •
and muster strong. It will be rememr
ast -ear at
bered that North Huron I y . .
county meeting decided to hold
1 b ' ' he town of
a county ce„earation in t
Wingliam, and West Bruce decidet.
at their connty ineeting
. ' • to celebtate
d •
' 1 uckuow North Hui•on an :Wing-
ham brethren were- kind..au courte-
- •eed
of the grades Registered No. t, Reg-
, - ,
lal ' Regtatered No
istered -,O, 2 or . . - . ,
1, ,. ..i. 1 ,.. a
a at ve tic 1 aia es are superior itt
11 t I' - N 1 so d
a respects o circular!, - o. . e
and are sold under seal. .
Of th - still les taken in the Turn -
. , L. - P " . ' ..
berry C. C. one is.,eligible for Regis-
' '
tered.No. 2 grade and three are eligi-
• _. ,
ble tor Registered No..3. ,
.. ; i-
1 h • • )1 , is it..r °rifle a icia a
- e, "( 1 }
of the 1)00111 ion Seed • Branch.
Mrs. T,. J. Simpson and. son,.
of Fergus, spent a few days last week
at the home of her sister; Mrs. W. j.
Brown,. Victoria street. .
found a tingling welcome in number-
less hunian -hearts • throughout the
world, •
- ' Old Wingliamite.
• - .
,, • aa '11.;
Mrs,. James Hunt
A former Morris owns ii . a -
• ' - T 1 'p re a
1 1 I t t' •f- f W. ,
1 en run a one ime et tacit o • int,-
. • "
were made on this occasion..
A. description of ths, :Memorial
Chamber ivas given i 1 . ,
hi anted, ,rtne was
-very interesting. The floor is payed
. ...
front France, ' ne of
• .
Aliat there is no such thing as the• di-
ht of arents to abus•- or to
vine, rig P • 1..
punish tholightles.sly, the children tam
have been' onirtisted to their care.
otts enonah to c Lill off their celebra-
.. ,,,
Son and they came to Luc i .
,„ • a .. 1 • aa i i i • far '
vvaten oruce .i..., ,..a. i,. ioages i mg,
. . . .. .. .
Wingliam this year.
... . • .......
• ' ----""'
. . .
The regular inemthly meeting ol
Apex. Records, new process record-
A g. • Come in and hear all, the new
\ ,
ham' passed away at t78 Sauraren
„eta i„
Ave. Toronto on . Tanua.ty a
WiThe stories ,sot
them brought ftom battlefields mi
Czmadians fought and died. The
. ., , •
In his opinion other forms of punish-
ment are more effective than corpoi`a i
'1:he report of the election of 'Of -
'„ - .
• follows -
freers tor the yetir T92.9 is as• .
the .1... T. 1.. wa.s. held on the a.fter-
noon ,of 'Thursday, Februara- 7th, at
, .. -
numbers and old thne songs, all re-.
Dards 65c at "The Radio Shopc".
Miss Elizabeth Barber left last week
fur.. Ottawa to take up 164 duties on
tha Debates Staff of the House of
a. t
Continops during the present ession
of Parliaine'nt. ,
- Wingliam United Clturch Sabbath
School are holding their arinual. alcat-
ing party in the .,.k.rena cm Friday
ening, and as an. added treat t;. the
soktolars the band wilt be present. •
'The Ladies' Aid of Witigharn. lini-
ted'Church hold its regular meet-
.. -
A meeting of the W. M. S.. Execu-
- •
tive of ,Haron Presbyterial was held
. . . • - ; • " . .
in Ontario United Church Clinton on
titesday . February sth with Mrs J
• • ' ' ' . '. •
E. I-Iogg, presiding, Mrs. 1..,anc op-
. • . . . -
ened the meeting with prayer after
which Mrs. Greer, the secretary', read
the minutes r
0. the previous meeting.
- Fhb 'Members with few exceptions
were present. • The past year's work
w • , • ,. .
as reyiewea, It was a satisfaction
that th 'b 1 ••,t • 1 •t • • 1 ' d
e tu gt, . was a mos tette re
but We dp feel that \Sit Must More
' "Put hancrs the
the death of Mary Hendm•son, ag .ed
...4 years wife of Mr., Jaittes Hunt,,
' • ' .
formerly section :foreman at 'Wing-
hatn, • She was a native, of 'Morris'
Town ship and until her removal to
,' '.' . ' • whi-
foronto 30. year§ ago lived at g-
, . . •
ham Junction or in \Vingliam. She
: , ved by two brothers and two
's s"r17"
sisters, T...• M. Hetiderson of Wing-
ham' W' j' 1-lendersott, reeve of Mora
ris'; Mrs. Richard Miller 'of .Detroit
- , D . •
and Mrs. George Pepper of etirpt,
. , • , .
Messrs 'W j• •and 1. M. 1-Tenderson
' "" '' ' ' ' ' '
att hied the funeral, - .:, .
- -'°'• , -
walls and ceiline• .are of 'Chateau Gail:-..punisliment.
" a .
lard marble, the gilt, of the, French
Government. to the people of Canada:.
'This marble is pure 'white andvery
soft so that it lends itself admirably
. ., -
fo • ' u • -c of scul tm•in It i.• said
1 P 1 poo.s • P. . g• • a -
to mellow ;And harden' with interior
_ . . ,
exposure. the • trimmings are of
, bi- ck 'marble the Yift of the Italian
_a. ' ' , / ...,, 1,1" .. ,
s•oyernment. . 1 c. s , , ; . .
t, 1 teps leathng up
to the altar are also of highly polish-
:, _ 1 . ,.., . , ' 0,1 •
ed black tn,tiblea given by the to. gian
-- '
Government to Canada., The altar it
a • .
• •
The lecture' was both interesting,
rind instructive not only for parents
bin for all those who conic in con-
tiict with' Children,
• ,
. • .
Airs Kineln deli h . al e
,..„. . g ted the t i thane
With two SO108. On motion of Dr.
Redmond and "Nfiss DOi-i8 Fells, a.
Vote of thanks was - •
exented to Alts,
Kingan 'and Dr, Matz. .
,,. , .
Mr. and' .A.irs. R. Vanstone enter-
. :. . 1 • ' • , ' ' '•
tamed Dr. Plat; thiring..„111s stay in
Wingliam a • • •'
' -
. -r-Ben Locan Ripley
County Alaste a , .
Count3r Deputy -Wm Enunerton,
. -
Bethel .•
- , ,
Chap, --Bee laeott Bervie
, , , ' ,
R. ,bec.--C. h. Mc Doliagh, , Maple
. ,, •
1'. S.--Fload hell, Bethel
Trees-4)1in Finmerton • Bethel
• •• - - . , -
Marshal -john :Miller, . LuCknove
1$ l: 1.C/C t. -Mark Gardner, Rapid
CilY .
and Lect.-Same Nesbitt. Amber -
- ,
four o'cl0 ck. The president, Bever -
, .
ley Small. had 1m 0n of the meeting:
• . ks ,
After the' opening exercise, which ru-
• •
eluded a .Scripture reading by john
Preston ' a 'Medal Contest was held
There were six contestants, five girls
and one boy. Airs. Norman I- Ei-y,
Miss Muriel Redmond and ,Miss Lou. -
i Ye and their
ise Hanna acted , aS ji, dl,„. s, .
deciairm was that Thora I)avisort was
the winner of the. medttl. Mrs. 41-
third Medal
phick announced that a .
Contes% will be held, 'early in A.larch,
Solos were rendered by 'Lorraine Car-
will , -
ardently our , to
self is of Verkshire litnestonea the,
ter and Edith Campbell, and the
. , .
hag in the School, Room on Tuesday
afternoon, February •t.8th, at.3 o'clock
Everybody come' and help plan the
Plough," and go ove't• the' top. ttext
yqar. , ,
The splendid reports of the seem-
.Mts. James Martin •
' ' f 11. .''' .cineers' led in E
One 0 le, ,few.pta , ... '
gift of Great Britain to the people. of
Canada A,round the altar,. in letters
- ' ''
'inches' high the
- .
ineetnig was brought to a close by
• • •
singing. the fitst v-erse of the National
work for the coming year „Anthem
, Two •rinks of local curlers •are tale-
taries showed how Strentutt sly the'
individutil organizations, had orked
Waw'ttit),Sall.' 1•.°1rishiP , PI.L8S°11: 'away'
e 5erson of
Alonda.y mornipg, in ..t1 1 ..,
about six are carved
- .1 f NC. Val'. t fo'• t i tl (Bun-
tactics o .1. 1. .tan i .rt 1
yon's 1?ilgrifit's Progress). before he
' ' ' . •
, --
1.t • ,-' • • ' ' • 1 '1 i ' ' -. t
aveia, onca tn .a. av 11 c an (van
conies that lends, encouragement to
'I:I L°0 1 f SouthHuron1 ld
. ie , , - o. ic
their animal county lodge meeting in
and reciting the Mizpeh bene-
' ' - . ' •"
dictioe, '
ing part in the Provincial Bonapiel at
. .• , .
Toronto this week, ii, Diment, T. H,
Gibson, Herb, Walker and _las. Mur-
ray, 'Skip; Fred DavidsOn, 'Jas. Carr,
'Donald 'Rae 'W.'S. Mitchell, skip.
the 'different ,departments in- ,rder,
that the 1\iaster's work might ,ptas
per.. It was deeided that the.W,
S. of Huron Presbyterial 'hold theie
Annual Conference in James Street,
Charlotte Wright. widow of James
- a a. 7 , .
Martin- -who predeceased her about
. ' ..,„. • .., , ., ,
2,0 years,. acts, Marto) f,f,vas. loot1 i at
wutalwint17 'Ont„ and ter .1.1 la.st
64 Y ‘ been a resit ent ' 0 It aat
crosaes the river• -"My stvoial 1 give
' ... '
to'. him that ,shall succeed rue in any
pilgrimage, and my courage anci skill
to him that tan get. it. My marksand
T. 'me to ' be ' witnesS
,those interested in the better things
atid is the more hearteeing, hi con-
tr.ast to th1., Indifference of ma.ny in
'giving recognition. and material sup-
to the interested.
Exeter on Tuesday afternoon With
County Master Herman POWe, hi the,
chair, There was a good representa-
tion 'from the various lodges of. the
County, 63 being It was de-..
., /4 „
- ..----
Some real bargains in used Radio
•hat have all been rewired, and
Sets t
United Church, :Exeter, April 3cith k
1929 . -
AVawanos i. 'lte-lrad alwayS ertjOyed
, .'' i 1 . ' • •
the OVST, or Inman until tier acce,nt
a.... Stir::
iiitieSS ,;t1)0Lit three ttion:tlis go
sears carry with part.' organization
' ' • ' l• , ., •
for ine that I have fonght his battles _So when the 'Hospital Auxiliary dP-
a •--..n c . . ' • • -
now will be my rewarder , uhled to put on a Euchre and Dance
who • • . " • . • , .
's t000f Reatiern- fundsey h
eided •to• celebrate the lath of July
at Wingliam i:his year, North and
for big
e',-, "
' 'a' 1
iy4/1`t ,
; ,
brought up . to date: Stone guarantee
• ,
vivirig ate 'thin sotis and six 'daugh-
the altar is Canadale to raise needed ons thad visi
, a , a ...
a tcele-
Souh Huron joining
new set, with option -Of .dealing in
'Lone, months, at
on .new set within. I
E , •
.. • . .
' ' at 'lines f East Wa-
ters, Charles d Jt . 0 a ..
:, '
wanosh; Airs. J. Eletning, of Remit.-
brancc. a large v'olume of, parchmerit, of a good attendance. but 110 .expec-
' .. - . .. '
tinder a 'cover of plate glasa, tation of the recbrd crowd that gath-
„,„ .„, • ". , , , " • . 1 _
bration, An invitation was extend-
, ed through the Exeter Couricil to
in Exeter but the
--"--;--70,-;-..;-----,r-y--, - --77,----..--7----
'/ - ' ' •
The .,R4dia S4op, we give you. the ser,-
Wingliarn United Clutreh took up a
. ,
fate -will offering .00 Sunday in aid of
the Welsh 'Miner's .Pund, arid the of-
. , - '
• Next Thursday Huron Comity
Preeders' AsSochtion offer for sale
' - ' • " • , ' • .
by antblic attetion at Lepard's Shed,
• • ' ,,
in W144114111, twenty-five exceptional-
1v Short These
ton W 13 Bell of Riverhurat ...Saak.,'
• ' ' ' ' . ' ' '
)lrs. A.'. Fallallay, of Toronto, Mrs,
ET 1-1 I 'itLortipson atm 'has., vv,, va
I. c '11 1
at tam, wawa/lash, ,ana mrs, -w,
_ _ ... _ ,,-, . ,_•,. ... ,,
urn erry,, Mrs. Maitin. was
Ada", -I: b
Lite ceninrana tue.walla. are most
. ' '
.• beautifully decorrited by the sculptor,
i r, ..-a e, .. le wa s ale t tyi a an.°
M' T k •' •T1 ' 'II- • l"t1 d • t
y , •
a ela atch of whielt la s mbolic 'of
Pan .., t" • ' ,' .•
' "
Sonic paetieular, phase of the war.. 'I.or
'. . a- ,
erect Liver a.00 rittended, players
•completely .filling the Gothicil Chain-
b . ' th f' . ' ' hall 111(1 overflow-'•
arse Iranian st,
in i. into tlie h II Prizes went ta Mrs
t, a , . s. . . -•
Harry McGee for games won and 10
, . •
celebrate this year
invitation was received too late to be
• • - 'cl. d t tl ' - t' 11 bus'
canal ere a lis maeatig,, ,,t,-.
ness pet ami g o .. a
" 't ' '0 t th county was.
dealt with, The election' of •officera,
: •Master,,
ficials received a decidedly pleasant
•• a.
'seirpiiise when the .ainotint ineettuing
the 'collection at Sunday "School, a-
bo it $165 '
geounted to a , t , ,
he Womehls Auxiliaay•fo ,the Gen:-
choice Horn cattle
' ' ',. • 2 , . , , " ' A
.are zroin rue beSr strarna o'r Ccrentreu
' - • , ' • - . °' '
stock in the diatrict arid are of theTel.,--,Church
. , • , 'tiaty
'' 1 1 • '
right type with whici to ay 1 ae
foundation for a pure-bred herd, or
for ' hi-um:oven-tent of art eStablished
a inernnek ot the 1. rcsnytolan cilium
Th f ‘• '1 l• 1 f ' 1 •
e unara too, p 0.ce . rom.t le rest;
(tame, lot 2 , concession 1 2„ aroTher.
.I. 8 ' .
,. . , . , w, , 1
afternoon, i n Lei in ent .1t1 ' lag -Fara
. , ,
testanee the fuSt panal uanadas tan-
.„ .1,:r., . , , . .,. , .
swei oteptcta a steamsnip plot\ ma, its
gems,: 'the odeala catrving Can-
.°. ' " ;',••• .,,, 1 , ' .
athap troops' to Vr11115e/ Ailt.fier Paa
trel„ "The ArMistice" is a representa-
tionof a fOrestey battalion. At) offi.-
Mrs. W. j, Adams fot lone hands,
. „ . , -.. ,
whIle Messis, George isisner alia, G•
1„, Baker were the fortunate. gentle-,
• . ' „
men. tvittners, After refreshments
the, etowd &anted to Ste0Per'S Seta'
kmaders for an hour or so. The Au X-
ieselte as followsCounty
Herman Powe, (:;etitaa'lia; County De-
. , ea Or 1,
play Master, E ' Moyle,' S f tl •
County Chaplain, Reverend T. W.
i• ' .f II s 11. C Ii" S "
, ones, 0. err a , • 0, 111. "C Y',
5. ,pisher, Clinton; CO. Treastteer, G.
fq Shine Davison Pastor
.--.0", . , Y - .. , •• ..
. 1'40, Parsonage 183
' .
"Tha ea .of DUlty."
erral Hospital to thank all the•
5:10?-•etis of town ' and surk•ounding
The sale is tinder the maaa.g.,„
mem of G, R. Paterson, District,Rer.
, r ,
Big Bargains in Men's Leather Top
cot' .stands iii the foreground •tvitli np-
te 1void Ont man' has dropped
l'f d
glary cleared around :Poe,
Davis, Saintbury; 'First Letterer, N.
IVIiller, Clinton; and Lecturer, G. Corr
Seemen Series for Evening Setr
touritry, who bY their 'attendance
helped to make the eittihre,and a,a,qe
on Thursday evening. Such rt splendid
presentative, from whOra full infor-
111ati011 and catal°gUes may be had
'by, addressing him at C'1.fltoii. Sale
Rubbers and heavy lace ral)hers' at
Greer's Shoe Sale, '
'Listen to the Apexabalf hour cm
I'. ' - , ', ' t .' , •• '
us axe, arm toe otners. ate .e.00ttt -to
follow his example, The fast panel.
"Canada's Call to Peace" is alsb vet -y'
nisi', Clinton.; Marshall, W. Lutman,
town. ---Exeter Titnes-Advocate.
vices oti Wanneti of the
apcial and financial strece-ss, •
'Gaytees GdloShes for 'women
statta at one o'clock sharp.
- - -
your r-adio evety' Tuesday- 1.2.;,;() to :I
fram Station TI,P.,
striking. Tins shows the, :steamship
, . ,
Do hot MISS the Old Tittle Valen-
13.ring, your shoes here for repa r-
Feb. 17 't the Ideal 115
and, children at 'wholesale -prices at
Greer's Clearing Sale,
Yotir, money will buy inbre shoes
now at Gm CLI Shoe Sale, than later
p. 111. to all the"
latest and old time intinliel-s, pres•ent-
ed by the RadioS„hop, Apex dealer
in- the first panel making, its way bacle•
to Ctmada. Tit the: foregrOund the
ACtilotee.kteed tell white erOSses,
tine Dance ih Foresters' Hall,
IleigNive, on Friday &vetting, Feb rua
'ary 'tst Arthur's .Radio 0t.. lea ' .'
atid. see promtptly, how well, and
reasonably, "'We'll illend 'F,:m.--
("Tee'5 ,C.i ioe ,,.. tore.
teb.,24--"Ma15', i\l' other e( je,q-