The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-07, Page 811
raise; Iter salary szd 'before anything itg suor garbage pails, refilling them with,
eoutid be done ' sin: had stepped on, a: _mixture of rubber tires ;ytic1 black
,ir2 and completely lc
tdv flt
c -him. cotfetti,
and selling the.
at an-en
Ai5s Finch surprised us'ull by mai,- mous profit. A riot followedbut was
rying a dashing French Count, She soon put to a stop by Georgie Young; .
life inan the chief of police who arrived at:the
and her husband lead a 1
olid chateau at Monte Carlo, Bessie
Wylie must tion be forgotten, a
Used Stoves e VeS ..1 Heat. m
,+. � X1d
els Consisting of -
Ijlt ■-•--'
servoir and warming cabinet a
= sleir.did buy. ®I,
(`TRIUMPH'" Steel Range with
Y. Reservoir and High Closet.
"CHINOOK" Steel Range with �.
lit Reservoir.
"CLOWN HURON" with Res-
▪ ervoir and High Closet
it impossible 10 keep up with the high
inane of thought, Ie worried and
worked went
into a decline
ttnd shortly afterwards died.
Mary Robertson is using her ad-
vanced mathematics in running a
Beatay Parlour en "I'iftlt avenue, Neiw
City, She has invented a really
wonderful x'nethod of lifting and re-
arranging the face. On one out of
every ten, they say, the system is
successful, the other Rine are ruined
for life, Among her many assistants
are Mary Inglis, Annetta Fisher, 13er-
1! r°HOME COMFORT'° Steel
▪ Range, Res. and :High Closet. _
Small Stoves suitable for a
Back Kitchen use; several Que- .' Heaters, Wood Heaters, rill
Box Stoves, also ,
A CHINE in good order.
--Phone 36
Buchanan -Hardware
Ill111MI hill l lli1111I I I1111111111i1I11■lig®l 111111111I I!
(Continued from Page Five)
ments: She is also noted for her
•complexion, which, she has confided
to the reports, she keeps in condition
by chewing thirteen Christie's Soft
Sweet Soda Crackers before retiring
each night, `,Another well-known star
is Dorothy Aitken, whose last picture
".Beautiful but Dumb," was a great
In Ottawa, a second Agnes _Mc-
3.'hail, in the person of Mary O'Neil
is raising much criticism in political
circles for the extreme views she has
taken in recent. campaigns. Then of
course there is Billie Gibson, she was
yl Cunningham and :Betty Walker, In
the Great Opera douse ill Paris, one
of the greatest singers of the season
is Madame Veltunnia Lennoxogovina,
otherwise Velma Lennox. She has a
deep rich contralto voice and has rea-
ched such porpotions physically that
she wears roller-skates to act as cas-
tors, and has to be slowly trundled off
and en the stage. Her most poular
encore, strange to say, is "Has Any-
body. Here Seen Rover." It is said
that Madame_ has never got over be-
ing nervous and that before each per-
formance, she spends three or .four
hours working out stupendous math-
ematical problems. This; she says, as
well as keeping her cool and collect-
ed also acts as a recreation. This is
not strange when we remember that
in the old days, Mathematics was for
her, a mere, past -time.
Over in Old London, Herbert I.eiv-
is, dccupiesthe position of the Lord
Mayor's Coachman. At any import-
ant public function may be seen the
coach with Herbert sitting patiently
on top, looking very picturesque, in
his howd.ered wig, tied at the back
with a black ribbon, his velvet coat
and satin knee breeches..
In the streets of a certain little
Spanish town stands the lovely studio
of a well known personage, She is a
plump middle' aged spinster with a
round beaming face, soft pudgy hands
no waist and a quick pattering walk.
But don't laugh at her for she has
made a name for herself, 'she is the
famous Kate King, pianist, artist and
writer, not to mention historian; ma -
ed prtzc was awarded to 'Clark E1=
The judges stated that although
Misss�utrlc" certainly y stabd
hr gh
r zi
>> • etrorr et that was
rnurailetfe ,y .
eluded in the contest, and that for
sheer beauty iMlr. Elliott far surpass-.
ed everyone,
Our highly respected mathematical
teacher, Mr, Wtlr• Gibson, M,A,L.R.S,
O,S.V.A,M.P.M. has had a varied car-
eer. During his sojourn in Wing'harn
he began to teach Arabic in the High'
School. The students found it Most
interesting and much easier to speak
titan English. 'When the point was
reached however, when they began
using Arabic rather than English nt
their ordinary conversation Mr. Gib-
son was asked to resign. During; his
ensuing trip through South America
he ;wrote a really marvellous book,
"The Necessity of Trigonometry in
Travel." It was such a success, that
as well as making a fortune he was
knighted. Sir William and Lady Gib-
son are now living in an old castle in that of poor Mary Mitchell, whose. camp, giving performances. The- lunt-,
the Highlands of Scotland. bright young life met a sudden end in ber jacks. were delighted with their
Jean Currie after having great dif- 1939. Cherishing an illusion for years versatile programme of stunts; songs,
ficulty ut making up her mind filially and then suddenly awakening to the dances, readings and bed time stories,
and her hus-GeorgeAllen had absolutely In front of one of Toronto's married a farmer. ' She fact that
band own extensive appleorchards in no intention'of marrying her, proved exclusive Grill Rooms, the traffic is
the Niagara district. We remember too Hutch' for her already feeble in- continually being ob"strticted by a vast
of course that jean allays. prided her- tellect, and she went completely out 'crowd of sp•ectatorrs. Inside the win -
self on being an apple expert. • Then of her mind. Then:one day while clow, stands. Helen Gillies in a white
bt -apron
there is Elizabeth •�.oss, contrary to the Family' weren't watching her, she 'ruffled cap arid demonstrating
everyone's eypectations she became took a pair of roller skates, mounted the correct method of making pop-
e, hardened spinster. After Wirighain the standpipe and 'starter roller •slcat overs, pop neecife5s to say is not the,
became too large for her to handle she ing around the top. The natural re- pop -overs that form: the chief centre
moved to a smaller place where site suit -was; of course that the • end of of attraction. If one enters the im-
notiv happily ha pig runs the Ladies'' Aid. about the seventy-fifth round, she be -'posing head -waiter; Gordon Mundell
tli • Missionar • Society' the W. C.:J... same and fell hi. Although the f•irrds one a ,pface while Alex; Malty -
y dizzy
the Hospital Auxiliarly and every- case was sad, the pttblic felt that the ney's orchestra accompanies your
thing that there happens to be ,avail- choice of the' standpipe -was most soup. The Wonderful Taylor ')''win
has become ,athoughtless oni Mary's part, for the dancers .are a Special feature, while
able. Jacl:. Fortune i
lawyer aril I'm told rnakes' a convirt- water supply was shut
of for .weeks. llitargaret Mitchell is the flute
•in a fiery one, One of the „ George Alien, at one • time almost soloist. The management of' the Grill
e g, though,.
best known of the. present day novel- ' tite cleverest boy in Fourth Form,: Roost is in' charge of Margaret Fin-
itts is Kenneth, McLeod. His books fiat used his mathematicalhead in be -,ley, a Most alert but rather a'vericioos
intenselyinteresting, and critics coming an architect. He plans really business worttan.
say that he is a second Zane Grey.. wonderful buildings mostly skyscrap- 1 The Dtcrnb l3'ells, formerly so pop-
of Am- r but theyare so flit -bristle in de- ulttr are iiow rreplaced by the' wonder-
'Throu„houtthe countrysidec s,
adver-. the retiiuneration ' derived` fill concert- company: known as the,
Wonder -
erica may be seen the posters, ,,ren that
h �•rs mall et \'1r. Allem is Ginn Belles, managed by' ken Thoirtp-
tisui>' the Brilliant 13ra��•lcy Brothers frolrl ihcln is s Y
S sent the Barnum and I3ai a rich recant. What'is the secret:' It son, hirnself a mat -venous itemale
Gitcu.. It _e t
e 'a
tractions is
the famous Kin r -Coutts is this he invented and: put on thepersonator. As a real sopfti'sticated
critical moment. Mr. Preston las
now retired and is happily married to
tt t 1. y
thong she, no 'longer goes by that one of the illustrious graduates of
name, Site is nov 'Mrs, Lultle:berry Westervelt Business College.
Tu ilrins, wife of the Bacon: King of One of the greatest attractions at
Atncrica, She has become an 'Minos- the Toronto exhibition last year. was
ing social leader acid she may be often
seen, her short ample figure piaster -
ed with diamonds, her hair carefully
curled and dyed, her lorgnette held
just right, and' her nose tilted at an
outrageous angle. Annie Campbell
has become a' Shakespearian actress
of some note. Mollie Pepper has gone
into business and is the head of the
Sifto Salt Company, while Blanche
I3'antilton spends her days in working
out a cure for sneezing.
Possibly the saddest case of all is
the famous aviatrix Nancy Taylor,
who did marvellous feats in tit; air
and wade daring landings with a par-
Rena Carruthers and Hazel Morgan
have 'opened a canary bird and gold
fish store in Whitechurch, They are
reaping great profits but this is most -
1y due to their very clever messenger
boy and bookkeeper, William Mender-,
son. ibliss Hornfelt married an acro-
bat, with whom she went north, tra-
velling -from lumber camp to lumber
Thursday, February 7th, 1829
Thursday, Friday', Saturday, Fehruary 7
e Peters
... �r
I -
• 17l
Isobel or "The Trail's End"
By James 'Oliver Curwoodr
and 9
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February` l.a.., 1,Z, 13
"The Head Man"
Here the record. ertds! If there be
anyone present so foolish 'or shallow-.
minded: as to• doubt the truth of my
statements let hire wait the thirty-
ive years and,then the shall: see.'. For
as surely as I atn •seventh daughter
of` a seventlii "daughter; t,liese• things
that I have spoken shall', come to pass.
Mildred, C. Reelinond•,
Total Hogs -1924 87,881, ' 1925 75,
527,. 1926 67,464; 1927 73.,591, 1928
%Selects -1924 26,6; 1925-34:0; 1926
28.4, 1927 31.0, 1928 30.2,.
%Heavies -1924 4:1, 1925,4:5, 1926
5.3, 1927 5,1, 1928 2.8.
%Shops, Lights and. Feeders. -1924
� 1
11,4, 1925 5:5, 1926 4:3; 1927 5'.9,.1928
to -of its leadingat- market a hair tonic . guaranteed to keep' flapper he. is universally jeaown as 4.8..
always so impressed by those movies, thentatician, language expert and as- world famous.Or
"-tarniisliing or dark: • "Lily". Kenneth McCrae is another Local' Shipping Points: Hbron,. thatcoun-
tranorner. She has also dabbled in tratcions is the famous Bing Coutts golden luau from b 1928.
she usedto see in the olden days,
an Norma ening. fit i.s solei in all drug stores star and makes a chatun?rig, plump
composed of northern solitudes, her- ;science, psychology, philosophy and bicycle race, Mary d goe b known for 'Total. I��ogs-A-uburn 4
Heil in furs, and a ;rent many husky however as the composer of the well 'twice ti day, taking tttrrt, in winning serve flee a ptetuxe o e . a Brucefield 2004, Brussels 6591, Cen-
rlish voice
composition dogs, that she became a northern ex- ,
is veryMr.Alien, one'feels, "is one of Jean Stobie was.offered: the life po-
ores.: She has had manythrilling ;Flat Minor" and as the authoroflast iciest. The, side-show too,'Ittb,
pl� or of Bluedale''s�hief
picturesquely niuf litical econom . She is best known through the exciting 25 mile race and with each bottle: bought, you re- curly blonde. Ile is best426,' Be1grave
oes and heroines ,po Y
- f th ttveutor, leis �rraccful' dancing
and' his wsweet 3119, Bluevale 2402; Blyth^ 1172,
1 b ,known>osition "I'ltapsodie in G of course, to keep up the crowds in -tinted and of suitable size for frdnx gr
d but1 talked f book "What popular, ''dere may be seen Olive the few old time students who has sition of Agay
4dperiences an narrow escapes; seasons much to ie a 0045
snake -charmer achieved rear. success, assii'sant, by the mayor himself. She
the one she is most fond of telling is is the Younger Generation Coming Garniss the beautiful s
this, when out fora walk one day To?" and Lula Wcatherhead the champion In one of' the collegiates in Hong declined the honour however; and is
Ruth Armstrong.T -.n. Mr: • Phillips teachers the now over in Geneva, holding the POS-
(havingbeen to an i~"siluimatra Ball � The Mellin's ,Baby Food Company sword swallower. l.ut t �o g.
,t lion'tarter: while young orient'als, the beauty of Shake ition of the'"first woman represent -a-,
tlie.night before), she fell asleep ln.recently held a beauty contest, offer• Makes a wonderfuly b
the snow and would have frozen to fug a prize for the most b
ibeautiful man Albert Needham is an, efficient wat- speare and the•fascination of baseball tive for Canada at the League of Na -
and' rut bti. Robert` Weir has become tiaras. With all this fame thrust upon
,c faithful 1 hadn't 1 f birth this • carrier, In -t small tent •sits the
tr-ntly licked her face to keep I P l.ttrca] scandal was she refuses to r ecognrze her one-time
'warm. She usually neglects to add dreds of contestants were Margaret son, near her in another brillliart col- ' The height of pv
is Edna Procter, energeti- reached a short tittle ago when the small town friends,
lra`tvever that the dog died shortly Currie: 1larion Stewart; Clark Elliott. ored Tent, _ d
. The c lv s roiitin<• o Dogs � t t i :candidate, Bruce 'Fox; char- ' There are still Marty students whose
pied the Radical runner, Durward l
Preston, with maladministration, al
l,eging that, when in the tea business,
Preston had paid small' boys to col-
1tc.t ,
lect Salada tea packages froth back'
death, if` Iter fait to husky
ant pit- ' or wurnan rarsec rota tr t ,gin . ur
I marvellous fortune teller Hazel \•Vil la mining engineer in South America. her, she has become so haughty that
1: >e h.e2• tvatcliless i ocluct. �riiong the halt- pial ell ..u,
afterwards of painter's colic. Harold Cora Phair and Rhys !. ollocle. .1. c al - 7 "H i D Cl e v n" L F O
Mitchell, after getting all the educe distracted judges after arguing fo- Gulp and ' Pop." William Bran>ley
tion that the High School could lion -'weeks, finally picked out what they himself is deaed, having got into an
High e 1 were: the best two. Again' argument. some years ago with the
Bible afford him graduated to the considered gyp,
`th contest raged and finally after circus fat woman, Fairy Fells, over
Business College. He always took :the g
Iris work seriously and here he found several more weeks the much, covet- a matter of money. He refused to
This Wee
ME alm5e*wEsmIuIa®aI®MUU MMOMM
s Goo.
futures I might unveil, but from far
off' 1929', coaxes the peal of the fam-
iliar school bell, and I feel that for
my own' good, it might . be
hasten back to thet present.
est, to
tralia 3672, 181*,, Clinton 5943,: 230'^`,
Ethel 3372, Exeter 4322, Fordwich
5635, Goderich 947, Gorrie 3225, Hen -
salt 9220, Londesboro 2262, McGaw
5606, Seaforth " 5249, 'Walton 5538,•.
'VVinghaio 1532, Wroxeter 3796.
-_-Unclassified Total --7.81 hogs.
''*-Direct to'Export-Total:-230
%Selects -1 uburn 35:7; Belgrave
35.1, Bluevate 26.2 13lytli 26:1, Bruce, -
field 26.4, Brussels.30.1, Centralia
23.3*s Clinton 40.3, Ethel 28.6,_Exeter-
26.8, Fordwich 30'.'8, Goderich 26.6,
Gorrie 20 ,9, Hensall' 20.9, Londes-
koro 40.3, McGaw 30.8, S�eaforth 29,9,
Walton 27,3, Winghain .32.0, Wi:ox-
etOr 2:5-:1'.
%Heavies--A.tibuirxt' 2:6t,• Bolgrave•
1.8, Blileval'e 2:7, "Myth ,23; I3rece
field. 3.9, Rrussel's 1.3; Gehl:}+alga• 4.6;
Clinton 2';4 'Ethel, '1,2; Exeter 3;3,.
or• rich 3.3 Goderieli sig" Gorrie
Fordwich ,
T3°ensal'1i 8'r tortd'esborto; 2;0; 12c-
Gaw 2,9, Seaforth 2;0; Walton. 2.4,.
Wingham 3.3, Wroxeter 4.0:
%Shops; Lights, arid. Fe.edbrs-Au-
burn• 3':7, Belgraare' 55; 13luevale
I3lyth, 5.0, Brucefieldl4':8, Brussels 5.7
Centralia 4.6, Clinton "2:3, Ethel '4:8,.
Exeter: 6:0,; Fosdwidli 6.0, Godericte
7.6, Gorrie 8.6; Helasall 3.3, Landes-`
bora 3:0, ktcGaty X6,4, Seaforth 6.9,.
'Walton 3.3; Wilig�liain 4.5, Wroxeter
5, 8.
Report of U. S. S. N:o. 14, East anct
West Wawanosh for January.
Sr. IV -Laura Martin 61%.
Jr. IV -Elroy Laidlaw 60%; Ken-
neth Laidlaw 57%.
Sr. III -Clifford Purdbn 61%; Rod-
dy Inglis 57%.
Jr. III -Mussell Farrier 50%; Ros-
clia Guest'`. -
St. Il -Dick Guest*.
Jr. II -Olive 1?urdon 7:4%, Jack In-
glis 57%, Doreen Pardon 49%, Mary
Guest ';: •
-Total 400, 'pass240-Gordon
z ,
Laidlaw 248, Muriel Gurdon 216.
Pr. -Ernest :Beecroft' (Good), Ber-
tha , Guest'!`, Rellison Falconer*, Bill
('5) -absent.
No. on roll 18; average attendance
L. I Hackett; Treacher.
Fraser -Tri Wingham, on Monday,
February 4th, to, Mr: and Ie[rs. Ad-
dison.Fraser, 'of Morris, a daughter.
nmmmmu®mummimmissa mommemmamma■ nimm mmanu®mis®ammammm m
■ ▪ ,
ews About
Fur Coats at Sale
selection of 22 Coats -Hud-
son Seal, Persian Lamb, Musk-
rat. and French Seals. A1.1 beau-
tiinllly lined and richly trimmed
with contrasting Furs, Febru-
ary Clearance less 20 to 30%.
Fine Dresses Reduced
Crepe Romaine, Satins, Geor-
gettes, Flat Crepes and 'Fine
Woollens, . Every Dress on sale
20' to 50% off.
Women's Winter Coats
it newest Styles and best
All the v
Materials Ind 1'ur trittmin'gs--
1/5 % to '/x off.
45c Pyjama: Cloths ..:__.,,.._,.,__32c
32e Anderson Gitrghalns-._...25e
3 North Star Batts, lb size 1.00
Buffalo Scotch Fingering Yarn,
30c Nursery Flannelette 22c
200 yd. Cotton Spools, each.....5c
$1.50 English Bath Matts 75c
� ... ,,
35e Check Glass Towelling...24c
Wabasso Pillow Cottons, 40, 42
an:1.44 inches wide -39c and 43c
Highland Prints c
fast o C
20% off all Sateens, Cretoii-
nes and Drapery Fabrics.
Parlor and Den Mats
Wiltons, French Seamless and
Axminster designs. All less '20
per cent.
3.75 Inlaid Linoleurns ..... $2.95
Misses' Sill: Vests 49c
Wool Bed Coverlets, Feather
Pillows and Comforters, reduc-
ed 20%.
I/3 off all, Children's Fur Robes.
Ibex Flannelette Blankets 12/4,
white or grey
Congoleunr and Linoleum' Rugs
less 20%. Your choice of any
Madeira Linens at 1/5 to i
off, Serviette's and larger, pieces,
Look at. these Bargains.
5 lb. Pail Clover Hintey, 59c.
6 rolls Crepe. Toilet Paper22c
Choke September Cheese....,,28c-
3 bars P. & G. or White
Naptha, for 11c
2 lbs. Choice Dates ..,..... 21c
3 pkgs,. tax 28e.
3 lbs, B1'tise Rose Rice. 250.
75c Green Corn'troom ...
4 pkg,s. Mt:Lares1''s Jelly Powd-
ers for ,..:23
2 tins Campbells' Tomato Soup
for •2P
L .,29e
2 tilts Choice SRP � -
2 lbs, T,hompson!s, Seedless. :f Rai-
sins for 2Ai
S lb,p ails 'Corn Syrup, 3 $LOO
10 lbs. pail Corti Syruir ....;.::. U4o
9 bars Castiie, Soap ...,- ....28c
Bordeaux Walnuts (Halves),
per ,Lb ..4e
Celycwn Black i" -ea, ib. .,::,,03c
3 pkgs. Handy Ammonia ,,254
lgeDbtiald 'Crown Tobacco -10o
IVIcIDoltald's Brier Tobacco:,.15e
Electric Cleaner
One Only Eureka Electric
Cleaner, regular price $69.50,
February Clearance..
5 yds Colored Nainchecics..,08c,
Gossard Corsets
For Small Women
Regular $2.00 to $4.50'"limes,
Satin Camisoles to match 60c
$6.50 Cut Velvets',........ __....:$3.95
Dress Good `
Wool Crepes, FrenchTaffet-
ta, Kasha, Cloths, Silks and Vel-
vets, re,dueeall 20 to 40%.
Children's Underwear,
17ratvers,,V ul.s, Combinations
alt reduced 'tib%.
■�weM�wPrr,lr n XW�.PMeYr.E��W.
Watsott's ',$1.110 Siflc.'Underwear
at 98c
Men's and' Boys' Cloth-
ing all at Cut Prices;
YJIster , a s
Overcoats, Suits, .
Mackinaws less 20 to 40%.
Boys' $10.00 to 1t2,50: Suits. $7.95
Llama and English Socks
48c,,,(mac, 98c
Blue 'Label Shirts and Drawers
Good Warin Weak Sweaters.
at $1.98
Fine Shirts, $1.95, to $2,50 grad-
es, tiow $1.55, 2 for ............„$3,00
M,ests $40.00 Suits
Dress Ties, Half ,Price, all our
$1.0,0' ties, note 2 for , $1:00
Bo. s' Overcoats at
Cut Prices
Sizes 4 to /4 years and'28 to
36, all ,greatly reduced.
Bargains in Work; shirts 89c
Odd 'Trousers ..__.-..-$2.69,-$3.49
$5,50 to. $7.00 Pullovers . and
Wind Breakers
49c Wool Socks,. °3 parrs -.,.$i.00
Red and Bine Handkerchiefs,
3 for _ t 33c
Genuine Eloise Hide MVitts0:38c
Lined One Vitiger 1Vlttts, . „4�Jc
Men's Moch s and Wool Alaves 1.
reg, �1,75�an d�.Oi.x in e
s..,.:. �.
Turrtbuil's' Nat>,xral Underwear at
all':less 20'0
Extra Quality Braces ,.,
ib0 Men's 'Caps 50e
• A third • of regulat price.
00000** 0
II **********1 * ***** *** 0 1000***** 01**0000000000000000
"t! x.,y.µ,n.jy,} y..y 1W-.�r{.�".Y� x.i,.rx!M�,kM••w