HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-02-07, Page 3orrie
UfNyt14"�'k • ° ,�
Thursday, February.;7hh, 1929
Since "F "uit-a°'Gives"
Brought Relief From
It looks almost like magic ;the way a
wealth of health floods the body under
the healing influence of "Fruit -a
tves ,1 Indigestion, Gas and Pain.
after Eating, Headaches' a.ud Constipa-
tion simply disappear. As Mrs.
E. White of West Toronto, Ont.,
states: "I suffered from Indigestion.
for months and could not eat a square
Amer. Sines taking`Fruit-a-uvea
every trace of Stomach Trouble haS
disappeared. I now eat anything and
feel like a new person."
"Fruit -a -rives" will quickly relieve
'• Indigestion and Dyspepsio.a., 25c. and
50e. a box—at defilers everywhere.
Time.-- Ohrist spoke the pa2•abe
o7' the prodigal son:in January, A: D.
30, three months before His cruci-
fixion. Peter's Pentecostal sermon
was delivered on Sunday,':.. May 28,
A,D. 30.
Plage•—T]Ie, 'par'able of the prodi-
gal son was spoken in Peraea, east
of the "Jordan. Peter's sermon was
prea.ebecl in Jerusalem, in : or near
the "upper •room of the Lord's
. supper.
Repentance is more than •sorrow*
far sin. Many a min has that, and
Yet rushes again into the old mire.
To change the mind and will is not
enough unless the change is certi-
fled to be real by deeds correspond
ng. So •Johna preached the trate na-
ture of repentance when he called
for its fruits.
.knd he said, A certain man • had
two sons, ' The certain: pian „ is
• God, the : Heavenly; Father: The
Younger son represents penitent
sinners and the olc1 son represents
proud sinners, who do 'not regard
themselves as sinners at all.
And; the younger of them said to
his father, Father, `give me the poi -
tion of thy ,substance that falleth to
me. AM he divided unto them his
living, "A younger brother's per
tion, according to the Jewish laws
of inheritance; would, *he the half
that which the elder, brother should
receive '(Deet. 21:17; 2 Things 2:
9.) Contemplated' spiritually this
request is the expression of naen's
desire to be -independent of God, to
become 'a god to himself (Gen. 3:
5,) and to lay out his life at his own
will and for his pleasure.
Stoer News
We invite the:shoppi\zg public
to inspect our stock. •You will
find the best of material' at rea-
sonable prices Space does not
permit us to enlnutnerate;. all out
different lines, so come 'iti and
see for yourselves,
Its men's wear we have Over -
Coats, Sweaters, Scarfs, Ties,
Sox, 'Gloves, Hats and caps etc,
B'oots, :,'hoes, Rubber. Over-
Shoes, Goloshes, 'Fancy Slippers;
in Men's, Women's, and .Child
Our Grocery J department
stocked with new fr'ttits of all
kinds, Oranges, Nuts and Can-
dies. Special prices,on these in
quantities for school entertain-
ments. Give us your order.
We have a. nice assortment of
fancy China in dinner and tea
sets.:- Notes, paperettes, etc.
Highest prices far fresh eggs.
Creator tal.etl here for the Wing -
hard Creamery,
And not many days after., the
younger son gathered .all together
and took his journey int() .a far Coun-
try, As we see the prodigal sons
around r us, the far country inay be
only across the street .indeed, the
prodigal •.may remain at home;; for
it is a heart journey, a journey of
interest and ,desire,, this to a far
country: .And there he wasted his
substance with riotous' living. Boys,
I:ve given up being a good fellow,;
said. one of my elasanates at a poi -
lege reunion. Ten years of it was
enough. And now after the waste
of tell golden years, and five more
of (decent.living, play conclusion is
that it's beter to be a ,square than
than a good` fellow.
And, when he had: spent all, there
arose a mighty famine in that coun-
oun-try; and he began to be in want.
Sinning .is an expensive business.
Poverty is one of its legitimate child-
And he went and joined himself
to one Of the citizens of that coun-
try; and he sent him into `his fields
to feed swine. Many sins win us by
promising 'advancement or at least
pleasure; they never give us either.
And he would fain have filled his.
belly with the husks that the swine
did eat; and no man gave unto loin.
These "husks" were . the pods of the
carob tree, . the beans of ,which were
used tor weights, whence cane our
But when he cafe to himself. He
bad been "beside himself." It is not
suggested that the; sinner is beside
himself in th sense that he is not
responsible for his actions, but that
in sinning he is acting contrary, to
his *highest reason: Be said, How
many hfred servants of my father's
have bread enough and to ,spare,
and. I perish: here with hunger! Ac1-
versity is a wonderful eye-opener.
Necessity ie the mother of common
I will arise and go to my father,
and will say unto him, Father, I
have shied against heaven,, and in
thy 'sight. This is true repentance,
even though prompted by hunger.
He is not going to wait till he feels
greater sorrow for his sins. He will
not tarry under the delusion that he
ran make himself any better,
l ant Ito »,etre worthy to be called
thy son; make me as one of thy
hired servants: 'true repentance
humbles us to the dust, and takes
na to our Lorcl in lowliest humility.
And he arose, and cane .. to his
father. We picture hint toiling on
for many a weary 'utile with dizzy
head, and swimming eye, and sink-
ing heart—bis lilts' parched with
thirst, his limbs staggering with
faintness, his body famished with
hunger. Ts' it not noteworthy that in
this story, so exquisitely told and
so'' rich in detail, not one word is
said of all these difficulties and
troubles? Our blessed Lordcasts,_a
veil' over all that. intervened be-
tween the moment of decision and
the moment of meeting', because He
would' have us know that when once
the will is dee ided to arise and go
fo the Father, the way to the Fath-
er's house need be neither long not•
tedious. But while he was yet afar
off his fathersaw hint. •'rlae father
was On the lookout for him, and
lia:d beeni''tht•ough : all the weary
Months since his boy left. In all the
Bible no line pict.tres more beauti-
fully. the yearning love of God for
.1Iis lost ,children.' ....And was moved
with compassion, and ran, and fell
on his neck, and :kissed him, Christ
is representing the Infinite Rulei" of
the Universe; but here is no offended
majesty, no standing on dignity; no
exacting of humility. God goes out
to meet every returning 'sinner, as
far out as is best for the sinner Aunt-
.And the son. said unto him. He
repeated the title speech of sad and
shamed surrend ar, "which he. had
doubtless been repeating. over and
over to himself` all the way back.
ilut 1:1e was not allowed to finish it,
and .the father, in his'' eager recep-
thin,. did not step h to answer i(
There was abetter way to reassure
t t, le tae Y
the returned, 11 i a: i
But: the father. said to his serv-
ants( Bring forth quickly (how eag-
erly the father speaktll1 the best
robe, and put it on hien; and put a
ring on his hand, aiid shoes on his
feet, The gift oi fine garments 12(4
CI 'ring were ever in the lelatst high
tokonls of honor; thus, for exa;rnple,.
I'1larot1;11 ,distinguished Josaph when
lie exalted him to be 'second in the
rea:lin, (Gen. 41: 41.)
And bring the fatted calf, and kill
it, and let us eat, and make merry-.
The fatted calf ,was n stall -fed calf,.
espeeiallb prepared fol" joy1ttl 00ea5-
'For 'this my ;soil. With these
words the young fellow is definitely
reinstated, ' Was dead, and is alive
again, Sin is indeed a 'death, and
)r".(pentaIlee.:a.nd restoration the •t'e-
covery et .life, e was lost, and is
.found, He Who spoke these graci-
ous wards
raci-ous.:words is the One who "came to
seely' anil to save that which" was
lost." And they began to be merry.
For .the long tragedy was over and
they had every reason to rejoice.
Christ had Just spoken of the rejoic-
ings of the angels' in heaven "over-
atie sinner that repenteth•" (Luke
This Jesus did God raise ` up, Our
verses are front. the conclusion of
Peter's noble sermon delivered at
Pentecost after the descent of the
Spirit, in whose power the apostle
was preaching'. Whereof we all are
witnesses. The twelve apostles
standing there, and many, others with
Being therefore by the right hand.
of God exalted. Peter and the others
had seen the Lord <ascend, into heaven
to sit again at the right hand of
the Father. And having received of
the Father the promise of the Holy
Spirit, Our Lorcl had : told them
(John. 14:16, .26) that God would
send the Comforter to them in an -
sever to his prayer i y He hath poured
forth this,which ye see and hear.
They had seen the tongues of fire,
and had heard the rushing of a
mighty wind and the apostles speak-
ing in strange language (Acts 2:
For David ascended not into the
heavens, He, not like "great David's
greater Son," went down to tile'
grave in his death, and his body re-
mained there. Buthe saith himself:
See Ps. 110:1, The Lord said unto
my Lord,. Sit thou on my right hand.
David in this psalm, Peterasserts,
was speaking of his descendant,
Jesus, whom nevertheless he calls
"my Lord," and exalts to the right
hand of Jehovah:
Till I make thine . enemies the
footstool' of thyfeet. Conquerors in-
dicated theivictory by placing
their feet on the necks of. their foes,
as was done by Joshua's chieftains
(Josh, 10; 24.)
Let all the house ` of Israel ( the
nation of the Jews) therefore know
assuredly, that God bath made'. hint
both Lord. and Christ (both supreme
ruler and foretold Messiah), this
Jesus, whom ye crucified: those
listening to Peter may have, had no.
personal part in the crucifixion of
'Christ, but they had not protested
against it, and they were a part of
the whole' nation whicli hacl allowed
it and urged it an.
Now when they heard this; they
were pricked in their heart, their
sorrow and: shame being lake stings
and goads driving thein to repent-
ance. And' said unto Peter and the
rest ofthe apostles, Brethren, what
shall we do? Paul's cry at his con-
version, Acts 22:10 the question
asked by every soul when niacle to
see his wickedness.
And Peter said unto them, Repent
ye, The first step of every convict -
.ed sinner must bo to turn sharply
from his sins and do them no more.
And 'be baptized every' one of you
in the' name of Jesus Christ. Tn
token of fali�th in the Saviour, trust
in Hits a'tonfnent for sin. Ui'ito the
remission of your sins. Remission
means "the sending away;" the sins
are all ]aid on the Sin -beater, and
are with the sinner 0o more. And
ye shall receive the, gift of the Holy
Spirit, in whose 1?bwer al611e forgiv-
.en sinners can walk in newness of
life .
For to you is the promise, and to
your :children, Christ sent His dis-
ciples :to. "the lost sheep cid the
r- r i ael," Matt. 10: ti, And
house of Is1
to all that are afar off.
tlons," Matt. J' ::1n. Even as many
as the Lord. our, God shall call 'auto
him, And the Lerc'1's Call, is tors ,all
010)2) ".He that will, 1e1: bim tante the
water' of life' freely, Rev. 22: 17.
When our eine ,are forgiven, 111a41i.
of their i1• sad' consequences remain ]u
tills life, but "the sins are sent
Mt 1IY, the debt is removed. and the
sinner is discharged as from bond-
age or from the ;court and place of
Rev.., Craik will e0ininenei'. i series
of sermons next Sunday morning on
obscure characters of the Old Testa-
ment. Next Sunday morning the sub-
ject will be "Naaman, the Proud Sol-
dier", at the evening service the pas..
for will give an address 011H',201', of
Heaven and Home. Come -and enjoy
the old hymns.
Mt', Thos. Nash went to Rothsay
on Monday on account of the serious
illness of his son-in-law, 'in that
A socla1 :.evening will be held tri the
United Chttreit on Friday evening,
February.801, under the auspices of
the •Sunday -School. 'Lunch will be
`Rev, Mr; Craik went to'Tceswater
on Tuesday, to give an address during,
the week of preaching in the United
A special meeting of the; Orange
Lodge was, held on Monday evening;,
neien the county master paid his of-
ficial visit. :Lunch was served at the,
close of the meeting.
That humorous "wholesome acid ap-
p pealin,, play, "Howe Ties" will be
presented in Gorrie Town Hall, on
Friday night, Feb. 15th, at 8 p.m. by
thine Gorrie folk,: The play is in four
acts and takes two hours and a half
to present. The, whole family will
enjoy the program.
\Ir. Htzgli Edgar of Wroxeter,
spent Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11; Marshall.
Mrs. Oliver Stokes s1)ent a couple
r)f clays last week at the home of her
aunt and uncle, Mr, tied Airs, John
Wray, Wroxeter:' -
Mrs. Angus Stewart of Howick,
who has spent the ,past month with
her ,daughter, IIrs. R. L. Jeffrey, has
returned'to her home.
Bir. and Mrs. Melvin ,Villits ,and
little daughter, Kathleen, spent one
day'recently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 1,V: H. Marshall.
Miss Isabel Metcalfe spent the
week -end at' the ironie of her . sister,
Mrs. Howard Wylie.
The many friends of Mrs. Samuel
Marshall will be pleased to learn that
she .is improving nicely..
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent
a day visiting at the home of bit. and
Mrs. Joseph Vogan, Carrick.
Mr. and: Mrs. John Fitch and son,
Jack, visited last Sunday at the home
of lir. ancl, Mrs. W. H. Marshall.
\[r. and Mrs. Thomas A.iipleby vise
ited Thursday at the ho1110 of Aft.
and .Mrs. James Stokes.
Mr. John, \Wylie his sold part of
his lush to Oliver Gallaway of Gor-
rie, whodies a gang of men on at the
present tithe working in it.
liar.'John Reidt is busy hauling -logs
from Mr. Dodd's bush for the Schwa -
lite Tiros. of Mildmay..
11•frl and Mrs. Bert Wright of 17th
ton,, called nn friends in our burg on
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Finlay spent
Sunday witlr Mr.. and ',Mrs. Lloyd on
the B line.
Mr. 'Malvin Taylor= spent t11e week-
end at Ross Earls'.
Mt'. ,Toho L nderwond of Saskatoon,
has.arrived Here, with a toed of hors -
Mr. and Ittrs. Johan Wylie .spent
Sunday at Teeswater,
The rink is being twi11 patronized
n at
Surday c.�'ni
Mrs Herd, sr., is visiting at that
general :attire, alai MIr. Halladay of
bliss Irene bittndeell is lacilicl tying in
I'lie iniglisiyming people gave e per-
tj' to their• young friends 00 Friday
The January meeting c,( the W. bit
5. )net Wednesday afternoon, bars.
Mulvey presiding. 'l'hc topic, "New
''ears" was"taken by Mrs. Jas 'Doug-
las') heading were given by , Mrs..
Newans' and Minnie 'Jeffrey...Collec
lion $4,75. ' 20 were in nt.tcnchan('c',
'Che meeting with closed '3tlt a pray-
er by ATn:. (12rv.1 Taylor.
:airs, 1,i(0stcr rind j'am,'. 1)crwtn'
Will leave' for their biles :it •t'cirriu-,
lei ;and Millbltrnk this Week.
The Institute, i,n'tean has been in•
stalled 1)1 the home of Elisabeth
Hackney, ,for the 'purpose 1 11 holding
weekly prayer meeting and ,111,,ir man -
Having, ' their work almost complet-
ed the Hydro men left for Wingham
?t1 Monday,
Miss M. Stokes of • Tlellnorc, is at
present staying with " 1Aiiss J'ea,tetttl
Mr, Kn1Yl 1)111 ',on of Toronto, and
sisters, Mrs, 'Alor'fott MO Miss Jean-
ette 1)101 0f of New' ?ork, left last.
Week for _their hollies ;rafter attending
the funeral of (1112liifather, the 'late;
Mr. Van Dickson.
Miss Hainstock of ltordwich, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Stewart
McNanghton of `Iurnberry, recently,
The wiring of the United Church
for. Hydro was commenced, on Mon-
day ,
`Che choir of the United Church was
entertained at, the home of Mrs. 1'.
G. Hemphill one alight last week.
We areglad to see Mr. Herb. lien -
fling able to be,around again after be-
ing confined to the housee for some
Air. and Mrs, Lawrence Moffatt and
family of London are visiting friends,
The Y. ,P,.A, of St. Stephen:: church
gave a skating party last. Wednesday
night when a load of people from
here attended. •
Word was received Sunday morn
ing of the death of Mrs. Geo. Melts,
tosh of Stratford. She wasa daughter
of Air. John Davidson.
'Thu Hydro `men have about corn
pletec} the wiring on the streets and
have gone ,to Winghatn'to wire'iip
contl:ctions with the _Sub -Station.
• The Carnival on Friday was a ,t,00d
success when quite a large crowd at-
tended. Below is a list of the prize-
i i.l.arjoi i . Canipb'ell, 2nd—Margaret
winners—Fancy Dressed 7.ady-'lst--
Davey. Fancy Dressed Gent—lst
James Allan, 2nd—Archie Crawford.
Comic CoStnE L d =1st
Harris, 2nd—Mrs. Jas. Allan. Comic
Custtmte, Gent .'st George Town,
2nd—] ,l oyd McMichael. Fancy
Dressed Girl, under 14 years -1st—
Ila Sharpin, 2tid—Marjory Waller.
Fancy Pressed 13ny, under 14 years
—1st—Stewart Higgins, 2nd— John
McLeod, Comic .Costume, Girl—lst
Edythe Martin, '21-td—Marjory Paul-
in. comic ,Castuaae, Boy—lst Clarke
$hirpin, 2nd Billy Martin. T3est.
Clown-1st—Kenneth ,Edgar. Best
National Costume-l'st—lsabel Day
ey. Best Lady Skater-1st=Albs:
Bert" McIntyre. Gents' Race -1st
Harold :Durst, 2nd -Ross Pope. Lad-
ies' Race:—,1st—Mrs. I3ert McIntyre,
2nd—Miss Moss. Couple Race-1st—
Mrs. Bert McIntyre and Ales Spar -
ling. Girls' Race under 14 years -
1st 1:la Sharpiil, 2nd—Vera 'Hurst.
Buys' Race unclear 14 years—iste-
Stewart Higgins, 2nd Norman Hall.
Girl's Race under 8 years—lst-Kat-
hleen burst, 2nd—Agnes Durst. Boys
Race hinder 8 years—lst--13)lly Mar-
tin. Lucky Number Contest—James
Allan. Largest 'Sleigh Load—Clar- i
etlee Grainger,
The j'anttary meeting of the Wo-
men's 'Institute was held at,.the:lion ,
of Alias Mary Pape Thursday after-
noon, with an attendance of 20 and
Miss Pope presided. At the conclu-
sion Mrs. A: McLeod gave an ill001-1
inatiul paper on the "T.ife of Edgar
Guest," illustrating his' characters by
`tlhe reading of a number of his poems.
The roll call . Was answered by the:
reading•: of his p1eres- ar .quotations.)
Mrs. W. S. McKercher then gave a
most instructive talk on the care -of
the sick, which was 11111011 appreciated.
Airs. Lawrence Galbraith and baby
and her brother, Mr, Arthur Newtoi)
spent the w+ -eek -end with their pttr-
ents in Clifford.°' '
Miss Verda Strong spent .friday
with friends near' Clifford.
Mfr. and Mrs. Edward Jacques and
1, cola, spent Sunday with Alt. and
Mrs. Wm. Craig.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Hugh McLeod and
family spent timidity with friends, in
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Gre Liam sp0111
Sunday at Hawkeshury's, fourth con.
Misses 'Ruby and Dods ,Scott left
1 Fiday for a visit with friends at
Waterford, before leafing for the
Anes Jean Ddherty 8111111 Stonley
With Miss Minnie Graham.
Mies' .Ata11 Leat of lh'usscis, til,c1
a few' chtys with Mr, :Intl ',Mrs. Vcltv-ia
( 1 1 tt
.� t•;. A4'm, A• C"athrr;, , ( r t ,r
clays with her t11,11(r, \irtz.
south ,(f (ici'rie,
•1Iiss 1iiltlrtd C.rthers splint a few
(lay, with Ilei aunt, Airs. Natty (1(nv.I
(Ty of the 11, Line, Howiek:
'1'he 1'lyddro 2)1Cn hate 1:1cen bt,ly
fixing ;1.1 the line along Bare llitely.
1ioro to bilk. and Mrs. Arthur C.
S1 ,tton 321 Monarch Part: Ave,.
'i't1r'ot)10, on January 91st, a dau-
,eYSidelielealestitie„ eeiess'r Mei ;° ,NAit,. ' `s ,
eases •
sen n Special: Movies taken in Tour own locality will be shown.
r'e no and see your neighbors in tile movies,
:141p,.W+.;�`:Y'F.nr +e8..ir114INi1n!r,k+ rl lt4,a5 k,11.
Lowery's Garage, Brussels, February Stb
Famous Runately short course .in operating, adjusting, repair-
ing, design and construction of power farming machinery.
National in'cope.• Eleventh successful year. Miles of thrill-
ing, interesting,, instructive movie films, synchronized with
tcetures• Sponsored by Ruxnely at huge cost, but coming free
to farmers of this community. We are fortunate indeed in
securing this treat. A rare opportunity to learn to "Know
your power farming machinery." Bring the boys and hired
help, too. Conte early; stay late. Three sessions: Morning,
afternoon and evening.
J. M. Edar, Dealer, Wro
eet Mixed or Gherkins
F a, ;::,>i s Pickles and J
Raspberry, Strawberry or
Black Currant Jam 12 -oz. Bottle
Sour Mixed Piekles, Chow, Solar Ora
L 1''
,. For Phre Woollens
ROAN 2 19e
1 klv ,�
Large Mae Mtge. 21e
Slav Brand 5268(1 Cordfiff.
each.eg Fara X
.li'°et'tnestt Qcrsrl'd8'
Taitsoonaear',;tBixs, ne
Qers22158 0RJasttheaci
4 im~r���tt,Ct1?et,
IlkapolvezAt Tin 2t1,5t
- rl+ dlar.ec7
Salt Borax 0e
'mdse Satire/ Mara
prIt 11111eS '; Nb. 10e
tett Ranfney
Soap 6 et;ktt
crr^nntirruAs A ntrrnaa8
BfiSrnmI l t» Paeo.�i�*
r1'W ,�!,
T1cat F'h::t. 1d2
7't"x s ,,44Et))ki Si
ti lit�ye'4 1-;i^tJ,,!+. c1,.T15, .�•)aj
Maple zoo:,
8n '7
Mateltes 3
11amiry l a'sasaslt
olives noun
`t' ," L�'resh Milled Railed
Oats S )[ 7Qa, 245e
Mayfield A�Ir'(oi'ady �1
Bacon 1141; tie Ititt32d•,
i'eatiregi Rae::
RtwO*It 1111).3.
A 0014061