HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-17, Page 8.ti
civ arra: the cases wherein a. niot-
s.on prcttire dir'eotar ia`r""tailcen a fam-
ous ovel inii,j�;i'ought it to the:screen-
with'•tltl a'rngaspirit and atmosphere
that the authQx:eantended ft', tb'qia•Veiti
'baht such. a picture opens ,t'Vthe rLyy
tenni on Thursday of neatt::tveelti':;.I:t
is the late Gene Stratton-P,,pate3;'
'"Freckles," an FBO production dir-
ected b liec•F.':soabiw saw, Leu' +ieekiait;
Witliout'••kltea?iiig the action Car,tkie.,
•spirit., „Meehan has taken Irsi
ters ;deligI tfu1. tale„ and prodii'ced it
on it e. screen: correct' in every. dx.taiils
On; of the outstanding features. ,of:
'both' tate book and picture is its sin--„
understanding Of human nature.
The story is the tale of. a 'ycittaig'
•orphan; handicapped by the ios,s ix;;
.childhood of one hand. Friel dlesi; he
-acdepts the dangerous task of guard-
ing the sralu;able Limberlost Forest,,
'Through his'bravery he becomesad-
mired by the Bird Woman, 'a nature
lover, and her daughter, the Swamp
An,_el`;',; Love quickly develops be -
tweet Frect;les and..the Angel, and
of cot r c ti,ei c i htilipy c::tdm,n ,
Special cu ci, t Monad 44 ,5. gi1 cm t�'
tart tars( .\t>tt. ' asa'tkc e.i'`'Ipitat boy:,
��t l •1 c < .tit
i;` Creiih 4fa'+ t5. , r�>ti� z ,
Eulalie Jensen, l;illy ;Scutt, Lafe'Mc-
Note, and 'Frankie Derro,
a�ant�< '�t.'fiitiii'' orf suite+• Horti-
. e' � l�
•>,,:Oa; al 5�1 17. r� isrr a lki;; t41, .1+x'iday
' !]l;' liknt;+Y+e'S.t(~.ii� 11'{,1•: . Owing
'to the storm there \vas •a small at -
ter; cla
tt-t;e»ct; nca dit tl>v'•'Ix$t'X"rtibers. The fol
Isanimg offici twat' •, Lies*}cast.
I.1•9ta:n,•a4,3a ay
for '
iesideitt-="'Rn W We i±:?
baa st Wiec,'3alailgt4s14,trS') e?:l,'li'.
Seeretarya't il, <t�S i't "lxi`. A. Er-
Directors -1 r. Elliott, Mrs. Cham-
bers,' :Mrs. Leith, hiss Gillespie, Dr.
Ross,: Mrs• •!;7'b eKas;rtT xs.'. ChelIow,
'Robert Watt M"r. Wilhants
Receipts •for year $662.66,” Expendi-
ture $500.284 Balance cif $.116.50 on
lizard, i ;
Mon. and Tues., January
W e will be at
'own's Hotel, WROXE ER
With ahil.l line of Quality Suitings,;'fogalar $32.00
Suits for
Do not miss this Bargain
La Salle Tailors, Louis Fine, Representative.
'Iladia's `Prime Voice
Arrrae.tXeae Radio
ISp poli at $90..irmi,
We have
for inamfdiate delivery
Ula, s _ectal easy refills !
'THEY'RE hard, to get because
the'rep rovi :.so popular.
500 year's greatest valve In dine mho.
-, r We're proud of this: tetfiat
you will be., too, once you see papas
hear it in your own home.
So, don't hesitate.for a moment
want to avail yourself of the,
if your �•
,,ta oho+)
Let urs demonstrate it to ,yo u '
art your home's --FREE.' Find out
for yourself Its wonderful clarity.
of tone,,its ease of operation,
lust Phone todaya.
Born—On Monday, )anuttry 7th, 'to:
.lar, and Mrs. Jes. St Marie, a data,
Cite fuiieral of Vllts. i�cCpalt ,` tvlt'o'
died last week in \V ngham Hospital;
was held on Saturday, from the_
manse, Whitechurch, Rev. Dr. ferric
faking -the service at house and cern-t
Rey. Mt, :t'ollocli' is laidt up these;
tithes it ith the cold: '
. Mr, Roii. Nettie is not recovering
and is .slowly getting weaker,.
Mrs., Ben McClenaghan and baby
Eileen Went to the Borne of iit:r par-
ents, Mt. and Mrs: jas.'t Barbour s'r.,,
of Fordyce, ,on Thursday, as they
were laid up ,with..an attack of fire.:..
The Annual. Meeting and• •Banquet
of the United Church are -to be :held„
on Thursday evening at '7 p,rn. of
th,i. week.
Mrs. Norman Wilkins and babe' of
Wiartom are -visiting with her parents,
1•Ir. and Mrs. Thbst Gaunt,
Miss Sarah 'Garbutt is visiting hex
niece, Mrs: Geo. McClenaghan..
Miss, Beatrice Johnston is staying
in \Vinghaur where she. is taking
medical treatment.
Mrs. Jas. McClenaihan is visiting
her sister,. •Miss Sarah. Garbutt.
Owing to the continued•stornts and
bad roads, the regular monthly meet
ing of the Women's Institute has
been postponed ,until Friday, January.
Miss Lcna Hackett did not get back
to her school, S. S. No. 14, West
\rVawanosh, on :Monday on account
of the very bad roads:
Owing to a relapse in an attack of
fie, at his: sister's, Mrs. John Kirk-
patrick, of Crewe, Mr. 'Wilfred Rob-
inson was unable to leave for Medi
,cal College, Toronto, until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Toney Pierce and son
Clifford of Reston, Man., left Iast
week for their home after spending
a pleasant month with Mt•. and Mrs.
11t; apii wxihich-and other "friends,
Mrs. H. Rutherford is in Lucknow
visiting with Mrs. D. K. Webster.
On Tuesday evening, January :8th,
the congregation of Calvin United
Church, St. Helens, held its annual
n eeting. A novel and very satisfatc-
tory feature of the occasion was the
banquet and table fellowship which
took place before the'business hour.
.it about seven o'clock a large gath-
ering of members and adult adherents
sat down together to participate in
the sumptuous repast•proviclecl by the
l ladies of the congregation, under the
} capable leadership of Mrs. Gordon to-
gether with the hearty co-operation
of the ladies of the congregation. Ev-
erything was so arranged that all pre-
sent could take their respective places
at the table. Waiters and waitresses
were unnecessary. After full justice
had been done to 'a .full course din-
ner of fowl and other ,good things.
some impromptu speeches were made
by members of the gathering, whiclii
feature was interspersed with coinni-
unity singing. This served as an ex-
cellent opportunity to appl•aise the
year's activity and 'to hear helpful
Ehret .BRoTli ;R"•
410,01e XS Stili a Mysteiry'. of OUP'
Live$—ikialces k,'14cina*
Some bygone e writer once-'roforrei
'.to 'sleep as 'd'e.attt*s 1itt,e''tiigt.ltei;
and, apparently, that' write>h' came a,'
close to t ,deltnitiuit as any of fl'ir,
learned scientific ni:;n of a .later data
The alysteiy: of sleep lilec' the cute•
terjr 'of death is' titin i b y"site a'.,•
ma's* ever rb'nia,'tn so sb 'fa,r as•'eua
mortal extattuit.. • Is concer•uod. Novel,
theles, the p]rysictxl chat aeteristictt
of sleep make, kt. faui:inatinn 5ULuy
ram:17'1;,:t'11,1 ..uj,,at iv xoi 1.oild
' qVe aCttt,tli ;ttav aT,iotlei Vitt
tl `the otry ire, live ,.i,a "itbbnrioti*
,4ajra,.a�te, Pa'bsuincbl} gay: weld. cutis
and., ileasitni" eveitin. S, .1t:,•as t11,tt 144
of ,steep;:, We ail kngw K;)3ttt rtletp
1s We know it by„tri at,:most d.iree
Aj , alt ,iueti'iods ot:. 1pwwfng, namely,
exile ri nee. k1u'C, fu, order to Spea]
:iii,tei igent1y abo;it; steep, y ts„mrist .b'
able „to heals lt,, And.definitions of
fundamental phenomena are a1w a,y S
cU henit to frame.• :i
iiotiv 'can we., distinguish •sleep
froth stupor and ebzna, . from syncope
or fainting, ,and froth catelepsy, alt
of whie]t possess elements of that
lowering,; of consciousness which we
associate with Sleep? Sleep is de-
'ting llshed.from stupor and coma by
the'rapidity and Completeness of. the
return to 'wakefulness, in catalepsy
we have a muscular rigidity in con-
trast 'to
ontrast'to thie'flaccid'ity of sleep. Faint-
ing has an : evanescence a n hex••
peetedn,ess not at.sociated with sleep.
Although in this manner we can alis:
tinguish sleep from other pate iiontena,
We still have no definition of sleep
'Sleep, as we know it, has a
rhythmicity, or, regularity of recur-.
renge; It is reversible :iii that we pass
from a state of waking normalcy in-
to sleep, and from sleep bade into the
state of waking normalcy, • Sleep se-
lects and suppresses our responses, t,o
the usual stimuli so that we are:uot
waked by every glean of light, by
every sound, by every chance odor.
In addition, during -sleep many of our
bodily and mental processes proceed
on a plane lower than that of con-
"Sleep has been explained iu many
different fashions, and each new
school of physiology and. of 'psych-
ology has its own exp]anation.
"Sleep has been interpreted as a
death -wish, as an instinct, as an in-
toxication,. and
n-toxication,..an.d as ,a eonditoned re-
�ex, • Ik' rix s -range we : -Imre, some
of the latest advances of science anti
probably some of the latest fads.
"There are some features sof the
instinct theory that may be of in-
terest. We know that certain birds
fly : southward in anticipation of the
approach of winter, or that they
build nests in anticipation of the lay-
ing of eggs. There seems to be the
same kind of anticipatory quality in
sleep. We sleep in order. not to be-
come exhausted; we sleep, as it were,
against exhaustion. •' If we become
extremely exhausted 11 sometimes In-
eei es with sleep,.”
t f r � R-
Smoke Screen Hides Town Froth
The pilot of an airplane flying over
the town of Bobblitigen, near seea groupStutt-
gart, was astonished to
of factories is s a.nd houses on which he
sttsghursday,• Janunnry>;i7.th, 19Zp
lLttl./ imilt. • 41ei le .� ,r1r i..
i,1isa A1jee Mcaitan tf Wingham
tgient`tlid a leelc•J.eu:d at tare honte • of
Mr, cid Mas 'I:egitard c 1: s• '
Rei 'Ross Abtalaait.:,pent' the weelc-
end-1i'ith0iis thiole; John Abraham; Oh
1St 'litie Morris.
Miss. Verna Clark returned hoine td
II;ruSselS last week: after 't tsitin.g a
week at the home of iVfr, and Kits',
\Vhititey'S1'ewai't and also"'her 'grand-
mother,' 1\+l';t5. Thos. Stewart.
' ivtrs, Alex. ,Moffatt returned home
Saturday,, after.spending a couple of
Weeks �yith friends at Kingsville..
hiss •N,ellie McKinney is• at pre
sent visiting at the hon}e of :Mr, and
Mrs., Archie McKinney, at Salern,
The W. M: S. of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church; 'Bluevale; met oti';Friday
afternoon, January 11th at thei.hoine
Mrs..John Mundell. , The. order of
service' arranged by the Ontario Pro=
vincial W. 1VI, S. for the Presbyterian
Women's Day of Prayer was carried
out •as follows: .
'The 'President,: Mrs. Peter S. Mc-
Ewen presided over the :meeting.
(1) ' The Individual— Hymn " 270;
Scripture Reading Diiet 8.11-20; 11
18-21, by Mrs. C. Adams and, prayer`
by Mrs, Eldred •Nichol and the sing'
ing of hymn 556.
(I1) The Horne—Mrs. C. Adams;
Scripture Reading Col. 3:12-25, Mrs:
3). ,J, Falconer and prayer by Mrs.
\Valter Smillie. After Singing hymn
707, -Mrs, P. S. McEwen gave a brief
address on "Stewardship within the
(Ill) The • Church—Mrs. P...D.
King. and prayer by j. 'C. Hig
gins. After singing 'hymn 303 the
benediction Judah 24: 25, was. pro
notnced in unison. Owing to sick-'
ness and the very stormy day sonic
were unable to attend. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. A. H. Coornbs on the 1st Thurs-
day in February.
5, Leishman of Peuse, Sask., is vis,-
iting with-i=elatives around here , this
David •Ramsay`was called to Wiar-
ton to see his brother Samuel Ram-
say, who took a second stroke :and is
very low, .. :
James Johnston who has heen ser-
iously ill with pneumonia is making
favorable progress and much better
..Mrs. John Hall is on the sick list.
It is hoped she will soon be well
Harry Elliott spent a few days with
'1':tr; and Mrs. Lorne. Hyles at At-
wood. .
'There �t=as 1 siiiail attendance at
church on Sunday on account of the
severe weather.
The first snow plow for this sea -
stili ran on the C.N.R..on Saturday
and was also required again ahead
of the Morning 'train yesterday.
Fleming Black'sjient the week -end
was g, lig suddenly' vanish from at To -onto.
view, wrapped in a dense cloud; of Miss Marjorie Hall celebrated her
white 'smoke."ei;41 th birthday on Saturday"and
It was an expernnent carried out
by a party at, engineer; and German treated about a dozen of her girl
Air .Ministry nffieials who. were test- friends to a fowl supper.
ing a wonderful new 'device for the "Hie attendance at school is quite
protection r+ lortrias from air attack. linht sa far on. account of so inauy
Thede,,.ett, which is the invention of bean sick.
Dr. Reddenian, the German gas ex-
pert, enables a city to render itself Mrs. R. F. Garniss is suffering 'from
invisible within:a lew;second.s by the an attack of t"onsilitis.
there pressing of an electric button. Miss Beth Barnard who was .dome
-suggestions for the continuance of : a'e i vessels each containing twen-
ibe church work.. The business of the ty-four gallons nt' a secret chemical
congregation was then proceeded substance, had been placed on the
with. The reports from the various ground at. in 'ttals of seventy yards
organizations werevery encouraging round the hint in g:;. At the approach
indleating increased zeal and effort. ''n ofed ilio
a arrptan., Di', fl�cddeman touch-
button, and el";uds of tlr.nse fol;
every department and much erect?' is were belch -ed forth by the containers.
due to the leadership and splendid co- Within six >teonds clouds l'00 feet
operation which made success pass- high 1 tv. sl;1 telly ] L'Y.. ran area n!
ible. The work of the W. M. S. de 5011 is esci"ta t tr aid.
W It is claims tl ih tt serves special itnention, Under the • taite," as t.he. d,..} ice has 1)eer1. tlabtlr-
able guidance of its president, Mrs. ed, will be of greaterproteetjon to
Jas. Ramage, the society hue made cities against air attacks than the
froth' ti sire
many notable achievements during the Sttroh gear bar ag+ ;anru1't,
year: The members themselves had The great seaport of Cuxliayen bus
charge of a Sunday service (Thank.- already be);un 'the eorlstt'ne .ten oat a
offer]atg) and the, remits were t>iost powerful plant at which. sutl]a,iti.tt 0,
to r t.ui•r}i]
gratifying. The Society has reached lar. Rnciele n in si t,a c . w ill I t a
its, allocation of
<s to :i+eil the c i.y'. a CUSP c1'; twit',
$150 wheal was an.
intreaSd•bf' $50 over last year's:•'ob- Where Wines Are )30i41t.
jective. In' view of the small mem- • :Phe high cost o!r..wives .in Darnti t-
bership of 20, this record merits sus is driving the young hien of th•.1t
Praise. 'rhe congregational treasyi city to:revolt, At Is
bag'.[irntesi: tn�et
ing of bachelors, many anew com-
et's reportshowed a balance in the pinined bitterly about the • exorbitant
current account, -while the report. of demands;o2 the'fathet:q of attractive
Missionary Comm. showed that the dtZtyghters, and onevanish iapor�cd
allocation o£ $600 toward the mss- that he bad been obliged . to. buy .its
Wife on the installment plan. tarso-
siortary maintenance fund had been inWife
were pasded. demanding the
exceeded by about $50. Reports from introduction of ICnropean` marriage
Harris Mission Band, Sunday School, euatorun in IlaiYniYscils, eaPecially the
and Y, 1''. S. were received. The lat- anti providing gat ptheems, o! ; thar4,
're SupA!oMbd : to, ,gars •them► dowexi,�a;
ter two organizations making liberal itiriE4a4 of -*Skiui'pipuent from. their
contributions toward M. and M, Rind. prospective. huiibatidti
After the election of officers for the
ensuing year and the reception of a
few good suggestions for 1029 a .most
harmonious and delightful function Corbett--ln fond and loving memory
q this lhu'a
was brought to a close with ill pre- Williamof d
d Caroribnett;g whosband departenddfaththiser,
sea feeling dist`" The best: is yet to life January 17th, 1027.
ht*.VI Two" years have 'l3'assed away, out
hearts still sore,
As tittle goes Ott we miss HIM shore,
s' welcotzte"sniile, his lovihgl face,.
No one on earth can fill his place.
Sadly mimed by loving wife and
toopn g Cough, .<ttarr 1 all . Sore
d ti4f•tctiorr guaranteed
'Parrott and Tonsil ' troubles, .Uoe d row Phone r b's C*ttthrie Rcid, `.Cees
ter, oar 1ktker & Flack i hpne
sults ot, money back. VI'irtghatn 80, tirtissels.
3z'ti ,gists,,: J lJ, Allen, 'Wr oxet(t�:w ... J° C. :f lac(c'Sto te,
Mrs, Synilla S,tl tr's `.l"onsilitis for
Bronchitis, Cough, roteltidl Asthma,
Wi i r e 1"- l S
repaired, Satisfaction
from t.ondon Normal school for the
holidays is' suffering from mastoids
as a result of an attack of flu.
Mrs. Robt. McLean, who went to
the Fergus hospital some weeks ago
and was almost able to returnhome.
has taken the flu, which will nietian
a rather unfortunate set back in her
weakened state of health.
The Women's Institute which was
due to meet last week: has been post-
poned owing to sickness in the com-
munity but will meet Thursday if con-
ditions itttprove, as there is business
Which should be settled this month,
John Hutton is under the .doctor's
.t lash Coats of
EX >�
to a t
u v
Persian Lax b Coat, size 40`'
Alaska Sable—Collar and Cuffs, beautifully. lin-
ed. Regular iris X52(55.00, Saturday .
Rat Coat,Sample Model, size.38
Well furred, sur5ple skins, 'Blue silk lin-
ing. Regular $185.0O, Saturday $124.00
Electric Seal Coat,'' si ze 44. •. .
Self trim of good clear color whole skins:of
Chappel quality. eg. $165:00, Saturday $122.00
Hudson Seal Coat, size 36
A. wonderful example' of the Furriers Art '—
Beautiful silky skins with long collar of Russian
Kolinsky and cuffs -to match, heavy silk crepe lin:-
it =ing with appliqued motifs. In all, 'an outstanding
garinent. Regularly priced $450.00, Friday or Sat-
urday ... ...$348.00
A $25.00 Black Muff $5.00
A $12.00 White Collar
A $65.00 Sable Scarf
These are only a few of the good buys in our
Fur department. Come Friday and Saturday for.
other real bargains as well. Each garment fully
1(errlitY.\11Y.19iY.liP(i11iYC(dustiaal'lA's�1tnlMiYJYi•ltYMtri417119CA`Oil.1112•011afig I ravV111YiY1'� iNtfiitaniSi .•r;
leaves an injustice to the driver who
is careful and on whose policy the
companies make money.
Another disadvantage in increased
rates will be that the person who
finds it fairly hard . to ' finance the
running of a car will not carry any,
insurance at all. If he runs into
trouble there will be no protection
on which he can draiv. In such a
case he will be in a bad position in
regard to his own loss and also that
It is reported that a very consider-
able increase will be annuonced in
automobile insurance. Official fig-
ures have not been given yet, but es-
timates are that it will be about fifty
percent. upward,
The reason advanced is that there
have been so many automobile acci-
dents during the past year that there
is no money in the insurance business
at present figures.
The increase in rates seems log-
ical enough. Companies insuring
cars are not in the business for their
health, and if, there are so many los-
ses on policies the only course open
is to bring the rates tip 'aghere: they
wilt offset the .Cost of the smashing.
of cars. '
'rhe 'objectionable feature is that
the person who drives very carefully,
and who ltas never had an accident
will be pantilh nd just the same as the
person who has taken out of the in-
surance •companies many pixies More
than he has every paid. in, It might
entail too much work to sell insur-
ance on that basis, but not to do so
of a person whose ear or property he
rnay% have damaged.
The prospects of increased insur-
ance rates should make drivers do
some thinking. They are bringing
the thing on themselves. Had they
been careful; had losses been low;
there would be no increase. As the
'thing stands now it looks as though
the smash-up: driver were . going to
increase the cost for those who have
always been careful ,
Thursday, Friday, Sat., January 17th, 18th, 19th
Chinato,Nyn Charlie"
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Wednasday, Januaqy 21, 24'.23
Richard '..� ,.:
card art.:�+�lxtes
-^ X21
toThe+ n "
,Th rsday, 'rid y, 'atuyrda.y January 24, 25
Gene Stratton.Porterr°.