HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-10, Page 5Thuradayy, January IOth, 1929, . ■EEIEIKEEEEEE■f0 • ■ ■ •1 WINOHAM ADVANCE.'TIMES 111■®E■1i 1NIENf1EElfi011111I11i111111111R MENE■111111111110111%■0111A11f■1111111A/1l11l 11111N1011111A111,1l 1 11 (. ;0,Mit<l:011.1fi.'r: e Often amilessanuaaasaw ! , a„r hA,"„ 71 9 x5" r .. "VV ■ . UNFAVORABLE WEATHER CONDITIONS HAVE SO RETARDED BUSINESS THAT WE HAVE AN UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK ON HAND, AND WE MUST iSELL OUR WINTER GOODS AND HAVE MARKED THEM AT PRICES WHICH MUST APPEAL TO YOUR ,SENSE OF ECONOMY. YOU CAN MAKE BIG SAVINGS BY BUYING NOW. COME EARLY. JOIN WITH THE CROWD THAT IS SURE TO BE THRONGING OUR STORE anargasssopargaziasessmaw ®1111111iAi11 aul YA7 A^'w ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Immo MIMMIMMI Ammo g4+MIMI MMIme i6 .q tlf �yat fd�;tl' a3.4yy. Yr, Ci�� Ialgan Coon Coat's, reg._ $75, sale ....$65.0t1 I3eaverine Coats, reg. $125., sale, $98.00 Korean Mink Coat; reg. $165, sale . . $125.00 Silver Rat Coat with blended collar and cuffs, regular. $175, sale $149.00 No. 1—Rat Coat, reg. $175, sale $145.00 No. 2—Rat Coat, reg. $150, sale $125.00 Best makes of coats and all are guaranteed. Cl ° ara ��.� '. :.,;:ices moo. ome 9s a el 'SAVINGS WORTH WHILE ON EVERY GARMENT Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats, cor- rect models, some are Fur Trimmed. One rack of. Coats at about half price, your pick for $9.75 All Winter Coats on sale at a saving of 20 to 25 per cent. LARGE RANGE OF DRESSES IN THE LATEST MODELS Made of finest quality silk crepe, satin velvet and Georgette. Special'' -15 Dresses to clear $10.50 20 per cent. off all Dress- es, Sweaters, Knitted. Wool Suits and Dresses. :1 ^ twraCr.,-FIn+tQI IY~,' fi IZOIWEENEMEMEMMEIKEZZEEMESEFEEEVIM " R i'ESIN�.i S'4}k�'T&1F �' womracu^"•x!•.sF?°...�i--�' ae oots i d Shoes Misses', Women's and Children's. Oxfords and Slippers in IK.id and Patent Leather, also ]:`,''.Den's, Youths' and Boys' Shoes, heavy Rubbers and Overshoes. all on sale at 20 per cent. discount off our close prices. N,s=ITUV; • MMMA M, Laundry Soap, 10 cakes Large box Matches . Toilet Soap, 8 cakes for Baking Powder, 1 11>. till ...20c 1\,1 (march Tea, Black or Mix. 59c Bottle Mixed , .19c 2 .13o.xes Laundry Starch ...19c 3 Boxes i:Iandy Arniflonia. —25c, • .59c Can 1.'eas aiid Corn, 2 fol ... c ,25c 10 lbs. Sugar and 1 1b. Tea $1.25 .25c .1,,xtracts, 2 large bottles ...25c e 4 hest Jelly Powders for ... 25c 'I'oinata *1c.ittp, now .. . .10c Largs tin Red Salmon •.•35c Cooking Vigs, per 119. „ lOc Bottle of Olives .. • .... , ...22'c 2 lbs. (singer Snaps for .....25c WitiMBRUSAMEMEE MOM MMIMMOm ilmia111tall EallaltSIEEMETEED Virft ray S V71 Staples . Striped Flannelette, sale 15c Crurus Best Prints, sale t 25c Table Linen, good patterns, wide •.95c Rag Rugs, your pick for 25c Towellings, all linen, reg. 25c, for. 20c Scotch I_ agering Yarn, per lb. ...$1.00 Curtain Net, reduced to 19c, 25c, 35c, 45c Art Sateens, see them at 29c White Cottons, reclttced to 18c Check Ginghams 13c Il.eavy 40c Shirtings, now 33c Wool Batts, salea $1.00 Colored ,Cotton Crepes 25c, now ...19c immssimemmeassizerasuess Savings on Hosiery 10 Doi:. Women's all wool and Silk and. Wool 1lose, reg. value $1.00, sale.... 69c Super/silk Hose, all sizes and best colors regular $1.50, sale $1.25 1:l:eavy Ribbed Wool TTose, sale .:..59c Bi -Tex Silk Diose, 1-e;. $2.50, for $1.75 Special — fashioned Hose, leading shades, on sale at $1.19 20 per cent, off all other lines. l : Lfrut 1,P0,11 A,V✓.!,L .� •1k�d . - T 90%, •11*4$ br::(xp8.:.k"t,xVntGAR'fi 0:11;4. .N.;1,04,.1 ars olka Ittargain See centre. Tables for wonderful bargains at One Dollar — Sweaters, Shoes, [.rouse Dresses, Underwear, Tzi- ble 1,inen, Dress Goods, Flannelette, Cotton and lots of Remnants. ,Pl mamnnxa:w <,1 0102 : rrt..M.?x'i+..n4, Taffeta Silk. yard wide in leading colors, value up to $2, sale. $1.39 ijine quality Black Duchess Silk, good value at $2.00, now ..$1.50 Tuner Tamah Ravon Silk, reg. $1.00. for • 756 10 pieces Wool Delane, bargain 69c pieces All Wool Crepe, regular $1.50, now . .... $1.15 Dress Velvets, Navy, Black, Brown, Reil, Wine, yd. wide ....$1.29 Fugi Silks, reduced to 59c 20 per cent. off all other lines. (cloves, -Corsets, Corsettes, Ribbons, Neck Scarfs, all less :....20 Tapestry, Wilton, Brussels, Axminster and Velvet Rugs less..20% Tleavv All Wool Blankets, fine quality-, reduced.... 8.95, 9.95, 10.75 u`SLYk84�f'.ri rtr'3;.tPr.'eG"'144giC ti''5+tefir,,....: S.'Sc'a.^5";i't4404.?.:9l akin 4k N4F:I!ltift0411.4Y1:W ,Vgi?d ^YC?'?a''•. ance Itten9s Wear Store aMien9s d oys9 ve coats and ft@ r t Saving \ few odd sizes in 1'Ien's and Boys' Overcoats to clear at Overcoats, made in latest: io.:els, good cloth, swell tailored and <,u1 lin ings, Navys, prices are reduced to $14.50, $17.50, $19.50, $21.50 Boys' Overcoats, made in good style of plain cloths and fancy tweeds. Small sizes, reduced to $4.50 and 5.50 Larger sizes .$8.50, 9.75, 12.50, 13,90 Men's Suits at a Big Saving — See them in plain (Prey, Navvs and fancy pattern worsteds, latest models, sale prices .....$15.00, 17.50, 19.50, 22.50 Boys' Suits in Navys and fancy tweed mixtures, sizes up to 6 years 3.75, 4.75 i,arger suits...... , $7.50, 8.50, 9.75 t,§ 1.41 (ik men's heavy all vvool ri.h1 ed ers reduced to Heavy Ribbed Union Shirts sale at Savings on Stanfield's Blue Drawers, out they go at. Shirts and 1)ra.\\• . $1,29 and Drawers. on $1.00 Label Shirts aiad $2.39 Overalls, heavy Snag -Proof, sale $1.95 98c 43c 456 $3.75 $1.39 $;1.00 TIcavv \York Shirts, ;1+1.25 value fol l ine giu'..lity Silk and 'Wool Socks Men's. Heavy \Vool Socks, now 1.,:lecce Lined Shirrs, sale Toys' he -iv y Ribbed Sweaters Men's \II Wool Sweaters Boys' \\ (101 ,J`crscvs Moccasins, small sizes iyl en's fancy patterns l)ress Shirts, fist col- ors, on sale ai. $1.29 ...:1! , 1P1 miimm ■EuuEMMMI EE MN11wmummisMMNmlllsIlllMl 111 MOM 111 1MEEM1>IIfWlN1M1M1IIlk