HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-10, Page 411?
M' -';\e r, • • 11,1.VP• • t • tl, • t V •
+� YCII&:til;
Ft* 1..„ h. Ivory at
Half rice
A wonderful chance to complete your set -
Our stock is complete with exception of Ivory
This is a wonderful buying opporttmity.
rs ttz ce V J.
ttsags 1Lytptt[1tin�-' ('cIR'�9i'rSl l' n' /wNYA`C•FYa °i ®1'tlYw'CkYs�1Y'YBY�Titt -ffl' Chir)
',,,./111813119%1%I .... I.1103t1111111ittttttt ri tttt.,111 i ttttttttttowritre
r cents a word pet insertion, with u minimum charge of z5c.
%I11111111lttttitt1111 t3113111
FOR SALE -Some 42-gallton:and 25- FOR SALT Jacobus Steiner Violin,
gallon oak gasolene barrels. Alvin, 180 years old, also solid walnut
Oxvis, Wingharn, j card table, library table, solid wal-
nut. Apply Advance -Times.
Skates and use pair Gents Speed COUNCIL
Skates, Dunne. Mfg. Enquire at,
Advance -Times, •
The Huron' County Council for
FOR SALE -Cheap. Pair of girl's 1929 will meet in the County Council
hockey bouts and skates, size 3.' Chamber in the Court House, God -
Apply to Jean Copeland, Phone, erich, on. Tuesday, the 22nd inst., at
161-J. 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon. All ac-
counts, certificates of election, and
FOR SALE -One 15 -volume set of returns re number of voters for each
Popular Science in l leather binding municipality should be in the hands
at half price. Apply to T. H. Gib- of the Clerk not later than Saturday
son, Winghani. (or Monday preceding the day of
FOR SALE -Invalid's reclinin,.1 ttteetiru . Local municipal Clerks
„ will please see that all these certi-
chair, can be arranged to Sit up or ficates and returns are sent in by
lie down, for quick sale will let' mail as soon as possible.
go at $5.00. Apply at Adance- Goderich,
Geo. W. Holman,
Times. ( Jan. 5th, 1929, County Clerk.
WOUI..D • LIKE ONE OR TWO Sickly Boy, 7, Gains
Girl Roomers for company, applyfto Miss R. Lewis, Edward street. 15Lbs.-Father Happy
`WANTED -France builiding in good "My boy, 7, would not eat. I
condition about 7:2x14 " feet. \V.:, Save hint Vittai and the way he eats
Sherriff, Box 157, Win;ham, and plays now makes me Happy. He
pained 15 pounds." -J. F. Andres.
TO RENT -House next George .M0. -i Vino1 is .a clelicous compound of
son's on Alfred street. Apply to God liver peptone iron etc, Th.e
Bern Elliott, Pleasant 'Valley- i very 1^ 1 RS 1' bottle often adds sev-
eral pounds weight to thin children
FOR SALE - One or tivo desirable or adults. Nervous, easily tired
Houses, centrally located, either) '
anemic people are surprised how
cashsmall PaYments. Apply to Vino] rives 1101 pep, sound sleep
Birx A,, Advance -Times. i and a BIC* appetite. '.Castes delicous.
Mel ibbonn's Drug Store.
FOR SALE -Two stood t"arins-Lot ,
6, Con. 1 "1•ttt'nberry, consisting of Notice to Creditors
80 acres, thereabout, also lots 7 and
8, consisting of 140 acres there- • r
about. Good barns and outer buil- •• NOTICE' 1-I.h RElll` GIVEN,
dings, houses frame. win .sell rep pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of
arately or together. For further the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
particulars apply to William Field, all persurts haying claims against the
13ox. 185, Win hani. estate of Richard ?stilton Edntrmson
!late of the Village of Wroxeter in the
SETTLE YOUR ACCOUNTS ' County of Huron, Gentleman, decries -
who died on or about the thir
The. undersi rned has outstanding a tcenth clay of i)e .ember, A, D. 1928,
are requiree to send by post, prepaid,
large' dumber of accounts wich if or. to deliver to. R. \'anstoitc, \Ving-
pacd by January 15th would 'be ap }ram Ontario, Solicitor for the Exec
• •predated. Constructed of Mahogany Except For
toot•, on or before the twenty-eighth a Nese Iron Sopnorts.
day r f January, A. D. 1929, their
HE•`BEST THING OUT pram >s an •t ,. 'cAs almost everyone knows, Iia-
G., d , dd c.:,..c., with full liar- j
•tic:.liars in writingof their claims anti hogany is anion; the . most costly
.the nature of ] wood in existence', This tropical itttY-
Airs. 5ybi11a :ipaltr's Tonsilitis for . c the securities
(if any)
•lar is seldom mead in the construc-
tion of buildings of any kind.' Ie.s
pr•inetpal use is for high _;'rasp;
There is, however, one bride it
ceutrn will proceed to distribute the.the world made of this wood. The
assets of the said estate among the structure is located to the Depart'.
menu of Palen<raa, tats' of Ghia a�
AUCTION SALE parties entitled thereto havingre- G p '
p ' Mexico, e dist,4et in tltcr 6:111',' ,t.
gird only to the claims of which lie
southern part of the e<.ntrntty near tit:
shall then have diad :notice, and the
The•rtiCrrliltistr`aicn• of the ti. \'a:r-bGuatemala
etone Esta e T,o 9.. .n 7 Turn- said executor shall not be liable for aundat'y of It i r: r.
t L 1, Con • strutted entirely o.f m.thog ny • :,:,(. p t
berry liar instructed the undersigned -to the said carats or any part thereof to Por e , t
any per•Sun cit: whose claim he shall a f av iron ani., m l$. 1)'"
r <.e 'r :..tc
ni, sell by public auction, at '1.30 p. nails tli tt uc� r eco ,•,try,
not then have received notice,
zii., on 1) \TltI) tit \l i.n =ham this anconei The bttd,,e' :,11,t>.t s lit 11' :Yr-'' FI2ID.AY, JANUARY 25th H r, and its total len:;th ineitteir :' :'.
the foilerwinee-Driving h7,% 9 yrs.: da)• of 3anuary, a: 1). 1)z9. i• approach e:- •eed 150 feet. to i
• fill ^nn 11 Non,. $ f :let \Vin ham, Ontario
Solicitor , bear's ire Ill hrri' _ '''i
apicis n' f t the Executor. ! tltnrie , _, f,•
BIRTHS ! ry: .,i; ,ll ,
Winghatri Ad'torance»Times.'
PaWned at
W NWrHA21ti: -. ONTAR1'O
Every,Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher j
Subscription rates One year '$2:cr0.
nth i. hi advance.
$is: months $ oo,a 4
To' U. S. A $2,56 per year,
Advertising rates.cal application.
To the Editur av alt think
Winghani 1.'aypers
Deer Sur. -
Shure, 'tis a quare wurruld we live
ill, do it is, wid a lot av quare tin's
in it to ]cape a fellah busy tinkin
about thim. Fur inshtance, ye kin
foind a lot av differ among tings av
the very sabre koind, ,an tings that
are in diffrunt classes• altogether. are
nlebby a lot alike whin ye shtart to
shtucly thirn out. Ye cud' examine
tousands av laives from the same
maple tree, an niyir foind two aloike,
arr millions av gravel shtones be the
lake soide, an 'foincl iviry wan av thins
diffrunt from all the resht.
But on the other hand ye cud pick
out army two tings ye happen to tisk
av fursht, an compare them, an . it,
wird surproise ye at the pints av re-
sirnblance ye wud foind, if ye was
shnlart enough.
Ye moight Link av Tom McIt:Ii:llan;
an Jarge Shpottou fer inshtance.
They lotus both defaited often enough
to discourage Robert Bruce's shpoid-
cr, but they both got into Parley -
mint at lasht, an do be houldiit up
tltecr end, an dhrawin timer four
tousand a year wid the besht av thirty.
Wan might I wits talkin to thin
Hoigh School byes about tings in
gineral, an explainin that tings that,
sante aloike, whin that shpalpane av
a Banks sit yoke an tould mc. that
t up
he didn't agree lvid me, an said that
Mishter Euclid and :1lishter Brack-
enbury didn't ayther. I asked him
who Mishter Euclid wus, an he tould.
rue he wits a fellah who lived tous-
ands av years ago, an wus a great
hand %yid figgers, an used to witrruk
•out his problems wid a sharp shtick
;on the sands .av Aygipt; befoor lead
pincils wets invinted.
"Wus he a married roan?" sen I,
an was he a Grit arr a Tory, an was
Euclid his fursht name arr his sicond
wan?" T sez. "It sanies to me ye git
Only a shmatterii g av sings up at the
Heigh School but 'tis a fundamintol-
ist I am, an loike to git at the bot-
tom av tings,
Me bould bye said he didn't know
about all thine tings but he knew
that Mishter Euclid had said that
tings that are aquil to the same ting
are aquil to one another, which did-
n't agree wid may oideas, at all, at
"Vis," " sez T, "an I kin prove to ye
that Mishter Euclid wits n'rong."
"Shoot!" sez young Banks,
"\\Tell thin,'' sez T, "ye will agree
wid sic that sivin an tree acluils tin,
and that foive an foivc aquils tin?"
Vis," sez he.
"Shure thin, loud ye maind tellin
isle now," sez T, "if ye sink ayther
sivin arr,tree aquils foie -e?" ser. I.
1 had hiss slrttick.
'f'cntrs till next wake,
Timothy Hay.
7Bfrix 1/i U3 \'A,.LUABL%; Tl:MB1' R.
held b : them y verified by x stet_ to=t
Bronchitis,Cough, ]ironchial Asthma, J duly t
Whoopin,<g Cough, Catarrh; all Sore t,lory declaration.
Throte and Tonsil troubles. Good re:-. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER
sults err money back, Wingharn that after the said twenty-eighth day
Dru gists rWroxeter, f Ianu<u•y, A. D, 1929, the said ex -
. 1. R. Allen,
Clyde nuu'o 8 years cow, due to fre-
shen; 8 culls s1.1P110se:c1 1 1 be iii calf;
pair steers, rising 2 years: heifer, ris-
ing 2 years, 4 spring calves, 8 grow-
ing pigs; brood some' 40 101711e 1AI-t-
lues; \fresscy• 1-I t-ri: hinder;
ass7 1 -:H irris nit:weer; set M : e,ly-
Har r is harrows. ne 1c; Massey -Hai:.
ris stn'd drill: Fleury i 1(11' 11<t .'
on; hay. rack: 11':%'>r,,l!- rat �i`t tY tl
1,14 si,71i1' 9111101'; cenuin,: still: set
double ha1'treas1 wheilhit"r;1a ' elt,'171
forks and ether ertirlr..: Ref; In 11'
cream separat.±1' its „codwor'kinit'.
C011<11111. i.; set seales, e tpaetl l`_-2 1) the
T7ar;:y i1111r 11 . tt) 'r > l., bay; :\00
()zits 1 quantity tat nip 9'he farm will
also be offered f:1, sale, onwhich;
there e are four acres seeded in fall
whettt, and fell ;dewing done,
Terms --Cash for 1111), grain and all
Mime of '$10.00 and undo, ca„5I); tn1l: 1011110/1 to her during the iilness and
s' ..>,.• W!r„S11..\1<1:--Trp 1o'cits nlcil'xrr of
rrtltt' eine-elite 8':iucrrtih. credit .orY1 g Y twat lt n.f het' husband and for the
aptproved joint Judea, ator tier )1'1• art» y Harry \'Vrstlake' who died 011 Janbcant
tt- r
Esrin nff for melt. No nee rye. l ary 3rd, 1921„ ifttl floral offerings.
The farrov 100 acres, will be offer.' N Nothing but j t
McElroy -•On Jati. 6th, at 1211yal Oak,
\fiehle tit, to Iii'. and 111x. Bert
MeElroy, forme:13. of \Vint:ham, rt '1'irr family of 1111' httt' neat, met*
:one do wire 1' c xi,res'� their eine core apin'c-
Heentiiner_•1n '1'urnbe'rry, 1rn 1tnnday; Ciation of the many l.tudnessos ex-
1111n1rnra 7t11, t7 111, :end Mrs. I.lavd':101'tled 10 theta dttr'iug his rcccnt ill-
ness son.
and their expressions of syni-
pushy' in their' berc•ltv0111eilt.
ii.;1111111g•-•111 Ternhcr•rt•, ens ;Monday,
,fnnn:u'y 7th, to 1Jr. and Mr,s. Lloyd
11e•nrtinu, 0 son.
Mrs, R. 1;, .James desires to thank.
all' the friends and neighbors for the
tnifailing kindness and sympathy eye
• r. I r, -1r .; nt' 111e`rrtln'tCS, as we nt;r
c11 sub cr..t to 0 reserved' bid, ()n 1nc>y on
good Longing' for a smile from a fat' that
: agoodlnrirlc., house 1with't•t; r , i, : ,t .
newly shingled barn, will) view stab-' 1s $91110. Mallcarriers on Winghani Rural
ling and drive shed "'l<lic property is 11 ane• knows the depths of 1111r• rt.-
'tlriti:on two miles of "VC/Ingham, and grei,
a most desirrable, piece, 1 Foe we remteinlier, ts'hilc others for -
j. V1tr ''9t A.dmieiitrator get.
Thos. Tresis, Ailr.tiinnrefi, Mother, wistC,r;a and br•oth>vrs.
Routes wish to thank the box -holders
for their considerate courtesies' lur-
ing tlic past year and for alto retncrn
brances extended by sonic at the
Christmas .exsnn,
tyy,, 1C<.u?,. •i rCA'.4 ;' t: 'l c ,` :..
re.9 1$14)3.0 or 1t;19'ld:St Oft'eltn)eesi" Than
the Pceliee ('"Miert„
A, /lgarig" of nius boys, bt t n e
seven aucl Mot*ext ,ears 'ol ct 1
Feared before tie', 13'u11, l.tlgt,
magistrates recently. "Yon want::: te
be the best, fighting street in yei,1
diotriet?" sa'id the magistrates c, ' )
stud the leader of the gang ar 1cee.
In advising the boys th join t:..
I3oy Scouts, the trtagiitratel'N shoe,
that .they knr'w their business.
high spirits that make boys 11:
should not be suppressed, but or .:..
fixed. Tlien the "bad boy" of to -1..:;
is on the road to beoo+ning the
citizen of to-imorrorv, sea's a vri•' ;
in AnSwerS.
This is the keynote of a hover et
perinaent undertaken by the r
Constable of Hyde, Me, 3, W 1)
He has started a club for beyt. t .t_
have come under pollee notice. ,,
various offences. Part of the 1
;hall is being given him frie lot
club to meet in, and local had; r
the Boy Scott and Boys' 1'ri: ; ..
movements, members of Toe rt 1:11
others are helping in the work„ -
Refresbments are provided teeti
evening, and ,the program of the 0ln.
includes sports, games, drill, cone- I•,c
and competitions. Mr. deeteist
that he is convinced that this 11 y c"
tackling his "bad boys" well work, an
.Ear better than bringing them betort
the magistrates., •
There is drama behinds the way i
which Mr. Danby recc r1 cd til, n
which is being used to s
club. Some years ago a tonal 1.411'..1.
can was suspected of using his or ::I.•
ises for gambling. Eventually li'-
left Hyde, telling Mr. Danis) tle.1 it
was making the place too: hot fur
The former publican than :aft eC
a commission agent's busii. a a.
Blackpool. Every year he tete: ei.
Danby a cheque for his work ton; n;
Hyde children, and when he ease r..
him £3,000, subject to an a.ou r.!; t'
be used. at his discretion, "to cir: t y ur'.
Itis good work," It is the fiat-co:.t en
this money that is starting the llad
Boys' Club.
There are boys' clubs in the pourer
districts of many big cities, but the
Hyde experiment is a new one. But
chief constables and nagitiate i11
other towns will probably see that
"2urn. iqDuae" V's club
does not rG
One of the Nat -Ural Wonders of the
On the north shore of Admiralty
Island, lying between the mainland
and Vancouver Island, the misty,
water -laden fog from the Sap= 'cur-
rent has the effect of producing a
growth of muss, declared by scien-
tists to be one tit the itatiiial won-
ders of the northwest.
The cellular growth starts on the
drooping boughs" of hemlock and
spruce and continues to grow percale
nlally. Specimens of this moss twen-
ty feet long and four feet wide at.
the point of contact with the branch
have been found. These blanket -like
growths of moss are so luxuriant
and rank as to darken the forests
along the shore of the island. Where
spruce overhang the water mows
keeps on growing after reaching the
sea and extends many feet into the
beach and tidewater.
Tourists viewing the island from
steamers report this moss hanging in
long blankets from forest trees gives
the Impression of many Indian wig-
wams erected among them.
Recent experiments with this kind
of freely growing moss indicate that
it has medicinal properties as does
the swamp or sphagnum, widely used
as surgical dressing in the world war.
Other uses suggested for the har-
vested and dried moss are pacic.ng
material, stuffing for mattresses,
cushions and automobile seats, and
for fertilizer, since it is composed
largely of nitrogen. As soon as re-
moved from the forest trees a new
growth begins at once and, in a sin-
gle summer, reaeltes a prodigious
Two Chinese Aviator's.
Two AibE'rt:a boys of Chinese origin
are Making their marks in the aero-
nautical world. William ICay, son of
Quan Kay or Arrewood, and Y. Foy
o1 Calgary, were among the honor
students to graduate recently from
the Marshall Flying School, Marshall,
Kay has just completer) Itis' 50 -
hour course in advanced aviation and
is ,now specialising in piloting such
new production airplanes as the
Mnnocoupe and the •Waco. With his
ft ter, Kay hopes to pioneer In com-
mercial atiation in China,'
Roy, after' conipieting his 50 -hour
course at Marshall, went to New
York, where he is learning seaplane
aviation. He, too, will specialize in
commercial :flying, but has not defi-
nitely decided where he will locate.
Both young men made splendid re-
cords at Marshall and are considered
among the most promising of the
younger fliers on this continent.
Membership {rowing.
Thousands of active suplortel'e of
the League of Nations are now or-
ganized' throughout Canada, Accord-
ing to the general secretary of the
Lt,agut' of Nations in Canada the
membership of the organization here
has grown in three y(>arrd from }cies
than 0 thousand to almost ,fifteen
thousand' in nutribet',. Altheuc;tt
134tit onl;ly stippnr aril by worsen or-
i'1rizatroly, mole than half the 1tt'llr-
1 errs tire 17171111111::;s men -•.111 311 9.151)
Coletnth a the Yrrnle, nttnllimeet 1' ruri'.
tang to 85 pee cent. '
l,,onrii»i ;919:1ta ty,
i`i,'1 Zed. , 91011nd Railway of Low47:11l.it ''ia, 0151111 }a rim by al stall;
1.;' 4 009 ;6'11 by clay 011.71 is1, ny
, hat 1,1011 cars which travel
a day ca'tying a9
0, . 1 1117(,000 ilug:wagcti's,
7' 11 ai11e•tt of trach sunk. 'this
:1syr et.; v rry eight. 'ititc;h sal' le
.•1. •., _vt•:ry throe days, inspected
,e1 w c e ks and 'overhauled
r e•vc , y .titttten-tuontiul,,
Mrs. Cassels of Lucknow is spt'tu1-
ieg a t9lre 'witir her neioe, Mrs, John
Rintoul of ',Mortis.
Mrs, J. 911. Coultes returned on
Saturday 'after visiting with 110E xis-
ter, Mrs George Pocock of Watfued
Errs. Farquahar, who has spent the
hast couple of weeks With her dati-
ghter, Mos. Joe Clegg, returned 41
her home lit Clinton Saturday.
C. R, Coultes spent the week-t:lyd
in Toronto.
The fin patients in the vicinity are, =
recovering, also the victims of the 1
measles will soon be out again. _
Thursday, January 10th, 1929,
'111111il11 1110111 61 111'111111111111111!)111111111111101111.111 111/0111 1111 1l 1111111111w111111111111111111110U11111111110
J .Thurs.ay,
Mas. W. J. Johnston is visiting
with relatives at Brussels this week.
Owing to the severe storm on Sim -
day the attendance at both churches
was' small Services at Eaddies' and
at Ebenezer were cancelled.,
School re -opened on 9i(o 7day with
a very slight .attendance owing, to
several being on the sick list arid on
account of the bad storm.
Herb ;Lowell of Oak .Lake, Man.,
is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam. Thornton, It is three years,
since Herb has been down this way.
Mrs. Draper of the 3rd line spent
a few days with Mrs, Agnes :Kerney.
I1I®III@111®111® 111
The many friends of Miss Mary
Hunter are glad to see her out again
after her severe two week's illness
with the "flu."
Mr. T. P. Cain
Iil12lll1/111E111111111101111i911116111111111111132i111S1151I1111111111111111 I111
The encs of the year was saddened
Towellings, Pure Linens.:..__ ....
22c, 26c, 29c.
Lunch and Bridge Sets, all.
linen 95c to $3.49
Silk and Wool Hose, all siz-
es 89c
Scarfs - Handkerchief Sets 69c
Repp Bed Spreads with col-
ored borders $2.911
Fancy Dress Rayons, spec, " 39c
40 in. Factory Cotton, Eng-
lish make 26c
Men's Flannel Work Shirts 1.19
Men's Heavy Sweaters ...
$3.49 and $4.19
Heavy Blue and Black Over-
alls $1.59, $1.79
Men's Fine Shirts $1.69, 1,95.
Men's Suits Specials
• $15.95, $17.65, $19.75
y ata.
Flannels, 54 in. ' all wool,
special, yd. $1,19
English Checked Flannels, 58
inches wide $1.95
36 in. Flannelette, white and
colored 22c and 29c
32 in. Gingham, and Chant
brays 19c
Crutn's English Prints 23c
Cretonnes arid Art Sateen,
19c to 59c
Scrims and Curtain Nets, reg.
to 75c, for 31c le
Men's Fleeced Shirts and >�>
Drawers 79c a..
Heavy all wool Shrits and
Drawers $1.79
Work Sacks, special ,:._...- ....... 42c
Men's Caps, spec. ....-98c, - $1.39
Men's Overcoats, Special pri-
ces . $13.95, $19.95, $23.45'
for Lucknoiv residents, especially the 111111111
older .cement, by the sudden death
on Sunday afternoon of Mr. Thomas
F. Cain, for many years proprietor of =
the Cain House. Mr. Cain, who had
been feeling rather better than usual 111,
for some Weeks was ,chatting with
members of the household in the ho-
tel sitting room 'when he suddenly
expired. About three weeks ago he
had celebrated his 84111 birthday.'
Within recent years he had been ser-
iously.111 a number of times but had LI
been fairly well this winter. -Sen -
tin el.
The nine -pound baby daughter of Y!
Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Demaine of St.
Boniface, has created a 11611- record. Fee.
When the young lady' opened her
mouth. to cry for the first , time it I
was discovered that she had two Id ,�.,
ly-grown teeth i,n' the lolly jaw.
Skaters and Curlers: are now both•),
ElllefillallS1110112111E11151111111111 slll®IIs 111111IIRl1118H1E111®III®Illlsl11E11111111®11112111&Y111di1.
nnouncing a usiness
We have taken over the Boyce Tinshop
and Mumbling business, and feel that with
six years' successful practical experience
we can serve the needs of the public. �.
Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing Work
Done Promptly and Satisfactorily.
satisfied with weather conditions, f1ir,® Boyce's Old Stand. lb�✓T.p'}ca°r}�
it has.been cold enough to make y o t1q, Ont.
splendid. ice. As a result the Aretla. j 1111199111i1111®1111111181 11111 I1118N111111111IH®11116111 11161fri
I tiiillll@91061111fiiIil11III1IIiI51II4III111I11B1111111iP1
and the Ctuslin, Club each are 11m11
patronized every night'. '
Crew of a United States flying
machine remained in the air almost
:seven days continuous flying. Stip-
plies of gasoline and oil were trans-
ferred in the air. - This cunstitiutcs a
world 'record, but there is no great
surprise in the American's carrying
off the prize. .rhe whole nation was
in the air the first two years of the
Great War.
The Undersigned has been instruct-
ed by
Lot 38, 39, Con, 6, East Wawanrr.h,
to sell by public auction at 1 o'clock
the following live stocks, etc., Aged
Mare, black mare rising 4 years, 13ay
marc rising 3 years, cow 4 years old,
dtie August 1; Holstein calx 13 )gars
old, with calf at foot; Durham cow,
'6 years old; 4 steers rising 3 years; 7
steers rising 2 years; 4 heifers 7isirtg
3., years; 4 heifers rising 2 vettese ''5
sprint; calves; brood saw, dne ] eb.
2; plow, scales, capacity IA0 lbs,
nearly new; Winscorisiti intrnh,•rtur and
brooder, 140 egg size,
Terms -All sums of $10 and ,under,
cash; over that amount 1) motors'
credit 011 appruvcd joint. 'lobs, 01'1%
1 , cud
per an atm 11'r. etude
off fc •
Jame. 1 yl (17, r010(7.
To neglect you battery in Winter,
is initing trouble for spring. Store
it with us and save this trouble and
expense, W. I ngllanl, \Vingham
& Vulcanizing Depot.
( Walkerton Herald -Tinges)
An aged \'Vinghantite, who annually.
buys a permit at the Walkerton Dis-
pensary' and gets his year's supply
at' one crack, palled into poi's last
leeck with his wife and did his an-
nual stunt at the local Licluory.
When the, vendor, diaries Hnck,
heard the 'request for a case of Old
Irish whiskey at $39.00, he was about
to put a smaller limit `on the 'Wing-
lfamite, but'When the latter showed
hint his former permit, which only
contained the one iters, Charlie de-
cided to let tlic cargo Pass and sold
print another permit to enscroll 111c
purchase, thereon.
The old couplet left for home feel-
ing that they were insured' against
cramps in the "tummy" for another
twelve months.
Rut i is safer a ccl1ulaicl n
ut l pep
to swim' through the lake of 1ariln-
stone in Satan's sweat shop than to
expose a case of whiskey in ,Tees -
water and try to get by. The aged
couple from Wingham found this out
and the police are noir' working on
the case, But trying to pick evidence
out of a Teeswater man about booze
is as discouraging as a mosquito try-
ing to suck the life blood out of a
graven image. Every ':l eeswater•ite
it seems, votes dry,and to quiz tl cin
1 1
on the liquor question is to step on
their pct corn,. They do good by
.stealth over there, and that's why the
case of "Old Trish" can't be found,
We would like .to think some "Carne
'Nation had dumped that cargo into
the •river, but we fear that stiln.ebody's
darling J.nows more about that booze
over tlierc',than the authorities will
evor discover, As they never let:
their right hand lin01i' What their left
hand does, IT is hard for the police
to get next,.
Whether the Winghantitcs stopped •
off to do :Some shopping or just- how
they came to tarry in Teeswater, it
is difficult to learn, but in any eVent,
they 'found their auto as bare as I.Olcl
Mother` Hubbard's cupboard, when
they 11'ent to spy around for the
b(t07. e.
1121st g it' il@11
i1 f 1
111 I' ll 1 1010011li01l1$1111fr >l 141011$1 1 10101 111101011111 1 11umMflimmio,
1177n44171 3,IUV.tl]11a1
Uxnt W+.,1I nr1+ 111033mt
uwvr Ertl
IM 91 +: MM
Sinnott nrern
SAVINGS as high as 50
pep' cent on fuel hill claim
ed by customers,
F -i undredsofTestimanials
Installed 111 ten " minutes
ori: fuel floor of hutting
Write rte fo}' illustrated lit-
e ei'attii'e and prices.
y 60%
the t
or coke,' • is wasted 117
1 of the ft cl coal c 1 e � (,17,
C)ve1,117717e'y in the form of
',, 3the 1 installation
I: I '.
st77c'rl.c, and gases, most of which is saved 1��, ,117t�t�il�.tlarl
of just -Rite Ptt'el Savers,