HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-10, Page 1siesereseeeessesse
''Single Copies, Five Cents.
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter 'News,
4 1.
John Bray.
Wroxeter, Jan. 6.--LThe funeral of
,John 'Bray, a fernier hueinese man of
• Wroeteter, was held from the C P. R.
depot to the Wroxeter Cemetery on
Friday afternoon, service being con-
drieted by,' Rev. E, Bolingbroke. De-
ceased died in Hamilton, where he
had been residing- with a daughter
since the death of his wife 'several
years age,
Mrs: W. M. St.
very ,sad death took place in
Winghani Hospital on Friday morn-
ing when Mrs. W. M. Scott of Blyth
passed away following an operation
.perfortned on Wednesday The late
Mrs. Scott had not been enjoying the
4best of health for some months and
•on Christmas eve went to Wingham
to spend a few days with her sister,
Mrs. J. Fells. Her condition became
grave end an operation was decided
-upon, from which she never regained
-consciodsness. She is survived by
one daughter, Patience, who was tea-
ching Continuation school at Schrei-
ber, Ont., and who taught in the Con-
1ineation school at Blyth for a couple
of years. She only reached home the
day before her mother's operation,.
Mr. Scott died very suddenly two
years ago while with Airs, Scott mid
Miss Patience on a motor trip to the
:Southern States to visit relatives.
The deceased lady was a daughter of
-the late David and Mrs, Scott of the
-.sixth concession East :Wawanosh, be-
ing their eldest daughter. StiC is sur-
.vived by four brothers and two sis-
ters, viz—Peter W. and Cyrus of E.
-Wawanosh, Davidand Williatn of
Belgrave, Mrs. J. Fells of Wingham,
also her sister, Bella, who is marri-
ed in the West. After her marriage
to Mr, Scott she resided in Hullett
Tor a time, later moving to Blyth
where she had been a resident for
eome years. She was a member of
'St. Andrew's United Church, Myth,
Albert H. Gregory.
The funeral of the late Albert H.
Gregory took place on Satittday ire=
leis late residence and was largely at-
tended, the Oddfellows taking the sere
.vice at the grave -side. Those pre -
scat from a distance were: Mrs, W.
A. Canipbell, Winnipe.g, Ge6. T. Greg•ory, Windthoret, Sask.; Mrs, W. R.
Birtch, St. Thomas; Mr. and 'Mrs.
H, V. Holmes, Gorric; Mr, M. R.
Hay, Listowel; Mr. Harper and Mr.
VanHat'ter represented the Bell Tel-
Thone Co. A sister, Mrs. E. G. But-
iton, of Riverside, Calif., was unable
to reach Wingham until the following
Miss Esther McDougall
Wroxeter, Jan. 6.—Miss Esther Mc-
Dougall, eldest daughter of Janice
McDougall, of Turnberry Township,
died at her home on Friday, aged 23
••years, Miss McDougal was a partic-
ularly bright and clever girl and
-when taken ill with pneumonia some
'months ago was teaching at what is
'known as Douglas school, in Turn
:berry. Her death east a gloom over
the community *here she was popu-
lar. She is servived by her father
and one sister, .Mrsikilarvey Adams,
of Howick.
Ebert Black
Tn the death of Robert Black, ott
entiary 1st, Wroxeter lost one of its
oldest business men. 'Born at Ayr,
Ontario, seventy- six years ago, Ear-
ly in life he teethed the flour milling
trade and followed it up to a few
years ago, being located at Seaforth,
Brussels, Gorrie and some forty years
o purchased the mill in Wroxeter,
-retiring' some five Tears •agt, He en-
joyed local sport such as ceding and
'-lawn howling. About 50 years ago
he married Barbara Thompson. A
fatnily of three sorts add three dau-
ghters, who, with 'his Widove and one
hrOther, John L., of Ayr, surive /dm
The family are: Secott, tugaske,
Anderson, Toronto, Mrs. Little aid
Mrs. Pye, Totonto, Mrs, Weltmote,
1-larriston and Qeo„ Wingharn, one
-sort, Wifl, lost his life over -seas in
the Great War, The fttnerat on
1'hursda3r, to the Wro,teter Ceniet-
ery was ander 'the auspices of the
Masonic Order. Rev. H. 'Bolingbroke
of the United Church conducted the
.41fittch serviee,
• • • r,
j. A: 'Carrie has opened :a feed
stable be the old livery, Josephine
street ana.tilso has a few good horseS
'for hire,
\A/Ingham Town Council got under
way at, the inaugural meeting on
114.ondey at 11 am., when the members
subsceibed to the declaretion of of-
fice, and Rev. F. W.' Schaffter offered
the inVocation for divine guidance an
the deliberatione of' the Council dur-
ing 1929.
Afayoe Fells; Reeve McKibbon end
Counsellor Elliott were appointed a
Committee to strike the standing coin-
mitees.for the year, 'eftet Which Cowls
cil adjeurned utitil 8 p.m.
Resuming b.usiness at the appointed
hour, Alayor Fells delivered his in-
augural address, welcoming Council-
lors McGillieray, and Diarnent to the
Board; 'asking the, hearty co. -opera-
tion of all. the meinbers this year as
they had given M the past, and 'felt
certain they would have another suc-
cessful year.
The striking Committee reported as
Executive—T. Fells, J, W. 11/IcKib-
bon, H. B. Elliott.
Streets, T. Fells, H. 13. Elliott, C.
R. Wilkinson
Cemetery—J. W. McKibbon H.
Diament, A. Tipling.
Fire—C R. Wilkinson, D. Watson,
J. ,McGillivray.
Peoperty—A. Tipling, H, Diament,
De Watson.
Finance—H. B. Elliott
j. McGillivray.
The first. named in each committee
to be chairman.
By -Law No. 995 proided for t
re -appointment of all the old tot
gaicials at same salaries, and By -1
No. 996, gave authority for borrowi
up to $40,000 from the Canadi
Bank of Commerce, as required.
Final -Ice 'Committee recommend
payment of a number of accounts.
The Treasurer stated all the taX
of 1928 had been paid with the e
CePtiOn of $2,514, all, of which te
abouf $300 would be realized. If th
s realleed Council of 1,928 wslto...00
he -With- a surplus of amen
800 after providing for all outstart
ng cheques.
TVCatillreT was instructed to tal
he neteseary steps to collect tiles
treare,' according to law, on the a
rice of the town solicitor.
High School 'Literary Society wei
ranted use of the town hall for the
pen meeting on Friday, February
Reeve McKibbon, on behalf of
L, No. 794, got a synipathetic re
pons t to his request fel- the orde
o have privilege of erecting booth
lacingdecorations on the street
se of coencil chamber and town ha
oder the control of the town com
ittee, on the coming 12th of Jul
Councillor Elliott brought to th
ttention of the Council that the
eeting to -night marked the 50th an-
iveas'ary of the incorporation of the
wee the order -in -council by the leeg-
latttre having been signed on 'Jan.
18-78, The Clerk read the minutes,
the, janeary session of thee year,
hith Allowed a decided change to
resent day conditions. Apparently
e mirchasing power of a dollar cl
eater ability tlion for the Clerk re-
ived a 'mere $200, and other sa/ar-
s hi like proportion. For the prey -
tis year the total expenditure of the
rporation was $9,950, whiah has
ofirn to $185,680, in 1928,
Mr'. J. A, Morton, barrister, dr6v
• the bill presented to Elie Legis
dire for incorporating the town,
d ap,peared before the Private Bills
ommittec to press the towie's peti-
n and with success.
Benjamin Wilscm was Maybr, and
M Robinson, H. Lemex, W.
W, W. Ingles, j. McDonald, J.
eelands, 3, Ritchie, G. McKay, j.
jobb, W. McCloymenti* 'Thomas
11, and G. McKibbon were Coen -
10s. Of these Thomas 13e11,e11, now
resident of Southampton, is the on-
eerviving member,
This interesting affair came at a
04 opportune momn
moment, whea
aVe was under way to celebratb the
Idol jubilee of incorporation in a
leble thenner the coming summer.
id while'the Council. refrained from
mudding themselves to this matter
atiy Way, they took a great interest
the information brought otit by the
antes of eouncil of 50 years ago,
ay the hope be expressed that t4e
W-foend interest remain and that
the mixt meeting the council will
iinelined to give some real encour,7
ement to a fit and, proper obser.:
nee of the town's 50th anniversary.,
J. W. Mc -
6t f
Monday proved an impossELEG4 S OFFICERble day,
Nevertheless a few boys and girls
braved the elements, and the short
courses started on schedule. It is to
be hoped that the weather will ad-
just itself so as to permit many more
young people taking part in these
worth -while classes. '
. 'The special lectures on Fruit and
Vegetables by Mrs. Wilson, will prove
The talk einem diseases, mut con-
trol, potato diseases and other fun-
gus diseases on Friday morning shottlel
draw many visitors. The only spec-
ial lecture during next week is on
Friday Morning when Mr. White will
discuss Be keeping ell are invited
to atteed.
Mies. Shearee atid Miss Rolston,
lady teachers, festee t etnall but very
enthusiastic class of girls, The dis-
cessions of Foods and Cookery, Ser-
ing, etc., are worthy of a much larger
attendance. It is hoped the young
ladies of Wingham will take a tip and
attend some of the classes. ,
Nothing short of sickness should
prevent farmers' sons and daughters
taking advantage of these free cla,sses.
Wingham Ctiriers are holding a
Euchre, and Dance in the Armouries,
on Friday evening, January- 18th, with'
cards from 8 o'clock to 1.1. o'clock.
After refreshments the crowd can •ene
joy old time and new antes' until
one o'clotle • The Armouries will be
comfortably heated and every 'provi-
sion made for a pleasant evening...
The annual, meeting of the Turn -
berry Agrieultural Society will be held
on Saturday afternoon, January 19th
at two o'clock, in the Council Chem-
ber, Wingham, , Election of offieers•
and Directors and business pertaining
to the society. Chas. G. Campbell,
PreSidente .W. j. Greet',
After Sunday, _Tannery 6th, the
train leaving Wing,hani for London
at 6.55 a.m, will leave 10 minutes
earlier, or at 6.45 and will arrive in
London at 9.38 instea'd of 9.58,
The afternoon train will leave at
the same time as in the past, but will
reach London at 5.57 instead of 6.14.
Train 165 to Wingham, leaves Lon-
don at 4.40, instead of 4.45.
The evening train will leave Lon-
don at 4,40 instead of 4,45 and Will
arrive in Wingham at 7.45 istead of
The members of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto will at-
tend Divine Service at the Carman
United Church, Corner Pauline Aven-
ue a.nd Bloor St West, on Sunday
evening, Jamiary 13th, at 7 o'clock,
when the annual sermon will be
preached by Rev. Gee, Balfour, D,D.,
an Usborne Old Boy. All Huronites
in the city and vicinity are cordially
invited to be present and take part
in the service,
The BelgravO Women's Institute
will hold their regular meeting at
the home of Mrs. John VanCamp, at
2,30 p.m. on Tuesday, ,Janttary 15th.
The topic "Homemaker's Task," will
be taken by Rev, Mr. Seoble. Ron
call "Sandwiches,'' The. music will
be taken bA,y vs, Carl Proctor, , All
the ladies of th , community are in-
vited to attend.
Send Copy M ot Morrday-:•-
The Advance -gimes has it rule that
contract advertisers must have their
copy in the hands,of the printer not
later than Monday to ensure their
advertisement appearing in the paper
of the current week. As We are de-
sirous of catching all the morning
mails on Thursday we nnist insist
on the rule being tompfied with as
we find it impossible to make two
runs of the paper with thanges of
advertisements coming in on Tues-
day. We hope that our Pateone will
to -operate with its in this matter and
ensure the early publication of the
A dva ti cc, Times. '
Ort Tuesday etriming the, following
officers were regularly installed to
office for the ensuing year by Airs,
H. W. Shane, P,D.D.G,M., and Mrs.
.(Dr..) A. J, FOX, P.W.M.,.1*,
Worthy Matron -Mrs, W. A. Mill-
Worthy Patron—Mr. Duetin Bee-
Associate Matroii---Mrs, Geo, Spot -
Associate Patron --Mr, Jas. Gil-
Secretary—Mrs, 'E. J. Nash,
Treasurer --Miss Mary Pattison,
Conductress---Mra. Geo, Giver.
Associate Conductress --Mrs. A, 3.
Chaplain—Mrs. j. H. McKay.
Marshall—Mrs. ,E Iiarriston.
Organist—Mrs. jias. Gilmour.
Adah--Miss Ages Mitchell.
Ruth—Airs. W. $. Mitchell.
Esther—Mrs, D. Rae.
Martha --Mrs, 0. Habkirk.
Electa—Mrs, W.' H. Phair.
Warder—Miss Beatrice Joynt.
Serttinel—Mr,'Geo, Diver.
"Fresh oysters at McKays".
• Miss Margaret Fisher has gon
Toronto and May eentain there.
Phone.2 or 133 for general delivery
service at reasonable prices. Beau-
ie'e Delivery.
Mr, and .Mrs.. Eldon. Peterman Of
Detroit was home for the New Year
Mrs.' VVrin. Williamson was in Lon-
don last week, attending the funeral
of her aunt, the late Mrs. Agnes Mc-
Alise Florence Deacon who has been
isiting at the home. of Mr. and MIS,
Allan Pattison, retierned to Totonto
on Saturday. 3
7t Neil McLean lei on Monday for
chool, to take a
London Military
six -Weeks' course •e d qualify for h
Lieetenereey., Ye 4 .
Dr. and Mrs, \\r R. Ff-ambly, fo
merly of Wingham, are now settle
in their new home, 293 Qtteen's Av
nue, London.
•. Beattie's Delivery Service is read
to meet every need. Phone 2 or 13
Prices reasonable.
Miss Bertha McGee is spendieg
fortnight in London with her siste
Mrs. E. C. Williams. X
Mrs. N. K. McLeod of Goderich,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burk.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl C. McElroy of
Pontiac, Mich., also Mr. and Mrs. H.
McElroy of Blyth, were New Year's
visitors at 1'. C. McElroy's,
Mrs, Ernest Platt of Port Colborne
.spent a few days at the 'home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sem Burk.
NAMr. Leslie Pellington has retttrned
to his home in Winnipeg in order to
resume his ditties at the beginning of
the New Year after visiting his grand --
Mother, Mrs. M, E. Copeland, Shuter
street, and other friends in this vie
Mr. Leslie Deacon, ofCoronach,
Sask., is -isiting friends ie Wawanosh,
Deacon has been in the West for
eighteen years and this is his firet
triee home in that time. He finds
,tia ebange Wingham and v
irit; ic-
The Family Herald and Weekley
Star of Montreal holds a record for
ribers renewing' voluntarily oand
cotAftmously year after year. After
all it is not surprising when one. con-
siders the quantity and quality feast
the readers are givee each week aed'
at a price. 'ridictulously low—$1 a year
ot 'three years far $2
New Year's visitors at the home of
Miss Nellie Crtiekshenks and her
brother, were: Mr. Gordon Cruick-
shanks, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mis.
las, Moorhead and son, Lorne, tis-
towelg Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buller,
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Allan VanAl-
styne and Mirs tereice Lockeildge,
first line, Morris, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Cruicksleenks, Lower Wing -
Commencing, ti0t Sabbath morn-
ing!, Rev. Dr. Perrie will begit a ser-
ies of brief talksor addresses to the
thildren and young people, These
will be given just. previous to his re-
gutat message and should be of great
interest to the younger people,
A 'real blizzard swept over this part
during the Vveek-end, following an ear-
ly January thaw and rain. on Saturs
day. Driving snow on Sunday and
Monday emetieelly tied up treveting-
on the made,
Subsenipions $2.O0 per year.
'The contest in Colborne T,ownsMp
for the regveship was a close one, Seaforth, Jan. 8, --The annual
Thigh Hill being elected by SI, ilitajor- meeting of the Huron Presbyterial
ity o o over hioppbnentAlbert Association, held in the Presbyterian`
s ,
Goldthorpe, ehureh to day marked the close of a
The vote was as loilows fl.Hill
successful year. The chair was °co -I-
181; A. Goldthorpe, 176, pied by the president, Airs, j. C.
The vote for councillorwasW. Greig, of Sea.forth, who conducted the
s :
LYoung227Aaron Fisher 196; devotional exercises, The societies
, , ;
Wiliam Thorn, 195; Frank Wilson, throughout the presbyterial Were Well
165; A. Mugford, 120; N. McLarty, rePreseme4-
The report* from both the Auxil-
111. The first four named, Young,
Fisher, Thom and Wilson, are the iary and presbyteetal secretaries were
councillors -elect. 11IOSt encottragiWg' ahl denoted pro
Hay gress along the line. Mrs. W.0D.
Fair, of Clinton., was made an hle
Reeve—Louis Rader. orary president, in recognition of her
Walper, A. Mellich, D. Ducharme and
William Alexander.
Reeve—Alex Neel). Deputy reeve
Sweitzer. -Council—Ed.
Gill, West Dearing and Isaac Te-
Reeve—J. S. l3allantyne. Council
—William Stinner, Dan Drew, 13. S.
Williams and Hugh Barry( all by ac-
. Hullett
Reeve—E, Adams. Council—Jas.
Leiper, H, Mogridge, James Forbes.,
Robert .Lawson,
MrriReeve—W. 5. Henderson. Coun-
cil—J. McGill, j, A Brown, W. J.
Bryclges, William Shortreed. •
East Wawanosh
Reeve—F, D. Stalker. Council----),
Campbell, R. Reid, W. Kerr, j•
Stanley •
Reeve—Art. P. Keyes. Council—
John Etue, Goldie Graham,. Mervyn
Hanley, Fenwick Stewart.
West Wawanosh
Reeve—William Mole, elected by a
majority of 53 over James Forster.
Council—William Stewart 234; Frank
Todd, 218; William Carr 170; Thomas
is Webster, 168.
Tuxnberry. ,
r- Reeve—I. 5. Wright (aeel.). Cotm-
d cillos -s ---Peter S. MacEwen 113, Jas.
MacTavish 113, Alex. Baird 95, Rich-
ard -Wilton 87, William Ausiin 72.
y A real blizzard with driving. snow
3, accounted for a remarkably sma.11
vote being polled, onl3r about one-
fifth of the possible vot•e-coming out,
ronly 220 ratepayers cared to face the
Ashfield—John A. McKenzie, Thos.
Blyth—Dr. Vi. J. Milne,
Bettssels—A, C, Baker,
Colborne—Hugh Hill.
Goderich Twp.—john Middleton.
Grey—Henry A. Keyes or John
McNab; Joseph McKay, 0, Hemm-
ingway or F Bolling.
Hay—L. H. Reade,
Howick—Thomas Ingles.
Elkillett—E, Adams.
Morris—W, J. Henderson.
McKillop—John Dodds.•
Stanley—A, P. Keyes.
Stephen—A. H. Neeb; N. Sweitzer.
Tu ck e rsm ith—Rolan d Kenn edy.
Turnberry—Isaac Wright.
W. Wawanosh—P, D, Stalker,
Li-shortie—James BallantYne.
Clinton—N. N, Trewartha.
Goderich—R,obert E Turner; 3. W.
Hensall—Robert Higgins or Owen
Exeter—C. B. Snell.
Seaforth—j, W Beattie.
Wingham--j, W, McKibbon.
Ae eeson, . formerly
manager of a large commercial fail-,
now a preacher of the gosii will be-
gin it series cif rneetinge ta&-sRegular
Baptist Church, Victoria' street, on
Sunday, January lSth, t,t' 11 a.m. and
7 p.m., and to coetmue throughout
the week at 8 p.m,
Once again Wingham sympathisers
of the General Hospital showed their
appteciatism of the courteous gener-
osity of Capt. Adams by turning out
in large numbers at Hospital Night
on Tuesday evening. The picture fea-
ture 'Wild 'Beauty" afforded genuine
pleasure and satisfaction to the eaPec-
ity audience, The W. H. A. appre-
elates this annual donation by Capt.
Jong and efficient eerviees as supply
secretary. Mrs. R C MeDermid, of
Goderich, was appointed a delegate
to the provincial meeting to be held
in Hamilton. Regret was expressed
at tile removal of the second vice-
president, Mrs. James Foote, of Ex-
eter, from the bounds of the pres-
byterial. An increase in membership
was reported.
The financial report, read by the
treasurer, Mrs. T. Swan Smith, show-
ed a splendid response on the part of
the various organizatiOns $3,131.61
being the total offering, exceeding by
$252 the objective, which was, the
same as last year, $2,878.
The following are the amoupts
raised throughout the presbyterial
auxiliaries: Auburn, $117; Bayfield,
$133; Blyth $150; Clinton. $98.81;
Exeter, $216.52; Goderich $330.81;
Hensel! $210; Seaforth $285.84. Young
Women's Auxiliaries—Anther, Goder-
ich, $703,26; .Barbara Kirkman, Sea -
forth, $276.60; Mission Bands, Busy
Bees—Exeter $3$; McGillivray, God-
ericli, $177.10; Sunbeam, Hensall, $74,
Goforth, Seaforth; $14.32; Margaret
Larkin, C.G.I.T,, Seaforth, $15.75;
Maitland, Aubttrn, $25, ,
Mrs. Irving 13. Keine presided dur-
ing, the election of officers for the en-
suing year, which resulted as follows:
Honorary president, Airs. 'W. D. Fair,
Clinton; president, Mrs. 3, C. Greig,
Seaforth; vice-presidents, Mrs. R. C.
McDermid,• GOderich; Mrs. Riddel,
Auburn; Mrs, G. D. McTaggert, Clin-
ton; Miss Taylor, Myth; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs, George AsicDon-
ald, Goderich; recording. secretary,
Miss H. Isabel Graham; Seaforth;
treasurer, Mrs. T. Swan Smith, Sea -
forth; Horne Helper's eecretary, Mrs.
j. Fraser, Bayfield; Young Women's
and C.G.I.T, secretary, Aetre. J. Me-
Murchy, Clinton; MitiSi011 Band sec-
retary, Mrs. H. J. Gibson, Seaforth;
library and literature eecretary, Mise
Isabel McEwen, Goderich; Glad Tid-
ings secretary, Mrs. B. Morgan, Ex-
eter; press secretary, Mrs. F. R. Red-
ditt, Goderich; life membership sec-
retary, Miss McFarlane, Clinton;
financial secretary, Mrs, H. C. Dun-
lop, Goderich,
The ladies were hospitably enter-
tained at luncheon by the Clinton
"Fresh oysters at McKays".
To neglect your battery in Winter,
is inviting trouble for spring, Store
it with us •and save this trouble and
expense. W. Ingham, Wingham Tire
& VOIcanizing Depot,
Kitchener, Jan.8.—The annual 10 -
day Waterloo Comity furniture exhi.
bition opens here to -marrow with 78
firms exhibiting their wares, and tra-
vellers from all over Canada are er-
pected for the event. Last year there
were 62 ekhibitors. This year's num-
ber is almost four times greater than
when the first show was held a few
years ago. In additien to Kitchener
and Waterloo exhibitors, firms are re-
presented front Toronto, Alontreal„'
Cornwall, Wingham, Brantford, 1 is
towel, Woodstock, Chesley, Ingersoll, '
Victoriaville, Que., Elmira, Napanee,
Hespler, Milverton, OniIlia, Lucknow,
Elora, New Hamburg, Owen Sound,'
Ottawa, Renfrew, Strathroy, Wind -I
sor and Wiarton,
The seventh annual meeting 6f the
Witigham Horticultural Society- will
be ma in 'the touncil hamber etti
ThurSday evening, January 10th, at. 8
&Clock. All interested are invited to
x Kilbourn-McKague.
F;lizaliet (Betty) eicKaguee.
daughter of Mrs, McKagee ,and the
late A, D, McICagee, of Winghem,
was married on Saturday, januar3r 5,
to Mr. W. Quay Kilboure, only son
of Mr. and Mrs F. H, Kilbourn, of
°wee Sound. The ceiernony vvae
solemnized by the Rev. Dr, Munro of
Old St. Andrew's, with only it few
friends and immediate mernbere of
the families present The happy cou-
ple left irrnnediately, by auto, for
New 'York and Florida, where they
will spend the winter,
Brydges-Hay es
A very pretty wedding took place
at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. 3. T_
Brydes, Belgrave, an Thursday, Dee‘ -
ember 27, when the Rev. Shore, of
Blyth, in the presence. of a few re-
latives and friends, joined in matri-
mony Miss Dorothy Brydges, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bry-
dgee and Mr, Louis A. Hayes, of De-
troit. The marriage .took place at
four o'clock under it beautiful arch
and wedding decorations.)(The bride
looked charming in white shadow lace
over white satin and bridal veil and
orange blossoms and carrying a bou-
quet of white roses. The bride and
groom were attended by Miss Annie
Geddes and James 13rydges, brother
of the bride, and during the signing
of the register Mrs, C. Wade sang.
A reception was held in the evening
when their friends and neighbors
gathered to wish them God speed on
their voyage through life and leaving -
many tolcens of the esteem in winch
the bride was held. Mr. and Mrs.
}Iayes left next clay for their home
in Detroit. e
Representatit ee, from the earl u
clubs met at the ollrunsevick on Thurs.
evening last and drew up the follow-
ing schedule for 1929 Hockey in the
Northern League. Just park this in
your hat or note book for reference:
San, 8—Kinc!trunidin7at Luckn
Jan. 9—Ripley at Winghani.
Jan. 14—Winghain at Kincardine.
Jan. 15—Ripley at Lucknow.
Jan. 21—Lucknow at liVingharn.
Jan. 25 --Kincardine at Ripley.
San. 25--Wingham at Lucknow.
Jan. 28---Lucknow at Kincardine.
jan. 31—Wtrighain at Ripley.
Feb. 6—Ripley at Kincardine.
Feb. 8—Kincardine at Wingloun,
Feb. 11--Lucknow at Ripley.
Jan. 11—Kincardine at Ripley.
Jan. 18—Kincardine at Wing -hang
Jan. 21 --Ripley at Kincardine.
Jan. 28—Ripley at Win,ghane
Feb. 1—Wingharn et Kincardine.
Feb, 5--Wingharn at Ripley.
Rev.- Sidney Davison, Pastc,r
Tel.—Church 140, Parsonage 183
• • I • • I • 41
"Trittroph over Trouble"
Sermon Series for Everting Ser-
vices on Women of the
Jan, 18 --"Esther, Savior of her
Jan. 20 --"Ruth, Triumphatit in
Jan, 2?—"Debora1i, Prophetress
and Patriot",
Feb. True lother
in Israel".
Feb. 10—"Martha ettel Alary",
Feb. 17 ---"Mary, the Neal
Feb, 24—"liary, 'Mother i)f