HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-01-03, Page 4actrf ffEA I • J ft: 1�• JUnLJ6' J'L �S_ J i+rJd. W s . F�Jd6�o a
French Ivory at
half Price
A wonderful chance to complete your set.
Our stock is completeof Ivory with'exception
This is ;a Wonderful buying opportunity.
R e 1?a_ .Slane
antic ri • • , • • • s t a 1ski ick it l'Gr'
cents a word per insertion, with u minimum charge of 25c.
Girl Roomers for company, apply
to Miss R. Lewis, Edward street.
WANTED -Frame building in good;
condition about 12x14 feet. W.
Sherriff, Box 157, Winghant.
Good soil, good locality, easy terns
Apply Wingltam Advance -Times. l
The annual meeting of 13elgrave
l ariners: Club °will be held in the
Foresters' Hall, Begg+rave, on Tues-
day, January Sth, 1929, at 2 o'clock
p In., to receive reports of the Dir-
ectors, elect officers and transact
other business.
R. 5, Scott, Secretary.
FOUND -A 30x3'h tire on ree swat- AUCTION SALE
er Road. Owner rimy flat e sante
pleby, Glenannan, phone 603r3. 1
FOR SALE -An invalid's reclining
chair, can sit tip or lie dawn, price
$500, enquire at ?c -dance -Times.'
FOR SALE -Jacobus Steiner Violin,
180 years old, also solid walnut
,;card table, library table, solid wal-
nut. Apply Advance -Times.
TO RENT -House next George Ma-
son's on Alfred street- • Apply to
Pert Elliott, Pleasant Valley.
FOR .SALE - One or two desirable
houses, centrally located, either
cash or. small .payments. Apply to
73ox. A, Advance -Times.
RELIABLE GIRL Who wishes to
attend the short course to be held
in° Winghanl, would be willing to
do house work or care for children;
mornings and evenings in exchange
for home durinng course, Would be
willing to board herself. Apply `at
Winghain Advance- i Imes.
FOR SA.1 E-1'wo gond farms -;Lot
6, Con. 1., Turnberry, consisting .of
80 acres, thereabout, also lots -7 and AUCTION SALE
S consistince of 140 acres there
W1NGf•IAlAti... AD Cl+. -TIMES,
Win har Advance -Times.
r'illatiebe&1 at
a Morning
Every Thursday M xn ng
W. Logan Craig; Publisher
Subscription rates. - One year $2.00.
Six months '$I.00, in advance. •
To U. Sae. A. $z.so per year.
Advertising rates on application.
To tile -editor av all flint
Winghana peypers.
Deer Sur: -
Ms the habit av me loife to make
tin good resolooshuns iviry year on
the fursht clay av Jannywary, an if I
kape thim purty °well •1 Make tin. new
wants the-nixt year, an, if l don't urate
me obligashuns, ser to silpake, thin,
ay coorse, I kin renew thin, loike a
note at the bank..
13eloiv ve will foind rage shtunt fer
this year. '
Wan-To•make tine resolooshuns as
usual, but not to make thim too har-
Two -Not to renew me booze per -
wit fer the year, but to make me tay
a little ehtronger.
Tree -To kape ince oye on the Town
Council, fer thine lads nade waichin,
Fdor-To shpind more tonne out
on the uuld faraurn, fer that shpal-
pane av a bye is.'lettin the whole place
git overrun wid' sow tistle s world
Fuive - To hev a heart to heart
talk wid Jarge Shpotton wid regard
to 'that Bell Tillyforne :business, he-
foot- he ;goes down to Parleymint.
Six I'o shpind more toime playin
checkers, fer raydin too much does
be hurtin me oyes..
Sii in-To'win the championship av
Winerham at pitchin harse shoes whin
Shirring comes. (This is a harrud
Wan, but T .mustn't make them, all too
aisy). •
Eight -To kape the shnow shovel-
led fer the widdy wtunman livin vitt.
Jure, barrin Monday marnins whin I
hev to hilp the missus wid the wash-
in, •
Noine - Nivir to let thug l oirh
School byes git the shtart av nae wid
theca- talk.
Tin -Not to buy antiyr shtock in
gowld -mines. •
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
Of Stock and Implements
The undersigned'has been instruct-
ed by
South -East Part Lot 33; Con 9, East'
Wawanosh, to 'sell by public auction
at 1,30 &clock on
the following `Live Stock, etc:, Mare
13 years old, horse, filly,: plow, set of
harness, team harness, single harness,
1 -Section spring -tooth cultivator cut-
ter, buggy, hay rack, set sleighs; pig
rack, cutting box, scuffler, 12 nods
fence' wire, 2 chicken coops, mother
Small tools, bundle of roofing, cream
separator, ti'hirlw'tnd. seeder, kitchen
cabinet, couch; :4' chairs, table, stand,
bicycle, DeForestCrosley Radio with
loud speaker and batteries, 2000 lbs.
potatoes, quantity hay and grain, and
many other articles,
1'errns-Cash for the grain, pota-
toes, hay and sutras of $10 and under;
on other arnotntts Sia months' credit
on approved•joint.notes or 3 per cent. far m cash,
James Taylor, Auctioneer.
aUnuC. Gciod b eras and outer biYil
dings, houses frame, Will sell sep
arately of .together. For further
particulars apply to William Field.
Box 185, Winghatn.
FOR SALE -LT: ed cotter, newly
painted' and upholstered at . Wet.
Dare's shop. Apply to D. H. Mar-
tin, phone: 615r14, W'ltitechurch.
WANTED.At Charlie Logan's farm
Can. 9, East Wawanosh, soft Klin.
or hard Maple logs. ,Oaifs and
Trench, Teesweter.
'rhe undersigned has outstanding a
large number of accounts which if
paid by January •15th would s be 'ap-
C. • [-t. WADE, 13elgrave.
The farm known as the. John Goy
farm, lot .7G, Con. 12, Turnberry, on
which is erected a comfortable dwell-
ing, a frame barn and drive shed;
most of the fall plow iris; is clone, and
about seven acres is s+,rwn .in fall
'l'lris farm will he sold cheap 1:o
wind tip an estate. " For further par-
ticulars apply to Thos, Millen, Adm.
of the Jas, Millen Estate, ter to E.
G. Kuntz, Formosa,
T,, 1 lc ctin , of Turnberry:
1.adiee aid Gen ileinen--Perini! the
'The administrator of the S. Van -
stone "Estate,. Lot 19, Con, 7, Turn-
berry has instructed the .undersigned
to sell by ,public auction, at 1:30 p.
1n, on
the folloivin Driving horse, 9 yrs.;
Clyde. mare, 8 years; cow, due to fie_
Shen 3 cows, supposed to be in calf;
pair ~leers,. rising 2 years; heifer, ris-
ing 2 years, 4 spring calves, 8 grow-:
ing pigs; brood sow; 40 white Leg-
horn liens; Massey -Harris binder;
;,[assey-Harris mower; set \Massey
Harris. harrows;. new; ,fassey-Tlar-
ris• seed drill; Fleury plow; wag-
on; hay rack; }Wagon boa, .grind-
ing stone; pallier;, fanning mill; sot
double' harness; wheelbarrow; , chains,
for=ks and other articles: Renfrew•
create separator m good working
conditroin;:set scales, capacity 250'11,s.
Daisy chant; 30 tons ilavt 300 bush.
Oat,; quantity turnips. The farm will
alio be offered for. sale, 00 •which
there are four acres seeded in fall
w1;. at. and fall nlow•ing; done.
Terms:Cash far hay, „rani andall
SUMS of $10,00 and under, cash; on
other amounts 8 months' credit on
approved joint notes, or Gr%r pot air-
00111 riff for cash. No reserve.
The farm, 1.00 acres, will be offer-
ed suhiect to a reserved bid. On it
is a goad brick hoose with furnace, a
newly shingled barn, with new stab-
ling and drive shed. The property is
within two miles of Wingham, and is
a:most desir tblc i:tlace.
I. J. Wright, Administrator
'l'hos, Fells, Auctioneer.
to. thank you most heartily for the
honour of being returner] Reeve- for
1;09 by acclamation, 1 •tlipre.eittte all
this implies, and will endeavor to give
You the best of t:er'vrecpossible. 'With
the season's hest wishes for a real
Happy and Prosperous New Year,I
Your obedient servant;.
1 J. Wright
Voir vote and Influmme is respect-
fully solicited by
as Councillor for Trarnberry Towne..
ship fir 1929.
►hint l)ay, Mon., ,laniary 7th, 19291
I',lliott -- In 1)ttrhani, on flecember.
3010, 1928, 1;l teabeth Irene eldest
daughter of Mr, and \firs, Alexan-
der I1f.,I?llic,ttt, Funeral bole place
from the:; home of her unele, Mr.
flcrbe'rt 1'[itc1iell, Centre street,
Wintelnatn, 411 Wednesday, Jalinery
2nd, 1920.
Verrie-L-'In Kinloss. ort 'Tuesday, Jan-
uary 1st, 7[argaret fierrie, agted 78
Jerome-- ie \Ninglrarlt: 011 'l.'Liesda'y,
Tamary 1st, Sarah Jame Rnakte, wi-
clod' .ref the late Or. J. S. Jcr Otitc:
91 -- 1h W n gleam o1, Ftida ,
l>ccc+rirlic28th,r 1928, W1 1‘1',ttr-
ray, hi his 93tl'i year,
T1"btlEs4ay, Sanitary
Mr. and liars,o Englandspent a
few days
with1 frtc ids' around Dt1
gannoaa last weer.
Mr, Ernest. Gardr, Cecil and Jim.
of lion; spent Wed1 esday last at Mfr.
Mark Gardner's.'
Mr. Albeit Carter, who was operat-
ed on in Goderich Hospital, is doing
ads well as his tnanyr friends can ex -
Mr. and Mrs,W. Cook spent Tues
day last at Alex, Purvis' of Boundary,
Mr.' Charles Thomson has accepted
the caretaking of our school for the
coining year, 1929.
• Misses Jean and Christena Havens
of :f.ucknow, spent Xmas holidays
with their cousins, Lorne and Ivan
1![r. jack Thompson who is learn
itg telegraphy in 1 ticknow+, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks under the par-`
ental roof,
t=REZ- , , `L.
L.an tv How to Spkn Topa Over 2,500
'Yews Ago.
The. Greeks knew glow to spin tops
over 2,500 years ago. They had
poe et -knives with bronze blade.- and
exquisitely carved ivory handles, and
eiasp pins, much like the safety pin
by which its nloderu inventor in -ads a
fortune, WE're e common, says Popular
:\Etre hancis Magazine,
A process for making clear Yel-
low -white glass was announced as a
now discovery not tang ago, lit ex
1,l ions in ia,•.,;.pr .11,,., that th
t. •ri,rl mins known t11,'ee in the ea eeti:
n'-ary B.O. A eel, of 150 piece:, to t,:
ree•ote'red from the ruins of an an.
en ie z city,
A ,w+. r Sys tern that would + i,ret
pare favorably with any con struetr:ci
to -day- was laid it ( retie 50111e 2,500
years I3.C., and yon cat tura th' L,u-
cets oi: a. systout that was tnetalled in
;Ancient Pompeii,
cmiti 'at► : (a.
x Law In 1;. S. L3lisnieil i'ofi. ':Much
The chanes: of being robbed art
thirty-six times greate'a in a large
Lot:dee-. Crime 15 , tiny, to cost tits'
United States :113,000,000 a z Par . ' .,
rix -burglar, talking to a i1t.1 spLper-
ratau, sag's:; "e11l i'rime resew:eh wort:
is done by persons who It !ver 00M-
1,01 'Led
0neminted (!rimes," tie then goes en to
say that the lax restrictions n. the
salea a.nd ca rying of iirear.mH' t. otic'
of the outstanding causes of the
iL1noii,tt, of crime in the United St, tes.
A. tough youngster can get a gut al-
most as easily as he ^.an buy a tooth-
brush. E.ugland, 1r"ranee and oil er
European countries have pretty v'oil
put gun -toting out of business 11 y
laves that are severe. -- Coppe
1 Weekly:
Village of 'Large Families..
Of all 'the 0ournlunctS in Italy not "d
for large families. that of Palazzo ,e
3eliis:Stella,in the Province of Udi.n
apparently ntly .leas ,•corathe prize. Th
11151e mini -unite is comprised of 2,80!)
10hahitaui:;, with 465 families, f
which there are three with slater
childi'g'at, 0115. with fourteen, eig tat
with thirtreen.,.. c'hv0:1 with twee -n,
twenty-two with 'lnven, thirty --f rtir
Wi it h'ten, fort' -nn' with nine, fl oty-
tht no with eight and lifly-ones 't illi
The animal courses Conducted by
the Ontario deptu•tmont of Agricul
tare •eonnnlence on Monday, Sanitary
7th at 9,00 o'clock. Roth the 13oys'
course in Agriculture and the Girls'.
course in Home economics,.will be'
held in the Town Hall through the
courtesy, of the Winghaan Council.
The coarse in tAgriculture w li
next week with lectures on Horses,
Dairy Cattle, Live Stock marketing"
and ,Field Crops by the Agricultural
Representative and his Assistant.
Special` lectures on Flint and Vege-'
Miss McKay of Shelburne, is visit-
ing at the home of her brother; .Mr,
R. M. McKay
While returning from church Sun-
day' morning, firs, Elizabeth Jackson.
fell on the sidew-alk',and hurt herself;
besides"receiving a severe shaking up.
Miss' Iona Stothers, teacher .at
Kirkland Lake, spent die holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Jos-
eph Stothers.
Rev. and Mrs, Weir returned from.
Toronto, having visited their daugh
ter who was ill.
Mr :and Mrs. Nathaniel, Johnston
are attending a . golden .Wedding at
Shelburne this week.
Mrs. William Scott is in the Wing-
hani Hospital, where she will under-
go an operation on 'Wednesday.:
Mr. Frank Little is confined to leis
home with the flu. ,
Owing to the flu epidemic the'Or-
angemen's dance that was to, be held
on Friday night -has been Postponed
The week of prayer will be obser-
ved commencing January 7th- in St.
Andrew's United Church.
Nomination meeting was held on
Monday in the Community Hall.
Reeve Dr. Milne was re-elected, by
acclamation. There will be a con-
test for councillors, following=are"the
names of candidates, Jamey Cutt,
George. White, Charles Bell, Blain.
Herrington, William Mills and John
ZHeffron. Mr. J. H. R. Elliott was
re-elected' to the School Board.
Mr: Frank Metcalf' returned front
the west last week.
Mr. J. Madole has brought a car
load of young horses from the west,
and is receiving ready sale far them.
Tie tittle town had sea( nty0 Mine
of its, solus killeddilriiru flit .@`.rco.t
War and is new trying. to raise the
stoney. to 0reet a monument 11)1 heir
horror, .
Rubber Pads etitencee Traiai
SO sUecesstul have nine pads
proved as shook -absorbers and silen-
cers for railroad ilroa.d trains, after a, test
011 (ue r tri length of a 1+' •13 ,rated ,
Malay *States Railroad; that ey are;
being triad on 'longer strat ;nes of
track. The rubber, says yopuiat
Solonos .Monthly, made by `. s eelal
rocess was Sound to deo � the
8 t the of en to
sotrrtd of e tail'' >and t
The only really National Farm
Journal is the Family Herald and
Weekly Star, Montreal.. It has as
many readers in. Nova Scotia as in
Saskatchewan, sand is in its new form
the talk of the`:IDontinion.
Mcliininey-In \Ningliam, on Decent -
her 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie
McKinney, a,dau hter.
Notice to Creditors
Wes will be given., on W edne ay
tL titrtx)(r and '1u sday by Jas :A.
Neilson, 13.S,A., M.S., Eiden 'on
Horti;ultralist, Dort Hope.
Ida i morning W. G. Evans, l,A.
lf, (.A,C. Guelph, will dlscus,1tle
lat'st methods of controlling sent$,
rit4as, potato diseases, vegetable 'dls-
ciases and apple scab, Both s19
spaakers are specialists in their Jar -
fielder linesandhave informatics of
vaiure to giv: all farmers, Everyone
is tor.clially Melted to attend the 's?ec
nal lectures.
e course in Home EcorronicS
wits 1\{rs. Wm. Shearer, Poole, Ont:,
rd, 1929.
in charge;evil Open at the same time
and Domestic :Science, Foods, Cook-
y, etc,,, will be the subjects discos-
sed. Miss B. Rolston, Hamilton, will
be present
uring te first5t two weeks
and will instruct"in sewing,
Friday afternoon will see the first
social and' literary aftern0ola. Public
speaking, debating, class papers and
musical numbers will form the en-
All young men interestel in •farm-
ing and all young women shoui.dAtake.
advantage of these courses and be
on hand next Monday morning,
liar suaint to Section 56, Chap. 121 of
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons hai'-ing claims against the
estate of Richard Milton l chn:nns\.tn
late of the Village of Wroxeter in the
;:ot11ity of 'Huron, Gentleman, deceas-
ed, who died on or about the •thin-
teentli day of December, A. D. 1928,
are required to Send by post, prepaid,
er to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing-
ham, Ontario, Solicitor' for the Exec-
utor, oil or before the twenty-eightli
day of, January, A. 1). 1929; their
names and addresses, with full par-:
ticttlars in writing of their claim ; and
the nature of the securities (if any).
held by then duly verified by a stat-
tttory declaration,
that after the said twenty-eighth day
of January, A, 1). 1929, the said ex-
ecutor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said estate among the
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which he
shall then have had notice, and the
said executor shall not be 'liable for
thQ Said ti+Lscts or any part thereof tt,L
any person of whose claim he shall
not then have received. notice:
DATES) at Wier„ham thi;;. second:.
Catty of January, AD.'1929, -
\G'inghatrn, Ontario
Solicitor, for the ai.xcc.utor•,
absorb vibration.
tight travels 480 times rt
earth and sound searoel r
wife in gena minute,
aid darn
Huron & Erie Debentures are
a legal invest•rnent for
executors and trustees.
Safe. for estate.,sfunds. Safe
for the hard earned savings
of individuals.
• is' paid upon $100 and over
for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years,
Applications are accepted by
IGHT now
we're offer -
in great tire
ar ,ai.n s for
Chevrolet, Star,
r ¢. and h p
etwners. `ii11
quality, G O,,sit_
year -built tires
at C rices that
mean really low
tire costs. See
.11ia Rn l .ham,
hp. t, sratfottixh '..wit.."kL.' fi."yy1 • F
ilff¢ t '. t`r iMa ,,i i Xii Vit,;' ';1.1441; ip ikSF t
In the Chevrolet six -cylinder line
just announced is seen one of the
most important developments in re-
cent motor history -the production
of a powerful and attr'active six in
the low price range hitherto oc-
cupied exclusively by fours. Among
the seven new models offered are.
the coach and sport cabriolet, seed
above together with the fully en-
closed valve-in-heael:motor.
This motor develops 46 horse'
Power -42 per ceant more than its
four -cylinder predecessor.. The fac-
tory states 'peed has been
stepped up to satisfy maximum
i ents,
Notable • features ate gasoline
purnp 'instead isf vacuum tame
,feed, adjustable driver's seat,
water temperature gauge on clash,
and special accelerating pump
which operates : when the accelert.
tor is depressed.
The announcement of the sen
ear revels that Chevrolet engineers.
begat# Our years ago the research
work ;e- '
> a rat .:.n .
n and proving o
g ly vine grouttci
e n' '
-'iyV� ieh Ctrl 1
11 mn t
a od in 'the
new dd; More than 100' different,
rnoto'iiare said to leave .been baailt.
tend tdietl.