HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-27, Page 6elhWlltc) Mutual Five
Insurance Co.
I"stablislaed t &4 40
Is ad ()Mee, Guelph, Ont.
:s taken on all chase of insur-
at reasonable rates,
NER ;COSENS,Agent, WinglsAm
Oifice in Chisholm Block
r0 ox q6a ?hone 240
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,Etc.
Money to Loan
e-••�•Me er Block, Wingham
Cc y Holmes a
Successor to Dudley
ari it i
COP'm'RIGt f 49- The PENN PUBti t1LNG CO.
CHAPTER 1. -Garth Guthrie, Ca-
adian war veteran, having to live in
BARRISTER SOLICITOR, ETC. the open on account of weakened
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates . lungs, is factor of a Hudson's Bay
Wingham, - ,Ontario post at Elkwan. He carne back from
the conflict with a permanently scar -
J. A. MORTON red face, which he realizes cost him ETC. the love of his fiancee, Edith Fal-
BARRISTER,coner. Sir Charles Guthrie, his bro-
W Ingham, Ontario tier, is a millionaire war profiteer,
CHAPTER Il. --With Etienne Say-
DR.ROSS •. !awn, hafbreed, his firm friend, Garth
G. H. uarrier
of Dental meets Doctor Quarrier, geologist, and
Graduate Royal College
Surgeons ,his sister Joan. Their schooner has
Graduate University
of Toronto drifted ashore. Quarrier complains he
Faculty of Dentistry !has been robbed by a man known as
ogee H. E:, Isard's Store. ; "Laughing McDonald"or to the Ind -
' fans as '`McDonald Hal Hal" because
H. ----�,__--. -----� D. a scar which gives him a . grin. perpet-
Physcianand Surgeon
W. GCiLBORNE ' M. id ual McDonald is Garth's corn -
Medica. C R. petitor for the fur trade. At Elkwan
LrYedica-iresentatiye °D
Phone 54 W iang ham'an Indian girl, Ninda, tuberculosis
Successor to Dr. W. R. Hattably victim, whom Garth has befriended, is
Quarrier hints that Ninth is
d.REDMOND mistress, which is hotly re-
d• sented. Joan, trained war nurse, cares
tq,R C•S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Lon ) for Ninda, but the girl dies,
ER III. -Garth tells Joan
part of the reasons for his presence
DR. R. L. STE' 'ART ' at Elkwan. He takes the Quarriers
Graduate of University of Toronto, to Albany, from whence they can pro -
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the teed to Montreal. Charles Guthrie
Ontario College of Physicians and writes reproaching his brother for not
Office in Chisholm Block :coming home. Charles' wife assures
Street, Phone 29. him Ethel still loves him, but'Garth
Josephine +in his heart knows better. His scar-
red face has separated them.
W. N. U,
CHAPTER XII.-eTelling' Joan Eti-
enne has been hurt and 'needs her
help, Garth easily persuades. Joan to
return with him to -Elkwan. On the
way he confesses the truth, and when
he tells her he owes his life to Gal-
braith, who had saved it, in France,
the girl is very willing to ,help him
pay his debt.
•• CHAPTER IV -Three of McDon-
DENTIST aid's party visit Elkwan seeking to
Office over John Galbraith's Store. (buy gun. shells. From them Garth
learns of evil talk among the Indians
concerning him and Ninda, and real-
izes Quarrier will spread his version
of the affair.
Chapter V. -With Etienne's help
Garth ruins the friendship of Saul
Souci, ""medicine man" and treaty
chief of the Crees, and gets his pro-
mise to persuade the Crees to take
AU Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next t
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272, Hours -9 a.rrr. to $ p.m
can't 10.? I 'want ,'to get las state-
"He's doing finely ---thanks to his
fromarmy mars(., She saved hint:: fr4n
They were Waiting for Garth at the
house.. Het eyes shadowy with strain
and anxiety, Joan met him at the
"The morphine?-" is it •working?,"
he asked,
".1-ie's quiet now, but I don't know
how long it will last. It seems lost
on him. I've given him all I dam,"
"His tertiperatur•e.*pulse?"
"Aavful! I don't see how he lives.
it looks dike the crisis toni'ht.
"I Can't hear him breathe. -is sup-
per' .ready?
up-per'.ready? •I'11 bring therm: in and
rush it through." -
"Good! And when you hear us
come in for supper,. make as much
noise as you can in the kitchen,When
you wait 'on us, talk' to me in Cree-,-
all the time. See? They may hear
him breathe.' •
'Enh-enh!" replied the Cree,
"Hot; is he. now?" Guthrie asked
Her eyes reflected her anxiety.
"Worse -much worse. Raging fever
-105; pulse running away. He's been
straining terribly at his bonds, Lucky
you and Etienne made them strong."'
"You gave him the opiate, of
"Yes, he's feeling it now. By sup-
per time he'll be quiet -but his
"That's what worries me." Guthrie
went to the sick room where the
giant, bound .to his bed by thick ban
dages of cloth, lay moaning in a half
stupor. "Old Craig. To finish like
this!" Sorrowfully, the man who was
imperiling his future that his friend'
might have his chance went out to
meet the approaching dog-teaih.
With Shot beside him, curious of
the strange dogs, Garth watched the
visitors climb the cliff 'trail behind
their team of scrubs.
"Good day!" called the older of the
two men, stepping forwardwith ex-
tended hand. This is Mr. Rawdon."
The speaker nodded to his companion,
a young heavily built man, Who shook
Guthrie's hand.
"I've been expecting you," said
Guthrie. "You can turn your dogs
into that empty shack after you've
fed them. They'll be safe there, My
only assistant, as you know, is laid
up." at his ease with Joan. -"I don't see
The clogs fed and safeguarded from why you can't stay a While and talk
the big Ungavas of the post, Guthrie to us.," '
led his guests to the warm stove of "Oh, a nurse a iwa •s yuts duty be -
the trade -room. fore pleasure, Mr. Rawdon," she re -
"You come straight from Seal
cove.'" he asked carelessly. ""'1 -ley
were expecting you when I left Moose
with. Miss Quarrier."
At the mention of Joan's name; the
heavy face of Rawdon lighted With
"Yes," replied Farrel, lighting his
pipe. "We went over to- the island
with Cameron's people who are guar-
ding the fur. But, of course, we
wanted to talk with you and your
man before we got down to work."
"Got down to work? What do you
mean?" Guthrie's cold eyes studied
the face of the inspector. A . silent
face, he thought, Honest, human.
"Why, we found only three bodies,
Cameron says you found four, includ-
ing McDonald's. McDonald's wasn't
there," ' with fear.
front naked ,shoulders and arms; dian uniform, the patched face ]tope-.
Swayed, head lowered, in the door- lessly. disfigured by wounds, As he
way, Burning with fev=er, 'the Wild looked tt the Canadian soldier, into
eyes above the 'grinning Mouth glared the listless eyes of the ,roan who had
with the ferocity of a mad beast at given his all for friendship, and in
a doubt- per,pleaity, then
Rawdon, who instinctively recoiled vain, crept Garth"'I the tt •,..+ atF:. ' , U ' half-,
from the diabolic countenance thrust cold essmainee. Gahanded Etienne said Cxuthuc t the
toward him, Gripping the door jambs photograph to Joan Quarrier, breed, who lingered at the gaga rack„
the great muscles of his For. an Instant she e atniued the in the. roo'rte knife' still hanging from.
o• It,
i zt t
for support,
p A
• 1
• � Laughing Mcl;lonttld likeness, ties] with a volt; of lriusmlplt wrist ihoni„ hostile eyes on the i>01-
arms flexed,.
shook the room with a roar; "Give in her voiee, returned it to Guthri( acemnen, "yon help Miss Quarrier and
'ant 'the steel, Canadians] Steel for with: ".1t looks like hien, but this man Old Anne, whileI
show these gentle-
their has! Give 'em-" with a ;4s1;'ihas .no lobe his left ear ,id his
n4 theirtir beds,,
back directly,"
hoarse rumble of the deep throat, a hair --look at the thin. hair?, His -tun' With a backward. glance at Juat1,.'
choking cough, the massive frame, Man's -is thick," Rawdon reluctantly followed the oth-,
Pitched headlong i,, the floor,
As he' turned to go out he heard a
soba She: stood at the door' of the
"To think he.,should die like this!"
she said. ,
Guthrie strode back to her. He. took
a limp hand in .both of his..' "Healer
of Wounds, I love you! 'Courage!"
And he went out.
At the trade -house door his set face
dropped its lines, .
\'Nell, Old Anne is about ready for
us. It's short variety but. I hope
there'll he enough for your appetites.
I'm sorry, but I'll have to pat you up
here, Miss Quarrier has rimy extra
As Joan Quarrier, pale, but tills -
tress of her nerves, met them in the
living room. with a forced gracious-
ness and Was introduced, the eyes of
Rawdon bulged In patent admiration
of the picture she made. Bair wo-
men .are rare where life is hard, and
his evident Surprise at finding the ex-
army nurse who had wintered at the
mission at Albany of such comeliness,
seemed temporarily to paralyze his
Appearing on the minute with the'
stew, Old Anne filled the room with
the harsh sibilants of the Cree, ton-
"Don't mind Ann," Guthrie laughed
making conversation at his guests ate,
"She's a bit queer in the head, but
her heart's all right, isn't it, Anne?"
Anne turned upon Ium a chaos of
chatter. From the kitchen, where she
went for the boiled goose, the
staunch old Cree kept up a rattle of
pans, until site hurriedly returned to
resume her conversation with the
man whose ears strained for sounds
through the shut door of the sick
their furs to Elkwan instead of to Mc
A. R. ,& F. E. DUVAL 'Donald. Garth is ambushed by Joe
Licensed Drugless Practitioners, Mokoman, Ninda's reputed father,
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy, whom the factor had driven from
Graduates: of Canadian Chiropractic Elkwan, "Shot" Garth's Airedale corn -
College, Torofita, and National Col- panion on many battlefields in France,
lege Chicago, paves him, and the Indian is taken a
Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry { , 4
Store, Main St. prisoner, to Elkwan.
,OURS: 2-5, 7-8.3o p.m., and by
appointment Chapter VI. -Garth sends Mokoman
Art of sown ead. sigh) fills ge- i to McDonald with a message of de-
, onded to. At, :r se :.- d`e'w` - !fiance, and the war is on.
Phones. Office oo; Residence 6o1-13. CHAPTER VII -Garth hails with
joy the freezing of the strait, which
i will enable Souci's followers to bring
their furs to Elkwan without difficul
lty. Etienne craftily spreads reports
'that McDonald and his schooner are
ELECTRO -THERAPY bewitched, and evil will befall.all who
Hours:; 2-5, 7-S•, or,by ;trade with him,
appointment. Pone i91• ! CHAPTER VIII: -Waiting in am-
bush to shoot Garth, Joe Mokoman is
D. H. McINNES ' attacked and killed by Shot. At a
CHIROPRACTOR "pow -wow" held by his orders Souci
ELECTRICITY convinces the Indians that McDonald
is the friend of demons and to' be a
Adjustments given for diseases of voided. The chief counsels them to
all kinds; we specialize in dealing with
children. Lady attendant, Night calls take their furs to Elkwan, thus assts•-
desponded to. ing the factor of trade which will es -
Office on Scott St., Winghaxn; Ont. tablish a record for the post,
Phone 150 Chapter IX. ---Garth learns through
a letter from his brother that Quar-
rier has made the worst of Ninda's
- BROKER - presence at Elkwan, anti the story is
am second ;generally believed, thoughEthel writ -
Money to lend pu first d
mortgages on farm and other reales-.}es him she is willing to forgive. In
tate properties at a•reasonable rate of contempt he turns from both corn
interest, also on first Chattel mort- munications to' a letter from Joan,
gages onstock and on personal notes. ''""n1he n"‘'` knows' he laves, She
,s,few farmsern hand for sale 'or to tells him, to his astoeishmehtt, she is
rent on easy terms.
Registered Drugless Practitioner
Thursday, ttecemeer cttk; 'ark
his Calvary, laughing 1VIcl.)ouald, of
the Ghost, was not wanted in
Guthrie nodded. "This is ersfront the house..
On her knees beside the man Whose you .are after, Farrell?" , in the trade -room Guthrie told the
pulse she could not feel, sobbed Juan "Yes, and he's the man in that story of Craig Galbraith,
Quarrier, Gripping the hand of the room," 'He Made the trench raid a work of
the roan
friend he had failed to save, Girth-' "Yoe didn't tall me his real name. art, Farrell, V. C., .Croix. de Guerre,
rie listened for a heart beat, There "His real name is Carmichael -lack Legion of Honor, he had them all;.
was none, Laughing McDonald had Carmichael, You ought to know, There wasn't a :(Inn headquarters that,
major; lie must have beerf a friend of didn't know his name, They offered.:
joined the silent bat t
"He's gone?" he ailed the girl, yours to 'take the chances with' the a king's ransom 'for him ,dead or a-
while the policemen, dumb"in their law that you have, in hiding ]tint." live,"
�� policemen,
surprise,gaped at the two figures t "All right," said Guthrie coldly, "They warned ane at Moose that it
their dead, II "any chances I took; I'll answer for would be suicide for: us to go to that
with :
m 7dded. Nowr look at this ]?iota ralrh. Yuii schooner," replied the olderarea+m.
She nodded,
"Gentlemen," Guthrie turned hi see that this man, besides ,r losing` half I t would have 'been, Farrell.+>
face to his guests. 'You are t(io.l'1t4. 'his face- -poor devil -has no lobe on '"What was he doin' With the i.ewjs.
guns?' '•
"I don't'' know. Of course, I
thought he was the man wanted and.
figured that he didn't intend, to be
taken.' But he was weird with a pis--
,tol. He'd shoot with either hand,.
front any angle. And his strength -
you saw hint and can judge;"
"Well," .said Farrell with a sigh,
"I'm glad it turned out as it did. If.
the description had tallied with ltin'r
you were in bad for concealing him
front us, although I understand how
you felt -in bad with your people,.
"Yes," said Guthrie, quietly, "It
took some hard thinking to decide•
what to do when you heard him
Your man has escaped."
"Stan' back!"
From the open door two slit-like
eyes in a face black with menace gilt- is it thick or thin?"
tered over a rifle barrel held loosely, "Thin."
shoulder high. In undershirt and "All right. Now in his description,'
socks, his waist belted in bandages, What scars does l e carry?"
stood Etienne Savanne„ skinning ,' Farrell read from the paper he took
knife dangling from a wrist thong, from the envelope" in his 'pocket:
at the summons of his chief. "Scars: little finger on right hand;
"Hand' up! Queek!" missing; lobe of left ear, missing;
His eyes shifting in doubt from the etc,, shell wound on knee,"
savage features of Savanne to the "Come in here. Taking a candle;
man still kneeling, dazed, beside the Guthrie led the two policemen into the
body, Farrell demanded: "What's this? bedroom. "There's the little finger
A hold-up?" ion both hands. Get that?" Joan
"It's all right, Etienne. Drop your heard Guthrie say. "Ears both whole,
gun" ordered Guthrie in a tired voice,' aren't they? See any scars on his
As yet no sound from the room.
Thus far -victory!
"Well," said Farrell, comfortably, as
he finished, "your cook may be a bit
talkative, Guthrie, ;but I sure have en-
joyed her supper."
"Glad you have, Sorry it wasn't
"And you've got:to run to that half-
breed?" demurred Rawdon, now quite
his left ear. That's clear, is it?"
"Yes, I noticed that."
"All right, Now look at his hairs,-
Phone 73• I.ttck;maw, Ont.wrtrkingin.a school for homeless chil-
Athorough knowledge of Farrel
Stock "
Phone 231, Wingliaiim
CHAPTER X---The'furs brought to
Garth are easily worth $28,000, a non-
dcrful season's trade . At f''ibany he
leeah'ns McD)e,nald is thought to be a
Mall wanted in Nova Scotia for the
murder of his wife's lover, 7r, his int -
plied, with stiff simile, as with tilted
bead she waited, nerves taut as wires,
for the repetition of a sound she bad
heard• -a soinid incomprehensible, ter-
rifying, front the .closed room.
"Well," be laughed, "that's what I
call a c(mtplirneint., But you'll be back:
"-Back soon, you whelp'!" cursed
Guthrie inwardly. "IF you don't fin -
that food, I'll choke you with it!"
Then his heart skipped -to shake him
withits iharnmerilig, as 'he heard a
thud -a sound of ripping cloth, Rais-
ing his voice, be said sharply:. "If
you're through gentlemen, we'll have
a smoke beside the trad e-hduse stove,"
and with Farrell, rose from the table
where Rawdon lingered, hypnotized
by, the face of the girl who sat rigid
getting to his feet. ' "There's no knees? -No!" break loose."
trouble here," ( "Novi, Inspector Iarrell,. look at What to do?"' demanded Rawdon
O, yes,a
" there is!" objected. Raw- `that head of hair! -Does that Look with.a sneer. "What could you do? :
don, recovering his nerve. "What, thin to you? -No, quite the contrary,Guthrie's glance in the direction of
d'you mean, Major Guthrie, by secret it couldn't be thicker.. Now 'I'll 'ask:the speaker brought the blood to
ing a man wanted for murder? 'There's you to notice this bayonet thrust. Het Rawdon's face.
some real trouble ahead for you, as got it in a raid in the Ypres salient -1 "Shot you through the head Ram-
an accessory!"
That's what gave hits his first V. C. don, if I had been the only one in -
"Shut up. Rawdon!" snapped Far -I was With him, Has your man `tivolved-or rather, the ears, to insure
rtd1. "I'm in command here," And
the older man fumbled in an inside
pocket and produced an oilskin en-
Numb with bitterness, Guthrie, aid-
ed by Etienne, carried the shell of
Craig Galbraith into the bedroom lit-
tered with the debris of his uncon-
scious frenzy.
"Come here, will you, Guthrie?"
called: Farrell, who held a photograph
"McDonald's body not there? Ian- Guthrie flung open the, door, adhnit-
possible!" ting the biting air. "Rawdon!" The
"No, we made no Mistake. The In-
dians must have spirited it away.
They tell me there's a' fortune in fur
on that schooner, too, hut there's
sign of it being plundered,"
The watchful Guthrie had his open-
ing and lost no time in developing 'it
"Why, we left McDonald dead in Ins
berth, from flu, I suppose. 1'1n:atilt
was is the cabin, and ,the other two
in berths. The interpreter and a •sail-
or they claim were on the boatmust
have made for the nearest camp, Did
volt search the ice?' The. Indians
might have hurled: ]hint. He bad some
Indians picking UI) fm' for him on the
• thlcnse surprise he finds loan a nurse island ' They may 'have found hint
at the mission school at Albany. His and given him a decent grave in the
DRS. A, J. & A. W. IRWIN 'love for the girl deepens• ice',"
DENTISTS' Lh tc,NI...-44-Th .t c way bt
c, t "That's true,
but �
m ise Macder ` !lb*, Wingltiam lillknetti Garth learns from an Indian leave the rest on the boat?"
that McDonald and all 'on the. sehoon- "He was 'a big than --the chief. He
40inr,e'I110 t 110 tt 14111410110eMkax60311.0101e11171005,
Phones: Office 106, Resid. 224,
1Vldfor 1CquipnierltPe
cr are. dead, Hastening to the vessel, had a great hold on them. That might
words snapped through the silent
room. like the crack of a whip. "Miss
Quarrier has a dresing' to do fol
Savanne.” Then hehind the shut door,
a . crash, causes, ci groan froze hint,
desperate where he stood. The game
was up. He had lost! ' •
"Why, what's that? Somebody in
there?" demanded �th'e yritinger police-
man, rising, head, thrust in the direr,-
tion of the sound .. Gray -faced, Joan
Quarries-, like, one''tind'er a: spell,: wat-
ched the hawk -like features 'of 'Guth-
rie harden -saw the gray eyes grow
cold, as the surprised .Darrell. turned
turned to his host,
"Get Etienne, edick!” Like the ring
of tempered Metal„ the -voice of ,Guth -
tie crossed to tike ]Luce in, the kitchen
door, . She disappeared,
"What's this ' all about, Gtithric-
this racket „in there?" stormed RAW -
don, heatedly.
As the bewildered Farrell waited'
for Gnthriie'S answer, his' eyes .wit18n-
ell as lie 'saw the. groping ftnget's of
ttmc factor of iiilcjvan, whs; learned a-
gainst tine gltu-rick, find and close
on the hitt of l if, autotitatte.
Then with a 'crash the doo+ of the ,:
bedt•ooti1 was thrown bade, and a
giant figurer shreds of cloth han.gilm
in his hand.
"Is that Laughing McDonald?"
Guthrie apathetically took the pho-
tograph and went to the lamp. It was
the likeness of a large man
slash across the collar bone like this? i getting your brain.' '
-No!-are you 'satisfied,'Farrell? I "Yoan would -would you!" Purpling:'
For a space, the trembling girl, with rage, the policeman straightened'
thrilled -elated, listened for a reply. to his feet, "You were trying to bide
Thenthere came in the low voice of a crook from the officers of the law-
Farrell a reluctant "Yes-" or thought you were-'
The three men returned to the liv- (To be Continued)
ing room, victory in the eyes of the
factor of Elkwan. After the toil, the
anxiety, the despair, the memory of.
Craig Galbraith was clean of stain.
Excusable as Guthrie had thought the
act, in the light of circumstances, it
was good to know he had not died
a hunted matt. Craig had not been
in Cana- the only Canadian to come home to
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The law now requires the license
be taken out three days before the
he finds "McDonald" -the only man explain it," Guthrie suggested., "Well,
alive; the rest'having,he believes, sue'- I. wonder what they've got for: you,
combed to infltheriza-is 'Craig Gal- hungry then to eat,"ite added. "Make:
yourselves at holm w'liite: I go. over
and ask' Old ' Anne when she'll be
ready for "us.' '
"fly the way," called Farrell as
Garth opened the door. "How's your
maim, ';wound all right? He can talk,
braith, MS pal in 'Prance, and the man
believed to be wanted in 'Halifax for
murder, He sends Etienne with -Galt'
br aitlh, unconscioms, to Elliman, while
he retuur•s to Albany to get Joan to
go with ]Rimm to nurse Galbraith.
. Pleasing Printing For
� escriminating Cllstoln'ers
Oar equipment is complete for the satisfac-
tory production of printing of every descrip-
tion—from a Smalll C
ard'to a booklet.,, With'
this equipment, suitable stock, goes
tent workmanship. We will be pleased to
consult you in regard to, anything you may
need. >