HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-27, Page 3int
Thursday,"December 27th, 1928
McLeod was,ealled to 1',ayfteld.
Friday night, his mother is Seriously
ill With pluro Pneumonia.
_Ur, and Mrs, H, F. Smith and fain-
ilr ;spent Christmas with friends :at
IStr, Van Dickson; Mrs. Van Gesill
and slaughter, are hi Toronto :for the
Mr, and Mrs. ArthurRaeof Unity,
Sai.hl.., are visiting Mrs, "Agnes Rae
and other friends in the vicinity.
Some of those who spent Christ-
nias with friends here are: Alkin
Lana, '.Inro;nto," at R. J. :f .nn's;
I'liilip Durst, Listo*ei, at J. Durst's
Miss Annie Munro, 'SI. Catherines,
and Jn.o, Munro, Toronto, at Mrs.
Munro's; Robt.'McKercher, Montreal,
at W. S. Mct(.erchcr's; 1Vliss Beatrice
Howe, Leamington, with Mrs. Howe;
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and daitigchter,
Toronto, •at John Douglas'; Misses
Mary and Margaret Gibson •at John
Gibson Jack Lawn; Detroit, at Geo.:
Town's; Harry Allen, Brussels at J.
N. Allen's; Miss Cassie Harris with
Miss Maly' Harris.
Dr' and: Mrs.. Spence of Toronto,
spent Xmas with the latter•'s parents,
Mr. acid Mrs. R. Rann.
Mr. and Mra. Gordon Rae. of Sask.;
is at present, visiting the former's
mother,. ',Mrs. Rae, of .town,
Mr. and Mm: Fred Kitchen spent
Christmas with, their' daughter in
Miss Jeannette Allen. of Toronto is
spending the holidays -under the par-
ental roof.
A merry Xmas to the Advance -
Tinier and its readers.
. minas visitor s: -Miss Jean Wylie
of St. Catherines 'with her father, Mr.
Jas. Wylie; Misses Hazel and. Minnie
'Weir of Toronto ,with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. 'Weir; Misses
Mary .and Alma ,Fitch of, Toronto
with their parents, Mr. aid.Mrs. john-
ohnFitch; Miss Ferne Bennett of'Toron-
to with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Edwin Bennett'; Mr. and Mrs. Plantz
of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Those who spent the holiday with
nearby friends were: -Mr. and Ides,
Melvin Willits; Miss Olive Willits.
and Mr. and Mrs. Merkley with
Herbs That Heal When
Lungs and Bronchial
Tubes. Seem all on Fire
Fifty years ago, a quiet -going soul,
James: Gallagher, came to Peterborough
County. His was a marvelous skill in
compounding herbal medicine:
One of his many . prescriptions—for
folk subject to Bronchitis or similar ills
and: nasty coughs and colds -was his
Indian Lung Remedy, full of the health-
giying power drawn from Mother
Nature, herself. Wonderfully healing to
inflamed tissues. A. builder of ;,good,
red blood. Make the acquaintance of
this tried, reliable remedy. Keep well
this: Winter. Together with the other
'fine Gallagher Herbal Household
Remedies, now obtainable from ,s
McKibbon's Drug Stores
Harriston and Wingham.
We invite the shopping public
toinspect our stock. You will
.fend the best of material at rea-
sonable prices Space does. not
;permit ust'to ersnurnerate all our
different 'lines, so • come in and
see for yourselves.,
In men's wear we have Over -
Coats, Sweaters, Scarfs, Ties,
Sox, Gloves, Hats, and caps etc.
Boots, Shoes, Rubber Over.
Shoes, Goloshes, Fancy Slippers;
in Men's, Women's, and Child-
Our Grocery • department is
stocked with new fruits of all
kinds, Oranges, Nuts and -Can-
dies, Special prices on these in
quantities, for school entertain-
ments, Give us your order.
We have a•nice assortment of
fancy China in dinner andtea
sets.... Notes, papetettes, etc.
Highest prices for fresh eggs.
Cream taken here for eft the'UVittg-
hake Creamery.'
IL ERr ,.
Top Row—H.
Third Row -1+. W. Plaxton (Globe Idernnity), T. J, Anderson, J. W. Ci•aigie, Alex Hackett, A. C. Backer, J, )/V. Lansford, Beattie, E. F.
Klopp, J. A. Manson, C. G. Middleton (Sheriff).
Second R.ow-1. J. Wright, S. B. Hueston (Globe. Idemnity), Hugh Hill, H. C. Cox, ,Thos. Inglis, F. W. Rowland, F. 1). Stalker, Robert Higgins.
First Row—J. W. McKibbon, Jas, Ballantyne, T. Elgin Toni (P. S. Inspector), 'Geo, W. Holman (Clerk), J. J, Hayes (Warden), Gordon Young
• (Treasurer), E. 'A. Adams, G, 5. James (Caretaker), Chas, B. Snell, Absent -Dr. W. J. Millie (Blyth),F. J. McQuaid (McKillop), Geo.
Hubbard (H:owick).
A,. Keys,
Goetz, A. E.
Johnston, W.
J. Henderson, R. Kennedy, John Henneberg, R. E. Turner,
T. R.
Patterson (County Esigin-
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland of
Wroxeter vicinity; Mr. and Mrs. Ed=
win Palmer and Mr. and Mrs Waldo
Weir and family with Mr. and Mrs
Bush of Wroxeter; Mr. arid' Mrs
Wm. Bolt and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Wylie with Mr. and Mrs. Greer Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gathers and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Gathers
with Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. McMichaelMr. and Mrs. Win. King and family
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison .Sharpin and
family, and Messrs. Harry and Geo
Merkley: with , Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Acheson of
Hamilton spefr.t the hblidays with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.- A. E:
Miss :Eve • McMichael, teacher on
Manitoulin Island, is spending her
XV ,
holidays with her parents, Mand
Mrs. Thomas McMichael:
The concert in the Union School
last Thursday night was a decided
success. The programme was well
.rendered by all those who took part
Although the Weather was disagree-
able to go home, all present seemed
Here a.nd There I
Quebec city's new „rail: elevator
will be completed in January, it is
now thought. All that remains to be
d done to the 2,000,000 bushel struc-
ture. is to complete the three gal-
leries and the marine tower.
A Chicago Holstein breeder has
made a special offer to B. H. Thom-
son of Braeburn Farm„ Bolrarn, Sas-
katchewan, for his world champion
Holstein cow, Canary Korndyke
Alcartra; but representations are
being made to the Provincial Gov-
erninent, to have this famous ani- ..
mal retained in the province.
to enjoy' themselves.
The Ariniial meeting of Salem Aim -
diary of thee, W. H. S. of the United
Church of Canada was held on Tiles
day,: Dtfceinber 18th: at the church.
After the usual devotional exercises
and receiving of the different reports
the following officers were elected
for the:coming year:—
,President—Mrs. J. Gowdy.
Vice Pres. -Miss 'F, 'Longley.
Secretaryr-Mrs. Edwin Palmer.
Treasurer -Mrs. 'O. L. Irwin,
See, for Missionary Monthly -Mrs
Chester Higgins, '
Associate Helpers Secretary—Mrs.
G, Abraham,
Strangers' Secretary—Mrs,Td. Mer-
kley, _
Press ress Se_cretary-Mrs. J.''Gowdy.
Organist—Mrs. H, Merkley.
The Auxiliary has' ahnost reached
,the allocation "for the year's work,
besides sending a bale of 'clothing
valued at $35.00.
The "Busy Bees" 'Mission Band of
Salem United Church held its An-
nual `meeting on Saturday, December
16th and after receiving the splendid
reports of Secretary and "treasurer
the ftdlowing officers were elected
for the ensuing: near:s -
1'resident-Alida Willits. •
Vier fres IVlat garet Simmons.
Sec.Ll'� Dane,
to a c.
Treasurer -•=Viola 15%illits,
_71'l1c repotts showed a live grcitsh,
that "Wit boo t any special effort or•
outside help had raised over $20;0.0
with a membership of only 18 child.-
rc:n and an average attendance : of 12,
On Saturday, December 22, an in-
terested and merry 'gathering of the
Sunday School pupils with 'a good.
sprinkling' of parents met with the
teachers and officers of the school
at *Salem ' n
ci church. 'Afterac's ilenclidl
i y
t program' r
s .,
carder c r t
c liy theohildren,
bountieoilss lunch was served and all
repaired to the basement 'Where Santa
Claus ' distributed gifts from a well -
tree.'-12ev Mr, l3oliiigbrolccoc-
envied the cheer in his usual pleasa;tit
and acceptable manner, About 5.30
the gathering dispersed.
"You don't have to sell the idea
of game protection and conserva-
tion to sportsmen," said James W.
Stuber, well known sporting writer
who attended the recent banquet in
Montreal of the Quebec Association
for the Protection of Fish and Ga-
me. "The problem is to convince
the settler and guide in the back-
woods that a surplus of game for
the attraction of the hunter means
money in their pockets ana a sour-
ce of, revenue to many classes in
the community."
The Santa ClanS team of 'fairy
reindeer must be having an exciting
time these days in keeping' pace
with modern 'delivery methods, for
Christmas presents shipped by Ca-
nadian Pacific Express. are being
speeded through the clouds by air-
plane's, Between Quebec, Mont-
real, New York, Ottawa, and To-
ronto,in the east and Win-
nipeg, Regina, Calgary, and Ed-
monton in the west, airplanes
have been 'busy this season carry-
ing air mail and -'me. -press matter
and many belated shippers, have
been able to hare. their presents
delivered . before Christmas by
using the air ,express service.
Vancouver is rolling up its bell
bottomed .trousers in preparation
for the;four day Sea Music Festival
to take place at the Hotel Vancou- '
ver from January 23 to 26. The
cheery ;sea chantys and famous salt
water ballads that have been sung
by sailors for many centuries will
he ,presented at this novel music
festival, which promises to be one
of the most popular and important
events of the season in the west.
It will be preceded by. a Yuletide
Festival at the Emhi'ess Hotel at
Victoria when Christmas carols
will be'sang'by well known artists
and many quaint old customs will
be; revived by the 'players.
The finest showherd and the
only shipment of its kind ever sent
out of Canada is now on its way to
Australia, Twenty seven animals,
three bulls and 24 learaies, the
creast of James D. McGregor's
famous' Gienearnoek stock farms,
have been loaded into C, P. R. ,cars
and started on their long tourney
to New 'South War's, Twenty of '
the =lanais will Ile used for the •
founclatft,m herd of. the government
animal husbandry department,
While se" en. others will go to prix-
ate, purchasers. All are of the fin-
est., stock raised by the leading
Aberdeen Angus breeder and most
of them have won nri.zes at. fairs
and stock ' shows ;inroughout the
I or (panty afirtl ctn<tiiiity the 1 on-
ily Herald and' Weekly. Star, Montreal
is the prudent .;(farmers first choice.,
At $1 a year or'.•hrce years for $2 it
is a marvel of vs tee, and all members
of the .fam,i,ly get a wealth of reading
of inarvelloits int gest,
1,05P ....One new tire chain on Son-
clay,'Deeenrber c6t1); between Lucks
now and Cthcl.,i Pinder kindly noti-
fy the postmas1e, at Ethel,
The uncertainty of life was mani-
fested Saturday morning when Mr.
John Mathoney was found 'dead in
his bed. Mr. Mathoney has made his
home for some years with his bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. Henry IvtcGlynn,
Both Xmas concerts were attended
with a crowded house. The program
being varied and lengthy..
Those who motored to Salem en-
tertainment Thursday evening, had
some difficulty in getting home, Our
Pastor, using great presence of mind,.
took four young ladies along to -break
the road and admits the girls got
Mitts home all right. Cars were de-
serted and stranded along the road;
one young lady had to put up in the
Mrs. Brewster will spend the holi-
day with her daughter at Toronto
and Mr. James Dewar at Millbank.
. Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming of
London are caring for, Mr. James
Fleming Sr. in their absence.
Those on the sick list are Mrs.
Ralph Metcalfe, Miss -Edith and Mrs,
Cecil McNeil with la grippe.
Bedspreads of chintz or figured
muslins give excellent results, re-
quiring less laundering than white
spreads and also aid to carry out a
color scheme,
To remove rust from .a knife,
plunge the blade into an onion and
leave it there for an hour or so.
Then polish it in the usual way.
A little kerosene poured down the
kitchen sink at nights is a precaution
against water bugs.
Meats should be seasoned after'be-
ing partly cooked, To put salt in be-
fore cooking destroys the flavor.
A small shelf over the kitchen
range, for holding salt, pepper and
spices will bei• found most convenient,
Light woodwork and light-colored
draperies always give 'the room the
appearance of being larger than it
really is.
Warden J. J. Hayes Of Hilton
Who, was presented with a flat-
lat-tering address at the last meeting of
the County ,Council and • also' wine
a gold headed cane, Warden f'Zayt,s.
has left ;Stephen township and has
taken ttp ris residence in Gnderieh,
Here and There
The Western Canada ski cham-
pionships of combined skiing events
will be held in Banff again this
season in conjunction with the
Banff winter carnival, due to take
place next February, it has been
decided upon. Such famous skiers
will probably be in attendance as
Nelson of Revelstoke, Telfson of
Vancouver,—last year's western
representative at the Olympic
games,—and Nordmoe of Camrose.
"Once upon a time there were
sixty foxes who didn't wear pantses
and didn't wear soxes, but they all
went travelling in nice big boxes,"
A parody on A. A. Milne's famous
nursery rhyme is inspired by a
shipment of sixty black and'silver
foxes who passed through the Wind-
sor Street Station recently en route
to Switzerland from Calgary. They
were "under the wing" of the Can-
adian Pacific Express, who saw
that the animals got their diet of
raw meat regularly.
The case of a motorist being
stricken with "buck fever" and put-
ting his car into the ditch in his
excitement has been reported from
the Nipigon district. While driv-
ing along the highway between
Nipigon River Bungalow Camp 'and
Port Arthur the motorist was start-
led when a deer appeased on the
road before him. Whether he tried
to chase the animal or forgot he
was at the wheel, he does not state,
but when he recovered his senses
he and his car were in the ditch.
Little damage was done.
The building of more than 400
miles of new branch lines, with 71
new stations and shipping points
sums up in brief the construction
programme of the Canadian Pacific
Railway in Western Canada during
the past summer, according to D.
C. Coleman, Vice -President, West- ,
ern Lines. By this means hun-
dreds of farmers had been brought
much closer to transportation faci-
lities, and thousands of acres of
rich agricultural land had been ,
made much more attractive from
the settlers' viewpoint.
"I can say, without any hesita-
tion, that Canada is the best coun-
try in the world for farming at the
present time. It has greater pos-
sibilities' and there are indications
that there Is greater stability and
prosperity than can be found in
An), other country," said Dr. E. S.
Archibald, director in charge of the
Doriiinion Experimental Farm at
Ottawa, addressing the Young Men's
Canadian Club in Montreal. Dr.
Archibald said the crops in Can-
a�dfa are worth $1,167,000,000, which
alone Was equal to the fisheries,
mines and forests all put together.
The province of Alberta generally
will receive snore gums fish than
ever before was the opinion of J.
A. Robb, superintendent of fish cul..
titre of the Department of Marine
and Fisheries, who was a recent
visitor to Calgary. The whitefish
hatchery dust 'opened by the Domin-
lon Government in ' Lesser Slave
Lake, will help the commercial fish-
eries, he said, while sport in the
neighbourhood of 13anf.f, the Rocky
Meantaiu resort, will be greatly
improved by the advanced fry and
fingerling genie fish thst have been
placed in the streams. The hatch -
cry at I3attff, he added, will be ex' -
tended slightly.
Good News for Bronchitis, Coo, h,
Whooping'. Cough;. Quisisy, f'trnsrl tis,
Sore 'Ihs'oat and"Tons t_ sufferers, Use
Mrs, Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis: it.
works wonders, and er , guaranteed.--.
Wingham Druggists and J, R. Alien,
i Wroxeter,'
The Council met for December
meeting on the 21.st, members all
pr t•nt with the I,~ee'v(iin: the chair,
Minutes of last meeting react and
The following' accounts passed:--
(_. A. Wearying, Treasurer's salary,
collecting taxes and p'.'stag'e 'and ex-
change $42.38; ' Dr, McLeod, M. H.'
O. salary -$50.00; Library Board Grant
$150.00; Alex Higgins, caretaking
Hall, $5.50; H. H. Smith, Nov. power
and rent $92.50; . H. Patterson, rtan-
.ninrg plant from November 16 'to -Dec.
21st, rent of water and 'A cord of
wood $53.50; M, \Vl its, note and
Interest $530.00; Tony' Meahen, poles
and wood'$1.5.$0; 1. ,S..1)urst, 2 cord
wood for hall $8:00; J. G. 'I-Icnrphili,
coke for hall $10.95; F. Davey, clerk's
salary, postage ,exchange etc., and Re,
gistaring 13, M. & D. for 1928 $56.56
John Hyndman, tile $8.10; John Dou-
gins, account nails etc. $5.77.; County
levy, $893,85; H. F, Smith, Decem-
ber power and rent $95.50.; H. .Patter-
son, bill of December $17.55,,
Council adjourned.
Fred Davey, Clerk.
period so like the magnet for drawing
people 'together as Christmas time,
No matter where yoai ni ry lit thtrc
is an intensive longin; for, Christmas
at home. Long ago, when travelling
farrlttacs' were' limited, people jour
neyed many weary Miles and endured
great hardships iii ureter 'that '0'19
i.ight be with their friends and 1pv'ed
ones on Christipas Day, but tlt i i liar
ell been changed by the tapplieation
-of modern railway methods, whereby
even the continent may be crcs'ml tri
safety and with every :comfort, in a
comparatively short journey,
`.ibis year Cliristinas and New Year's
'travel promise to be heavy, and sw•ii,lt
a view to ,placing every facility at
the disposal of their patrons, Canad-.
ian National Railways have made.
advance preparations and plans for.
extra trains and additional equipment
on regular trains. ' Full particulars.
will appear in newspapers and special
timetables will be shortly obtainable
from any Agent of the Company.
Those who wish to Prepay the fare
of relatives or friends from any out-
side point Lao deposit the money at
any Canadian National Agency and
tite transportation will he delivered
inrnediately and economically,
Zippers and Gaytees Snake lovely
Christmas Gifts—Best Values at
the year there is no Greer's Shoe Store. .
An Ocean Highway Rebuilt
Tbrcu, i, : a adiaa '--v Haii ax has been an important naval
and mereantti' port, and gave hiri'• to the famous Cunard Line in
184'). A eouroiu..e;on ,r three bit; .r insportation interests inangu-
r;-et:I, this winter, jug i -afore ('hr:stmas, a new weekly passenger
and freight service to Britain and Europe which sets a precedent for
Canadian: 1,••.,,,, the (Canadian National Railways,
\;'. D. h''l b, v'ce ler... creat rescuer's left), told many of Canada's lead-
in_g ,•it f ns at Jur -het-in. aboard the S.S. Alaunia in Halifax, that the
:r ,:ill rt ,,t .. rr, wilt err• 'r 'r.st freight and passenger service to
:weep ,:t4 liners busy. Speaking as a director of the Cunard Line, R. W.
• ' . r prr' ' t C:!!!•:•, -77::n Serv' .e, said that the com-
• ing een:u:'y belongs to c ,,.nada, and that Lsclifax is leading off by
profiting from this Dominion wide fre'ght. and passenger service
through its lrar;rour, ylryor Gastoaus 1 •, of-:alifax, (centre), ex:,
pressed the deep appreciation of all haiigon-alis for a transportation
service witch tv;,l ni: _.e Halifax hunt with chipping activity in the
mo::th•• and years to come.- White Star liners will also participate'
in this big traffic scber1e.
For New Year's Festivities
Finest California Navelolraxages
riitish Columbia .Ar p res
See Our Windows for price,—The Quality
Is of the Highest.
Groceries, Fruits anti Nuts r e
Year's D8naor
Thompson's Seedless Raisins..
2 lbs. 23c
Malaga Table Raisins.l-lb. At. 35e
Finest Candied Peel--
eel—Lemon or Orange .......lb. 24e
Citron lb. 35c
Cut and Mixed lb 2&4
Very Choice Mixed Nuts... !lb. 27c
French Budded Walnuts , , .11b. 33e
Tarragona Almonds ...... , ,lb. 27c
Finest Quality Mincesmeibt:.2 lbs. 29c
Bayside Brand California
Peaches ......... 2 Tall Thus
usaysnia Table
a'Tr d`ir, lb. 1
Less Than Wholesale Cost
0 2 Vine
All Kinds
Palmolive For the New Year'
Swa wMam
FFtftt Cake Ca
For That School Girl Complexion 3-11b. Cnt a $1.09
fas 'a)E°¶il Fr.°tn'a" ',fir''*x ress45?``.ts*et-x>esiuzra
:' a$ 's. est Wishes ,,. L Ij .° 7
Ps &rightful assortment for a Happy and l'
of ClxocolatoG.ro5 e
A'®iris M
2ri3^lbs Family Liox.B�Sc NeSY Y ax; 1 Port, Ginger, Crepe
I -lb. Box. 39c v .•
�,,,,, as,, -r e x • hod Sherr sit, 2'_
$ tzsznrrxrsss�,;;a y ,,
r;t Liekwteat Flour
.• ......,....22c
A'nbt JeeemMiahpSytup ....33
Fr. 's Breakfast.a , ,
@Cacoa..i., Ile. tin 25e
Bird's Custard Powder
Dom' •o.
ens rir
� and
Plica -Taney.... , , ,2 1 -Ib. psrtts, 25c
Old Cit ' v o
City t geltiss'Datca;.2 plat, Sac
Eaaesilda Brand Creamery •llsatyneld IleasidUTTER.
AA, arlb.
6e a+",eser
The Finest gaiter in 'Canada
IA art.:AA:oft Trion