HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-20, Page 811
U onAirf ADVAd' V3A"TImES;i•
Thursday, December 20th, 1928
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hnas Sale
Women's Cosy
Slippers and
House Shoes
Splendid variety to'
choose from, Sale
95c t0 $2.00
Big collection to
select from, 'Christ-
mas Sale
Men's Slippers
and Romeos
Style and comfort
embodied in every
pair, big assortment
• Goloshes, Zippers and Gay-
• tees in all the new styles and
$_ colors, best quality at
$2.50 to $5.50
Hockey Shoes, C. C. M. Ska-
tes, Spats, Moccasins, Shoe
Packs, Club Bags, and mane
other lines .to choose from.
Phone 23
tiiiltlilti1ItiilllilUiilliltiilltililiiliilllll(IIgiili1t19111ille lliifilltiiimIcisno11iiliilil llliltiiiinliMlil;fltlttlinlialfllllfatiiiii INNli
The regular monthly meeting of L.
O. 794 was held in the Lodge room
last night and the following officers.
elected for the coming year:—
W. M.—Jas.
ear:—W..M.—Jas. Masters
D. M.—Wm, Peacock
Chap.—Rev. Mr, Walden
1'.ec Sec.—Geo. Thornton
Fin. Sec. -Robe, Forrest
D. of C.—Wm. McGee
Com. -Ed. Johnston, Jas. Peacock,
Mrs, 'J. J. Sellers is at Fergus with
her daughter, Mrs. Robt. McLean.
We are pleased to know she is slow-
ly improving.
L Mr. F. Black made, a business trip the
Toronto on Monday: 1Kent at Brantford.
Mr. John Underwood returned home
to Saskatoon this week. ,
Mr. George Donaldson of Toronto
spent a couple of days last week at
his summer home here.
Mr. Peter McIntosh of I%incarcline
is at .present visiting ,at the home of
his sister, Mrs. James Nichol, and
also other relatives in and around
Mr, John Harbottle of Chinook,
Montana, was a visitor last week at
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Elliott spent
a couple of days last week visiting at,
home of Mr and Mrs William
Mr. and Mrs.. Whit. Stewart and
daughter, Jean, Miss Cora. Jewitt, Mr.
Howard Stewart, spent Sunday with
!friends at Lucknow.
Messrs. John and 'William Mundell,
James Gilmour, Mrs. Alice Aitken, at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Aitken. Sr.
at Beaton, last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Coombs- were in
',Brantford last week attending. the
!funeral of the latter's father, Mr.. T.
Haddow, who was buried in Simcoe,
: Thursday afternoon from the Presby-
{ terian church there.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pocock and
'brother, Norval, of Holmesville, were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Elliott.
Mr. Charles Messer of Guelph O.
tA. C. ;is spending the Xmas holiday
�' at the home of his parents, Mr, and.
!Mrs. John Messer, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke of Wing -
ham' spent Thursday evening- at the
home of Miss Polly Duff,
I. Biuetrale Presbyterian} S,. S% will
:hold. their Christmas „entertainment in
!the, Foresters' Hall on Friday even -
Ing, December 21st.
" l'iuevate United Church Sunday
School will hold their Christmas tree
in the church on Monday evening,
December 24th.
Friday and Saturday, December 21st and 22nd
Ken Maynard
The Upland Rider
A racing Western.
Matiaie Sat., Dec. 22nd, 3 p.m. All children Free.
Tues. ando W ed., December 24th, 25th, 26th
Colleen Moore
Happiness Ahead
Thurs., Fri. and Sat., December 276, 28th; 29th
Dolores Del Rio
— In
"RAM O N w�
Mr. Thomas Gibson of Toronto,
spent Sunday with friends in town.
Mr. George F. Gibsoti of Vancouv-
er, who carne as a delegate to a meet-
ing of the General Council of the Un-
ited. Church of Canada, held in Tor-
onto last week, spent Sunday with
friends in town, and took charge of
the service ie the `United church.. ort
Sttnday {tight,
Mrs, Towntinson of Toronto, was
in town one day last week and attend-
ed the futaeral of her brother, the late.
Milton Edmunson.
The annual meeting of the W. M.
of Belgrave Prebyterian Church,
{vas held in the ehttlIclr on Thursday,
December ' 6th, After the regular
business meeting the election of of-
ficers took plat and resulted as fol-
tows.—President Mrs, .Jas, Taylor;
Vice Presidents -Mrs; A, Porterfield
and Mrs. Jas, Scott; Secretary—Mrs,
T. A. Gear; Treasurer --Mrs. 0. An -
Our �rce
' is alt n1nv enjoy. this ,.the beat of all eeaeonz•
'Christmas'tfri3,. t,,s>. •,,
dlq 5 1t , S f ej
Not *nary shopping days left,'bil`tstil there is ample tiiine to Make'
, r+tut ;.4, ,ie , ,
purchases Of really ,fii a gifts from our excellent stock, ` Something'
F 7 it;
for every meliii:ber of the 'family.:.': Comte irr and :>see '..our .'fine dislplay;,
of Christmas. Gifts.' Open, evenings till 10 o'clock ,
derson; Supply Secretary -Mrs.' D.
Dunbar• Expense Treasurer—Mrs. W.
.Geddes; Organist—Mrs.'. Scandrett.
The Auxiliary has had a Successful
year from the stand point of interest
and advancement as well as from a
financial point of . view, They were
able to meet their allocation of $90.00
as well as supplying an outfit for an
Indian girl and sending their usual
supplies to Miss Rattee in Toronto,
A Home Helpers' Department has
been organized for 1929 and the lad-
ies of the congregation are looking
forward to another year of progress.
On Friday evening, December 14th
the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave was fill-
ed to capacity when the Prebyterian
S. S. 'held their Christmas Tree and
Entertainment. An enjoyable pro-
gram was presented being presided
over by the Superintendent of the
Sunday School, and consisting of mus-
ical numbers by the Westfield Quar-
tette, Mr. Stanley Sidthorpe of Blyth,
Mr. Harvey McGee of Auburn, Miss
VanCamp and the Misses Cole, of 1
Belgrave and Mr. Victor Young. of
Morris, also choruses and a dialogue
by the members of the S. S. and a
pantonine and a tableaux by the rnem-
bers of the young_ ladies of the con-
gregation, Mrs. Mowbray. of White --
church gave two veryacceptable read-
ings and addresses were given by Dr.
Penne of Winghana, pastor of the con-
gregation and by Rev, T. W. Good-
-well of Blyth.' In addition children
of the S. S. entertained with drills
and recitations and were rewarded by
the appearance of Santa Claus who
arrived. in :time to distribute the gifts
from the' prettily decorated tree: Af-
ter this lunch was served to these,
who *took part fn the program. The
members of the S. S. are grateful and
hereby wish to exgriess their apprecia-
tion to those outside of the congre-
gation, whether, local or from a dis-
tance, who helped to make the pro-
gram a success.
do Thursday, December 6th the
W. M. S. of Knox United Church
met and 'field its . regular monthly,
rrreetiiig and election of officers. Mrs:
Jos. 'Millar had charge of devotional
exercises, anti' took for the Scriptture
reading ,the birth of Christ; after
which 'Mrs. Abraham Proctor led in
prayer. ` The hymn "Silent Night
Holy Night" was then sung. Roll
call was responded to by Christmas.
Greetings. The usual business was
dealt with. Mrs. D. Geddes, the ef-
ficient Secretary, gave a splendid re-
port of year's work. Mrs. Scobie
then took charge of the meeting :and
closed with prayer. The following of-
ficers are elected for the coming year.
—Hon. Pres,—Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson;
President—Mrs. Jas. Anderson.; 1st
Vice Pres., Mrs. James Michie; 2nd
Vice Pres.—Mrs. Albert Vincent; Sec,
—Mrs. Jesse Wheeler; Treasurer—
Mrs. Jos. Millar; Supply Sec.—Mrs.
Abe Proctor; Missionary Monthly
Sec.—Mrs. R. Stonehouse; Sec. of
Stewardsi;ip and Finance—Mrs. Carl
Procter; Strangers' Sec.—Mrs. J. A.
Geddes; Associate Helpers' Sec.—
Mrs. J. A. McCallum; Organists -Mrs.
Jas, Wightinan and Mrs. Jas.•Michie;
Press Reporter—Mrs. Jno. Clegg.
:.Vire are pleased to report that the.
the little children of Mrs. Corbett,
Belgrave, whose Moine is under quar-
antine for measles, are doing nicely
now. Little Royetta who was so
seriously fit is now out of danger.
Merry Christmas to all.
Mrs. Wm. Purdon and Mrs. Jas.
Purdon were called last week to Brus-
sels toe attend their sister, Mrs, Chas.
Rintoul, who is very ill there.
Miss Margaret Ferrie still remains
in a very serious condition.
Mr. and' Mrs. Archie Anderson of
St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Purdon.
■a100.■1111■ ■■®111®m■®®11munitum■s mem
Itis a Happy, gladsome custom, coup-
led with > real desire that makes us want to
wish You and Yours
J' I�
tag Tfiglittmao
May your New Year be full of opportun-
ities for usefulness, high attainment, enough
(fun to keep- sweet, and a great courage that
will overcome all obstacles.
Very sincerely yours,
Int a :
M21111011111111819110111101111101181 11111111111011110
• •
Mr. and Mrs' ;H•
enry McGee a.nd Mrs, Clarence Cox, here:
Gordon visited one daylast week with' `lir, and Mrs. Wm.' Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert IvrcGe ,,,of Blyth. Ernest spent Saturday with Dr. Har
'There was a'splendid atterida•nce at old Robinson•of Wall eeton,
the regular monthly meeting of•krtiS Mis. J. H. Christie , of Winghant
Women's 'Institute . held at the honlot;', e'nt a few days last week with Miss
of Mrs. Lance Grain on Frrdey list° ,\far.ga,ret ;Ferrie.
over forty ladies being presents:!',[ t
Robt. Mowbray and Mrs, Walter Lotti,' ASHFIELD
read very interesting papers anddi, .
Mowbr1y gave a reading; frotu "i3.en: Born -10 NIr•. and Mrs. Cyril Camp -
Aur" portraying the Christmas scent belt -10th 'eon., a son, on Friday, .Dec.
at the Birth of. Christ. A number•crf 14th ..We., extend congratulations,
gifts for the Old Folks :Home weret Miss Tillie Sherwood, returned
handed in. •, home on Thursday, after spending a
'The Christmas Concert''" of Cha? few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jas.
nier''s church is on Wednesday of this harbour of Goderich.
week and that of the United chur'ah Mr, "and Mrs, Gilles Haines and son,
on Thursday evening. Neil, near Dungannon, spent Thurs-
Mr. and M,rs. Thos 1$ot;inion rnd day with relatives' near Teeswater.
Mrs. Wm. Robinson motored to :l1`t-..� --Mrs. A. Nelson is Spending a coup-
chell one day last week ,to t isit••then ld• 5.f weeks at the home of Miss Em -
daughter, Mrs. Joe Thompson and fna Richardson at Langside.
son Ross, who is very ill with flu. `Mr. and Mrs. Roy Altort'and family:
Mrs. Cuyler of Si. ,Helens visited spent Wednesday at the homes of Mr.
last Tuesday with Miss Sarah .tear•= =and Mrs. Percy Graham, near Shep-
butt, who is not very wellat•presentet psrrdton, and. Miss Mary Cunningham
Mr. Geo. Cottle and his 'daughtei; near Port Albert,
Mrs. Thos. Kew, spent Saturday last
in London. Skates put on free of charge., Buy
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Cox of your Hockey Shoes and Skates at
Wingham spent Sunday with Mr. and Greer's Shoe Store. •
"Radio's Truest
Atwater Kent
Radio Speakers,
in three sizes,
gilt $30.
Come ! Hear
it now!
THIS is . the lowest pride at which an. Atwater Kent
electrric set has ever beer sold! Yet this new Model
40 is an even better, radio. It has greater range—more
power—finer, selectivity.; bcatutiful tone. Everything
'else you want in fine radio ie here. Fractioon-ofsa-cent.
*Awls battery1esa operation, 4,1011111Pletheig89 beauty 41114
proved dependalinity.
There la !t big der rand of diad neww sets bat we have
• nuimbe r of them, here naw for immediate de1lve y.
Get ,yourb to day lrn urs delddai rrute lit it . ow*
hatnai�ua--dro . ,a ar tt+�te lino `tarda
Cansole models, toe, ha german
Canadian Ponder
. A Y 'PArliENTi
The Radio Shop.