HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-20, Page 441w+rif.1.'
Iu.'. b kAM,lNY1wWN1::
Thursday, December 20th, 1928'
We would be pleased to have you inspect our
stock of
Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Chocolates, Stationery,
Toilet Sets, Ebony and Ivory Goods,
Pel:fumizer, Christmas Cards and Seals, and many
other articles suitable for Gifts,
Our stock is up-to-date and out prices are right.
A deposit of 20@ will hold any article for you
until Christmas time. You are thus enabled to shop
early and secure abetter selection.
• i •' • •air• • a i a • i • 1IY•ea`li 1itiNitr•Y6�'•1'Ht"tlY %i leiitresViiitrg
flufit4lltiitfl tf]
xi cents a word pet insertion, with r. minimum charge of a5c.
FOR SALE—McLaughlin-Buick Se-
dan in good running condition, al-
most new tires, very cheap. Apply.
to John Gibson, Wroxeter.
FOR SALE -Two Shorthorn bulls,
serviceable age, grandsons of the
noted Browndale Stamp. Chas. H.
•Bosman,: R. R. No, 2, Bluevale.
Phone 618r12.
FOR SALE -Lysed cutter, newly
painted and upholstered at Win.
Dore's shop. Apply to D. H. Mar-
tin, phone 615r14, Whitechurch.
FOR SALE—One Cabinet Phono-
graph, about 25 records and one
singer sewing machine to be sold
cheap. Apply to Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—A roan's fine, black,
heavy cloth coat, nearly new, cost
$30 now $10. Enquire at Advance -
FOR SALE -Dry. Cedar, 14 inches..
Appiye to S. J. Burke, Wroxeter..
Phone 603r2, Wroxeter.
FOR SALE—Durham cow, due ,to
freshen about. December 20th. Ap-
ply Allan V, Pattison, Wingham
SPECIAL—Hockey and Spring skates'
?.f regular price. A. J. Ross.
LOST—One new tire chain on Sun-
day, December 16th, between Luck
now and Ethel. Finder kindly noti-
fy the postmaster at Ethel.
WANTED AT ONCE—Used chairs.
Anyone having some for sale apply
to Mrs. A. 1lcOuillan, R. 3, Wing -
ham, Sec'y-Treas. Whitechurch
Women's Institute.
WANTED—At Charlie Logan's farm
Con. 9, East Wawanosh,• soft Elm
or hard Maple logs. Oatfs and
Trench, Teeswater.
Notice to Creditors
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, that all per-
sons having claims against the Estate
of Janet Wilson late of the Village of
Wroxeter in the County of Huron,
Widow, deceased, who died on . or a-
bout the fifth day of November, .A.
D. 1928, are required to send by post,
prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone,
Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the
Executor, on or before, the thirty-first
day of December, A. D. 1928, their
—;'air of nocuey stases names and addresses, with full par -
and boots,. size 5. Apply to Alton ticulars in writing of their claims and
Adams, Shuter street.
Christmas Gifts. Call or write Geo.
Mawhinney, Albert St., Wingham.
Notice is hereby given that the part-
nership of Clark & Edgar has been
this day dissolved. All accounts ow-
ing to the late, firm must be paid at,
once. Payment' may be made at the
place of business of the former part-
Dated December 3rd, 1928.
W. J. Clark.
Frank S. Edgar,
Witness, J. A. Morton.
1 the nature of the securities (if any)
held by them duly verified by a status
tory declaration.
that after the said, :thirty-first day of
IDecember, 1928, the said executor
Will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said estate among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which thLyr shall then
have had notice, and the said Execu-
tor- shall not he liable for the said as-
sets or any part thereof to any per-
son of wlruse'claim he shall not then
have resew ed notice.
DAT 17)::;q Wingllarn this third day° 1
of Deccntbct :\: D. 1928.
Wingham. Ontario:
'Solicitor for the Executor.
Notice To Creditors.
Take notice that a Court .of Revis-
ion on the Voters' List for 1928, will
be held by his Honour E. N. Lewis,
Judge of the County of Huron, in the
Council Chamber Wingham, on Mon-
day, December 24th, 1928, at 'two
M1 interested are to govern them-
selves accordingly.
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk,
Wingham, Dec, llth, 1928.
Notice To Creditors. i
BURFORD, late of the Town of
h'Vinghaut, in the County of i -limn,
Gentleman, deceased.
suant to .the revised statutes of Ont-
ario • in that regard, that all persons
lt3ving c bi ns rt ainet the Estate of
Charles Burford, who died un. or about
the twenty-second day of September,
A.D. 1928, at the 'Town nf'Wrnt;hanr,
are required. to send by post,' pre-
paid or deliver to. )ir;. Anna l ur-
ford or to Charles 1'. Smith, Esquire,
Wingham, Ontario, the executors of
the above estate, or to the 'undersign -
cd, on or before 1:)eeetiiher 29th, A.D.
1928, their namesand addresses with
ftlil particular;; of their claims in writ
int;, verified by a statutory declara-
tion, ansa• the nature of the ;securities,
it any, held by. them.
AND .1,11GR'l'HP.R TAKE li()"1'ICE
that after the said twenty-ninth day
) t r / .:
of C eer tbt;, 1.1a:' 1928, the, assets
of the said estate will be distributed
by the executors among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of which they .drill then
have notice and the estate will not
I for any c :air§ ded at
be liable f> l not fil
trhAc,tCil time ofthcsaid distribution.
at Winfhatithis tenth
of )crecttbcr, IJ19z8,
1.., �
Win 1 <nt Ontario, bit, r C,
S,olicttc r for the » ec,ut )r..,
CEASAR, late of the Village of Bel-
grave in the County of. Huron, Widow
all persons having claims against the
Estate of Isabella Ceasar who died
on tir about the twenty-seventh day
of dfarch, A.1): 1928, at the Town-
ship of 'Turnberry, are required to
send by frost, prepaid or deliver to
the undersigned, 00 ur .before Dec-
ember, 29th, •A,D, 1928, their names.
and addresses with full particulars of
their claims in writing, and the nat-
ure of the seeurities, if any, held by
them: •
that • after the said twenty-ninth day
of fcce:mber, A.D. 1928, the as,ets
of the said estate .will be distributed
b hexecutor
y t c among 'the parties
entitled• thereto, hating regard only.
tocclatim tf
,nn. •
c 1 ich'
w 1 h<: shaill,
11 Crl have
notice and the estate will. not he liahla
For any :claims not filed at the time
of the said distribution.
1)ri'l'E1) at 'Wingham _this tenth day
of December, A.D.,1928,
J. W. P,USHFIE1,u,'
Wingham, Ontario,
cit a
Soli,' r
r for -the Executors,
"When 2ate T would bloat up with
gas, 2 couldn't sleep, was cross and
nervous. Adieiika has given me real
relief;' 1Lt s, M. Meyer.
Adiegika. relieves stomach gas and
so'Iarnes.'S' it1 'i.'EN minutes. Acting nit
rloTTT u
n><r and lower cr
bowel,el' it r
iioves old waste matter you never
tierugltt was:. in yttn• system, Let.
give your stomach artcl
trowels a l"2'EAI, cleansing and r sect
how meal -better you feel. • It will
surprise you! :ereK`.ibborr's Drug Store"
ere and There
t 1t)4)
More than 11,000,000 totrristsvis
;ted Ontario dti;ring 1925 and Open
about ;100,000,000, according to fig,
ures issued at the Provincial Par,
liament Building in Toronto • the
other day. This isan increase if
over 20 per cent, over the record
made last year.
Production of tobacco in 1926
totalled 40,976,375 pounds from
43,138 acres, Of the total Quint!
the Province of Ontario accounted
for 32,265,850 pounds froth 32;859
acres; Quebec 8,546,325 pounds
from 10,368 acres, and British Col-
umbia 164,200 pounds from 116
Ethel Cath.erwoed, who distin-
guished herself as an athlete rep-
resenting Canada at the Olympic
games in Amsterdam in August, has
been honoured by .the Canadian
Pacific Railway. A station on -the
recently constructed . Rosetown-
Perdue branch has been :.named
"Catherwood," after her.
Twenty-five years ago Thomas
Hubert, now employed as a bag-
gagemaa on the C. P. R. between
Ottawa and North Bay, lost a valu-
able silver watch while working in
a field near Pembroke. The other
day a glittering object was turned
by a plough. It was Hubert's
watch, the glass broken and the
bands gone, but still retaining a
brilliant lustre. The field had
been ploughed many times since it
was lost.
Toronto is preparing to receive
the largest number of prominent
baseball figures ever to be in Can-
ada at one time. The National
Association of Professional Base-
ball Leagues will meet there short-
ly and every baseball cluli in
America will be represented. Judge
Landis will be on hand, and the
total attendance is expected to
amount to over five hundred, dele-
gates coming from points as far as
The trainload of artificial snow
that was brought from Hollywood.
to Lake Louise recently was not
required by 'John Barrymore, in
producing an. Alpine movie story
to .be released shortly, as plenty of
the real stuff was available at the
glaciers. This popular actor, with
Camilla Horn and a cast of about
twenty-five persons, spent some
three weeks at the Chateau Lake
Louise, rising each morning at four
o'clock in order to reach their
"locations" on Victoria and Saddle-
back Glaciers in time to get the
best light effects in the morning
for their various "shots". (
When a young couple from. Cal-
gary drifted back to the station at
Winnipeg 10 minutes after the "Im-
perial" had left for the east, Can-
adian Pacific officials were given
the choice the other day of feeding
and otherwise caring for a nine -
months -old baby for two days Or
holding the train for thirty-five
minutes at North Transcona. They
chose the latter, much to the re-
lief of the porter and conductor.
who are not family men. The re-
united family sailed on the "Mont-
rose" to spend Christmas in the
old country.
Bur•ke's Livery at W'roxcter for the
best of service.
Good News for Bronchitis, Cough,
Whooping Cough, Quinsy, Tonsilitis,
Sore Throat and Tonsil sufferers. Use
Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis. It
works wonders, and is guarantees;.--
\'Vingham Druggists and J. R, t\hien,
CONN—In loving memory of Robert
Conn who died December 19th, 1926.
What would I give to clasp his hand,
His happy face to see,
'I'o hear his voice and see his :smile
That mcant so much tootle.
We think of high in silence,
His name we oft recall,
But there's nothing left to answer
But the picture on the wall.
Dearly beloved and missed by all,
A Christmas Song Service will be
held in the 1'rebyterian Church Gor-
tie, next Sunday evening at 7.30, in-.
stead of at the usual hour. Alt are
A really convenient service is of-
ferrcd to those travelling between
Toronto and Sudbury yin. the Canad-
ian National Railways.
A standard sleeping !. operated
* car is
each night on the "Confederation",
leaving 'Toronto Mirthbctund at 9.00
P.m. and leavieg Sudbury southbound
at 10,55 p.m. t'his car may be oc-
cupied at Sudbury- in the morning un-
til 7,30 a,tn, while the southbound
sleeper its parked at Sudbury from 9,30.
p,tn, and arrives Toronto 7.40 •a.m.
This service
e has s beat found Ot d teT ap-
peal- very strongly to travellers be
tween these two cities, providing a
pleasant; restful, overnight trip ,and
• tli tm fY
of time, which
r is a alw t
importance to business men.'1"ry it
for 'Yourself nekt'tinle•
Tickets and reservations,may be q!-
any • Cattaciatz _National
To the av all thin
Wingham 1'aypers,
Deer Sur;-.
,,Whin the Heigh School opened
lasht Septirnber the missus took a no -
shun that she wud loike to hev two
noise girruls to shtay wid us to be
company fer her whin I wttd be out
av an avinin. I tould her it wud be
betther to hev byes, as ;they wud be
less thrubble, anwudden't be shtick
iii arround the house in her road SQ
much as girruis wud. She wus con_
winced av me argyrnint, ati it is two
byes we hev. Wan is a son av 'me'
ould nayber, Phil. Barnes, the young-
est av the family, a quiet little fellah
withrlais head full av Latin ,an Frinch
an other tings, The other is young
Banks,' a grandson av me ould frind
Sandy, as shmart as a whip, but a
youngrliiub, if thcer ivir wus wan.
Shure 'tis the foine tointes intoirely
I do be havin wid thirit lads whin the
missus is out to her Women's Insti-
toot, arr Northern Shtar, arr S.S.S.
maytins at noights. b
Wan noight the byes came home all
filled up wid shtories av the Great
Pereymid that theer neiw taicher had
been afther tellin thim. They tought
they had some great news fer nae, but
I wus ready fer thitn, havin been posh -
ted be rayson ac Hearin me ould bro
ther Matt. tell about thin; wondherful
zings in Aygypt. There was a few
tings, av coorse, that he hadn't tould
me, arr if he had I musht hev forgot-
ten, so:I tought I would ask the byes
a few quistions. A fellah who is too
proud to admit that he doesn't know
iviryting himsilf will nivir larn anttuch.
"Wus yer taicher afther tellin ye,
byes," sez I, "Whether the big Atone
poile wus built be day labor, arr wus
it let be conthract?"
"I Link", sez young Banks, as cool
as ye plaize, "that an Irishman took
the conthract tt the fursht place, but
the Governmint saw that he wussen't
goin to hev•it ready fer the nixt say -
son's tourist` thrade, so they turned
the jawb over to a Scotchnian named
Perry, an whin the buildin was fin-
ished it wus named afther hiin, an the
name has slltuck ivir since".
"An wud ye moind tellin me now"
sez 'I, "Seein ye 'same to be so well.
informed on the subjickt, how the
business was financed, fer, shire, a
Scotchntan wudden't wurruk fer the
fun av the ting. Did they sell bonds,
arr put a tax on the payple, arr take
conthrol av the booze business, arr
sell gasoline to raise the money?" I
had him slltunhpped, an he had to ad-
mit he didn't know, but would ask the
taicher in the marning, but 'tis the
lasht I hev peered about it.
Thim young shpalpanes at the Haigh
School tink they are purty smart, but
whin it comes to takin roises out av
an' ould Irishman, they hev a fety
thricks to larn yit, so they hev.
It begins to look loike we moight
he afther havin a ;crane Christmas, but
I mebby it wud be betther so, consid-
herin the hoigh proice av coal an
wood, but it will make tings bad for
the byes tvho do be runnin. the Carlin
Rink an the Skatin Arena.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy. Ilay:
The farm known • as the John Goy
farm, lot 26, Con. 12, Turnberry, on
which is erected a comfortable dwell-
ing, a frame 'barn and drive shed;
most of the fall plowing is done, and
about seven acres is sown in fall
This farm will be sold cheap to
wind up an estate. For further par-
ticulars apply to Thos. Millen, Adm.
of the, Jas. Millen Estate, or to E.
G. Kuntz, Formosa.
A Glorious Place to Spend the Winter,
In Sunny California you will :find
wonderful places to Spend •a month
or two this winter. It is a land of
utiequalled c]irnate, of high mountains,
nt colorful deserts and Fascinating
Sumptuous Hotels at many' resort
centres along: the Pacific Coast will
snake your stay a pleasant ane,
Many, to California 1i
their itinerary via the North Pacific
coast. The beauty and' cosmopp11tan
character, of Vancouver and. Victoria
--Canada's fatuous far western cities,
make the jnurncy enjoyable and in-
Complete information regarding
California ---fares, aceomodation and
literature gladly supplied by . any
Canadian National Railways Agent.
S. S. No: 9, East Wawatictsh
Sr. IV. Jessie Artickle h , lalic,tt
r e
Jr, IV—Gert i t cl ., Arbuckle Arbu,kl
e attd Du-
nelda' Iohnstort e0t,al.
Jr, 11l — Edith .Arbuckle, George
Carter, Luella 'Keri', Ronald Coulees.
Agent, Si', 1-13illy' J'ohustori.
wo Stores I Is rd's
Featuring a Complete Showing of
In Women's Wear and Men's Wear Stores.
Big- Stock and Big Value in use ul Christmas
Gifts for all members of the family, and others.
Two stores stocked with quality merchandise at
unsurpassed values.
Christmas Gift Suggestions
Wear Store
Silk. Ties in fancy boxes, a bargain at
50c, 75c and $1.00
Fancy Braces in best makes, special
at 75c
Men's Silk Scarfs, also Wool, Bar-
gain at - $1.50
Cuff Buttons in new Kumapart -...50c
Handkerchiefs, in Excelda and Silk
from 20c to $1.00
Boys' Sweaters in all sizes, bargain at
................... $1.95, $2.25, $2.90, $3.75
Gloves in Deerskin„ Pig Skin, Capes
and Suedes, see our value at ._$2, 2.50
Men's Sweaters, new coloring, bar-.
gain at . $3.95
Boys' Winter Coats in Grey and Navy
Chinchilla alt $5.00
Boys' fancy colored Wool Toques 69c
Leather Collar Cases in/ boxes $1.00
Boys' Wool Jersey Suits, special $1.95
Boys' Plain Silk Handkerchiefs 29t
Socks in Silk and Silk and Wool, at
Xmas bargain 50c, 69c
Leather Set of Collars and Handker-
chiefs at _ �.• $2.95
Armbands and Garters in fancy boxes
at 95c
Leather Belts in new patterns __..50c
Fine Braces in fancy box ......._..._....50c
Fancy pattern Bath Robes ...6.50, 7.50
Men's Felt Slippers w-...$1.65
Men's Fur Coats in best makes at
.......__......_._....-.._.k.. $50.00, $60.00, $75.00
Broadcloth Pyjamas, good value at
$2.50 and $4.50
Broadcloth.Shirts,in plain and fancy
from ......... ._....,.. 12.00 to $3.75
Wear Store
Gift Hosiery, Every style, Every Col
or, Every Weight. Special Supersilk.
Hose in Boxes, reg. $15.0 for ........$1.29
Quality Silk and Wool Hose, Bargain
at ., • $1.00
Fide quality, all wool Hose, special
at per pair .......... 79c
Gloves, Best makes in Fine Kid
Gloves, in new shades.... Prices begin
Scarfs.... Georgette and silk ' crepe
scarfs, real value at ..._.._._$1.25 to $1.75
Handkerchiefs in great variety, fancy
boxed at 35c, 50; 59c, 75c,
silk crepe at 25c
Sweaters in. Wool and silk and wool.
Prices begin at ..._.,,.. 42.90
Girls' fancy wool caps.... All colors,
Leather Bags in all the new designs
and colors—see our special at
$1.50, $1.95 to $2.50
Silk Lingerie in Xmas Bores; Bloom-
ers, Step-ins, Vests, Gowns and Py-
jamas Bargain in Gowns ..._.._..... ....$1.95
Ladies'rfancy comfy slippers, at per
pair . $1.00 to $1.19
Painted Velvet Cushion Tops $1.25
Bordered Linen Table Cloths, Bar-
Taffetta Silk, yard wide ,special $1.59
Flowers in Great Variety, Priced
from ...... .....39c, 50c, 75c to $1.50
Silk Garters in Boxes _......._....__._50c
Silk Bedspreads, large size ...._- $4.50
Blankets; pure wool. Canadian and
imported Line, on sale at' 10 per cent.
FUR COAT'S—Women's and Misses' Fur Coats, newest models are here, ev
err coat fully guaranteed, on sale at reduced prices for the Christmas trade..
Women's Winter Coats
Christmas Bargains in 'Women's, Mis-
ses' and Girls' Winter Coats. Buy
now at a saving of 20 per cent.
See our display of Women's and Mis-
ses' Silk, Satin, Velvet and
Dresses in latest models on sale .at
reduced prices,
H. E.
A. C, --Lenore Wehings, t
Names in order of merit,I1111111isme11111sI11at1a1l1allla1111PaIIuIl1Y111a111iiiliaillldlilrllhllldllipau/III■fllpfl®111vai1mif1,
Mildred Whittaker, teacher
f+1S Arrnouncing
a+br9 ,, 1®
We havea
t kcal over the Boyce
y Tinshop
and Mantling 'ss .,
i �y business, feel that vJ�tl�.
six years' successful practical .:. =
� a�l �
we can serve the needs of the public, hc. i
_ f
-.,.. _ 711
Tinsmithi�lg Furnace Work
iTi. r andPlumbing Work –.
Done Promptly and Satisfactorily. "°
We are to. rc1 sorrY)ort that Mr•,_
Albert • Campbell is ill with an'at-'-PA
tack •of scarlet -fever.
Mrs. Patrick - Walsh is in Goderictr
hospital at present, having; undergone
a serious operation a few'. weeks ago;
We wish her a speedy recovery,,
The•Decembex rlleetin;, of file Don-
W. M, S. was held in the
basement' of the chitrch. on Thursday.
,afternoon of last week:I At the close
of the ;meeting the following officers
were elected for the 4orning year:—
ear:—.'fres,11lrss Rebecca 'Thompson; lst
Vice fres,—Mrs, Allert Catnpbcll;.
T r -- r � Robinson;
2nd Vice .. es, ibC s, 5 ,
Rec. See,—Mrs. 'i'4laiik Ar'nistrong;
on t a �
tfer sit r
Corr. 5:c. alis, e ■II
c J , c
lr S ran.
•. el
-»-�1rs: Colin �Carn b s
, g
5George nig yloi l� Organist , • ■
_. o. i
,. cSO1
r � h
tt C rr
r �t st �W'
5 h rt T9h n
1 o fitl
11`r,. u o s � 1 Wingham,,on!.,..„
inn �Stcyvdshi�,--112i,�s Lupi e.r tra ,�
+halliwl l f�lliall 1aI11aI11Mi 11I I laI 1IM111111i11 l
Caianttie I �lLkI1MiIIM)tlrllkl�lfl�l[IMIEINAIIINl6f � I Ii611k111a11P
y i Ill$! 11 L I.