HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-20, Page 2WIN LIVE AJwAVAIiICE-"TIMES 'filifimAi,fsi1111�A111f11,I,III,i11,,,s{1f1111sHill,f1/111AI,11s1If111/1At11A11A Thursday, December 20th, 1928 1 11/,1lkilt/fiiAN,11A1111A11lAiAlAl7llill 6111AIII1IIus11111111,111111,I,ttl141J1111111111fIliIMIAik "".+:T�"..+.•nr: ice._ Gordon Broadcloth Shirts ...,„...._.$1.98 Gordon Boxed Ties 49cto$1:75 Gordon Fine Socks .................49c to $1.00. Gordon Boxed Braces .- .......49c to 75c Quality Pyjamas _..: $1,69 to $2,50 Fancy 'Sill, Mufflers -89c to $3.95 Fancy Handkerchiefs ..... . 10c to 70c Linen Handkerchiefs ..........w.19c to 65c Fancy Boxed Arm Bands.:.. 25c to -29.c Fancy Boxed Garters ...Mc to 60c Leather or 'Rubber Belts ...•..25c to 85c Snappy Bow Ties .:,.:._......_..,25c to 50c Wool Sweaters Coats $2.39 to $5.50 English Wool Gloves .......,49c to 95c Fine Leather Gloves ....:. $1.49 to $2.25 Leather Change Purses .,,.._.40c to. 75c Fancy Cuff Links .....................25c to '50c Smokers' Boxes & Cases 25c to $5.00 1 Gordon Quality Blouses .......69c. to $1.19 Knitted and Silk Ties..,,.. -.,.:.39c to 49c Fancy Bow Ties .•..,.-W ...,.-..25c to 50c Colored Rubber Belts at _.__..__25c Rayon Handkerchiefs at _......_._._...._40c Colored Border Hdkfs....-.. 10c, to 25c Wool Golf Stockings ..•.--._.59c to $L25 Games worth having.._.. 25c to $2.25 Mouth Organs ... ._. 5c to $1.25 Jack Knives _ _...: _ 15c to 50c,. Machine Guns, novelty at 69c Toy Drums, see them _._...._15c to 50c Toy Ukeleles, two sizes......25c and 90c Toy Accordions ................ l5c to, 65c Humming Tops .,- 10c to 50c :. Checkers, also, Boards _...._:15c to 25c Game of Dominoes ........... 15c and 20c Whips, Pistol's, Swords.. ...... _10c to 25c 51121114 Fancy Boxed Papeteries.._.25c to $2.25 Novelty Sweaters .- ,. $2.49 to $4.95 Silk Crepe Ties -... ...... 49c to $1.00 Fancy Belts -. 15c to $1.00 Silk Jazz Garters _......... 25c to 49c Slumber Net Sets, special.._... .._ ...75c Garter & Hdkfs. Sets, special _..$1.19 Two Style. Garter Sets, special __...,75c Fancy Silk U{wear Sets at ..... _.......$2.98 Fancy Top Silk Gowns, slieciai...,.:1.79 Fine Wool Gloves ._ _..._, _ 39c to 75c Fancy Doll Pin Cushions. 25c to $1.25 Choice Quality Perfume 15c to 60c Scissor and Needle Sets 69c to 1.00 Novelty Tape Lines at 40c Thimbles in Cases at _. _,._._._25c Perfume Atomizers ... _ ...$1.00 to $1.50 Hawk Eye Cameras, special ..... 98c • W l ye � 41 Woods Silk Ulwear ,.-.,_....$1.50 to $3.95 Gordon Silk Lingerie ._...41.25 to 1.50'' Walker's Special Lingerie. 98c to 1.19 Puritan Maid Silk Hose m.50c to 1.85 Crepe-de-Chene Scarfs ..L49 to 2.50 Fancy French Scarfs .__.$2:95 to $5.50 Fancy Patterned Scarfs ......L25 to 2.95'. New eather Purses ..,..-_ $1.29 to 7.50 Latest Umbrellas __.._.__..,$L19 to $6.00 Boxed Handkerchiefs _.......39c to $1.25 Quality Handkerchiefs ...,..10c to $1.00 Silk Crepe Hdkfs .._10c to $1.00 Gordon Quality Gloves 49c to 1.50 Lined Cape Gloves ,_:..._.:$250 to $3.50 Boxed Flowers _._.,L.....,.__ -_50c to $1.65. Loose Flowers ..... ,, 29c to $1.00 Fancy Neckwear ...._...._..._ 50c to $3.00 Fancy Kimonos ._.._ $2.69 to $5.50 Choice f Any ti1 LINEN CLOTHS LINEN NAPKINS f� '47-) LUNCHEON SETS LUNCHEON CLOTHS May this simple message convey to you, our apprecia- tion of your patronage, and I carry the wish that your Christmas be merry, and the New Year all that you desire. WALKER STORES, Limited. NAP jst ... 2..: arm R±::!..A�".�.,!4..-t,• Now "T ; ree" Shopping Floors UPSTAIRS MAIN FLOOR DOLLS, TOYS. HOSE, GLOVES NOVELTIES UIWEAR, SCARFS Ladies' Ready -to -Wear STAPLES, SILKS House Furnishings Men's and Boys' Wear SEMENT ALUMIN WARE Kitchen Utensils CHINAWARE Special BARGAINS f These Lines 1° ill e Appreciated LINEN TOWELS BATH TOWELS FANCY TOWELS WASH CLOTHS FANCY RUNNERS CUSHION TOPS CHINTZ CUSHIONS FANCY TICLOTHS MADERIA LINENS TRAY CLOTHS FANCY BRASSES BRITISH PICTURES aj SuggestI:,, s f;w,r 66 ABY" FRENCH DRESSES BONNETS WOOL JACKETS MITTENS. CRIB BLANKETS' BOOTEES WOOL PULLOVERS SCARFS WOOL SHAWLS FANCY BIBS SWEATER SETS KID BOOTS MAMA DOLLS RATTLES Si. oil g "T _. " es - oo s ry Pianos 11 Swims -COME( Hor Tops - Toys TO E.1 LI 1r : 'ITE WINGHAM'S BIG DEPARTMENTAL STORE SEWING SETS WASHING SETS BUILDING BLKS. TOY TEA SETS TEDDY, BEARS MUSICAL CRIME HeII Make Come True A ChB a s ream of Christmas ��f• r. m1111.nun " ,I H11,1.1t 1.,11111,1O,11111011101A1111410111111/5110.....i„tillt 411,11, 4,�,'y t!<eF., 'wc.71 6.°7 16.. l��====== am rr..•a...v.e, ( d flings new-. The riRq.r„o.,,. ° earq:, ,,f mere--� emir ai grh its.., err mit, ,.;:r; again. h Thy tli:e From hand to !'sand £ i2 4reetiog Prom eye to eye. rhe, .r.,.raai : run, l+"rf54 iheart to heart the bright hope glows- The l w-- `lme seekers ,,,f time Light are one: One in the freedom of the; Truth, fine in :One in t ")nae in the joy -of paths untrod, e soul's perennial youth, be larger thought of God: The freer '.tep, the fuller breath, The wide horizon's grander view, The ,o.. ;:n of life th1at knows no death- Time Life that rriaket'h things r e: t71 all thoughtful little hymn while ,srt:atl, ..sinPerncd about the oneness 111111111111101 ‘1111111111111111111111 mo a Maitland IN WAll� NTE 111 11111.11011111110111111111111111112 ■ r a a Creamery Poultry Eggs Cream CALL US FOR PRI FARMERS* CO-OPERP,TIVE OMPANY, Ell l 'EO I rl lty N» *^• Ontario. one' 27 of a s,,eemlingly divided Christendom is permeated with the idea of the. blessed Saviour as "The Resurrection and the Life," or as He said again on another occasion, "The Way, the Truth, and the Life." It is necessary to notice' that, since othcrWise we shall be in danger of. singing it as addressed to an abstract thing, such as i; the life which is known in this world. When the blind, Rev. Dr. Morrison wrote his touch ing hymn, '°O Love that will not let: Inc go," he addressed not only an attribute to God, but also God Him- self, since "God is love"; not as Love for another name, but is Himself Love personified: If one would know what love really i, he looks up to God in heaven and sees it patterned 'ire reality there! Thi': hymn addresses One Who has life, life eternal, and He has told us, is Himself Life personified. Tie who w rr. id understand r r. the mystery of Jlfe, to know what it really is, here, on earth and everywhere, looks to 'Jesus Christ as revealed to us in the scrip - a tures, and in experience, and sees it 111. lin all it, regality in Him for He is The a 1 T#fel aI - l?vcrytiung that lives is in some a e,mmtmrrirr:n,with Him, consciously or a unerml,t i miisly though we cannot there it fore goon and worship all that lives, all WI the heathen once dict, 'as parts of AClod, but only recognize that all timings si live by His power and grace, Who k Lord of all,, Gocl for everytnore. Mill• Our hymn leads on to show that *i life nerd!, iight, the fuller "longer It thought of plod," and has a strong irtiWritoal urg'i'; to pitsh on to the -fullest or awareness r.,f perfect freedom and of ,;life everlasting,' ts'ting, whir It as St.: John .y4, in 1d1, revelation shall "tnatke all a:hings new," :once more; worn and tlerfan'cil by .,in tidomph they may..irawr„ 'I lieu r n deal ` of llitiIow.p'hy ,;Ictf r,d. int'') thought _ acid these sixteen lines; food for .hours of reflection. Perhaps it is nut therefore a hymn to be sung thoughtlessly for the sake of the music, by every congregation. although it makes a fine song' of thankfulness, and of Advent hope for those who- found'ttheir'blessed Saviour to be their Light, their' Hope, their very Life. 'The hymn comes to us as the fruit of the love' and'.companionship of two. c,00d men students together in col- lege ministers' and neighbors for a time in company; co-editors and co - publishers of hymns they had either, written together or mutually inspired. Actually it was composed by the Rev. Samuel Longfellow, brother and: bi- ographer di the. poet .Longfellow. Born in Portland,Maine U.S.A. 12 1 years younger than his famous bro-' Cher, he was educated at Harvard Uni- versity, where the became associated ,with Samuel Johnson, afterwards also a minister, buit "'of an independent commnutity, the tauthor, of the splendid hymn "City of God, how broad, how far.' The two were inseparable. Toget- her they, published in 1846, " A Book of Hymns for Public and Private De- votion," revised and republished sev- eral times, and wrote numbers of hymns for special and general occa- sions, These found place in other hymnals, but until recent years were not so •widely known as they deserved to ' be, outside of the Unitarian de- nomination. Johnson died !n" 1882, S. Longfellow ten years later at the ripe age of seventy-three, ' The fine old congregational. tuna Warrington Conies down to us from 184, and was written by the Revc;r- end lx, T'Tarrr•itiott; an English dt:rg•y- 8th risFins Concert and'i3rsx'Soe- ial 'will be held in. S. S. No. 8, East Wmcwanosh, on Thursday, i)eceniber 20th, tut 8,15. o'clock. Admission' 25c., > .aditt bringing boxes, free. CANADIANS TURN TO FLORIDA FOR A CARE -FREE WINTER SEASON Serif -tropical Florida is again draw- ing large numbers of Canadians for the winter season. It is becoming more popular every year -principally because it is so near, its climate is so inviting, and it offers such an ar- ray of interesting sports and pastimes peculiar to that part of the country. Where else but Florida can one en- joy better such eacciting novelty as "Tarpon fishing -or aquaplaning -or speed -boating -or polo. Where else can one motor for miles through av- enues shaded by graceful palms -by great citrus groves of ripening oran- ges and lemons -or along the shore. of the -Atlantic. There's golf, tool-- all ool-all winter long. Arrange now to spend your win- ter months in Florida -any Canadian National Railways Agent will gladly supply with' in t l y y ou information about rates, routes and its resort's. WHERE TORONTO UNIVER- SITY STUDENTSCOME FROM The City of Toronto does not pro- duce half time students who attend the Provincial. University, Accord= fug to the President's Report; just issued, 2,631 students came' front. the, City last year and the total registra- tion was ,5,986. • The 'Province of' Ontario, 'outside. of, Toronto, supplied 2,748; Saskatch- ewan, 127;• the 'United States,. 103; British Columbia, 79; Manitoba, 60 Alberta, 49; Quebec, 28; Nova Scotia, 28; New l3runswick, 25; Prince Ed- ward Island, 11;''Ztticon, 4. And 93 students carne from places outside of Canada slid. theUnited States. Of the Comities of; Ontario it is not always those nearest .front which most students come to'time University I1 of 'Toronto, for Carlton County is, fifth in the list; sending 105. The'fig- ures for the first fifteen counties are as follows: Wentworth, 224; York; 198; Simcoe, 152; Wellington, 109. Carleton, 105; Ontario, 103; Water- loo, 95; Huron, 93; Grey, 85; Elgin, 8; Perth, 77; Middlesex, 76; Peel, 73; Bruce, .71;Brant, 68. From ev- eryone of the fifty-four counties and districts in the Province of Ontario young men and women come to the University of Toronto; The retail merchants . of Ontario send the largest number of students to the University of Toronto, accord- ing to the President's' Report just is- sued. Of 1,413. students entering the University in the First Year, 148 were the sons and daughters of retail mer- chants. Farmers came next in order; they sent 139. Artisans sent 138 and clerks and salesmen, 131. It would soon, therefore, that higher education in this province is yery democratic. Manufacturers are not far behind. Their sons and daughters, to the num- ber of 81, entered the First Year. The clergymen of 'Ontario are repre- sented by 76 entrants; physicians and surgeons, 60; teachers, 53; business managers, 51; transportation men, 48; lawyers, 44; insurance and real es- tate men, 40; wholesale merchants, 30; financial men, 29; engineers, 28; journalists, 21; and dentists, 16, Commenting on these ' figures, Sir Robert Falconer says, "It is obvious that far more students proportionally come to the. University from profes- sional homes than from those whose heads are in business or' the indus- tries, including agriculture. The Uni- versity reflects the changing social conditions of the. `Province." THE HYDRO SHOP AT THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON MAY WE SUGGEST A New Set of Our designs are correct, our prices , are first cost, our .service is satisfac tory. Let us help make the corning year one of joy in your home. immoimionuivemor 7Y n ....aUtilities r tr Wi on Crawford Block. Phone 156. •