HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-12-13, Page 8WINQITA,M ADV A.NCM.-TIKES ,, i d l>l�l l ilii 3lflll ll�li.l� fl f �l3 f�1111,�13 f elf 3i l;af l f 1�133'd�13 4131�331f!f i GpOd 'Shoe Story it ■ it Important Question re- .. .. •. '.n. . hat Shall i , 4,. o.ve' for Christmas ?. CI UB BAG? r.. s a Answers to `°that 1. Cosy Slippers. 2. House Shoes. 3. Street Shoes. I! 4: Party Slippers. ` 5. Strap Slippers. 6 Gaytees. 7. Zippers. 8. Hosiery. 9. Slipper Buckles. 10. Spats. 11. Goloshes. ▪ 12. Overshoes. Li 13. Rubbers. 14. Hockey Boots. 15. C. C. M. Skates. 16. Oxfords. 17. Snow -Shoes. 18. Moccasins. 19. Shoe Packs. 20. Club. Bags. 21. Fitted Suit -Cases. 22. Leggings. r eft SLIPPERS? BEDROOM SHOES? t( ZIPPERS? • ®_ a a a a a -11 a a a_. a a a a a a 4 GAYTI ES HOCKEY SHOES? T' Q ulowes SKATES? Phone 23 W, J. GRE Wingham a il�lillMl I I�tilrf i ilM111■311�1111•I111MII{al Ililll�llllllllf�l3l�lgitdiillld�31.1R11k'lilllill3111111(�Illl�iilififl'l�Uil�llll■I (ffilll�lf9�l lift Il9i111�1I IilllilililN LYCEUM THEATRE Friday, Saturday, December 14th,1.5th Warner Baxter&Patsy Ruth Miller In The Tragedy of Youth " FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE Monday, `Tuesday, December 17th, 18th Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes In " Three Ring Marriage" A ROMANCE OF .T -IE CIRCUS Wednesday, Thursday, December, 19th, 211th Jean Hersholt and Alice Joyce ---« xa " 13 Washington Square" The House of Mystery. COLLEGIANS.- "The Windt ng. GOALa} a majority of 52 over Satrutcl Sher'. wood. Ce t ili'ratit. l" 198 over f Sullivan, #xxiC:by a la'. Coutteiltots J' Wier; . Black, YAM'S ralrttty eev lxpttxas , .txderSotd, by E. %iit,chie, Stun Swart (acat.). ate rn6 WHITECHURCH The Whitechurch Prebyterian Sun- day School Christmas concert is being held on Wednesday, December 19th instead of Tuesday, December. 18th as announced last week. The "At Home" held by the mem- bers of the Women's Institute in their new hall, on Wednesday last was a splendid success. Great credit is due to Mr. Robert Mowbray and his band of helpers for having the hall in shape so. quickly. Afterlow- ering the hall, a splendid platform was built up and also an outside lob:" by. A hail like this, where social evenings, plays; and other entertain- ments could be held, has been badly needed for many years and the In- stitute is sure that the public will appreciate their efforts on behalf of the community. The hall at the "At Home" was well filled. Little Jean McCallum of Langside delighted the. audience with her graceful Highland dancing, The orchestra from the 2nd concession of. Kinloss, assisted by Mrs. G. Tervit of Wingham, contri-: bated several selections to the pro-. gramme. After the splendid program the ladies served lunch and a social, half hour, was spent. On Friday evening the young peo- ple of Chalmer's church, put on their. play, "Safety :First" in aid of the C. G. I. T. and Boy Scouts. The hall• again was filled to capacity and over $40 was, realized. The different act- resses and actors in the play took their parts splendidly, intet'est being kept'' up' froth start to finish. Be- tween acts, Mr, Robt. Mowbray 'ren- dered several violin selections with Mrs, John McGee at the piano and Mr. as. Wilson Jr.,' sang "Sailing," with Miss Merle Wilson playhnr the accompaniment on the piano. The m Young People are giving their play, nit"W'ednesdak evening at Langside. 3� • lhe`Wontesl''s Institute are,holding .a their r'egulftr tric#nthly,meeting: at the a borne of Mrs.'Lance Gram on Friday, Deee.nmer.,l'th, Every woman is in- -a •.itod, Answer Out Roll Call; with a IN Xmas box for the "Old Folk's Home," an Clinton. HIr.„.Chas Westbrooke of. Los. An-. a gedeti;'C tiff,, visited his' sister• -in la4v, I Miro .Jas, Cornelius, last week, :'.. Quite a number from here attended a i';he funeral of Miss Beatrice Dobie, it ill Winghani On''Wednesday. Mrs. Humphrey of St- Helens is'`"a visiting her daughter, Mrs.:Geo. Wal- a ler, of East wawanosh. .. ■ Miss Annie ,Moore ,of, Dungannon 2 spent the week -end at the •home of s her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Arthttr"U Moore, At time of writing bliss Margaret ig Ferrie is very seriously ill, having' al taken a hemorrhage from the nose on U Saturday morning, which still contin- ares. I a F,ev. H. Whitfield slowed over eigh- ■ • tyq lantern slides of Trinidad at the I S. of the United Church onj Thursday evening last. ! a Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brigham and in- lir fant son of lilyttt .slient Sunday with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Chas. tic Wightinan. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee entertain- ■� ed a few of their friends on Monady evening last. Witgham, Deeember 13th; 1928 ris1,1 ® E MOsigl i ni mmi Mush lnitaxiligliM 11111 1 Alias® ii 1� 1��1 it flim bl N � � DONNYBROOK James Murphy'and Arnold Craig of the G. C. I. were home over the week -end. ]Mrs: Wfn.' Canij5bell is visiting with her daughter, `Mrs. Crokier of Crewe, at present:. .•,` .., Mrs. Win, Sillib of Dungannon visi ted at the home of Mrs. Jefferson a few days] last week. Miss Laura Johnston spent the week -end at her home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamney vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan of Crewe last Sunday . Mr. and Mrs, John Jefferson of Mit- chell were Donnybrook visitors last Sunday. Washes, Carries Coal, Woman Gains 18 Pounds "I wash, iron and carry coal and don't get tired since taking Vinol. Also, I have •gained 18 pounds." - Mrs. S. Cortese. Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv- ous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinol gives new pep; sound sleep and a BIG• appetite. The very FIRST bottle often adds several pounds weight to thin child- ren or adults. Tastes delicious. Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store. . a m a a a a a a a a a a ra a IDl111®1;-UMW a a. a a a .;f It's Christmas Time ,at Ding Bros. Usetad and .Novelty, Gifts. for Eve y: Member of:the ''Family. ° Fur Coat for Mother New winter styles from soft glossy and beautifully furred skins of :Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Canadian a Mti:skrat or French Seal.... Prices start at $125 and ,range to $450.00. A Frock, for Daughter Stylish r es that aro so much liked by the Miss of the House, Evening and Day mod- els that are sure to please, Sibs Satin, Crepes 444 Wool Fabrics. Priced $8.75, $12.00 to $25.00. -Silks and Dress Goods Ant excellent choice of Silks, Satins, Tafetta, Georgette and Crepes, Fine Wool Twills, De- laines, etc. 95c, $1.45 to $2.35. wormirmogammormaursaavomem English Purses- Hand Bags Xmas goods just to hand in Fine Calf Skins, Suede and fin- ished ,leathers, a color to match your particular outfit. Priced from $1.50 to $4.50, $5.50 to $10.00. Pretty Gloves French Kid Gloves, Kayser Silk Gloves, Acme Suedes, Cha- moisettes aid Sports Wool Glo- ves 50c, $1.00 to $4.00. I I Christmas Lingerie Nothing more acceptable than those lovely underthings, Step- Ins, Vests, Bobettes, Cb mise,. Slips, Gowns, etc., a.;;;47,04 col ors that are irresistible at 98c, $1.50, $2.25 to $5'.00. ' Kayser Silk Stockings The .Apex of fine hosiery, new winter shades have justcarne.,. to band for Christmas, pointed r or square heel as •you like ,�x,a0 to $1.85, Christmas Linens Please Certainly one of the finest gifts, Browns Table Inerts, Ma deria Sets, Italian Cut Work, Bridge 'Sets, Face Towels, Ser- viettes and a fine choice 'of sep- arate table cloths. . Priced to suit everybody. Home Furnishings Down Comforters, Wool Cov- erlets, Feather Pillows, Daven,. port Cushions, Wool Nap Blan- kets, Pillow Cases, Sheets, Bath Towels, Bath Mats, Bedroom and Floor Mats. Christmas Prices to suit you. Scarfs A wast array of these delight- fully colored filmy and service- able dress accessories. Priced $1,50, $2,25, $3.00 to $5.00, Our ` Men's Section Easy to, choose acceptable, gifts for' the men folks here. .Fine Overcoats A big choice of all new winter materials, Navys, Tweeds, .13ar- rymore, Whinys", Hiltons, eta, 'Men's, Youths' and Bo's' styles. Specially priced for Friday and Saturday Only. . Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, 'Socks English Silk Mufflers, pecarry Hog Gloves, Reid's Ties, Paris Garters, Currie's Belts, King Suspenders and Arm Bands. Priced from 25c to $2.00. Shirts and Handker- chiefs aa mime Emma a a 3a a a. a' a. ■ ■ a a a. a ■ a ■ a a ■'l a ■ i•. ■ ■ ■ a a a a a a aa a ■ a a a• . a a a a a Forsyth, Arrow and Stewart Shirts $1.95, $2.95 to $4.50. Initialed Handkerchiefs, all pure linen, hemstitched, choose early, each 50c. House Coats, Bath Robes, Lounge Rugs,,all moderately priced.` Come in and look - You will be much pleased... a " U Telephone 91. in imam ioingen irneaniammer®®lissil ItInMIammisili>isirtminaniii n Bros, WI gham Shop Early Please. "A new shirt for one that fails.'" orsyTh Gifts men really appreciate! Ladies !-Here is the secret of successful gifts for men - give them Guaranteed Forsyth Shirt and Pajamas. The mark of Forsyth on shirts and pa- jamas is recognized by well -'dressed men as a guarantee of perfect fit, style distinc- tion ;and absolute satisfaction. In buying your gifts for men look for the Forsyth label --it appears on all Forsyth. productions. Let Your Gifts Be Things to Wear A Few Suggestions Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, - Gloves, Pyjamas, Scarves, Socks, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Belts, Hats, Cuff Links, Garters, Arm Bands, Suspenders, Bath Robes, House Jackets, Underwear, Suits, Sports Clothes, Overcoats, Dress Clothes. HANNA & CO. LIMITED RAPID CITY The teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 7, South Kinloss, and making great preparations for a Xmas Tree and Concert to b°e,dteld "il hursday evening, :i)ecember '20th, at 8 is,un. Everybody welcome: Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gardner and babe, Marion, of Zi rn were Sunday "s at �r. and 11frs, Mark Gard- ner's. The Carter Bros. of Ripley visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Car - Mr. Alf Ritchie and Mr. M. S. Gard- ner made ,a business trip to.otidon the first of the week. Mr. Albert bons,van of WI, a gham is ,spending a few days with h', bro- ther, Edward, of.Itapid dity. The Orangemen of Rapid Ci and Orangemen li , L ucknow are potting on a social ev a steady stream of visitor!s'to the tea - ening for, ' their wives and families l room throughout the afternoon. The, on Thursday evening, December'proceeds ' proceeds amounted to two hundred P. PA tLV.'S ANNUAL !';BAZAAR The annual Bazaar, held under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Path's church, was a great success. Everything was sold and in sp1ttfsf ,. other xtt aatrorrs in town there was, and eighty-eight ; dollars. The con- tinued' success of • this annual event is due to the or> arising ability of the President,, Mrs, George Allan, and her executive Cointhittee. The tea-room was, as usual :herder the capable management of Mrs. Wm. 1y g 1 re re of theGttit . Cxay,t set,r, �.. {