HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-11-29, Page 4)*-1° 4 "AWL N• 4:W 1 *rg6l�l� ;65PA\s.14�7Y.Kv,V:�v/.IMf:\vA_JAI4 r,V" r4ki l I:Seffe2.1:\_Y�aAt41\,0%JIA'i5 414 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS . We would be 'pleased to have you inspect our stock of Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Chocolates, Stationery, Toilet Sets, Ebony acid Ivory ' Goods, Pe1t'fil,mizek, Christmas Cards and Seals, and many other articles suitable for Gifts. Our stock is up-to-date and our prices are right. OUR "LAY AWAY" PLAN A deposit of 20@ will hold any article for you until Christmas time. You are thus enabled to shop early and secure a better selection, McKIBBON'S DUG: STORE eelrn�t/�rl th !rf>, < rorfa :rn rn § itAtit • lri .tfx rCA I s • • cane vrnCaltrinAtIi i?+ fc c Logs and. Lumber Wanted We, the undersigned are open to buy all kinds of timber againthis winter. We will pay you good prices and give you lib- eral measurement and grades for your logs delivered at our saw rrmiil here. We beliv'e that it is to the interest of the farmer to cut his own logs and deliver them, but anyone having standing timber and w's'ing to sell on the stump, kindly see us before you do anything and we will be glad to see you. you spot cash for We will pay y uanything you have to offer, art 1 as our lumber is .largleymanufactured into the finished pro mitre, it helps our own province by selling to a concern like ours. Signed The Lucknow Table Co., Ltd. Phone 25 — Box 206. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 ul • ''b::Au AAIAMPANAMANIMIANIAINAVAIGAMI 446 4E420 a# cents a word per insertion, with u minimum charge of zee. FOR SALE -One Bedroom Suite complete. Iii good '' condition. Phone i 238. 1 FOR SALE—Baby-Cutter, Grey; in Good Condition. Apply Advance - Times. FOR RENT -7 -roomed house with lightsand toilet. Apply to Alex. Harvey, Victoria street. FOR SALE or RENT—Modern house on Alfred street. Apply to H. J. Thompson. SALE—Of Fancy Work will beheld December 4th and 5th at Mrs. Rob- ert Carrick's, Whitechurch. FOR SALE -20 White Wyandotte Yearling hens; Fisher's Strain, good layers, at $1.50 each. Will give one Rooster, different strain with them. Miss M. Duff, Bluevale. FOR SALE -One span of Fillies Colts 5 months old, and one Ped. Yorkshire Boar fit for service. Ap- ply to Andy Gemmill, Wingham R. R. No. 1. • WANTED—Caretaker for Wingham Arena for winter.: File applications,. stating salary expected with Sec. C. Kingan, care Bank of Commerce, before December 7th FOR SALE -2 Herford Bulls, one two years old, one nine months old. One Yorkshire Hog, seven months old. George Kennedy; 1, , miles west of Whitechurch, Lucknow R. R. No. 1. LOST—Motor car marker, 301857, between Belgrave and Wingham'on Wednesday, November 14th. '3. E. • Nicol; Belgrave. . FOR SALE—Bell Organ, 6 octaves, in grod condition, also girl's plush coat fit. child 10 years old Apply at Advance -Times Office. • FOR SALE—One span of Scillier Colts 5 months old, and one Pod. • Yorkshire Boar fit for service. Ap- ply to Andy Gemrnill, -Winghain R. R. No. 1. FARM FOR SALE South ralf lot 1, con. 6, Morris, co n- tainine: 75' acres. Bank barn 74 by 36, drilled well, water in stable. Good brick house with furnace: 1 acre of Orchard. Good location, 2 miles from lielgrave, 4 miles from Blyth. Also a grase Farm, Sell seperately. or together'.. Apply J.: M. Grasby, W, H, ' Grasby, R, R. No. 4, Brussels. IVIEETING OF HURON COUNT? COUNCIL ']'be Council of the Corporation of the 'C;ocu,, f .ilii .:t will meet in the Council ('lraiiiber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday the 4th day of December 1928. All accounts against the County must be l r k notlater r the bands C I the C1 id i� ds ) l C a, than Monday preceding the fleeting Of Co nncil. �CcerrCh, Novcrber 17th 1928. Geo. W, Holman, County Clerk, .thu increase or 2o.a,oteta The populatien of Great k,. , .' at the end of last y and Irelandyea' was estimated at 48,393,000; an crease of ' 205,000 on the previei; year. AUCTION SALE Lot 22 Con., 1, 'Morris, 3 miles from Wingham on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd of the following stock etc. 1 team heavy draft horses 10 years old; 1 gray gelding heavy draft, '7 ' years old; 1 driving horse, 9 years old, suitable for third horse; 1 cow 4 years old, due January 1st; 1 cow 4 years old, due January 1st; 1 cow due in March; 1 Jersey cow, due Jan- uary 1st; 4 steer calves; 4 yearling steers 4 yearling heifers; 3 heifers 2 years old; 2 good brood sows; 5 little pigs . about six weeks old; 3 geese; gander; 50 hens; 200 bushels oats; 100 bushels barley; a quantity of loose wheat.' Amos. Tipling, Prop., John Purvis, Auctioneer; AUCTION .SALE rlf tl fern, :re, implements, tools, fowl, consisting of Jersey Black Gi- ants, white leghorns, all, pullets and one year old hens, cows, alfalfa hay etc., on .SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th, at 1 pan. More particulars next week, F: J. Hili, Phone 201w Wingham. AUCTION SALE Carload of Exceptionally 'Good Horses Ben nett c Galbraith, Lot17, Con., C., '1 ur nberry, gravel road I3elmore- Wroxeter, on' . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th at one o`clock sharp the following:— Matched team bay mares, '5 years old, 3006 lbs.; matched team brown' mares, 5 and 6 years old, 2800 lbs.; matched team black gelding and mare 3800 lbs., black mare 4 years old, .1600 lbs., bay mare' 7 years old, 1500 lbs.; black gelding 4 years old 1.500 lbs.; black mare 7- years 016 . 1450 lbs.; brown mare 4 years old,. 1450 lbs. black mare 10 .years, old .1600. lbs.', grey gelding 4 years old 1400 lbs,; black gelding 6 years old .1600 lbs,; roan mare, 7 years old, bay mare 5' years old, chesnut driving mare 6 years, 'old; 2 black mares 8 years old oma it. . foal; black gelding 8 years old, Carload of yearling steers and heifers. 1" ' RMS: -6 months credit On approv- ed 'joint '.notes' or 60/t per annum dif for cash. Howard Wylie, Clerk, Joint Diirvis, vis, Auctioneer. WANTED—To btiy a few tons of choice hay, Part alfalfa and part tiitubthy -or° mixed hay, reasonably clean, Apply -to. D, H, Martin, Whitechu,rch,,:phone 615r14. FOR SALE. --Art Huron Neater, Ap- ply to David H. I iirley. a aiu.�!ew nN 7p,wr 'Q1'1'INGRA i[ .41,) Al' Thursday, November 29th, 1928; APID CITY Mr. Po,h'r Carter had a very sue- cessful mood bee last Thursday After- noon, ~,real gave the young people a: card, 'Tarty and dance in the evening, 4,aphi City was the scene of two very Pretty weddings last week, Miss Rosa Stewart; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart was married at the bride's home to Mr, Harold Stan- ley, on Wednesday, November, 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley gave a recep;, lion to the young couple in :the .ev.: ct'ing, Miss Eva Sills, daughter' of Mrs. James Sills, was married on Saturday afternoon to Mr.. Harry Champion of Lucknow, at the Lucknow Parsonage by the. Rev, Mr.. ! Craw. The bride's nc.other.had prepared a'very tasty supper where the evening was spent in dancing and card playing. GORRIE James. Shera and Mrs. Victor Shera Motored AO Port Huron. Mr. Shera attended the funeral' of his sister-in-law, a sister of the late Mrs. James Shera and of Mrs. R. Dane. The Gorrie Euchre club had a suc- cessful euchre drive in :the C.O.F. Hall here. Mr. Burns Stewart and Miss Margaret Bennet wede the prize winners. The sound of sleigh 'bells is -again heard in Howiek. Mrs,' R. Newton attended the :Royal Fair :at Toronto last week, Mrs. R, Grainger visited at Guelph and Toros to last week. Mr.. R. Grain- ger also motored to Toronto on Wed- nesday. Jseph Underwood of Bluevale was a Gorrie visitor on Thursday and Fri= day. "' Mrs. M. Underwood of Wingham, visited at the home o fher daughter, Mrs. George Foster, on Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Gertrude White is on the sick list at present. Robert Harrison, who has been ill ever• since last spring does hot ap- pear to be ryaialing any satisfactory progress. A social evening was held by the Gorrie Young People's ,League on Friday. evening, Miss Nellie Dane was in charge. William Williams who went to Tor- onto last week for medical examina- tion has sent back word that he will have to undergo an operation there, Mr. and Mrs. C. Withrow,who have resided near Ayton are now living with their daughter, Mrs. Hartwell Strong and intend to make that their home. t l Meeting inothe au •een '1'h e gent a et ofS gg Hockey League was held at the Royal Inn at Harriston on Thursday even- ing. The schedule has not as yet been drawn op. Miss Hilda Ashton is reported to be making satisfactory progress fol- lowing her recent operation for ap- pendicitis at Kitchener. This district received a six=inch snowfall Wednesday and 'Thursday, and the sleighing is good. Cars can still get along pretty well also. • POTATOES FOR SALE AT LUCKNOW " The undersigned has for sale one of the finest crops of potatoes in the province of Ontario. The seed was planted early, and the. soil fertilized with One Ton of High- Grade Fertilizer per acre. This brought the potatoes to maturity the first week in August. The plants were spraYed thoroughly with chemicals to prevent rot and oth- er diseases. The potatoes were grown on a 50 acre field of sandy loam soil—the only soil for raising sound potatoes this year. The seed used was from Prince Ed- ward Island, making an excellent change for Ontario soil and conditions so that I am able, to offer you an ex- cellent potato which is soiled and will keep. Write or phone for prices. Will de- liver to customers: up to 40 miles from Lucknow, where purchasers can club together and 'take truck loads of from 25 to 50 bags. Order your whiter supply mid seed for next season at once. JOHN JOYNT, 'Need Our Flour. Experiments carried out by a Cal- 'Gutta biscuit manufacturer with some samples of Canadian Hour ship- ped to Calcutta by a Canadian mill. ing firm have been highly satisfac- tory, writes the Canadian Trade Com- missioner in Calcutta, in the Com- mercial Intelligence Journal. ; Indian bakers have been experiencing heavy losses dos to the high perentage of breakage in biscuits made entirely of Indian four. Inone case, .by mixing Canadian and Indian fiours breakage was reduced from 45.5 to 7.09 per cent, It is quite possible, as a result of such experiments, that 'in time,' there will be a small but steady dei- mand for Canadian dour in India. Sir Thomas' Suit. We hear of an amusing new ,story;, of Sir Thomas Lipton. Heepaid" a visit to 'Madame a ussaud's the othe to daysee the n' eWd IYiznet Of $ effigy, ,.,� He 'did not like the edit" With which it w w as•clothed. So he sort down gine of his :Own yachting suite, kid It isi this tvt:ldoli the figure now *VON, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap,. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Edward Irving late of the City of Portland id the State of Ore- gon, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of July, A. D. 1928, are required to send by Post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vansfone, Wingham, Ontario, So- licitor'for the Executor, on or before the tenth , day of December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full particulars in, writing of their claims, and the nature of the securi- ties `(if any) held by them duly veri- fied, by ' statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said- tenth day of De- cember, 1928, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only to the claims of which be shall then have had notice, and the said executor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim be shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1,928, . R. VANS'TONE, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for the. Executor, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY : GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. ,121 of. the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Mary McBrien late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of HuronWidow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or, to deliv- er to R. Vanstone, Wingham, .Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Executors on or before the tenth day of December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses. with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the natureof the securi- ties (if any) held by them dryly veri- fied by a statutory declaration f. AND TAKE NOTICE :FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember; 1928, the said executors will ,proceed to distribute the assets of the said 'estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors shall -not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solictpr for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE.. IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap .121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of William J. Boyce, late of the Town of Wingham in the Prov- ince of Ontario, Merchant, deceased, who. died on or about the twenty- seventh day r o f September, rber, A. D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad- ,n'iinistratrix, on or before the tenth day of .December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full par- ticulars in writing of their claims, and the nature ofthe securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a stat- ntory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928, said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which. they shall then have had notice, and the said Administra- trix shall not 'be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim she shall not then have received notice: DATED at Winghann this thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. • O. Solicitor for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of. Ontario,: that ail persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Deacon, late. of the 'Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased who died on or about the eighteenth day of March, A.D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliv- er to R. Vanstone,Wingham, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Administrators on 'reforb the, tenth day of December A.D. 1928, their names and addresses with full particulars in writing of' their claims, and the nature of tite se- curities ities (if any) held by them ` duly verified by a statutory declaration, AN TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928;'the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties, entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have hadnotice, and the said adminis- trators shall not be liable for tiie said assets or any part thereof to any person. of whose claim they shall not then have received notice, DATED at Wingham this ninth clan of November, A,DD 1928. y , R. VANSTONE, h P.O.niWingham ,O Solicitor for the Administrators. CARD OP THANKS Mrs, Hannah. Casetn.ore wishes t:o think her friends and neighbors for aher ;i lt ll.11neiress, k,indness shown her din rilfg g CARD O.F ViANKS 11c.,.,Hilt Edinonson of, Wroxet-er, .wig esrte. thank -the ''net hliors anct. � 1 ,.ag., friends for map y leiedrre sses.silcwt during the rllnessanddeath .Gf Itis wife. AIR MAIL; WINNIPEG TOO CALGARY Arrangements have been • made by the P, O. Department for the con- ereyance of air mail between Winnipeg and Calgary via Regina, also between Regina and Edmonton via Saslraio6n, daily, except Sunday, each way, com- mencing ' the 10th of December and continuing to the 29th December, both clays inclusive, on thefollowing sched- ole WESTBOUND Leave Winnipeg 9,15 a,m., Arrive Regina 12,15 p.m.; Leave Regina 12. 25 p.m., Arrive Calgary 4,30 p.m. Leave Regina 12.25 p.m,, Arrive Ed- monton 5,15 p.m. (via Saskatoon). EASTBOUND Leave Calgary 7.00 a.m., Arrive Re- gina 11.30 a.m.; Leave Edmonton 7.00 a.m., -Arrive Regina 11.45 a.m. (via. Saskatoon'); Leave Winnipeg 12.00 noon; Arrive Winnipeg 4.15 p.m, Only first class mail prepaid at the air mail rate of 5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof, is to be carried on these flights. TURNBERRY COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting `held in Bluevale November 8th 1928. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved,by D. Fortune and seconded by G. Bathe that we instruct the En- gineer; F. A. Edgar; to make report on the. portion of 'the Fisher Gregory Drain as requisition signed by Deans and Cruickshank. Carried. Moved by J. Breckenridge and R. Grain that we request the. Engineer, F. A. Edgar, to make report on the Higgins Drain' as requested by Jos. L atronica. Carried. Moved by Breckenridge and For- tune that By -Law 25 be passed for nomination meeting to be held in Forester's Hall, Bluevale, on -Monady, December 31st 1928, from 1 to 2 p.m. Returning Officer W. R. Cruick- shank, Deputy Returning Officer,Sub. Div. 1, Robt. Deyeil, Clerk, R. -Thomp- son; D. F. O. Sub. Div. 2, Jas. Gan- nett, Clerk, Magee; D. R. O. S lb. Div. 3, Gordon. Wray, Clerk, G. Wylie D. R. O'. Sub. Div. 4, D. H. Wallace, Clerk, A. Lincoln, Letter and Auditor's report from the Dep''t. of Public Highways was read. "In making audit of this Township, I am pleased .to report having found' Supt. Thos. Weir's books and records in particularly good. condition. He did not receive full instructions. until' last fall but after. he went, over all previous work for 1927 and brought it up to date, His :led,gerwas the basis of audit and his returns to .the Department were made from it also;' • Only one error was located, that being an item for $2.30, which was omitted in posting. The work for 1928 is also being carried on well. Clerk Cruickshank and Treasurer Cruickshank gave me every assistance and they, are both aiding Supt. when necessary. Signed, E. W. Garthwaite, Auditor."' The following accounts were paid: '> ]as. T.r Wylie, $8.50, Levels; Dr. Redmond, $50, M. O, H.; I., 3. Wright $5, Member Board of Health; J. L., MacEwen, $5, Member Board of Heal-. th;• W. R. Cruickshank, $10„ Sec'y Board of Health; Jno. Porter, ,$130.77 'Patrolman; C. Dunkin, $2.50, Account, Rae & Thompson, $2.95, Account; T. W; Weir, $24,37, Supt. Moved by R. Grain and J. E. Baird at 10 o'clock December 15th, 1928. that we adjourn to meet et Blvevale W. R. Cruickshank, Clerk;, I. J. Wright, Reeve. i SEE OUR LARGE ASSORT- MENT . OF en's and Boys' Overcoats at Cut Prices Surpising Values in Men's Overcoats now sellis g gat, $15.00, $19.00, $22.50, $25.00 EXTRA SPECIAL 20 Men's Overcoats: to clear at $5.00, $6.95, $8.50 and $10,00 Savings on Men's and Boys' Suits,, Pants, Overcoats, Mack- inaw' Coats, S-weaters, Caps, Fur Coats and Underwear. Boy's Navy Chinchilla Overcoats, latest models, nicely lined, Bargain at ..........................$12.00 Men's Suits, in plain Grey and Navy, English Wor- sted Cloths, Ctit prices are . . $19.50, $22.50, $24.50 Men's All Wool Sweaters, fancy patterns and col- ors, value up to $5.00, now . . • • ••. • $3.95 All Wool Ribbed Socks, 35c, 3 pair for $1.00' Men's Mackinaw Coats, reduced to ... .. $6.75 Men's fancy patterns Silk and Wool Socks .... 50c Underwear Specials Melt's All Wool Underwear, fine qual- ity ribbed, Bargain $1.50 Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts, now. .49c Special in Men's Strong Braces...39c BOOTS AND SHOES To reduce'stock we will sell Men's Women's. Boys' and Girls' Shoes and Overshoes . at 10 per cent. discount. E. Isard Get Fresh Eggs Now!. Your'Hens willlay lots of Cggs Now and all Winter if fed ROYAL PURPLE "LAY MASH" and -- ROYAL i2OYA.L PURPLE SPECIFIC These Foods are correctly pro- portioned for making equal num- ber Yolks and White of Eggs. — We also stock — ' OYSTER SHELL POULTRY GRIT GROUND CHARCOAL BONE MEAL ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL Disinfect Poultry House with ZIE" It Kills, the Vermin. Also ` Ftesh Lime on. Hand. : ochanan Itardware tAy SOME OTHER PEOPLE ..'„eeetteeei. rrhe turn of the Chinese policeman's lip seems to indicate. ttat he ' "Where'd i i could snarl out a very nasty Where d you think you're going?" if he thought you would understand him, but passengers on: the Cana'diart. Pacific World Cruise last year found him very courteous. Some time before the globe-trotters met the man with the pudding - basin head -gear theywere greeted at the entrance of the famous Stadium at Athens by the fiery-mustachiv'd guard who looks like Harry Lauder in a entnbination of the worst features of the Highland, the Dutch and the hosiery advertisement national costumes. But the Japanese practising on the saxophone's k ms ari a take the cake when it Comes es i;o strange head -gear. A pun could be made hero ebout, "wicker" and `iwieked-looking," but let that pass. The , dark representative of the fair sex evidently believes in simplicity of` cos- tunie--and 'economy! She has made her "robe de style" serve for her young soul, too, and her head dress! Permanent waves have probably .. been amongst the old fainily secrets `'handed down from mother to . dAughter for centu ries in her country. Peking them altogether they are a fair sample of strange sights to. be, viewed .op a trip" round the World. k ' The Canadian Pacific has organized i gam ,edslx winter i ei•u sc�s this;.rvear. Hund the World by the"Empress of Australia" -South A .., . <.,.. , merrca�AlKfrresa. the new'°000-W,000 by n Duchess of'-;Artholl ,,l+lediterranean by :W t. 1e th2;1n= press of Scotland" and threecruises to the once happy bunting geOunda athe :400400-'eklg «win n.t,