HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-11-15, Page 4k1 :r 7 INPIi,A,* N4,tvC{f .TOOS Thtli'': - , IroverrlIser X,5'ih', , *92 ' '424 2.4a /a le eeteeipa eiteyeeaveJ4G aeal;M:\vt eteiereitt:at 'e°ieleieShie kePateike elS.l:t. a .J l ." s. i "VA R E " United Drug Co. 68 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Gentlement: How long has Vapure been on the market? Why don't you advertise it more so that suffering humanity will know these is such relief from colds? Your local druggist sold me a bottle'to- day and in four hours a bad case of watery eyes and nose was completely cured. - : This is the first testimonial I ever gave to a medicine and am writing you unsolicited for the sake of other cold sufferers, Sincerely yours, Winnipeg, October 12th, 1928 The above testimonial was received by the makers of "Vapure". We are 'selling agents' for Wingham. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Phone 53. . Wingham ►1 i s r-sif<igriiluYil'P aarwaataii iia, • i.—soria%ViY.arat, •itiiNutraai11Ys191Y�Y'drgarravraiurA izitriNitiiat !(d ti WantedLos an . Lu bei •. We, the undersigned are opento buy all kinds of timber again this winter. We will pay you good prices and give you lib- eral measurement and grades for your logs delivered at our saw mill here. We belive that it is to the interest of the farmer to cut his, own logs and deliver them, but anyone having standing timber and wishing to sell on the stump, kindly see us before you do anything and we will be glad to see you. We will pay you spot cash for anything you have to offer, a^•.1 as our lumber is iargleY manufactured into the finished pro- duct, it helps our own province by selling to a concern like ours. ---- Signed Th.e Lucknow Table Co., Ltd. Phone 25 — Box 206. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :e xi cents a word pet insertion, with g minimum charge of 250.• SM�IIiiUl;Lii;feffit;beilil,,pNutu"tUCortituNueneNMnetlettfor et,,uetttWttttrtNntnteu+tutneutMnntttttnttttaimnmH+K CAPABLE GIRL desires position as housekeeper. Apply to Box B, the Advance -Times FOR SALE -Good House and six Act, res of land, adjoining Wingham. Might rent for a time to a prospec- tive purchaser. Abner Cosens, In- surance and Real Estate. FOR; SALE -10 pure-bred Oxford down, ram lambs, government grad- ed," Will be sold reasonably. Ap- ply to J. L. McEwen, Bluevale, FOUND—On Tuesday morning, pair of glasses. Finder may have same by calling at this office and paying for advertisement. FOR SALE An Upright "Bell" Pia- no, in excellent condition, reason- able terms. Apply Box A, Advance Times. FOR SALE -100 Pullets -Apply to Abe Brown, phone 204. 100 HUNDRED ACRE FARM. - Splendid, buildings, price $2800, worth twice this amount. Apply to T. Fells. AUCTION SALE of. farm stock and implements The undersigned has ,been instruct- ed by the executors of the estate of the late Samuel Deacon, to sell by public auction at one o'clock, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th the following live stock etc. Pair brown heavy draft geldings, 5 and 6 years old; Team bay mares, 8 and 9 years; Team draft mares, 7 and 8 years old; Black draft mare in foal, 10 years old, 4 mulch cows, 15 head feeding cat- tle, 5 spring calves, 14 young ewes,. B sows in pig, 9 chunks, 10 pigs 5 weeks old, Deering Binder, 7 ft. cut; lviassey- Harris Mower; Massey -Harris Hay ,Loader; Massey -Harris Side rake; Massey -Harris Cultivator; Dump rake' McCormick Mower; Bain Wagon; In- ternational wagon nearly new; Scuf- flee; Hay rack; Set of sleighs; Set of sleighs and fiat rack; Single furrowed riding plow; Maasey-Harris walking plow; Massey -Harris two -furrowed plow; Dew Massey -Harris walking plow; Deering fertilizer drill; Cock- shutt manure spreader; 2 sets iron Harrows; 8 -horse power Gas Engine; Circular saw; Rip saw; Ford truck; Chevrolet truck; 2 sets heavy team harness; 2 sets plow harness; 2 wat- ering tanks, About 900 bushels barley, about 12 tons of hay. At the same time there will be off- ered for sale the 100 acre farm, terms. made known at sale. No reserve as estate is to be wound. up. Terms—Hay, Grain and all sums of $10,00 and under, Cash; over that a- r.p.tint,.';fl months credit on approved; ,joint notes, or 6 per •cent. per annum. off for cash, 'H Deacon, 14', Deacon, Executors; 1.. Purvis,' 'A'u ction eer, 100 ACRE FARM • FOR SALE—For particulars apply to Mrs. Robert Owens, Belgrave, phone 41-630. LOST—Between Wingham. and Hen- ry Bolen's, 3rd con., Morris, a rim and tire for a Ford car. Leave at Advance -Times office. LOST -- On Friday night between Wm. Robinson's on 9th concession and Wingham or Belgrave, Chevro- let crank... Finder kindly notify Wm. . Robinson, phone 11r616. LOST—From car on gravel road, be- tween Gorrie and Brussels on Nov. 13th, 1928; two club bags, one black leather containing gentlemans wear- ing apparel and sum of money; the other brown leather, containing la- dies' apparel. , Finder please com- municate with N. F. Strangway, 152 Front •street North, Sarnia, Ont. PROPERTY SPECIAL—Three good :louses" for sale at special reduc- tions this week, Apply to T. Fells. Will the party who got a blue Over- coat at the Arena on Tuesday night kindly leave at this office or notify A. Garhble, Diagonal Road. FARM FOR SALE One of the finest 100 acre farms in ' the vicinity, close to Wingham. Brick dwelling, _fully, equipped out buildings, ten acres bush, six acres fall wheat, and fall playing done. Intending pur- chasers, wanting terms and further particulars.; apply to ABNER COSENS, Real Estate and Insurance, Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, four miles from Wingham good buildings, some bush. Will sac- rifice=for quick sale, or will exchange for: home in town. Apply at Advance Teems.' • NOTICE A Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Town of Wingham will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday evening, November 26th, 1928, at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of nominating candi- dates for the offices of Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Public Utility Commis- , sioner and Trustees for the Public ' School Board for the year 1929, ( Ntztninations will be received by the undersigned from. 7,30 until 8.80 p,m. The mover and seconder must be pre- sent. After $.80 p.m.,the candidate's will have an opportunity of addressing the Ratepayer's.. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk, CARD OF ''THANKS "h'<�.tta°ohrllaittilq attd Miss Mary omen MOnf wish to thank theirm Mends and neighbours for. tkin ness extended to them during their re�tTefit„,,srdd, `ireetro en L Wingham tt ;llvance-Tuxes. Published at WINOFIA - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates -- One year $2.00. Six months $z.00, in advance, To U. S. A. $2.5o per year. Advertising rates on application. TIMOTHY FINDS CHANGES SINCE LAST THANKSGIVING 'o thie. Editur av all 'thim Wingham paypers.. Deer Sur:— Here it is 'Tanksgivin toime wance more, wid iviry lasht livin wan av us a year oulder than. we wus lasht year atthis toime, an wid a whole lot av rings fer which we hey 1 rson to be tankful, if we cud only fink av thim. In the fursht place the moshtav us are shtill out av jail, an hevn't been run over be ottomobeels, nor liurted seriously wid harrud wurruk, In the nixt place we hey had plinty ay rain this sayson, purty much all over Can- ada, as far as I kin lain; mebby, a lit- tle too much at toimes to suit some payple who had hay an grain shpoiled, but, shore, the grass wus nivir betther an we nivir had bigger an betther hins' eggs, ner more av thim. Thin we shud be tankful that the elickshuns are over in the Shtates, fer now mebby we shall be able to. hear someting Ilse over the radio, besoides thim Dimmycrats an Republicans cal- lin aitch other'thaives an loirs, Wid regard to pollyticks in Canada us Tories hey no rayson to be down hearted, fer we defaited the Grits in British Columbia and held our own purty well in Novy Scotia, at laist we didn't let thim Grits git into aw- lice, an hey the shpindin av the mon- ey. Ay coorse it is too bad that the Grits hey all the honor av gain aver to Europe an represintin this coun.- thry at the Laigue av Nations, fer, faith, no wan but a Tory cud do that jawb properly; but seem it is shtill quoite a long toime yit befoor the el- ickshuns will come aff, I don't moind admittin that Mishter, Mackenzie King did purty well fer a bye who nivir had the advantage av been thrained in roight princerpulls in the Tory parthy. 'Tis a great differ the way ye're rais- ed, an a lot av Grits wud her made shmart min if they had been thrained properly in theer young days, but, av coorse, it takes all koinds av payple to fill up the wurruld, an 'tis the dooty av iviry Tory to show thim Grits an U. F. O's. the error av theer ways whinivir theer is a chance to put in a wurrud wid thim. The thrubble wid a lot av fel/ails is that they wont' do annything wid- out gittin paid fer it, an that oidea is all wrong, so it is. How kin we ix- pict to win the nixt elickshun unless we wurruk fer it, an, shore, we can't shtart too soon. A lot ay payple belong to theer parthy, arr theer Church, fer what they kin git out av it, an 'tis a wrong shkame intoirely, so it is, fer they shud be tinkin av how much they kin put in, an not av how much they take out. Yes, it wud make a lot av differ to this ould wurruld, so it wud, if theer wus less silfishness in it, an everywan wus throyin to do what he cud to hilp the other fellah, I don't mane wid money always, _fer, shore, that is about the airiest an chaipest ting theer is in the wurruld these days whin a lot av thim millionaires do be rowlin in wealth an ottymobeels," an groindin the faces av the poor at the same toime to git the money. Me ould Grit frind, Sandy Banks, used to say. "A man may do a nee- bor's pairt, yit hae nae cash tae spare him," I tink it wus Bobby Burps who said it fursht, an 'tis throe wurruds they are intoirely. Sometoimes I tink the wurruld moight be a lot betther, but let us be tankful it, is no wurse. Annyway if it wus very much betther mebby •a lot av fellatio I cud name wud be. purty lonesome. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. BIRTHS Mont gomer�-On Saturday,Nov.g ,Y 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montgom- ery, Shuter street,' a son, Horn — On , MondaYNov, 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, Albert Horn, Lower Wingham, a son, ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters' Lists Act, at the Town Hall, Wing - ham, on Thursday, November 22nd, 192$; lit 2 o'clock in the afternoon for hearing all complaints made a- gainst,the Voters List for the Muni- cipality of Wingham for 1928. A list of complaints is on file at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Wingham. Dated this lith day of November, 1928 W. A. Galbraith* Town Clerk, NOTICE' TO CREDITORS NOTICE' I'S .HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to : Section- ° 56, Chap, 121 of the Revised Statutes , of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Edward Irving late of the City of Portland in the State of Ore- gon, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of July, A, D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone,; Wingham, Ontario, So- licitor for the Executor, on or before the tenth day of, December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of • their claims, and the nature of the securir ties (if any) held by them duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and the said executor shall not be, liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. • DATED at Wingham this thirteenth day of November, A. D, 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for the Executor, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised. Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Mary McBrien late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1928; are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliv- er to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Executors on or beforethe tenth day of December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER. that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only. to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice,' DATED at Wingham this thirteenth day of November, A, D. 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solictor for the Executors. IAC NOTICE :TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap .121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the, estate of William J. Boyce, late of the Town of Wingham in the Prov- ince of Ontario, Merchant, deceased, who died on .or about the twenty- seventh.day of September, A. D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad- ministratrix, -on or before the tenth day of December, A. D. 1928, their names and addresses, with full par- ticulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of . the securities (if any) held 'by them duly verified by a stat- utory declaration: AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928, said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Administra- trix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim she shall not then have received notice, DATED at. Wingham this thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1928. R. VANSTONE, Wingham. P. O. Solicitor for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Deacon, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in : the County 'of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of March, A.D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliv- er to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontar- io, Solicitor for the Administrators on. before the tenth day of December, A,D. 1928, their names^and addresses with frill particulars in Writing of their claims, and the nature of the Se- curities (if any) held by 'them duly verified by a :statutory declaration. AN. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said tenth day of De- cember, 1928, the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said adminis- trators shall not ; be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice, DATED at Wingham this ninth 'day of November, A,D 1928, R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O. Solicitor for the Administrators, AUCTION SALE. 103 Young Horses At the stockyards Wingham, coin- menbing at, one o'clock p.m., on SATURDAY, NOV. 17th, 1928 70. Sucking • Colts; 20 year-olds, 10 two-year-olds,,,8 ,three -year-olds, These colts are all. well-bred Per- eher'ons, Crydes and Belgians, all of which will l e sold. withotirt reserve, Terms ---Cash, or may be arranged., W. J. Nixon, N. Albertson, Props. john Purvis, Auct, LOSES TURKEYS BUT, -FINDS $200 IN CASH A'farmer to the north of Harriston received a faint heart the other morn- ing when upon going to his turkey pen, where he had left 12 fine birds In process of finishing for the festive season, he found they had departed, Looking carefully throughout the turkey pen he was about to return to the house when he noticed something in the form of a purse lying on the ground just outside the door. Upon, picking up the article he found it con- tained $200 and some silver. The farmer commenced counting the money and figured his profit on the birds had lie had to deliver them to town, and decided lie had been well paid as they averaged nearly $20 but being of a more honest frame of mind than the chap who pillaged the turkey pen and dropped his purse, he decided that if the fellow who owns the money will return the birds the "long greens" will be handed over, A WIRELESS FROM SANTA A belated wireless from Santa Claus states he is winging his way steadily from headquarters, and will reach Huron County in time to leave Wing - ham by the 6.55 a.m. London train on Saturday, November 17th. Mr. G. T. Robertson will pilot him to the sta- tion, where the train crew will take him in charge. Old Santa wants all. the kiddies to be on hand to start him off in good spirits for London. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Charles Turvey, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- first day of September, A. D. 1928, at the Township of Morris in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix, on di -- before the nineteenth day, of Novem- ber, A. D. 1928, their names and ad- dresses, with full particulars in writ- ing of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declara- tion. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said nineteenth day of November, 1928, the said Administra- trix will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and the said Administratrix shall not be liable foe the: said assets or' any part thereof to any 'person of whose- claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Wingham this twenty- ninth day of October, A: D, 1928. day of October, A. D. 1928, R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix,' POTATOES FOR SALE AT LUCKNOW The undersigned has for sale one of the finest crops of potatoes in the province of Ontario, The seed was planted early, and the soil fertilized with One Ton of High Grade Fertilizer per acre. This brought the potatoes to maturity the first week in August. The plants were sprayed thoroughly with chemicals to prevent rot and oth- er diseases. The potatoes were grown on a 50 acre field of sandy loam soil—the only soil for raising sound potatoes this year. The seed used was from Prince Ed- ward Island, making an excellent change for Ontario soil and conditions so that I am able to offer you an ex- cellent potato which is sound and will keep. Write or phone for prices.. Will de- liver to customers 'up to 4v -miles from. Lueknow,: where purchasers can club togetherand take truck loads of from 25 to 50 bags. Order your winter supply and ;need for next season at once. JOYNT Price Cutting Sale Of Silks, Velvets Crepes and Dress Goods We are overstocked in this Department and in order to reduce quickly and in the shortest time possible, we are cutting prices down to wholesale and on some lines less. Sale Starts Saturday, Nov. t7 All Wool Dress Goods, values up to $2.00, now 98c SANTOY 40 In. wide, best colors, now $1.00 Many other Bargains in Silks and Dress Goods not advertised as space will not permit. SATIN CHENE 36 In. wide, all colors, reg. 50c, now 39c SILK CHIFFON VELVET Good colors, reg. $3.75, $2.75 Sale of Women's and Misses' High Grade Dresses, new models, value up to $22.50, sale $14.95 FUGI SILK" Fine quality, now , only' 49c WOOL DELAIN.E Regular $1.25, sale 90c SILK CREPE 36 In. DRESS Best shades, yard wide, Velveteen, all colors, sale $1.49 ., . $1.39 , Women's, Misses' and Girls' Winter Coats, best models and materials, now on sale. at 20 per cent. off , regular prices. BLACK SILK Yard wide, regular up to $2.00, for 1.29 FIGURED COAT LINING 36 In. reg. 75c reduced to 59 FIGURED SILK CREPE Regular $2.50, for $1.75 CASSIA CLOTH All wool, plain or check on sale at $1.10 FANCY RAYON SILK CELENESE FUGI IRegular $1.0'0, now. Regular $1.50, now 75c' ' $1.19 TAFFETA SILK Yard wide in . colors,r s Sale -1.39_,. FANCY CHECK. DRESS FLANNEL 89c FLANDELAINE' All wool and wide, fiate-. finish, now 79c REMNANTS OF SILK On Sale' at 20 Per Cent. Off