HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-25, Page 81707,7 WINQI Alit A IVANCL-TIMES Thursday, Oetpber ?5th, 158 You will f irld new sat- isfaction in a Skill - craft -Quality Clothes Suit, in,its fit, in the newest, smartest styl- es, and in your.choice of exclusive, patterns in the finestof import- ed'and_ foxniestic wool- lens. As an Added Feat- ure 40,;.4n.'twduce this line we will give an E tra= Pa4r':o of Trous- ers Free with . every Suit at Hanna Exclusive Men's • Store ,.., - Wingham, Ont. WHITECHURCH BLUEVALE The anniversary services held ip The afternoon tea and sale held lit Whitechurch United Church on Sun the Forrester's' Hall on Satuid'iy if - day were a splendid "suecess. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and. Earnest spent Thursday last with Dr, Harold Robinson of Walkerton. Mrs. A. Fox spent the last evil weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Patton of Lucan. Mr. Win. Hawthorne of Brantford is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Joe Holmes. Mr, and Mrs. Lord' Johnston of Shepherdton and Mr. Will. Alton and sister, Miss Lizzie; of Ashfield spent Sunday with Mr. apd Mrs. W. R Farrier, Mr. W. T. Wellwood and son Ed- gar of Bolton spent a few days df last week visiting `v,tith her niece, Mrs.. Arthur Moore and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer of Cul.:, ross spent the week -end in London. Misses Currie of Zetland spent Sunday with Miss Irene Moore. Mr. Henry Mathers and sons Mel - yin and Charles, and Miss Jane Math- ers of Bluevale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. i L ', U THEAT '4r E Friday and Saturday, October 26th and 27th Ken Maynard ;1741• f .;;,, r. In "The Canyon of Adventure" Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton of Ash- field and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb of St. Helens, spent ,Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier. ternoon under the auspices of Ladies Aid of Presbyterian Church, was quite a success. Although the weather -'eras not very favorable the early part of the afternoon was fine and 'a gooil turn -out of ladies soon cleared eit everything that was for sale, The ex- hibit of "the most useful article made from a flour sack proved very.inter- esting apd was judged by Mrs. H. C. MacLean, Mrs. Craig and Miss S,Mac Lean of Wingham, who awarded the prizes as follows: 1st prize, a lunch cloth made by Mrs. C, H. Garniss;' 2nd, an apron, Mrs. Jas.. Kirton; 3rd, wash stand and dresser covers, ,Mrs, Anson Shaw. Pillow slips, Laundry bags, clothes pin aprons were among. the articles shown: The amount re- alized from this table was nearly eighteen dollars. Mr. J, Wesley Beattie and Florence, Mrs. Harry Scott and Jim and Harry from Seaforth were Sunday visitors at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Scott. Mrs. Peter Fowler, Wingham rd., is under the doctor's care. Friends wish, for.a speedy recovery. r. McLean of Knox College oc- cupied the pulpit in Knox Prebyter ian Church Sunday. Mrs. Will Conn is still under the doctor's care. Mr, Elgin Wellwood of Orangeville who spent the past month in the West is visiting with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent and family of Westfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin. Mrs. Henderson, of Powasson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. McBrien and other relatives here. The Mission Band of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Whitecurch, held their annual Thank -offering on [Friday evening, October 19th. Ow- ing to the unfavorable weather the attendance was not very large. After the devotional exercises the following programme was given. Chorus ' by the Mission Band. Readings by Jack Pollock, George Ross, Katherine Mowbray, Tom Wilson, Jean ,Coulter, John Garton, Olive Garton._ A solo by Lela Leggatt and a duet by Olive Garton and Velma Scott, A paper on "the Life and Work of Mary Sles- sor" was given by Velma Scott. A pageant "Heralds of the King" brou- ght the programme to a close. The }Mission Band then served lunch t, trtf EAST WAWANOSH Monday and Tuesday, October 29th and 30th ll & Dor-oth MacKail Jack Mulhall .. In "Man Crazy".,. Wednesday and Thursday, October 31st, Nov, 1st Monte Blue "One Round Hogan" r; W PRINTING PROCESS* Re otrted tO Ii,lhninate the Use o Metal Type. A printing process which (allude' nates the use of metal type was de - Scribed, at the Hotel Hargrave, ,New Yorit, recently by Hans von Inraan- ltofer, United States representative of the inventors, Its. general principles resemble others . recently, reported, von Fraunhofer, . Who .has shown' the designs for the machineto many en- gineers and experts, made his fi. st public statement on the subject re- cently, following.. receipt of cabled iruthority, 'whichstates that raegotia- tions in. Hungary have.; resulted in the Government there taking over the Hungarian' rights. .The machine baa standard key- board. The touch of "a key makes an electrical. contact ,which causes the letter touched to be photographed en a running film. The first step in printing a page under this proccca' Ia that of "setting it up"•by photograph- ing it on the narrow film. Devices make it possible to correct errors. The electrical, system' of photographing the lettera on the film is accompanied, by their being printed on ticker tape before the eyes of the operator. Any error becomes visible to him. Photographing of the letters. is retarded so that the coinvJsitci' has a second or two in which to make his .correction" before •the' mistake is photographed. Even after the film proof- read, to can be itp e risbencompleted' a read, mistakes being, cut out and e.r- rect readings .interpolated. The second step. is that of prcjeet- ing the film on to chemically treatt'tl zinc. plate. As the film is unreeled the letters are photographed in th is correct order on the plate. Adjust- ments can be made to widen or ',_ar- row the column of type at will. Type of . any. kind or " size can he uo,ad. Photographs or drawings are re- photographed directlyupon the a'. c plate. • Von Fraunhofer said the inventor•'+t model had produced excellent resulte, that a second machine was being made for the Hungarian Government. and that a : third would be brought to this country for demonstration in six months. He said the American company; called the Lum.inotype :En- terprises, was not seeking capital and had no stock to sell: He predicted that the machine would revolutionize printing. BLYTH Mr. James Sims was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur .Sims.. Nurse Robinson was in town for a few days during the week. Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Forest was in town on.,Thursday. A number of our citizens attended the funeral of the late George Patt- erson in Hullett on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brown and dau- ghter of Toronto were visiting relat- Wes over. Sunday, At the evening service in St. Andrew's Church Miss Brown contributed a beautiful solo. Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty and Miss Emma Mason, of Ingersol were visitors at °the, home, of Mr. B. Mason over Sunday. • Miss Ada Stackhouse visited her brother, Dr. Ray Stackhouse, at Rid- geway, during, the past couple of weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) Wilford spent the 'week- end with, Clinton friends. St. Andrew's Church held their an- niversary servicers or Sunday. Large congregations greeted the speaker, Rev. Mr. Little,, of Toronto, who de- livered 'two very; impressive messages linking tip the p,ast with the present sixty-first `anniversary. The speaker described his congregation as pilgrims. on a journey, the way often fraught with difficulties. "Lead on Oh Migh- ty Conqueror until the day breaketh and the shadows flee away." The choir rendered..special musicial sel- ections,' On Wednesday evening the ladies of the congregation will serve a hot Supper. Ripley choir will furnish the programme for the entertainment. William Hallahan, Jr., had two of his fingers badly smashed when they were caught in cogs of a threshing machine. The misfortune occurred when he was working in East. Wawa- nosh Township. Donald Munro, who broke his arm during the summer, has had a sim- ilar mishap. The second break was caused by falling from a horse. Ward Laundy, .who has been with ahe Bank of Commerce here for a number of years, was the guest of a surprise farewell party, when about 3o of his frineds gathered at his home. Mr. Laundy has resigned his position, with the bank to join a financial house; at Calgary, During the evening he was the recipient of an address and a handsome club "bag. pi The marriage of Miss Louise Krait - 'low and Mn, Chas. Robinson, of Pon- tiac, is tq take place in Pontiac on Friday, October 26th. Immediately after which the wedding party are motoring to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson of the, ,9th , Con. of E. Wawanosh where ti`e wedding supper and reception will be held in their honor. The many, friends of the groom in this commun- ity wish them a long and happy wedd- ed life. MORRIS • Mr. and Mrs: O. Carruthers and son, Terry, of London, spent the week -end at Mr. A. VanAlstyne's. Mrs. John Robinson of Kincardine spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Abraham . Miss Bernice Shaw of Bluevale vis- ited at Will Abhama's last week. Mrs. John C. Casemore spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Willie Orr, last week. They Satisfy The Most Critical! Majestic Sere Suits� by Society Brand Examine the sample of Majestic Serge. A mighty rich lookingblue, « isn't it? You can tell by the feel. that this fine fabric is sturdy -that it will wear extra well. It's made from the finest Australian yarn. Loomed exclusively for Society Brand. But that isn't all! Combined with the famous Society Brand cut, exquis- itely tailored and with the new "Snug- Ease" shoulder effect, Majestic Serge suits repre"sent the last word in ex- clusiveness, in distinctiveness and in comfort. Anunusually attractive val- ue Hun Co, td. Etcttisive but riot' Expensive RUSE TURNED UPON EiIMSELF.' Bismarck's Wife Renewed It as Re Explained Device to Diplomat. How Bismarck's clever ruse for ridding himself of tiresome visitors was turned against himself is re- counted in the recently published col- lection of Bismarck anecdotes, com- piled by . Schmidt-Hennigker, One day Lord Russell, the British ambassador to Berlin, asked the Ger- man iron chancellor. at his mansion whether he did not find it very irk- some to have to receive so many un- official visitors daily. Bismarck re- plied that on the whole he found something of interest . in every caller --finless' he overslsyed 'lis time. But for such "stickers," Bismarck re- marked, .he bad an infallible house- hold remedy. He explained that his wife, who from long experience had acquired an intuitive sense for the proper duration of a visitor's stay, could always be counted upon if needful to open the door 'and on some pretext or other call him away Barely had the chancellor finished speaking when Princess Bismarck called through ' the half -open door- way "Otto, isn't it about time for' you to come and take your medicine? I just wanted to remind you," An embarrassing silence, followed these words. The next moment, how- ever, both men roared with laughter as the of this strane con- frmationumor of. the "infallible remedy" ;truck them. ' ORI(IN OF BLUE-ELOODFD. rho Reference Is to the Color of the GORRIE Harvey Plant is visiting at his home at present. Mr. and Mrs." Nelson Underwood � of Glenannan, and Mrs. M. Under wood of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeff- erson. ' The Bank Inspectors have spent the last few days inspecting the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, Sante, sneak thieves stole thirty bags of potatoes from George Gal- loway, and also drained the gasoline front Oliver Galloway's car. A new, grocery store will be open- ed in Mrs. Bingham's building where Nicholl's store was formerly located. Mr. and Mrs. Akrant and son, Vern, formerly of Listowel, are now occu- pying Mr. Tayor's house near the 'United church, ' The Galloway brothers are going on a fishing trip to Bruce Peninsula on Wednesday. Mrs. Stinson of Gorrie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stew• art of Belgrave on Friday Rev, F. Craik conducted, services at Du lgannot},,on ,Sunday. Over ,$200 was..rr=,alined at the An- glican ilowl Supper i'n the Township Fall at Gorric on Thursday. •BUY YOUR FUR COAT HERE AND B•E SURE., OF • SATISFACTION. Furs are purchased, usually on confidence, for there are few people who know the actual quality and value of fur skins ; that's why it is so important to buy Furs from a dependable source, where abso- lute satisfactionis guaranteed. Our long experien- ce in both Raw Furs and the manufactured article, enables you to purchase with confidence, the best qualities and woikmanship at the fairest of prices. The extra values we have in stock could not be re- placed to-day'except at an advance of 15 or 20°%x. Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Canadian Muskrat, • French 'Seal; Fox and Squirrel Scarfs. NORTHWAY GUARANTEED CLOTH COATS Visit our show- rooms and see the wide range of exclusive . styles for Misses, Matrons and Child- ren. Kayser Hosiery, Watson Underwear, Nemo Corsets. .ing Bros., .Wingham WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John Medd of Clinton, and Mrs.' (Rev:) 'Medd sof Welland, visited with Mrs. McVittie Sr., on Fri- day last. Mr. Elmer Beacom• inspected school No. 6, East Wawanosh on Tuesday. Miss E. Sowerby attended the tea- chers' convention at Goderich on Thursday and 'Friday. Mrs. G. N. Ainslie of Monroe, Micba spent a few days, last week ,with her sister, Mrs. -Bert Taylor anis brother, Mr. W. F. Campbell. _ - . Mr. and Mrs W. -A. Campbell and family were Goderich'visitors on Sat- urday. ,. Mr. Wm. Hallahan met with quite a serious accident on Monday while silo filling at Mr.' Alva McDowell's. His fingers were1 drawn into, the cut- ting box and he had to. have one fin- ger on the left hand amputated at the first joint, two other fingers were in- jured. A social eveningwas held on Tues- day evening at the Westfield United church when young and o'ld enjoyed the pleasant time together After a pleasant time in playing' games and having a social chat an address and shower were presented to • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Dear Howard and MrSi .Campbell: We the members of. the . West- field Vilified "church' have taken this opportunity to. extend • to you our best wishes and welcotne Mrs, bell to our community. In the choir and otb'et duties of the church, Howardh,ver' have always found you a faithful4ftd willing help- er, and we take great` pieasure,in wel- coming Mrs. Campbell into our midst. As a futux6 reiriniscetice of our good wishes we ask 'you bdth to ac- cept from us this miscellaneous show- et. We trust, Howard, your pleasure will ' be in lknowing, the high esteem in which you are 'held and will, nify to you, Mrs, Campbell;, the host of friends which surround: you in the community in which you are about to make your hew' home. Our sincere 'desire.,tiiat''your fut- ure May be a long'•'married life en- �dowed with God's richest blessings, health and prosperity.,,k'' Signed by the committee, Mrs. Jas;, Woods, Mrs. 'Wan, McDowell, Ella Sowerby. On behalf of himself and Mrs. Campbell, 1- toward,' made a fitting re- ply`, thanking the kin'd'friends for the many beautiful gifts and best wishes bestowed .upon them. Veins. There is, of course, no "blue blood," but the term, generally used in a• complimentary sense as denoting gentle birth, does really hark back. to r color origin. Not of blue blood, I' engh, The reference is to the color of the veins. Families who through several gen- eraiinns, possessed sufcient'wealth fr r„•,h14 them to escape manual work developed skins of .a very erne tor - Wag, and through ',:he latter i,hc v •tre Showed blue. That would-be eneeially apparent in the, hands and ',..,..,..;rine' The skins of there wti^ 'inblpssed with wealth, had to work 'ee'eame bard. 'and the veins were hardly discernible', Titus, although "blue veined” or "fine -skinned" would have been t%'inr^ 'errect; the term' "blue-blooded" eine into 'use to denote the aristec- ""nv. and it would seem, . from old at' tings, that' it:was the popular re• 'tet that the'terra expressed the lit- eral fact. Power From a Mower. The ,rienee College of, Calcutta Mee shown a new • read to large quern- ;lies of• alcohol fel- producing newer, "he water byactnth, o-1 nest. in Bengal • mterwaYs, has been •tts'd in eonnec- Unri with the sawe.P. of the gangwa Tec, •which grows wil,lain Bengal and n he, obtained .in enormous mien - 'ties. The new methods which have seep .worked out to prndute spirit '+•ore the water hyecintli not only !Iere:ii new source of power, but will ielp towards clearing Bengal's water NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE{. is hereby given pursuant to the provsions of the Trustee Act, that all persons having any claim at demand against Anna Monk, late of Wingham Town, in Huron County and ];rovince of Ontario, Widow, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or de- liver to J A. Morton, Wingham P. 0., Ontario, Solicitor for the Administra- tor of the property of the said deceas- ed, on or before the 27th day of Oc- tober, 1928, their names and address,- es ddress,es with full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them, and verified by statutory declaration. And take notice that after the said last mentioned day the said Administrator will distribute ,the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which' he shall then have had notice, and that the said Admin- istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at. Wingham, Ont., this 5th day of October, • 1928. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Administrator. Term. • Nuts. Rave. Witch Food Value, Nitta, owing to the vegetable :oils ney'contain, have a high food value. lead. and Zirazil fits rank first in good value, . then, the cheap:int, al- ,nand, walnut; and peanut. For a Itairiy Day. • A tteaa.p ne.y-bgiz.has Just 'reit .whict patented is attached to a clock, vhieh is wound every day by means ..i iYisertinit a coin., Pi Tow.on Display See It — Hear It The actual performance of a radio is;the best basis of selection. We will be glad to let the Roister speak for itself -prove its superiority by results. Have a demonstration. Call on us. Price Complete Installed $207.00 eeAn that youseek Radio" "The Radio Shop's