HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-25, Page 4Wingham •Advance-Tilnes. Published at., • WINGHAM ONTARi0 Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher oweoeedCSe_Jele • u •eeet J'\eakeA0.r/41eete et\iter meat sJ_d.19+_ta a teamentateetewataateaI6\_ NOW GOING ON 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday THE BIG SEMI-ANNUAL "-I ?t' e Lent a e On Being held by the United Drug Co. �v. COME WITH THE CROWDS TO McIKIBBON'S DRUG STORE — The Rexall Store -- Phone 53. Wingham 16 I"( WV vii un, 11,11 .. v U. n :, .1111 I• • ais1W:JYiYdY••Itrl\8Y et1hAV/•ettesi.8Ya" • • i t{•teeetw • 1• Logs and Lumber Wanted We, the undersigned are open to buy ,all kinds of timber again this winter. We will pay you good prices and give you lib- eral measurement and grades for your logs delivered at our saw mill here. We belive that it is to the interest of the farmer to cut his own logs and deliver them, but anyone having standing timber and wislirg to sell on the stump, kindly see us before you do anything and .Y."2 will be .glad to see you. We will pay you spot cash for anythingyott have to offer, an' a i our lumber is largley manufactured into the finished pro- duct, it helps our own province by selling to a concern like ours. Signed The Lucknow Table Co., Ltd. Phone 25 — Box 206. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Subscription rates — One year $e.00. Six months $i,00, in advance. To U, S: A. $2.5o per year. Advertising rates on application. TIM SYMPATHIZES WITH THE FARMER To the Editur av all thim Winghain Paypers. Deer Sur :• - Thim ould lads who do be'forivir shtudyin the skoy wid a shpoy glass, are afther tellin us, that a lot av thim shtars shoinin overhead on foine noights. are bigger wurrulds than this, if we cud only git close to thinm, I am not saying they are wrong in theer guesses, fer whether theer' are bigger wurrulds arr not 1 wudden't say, but wan ting I know, theer mor-. ght aisy be betther wens; I mane fer farruiners, an, if ye don't belave me, jist ask wan av thiinsilves, arr trow off yer coat an put on a pair av long boots an throy farrumin fer a shpell yersil£. Farruiftin is a gambler's game in- toirely, so it is, ah, I don't see army rayson fer fellahs takin chances playin poker, arr buyin moinin shtocks, whin they cud git all the ixcoitment they nade, an more ixcercoise fer the good av theer healths, be rintin arr buyin a farrum an throyin to .take. money out av the jawb. A farrumer will hev rnebby. tin. acres av fall whate lookin foine whin win- ther sets in, but on. the fursht av May the nixt shpring he foinds that ay- ther the shnow an oice hev shtayed on too long an smothered it out, arr they hev gone aff too soon an the frosht has killed it. The clover has been hayed out be rayson av the sun- ny days an froshty noights, fade is gittin scarce in the barruns, and the cattle are bawlin to git out on the fields, livid sorra av blade av grass in soight aven be the tinth av May. All troo May the weather is ayther so droy that the farrumer wondhers if he will hev anny hay, at. all, at all, arr so wet he can't git on the land to sow the sade. Mebby if we hev a late shpring he has to sow buck- whate arr inillett an thin doesn't git weather • ad h b it harvishted befoor the eopi in the fall, Whin he hag a good crop av apples ayther the proice is so low that he can't affoord to take the toime to pick thim, arr a big wind shtorm blows thim all aff the trees. Ohl but the poor farrumer has a lot av thrubbles, so he has. Rot in the pertatics, lice on the turnips, rusht on the whate, an bloight on the oats, cows dhroyin up, too soon, an hins•wantin to sit inshtid av kaypin l�iusy layin eggs. Thin that isn't the ind av d thrubbles be anny manner av manes, 8. fer, Shure, don't. the byes all want to lave the farrums to wurrttk in Barr- ages, an the girls to attind the busi- ness colleges • an Hoigh Schools, an the ould people hey to sell the farr- is tams fer what they kin git fer thine, an move into town an foind theer in- n- comes too shmall to kape thine, wid taxes, an insurance, an elicktrick light and wather bills to pay, an the wim- min throyin to kape up wid the .Jone- s es. Mebby, afther all, a fellah is about as well on a farrum, aven if.someting is robbin the hins' nishts, an shtailin. the chickens, an the. ould cow kicks over a pail av milk now an thin, as to move into town an, live in the kit- chen all winther, be rayson av not bein able to afoord to buy wood or coal to kape the resht av the house warrum. buiiu iebpeeueieeue:a x T v .. a . charge cents a Word Per insertion, with •:i "minimum ch gq . of 25C. fli riiii t ,t .,tis ❑Hui ifiiiiifti,lUiiltfi,fififlif W INGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES W. M., S. CONFERENCE The W. M. S. Conference (West Section) of Huron Presbyterial So- ciety of the United Church of Can- ada, was held irr the 'United Church Auburn, on Wednesday, October 17tH, with a large audience of women pres- ent, and with albs, •Andrew, of God- erich, in, the chair. The morning session was opened by singing the doxology andirayeir by the President. The Auxiliary from Queen Street Church, Blyth, took charge of the devotional exercises, after which Rev. M.r. Alp ,of Auburn, welcomed the ladies and hoped every- one evould feel at home, and thatthe women would accept the hospitality. of the people of Auburn Church. Mrs. McKenzie, of Bayfield, thanked the ladies of Auburn for their gracious and cordial welcome. After the Sec- retary, Mrs. Harris, was appointed, a Finance, Resolution and Courtesy Committee was appointed. • Of the sixteen Auxiliaries of the West Section, there were encourag- ing reports from fourteen. The Aux- iliaries replied to the roll call by re- ports that made the conference feel that the individual was trying to measure up to what God wanted of each. So many of the ' Auxiliaries were trying to get each woman in the church a member of the W. M. S. Anothe't aim was the introduction of the monthly envelope, for it has proven a success wherever it has been tried. It made hearts glad to hear such encouraging reports from C. G. I. T. Groups and from several Bands. After singing a hymn and prayer, the morning session closed. During the noon hour a most sum- ptuous lunch was served by the ladies of Auburn Church. It was much c.n- joyed• The afternoon session was opened. by the Holmesville Auxiliary' taking charge of the devotional exercises. Mrs. Gardiner, Presbyterial Treasur- er, gave a promising financial report, while Mrs. Lundy impressed the audi- ence with the thought of being faith- ful individually, and Miss Lawrence hoped that each auxiliary have a press secretary and boost the inter- ests of the W. M. S. A charming quartette was rendered by the West- field Auxiliary, and long will be re- membered the inspiring address of Miss Rennie, Dominion Branch Presi- dent. She based her remarks on the subject of the Women's Missionary Society, s it culture and its creed. "We invite," said Miss: Rennie, "all women_ into our metnbe,isship and we can do our best Work in a great united fel- lowship of women"' ' The women fzom Victoria United Church, Goderich, presented the two part play, which hasbeen printed in the Missionary Monthly. bytery.—Rev. George Weir, Blyth; Mrs. Ross, of Honan, China, gave Rev. L. C. White Elimville; Rev. J. such a wonderful and instructive ad- W Herbert, Holmesville; Rev. J. W. dress. She made us see pictures of Johnston, Londesb,oro; Rev. James the educational work, of the hospital Anthony, Thanes Road; Rev. R B. his work and of the Evangelistic work of Gumming, 13enmiller; Rev. H. Boling - which she was,. especially interested. broke, Wroxeter. Rev. C. F. Clarke She said as they started for their reported the satisfactory sale of Lanes work they always adopted a verse of Church on the Ashfield charge. Scripture as marching orders, such as A number of very interesting re - "The word shall not return unto Thee ports were given by Presbytery Corn - void," and then they went out among mittees all .of which aroused discus - the women all day. sion. Rev. J. M. Coiling of the Re The Resolution aild Courtesy Com- ligiotts Education Committee brought mitte presented their reports, which in several resolutions looking forward was adopted. to an increased- and more effective Mrs. J. E. Hogg in the closing ad- work among the young people of t:he dress, said that the W. M. 5. was the Presbytery. Rev. George Weir pre - largest organization of women in the seated the report of the Committee world and the most inspirational on Evangelism and Social Service. in Concerning our allocation, do not ca which he emphasized the General sider it as a boon but as a-comlilz- Council's call to - a concentration of ment that we can measure up to what the church's thought on the great has been entrusted to us. Let us try central truths of the Christian faith. to get more women as members. Let He also emphasized the need for .a us get out on our own street and do more intensive instruction on snort Pt relat our brelating to the use of alcoholic brought 1 R SALE 2 -year-old Percheron FOR SALE—Oxford down,register coltFOR supposed to ed ram, 2 years old.Apply be Rob olt and brood mare, Thos.bert Hislop, Wroxeter in foal, Apply to Taylor, phone 6r612. FOR SALE—Two cows, one to fresh- en in six weeks; the other first of March. , -F. J. Hill. POTATOES—You can get some of John Joynt's good potatoes by call- ing,at Geo, T. Robertson's. Phone 57. FOR SALE—Good and six ac- res of land., adjoining Wingham. Might rent far a tinge to: a prospec- tive purchaser,. Abner Cosens, In- surance and Real Estate. IN MEMORIAM DING—In laving memory of Soplt is and Stephen King,: who departe WANTED—A number of cattletothis life October b22n t of forgotten, 8th2 feed for the winter. Apply to J They a g ne, Turner, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow. As it dawns another'year, In our lonely hours of thinking FOR SALE—Baby Carriage.. Apply Thoughts of them are always neo at Advance -Times. Days of 'sadness oft come o'er us, Friends e may think the wound FOR SALE—Triumph cook.stove, healed, real good baker. Apply to Mrs. But they little know the sorrow Lawrence McLean. That lies within .;our hearts co cealed. Ma Their daughters, Emily and of the various auxiliaries was answer- ed by a report of the year's work, and many encouraging features were noted. M•rs. (Rev,) Perrie, of Wing- hain, who had attended the meeting of the General Council, held in Cen- tral Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, in June, gave a very interesting and encouraging report of that gathering. Greetings were then.brought' from the Ashfield Auxiliary by Mrs. Mc- Crae. Greetings from Knox Church Auxiliary, Goderich, were given by Mrs. Stirling McPhail, who also, gave a very full report of the recent meet- ing of the' Huron Presbyterial, which was held at Hensall. An excellent report of the summer school, held in Knox College, Toronto, was sent' by Miss McNabb, formerly of Brussels; and now of Northern Ontario, who was in attendance at it, being sett by Maitland Presbyterial. This was read by' Mrs, Robb, of Brussels. Other pleasing features of the meeting were duets by Mrs. R. Douglas and Miss Mary Douglas, of Lucknow, who, sang very pleasingly the numbers, '"Jesus is all the world to me," and 'He walks with me and He talks with me." the Young Workers Mission Band of Er- skine Presbyterian church, Dungann- on, under the direction of. Miss Trete Carr, gave a very interesting exercise,. which received much favorable:com- ment. The newly -organized W. M. S. Auxiliary of Erskine Presbyterian church, Dungannon, was received in- to the Presbyterial, Rev. . C. H. Mc- Donald of Lucknow, moderator of the Presbytery, offering . the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. R. McWhinney, of Dun- gannon, was presented with a life membership certificate, the gift of her husband, the presentation being made by Mrs. (Rev.) McDonald and Mrs, George Douglas, of Lucknow. A stirring appeal from Mrs. (Rev.) Per- rie, of'Wingham, for greater zeal in. connection with the budget, and clos- ing prayer, brought to a close one of the best sectional meetings ever held in connection -with the Maitland Pres- byterial. Supper was then served in the basement of the church, the lad- ies of Dungannon acting as hostesses. The church upstairs- and 'down was prettily decorated with flowers, the basement looking particularly attrac- tive in its hangings of purple and gold with which the ceiling was hung. THE PRESBYTERY - OF HURON Huron, the Unit- edThe Presbytery of ed Church of Canada, met in regular session in Queen Street Church, Blyth on October pth, last with Rev. R. H. Barnby, S. T. D., tie the chair. 'After the devotional exercises and the read- ing of the minutes, the following new. ministers were introduced -to the Pres - STRAYED white, heifer came to Lot 29, Con. 10, East Wawanosh,'about the `18th of September. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take it away. Well- ington Dow, R. R. No. 5, Winghain. IN MEMORIAM e. PROCTOR—In _ loving memory of WANTED—Girl.desires position as our dear' father' and unc es tar e and Richard housekeeper. Apply at the Advan- e think they longed to say "Don't ce-Times Office. grieve,. '' • •,y troughs for God's way is always best. FOR SALE --Two Two waterg As With, fMreee lls..unspoken sale. Apply to H. hl cClenaghan, They entered,•into rest. Belgrave. Sadly missed by daughter Jennie., FOR SALE, 4 A' good ,eight roomed brick house, in good repair, hard and soft. water, immediate possess- ion. Apply to, Mrs. W. A. Reid, • Pleasant Valley. FOR • SALE -11 acres in village c.f Wroxeter, brick house, good barn and stable, drive shed and hen- house, also Brood house, splendid place for hennery. ,Drilled well and cistern in house, telephone, wired for Hydro, several apple trees, Ap- ply to Tony 'Meehan. FOR SALE—London Business. Fif- teen teen hundred. Tobacco,'Fruit, Gro - eery, Candy and Soft Drinks. Twel- ve hundred contents of furnished rooming house. Sydney Smythe, Market Lane, , London. TENDERS WANTED, IN MEMORIAM ` HAMILTON -In loving memory o our dear husband' and father, Robert Wallace Hatrrlton, who departed life one year:•age to -day, October 22nd, -1928. vows how much we miss Noonek you:, No one 'knows the bitter pain W e have suffered, since we lost you, Home has never' been the same. r lingers, ers memory , oar hearts your z y g In. ;,ou I Sweetly tender., fond.and true, There is. not a'day dear father That we do not think of yott,; We are trusting a few short years of evil, past 'We will reach the hapiiy'.shore, Where death .divided friends at last Shall meet, to part no more. 1 Wife, daughter and sons. Knox United •' ustees of Ili, i The. 1 r Church,. Belgrave invite Tenders for Methodist the purchase of the former Church in 13elgr'ave, also the sheds adjacent thereto. Tenders may be -I for church and shed together or Sep t N tice is hereby' given that I have bee leo, tip till 6 o'clock p.iii.' Novena. 1 i cs, . 7 of the V•ot- ber 15th next'. !complied d �vitlt'Sectionnt t nee- rs list Act end that I have posted t r •an tender` no The highest a y u at my ilffice. at the Town Hall, further tartfG- • VOTERS' LISTS 1928.' Municipality of Winghain, County of Huron. essarily accepted, For pal � nt on the 17th day of Oato- Wzn' ha., Mars appley to Peter Scott, Secy of .,1923 tat •list •of all 'persons en-, i rtistee '. lioartl of r nvx United berg, ,, , ;c „ titled to vote din the •.said Municipality Choreal, Bel3gi ve, t monies al ' le tiati.s attd talar such houses: .. ., •.r .- and t 1 E' -'—.Several g ,,.• `inspection,. T . ,�fnr b ,ere: in r r x 1. � n. er ll e,. I' u on a voters ,f ba.l .l li e p n b. ." 't " '" iht ° r te`e'dii7 s io:iave �to t k�Trzifli,Gd C.p g a tt� 'Cot'rec&'e�ct ac- cording �r...erlors ox'oinigsao , ,,, Sedan. t S er e FOR SALE -1 o y November; 1,923, bei. cite 7 if day of No - e r, f Wzn barn Ont., to Ml'S 't;" Model 62 19211, bothalso 1 Ford, � •,. .. , ,h, era ll o g r i• dor, , '.bated Clerks Office, Wan:g7iarit,, this heriilati Shure, we hev td take a lot av chan- ces whether we live in` town arr coun- thry, an we don't . hey to dale in slitocks arr bet on the races ayther to foind plinty av ixcoitniint. to shtir our blood. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. • i at reasonable prteeS.- fat,' at, 0 ere 211 a . EstateA x�: l R a 1� I' .f,. e ��,p1,y: ,to, eat AUCTION SALE Thomas Hill, tot 32, Con„ 6, Kin- loss (near Langside), will have an auction sale'of farm stock and im- plements on Monday, November 5th, commencing at one o'clock p.m, John Purvis, Auctioneer. Thursday, October 25th, 1928 , FIFTY GiRLS On the Racks at Isard's BIG ASSORTMENT IN THE DIFFERENT SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM"AT REDUCED PRICES Every Coat must be sold. You will make savings. worth while 'on, every garment.; RANGE' 1 -- 4 to 7 years. RANGE 2 =- 7 to 9 years. RANGE 3 8 to 10 years. RANGE 4 10 to 14 years. Made in latest models an best cloths, as Chinchilla Broadcloth, Velour and Tweeds, Fur trimmed and nicely lined. Some of the reduced price are -$5.50, $6.75, $8.00, $9.00 Complete range of 'Girls` Sweaters and Pullovers .at 'Cut Prices. Ladies' Dresses, featuring up to the minute styles and choicest materials. See our specials at $11.75, $14.75, $18.50 25 Woolen's and Misses Coats, Fur Collars and Cuffs, in a variety of materials. Values up to $25.00, now $19:50 H. E. Isard & Co. BIRTHS Colborne—At Wingham GeneraI:Hos- pital, on October 21st, to 'Dr. H. W. and Mrs. Colborne, a son, Jam- es Bruce. —At Goderich General Hos- pital, on October 22nd, to Mr, and ',Nits. George Schaeffer, a San, MARRIED The meeting was roug tto a close liquors. Rev. S. Davison on behalf by singing a verse of that consepra- of the Horne Mission Committee made tion hymn, "Take my life and let it the welcome announcement that there be consecrated, Lord, to Thee," and noaid receiving charges were now Miss Rennie offered a prayer, in the Presbytery., Rev, W. A. Brem- Council,•Fordwich congregation was given permission to sell a vacant manse and to apply the proceeds to their own.local needs. Presbytery then adjourned to meet in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, the first Tuesday in December. Vit etherall—Ptecour At the 'Church se.r : Dett:oit Mich, the 1olyj Ido y , •o,n '$atttrday,.'October 18th; by Rev., to t 1 `fou las i. Weth- Gorditt tola�, t`1`ie la�tday for appeal E,'Tefebure, iVtr g r G I g d c Chrysler S y MAITLAND W. M. S Her reported a registration of 104 at the' Goderich Summer School of this , •,- year. Mr. W. G. Medd, M,P.P., re -s ONES • CONVE _ ported. a balance of $33.0o in the trea- sury of Presbytery for the year end - A section a g June 3oth last AUCTION SALE Auction sale of farm stock at lot 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Wingham Town Plot, near Western Foundry on Sat- urday, November 10th. See list next week. John Nichol, Proprietor; Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. LOST—In Wingham, watch. Finder ASHFIELD will'please return to this office. FOR SALE—Good dry wood, deliv- ered in any quantity. Apply to Masey-Harris, Wingham. Phone, 251-3. Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Haines and sons, Carmon and Neil, spent a day recently with relatives near Kingarf. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton, Elmira, and also Russel attended the anni- versary at Whitechurch on Sunday. Mr, Tom` Glenn Jr„ is having an Auction Sale:on Wednesday, he.rent- • 2 miles east of Belgrave, on Novc m ed his farm to Mr.' 'Fred Johnston; ber 6th at 1 p.m., C. B. Wilkinson,. he intends going to 'Detroit. proprietor. Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. Miss Jean Lane, of Kit -dough, spent' AUCTION SALE. the week -end with her. friend, Miss AUC 1 G Blake AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of farm stock and im- plements at `Lot 9, Con. 4, Morris,. S., of the Maitland Presbyterial was nig ' ne Presbyterian church, Following the ditmer served in the held in Erskine basement of the church Rev. W. A. Dungannon, under very ]sappy. resented the report of the a October g, in Branner p l auspices, on Tuesday, and 1\Iaiiitainance Coinni- n hint Missionary the afternoon. The 'bright sus eves ince sit which he urged that ail y of the out-of-doors, added much to made in each can-. of the gathering, and member canvass be the pleasantness g ever one gregation and that a nxore general as friend met friend y use of. the duplex envelopes be made. muchfelt that the gathering iteal of He also called upon the members• of inspirational and�spiritua v rd McWhinney, of Presbytery to pressthc claims of the tie; .Mrs, Richa iiiissionary wbrl of the church be - Dungannon, first vice-president, pre- ' Follnwitt ianal. exercises were fore; their , congregations. g sided, ted The me this report Rev, S. W. Dean of Tor- conducted by members of.' the South p • read- onto gave a very Inc and interesting Kinloss Auxiliary, Mrs. Graham the orad wide work the, ing^ the scripture lesson, acid Miss address on tl e W t g P Norma Nicholson engaging in prayer. The address ,of welcome was given byMrs. Robert Davidson, of Dun- gannon, gannon, who expressed the pleasure non ladies felt in un- Dun an ' the z g tertaining the women of the Presby- uld oro ....listed that all would serial, •and tr A : leasing. 'tad-. meeting. P fit 'by'the n t g.. • W itis.- �c 1 risen given bylVl;rs. Sl gess vas >�' •ne - ` after Which Mrs. Reid, 'rtes. •water, led 'tn 'prayer, ` The roil call 'Pouring, 1927 model, rn ADZ 22it day of October, 1"928. xvelyn Ivlarie Precour, S phoneian. �i.pek to Cecil 1vlullitt,1 W. A.Galbraith, Clerk, Ave„ betroit. ,phone lit, Ltiekitow� :a race Thursday morning, October 18, Of Household Furniture of Estate. On T y Mrs. Bloomfield, Edward St., Wing - another of ` the odd pioneers passed ham at two o'clock on away in the person of . Mr. James . Saturday; November 3rd, 1928 LLane, in his 88th' year. He had gone t The following: -2 Dressers, Chest,. , to visit his nephew,:' Mr. Mack Lane, ' Single Iron Tied, 2 cupboards, 2 chairs. near I�inlon h, on Wednesday, 17th, couches, set drawers, book stand, g stand, 3 parlour chairs, upholstered. he did not feel well•and passed away chair, 3 rockers, 2 wooden beds, side the next 'morning about four o'clock. board, 2 bed room' suites, desk, exten- t kitchen chairs u holster The funeral was held from the Unit- sign table, 7 P fter- ed. rocker, cook stove, base burner, 2• ed Church, Ripley, on Saturday a I kitchen tables, lawn mower, sewing H 1 noon to Greenhill Cemetery.: e eav machine, eluantity dry wood, dishes,, es to mourn his loss three daughters, etc., and numerous other articles. Mrs. Chas. Andeisott, Johannesbttrgh, Terms -Cash. South Africa; Mrs. `Alec Treleaven, ° J• W, litishfield, Solicitor. Mrs. David'Placl:ett, 1 'Thomas Fells, Auctioneer„ of `Ripley, and ES 10th Con. Ashfield; and two sons, POTATO Mr. r. I FOR SALE AT LUCKNOW George Lane at the old homestead Mt Will Lane of Ripley and Mr. Aslilield and one sister, ,. The undersigned has for sale one of lOtli Con. the finest crops of potatoes in the Mrs. Wm. Reid of Lit know, and t wo province of Ontario.; «. r. Wzu; Lane of Goclez•irli, The seed- was planted early and the brothersp , Grade Fertilizer . per 'acre, ' iia Lane. of Warman,. Saslc• brought the potatoes to maturity the Mr. and ivlrs Gilles Haines and first week' in August. sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. : The plants were sprayed thoroughly' John Mullin. now in Vancouver and Mr.'Ritchard soil fertilized with One Ton of High-. Cl with chemicals to prevent int and othe Mr. and Mrs, 'Win. Caswell of Flees- 1er diseases. The potatoes were grown on a 50-• spent he weekend with Mr' 'only herton,p i; acre field of sandyloaitt-soil—the of Y soil for raising sound potatoes this and Mrs. George Lane. CARD OF TAANKS United Church is doing. He called upon y t the Presbytery to support this work to the limit, of its strength, Presbytery passed 'unanimously .a resolution of sympathy' with DrDr.,D..C. McGregor his ire •or of. London in 1 is ret,erit serious accident.' Mr. Wm, Bailie; x who were Mr, W.G. Medd, and Rev. J: E. Hogg • ere delegates to the Geticral each gave an Council in Winnipeg interesting report of' the workof the The seed used was from Pritiee Ed-• ward Island, malting an excellent 'change for Ontario soil and conditions Y.wish to so that I am able,to offer you an ex- The stall of 'the, W.G.W,�G,d wilt ,an ex - 'kindly Thank the generosity of the ce'llent potato which is sound piicibnlsic• shodvn .1e �the, s he;:s lendid dona- .eep. reserved'ast!weekAlso the! Write or hone for:P rices, Will de - ladies 'Who, despite the unfavorable liver te customers up to 40inilee from weatierrco rtlit o n s . :node their ti5 ial i. Iu � know, where,° purchasers hal erS C t n club, 1crtnds with that 'ears co lect'Igto ether and taketrtciC lox soffior donutio s These tun -alai donations25 •to 50 leapt, "age for a ver "rorthy cause acdworderwand seed aPPreCiate !he eb-tperattonwe have for tie t'se ona • received +each „yutar frttin 't'he'temmtiti- ity. NT" �'C�I;fN'•'jOY ;nt. . " I.stiC'lcitio`uv,O ; '