HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-18, Page 4Comingt- Octciher 25, 2.6,
The Se i A ilnual
You cannot afford to miss this wonderful . »
buying opportunity.
- The Rexall Store -
Phone 53. Wingham
i.r ,+ r r. . . L uratn�:r�,h�trClYrt+'•b n�<rpr•rn„art l+l1 t\!!! * e
1M ! " A 111 Ill . X18 -
A e"T!roes,r
WINGHAv" 4ie441 at
4 Thursday lifornirng
Z ogan Craig Publisher
Subscription rates -- One year $2.00
Six months $i,00, in advance,
To U. S. A. $aao per year,
Logs and Lumber Wanted
We, the undersigned are open to buy all kinds of timber
again this winter. We will pay you good prices and give you lib-
eral measurement and grades for your logs delivered at our saw
mill here.
We beiive that it is to the interest of the farmer to cut his
own logs and deliver them, but anyone having standing timber and
wishing to sell on the stump, kindly see us before you do anything
and we will be glad to see you.
\ie will pay you spot cash for anything you have to offer,
and s nur lumber is largley manufactured into the finished pro-
duct., it helps our own province by selling to a concern. like ours.
The Lucknow Table Co., Ltd.
Phone 25 •- Box 206. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
ISIS rtr,tUMISIllrtin,r,Nurru„rr„nnUs,u ,uru„u,our,tttuvuttttt ttut[matt ,uu,unttttu,ntu,t,unnuu:
xi cents a word pm insertion, with a minimum charge of 55c.
uer,Arranrnlrtnnttflraunnrt»,r,...... ntnt t.LtU,t,tlh,mn.
Advertising rates on application.
To the Editor av all thim
Wingham Paypers
Deer Sur:-
No longer ago than lasht wake 1
wus afther ti.11in ye that theer wus
no shtir in pollytickle matthers at all,
at all, barrin thim Nova Scotia elick-
shuns, but ,shure it wus only a calm
befoor the shtorm, so to shpake.
Mebby 'ye •hev .been too busy wid
Wingham's World Fair to foind the
toime to rade the Globe; but 'tis the
foine dusht intoirely that it has been
kickin up in the Grit camp durin :the
pasht wake, an all about a postmas-
ter's jawb down in Simcoe. 'Tis fun
fer us Tories, so it is, to see them
Grits forivir quarrelin among thim-
silves, an, shore, they do be always
at it.
Av coorse, the Globe has nivir been
a rale Liberal payper since 1917 whin
it flopped on the conshcripshun quis-
tion an hilped us Tories to put wan
over on the Grits, an so it hasn't
much inflooince army more, but iv -
ivy little hilps. Fer me atm part I
hope Mishter Veniot will resoign, av-
en if. the Globe shud take credit fer
makin him do it, fer thin he may
(Continued from page 1)
W. G, Ross, 1st and 2nd; shearling
ewe, W, G. Ross, 1st and 2nd; ewe
lamb, W. M. Henry, David Fortune.
Dorset -Aged ram, W. M. Henry,
Orval McLaren; shearling ram,' Orval
McLaren; ram lamb, W, M, Henry,
1st and 2nd; aged ewe, W. M. Henry,
Orval McLaren; shearling ewe, W. M,
Henry, Orval McLaren; ewe lamb, W.
M, Henry, Orval McLaren.
Berkshires -Boar of 1928, not less
than 4 months, Samuel Alton; boar,
prior to 1928, with pedigree, Walter
Carruthers; sow of 1928, not less than
4 months, Samuel. Alton, Walter Car-
ruthers; breeding sow, Samuel Alton,
Walter Carruthers,
Yorkshires -Boar of 1928, not less
than 4 months,; Samuel Alton; boar,
prior to 1928, with pedigree, Samuel
Alton; sow of 1928, not less than 4
months, Samuel Alton, Clem. -Steffler;
breeding sow, Samuel Alton.
Tamworths Boar of 1928, not less
than 4 months, Clem Steffler; boar,
prior to 1928, with pedigree, Samuel
Alton, Clem Steffler; sow of 1928, not
less than 4 months, Clem Steffler,
Samuel Alton; breeding sow, Clem
Steffler, Samuel Alton.
BOARDERS WANTED - Apply to LOST- Waterman's Fountain Pen,
Mrs. Alex. Dark, Minnie St. t red and black. Finder please leave
DARK HONEY FOR SALE -At the 1 at Advance -Times.
apiary of Milo Casemore, at 5c per
CAPABLE WOMAN want position
as housekeeper. Apply to Advance -
Times office.
FOR, SALE -Oak sideboard in good
condition, apply to Wm. Field.
FOR SALE - 2 -year-old Percheran
colt and brood mare, supposed to
be in foal. Apply to Thos. Taylor,
phone 6r612,
FOR SALE -Pair black mares, 6 and
8 years old, about 3000 lbs.; wagon; i
Massey -Harris spring tooth cultiva-
tor; Massey -Harris 11 hoe drill with
grass seeder attached; set iron har-
rows, Apply to John A. Currie,
; Wingham;
FOR SALE -A few pair Chinchilla
rabbits. Apply to Mrs, John; Rog-
ers, R. R. No. 2, Wingham.
Nearly new, instructions to run giv-
en free. A snap for quick sale. Mrs.
R. S. Hamilton, Wingham, Ont.
FOR SALE -Good House and six ac-
res of land, adjoining Wingham.
Might rent for a time to a prospec-
tive purchaser. Abner Cosens, In-
surance and Real Estate.
HEIFER STRAYED -From lot 80,
con. 12, East Wawanosh, about
Sept. 15th. Reward for her return
to Robert S. Burdon,
W. J. Currie; marigolds, wurtzel, long,.
A. Schmdit; mongold, wurtzel, inter-
mediate, A. Schmidt; parsnips, F. Bar-
ker, A, Sclunidt; radishes, winter, A.
Schmidt, R Barker; sugar Mangold,
And, Schmidt; turnips, swede, And.
Schmidt; turnips, any other, And.
Schmidt; potatoes, early, A. Schmidt,
Thos, J. Salkeld; potatoes, late, A.
Schmidt, Mrs. A. H. Edgar; best col
lection, potatoes, Mrs. A. H. Edgar,
A. Schmidt; onion, yellow, R. B. Brim-
blecomb, A. Schmidt; onions, red, F.
Barker, R. B. Brimblecombe; onions,
white, F. Barker, A. Schmidt, onions,
n ,
dutch or top sets, A. Schmidt; onions,
grown from dutch or top sets, F. Bar-
ker, Wm. Burchill; onions, any other,
W. J. Henderson; tomatoes, large red,
scarlet or pink, F. Barker; tomatoes,
any other, A. Schmidt, Mrs, W. H.
Trembley; celery, white plume, Sam
Young celery, any other, Thos, J.
Salkeld, Sam Young; cabbage, early,
A. Schmidt, R. 13. Brimblecombe; cab-
bage, winter, A. Schmidt, F. Barker;
cabbage, pickling, F. Barker, And.
Schmidt; citrons, F, Barker, Mrs. G.
M. Robertson; cauliflower, A Schmidt
Mrs. E. W. Orivsl cucumbers, green
or .ripe, W. J. Currie, Mrs. C. R. Cope-
land; table corn, six, A. Schmidt, Mrs.
Tremblay; musk melbas, F. Barker,
POULTRY R B. Brimblecomb; pumpkins, one,
Ducks, Pekin or' Aylesbury, W. M -
Dan McKinnon, W. J. Henderson;
squash or mammoth pumpkin, F. Bar -
Henry; bantams, ornamental, T. C. ker, Mrs. G. M. Robertson; collection
of garden produce, A. Schmidt, F.
Wilson, John S. Cowan; bantams,
game, any variety, John S. Cowan, 1st.
and 2nd; pigeons, open to boys under
16 years, John S. Cowan,. Bruce Camp-
bell; leghorns, brown, male, T. H.
Wettlaufer; leghorns, brown, female,
T. C. Wilson, T. H. Wettlaufer;
leghorns, white, m al e, James
A. Scott, T. C. Wilson; leghorn,
white, female, Jas. A. Scott, T. C.
turn Tory, an we are naydin min Wilson; minorcas, finale, T. H. Wett-
loike him in the parthy, since Bob laufer, lst and 2nd; minorcas, female,
Rogers is growl' old. 'rink av his T. H. Wettlaufer; orpingtons, any var-
bein Poshtmashter Gineral in a Tory iety, male, T. C. Wilson, lst and 2nd;
Cabinet, an the clane swape he_wud orpingtons, any variety, female, T. C.
make av the Grits! An 'tiswhat shud Wilson, '1st and 2nd; plymouth rocks,
be, an iviry Tory payper in the coon barred, male, W. I. Miller, 1st and,
thry wud back him up in doin it. We 2nd; Plymouth rocks, barred, female,
hev no backsloidin noospaypers in. W. I. Miller, T. H. Wettlaufer; ply -
our parthy. A Tory payper that wud mouth rocks, white, male, T. C. Wil
hamshtring the Tory warhar'se, bike son, T H. Wettlaufer; plymouth
the Globe has done wid the Grit cay rocks, white, female, W. h Miller, V.
use, wud not live a wake. A. Darling; Rhode Island reds, male,
Yis, 'tis a good mettyfer I am just T. H. Wettlaufer, T. C. Wilson;
afther makin, fer the ould Tory war Rhode Island Reds, female, T. H.
harse has been troo a lot av harrud Wettlaufer, 1st and 2nd; wyandottes,
battles an nivir shoies arr bolts at white, male, W. I. Miller, T. C. Wil -
the sound av the foife an drum whin son; wyandottes, white, female, W. I.
the byes do be marchin to the polls, Miller, 1st and 2nd; wyandottes, any
an takes no notish av the floyin shells other,_male, T. H. Wettlaufer; wyan-
an poisin gas that thim Grits trow dottes, any other, female, W. I. Miller,
over at us whinivir' an elickshun T. H. Wettlaufer.
Am making cider daily and apple
butter Tuesday and Fridays. By my
new process I require one bag of good
cooking apples to every five bags of
cider apples. No batch of less than
six bags of apples may be cooked sep-
arately. Apple butter for sale. JOS.
OLHEISER, Teeswater.
Annual Meeting
The Annual meeting of the U. F. O.
and U. F. W. O. of North Huron will
be held in the 'Town Hall, Wingham,
on Friday the 19th day of October,
1928, at 1.30 p.m. Speakers from Cen-
tral will be there to address the meet-
One of the finest 100 acre farms in
the vicinity, close to Wingham, Brick
dwelling, fully equipped out buildings,
' ten acres bush, six acres fall -wheat,
and fall playing done. •Intending.pur-
chasers, wanting terms and further
- particulars apply to
' Real Estate and Insurance,
Wingham, Ont.
FOR SALE -1 Chrysler Sedan 6 cyl-
inder, Model 62, 1.928, also 1 Ford:
Touring, 1927 model; both in A-1
condition. Apply to Cecil Mullin,
phone 115, Lucknow.
LOST -On Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at Fair
grounds, small gold pin set with
rhinestones, valued as a keepsake.
Finder kindly leave. at. Advance -
Wanted --Parties wishing to rent
rooming accommodations to the
tourists for the season 1929, on or
near Provincial and County high-
ways, can earn good money in their
own;home, meals optional. For par-
ticulars write now, to the Associat-
ed Tourist Service, Limited, Bank of
'Toronto Chambers, London.
Alexander, W. J. Henderson, Sam.
Alton; A. O. V., red, R. • B. Brimble-
comb, W. Carruthers; A. O: V. green
or yellow, Jas. R, Sterling, R. 13.
Brimblecombe; Baldwin, Jas. R. Stir-
ling, Thos. Salkeld; Ben Davis, Sam.
Alton, Jas. R. Stirling; Blenheim, Jas.
R. Stirling, Mrs. A. H. Edgar; Cay-
uga, 20 ounce, Jas. R. Stirling, W. J.
Currie; crab, any variety, Jas. R. Stir-
ling, Wallace Miller; Fallawater,; Jas.
R. Stirling; Fameuse or snow, Thos.
Salkeld, Jas. R. Stirling; Golden rus-
sett, Jas. R. Stirling, Sam. Alton;
Gravenstein, Wallace Miller; Holland
Pippen, Sam. Alton, Jas. R. Stirling;
Hubbardson, Jas. R. Stirling; King,
Thos. Salkeld, Wallace Miller; McIn-
tosh, Thos. Salkeld, Jas. R. Stirling;
Maiden Blush, 'Thos. Salkeld, Jas. R.
Stirling; Northern Spy, Thos. Salkeld,
Jas. R. Sterling; Ribston, Jas. R. Stir-
ling, A. Schmidt; R. I. Greening, Jas.
R. Stirling, Wallace Miller; Roxboro
Russett, Jas. R. Sterling, W. G. M.
Reid; Spitzenburg, Jas. R. .Sterling;
Tolman Sweet, Jas. R. Stirling, Thos.
Salkeld; Wealthy, Jas. R. Stirling,
Wallace Miller; Peaches, local grown,
Thos. Salkeld; Quinces, Jas. R. Stir-
ling, Sam. Alton; Pears, Bartlett, Jas.
R. Sterling, Thos. Salkeld; pears, any
other fall variety, Jas, R. Stirling, W.
shtarts. CHICKENS
But the Grit cayuse is wan av thim Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, T. ]`I.
paid', kickin buckjumpers from the Wettlaufer; bantams, ornamental, J.
re der, an alwaysthroyin to ctan the S.Cowan, 1st and 2nd; bantams, game
raider, an only a few min can boss
him an shtay on his back. Shure,
didn't he trow Mishter Norris, an
Michael Clarke an Frank Oliver an
lots more who tried to roide him, an
poor Mishter Clarke wus nivir able to
pick himself up agin, but Mishter
Oliver an Mishter Norris fell on theer
fate, so to shpake, an found aisier
jawbs, an betther payin wans4
Mishter Dunning has shtuck on the
back av the Grit cayuse up to the
prisint, an the way he lambashts him,
an yanks him,, an puts the shpurs to
him is a soight fer sore oyes, so it is.
He is another fellah I shud loike to
see in the Tory parthy, fer he wud
make a good wan. If he kin roide
a jumpin, rairin, squalin Grit broncho
to victory, what wud he do whin
mounted on a shteady, well broke
Tory war harse?
Mishter Veniot threatens to resoign,
an rnebby he will if he is offered a
sinitor's jawb, but if he is forced out
widout army rickompinse, thin it is
the Tory parthy fer him, and, faith,
it wud be betther so.
Yours till nixt waks,
Timothy Hay.
i Alonzo Finley, Lot 31, 3,2, 33, Con. 11,
I Turriberry
has instructed the •undersigned to sell
by public auction on
the following farm stock, etc, at 2
o'clock; -2 brood snares, general pur-
pose mare, sucking colt, 3 cows in
calf, 3 yearlings, 4 spring calves, sow,
11 ewes, Rani, 5 geese, 2 ganders, 40
hens, good wagon. buggy, niotitier,
sulky rake, iron harrows, walking
plow, 2 -furrow plow, platform scales,
fanning mill, hay rack, gravel box,
!cream separator, incubator, quantity
of mixed grain, uantity of good hay.
Terms --Grain, hay and all sums of
$10.00 and under, cash; over that .a-
mount, 6 month's credit on approved
joint notes or 3% off for :cash. No
reserve as the proprietor is giving up
farrni ng.
,Jitney Dancing. Caine.
Thomas Fells, Auctioneer.
�._._ WES
Successful anniversary services were
heldin the Westfield United Church:
last Sabbath, the church being pack-
ed Toth afternoon and evening, Rev.
D. McTavish of 'Exeter;gave two
splendid sermons. The choir render-
ed special music which was enjoyed
by all, •
Wt. ed4Mla
McDougal -4n Lower Wingham on
'Wednesday, October 17th, to Mr,
and Mrs. Wesley McDougal, a son,
any variety, John S. Cowan; leghorns, Burchill pears, Duchess D'Anguo-
brown, male, T. C. Wilson; leghorns, leme, Jas. R. Stirling, W. Carruthers;
brown, female, T. C. Wilson; leghorns ears other winter variety, W.
white, male, T. H. Wettlaufer, T. C. p tally
Wilson;leghorns, white, female, Jas.
Carruthers, Jas. R. Stinting; plums;
blue, R. 13. Brimblecombe, F. Barker;
A. Scott, T. C. Wilson; orpingtons,
male, T. C. Wilson, 1st' and 2nd; cr- plums, yellow, Jas. R. Stirling, Sam.
pingtons, female, T. C. Wilson, 1st Young; Plums, any other, Jas. R. Stir
and 2nd;' plymouth` rocks, barred,' male ling, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay; grapes,
W. I. Miller, lst and 2nd; plymouth any white variety, F. Barker, R. B.
Miller,Brimblecombe; grapes, red variety,
rocks, barred, female, W. I.
lst and 2nd; plymouth rocks, white, Thos. Salkeld, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay;
male, Wm. A. Darling, T. C. Wilson;. grapes, blue or black, R. B. Bramble
plymouth rocks, white, female, Wm: cobe, F. Barker.
A. Darling, T, C. Wilson; Rhode Is- Collection ofr Fruit
land Reds, male, T. H. Wettlaufer, R. 5 varieties of apples, export, Jas. R.
J.NSanderson; Rhode Island Reds, fe Stirling, Wallace Miller; 5 varieties of
male, T. H. Wettlaufer, 1st and 2nd; apples, dessert, Thos. Salkeld, Jas. R.
lst ones, white, male, W. I. Miller, Stirling; display of apples, any variety
1st and 2nd; wyandottes, white, fe Thos. Salkeld, Wallace Miller.
male, W. 1. Miller, 1st and 2nd; wyan-
dottes, any' other, male; W. I. Miller, DAIRY AND PROVISIONS
T. C. Wilson; wyandottes, any other, Bread, one loaf, brown, homemade,
female, W. I. Miller, T. C. Wilson; C. G. Campbell, Mrs. W. Jeffray, T.
best pair utility fowl, John', Fairserv- Salkeld bread, one loaf, homemade,
ice, W. I. Miller; fours cockerels, bred
white, Mrs. 'Theo. Finnen, Mrs. C. G.
for export, W. I. Miller, John Fair- Campbell, Mrs. W. Jeffray; half doz-
service. en homemade buns, Mrs. C. G. Cainp-
GRAIN AND SEEDS bell, Mrs. Theo. Finnen; half dozen.
Timothy, quarter ,bushel, Andrew homemade tea biscuits, Mrs. Cope
Schmidt, Sam. Alton; fall wheat, red, land, Mrs. Jeffray; ginger bread, Mrs.
A. Schmidt, R. B. Brimblecombe; fall W. H, Tremblay, Mrs. W. Jeffray;
wheat, white, S. Alton, T. C. Wilson; fruit cake, Mrs. W. A. McGill, Mrs.
spring wheat, A. Schmidt, S. Alton; Jeffray, Mrs, Adam Robertson; layer
small white peas, T, C. Wilson, S. cake, light, Mrs. A. H. Edgar, Mrs.
Alton; peas, any other, Walter Car- W. A. McGill; layer cake, dark, Mrs.
ruthers, A. Schmidt; white oats, A. Adam Robertson, Mrs. W. A. McGill;
Schmidt, A. & 'W, 'MtKague; black pie, apple, Mrs. C. G. Campbell, Mrs.
oats, A. Schmidt; barley, any variety, Theo. •Finnen; pie, pumpkin, Mrs. A.
S. Alton, A. Schmidt; field corn, dent, Robertson, Mrs, Wm, Wellings; pie,
6 ears, A. Schmidt, F. Barker; field lemon, Mrs, Adan, Robertson, Eli's.
flint, 6 ears, A. Scinidt, T. C. Theo. Finnen; cheese tarts, half doz-
Wilson; sheaf of white oats, A. & W. en, Mrs. Tremblay, Mrs. W. A. Mc -
1\ cla Ytie Desi collection' of grain- Gill; 6 dottglinuts, Mrs. W, A. McGill,
I r
adds in pint ibottles, open to boys Mrs: Adam Robertson; 6 oatmeal
under 16 years, A. Schmidt, $, Alton; cookies, Mrs. Win. Wellings, Mrs. C.
best .collection of weed seeds in half G Campbell; plate of cocoanut kisses,
W. .:Elenderson, Saul, rs. Phos. Salkeld, Mrs, Tremblay,.
ounce bottles, J 11T
Alton; best collection pressed injur Mrs. tjeffray; shortbread,: Mrs. C.. G.
bus weed plants properly darned open Campbell, Mrs: Jeffray; jelly, 1 pint,
to girls and boys under 16 years, Mrs. apple, Mrs] Tremblay, .Mrs, T. Kew;
jelly, 1 pint, any other variety, Mrs.
W. McGill, Mrs. Brimblecombe;:map-
le syrup, 1 gttart, Mra. A, H. Edgar,
Mrs. G. M. Robertson; maple sugar,
2 lbs, A. Schmidt, G. M. Robertson;
collection of fruit in pint jars, Mrs.
Hawke, Mrs. G. M. Robertson, Mrs.
rembla • marmalade, Mrs. C. G.
7' y, ,
Campbell, Mrs, Brimblecombe, Mrs,
Tremblay; tomato catsup, Mrs, Prim-
blecotribe, Mrs. feffray; pickle:, vege-
table, Mrs, 'Tremblay, T. C. Wilson;
Thureday, October 18th 1928
fsard's Store for Men and Boys.
Big Stock, Big Variety
We welcome the most exacting comparison, no
]Matter what you stress most, style, value,, tailoring,
variety, you will find all here.
An unusual offering of Men's English Worsted Suits
at attractive' price .. $22.50
Most attractive Grey, Tan, Blue and Sand shades and
choicest patterns. High class tailoring.
Special value in Men's Pants at . , .$2.95 $3.50, $4.50
Silk and Wool Socks, now .. • • • • • 69c
Work Socks, all wool, 3 pair for
Work Shirts, Special at
Men's All Wool Sweaters, fancy patterns $3.95
Boys' Wool Windbreakers .. • .
Clearing line Qf Boys' Sweaters .......... • ,. , .$1.39
Boys' Heavy All Wool Overcoats, 4, 5, 6 years:. $4.75
Youths' Overcoats, Navy Chinchilla, well lined, bar-
gain, at ...... .......................... $12.75
Men's Overcoats, high class tailored coats, plush
lined, Special at $20.00
Kalagan Coon Vur Coats, something new, guaranteed
to rive good wear $65.00
Men's Heavy All Wool, Shirts and Drawers, a bargain
at . $1.50
H. E. Isard & Co.
NOTIC1i is hereby given pursuant
to the provsions of the Trustee Act,
that all persons having any claim or
demand against Anna Monk, late of
Wingham Town, in Huron ounty and
Province of Ontario, Wt
quired to send by post prepaiare d or de-
liver to J. A. Morton, Winghain P. O.,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Adrninistra-
tor' of the property of the said deceas-
ed, on or before the 27th day of Oc-
tober, 1928, their names and address-
es with full partieulars in writing of
their claims and the nature of the :e-
curities, if any, held by them, and
verified by statutory declaration. And
take notice that after the said last
mentioned day the said Administrator
will distribute the assets of the said
deceased anrong the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which' he shall then have
had notice, and that the said Admin-
istrator will not he liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any per-
son of whose claim he shall not then
have received notice.
Dated at Win Balm, Ont.,. this: 5th
a October 19n.
day of O ,..
Solicitor for the Administrator.
W, J. Tremblay,
Beans, .siriall white, Jas. 12, Stirling,
Thos, J• Salkeld; 'beans, large white,
Thos. J, Salkeld, Mrs. Chas, Wyld;
Weans any other, Jas. R, Stirling, Mrs.
i:lawlce; beets, loll red, A. Schmidt,
R, B, Frimblecomb; beets, any other,
A. Schmidt, P Barker; 'carrots, field,
W. Or'vis; : carrots,
r. Barker, Mrs, E.
table, short, A. Schmidt, F. Barker;
carrots, table intermediate, A. Schmidt
Se„t Display of Belt y r Makes
Quebec Cook Stoves & Heaters
4 hole Quebec Cook, polished
top, good oven, roller grates,
Nickle trim, Heats, Cooks, ,Bak-
es. Only $27.50. ...Seer it before
you buy.
We have the latest in Heaters'
Stove Boards -- Hand Made Pipes,
• Stove Repairs Promptly Procured.
H. Buchanan Hardware - Stoves.
pickles, fruit, Mrs; W. McGill, Mrs.
G. M. Robertson; pickles, any other,
Mrs. Win, Wellings, Mrs. Chas. Wyld
1 dpz. hen eggs, fresh, Adam Robert-
combe, F. Barker; phlox, perennial,
F. parker, T. C. Wilson; sweet peas,
Brimblecombe Mri
R. B. ,, ,s° Chas. Wyld
stock,F. Parker, Mrs. Kew; zinnias,'
Mrs. Tremblay, Mrs, Kew; marigolds,
Mrs. Kew, Mrs. Tremblay; floral 'de-
sign, , for cemetery decoration, R. B.
Brimblecombe, Mrs. Kew; floral' , de-
si ns for indoor decoration, Mrs.
Kew, R, B. i3rimblecombe; basket of
annuals, Mrs, Kew, Mrs. Tremblay;
bouquet, table, Mrs. Kew, Sain Young
bouquet, hand, hard' plants, S. Young,
Mrs., Kew; bouquet, hand, tender
plants, Mrs. Tremblay,' Mrs. Hew;
geranium, double white, Sam Young;
geranium, double Scarlet, Adam Rob-
ertson, Sam Young; geranium, double
any other, Mrs. H. Angus, Adam Ro-
bertson; begonia, in, bloom, Mrs. Id,
son Jas, A,' Scutt; butter' in crocks,
10 lbs., Mrs. W..Jeffray, Mrs, Thos,
Me1?herson; butter, .5;lbs. in pound
prints, Mrs, Jeffray, Alert. McDonald.;
butter, ornamental, R. B. Brimble-
combe, Frank Henry; display of hon-
ey, Thos, Salkeld; best pair of dress-
ed chickens, fancy, Mrs. Jeffray;
bread, nut, 1 loaf, Mrs. • W. McGill,
Mrs. 'Wellings; collection of canned'
vegetables, 3 varieties, Mrs. G. M.
Robertson, R. 13, Brimblecombe, C. G.
Campbell; cold meat sauces, Mrs. A.
11, Edgar, Mrs. IvlcGill best eight ar-
ticles suitable for working man's sop -
per, Mrs. Adam Robertson, Mrs. W,
Jeffray, ,R B. Brimblecombe; canned
chicken, 1 pint, Mrs. Adair Robert -
sort, Mrs. C. G. Campbell; chicken pie,
Mrs. W, J. Henderson, Mrs. C G.
Campbell; fruit salad, Mrs, Adam Ras
bcrtson, Mrs:: C. G. Campbell's veget-
able salad, Mrs, Adam Robertson,
Mrs, A. H. Edgar
Asters, Mrs. Thos, Kew, Mrs, Chas.
Wyld'; dahlias, P. Barker, Mrs. Kew;
gladioli,. Mrs, Kew, Sam Young; Pan-
sies, ,
sies C. 0, Campbell, Mrs, H, Angus;
- P
petunias, F, Barker, Robt. Beattie;
Phlox, 1 rutrtmbndr,' IL. B, PrinAlc«''
(Cont ou'ect our page 5),