HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-11, Page 4truce rrrsctlannar7m
A Packet of
Genuine Gillette Blades
. and a large tube of
Kienzo Shaving Cream
Both for
A Tremendous Bargain.
Phone 53, Wingham
am• ^tr•�CitY• • • • • r • • d'Brii r • • •
Logs and u ;bei Wanted
We, the undersigned are open to buy all kind's of timber
again this winter. We will pay you good prices and •g e you
eral measurement and grades .for your logs delivered at our saw
mill here.
We belive that it is to the 'interest of the farmer to cut bis
own logsand deliver them, butt anyone having standing timber and
wis'.irg to sell on the stump,'kindly see 'us before you doanything
and via will be glad to see you.
We will pay you spot cash for anything you have to offer,
an is:, our lumber is largley manufactured intothe finished pro-
duct, it helps our own province by selling to a concern like ours.
-_ `Signed
The Lucknow Table Co., Ltd
Phone`25 Box 206. LUCKNOW, ONTAR• IO
Wingham. Advance -Times.
Published at
Every Thursday IVIerning
W, Logan Craig, Publisher
Seebscxiption rates One year $zoo.
Six months sr,00, in advance,
To U. S, A, $2,50 per : year.
Advertising rates on application.
To the Editur av all.thhn
Wingham Paypers. •
Deer Stirs --
I suppose a lot av thim. Grits evi11
be shtickin out theer chists since the
Nova Scotia elickshuns, but, shore, I
take no shtock .xnesilf in what ;may
happen in a little two be foor .,prawvince
down be the say. Thim Bluenose lads
are purty changeable in theer .polly-
ticls, an go up an down as .fasht as
the toides in the Bay av Fundy. Be
the toinie the Dominion elickshuns
come around it will be theer turn to
vote Tory .agin.
Barrin the Nova Scotia thrubble iv-
iryting has been purty quiet in the
pollytickle field lately, an shmall won-
dher that it is so, fer the byes are all
busy wid other tings.
Mishter Premier Kin is attindin the
pollytickle Olympics over in Europe,
Charlie Robertson an Archie Hislop
;are busy wid theer bucwhate harvests,
Dr. Redmond is in New York, Tom
McLean is sellin shtoeks, Gordon
Young is wroitin out cheques for the
County, Shelly Bricker is bringing
down car loads av parses an cattle
fram the Wesht, Alex. Porterfield an
Ben Cruikshank are goin to trashins
an lookin afther Township business,,
targe Shpotton is - gatherin up the
byes an girruls aff the farrums to at -
tin his Business Colleges, an, shpakin
fer mesilf, I do be shpendin me tonne
itlitillli iiittiifittiiiiiidtl
r. cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25C.
R, R, Farrow, former deputy 'minis-
ter of custeaus, died at bis .home at.
Ottawa on Tuesday night, after a brief
1Ir, Brow was .64 ;years old „and
was far some 40 years connected with
the =stains service here. He was
born in Bltlevale, Ont., the son of the
late 'Thomas Farrow, M, P, for East
Huron, and at the age .of 17 entered
the customs department as a Junior,
clerk, He became assistant account -
.ant in the department 'here, tlieit chief
accountant, and was later promoted to
the office of assistant commissioner.
Subsequently he 'became commissioner
of customs and finally deputy minis-
ter. H.e• retired 'hi 1926 and was gran-
ted a .pension by the Government.
Affable and kilns -hearted. Mr. Far-
row enjoyed a great measure of popu-
larity among the members of the cus-
toms service throughout Canada and
was recognized as en authority on
customs matters.
Lawn bowling was one of, Mr, Far -
row's recreations and in 1914 he was
chosen as a member of the Canadian
LOST -In September, a Persian. fe- FOUND—Spare time and rim. Same
male cat, deep orange color, answers may
ytbe had
Rot h ging for add.
r d. Ap-
to "Torchy". Advance -Times. ply
FOR SALE—A 6 tube Radio Set in NORTHERN SPY APPLES -From
excellent condition, with or without a sprayed orchard,,producing win -
electrical ..attachments. Price reas- ning apples at Wingham Fall Fair,
onable. Apply to Box A, Advance- can be had from George. T. Rob -
Times. ertson, Wingham. First-class po-
tatoes treated against blight also for
Nearly new, instructions to run giv-
en free. A snap for quick sale. Mrs. Am making cider daily and apple
R S. Hamilton, Wingham, Ont. butter my
processd1 requiire one and abag of s. good
AUCTION SALE — Of Househlod cooking apples to every five bags of
Furniture ,etc., on Saturday, Octob- hider apples. No batch of less than
re 20th, at 2 pm. at the home of six bags of apples may be cooked sep-
Miss Ethel McCannell, John street, arately. Apple butter for sale. JOS.
FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, 4mnil-`. FARM FOR SALE
es from Wingham, will be sold at a'
bargain, easy terms. Fall plowingl One of the finest 100 acre farms in
done. For particulars apply at Ad- the vicinity, close to. Wingham. Brick
vance-Times. dwelling, fully equipped out buildings,
ESTRAY HEIFER—A Hereford hei-, ten acres bush, six acres fall wheat,
fer, 2 years old, came to lot 26, eon.. and fall ploying done. Intending pur-
1, Turnberry-Culross townline, a-, chasers, wanting terms and further
bout' the 13th Sept. The owner is particulars apply to
requested to prove property, pay ABNER Ce and Insurance,,
f Real Estate and
expenses and take her away. Har -1 winglam, Ont.
old Foxton, phone 606-32.
OLHEISER, Teeswater.
diggin gladiolium bulbs, an gittin bids
ready fer the misses to plant tulip
bulbs. 'Tis a busy wurrul, so it is,
but mebby 'tis betther so.
Isn't it quare the way the wimmin
do be gittin the upper hand these
days? They abolished the bar rooms
an hev invaded the barber shops, a
whin theer is an elickshun ye foin
thin actin as poll clerks art scrootin
eers; they run the schools an churche
an we hev wimmin Orangetnin, a
wimmin Free Masons an wimmin Od
fellates, an about the only places u
min have to oursilves are the po
rooms an woodsheds, an mebby tha
won't lasht long.
The wimmin wanted to hev the vot
an be loike min,', an, Shure, they go
theer wish, an now they not only vot
loike the ruin, but play the same gain
es, wear the same koind av clothe
an hev theer hair cut the same w
an I hear that a lot av thim are larni
to shmoke, an shwear an dhrink, Th
childer are shtill in theer charge
the home an day schools an Sunda
Schools, but, glory bel the wimmi
who are Join that wurruk are mosktl
the ould fashioned koind,
'Tis an open quistion, Mishter Ecl
tur, whether the wurruld is gittin be
ther arr wurser, an 1 lave it w y
Theer is a lot av talk in the paypers
about the counthry naidin more pay -
le in it, an it is quare bow much we
P e Wan fe-
lon• bike a flock av Shap •
lap shtarts a ting an all the other lads
folly. Fer me own part I don't see
whoy we nade to be in such a hurry
to incraise the population, What's all
the rush to fill up our vacant farrum
lands e.n to take all the minerals an
AUCTION SALE — Of Household
Furniture ,etc. at Mrs. Lorne Hud-
son's, near Sacred Heart Church,'
Victoria street, on Saturday, Octob- Alonzo Finley, Lot 31, 32, 33, Con. 11,
er 6th,: at 2r` o'clock. No reserve. Turnberry
Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. ;has instructed the undersigned to sell
by public auction on
CATTLE FOR SALE -3 cows, 4 calm' FRIDAY,• OCTOBER 19th
ves, 23 lambs, 1, horse for sale. Leo- the following farm stock, etc, at 2
poid Graham., R. No, 2, 'Teeswater, l o'clock: -2 brood mares, general pur-
phane 604-22, Wingliatn, pose mare, sucking colt, 3 cows in
FOR SALE—Good House and six ac- calf, 8. yearlings, 4 spring calves, sow,
res of land adjoining Wingham. 11' ewes, Ram, 5 geese, 2 ganders,' 40
Might rent for a time to a praspec- hens, good wagon, buggy, mower,
rive purchaser. Abner Cosens, In- sully rake, ir•rin harrows, walking
plow, 2 -furrow plow, platform scales,
surance and Real Estate, fanning mill, hay rack, gravel box,
FOR SALE -1 Chrysler Sedan, 6 cyl- creast separator, incubator, quantity
I- , of mixed grain, quantity of good hay.
.Hoerr Model 62, 1928, also 1. Ford
Touring, 1927 model; both in A-1 Terms—Grain, hay and all stuns of
condition, Apply. to Cecil Mullin, $10.00 and tinder, cash; over that a
hone 115, Lucknow. rnnunt, 6 month's credit on approved
p joint notes or 3% off'for cash,No
TENDERS WANTED the - too is ....ng u
y farming.
Thomas Tells, Auctioneer,
t -
Dutch People Dwell In a Volcano In
West Indies --1 ine Miles
In i)inu',
Mr. A Myatt Ver1etecrill devotes 'a
chapter in his fascinat•iug book, 'Is -
lauds and Their Mysteries," to de-
seribing the paradca;ical isialttt bouxe
of the Sabans, the Iautch-people who
dwell in a volcano in the West indica..
This island is so small that it is
represented on most maps as a tiny
speck without any name, between the
British island of St, Kitts sad the
American island of St. Croix,
It is only five miles in diameter;
and one might look in vain for a'
landing place on the cliffs, which rifle
a thousand feet sheer from the sea,
were it not for a small building fly-
ing the Dutch flag and perched on: a
ledge of rock. The cliffs gradually
taper in an enormous cone to a sum-
mit nearly six thousand feet above
the sea.
On the calmest day it is not easy
to make a landing, but even when one
has succeeded in reaching the beach
the difficulties are not ended.
A path consisting of sloping
stretches and about eight hundred ir-
regular stone steps, known to the in-
habitants as "the ladder," stretches
upwards, and one has to climb this
to reach the summit.
A small donkey or a kind of Sedan -
team which visited Great Britain. He chain borne by two Negroes 'is pro -
was active in iVlasonic circles and was tors*
sed as amt to thef Sabansthort eor visi-
a member of the Order of Odd Fc
tows. For years ' -he was a member of
the board of trustees of McLeod t.
United 'Churc'h.
Besides his tiyidow be is survived by
one son, Russell A., of Windsor, Ont,
one daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Bland,
of Ottawa; three brothers, 'John M.
of London, Martin Y,, of Collingwood
and H, Ward Farrow, of Detroit; also
one sister, Mrs. Leslie O'Connor, or
Thorold, Ont.
The funeral was held from the fare -
Thurssdaty; Qetober, i!.tki, 1:9228.
is nothing, and every bit of food and
merchandise required by the inhabi-
tants has to be carried up this "stair-
"And when, at last, either by foot
or chair or donkey back, we reach
the summit, we look upon a sight '
which well rewards us for all our
efforts. Before us is an immense
bowl -shaped -valley, • surrounded on
every side by towering green moun-
tains and divided up into neat
squares and rectangles by stone walls,
while near its centre nestles a verit-
able toy town.
red -roofed, the
ily residence on Thursday, October 5, houses dustered little chu ch,
at 3 p. in. with outlying cottages scattered here
and there, and everything so neat, so
orderly, and so thoroughly Dutch
that. it might have been transported
bodily from Holland. It is quite in
keeping with the topsy-turvy ways of
A decidedly progressive move was the. Saban village'Bottom,"
thee have named
Sealed tenders wi11 be received b
the undersigned up to 4 p.m., on • n-
dayy, Octobee 15th, ` 1928, for Forty
(40) tons of best grade hard coal e> g l
size to be delivered to the Town Hall,
Wingham, 'The lowest or any tender;
not necessarily accepted.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
Wingltarn, Ont.
...6wsY00110/0M�oA1.0waMil...0.1121. ®n,b a.�eo.111.4
�-� to *-
EV1 RI( lrltuRStA'Y VIC.1IT
jitney Dancing. Colne.
v ottom " although it is
made in the Wingham Public School verily at the top."
last week when a branch of the Pen- In the fields and gardens northern
ny Bank of Ontario was inaugurated Sowers and vegetables grow side by
here. Under this' system each pupil stiideon, withand in tropicalthis fruits
paraanddoxical vegetaisland-
who is a depositor receives a pass the Dutch inhabitants speak English,
book which he ,presents with his de- instead of their native tongue.
posit to liis class room teacher on "Very strange it seems menfolk of such an out -of -the -world that the
Tuesday morning. The teacher enters spot as Saba and such a town as Bot -
the deposit in the pass book and send's tom, on an isolated volcano, should
a carbon copy of this entry on a num choose the sea for a livelihood; but
bered coupon to the local branch of the S
be soless like re gaand thipeir
islandnd a
the Canadian Bank of Commerce as variably speak of 'going aboard' it
where the ledger is kept and where instead of landing: on it, and as their
withdrawals are made. tiny vegetable fields and fruit oreh-,
The protect was installed in Wing-lt, and tne
and has fs are ew t
w resourc sted in nmen must
ham under the personal supervision go abroad to earn their livelihood."
of j. ? Littleproud, Ontario Penny
Bank Iitspect0r. Thrift lessons were TO PROPAGATE BUDDHISM.
given to all the classes by the inspee-
ffe1°E: a.11'It
Lumber companies report, the
greatest volume of business in Al-
berta elute the boom year of 1912.
One hundred mil+loon feet of lumber
is being out in Alberta, this year but
the balk of the supplies come from
British Columbia mills.
A press report. from Telfondvitide
States that the farmers are well
pieaeed with the allocation of eta-
alone on the twenty anile extension
10 the Hoadley et bdfvisilon at the
Canadian ?Skifio R.a Way, 'A.• large
ntianber of settlei+e' are going into
the territory *hk1x Will be served
by this ,exteradesi end the old tuners
in the district arefloiY clearing 40,d,brettidttit as min '9,end aws possible,
d•th necessity
es sea_ It- Is Believed It Will Appeal to
He stresse c n Russians.ing regularly in order to produce the The Young Men's Buddhist Asso-
thrift habit. Small -deposits regularly ciation of Colombo, Ceylon, publishes
a monthly paper from which the -fol-
lowing is quoted:
' A movement is now afoot in Russia
to propagate Mahayana uddhistsuddhism in
from Tibet, Mongolia, and oth-
er countries of Central Asia have
met in convocation to discuss and
settle the details of the organization.
Buddbism, it is believed, will • appeal
to the peoples of Russia better than
any other religion. The Government
welcomes "the restoration of an an-
cient form of Buddhism adaptable to
the Soviet's requirements." An as-
sociation of erudite scholars, organ-
ised at Leningrad, is expected to form
a nucleus of a great seat of Buddhist
learning —• a Buddhist university of
unique nature, the like of which is
nowhere in the world to be found
"her factor which augurs well. The institution will consist of four
Anotl departments representing ,
rica, Japan and Mongniia. The :con-
trol of them will be vested in the
hands of Sanskrit scholars of out-
standing repute. The Government of
Russia has guaranteed to pay all pre-
liminary expenses in connection with
this movement and also promised
considerable financial support in the
oil and coal out . av the ground, an to
chop clown our forests, an to catch.
all the fish out av our wathers? Meb-
by we wed make a few more million-
aires in that way, but wad the payple
who wad hev to do the hnrrud wur-
ruk be anny the betther av it? An
what about the ginerashuns yit to
Isn't it the quare oideas intoirely
some fellahs do be afther gittin into
theer heads?
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Ray
made are considered of more educa-
tional value than larger deposits made
Mr. Littleproud spoke very highly
of the co-operation being given by the
principal and the staff at the local
school. "The teachers realize that in
developing citizenship it is as neces-
sary to teach truthfulness, courtesy,
honesty and thrift, as it is to teach
arithmetic, literature and spelling",
said the inspector. "The result is they
are encouraging the pupils, to open
accounts. One hundred and fifty-five
pupils made deposits on Tuesday, tot-
alling sixty-six dollars and ninety-one
cents. This is an excellent beginn-
NOTICEI. is hereby given pursuant
to the provsions of the •Trustee Act,
that all persons having any claim or
demand against Anna Monk, late of
Wingham Town, in Huron County and
Province of Ontario, Widow, are re-
quired to send by post prepaid or de-
liver to J. A. Morton, Wingham P, 0.,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Administra-
tor' of the property of the said deceas-
ed on or before the 27th ,day of Oc-
tober, 1928, their names and 'address-
es with Rall particulars in writing of
their claims and the nature of the se-
eurities, if any, held by thein, and
verified by statutory declaration. And
take notice that after the said last
mentiorted day the said Administrator
will distribute the assets of the said
deceased arnong the persons entitled
thereto, having. regard 'only to the
claims of which' he shall then have
had notice, and that the said Admin-
istrator will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any. per-
son of whose claim he shall not then
have received notice.
.Sated at 'Wingham, Ont.,,this 5th
day of October, 1988
J. A. h&.OIlTON,.
Solicitor for the Administrator.
for the success of the project in
Wingham is the splendid spirit of co-
operation accorded by the local branch
of the Bank of Commerce. The banks
all co-operate with the schools and
the Denny Bank to foster the thrift
habit in girls and boys. They give
their services freely to this education -
al work".
The Penny Bank operates under' a
Government charter evhich requires
One -Sex Families.
There is a family in San Pedro,
Cal„ in which ,the male tendency is
that the children's deposits be placed so strong that for four generations
whit the Dominion Minister of Fin- no there have been thiry: five sonr has been bora, lthouigh
once for safe keeping, Interest is paid:
The founder of the American
the depositors at the rate of 3% i branch of this
ger family y was the young-
anatum, est of nineteen boys. He, in turn,.
The growth of the school savings had twelve sons, isne of wwhom mac.
rigid ar-
an E gl
Work has been very rapid during the They had one twoson, who married and
last years due largely to the sup- .had three sons..
Port and encouragement of the De-
e It is highly improbabne ffor this acne'
iartinent of Education. Three lion -e fbehe only
and Eugenics Records Office of such
operating the system, having a total One -Sex families in an effort to dis-
balance owing the school children of cover their cause.
Ontario, of well over a million dollars. Roads With Cotton:
The local school authorities are to kinA naw, cotton fabric for use be the
be •`congratulated upon their decision
to give the Wingham girls and boys
the bertefit of this branch of educa-
tion, Parents might well 'encourage
their children to save their small coins
to be later used for some definite
worth -while purpose, rather than that
they be carelessly spent for there trif-
Rolston—In Turnberry, on Monday,
October 8th, rohn Rolston, in his
84th year,
construction of concrete highways
has been produced. The fabric is a
loose cotton mesh. It is laid over a
cement face and the surface of the
roadway is moulded on top of the
This layer of fabric serves as a
cleavage between the surfaec Of the
road and the foundation, so . that
when repairs are necessary the top
layer of roadway can be removed axed
a, new surface installed without im-
pairing the more permanent fousid-
Custard Mangers.
Costers were originally sellers of
eostard apples, They were theft called
Cotard tl7idtigers. '
r Octiber
10 doz. Silk and Wool Hose, best colors, first
quality for....................'69c
5 doz. Silk 'Vests and Bloonners, now .... 98c
Factory Cotton, yard wide and heavy, our price 22c
Special yard1 wide Striped Flannelette 22c
25 doz. Wool, and Silk and Wool Hose, value
up to $1.25, Bargain .. ........ 79c
Heavy Robber Baby Pants, reg. 25c line 20c Women's Heavy Union Bloomers 59c
5 pieces English Art Sateen, Special at 29c
Pure Linen Towelling, colored border, bargain 22c
Monarch Blend Black or Mixed Tea 59c
2 lbs. Seedless Raisins for 25c
4 Jelly Powders ...... 25c
2 large Bottles Extract 2Sc
10 Bars Laundry Soap 39c
4 cakes Palmolive Soap - .. , , . . .
3 doz. Clothes Pins for
Maple Leaf Baking Powder,, 1 ib. .................20c
3 lbs. Choice Rice for _ . . ,. ,. , , .....25c
Large 'Box 1Vlatches .. 25.c
2 lbs. Ginger Snaps for 25c
6 rolls Crepe Toilet Paper
Bottle Pickles, now
1110,1134110•131k cmx,••:6131•111•5•1111!
Complete assortment of latest models in Fall and
Winter Coats and Dresses.
See our values in Fur Trimmed Coats at ... .
$18.50, $22.50 and $25.00
Just arrived Silk and Satin Dresses, cut prices
are ..... , .... $11.75 and $15.00
Fancy Check flannels, 32 inch, Bargain 90c
Several ends of Dress Goods, value up to 1.50,
now per yard ..69c
Fancy Patterns in'Wool Delaine, value up to
$1.25, Special at
Crepe ,Carlotta,, new Silk Crepe, best colors,.
two dollar value, see them at .. , ........ $1.50
Large °size Tli.rkish Bath Towels, now 35c
Fineg. ualify Snow White American Batts, see
them at ..20c, 30 and 45c
Special value in Silk and Wool Sweaters : , ..$2.90
Girls' Pleated Flannel Skirts, Bargain • $2.95
Clearing lines of Girls' and Women's Shoes ...98c: .
All Wool Coatings in plain colors of check ..$1.50
Table Linen, all linen unbleached, Special at ..95c
Pins, good quality, large sheet, 2 for ..........5c
Fine quality English. Pyjama Cloth . .. . ,.. 29c,
S:lpersilk 1 -lose all colors, bargain .' $1.39.
Special in Men's Heavy Ribbed all wool Shirts
and Drawers, Bargain at ................$1$O
glen's Woolocks
Mels s Heavy All.S now..39c
Men's Heavy Work Shirts at . 98c
Boys'. Heavy Ribbed Sweaters ... .
Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Socks .
Special _. in Boys' Caps at •
Boys' 5 Reefers,flannel lined
. ...
Boys' Wool Jersey Suits $1.95
'Boys ,Navy Chinchilly Overcoats ...$11.50
Men's HeavyNavy Blue Overcoats s ,$16.50
Boys' Tweed Suits„ special, $3.5®
Rugs ala,cy Pattern Auto' R.u�,S...
Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear .. ; ,,.... ..$1625
Men's Vatic ,Pattern Wool Sweaters. , :.... 3.95
.,,,. • .......$1.00