HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1928-10-11, Page 1SihBle Copies, Five Cents.
Malcolm McCannell, who for the
zpast year and a half has been in. poor
=health,, was found dead in bed`Fri.day
:morning between 8 and 9 o'clock,
c by his sister Ethel. Mr. McCannell
came here ',from Walkerton about
three years ago, and was a part .own-
+ er in the bus and transfer business
- with Benjamin Reich, Owing to
heart trouble he had been unable to
• carry on for the past year and a half,'
- He had been around the
street as us-
nal on Thursday and made the remark
that'he was feeling fairly good. When
1 he did not get up next morning his
sister went to his room and found
' that he had passed away some time
'during the night. He was unmarried
and his sister had been keeping house
for him. Preston Walker, the under-
. taker from Walkerton, was called and
took thebody to Walkerton for bur-
Two rinks of local bowlers entered
:the trophy final at the Ripley annual
lawn bowling tournament on Thurs-
day last. The rink composed of E.
-Harrison, W. A. Miller, J. Mason and
A. M. Crawford, sk., won first prize,
'each receiving an all wool blanket, a
very appropriate prize for this time.
of year. D. Rae with A. Taylor, H.
•.Sherbondy and H. MacLean got sec-
ond prize, each. getting an electric
iron._ This is the seventh trophy ev-
ent won by local bowlers this sum-
mer besides winning numerous; other
With Which is Amalgamated The Coracle ViJette aid Wroxeter, Nerd
Wingham's High School again
.brought honours to the home town,
when a squad of their athletes went
over to Listowel to tame part in the
-seven-school meet./Despite rain that
would have kept less courageous peo-
ple at home, these young people took.
it all; as a part of the day's proceed-
ings. Practically all the events took
vlace either in the arena, the armour-
ies or the race track, this division per-
haps detracting from the colorful as-
pect of a school meet, but it did? not
affect the competitors. At the finish
it was found Wingham school had a
total of 104 points, Arthur. 59, Harris -
ton 48, with Listowel, Palmerston,
Mount Forest and Drayton, following
in this order. Our boys and girlsthus
retain, for the •third time,, the Listow-
el Citizens' Challenge Cup, a no mean
*The individual champions were:
Senior Boys, Driscoll of Arthur; jun-
ior boys, Copeland of. Arthur, Morgan
'`of Palmerston, Fox of Wingham (all
tied); senior girls, M. Taylor of Wing-
ingham; junior girls, P. Mundy of Har
Wingham won the' girls' basketball
honors, with Harriston •second and
Listowel third. In the girls' pass ball
.competition, the standing was Listow-
el Wingham and Arthur.
The Wingham girls' relay team was
first 'with Milverton second and Mt.
Forest third. In the boys' relay, Lis-
towel was first, with Arthur second,
and Wingham third. ;
Hospital Donation Day.
The Women's' Auxiliary' to the Gen-
eral Hospital will make their collec-
tion of fruit and vegetables for the
hospital on Tuesday, ` October 16,
Please have your donations ready.
Needle Race Sr. -1 Agnes Robert-
WINGiiAM CANADIAN CLUB son; 2 M. Inglis,
TO NOLO "BURNS" NIQHT '; Jr. -1 Jean Copeland, 2 L. Gilkin-
son. .
The "Men's and• Women's Canadian Putting Shot Sr. -1 Dorothy Ait-
Club, Wingham, wrh , hold its ,first ken, 2 Nancy Taylor, .
meeting in the council chamber": on, .jr. 11 Edna Proctor, 2 Dorothy Alt -
Friday evening, 'Octobei•16th at' 8,30,
Mr. M"' B.' Tudti'gpe, K: ' of Orilliai Throwing Basketball Sr. --1 Olive
will address the Club on ;'Linens," Tiffin, 2 Mary Kink,
On November 2nd, 'Mr. 5, L. Idsley, Jr:. ---1 Olive Tiffin, 2. Margaret
111.P., of Nova Scotia, will speak on Protor.
the problems of the Maritimes, " O.ffi- Graceful WalkingSi S.-2 M. In lis.
cers of'Wingham Canadian Club ear- Jr,:-4.Vera
nestly desire to have' a large member- Relay Race Olive Tiffin, Jean
Ship thiy year, as the addresses to be Copeland; M, Proctor, W.,Dow, 1 and
heard ire, of a patriotic. nature, and Dorothy Deans; Vera Fry, Betty Tay -
will be 'most interesting, The' fee is lor and Margaret Taylor 2nd,
only $2:00, a merely nominal sum, Three -Legged Race -Margaret Pro -
'arid ` should not be a barrier to any etor, $,: •Jenkins, 1, and Norma Coutts
'peirson becoming A,nht tabor and Mary King -2nd.
Tuesdays Globe states its is just 50
years ago since a royal proclamation
was: issued, declaring eclarin ',:Oshawa' and
Wingharh' as'.towns after J
' ..a ti
trary 6th;
text. Jitsf attathj'i"'season why tire
event should ieeieb "rated 'next 'year.
Shot But (121bs) senior -1 D. Grant
2, G. Allen, 8, R. MacDonald; 31 ft. 8
Shot Put 8 lbs.) junior -1, .M. Log-
2, R. Weir 3, S. Mitchell; 32 .
6 inches.
Standing .BroadJum ip Senior'' -1, G,
Allen, 2, K. Somers, 3, 5, McKibbon;
8 ft. 8%, inches.
Standing Broad Jump Jnior-1,
Logan, 2, . J. Schaffter, 3, B. Fox; 8
ft. 1 in.
Running Broad Jump Senior -1, W.
Gurney, p, K. Somers, 3, G. Allen; 17
ft, 2% in.
Running Broad Jump Junior -1, 8..
Fox, 2, H. Rae, 3, J. Schaffter; 16-
3s in. � ft,
Hop -Step -and -Jump Senior -1, G.
Allen, 2, W. Gurney, 3, D. Grant; 36
ft. •
Hop -Step -and -Jump Junior -1 M. Rae,
2 B. Fox, 3 J. Schaffter; 33 ft. 11% in.
Hurdle Race (50 yards) Senior -1
W. Gurney, 2 K. Somers, 3 G. Allen;
7% secs.
Hurdle Race (50 yards) Junior -1
J. Schaffter, 2 B. Fox, 3 M. Rae; 8%
440 Yards, Senior -1,' C. Elliott; 2,
D. Grant, 3. C. Coutts.
440Yards Junior -1. M. Logan, 2
S. Mitchell, 3 J. Schaffter; 1 min, 7
880 Yards, Senior -1, C. Elliott; 2,
F. Skelding, 3 C. Coutts; 2 min 56 's.
880 Yards Junior -1 B. Fox, 2 M.
Logan, 3 S. Mitchell; 8 min. 12 secs.
90 Yards Senior --1 J. McKibbon, 2
W. Gurney, 3 G. Allen; 10% secs.
90 Yards Junior -1 J. Schaffter, 2
S. Mitchell, 3 R. Thompson; 11 secs.
High Jump Senior -1 W. Gurney, 2
G. Allen, 3 R. Copeland; 4ft. 10 in.
High Jump Junior -1 R. Thompson,
2 B. Fox, 3 M. Rae; 4 ft. 6 in.
Pole Vault Senior -1 W. Gurney,
2 M, Rae, 3 R. Copeland; 8 ft. Sin.
Pole Vault, Junior -1, M. Rae; 2,
B. Fox, 3 R. Thompson; 8 ft. 4 in,
220 Yards Senior -1 J. McKibbon,
2 C. Elliott, 8 G. Allen; 28 secs.
220 Yards Junior -1 " M, `Logan; 2
S. Mitchell, 3 5. Schaffter; 30 secs.
Relay Race- 1 Form III, 2 Form
V, 3 Form 1.
Senior Champion -W. Gurney, 26
Junior Champion -B. Fox and M,
Logan tied; 23 points each.
Sr. -1, Mary King; 2, Agnes Rob-
Throwing Softball, Jr. -1, Dorothy
Aitken, 2 Mary King.
75 Yard. Dash, Senior - 1, Edna
Proctor, 2 Nancy Taylor.
Jr. -1 Betty Taylor, 2 Jean Cope-
Hurdle Race Sr. -1 Edna Proctor,
2 Mary King. •
Jr. -1 Edna Proctor, 2 Betty Tay-
High Jump, Sr.-1,'Edna Proctor; 2
Nancy Taylor.
Jr, -1 Edna ' Proctor, 2" Margaret
Running Broad Sr. -1 Nancy ;Tay-
lor, 2 Edna Proctor.
Jr. -1 Edna Proctor, 2 Betty Tay-
Egg' Race Sr. --1 Dorothy Aitken, 2.
Agnes Robertson.
Jr, -I. ,Dorielda Fixter, 2 Vera Fry.
Nail Race Sr, -1 Agnes Robertson,
2 Mary Mitchell.
Jr. -1 Donelda Fixter, 2 Betty Tay-
The. 'annual meeting of the Wom-
en's Anitiliaryto the General Hospital
will be in the Council Chamber
ort Friday afternoon, Octobei 12 at
3.45. A full attendance of Members is
Sr. IV. Total 600. Honors 450,
Pass 360: E, Dickson 444, E. Gray
439, B. Small 403, J. Thompson 401,
M. Mason 390, F. Howson 369 H.
Fuller 364, John Cruickshanks 363, R.
Forsyth 347, G. Smith 330, A. Rin -
tout 322, D. Stewart 389, A. Scott 303,
W. Stephenson 303, E. McLeod 300,
E, Small 295, John Beninger 287, G.
Henderson 278, C. Vansickle 220.
A. L. Posliff, Principal.
Jr. IV, Total 500, Honours 375.-
G. King 457, M. Reid 453, J. Buchan-
an 447, M. Mitchell 445, C. .,McKay
439, A. Chittick 434, M. Field 429, P.
Clark 412; R. Hutton 409, L
402, E. Stephenson 401, M. Fry 398,
H. Brawley 396, V. Cantelon 391, G.
Brackenbury 390, H McInnes 384, A.
Reid 379, W. Henderson 351, L. Haw-
kins 350, H. Skelding 348, M. Mason.
319, M. Elliott 310, R. Saint 306, L.
Haller 287, V, Carter 282, G. Muir -
head 267.
B. H, Reynolds, Teacher.
Senior Third, Max, 475, Hon, 356.
I. McInnes 421, E, Coutts 406, T.
Reid 398, C. Nortrop 392, F. Currie
884, D. Buchanan 383, E. Patterson
380, G. Robertson 368, D. Forsyth
364; B. Mundy 362, L. Deyell 361, S.
Scott 351, L. Clark 331, M. Fraser
324, F. Collar 820, L. Brown 348, M.
McEvers 316, M. Brown 307, A. Stone
306, J. Preston 301, L Bok 300, P.
Deyell 299, L. Groves 296, D. Hutch-
ison 292, C, Stewart 280, H. Finley
-275, E. Fothergill 271, A. Hudson
264, G. Mason 252, D. Rich 237, P.
Lediet 215, L. Buckley 207, B. Camp-
bell 189.
C. J. Farquharson'.
Jr.. III -Total 400. Hon. 300, Pass
240. Isabel Habkirk 360, Beryl Brown
349, Benson Hamilton 345, Ruby Fitt
340, Mae Wilson 340, Ruth Mitchell
340, Gracey King 339, Charlie Chit -
tick 339, Grace Brackenbury 335, R.
Hammond 334, Elizabeth Schaffter
333, Norman Blatchford 330, Bernice
Mundy 329, Caroline Wellwood 321,
David Parker 321, Helen Burgess 319,
Elsie Webb' 317, Edith Field 313, Jean
Zurbrigg 299, Jean McDonald '295,'
Edith Finley 290, Winnifred Small
289, Helen Miller 275, Mary Cruick-
shank 266, (Ross Howson 231, Stew-
art Carter 187, Winnifred Carr 132,
absent for examinations).
E. Hetherington.
Sr, II. Total 300, Honours 225,
Pass 180. ' Laura Campbell 274, John
Lamb 273, Stanley Henderson 272,
Victor Stevens 271, Lloyd Ellacott
264, Velma Stoakley 261, Albert Cam-
pbell 253, Lillian Harvey -250, Norma
Groves 250, Edith Campbell 250, Geo.
Carr 247, Alicia Wilson 246, Helen
Groves 244, Emma Krohn 243, Beat-
rice Forsythe 239, Billy Lenard 239,
Hazel Hawkins 233, Luetta Bok 226,
Thora Davison 225, John • Currie 214,
Marvin Smith 209, Billy Davidson
207, Winnifred) McNevin 206, Ray-
mond Carter 205, Jean Muirhead 194,
Irene Mellor 193, Hazel Lediet 192,
Lorraine Carter 180, Stewart Forsyth
179, Bert Vansickle 175, Irene Clark
175, Betty Collar. 162, Lloyd Dark'
130, James Durnin 116, John Bonn,
M. Robertson, teacher.
Jr. II. Total 340, Hon, 255, Pass
204. Mary' Julia Preston 323, Evelyn.
Gamble 314, Jimmie • Lee 309, Edith
Mundy 308, Lillian Fuller 297, Jean
Cruickshank 296, Jean Mellor 296, Geo-
ffrey Hattersley 292, Marie Hopper.
289, Margaret Hughes 288, Irene Chit -
tick 288, Doris Armitage 285, Earl
Kennedy 282, Marjorie Forsythe 279,
Joe Nawash .278, ' Harry Posliff 275,
Verne Walker 268, Irlma 'Harrison
263, Irene Fitt 261, Clarence Cante-
lon 260, Bobby Rae 259, Evelyn Cart-
er 255, Harold Stephenson 255, Alb-
ert Showers 245, Alice Dore 244, Har-
old Parker 244, Isabel Lamb .232, Eil-
ene Curtis 231, Evelyn Campbell 218,
Carl Bondi 186„ Allen Small 184, Bar-
ry Ross 169, Charlie Krohn 142, Al-
vin Lediet 117, George Boyle 91,
Frank Angus. 76, Joe Wilson 69. •
B..Joynt, teacher.
First Class. Total 330, Honours
247, Pass. 132: A Class, Scott .Reid
318, Jean{ Boyce 306, Patricia Parker
301, Ruth Hamilton 299, Lloyd Hut-
ton 299 Charlie Wellwood 299 Betty
r • � y
Rae 286, Maxine Van Ness 286, Lil-
lien Howard 284, Robert Casemore
278, Lucille White 278, Marion Hugh-
es 276, Mary Elizabeth Mcli.ibbott
271, Jean Thompson 255, Billie Ken.
nedy 255, Lorraine' Andrews' 249,
B. Class. Esther y Buckley 302 liar -
old Ross 802, Elma Attwood 293,
Kathleen Patterson 296, Billy Groves
292, Kathleen Saint 285; Adalene Van
sickle 285, Charlie Ross: 280, Mary Stoakley 45, •
Y, OCTOBER' i l th 1928
Subscriptions $z.00 per year,
Mi Annie Wilson returned to Tor-
Elliott Fells visited over the week-
end with friends at St. Thomas,
Oliver Fells spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Stratford.
Mrs. 5. Sears . of Brantford . is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs, A. VanAlstyne.`
Please have your donation ready for
the Hospital on Tuesday, Oct. 16th.
Miss Muriel Campbell returned
home after spending a month in De
"Laddie" a picture you will never
forget: --Lyceum •Theatre October 11,
12 and 13th.
Mrs. A. Cosens is in, Toronto this:
week as delegate from the Wingham
W. C. T. U.
Misses Isabel and Audrey Reid
spent the week -end with friends in
Harold Cowden of Windsor was re-
newing acquaintances in town over
the week -end,
Fairy Fells accompanied by Miss`
Welsh of Ripley visited in London
over the week -end.
Mrs. A. VanAlstyne had the mis-
fortune last week to have her right
arm broken above the joint,
Frank C. MacLean of Toronto spent
the week -end at 'the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacLean.
Edward Forgie of Detroit spent the
week -end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forgie, Frances
Mrs. H. O. Stevens left on Mon-
day for Montreal, : after an extended
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Davidson,
Mr. and Mrs, . W. 'White and
son, George, of Gait, spent the week-
end with the latterls parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Reid.
Miss McGowan of Blyth is to give
an account of her' trip to the Holy
Land at Brick church on October 25,
further particulars next week.
Rev. S. Davison of the United
church preached a> :niversary services
at Gorrie on Sund y and Rev, Craik
of that church occupied the pulpit
in Wingham.
Miss Edith McEwen who has been
spending her vacation at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Ewenr etume d t P H
o ort uron.
1Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie and son
Jackie of Islington, also Miss Norma
and Myrtle Isard of Toronto, spent
the week -end at the home of their
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Isard.
Anniversary services will be held
in the United Church on Sunday,
October 14th. Rev. Dr. Arnup of
Toronto will be the special speaker
for the occasion and Mrs. E. Grain-
ger of Toronto will be the soloist.
The trustees of Brandon Cemetery
are starting to level and fix up the
grounds, and any persons having
plants or shrubs on these plots and
wishing to preserve them are request-
ed to remove them at once,
s'A Chas. Elliott and J. H. McKay car-
ried off second prize in the horse-
shoe pitching contest at Lucknow
fair, being beater' by Jack Branson
and Clair Johnston. The also won
second prize at Howick Fall aFir on
Thompson 278, Russell Zurbrigg 259.,
Margaret Marsh 256, Charlie Basker-
ville 245, Rena Elliott 244; Ella, Buck-
ley 242, Edythe Campbell 214, Evelyn
Edgar 197, Gordon Helm 184.
P. Johns.
Primary, Total 70, Hon. 55, Pass
40. Class A. Donald Adams 70, Fen-
ton Barnes 65, Noreen Benedict 65,
Hilda Brown 65, Chester Campbell 65,
Reggie • Collar 65, ' Virginia Currie 65,
Bertha Casemore 64, Harold Cantelon
63, Billy Burgman 55, Lyle Patterson
Class B. Louise Dore 70, Margaret
Homuth 70, Donelda Henderson 70,
Trevor Davison 65, Billy Forsythe
65, Jack. Fraser 65, Gertrude Finley
65, . Roy Dark 64, Nora 'Finley 63,
Wilford..Emond 55, Mabel Campbell
Class C. MecKenzie Habkirk 65,
Kenneth Johnson 65, Jean Lee 65,
Frances Lockeridge 65, Billy Harris
64, John Lee 62, Kenneth Jackson 59,
Helen ;Patterson 58, Betty Lloyd 55,
Wilfred Mintz 50, Olive Plaskett 48,
Laura Pattison 10.
Class. D. Jim Schaffter 70, Billy
Smith '65, Helen Smith 60, Jean Van
Norman 60, Maxine• White 60, Noel
Stephenson 59, Marion Templeman
55, Betty Saint 52, Bill Sturdy50,Carl
Vanner 50, Bill Seddon 45, Arnold
The Huron Presbyterial (North
Section) Missionary Conference of the
Women's Missionary Auxiliaries, Mis-
sion Circles, C. G. I. T. Groups and
Mission Bands, will convene in the
Fordwich United Church, on Tuesday,
Oct, 23 ,at 9.80 a.m. Miss Effie-
J m.
ieson, Toronto, General Secretary of
W. M,
S. work and Mrs, J. E Hogg,
Clinton,' Presbyterial President, d t, ill will.
be present and speak.' 'The public are
cordially invited to troth sessions,
morning and afternoon,
The . W. M. S. Conference ' (West
Section) of Huron Presbyterial So-
ciety of the United Church of aCnada
will be held 'in the United Church,
Auburn, Wednesday, Oct. 17th,
morning session commencing at 10
o'clock and afternoon session at 1,30
o'clock, Two special speakers, Mrs.
G. M. Ross, Honan, China, and Miss
A. M. Rennie, president of London
Conference Branch will be present and
address the meeting. All leaders and
workers in Auxiliaries, Circles, Bands
and C. G. I. T. Groups are earnestly
invited to attend.
AT $19.50
One rack of Women's and Misses'
New Fall Coats. Value up to $25.00.
Bargain $19.50. See them.
Friday evening, Oct. 12th, the pay
"Deal 'Em Over" will be given by the
Young People of Belgrave Anglican
Church in Foresters' Hall, Bluevale.
Proceeds to be 'used in buying play-
ground equipment for Bluevale Public
Ideal weather on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday assures a complete success for
the fall fair this year. The hall ex-
hibit is said to be the best for years.
No little trouble being found in sat-
isfactorily arranging the exhibits,
which far exceed those of any previous
Will be held on Sunday, October
14th, with Holy Communion at 8.30
a. m.; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock;
Evening Prayer at 7 o'clock, with Rev.
Win. Lowe, preacher at both services.
'.'For the Harvest of bygone ages,
For the hope of the coming days
Come into Hit house with thankful-
And into His courts with. praise."
XMr. F. S. Phillips of the High
School staff, attended Convocation at
Queen's University on Friday and was
awarded the Degree of B. A. With
the addition of this degree to Mr.
Phillips, it rounds out the required
qualification of every teacher in the
school. Mrs. Phillips went to Kings-
ton with Mr. Phillips for convocation
Hospital Donation Day, Tuesday,
Oct. 16th. Your donation will be cal-
led for.
Mr. A. E. Collins of Toronto, is vis-
iting his ' niece, Mrs. Thomas Mc-
Wilford, Ellacott of Toronto is 'vis-
iting with his•, mother, Mrs. W. Ella-
cott, Francis street.
Miss Daisy Brawley who has been
visiting with her brother, W. B.
Brawley, left this week to spend the
winter with her uncle in Baltimore,
M. D X .
XMrs. Wm. Head of Toronto accom-
panied by her daughter, Mrs. 5. Tev-'
lin and . little daughter, Eva, visited
Mrs. Pheobe Arde, Edward' street last
week, .x
The ;published copies of ``Laddie" if
laid end to end would cover a distance
of threehundred miles -See the pic-
ture" at Lyceum Theatre Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, October 11, 12
and 13th.
Mrs. E. Zurbrigg received the sad
news on Thursday of the death of
her sister; Mrs. Dr. Ariss of Cobour .
She was brought to her father's home
in Ayton where Mr. and Mrs. E. Zur-
brigg and family attended the funeral
which was held on Saturday;
The first annual convention of the
teachers and offivers and others 'who
are interested in the Sabbath schools
of the Maitland Presbytery will be'
held . in St, Andrew's Church, Wing -
ham, Tuesday, Oct, 16th, with after-
noon and evening sessions. Rev. John
Polioek, Whitechurch, is to preside.
Rev. Dr. Perrie will give • a 'model
form for conducting devotional, exer-
cises at the regular Sabbath school
sessions; and Rev, G. W. Fowler, B.
A.,. B.D. will speak on the aim and'
purpose of the convention. Rev W.
G. McConnell of Paris, one of the
most capable and efficient men in the
church on Young People and Sabbath
school problems, will address the con-
vention at both sessions. 'Mr. A. L.
Posliff is to teach a class of boys,
while the' rest of the programme will
be of equal interest. A most' cordial
invitation is extended the public to at-
tend these meetings in the interests of
the greatest asset of the church and
the nation -the boys and girls of our
See the special display of "Dorothy
Dare" Coats and Dresses, Friday, Oct.
12th. Ladies' Wear Department at
The Horseshoers and Blacksmiths
of the Town of Wingham, do hereby
make agreement that from Oct. 15th,
all work must be cash, before leaving
the shop. And all outstanding ac-
counts must be settled not later than
Nov. 1st, 1928. Signed, S. Young, W.
C, Armstrong, A. F. Horne.
Bert Underwood of the fourteenth
concession of Howick Township drove
his touring car through the iron raiI-
ing just north of Schaefer's butcher
shop, Fordwich, late Saturday night.
The car is a total wreck but Mr. Un-
derwood and his two companions es-
caped with minor injuries caused by
flying glass, a dense mist is said to be
the cause of the accident,
Official announcement was made
today by the Heintzman Co., Ltd., of
the appointment of C. E. MacLean as
local and district manager of the com-
pany. Mr. MacLean has been with
the company for the past six years/
renking here from 7 ons, xHe was
for a number of years accountant with
the Dominion Bank in London. He
will succeed J. B. Cornell, who has
taken over ' the management of the
Stratford branch=Sarnia Canadian
Ic•Mr. MacLean is a son of Mr. J. A..
MacLean of town. 7(
Wroxeter Cider Mill will run on
Fridays and Saturdays until further
Miss Beatrice Johnston of Stratford
is visiting her aunt, Mrs: Thomas Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Keswick,
spent a few days last •week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Halliday.
Mr. and Mrs, D. Hamilton) Minnie
St., spent Sunday with friends in Turn
Dr. and Mrs. E. E, Hubbard of De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lap -
ham of Pasadena, Cal,,' spent the week
end at the home of Miss Elston.
Mr, and Mrs, Hughes and family
returned to their home in Toronto on
Saturday after a few days visit with
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Halliday. '
The Annual Thankoffering meeting
of the W. M. S. of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church wilt be held in the
church on Thursday, October 18th at
3 o'clock. An address will be given
by Mrs. Empey of ' Mitchell. Every
lady of the Congregation is invited to
Some special prices for the . next
ten days as follows; Girls' rubbers,
sizes 11, 12, 13, 1, and 2 for 50c per
pair. Womert's dark brown rubbers.
in first quality and in three shapes
for 65c per pair. Women's fine patent
strap shoes for $1.95, in all .dies
Men's Army boots with Panto soles
$8,65, all sites. Men's fine oxfords
$3.25 pier pair, Willis Shoe Store
Phone 129, Wingharn,
McGuire -Form -
An exceptionally pretty wedding'
took place in St. Au ust'
g ins s church,
St, Augustine, on Wednesday morn-
ing, September 26, when Mary
daughter of Mrs; Anna and the
Foran ane
late Jeremiah Foran, was united in
marriage to John Lewis McGuire, son
of Andrew McGuire and the late Mrs.
McGuire of Bayfield. The bride en-
tered the church on the arm of her
brother, Mr. Thomas Foran, and look-
ed lovely in a dress of pinkeor
She wore black satin slippersg gond
black velvet hat trimmed with pink
georgette and silver lace, and carried
a bouquet of Sweetheart roses, baby's-
breath and maidenhair fern. Her con-
sin, Miss Anna`. McConnell of Buffalo,
was bridesmaid, and wore a charming
dress of beige silk flat crepe, with
brown hat and shoes, ' and carried a
bouquet of sweet peas and baby's-
breath. The groom+ was attended by
Mr. Frank Lane of Seaforth. The al-
tar was lovely with a profusion of
flowers, and Miss Burgetta O'Malley
and ':Mrs, Joseph Boyle, cousin of the
groom rendered appropriate solos.
Later the happy couple left on a hon-
eymoon to Toronto, Rochester and
other points, the bride travelling in
a dress of beige silk crepe, with coat,
hat and shoes to match. On their
return from the honeymoon they will
live at Bayfield. -Goderich Signal.
A pretty October wedding took
place Thursday- morning at 11.30 a.m.
at the home of Mrs. Valentine Mick -
us, when her youngest daughter, Lola
Mae, was united in marriage to Mr.
Harold G. Barton, of Elmira, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Barton, Rev. E.
D. Beecher, perofrming the ceremony.,
The bride, who was given in marriage
by her brother, Mr. Walter Mickus,
was attractively gowned in powder
blue georgette and carried a bouquet
of sunburst roses, Miss Elsie Each,
cousin of thebride, was bridesmaid
and wore a dress of biscuit brown
georgette trimmed with transparent
velvet, Mr. William Barton supported
the groom. After the ceremony a
wedding Iunch was served to about
20 guests. The dining room was de-
corated with blue and white streamers
and the table was pretty with autumn
flowers and leaves. The young couple
left by motor on a honeymoon trip
to Deleware and Goderich, the bride
travelling ina dress of wood brown
georgette with hat to match, navy
coat, opossum trimmed, and brown
shoes and hose. On their return Mr.
nd Mrs. Barton will reside in El-
Sunday, October 14th
Holy Cmmunion, 8.30' a.m.
Morning Prayer, 11 atm.
Preacher,' Rev. Wm. Lowe.
Evening Prayer, 7 p.m.
Preacher, Rev. Wm. Lowe.
"For the Harvest of bygone ages
For the hope of the coming days
Come into His house with
thankfulness s
And into His courts with praise.'
R. VANSTONE, Warden.
Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor
Tel 140, Parsonage 183
I~tSARY 51~RirlvClES
Sunday, October 14th
peaker "Rev. Dr, Arnu... of Toronto,
P ornttto,
will re
preach at both morning and
evening services,
Mrs. Grainger, Toronto,Con-
tralto soloistCt t
will assist in the
service of song.